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Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 154-163, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560624


El síndrome de burnout, también conocido como síndrome del desgaste o agotamiento físico y mental, constituye un problema de gran repercusión social en nuestros días. Objetivo. Identificar las dimensiones del síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes universitarios de la Carrera de Contaduría y Finanzas. Materiales y Método. Se desarrolló bajo un diseño observacional de corte transversal. En este sentido, un total de 161 estudiantes participaron en la investigación. Se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory for Educators. Resultados. Los participantes al ser clasificados en las diferentes dimensiones del síndrome burnout mostraron como regularidad diferencias significativas (p<1.056e-06), (p<1.199e-10), (p<1.309e-13) con 74 (46%) y 57 (35%), 85 (53%) y 47 (29%) y 91 (56%) y 39 (24%) para los niveles bajo y alto de las dimensiones agotamiento emocional, cinismo e ineficacia profesional, respectivamente. No se encontraron asociaciones estadísticas entre las dimensiones del síndrome y las variables edad, género y estado civil de los participantes. Conclusión. Existen diferencias significativas entre los valores de las dimensiones del síndrome de burnout en estudiantes de la Carrera de Contaduría y Finanzas; la mayor cantidad de participantes clasifican en los niveles bajo y alto de las tres dimensiones. Por otro lado, no se observaron asociaciones estadísticas al clasificar a los participantes según edad, género y estado civil. Estos hallazgos brindan información relevante sobre la prevalencia de las dimensiones del síndrome de burnout en estudiantes, lo que puede ser útil para el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención y apoyo.

Burnout syndrome, also known as burnout syndrome or physical and mental exhaustion, is a problem of great social repercussion nowadays. Objective. To identify the dimensions of burnout syndrome in university students of Accounting and Finance. Materials and Method. The study was developed under a cross-sectional observational design. In this sense, a total of 161 students participated in the research. The Maslach Burnout Inventory for Educators was used. Results. The participants when classified in the different dimensions of burnout syndrome showed as regularity significant differences (p<1.056e-06), (p<1.199e-10), (p<1.309e-13) with 74 (46%) and 57 (35%), 85 (53%) and 47 (29%) and 91 (56%) and 39 (24%) for the low and high levels of the dimensions emotional exhaustion, cynicism and professional inefficacy, respectively. No statistical associations were found between the dimensions of the syndrome and the variables age, gender and marital status of the participants. Conclusion. There are significant differences between the values of the dimensions of burnout syndrome in Accounting and Finance students; most participants are classified in the low and high levels of the three dimensions. On the other hand, no statistical associations were observed when classifying participants according to age, gender and marital status. These findings provide relevant information on the prevalence of the dimensions of burnout syndrome in students, which may be useful for the development of prevention and support strategies.

A síndrome de burnout, também conhecida como síndrome de esgotamento ou exaustão física e mental, é um problema com grandes repercussões sociais nos dias de hoje. Objetivos. Identificar as dimensões da Síndrome de Burnout em estudantes universitários de Contabilidade e Finanças. Material e Método. O estudo foi realizado através de um desenho observacional transversal. Participaram da pesquisa 161 estudantes. Foi utilizado o Maslach Burnout Inventory for Educators. Resultados. Os participantes quando classificados nas diferentes dimensões da síndrome de burnout apresentaram regularmente diferenças significativas (p<1,056e-06), (p<1,199e-10), (p<1,309e-13) com 74 (46%) e 57 (35%), 85 (53%) e 47 (29%) e 91 (56%) e 39 (24%) para os níveis baixo e alto das dimensões exaustão emocional, cinismo e ineficácia profissional, respetivamente. Não foram encontradas associações estatísticas entre as dimensões da síndrome e as variáveis idade, género e estado civil dos participantes. Conclusões. Existem diferenças significativas entre os valores das dimensões da síndrome de burnout em estudantes de Contabilidade e Finanças; a maioria dos participantes está classificada nos níveis baixo e alto das três dimensões. Por outro lado, não foram observadas associações estatísticas ao classificar os participantes de acordo com a idade, o género e o estado civil. Estes resultados fornecem informações relevantes sobre a prevalência das dimensões da síndrome de burnout em estudantes, o que pode ser útil para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção e apoio.

