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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e262662, 2024. tab, ilus, mapas
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384097


A socio-economic study was conducted in district Mardan of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan to get a comprehensive knowledge of the agroforestry tree species grown on the farmlands, their yield, and carbon stock. For yield and carbon stock estimation, data were collected from 59 sample plots by measuring the diameter, height, volume, and biomass of selected agroforestry tree species through D-tape and Haga altimeter. A total of 59 sample plots were inventoried using 2.5 percent sampling intensity. Each sample plot has an area of 0.5 ha, where each tree with a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm was inventoried. The calculated amount of volume of each tree species was then converted to biomass by multiplying it by the density of wood and the Biomass Expansion Factor (BEF). Total yield and C stock for the selected agroforestry tree species were 11535.2 metric tons and 2102.2 metric tons, respectively. Populus euroamericana is classified as the main tree with 28% growing stock prior to Morus alba by 21%, while Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix tetrasperma, and Bombax ceiba consist of 15%, 12%, 8%, 6%,7% and 3% growing stock respectively. Among the species found in different sampling plots the yield of Populus euroamericana was found to be 4747.5 metric tons and it was followed by the species Morus alba found at 2027.3 metric tons. Similarly, the volume for Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Salix spp, Boombox ceiba, and Acacia nilotica was 1532.2 tons,1503 ton,745.7,203.5ton, 555.4ton and 220.5ton, respectively. The carbon stock for Populus euroamericana was calculated as 777.8 ton/ha, while for Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Melia azedarach, Morus alba, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix species, and Bombax ceiba it was calculated as 312.3ton/ha, 272.1ton/ha, 363ton/ha, 245.1ton/ha, 51.4ton/ha, 27.3ton/ha and 53.2ton/ha, respectively. The questionnaire survey conducted for price dynamics showed that the majority of respondents purchase timber from the market for construction. But they use farm trees with low-quality city construction. They dislike using local timber in the conventional building as timber from farm trees is liable to insect attack. Rs. 50,000-100000, (33.33%) of daily sales was concluded from 50% of the trader while (16.7%) of the traders have their sales between Rs.150,000-200,000. Therefore, it is concluded by the authors that both provincial and federal government should promote agroforestry in Pakistan through different incentives because it has the potential to cope with dilemma of deforestation of natural forests and improve the livelihood of local peoples. It is strongly recommended that special projects just like the Ten Billion Tree Afforestation Project (T-BTTP) should be launched for agroforestry plantation and promotion in the country to sustain the ecological harmony and uplift the socio-economic condition of the peoples of Pakistan.

