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Psicothema ; 34(1): 151-159, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35048907


BACKGROUND: The Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) assesses the subjective experience of orgasm. Its psychometric properties have only been examined in the context of sexual intercourse. This study aims to validate the ORS in the context of solitary masturbation. METHODS: A sample of 1,171 men and 1,424 women aged 18-83 years ( M = 40.51, SD = 12.07) completed the ORS in the solitary masturbation context along with other scales to assess sexual attitudes, solitary sexual desire, propensity for sexual arousal/inhibition, and sexual functioning. RESULTS: A four-dimensional structure was confirmed, similar to the homologous version for the context of sexual intercourse. Measures obtained from the ORS were sex and age invariant, exhibited adequate internal consistency, discriminated between people with orgasmic difficulties, and were associated with related variables. CONCLUSIONS: The ORS is a multidimensional measure that provides reliable, valid measures of the subjective experience of orgasm in the context of solitary masturbation.

Masturbation , Orgasm , Arousal , Female , Humans , Male , Psychometrics , Sexual Behavior
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 34(1): 151-159, Ene 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-204033


Background: The Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) assesses the subjectiveexperience of orgasm. Its psychometric properties have only been examinedin the context of sexual intercourse. This study aims to validate the ORSin the context of solitary masturbation. Methods: A sample of 1,171 menand 1,424 women aged 18-83 years (M = 40.51, SD = 12.07) completedthe ORS in the solitary masturbation context along with other scales toassess sexual attitudes, solitary sexual desire, propensity for sexual arousal/inhibition, and sexual functioning. Results: A four-dimensional structurewas confirmed, similar to the homologous version for the context of sexualintercourse. Measures obtained from the ORS were sex and age invariant,exhibited adequate internal consistency, discriminated between peoplewith orgasmic difficulties, and were associated with related variables.Conclusions: The ORS is a multidimensional measure that providesreliable, valid measures of the subjective experience of orgasm in thecontext of solitary masturbation.

Antecedentes: la Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) evalúa la experienciasubjetiva del orgasmo. Sus propiedades psicométricas únicamente seexaminaron en el contexto de las relaciones sexuales. El objetivo de esteestudio es validar la ORS en el contexto de la masturbación en solitario.Método: una muestra formada por 1.171 hombres y 1.424 mujeres de 18a 83 años (M = 40,51; DT = 12,07) completaron la ORS en el contexto dela masturbación en solitario junto con otras escalas para evaluar actitudessexuales, deseo sexual solitario, propensión a la excitación/inhibiciónsexual y funcionamiento sexual. Resultados: se confirma una estructurade cuatro dimensiones, al igual que su versión homóloga para el contextode las relaciones sexuales. Las medidas obtenidas mediante la ORS soninvariantes por sexo y edad, sus dimensiones muestran una adecuadaconsistencia interna, discriminan entre personas con y sin dificultadesorgásmicas y se relacionan con variables afines. Conclusiones: la ORSes una medida multidimensional que aporta medidas fiables y válidas dela experiencia subjetiva del orgasmo en el contexto de la masturbación ensolitario.

Humans , Male , Female , Masturbation , Orgasm , Sexuality , Sex , Psychology , Spain , Sampling Studies , Retrospective Studies