Humans , Burnout, Psychological
Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37102860


During the health emergency caused by COVID-19, a series of sensations such as fear, stress, and concern about contracting the virus were developed. Despite the fact that in recent months infection rates have been significantly reduced due to vaccination campaigns, the return of teachers to face-to-face classes established in Peru from April 2022 has increased once again the fear that contagion levels could grow. Therefore, the objective was to analyze the concern of regular basic education teachers about the spread of COVID-19 when returning to face-to-face classes. A quantitative investigation was carried out; the research design was observational and the type of study was descriptive cross-sectional. The sample was made up of 648 teachers who responded to the Scale of Concern for the Contagion of COVID-19, an instrument with adequate psychometric properties. The results show that 43.8% of teachers had moderate levels of concern about the spread of COVID-19, 38.7% had low levels, and 17.5% had high levels. Teachers reported most recurrent concerns about some risks in educational institutions and the fear of spreading COVID-19 to their relatives or people with whom they lived. On the other hand, it was found that some sociodemographic, occupational, and medical variables were significantly associated with this concern (p < 0.05). Then, it was concluded that teachers had moderate levels of concern about the spread of COVID-19 when returning to face-to-face classes.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(6): 1331-1340, dic. 2022. tab., ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1428078


En la actualidad se evidenciado aumento de los desplazamientos provocados por conflictos, persecuciones, falta de oportunidades, seguridad, entre otras razones, inscrementando la población de migrante en países de América Latina. Se destaca los desplazados venezolanos, siendo Perú el segundo país de Latinoamérica con más de esta población de migrantes. Estudios han alertado sobre la desvalorización de los migrantes y especialmente aquellos que vivan con enfermedades infectocontagiosas como es el VIH. Los ciudadanos autóctonos del país receptor, percirbe la presencia del exogrupo como amenazas a sus derechos sociales relacionándose con actitudes negativas, que se ha ido poteciando por los medios de comunicación. Por tanto, es importante realizar estudios que estimen el discernimiento de amenazas exogrupal estrechamente hacia los migrantes. El objetivo evaluar las evidencias psicométricas del instrumento de medición EPAE en una muestra de adultos peruanos frente a los inmigrantes VIH. El análisis de los ítems y de confiabilidad demostró un adecuado funcionamiento a excepción de los ítems 4, 5, 11 y 12. Se propone utilizar el modelo 2, el cual consta de 9 agregados, confirmado por los diferentes índices estadísticos (X2/gl=3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Según los valores del análisis bifactor no existe suficiente evidencia para asumir un factor general, se recomienda trabajar con dimensiones independientes. Es importante la identificación de percepción de amenazas reales, debido a que investigaciones han evidenciado que el estigma asociado con el VIH constituye uno de los mayores obstáculos para la prevención de nuevas infecciones(AU)

Currently, there is evidence of an increase in displacement caused by conflicts, persecution, lack of opportunities, security, among other reasons, increasing the migrant population in Latin American countries. The displaced Venezuelans stand out, with Peru being the second country in Latin America with more than this population of migrants. Studies have warned about the devaluation of migrants and especially those who live with infectious diseases such as HIV. The autochthonous citizens of the receiving country perceive the presence of the outgroup as threats to their social rights, related to negative attitudes, which has been promoted by the media. Therefore, it is important to carry out studies that estimate the discernment of out-group threats closely towards migrants. The objective is to evaluate the psychometric evidence of the EPAE measurement instrument in a sample of Peruvian adults compared to HIV immigrants. The analysis of the items and reliability showed an adequate functioning with the exception of items 4, 5, 11 and 12. It is proposed to use model 2, which consists of 9 aggregates, confirmed by the different statistical indices (X2/df= 3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Given the values of the bifactor analysis, there is not enough evidence to assume a general factor, it is recommended to work with independent dimensions. It is important to identify the perception of real threats, since research has shown that the stigma associated with HIV constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to the prevention of new infections(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Psychometrics , Social Perception , HIV Infections/psychology , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Peru , Stereotyping , Venezuela/ethnology , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Social Discrimination/psychology