Um estudo socioeconômico foi realizado no distrito de Mardan, da província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Paquistão, para obter maior conhecimento das espécies de árvores agroflorestais cultivadas em terras agrícolas, seu rendimento e estoque de carbono. Para a estimativa de produção e estoque de carbono, foram coletados os dados de 59 parcelas amostrais, medindo-se o diâmetro, a altura, o volume e a biomassa de espécies de árvores agroflorestais selecionadas por meio de fita D e altímetro Haga. Um total de 59 parcelas amostrais foi inventariado usando 2,5% de intensidade de amostragem. Cada parcela amostral possui uma área de 0,5 ha, em que cada árvore com Diâmetro à Altura do Peito (DAP) ≥ 5 cm foi inventariada. A quantidade calculada de volume de cada espécie de árvore foi então convertida em biomassa, multiplicando-a pela densidade da madeira e pelo Fator de Expansão da Biomassa (BEF). A produção total e o estoque de C para as espécies de árvores agroflorestais selecionadas foram 11.535,2 toneladas métricas e 2.102,2 toneladas métricas, respectivamente. Populus euroamericana foi classificada como a principal árvore com 28% de crescimento de estoque, seguida de Morus alba com 21%, enquanto Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix tetrasperma e Bombax ceiba apresentaram 15%, 12%, 8%, 6%, 7% e 3% de crescimento do estoque, respectivamente. Entre as espécies encontradas em diferentes parcelas de amostragem, o rendimento de Populus euroamericana foi de 4.747,5 toneladas, seguida pela espécie Morus alba, com rendimento de 2.027,3 toneladas. Da mesma forma, o volume de Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Salix spp, Bombax ceiba e Acacia nilotica foi de 1.532,2 toneladas, 1.503 toneladas, 745,7 toneladas, 555,4 toneladas e 220,5 toneladas, respectivamente. O estoque de carbono para Populus euroamericana foi calculado como 777,8 ton/ha, enquanto para Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Melia azedarach, Morus alba, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix species e Bombax ceiba foi calculado como 312,3 ton/ha, 272,1 ton/ha, 363 ton/ha, 245,1 ton/ha, 51,4 ton/ha, 27,3 ton/ha e 53,2 ton/ha, respectivamente. A pesquisa por questionário, realizada para a dinâmica de preços, mostrou que os entrevistados, em sua maioria, compram madeira do mercado para construção, mas usam árvores de fazenda em construções urbanas de baixa qualidade. Eles não gostam de utilizar a madeira local na construção convencional, pois ela é suscetível ao ataque de insetos. Em relação às vendas diárias, 50% dos comerciantes vendem entre Rs. 50.000-100.000, enquanto 16,7% têm suas vendas entre Rs.150.000-200.000. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o governo provincial quanto o governo federal devem promover, por meio de diferentes incentivos, a agrossilvicultura no Paquistão, por ter o potencial de lidar com o dilema do desmatamento de florestas naturais e melhorar a subsistência das populações locais. É fortemente recomendado que projetos especiais, como o Projeto de Reflorestamento de Dez Bilhões de Árvores (T-BTTP), sejam lançados para plantio agroflorestal e promoção no país para sustentar a harmonia ecológica e elevar a condição socioeconômica dos povos do Paquistão.

Trees , Carbon , Commerce , Pakistan
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e260615, 2024. tab, ilus, mapas
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374660


This article describes the environmental impacts of producing a single seedling in forest nurseries of selected districts (i.e., Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra) of Hazara Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. This study was based on the cradle-to-gate approach which begins with the pre-nursery stage and progresses toward the main nursery before transplanting seedlings into the plantation site. Data or life cycle inventory (LCI) of seedling production were collected through questionnaire surveys and personal meetings with forest nurseries managers and workers regarding consumption of different inputs such as electricity, diesel, fertilizers, herbicides, and polyethylene bags, organic manure, and water consumption. The SimaPro software version 8.5 and the CML2000 v2.05 environmental model was applied to perform life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) for a single seedling production in forest nurseries in the study area. In line with the objectives of the study, primary data regarding inputs and outputs of the nurseries were collected from 35 nurseries in the study area by using a random questionnaire method. In addition, secondary data were taken from online databases such as Eco-invent v.3.2 CORRIM and peer-reviewed published literature. For this study, a functional unit of a single seedling was considered. Production weighted average data were modeled in the latest environmental modeling software i.e., SimaPro v.8.5 for ten US-EPA most wanted environmental impacts, such as global warming potential (GWP), abiotic depletion (AD), eutrophication potential (EP), acidification potential (AP), freshwater aquatic eco-toxicity (FAE), marine water eco-toxicity (MWE), terrestrial eco-toxicity (TE), ozone layer depletion (OLD), photochemical oxidation (PO), and human toxicity (HT). The results showed that the highest environmental impact posed by a single seedling was marine aquatic eco-toxicity (11.31360 kg 1,4-DB eq), followed by global warming potential (0.02945 kg CO2 eq) and (0.01227 kg 1,4-DB eq) human toxicity. The primary reason for these environmental burdens was the use of synthetic fertilizers in forest nurseries and the consumption of fossil fuels in nursery mechanization and transportation activities. The total cumulative energy demand for a single seedling was (0.800 MJ) with more than 90% contribution from fossil fuel energy resources such as petrol and diesel. It is therefore highly recommended to use renewable energy resources and organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers in forest nurseries to avoid and minimize greenhouse gas emissions (GHS) and other toxic emissions in the study area.

