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Zookeys ; 1149: 103-134, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37250915


A new species of the Asian leaf litter toad genus Leptobrachella from central south China is described. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear RAG1 gene sequences indicated the new species as an independent clade in the genus. The new species could be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: body of medium size (SVL 29.2-34.2 mm in 15 adult males and 34.4-43.1 mm in seven adult females); distinct black spots present on flanks; toes rudimentary webbed, with wide lateral fringes; ventral belly white with distinct nebulous brown speckling on ventrolateral flanks; skin on dorsum shagreened with fine tiny granules or short ridges; iris copper above, silver below; heels overlapped when thighs are positioned at right angles to the body; tibia-tarsal articulation reaches the middle eye; dorsal surface of tadpole semi-transparent light brown, spots on tail absent, keratodont row formula I: 3+3/2+2: I; call series basically consist of repeated long calls, at dominant frequency (5093 ± 412 Hz).

Zookeys ; 1166: 315-331, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328667


A new species, Achalinushunanensissp. nov., is described from middle and western Hunan Province based on the results of molecular systematics and morphological characters. It diverges from known congeners by a significant genetic divergence (p-distance 3.2%-16.9% based on CO1 mitochondrial gene), and it can be distinguished from all known congeners by the following morphological characters: (1) all dorsal scales strongly keeled, 23 rows throughout the body, the outmost one strongly keeled and enlarged; (2) tail relatively short, TaL/TL 0.221 ~ 0.225; (3) maxillary teeth 23; (4) the suture between internasals 2 × as long as that between prefrontals; (5) loreal one, subrectangular, LorH/LorL 0.62 ~ 0.70; (6) supralabials 6, the 4th and 5th touch the eye; (7) the two anterior temporals in contact with eye; (8) ventrals 163-165, subcaudals 69-72, not paired. This raises the number of known species of Achalinus to 24.
