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ACS Nano ; 17(10): 9082-9089, 2023 May 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37162317


By moving individual Fe-porphyrin-based molecules with the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope in the vicinity of the elbow of the herringbone-reconstructed Au(111) containing a Br atom, we reversibly and continuously control their magnetic state. Several regimes are obtained experimentally and explored theoretically: from the integer spin limit, through intermediate magnetic states with renormalized magnetic anisotropy, until the Kondo-screened regime, corresponding to a progressive increase of charge fluctuations and mixed valency due to an increase in the interaction of the molecular Fe states with the substrate Fermi sea. Our study demonstrates the potential of utilizing charge fluctuations to generate and tune quantum magnetic states in molecule-surface hybrids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(6): 066401, 2023 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36827570


We demonstrate that a finite-doping quantum critical point (QCP) naturally descends from the existence of a first-order Mott transition in the phase diagram of a strongly correlated material. In a prototypical case of a first-order Mott transition the surface associated with the equation of state for the homogeneous system is "folded" so that in a range of parameters stable metallic and insulating phases exist and are connected by an unstable metallic branch. Here we show that tuning the chemical potential, the zero-temperature equation of state gradually unfolds. Under general conditions, we find that the Mott transition evolves into a first-order transition between two metals, associated with a phase separation region ending in the finite-doping QCP. This scenario is here demonstrated solving a minimal multiorbital Hubbard model relevant for the iron-based superconductors, but its origin-the splitting of the atomic ground state multiplet by a small energy scale, here Hund's coupling-is much more general. A strong analogy with cuprate superconductors is traced.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(18): 186401, 2019 May 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144864


Multiorbital Hubbard models host strongly correlated "Hund's metals" even for interactions much stronger than the bandwidth. We characterize this interaction-resilient metal as a mixed-valence state. In particular, it can be pictured as a bridge between two strongly correlated insulators: a high-spin Mott insulator and a charge-disproportionated insulator which is stabilized by a very large Hund's coupling. This picture is confirmed comparing models with negative and positive Hund's coupling for different fillings. Our results provide a characterization of the Hund's metal state and connect its presence with charge disproportionation, which has indeed been observed in chromates and proposed to play a role in iron-based superconductors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(19): 197001, 2018 Nov 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30468595


We compute the compressibility of the conduction electrons in both bulk orthorhombic FeSe and monolayer FeSe on a SrTiO_{3} substrate, including dynamical electronic correlations within slave-spin mean-field + density-functional theory. Results show a zone of enhancement of the electronic compressibility crossing the interaction-doping phase diagram of these compounds in accord with previous simulations on iron pnictides and in general with the phenomenology of Hund's metals. Interestingly, at ambient pressure FeSe is found slightly away from the zone with enhanced compressibility but moved right into it with hydrostatic pressure, while in monolayer FeSe the stronger enhancement region is realized on the electron-doped side. These findings correlate positively with the enhancement of superconductivity seen in experiments, and support the possibility that Hund's induced many-body correlations boost superconductive pairing when the system is at the frontier of the normal- to Hund's metal crossover.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(16): 167003, 2017 Apr 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28474949


Hund's coupling is shown to generally favor, in a doped half-filled Mott insulator, an increase in the compressibility culminating in a Fermi-liquid instability towards phase separation. The largest effect is found near the frontier between an ordinary and an orbitally decoupled ("Hund's") metal. The increased compressibility implies an enhancement of quasiparticle scattering, thus favoring other possible symmetry breakings. This physics is shown to happen in simulations of the 122 Fe-based superconductors, possibly implying the relevance of this mechanism in the enhancement of the critical temperature for superconductivity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(17): 177001, 2014 May 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24836267


We show that electron- and hole-doped BaFe(2)As(2) are strongly influenced by a Mott insulator that would be realized for half-filled conduction bands. Experiments show that weakly and strongly correlated conduction electrons coexist in much of the phase diagram, a differentiation which increases with hole doping. This selective Mottness is caused by the Hund's coupling effect of decoupling the charge excitations in different orbitals. Each orbital then behaves as a single-band doped Mott insulator, where the correlation degree mainly depends on how doped is each orbital from half filling. Our scenario reconciles contrasting evidences on the electronic correlation strength, implies a strong asymmetry between hole and electron doping, and establishes a deep connection with the cuprates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(25): 256401, 2011 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22243094


We show that in multiband metals the correlations are strongly affected by Hund's rule coupling, which depending on the filling promotes metallic, insulating or bad-metallic behavior. The quasiparticle coherence and the proximity to a Mott insulator are influenced distinctly and, away from single- and half-filling, in opposite ways. A strongly correlated bad metal far from a Mott phase is found there. We propose a concise classification of 3d and 4d transition-metal oxides within which the ubiquitous occurrence of strong correlations in Ru- and Cr-based oxides, as well as the recently measured high Néel temperatures in Tc-based perovskites are naturally explained.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(12): 126401, 2009 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392299


We outline a general mechanism for orbital-selective Mott transition, the coexistence of both itinerant and localized conduction electrons, and show how it can take place in a wide range of realistic situations, even for bands of identical width and correlation, provided a crystal field splits the energy levels in manifolds with different degeneracies and the exchange coupling is large enough to reduce orbital fluctuations. The mechanism relies on the different kinetic energy in manifolds with different degeneracy. This phase has Curie-Weiss susceptibility and non-Fermi-liquid behavior, which disappear at a critical doping, all of which is reminiscent of the physics of the pnictides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(7): 076405, 2006 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026256


We present a new continuous-time solver for quantum impurity models such as those relevant to dynamical mean field theory. It is based on a stochastic sampling of a perturbation expansion in the impurity-bath hybridization parameter. Comparisons with Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization calculations confirm the accuracy of the new approach, which allows very efficient simulations even at low temperatures and for strong interactions. As examples of the power of the method we present results for the temperature dependence of the kinetic energy and the free energy, enabling an accurate location of the temperature-driven metal-insulator transition.