Este artigo descreve os impactos ambientais da produção de uma única muda em viveiros florestais de distritos selecionados (Haripur, Abbottabad e Manshera) da divisão Hazara, de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão, usando a abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV). Este estudo baseou-se na abordagem "do berço ao portão", que se inicia na fase pré-viveiro e progride em direção ao viveiro principal antes do transplante das mudas para o local de plantio. Os dados ou inventário de ciclo de vida (ICV) da produção de mudas foram coletados por meio de questionários e reuniões pessoais com o gerente e os trabalhadores dos viveiros florestais sobre o consumo de diferentes insumos, como energia elétrica, diesel, fertilizantes, herbicidas, sacos de polietileno, adubo orgânico e consumo de água. O software SimaPro, versão 8.5, e o modelo ambiental CML2000, v2.05, foram aplicados para realizar a avaliação de impacto do ciclo de vida (AICV) de uma única produção de mudas em viveiros florestais na área de estudo. Em consonância com os objetivos do estudo, os dados primários relativos às entradas e saídas dos viveiros foram coletados de 35 viveiros na área de estudo por meio de um método de questionário aleatório. Além disso, dados secundários foram obtidos de bancos de dados online, como Eco-invent v.3.2 CORRIM e literatura publicada revisada por pares. Para este estudo, foi considerada uma unidade funcional de uma única plântula. Os dados médios ponderados de produção foram modelados no software de modelagem ambiental mais recente, ou seja, SimaPro, v.8.5, para 10 impactos ambientais mais desejados pela US-EPA, como potencial de aquecimento global (PAG), depleção abiótica (DA), potencial de eutrofização (PE), potencial de acidificação (PA), ecotoxicidade de água doce (EAD), ecotoxicidade da água marinha (EAM), ecotoxicidade terrestre (ET), destruição da camada de ozônio (DCO), oxidação fotoquímica (OF) e toxicidade humana (TH). Os resultados mostraram que o maior impacto ambiental causado por uma única muda foi a ecotoxicidade da água marinha (11,31360 kg 1,4-DB eq), seguido pelo potencial de aquecimento global (0,02945 kg CO2 eq) e toxicidade humana (0,01227 kg 1,4-DB eq) eq). A principal razão para esses ônus ambientais foi o uso de fertilizantes sintéticos em viveiros florestais e o consumo de combustíveis fósseis nas atividades de mecanização e transporte de viveiros. A demanda total acumulada de energia para uma única muda foi de 0,800 MJ, com mais de 90% de contribuição de recursos energéticos de combustíveis fósseis, como gasolina e diesel. Portanto, é altamente recomendável usar recursos de energia renovável e fertilizantes orgânicos em vez de fertilizantes químicos em viveiros florestais para evitar e minimizar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) e outras emissões tóxicas na área de estudo.

Wood , Forestry/methods , Sustainable Development Indicators , Pakistan
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e260614, 2024. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374688


Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is a mechanism where a consumer is able and ready to pay for the protection of the precise ecosystem service and there must be a provider such as local societies receiving an economic resource, who in return, must have the ability to maintain that ecosystem service. Economic valuation provides basis for payment for ecosystem services. Therefore, objective of this study was to evaluate tourism and carbon stock services of the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Pakistan. Two forest zones (Chirpine and Scrub) of Islamabad capital territory (ICT) were selected for estimation of carbon stock and their carbon credits and carbon worth, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted for tourism as a payment for ecosystem services. The method for carbon stock assessment was systematic sampling for Chirpine forest whereas random sampling was done for scrub forest. The size of sampling plot was 17.84 m radius, and a total of 93 plots (49 Scrub zone and 44 Chirpine zone) was taken in the study area. The carbon stock of both zones (Chirpine and Scrub zone) is 22556.75 ton/ha (Chirpine 20105.79, Scrub 2450.96) and total carbon dioxide sequestered by both zone is 82557.72 ton/ha (Chirpine 73587.2, Scrub 8970.52), total carbon credits of both zone is 302160.87 (Chirpine 269328.97, Scrub 32831.9) and the carbon worth of both Chirpine and scrub zone is 4532418.92 $ (Chirpine 4039937.09$, Scrub 492481.83$). Similarly, from tourism point of view, in Shakar Parian, 94% tourists were agreed for PES whereas 6% were disagreed for the PES (the 6% tourist were disagreed to contribute for PES, 40% were agreed for Rs.5 contribution and 54% for Rs.10.). moreover, in Lake view Park, 97% tourists were agreed and 3% are disagreed (In Lake View Park 5% tourists were disagreed for the PES contribution whereas 32% were agreed for Rs.5 and 63% were for Rs.10). In Damen e Koh, around 87% tourist were agreed and 13% were disagreed, (24% were agreed for the contribution of Rs.5 and 63% tourists were agreed for the contribution of Rs.10). In Marghazar Zoo, 93% tourists were agreed (22% were agreed for contribution of Rs.5 and 71% tourist were agreed for contribution of Rs.10) and 7% are disagreed for PES whereas 7% tourists were not agreed for contribution. PES may implement to compensate forest and parks manager to ensure better management of the forests and parks. Due to prime location and scenic beauty of the ICT, it has huge potential for implementation of PES mechanism for sustainable forest management and conservation. Therefore, it is recommended that Capital Development Authority (CDA) Islamabad should devise a plan for implementation of PES in forests and parks of ICT for its sustainable management of recreational and forest resources.

O pagamento por serviços ecossistêmicos (PES) é um mecanismo no qual um consumidor é capaz e está pronto para pagar pela proteção do serviço ecossistêmico preciso e deve haver um provedor, como sociedades locais, que recebe um recurso econômico, que, em troca, deve ter capacidade para manter esse serviço ecossistêmico. A avaliação econômica fornece a base para o pagamento de serviços ecossistêmicos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os serviços de turismo e estoque de carbono do território da capital de Islamabad (ICT), Paquistão. Duas zonas florestais (Chirpine e Scrub) do território da capital de Islamabad (ICT) foram selecionadas para estimativa do estoque de carbono e seus créditos de carbono e valor de carbono. Uma pesquisa baseada em questionário foi realizada para turismo como pagamento por serviços ecossistêmicos. O método para avaliação do estoque de carbono foi a amostragem sistemática para a floresta de Chirpine, enquanto a amostragem aleatória foi feita para a floresta de cerrado. O tamanho da parcela de amostragem foi de 17,84 m de raio, e um total de 93 parcelas (49 zona Scrub e 44 zona Chirpine) foi considerado na área de estudo. O estoque de carbono de ambas as zonas (zona Chirpine e Scrub) é de 22.556,75 ton/ha (Chirpine 20.105,79, Scrub 2.450,96), e o dióxido de carbono total sequestrado por ambas as zonas é de 82.557,72 ton/ha (Chirpine 73.587,2, Scrub 8.970,52); créditos totais de carbono de ambas as zonas são 302.160,87 (Chirpine 269.328,97, Scrub 32.831,9), e o valor de carbono tanto do Chirpine quanto da zona de scrub é 4.532.418,92 $ (Chirpine 4.039.937,09 $, Scrub 492481,83 $). Da mesma forma, do ponto de vista do turismo, em Shakar Parian 94% dos turistas concordaram com o PES, enquanto 6% discordaram do PES (6% dos turistas não concordaram em contribuir para o PES, 40% concordaram com a contribuição de R$ 5 e 54% para R$ 10). além disso, no Lake View Park, 97% dos turistas concordaram e 3% discordaram (no Lake View Park, 5% dos turistas discordaram da contribuição do PES, enquanto 32% concordaram em R$ 5 e 63% foram em R$ 10). Em Damen e Koh, cerca de 87% dos turistas concordaram e 13% discordaram (24% concordaram com a contribuição de R$ 5 e 63% dos turistas concordaram com a contribuição de R$ 10). No Jardim Zoológico de Marghazar, 93% dos turistas concordaram (22% aceitaram a contribuição de R$ 5 e 71% dos turistas aceitaram contribuir com R$ 10) e 7% discordaram para PES. enquanto 7% turistas não foram acordados para contribuição. O PSA pode ser implementado para compensar o gestor florestal e de parques para garantir uma melhor gestão de florestas e parques. Devido à localização privilegiada e beleza cênica do ICT, possui enorme potencial para implementação de mecanismo de PSA para manejo e conservação florestal sustentável. Portanto, recomenda-se que a autoridade de desenvolvimento da capital (CDA) de Islamabad elabore um plano para implementação de PES em florestas e parques de ICT para sua gestão sustentável de recursos recreativos e florestais.

Organization and Administration , Carbon , Ecosystem , Tourism , Pakistan
Braz J Biol ; 84: e262662, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35830134


A socio-economic study was conducted in district Mardan of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan to get a comprehensive knowledge of the agroforestry tree species grown on the farmlands, their yield, and carbon stock. For yield and carbon stock estimation, data were collected from 59 sample plots by measuring the diameter, height, volume, and biomass of selected agroforestry tree species through D-tape and Haga altimeter. A total of 59 sample plots were inventoried using 2.5 percent sampling intensity. Each sample plot has an area of 0.5 ha, where each tree with a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm was inventoried. The calculated amount of volume of each tree species was then converted to biomass by multiplying it by the density of wood and the Biomass Expansion Factor (BEF). Total yield and C stock for the selected agroforestry tree species were 11535.2 metric tons and 2102.2 metric tons, respectively. Populus euroamericana is classified as the main tree with 28% growing stock prior to Morus alba by 21%, while Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix tetrasperma, and Bombax ceiba consist of 15%, 12%, 8%, 6%,7% and 3% growing stock respectively. Among the species found in different sampling plots the yield of Populus euroamericana was found to be 4747.5 metric tons and it was followed by the species Morus alba found at 2027.3 metric tons. Similarly, the volume for Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Salix spp, Boombox ceiba, and Acacia nilotica was 1532.2 tons,1503 ton,745.7,203.5ton, 555.4ton and 220.5ton, respectively. The carbon stock for Populus euroamericana was calculated as 777.8 ton/ha, while for Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Melia azedarach, Morus alba, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica, Salix species, and Bombax ceiba it was calculated as 312.3ton/ha, 272.1ton/ha, 363ton/ha, 245.1ton/ha, 51.4ton/ha, 27.3ton/ha and 53.2ton/ha, respectively. The questionnaire survey conducted for price dynamics showed that the majority of respondents purchase timber from the market for construction. But they use farm trees with low-quality city construction. They dislike using local timber in the conventional building as timber from farm trees is liable to insect attack. Rs. 50,000-100000, (33.33%) of daily sales was concluded from 50% of the trader while (16.7%) of the traders have their sales between Rs.150,000-200,000. Therefore, it is concluded by the authors that both provincial and federal government should promote agroforestry in Pakistan through different incentives because it has the potential to cope with dilemma of deforestation of natural forests and improve the livelihood of local peoples. It is strongly recommended that special projects just like the Ten Billion Tree Afforestation Project (T-BTTP) should be launched for agroforestry plantation and promotion in the country to sustain the ecological harmony and uplift the socio-economic condition of the peoples of Pakistan.

Eucalyptus , Trees , Biomass , Carbon/analysis , Forests , Pakistan
Braz J Biol ; 84: e260615, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35544796


This article describes the environmental impacts of producing a single seedling in forest nurseries of selected districts (i.e., Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra) of Hazara Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. This study was based on the cradle-to-gate approach which begins with the pre-nursery stage and progresses toward the main nursery before transplanting seedlings into the plantation site. Data or life cycle inventory (LCI) of seedling production were collected through questionnaire surveys and personal meetings with forest nurseries managers and workers regarding consumption of different inputs such as electricity, diesel, fertilizers, herbicides, and polyethylene bags, organic manure, and water consumption. The SimaPro software version 8.5 and the CML2000 v2.05 environmental model was applied to perform life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) for a single seedling production in forest nurseries in the study area. In line with the objectives of the study, primary data regarding inputs and outputs of the nurseries were collected from 35 nurseries in the study area by using a random questionnaire method. In addition, secondary data were taken from online databases such as Eco-invent v.3.2 CORRIM and peer-reviewed published literature. For this study, a functional unit of a single seedling was considered. Production weighted average data were modeled in the latest environmental modeling software i.e., SimaPro v.8.5 for ten US-EPA most wanted environmental impacts, such as global warming potential (GWP), abiotic depletion (AD), eutrophication potential (EP), acidification potential (AP), freshwater aquatic eco-toxicity (FAE), marine water eco-toxicity (MWE), terrestrial eco-toxicity (TE), ozone layer depletion (OLD), photochemical oxidation (PO), and human toxicity (HT). The results showed that the highest environmental impact posed by a single seedling was marine aquatic eco-toxicity (11.31360 kg 1,4-DB eq), followed by global warming potential (0.02945 kg CO2 eq) and (0.01227 kg 1,4-DB eq) human toxicity. The primary reason for these environmental burdens was the use of synthetic fertilizers in forest nurseries and the consumption of fossil fuels in nursery mechanization and transportation activities. The total cumulative energy demand for a single seedling was (0.800 MJ) with more than 90% contribution from fossil fuel energy resources such as petrol and diesel. It is therefore highly recommended to use renewable energy resources and organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers in forest nurseries to avoid and minimize greenhouse gas emissions (GHS) and other toxic emissions in the study area.

Fertilizers , Seedlings , Forests , Fossil Fuels , Humans , Pakistan
Braz J Biol ; 84: e260614, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35475996


Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is a mechanism where a consumer is able and ready to pay for the protection of the precise ecosystem service and there must be a provider such as local societies receiving an economic resource, who in return, must have the ability to maintain that ecosystem service. Economic valuation provides basis for payment for ecosystem services. Therefore, objective of this study was to evaluate tourism and carbon stock services of the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Pakistan. Two forest zones (Chirpine and Scrub) of Islamabad capital territory (ICT) were selected for estimation of carbon stock and their carbon credits and carbon worth, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted for tourism as a payment for ecosystem services. The method for carbon stock assessment was systematic sampling for Chirpine forest whereas random sampling was done for scrub forest. The size of sampling plot was 17.84 m radius, and a total of 93 plots (49 Scrub zone and 44 Chirpine zone) was taken in the study area. The carbon stock of both zones (Chirpine and Scrub zone) is 22556.75 ton/ha (Chirpine 20105.79, Scrub 2450.96) and total carbon dioxide sequestered by both zone is 82557.72 ton/ha (Chirpine 73587.2, Scrub 8970.52), total carbon credits of both zone is 302160.87 (Chirpine 269328.97, Scrub 32831.9) and the carbon worth of both Chirpine and scrub zone is 4532418.92 $ (Chirpine 4039937.09$, Scrub 492481.83$). Similarly, from tourism point of view, in Shakar Parian, 94% tourists were agreed for PES whereas 6% were disagreed for the PES (the 6% tourist were disagreed to contribute for PES, 40% were agreed for Rs.5 contribution and 54% for Rs.10.). moreover, in Lake view Park, 97% tourists were agreed and 3% are disagreed (In Lake View Park 5% tourists were disagreed for the PES contribution whereas 32% were agreed for Rs.5 and 63% were for Rs.10). In Damen e Koh, around 87% tourist were agreed and 13% were disagreed, (24% were agreed for the contribution of Rs.5 and 63% tourists were agreed for the contribution of Rs.10). In Marghazar Zoo, 93% tourists were agreed (22% were agreed for contribution of Rs.5 and 71% tourist were agreed for contribution of Rs.10) and 7% are disagreed for PES whereas 7% tourists were not agreed for contribution. PES may implement to compensate forest and parks manager to ensure better management of the forests and parks. Due to prime location and scenic beauty of the ICT, it has huge potential for implementation of PES mechanism for sustainable forest management and conservation. Therefore, it is recommended that Capital Development Authority (CDA) Islamabad should devise a plan for implementation of PES in forests and parks of ICT for its sustainable management of recreational and forest resources.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Forests , Lakes , Pakistan