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Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(3): 033315, 2020 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32260000


The demand for nanoscale materials of ultra-high purity and narrow size distribution is addressed. Clusters of Au, C60, H2O, and serine are produced inside helium nanodroplets using a combination of ionization, mass filtering, collisions with atomic or molecular vapor, and electrostatic extraction, in a specific and novel sequence. The helium droplets are produced in an expansion of cold helium gas through a nozzle into vacuum. The droplets are ionized by electron bombardment and subjected to a mass filter. The ionic and mass-selected helium droplets are then guided through a vacuum chamber filled with atomic or molecular vapor where they collide and "pick up" the vapor. The dopants then agglomerate inside the helium droplets around charge centers to singly charged clusters. Evaporation of the helium droplets is induced by collisions in a helium-filled radio frequency (RF)-hexapole, which liberates the cluster ions from the host droplets. The clusters are analyzed with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. It is demonstrated that using this sequence, the size distribution of the dopant cluster ions is distinctly narrower compared to ionization after pickup. Likewise, the ion cluster beam is more intense. The mass spectra show, as well, that ion clusters of the dopants can be produced with only few helium atoms attached, which will be important for messenger spectroscopy. All these findings are important for the scientific research of clusters and nanoscale materials in general.

Nanotechnology ; 22(31): 315711, 2011 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21747162


Silicon clusters were produced by gas aggregation in vacuum and co-deposited with water vapour onto a cold target where the water vapour froze. Melting of the ice yielded fluorescent silicon nanoparticles suspended in water which were investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The PL spectrum showed a prominent band at 420 nm and other, less intense bands at shorter wavelengths. No fluorescence was observed below 275 nm. The shortest wavelength observed was related to a silicon cluster diameter of 0.9 nm using a simple particle-in-a-box model. Drops of the suspension were also deposited on freshly cleaved HOPG and investigated by AFM. The images showed single and agglomerated clusters with heights of typically 0.6 up to 2 nm. The sizes displayed by our measurements are not correlated to the average sizes that result from gas aggregation, indicating a size-selecting effect of the water suspension. The cluster-cluster interaction in water is governed by repulsion due to thermal energy and attraction due to van der Waals forces. For very small clusters repulsion dominates; at 3 nm diameter the two forces are balanced. We identify this stable phase of small clusters as the origin of exceptionally stable fluorescence.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(2): 719-24, 2011 Jan 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21052578


Electron mobilities in supercritical and liquid helium were investigated as a function of the density. The mobilities were derived from I(V) curves measured in a high-pressure cryogenic cell using a corona discharge in point-plane electrode geometry for charge generation. The presented data spans a wide pressure and temperature range due to the versatility of our experimental set-up. Where data from previous investigations is available for comparison, very good agreement is found. We present a semi-empirical model to calculate electron mobilities both in the liquid and supercritical phase. This model requires the electron-helium scattering length and thermodynamic state equations as the only input and circumvents any need to consider surface tension. Our semi-empirical model reproduces experimental data very well, in particular towards lower densities where transitions from localised to delocalised electron states were observed.

J Chem Phys ; 128(1): 014502, 2008 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18190199


The caging effect of the host environment on photochemical reactions of molecular oxygen is investigated using monochromatic synchrotron radiation and spectrally resolved fluorescence. Oxygen doped clusters are formed by coexpansion of argon and oxygen, by pickup of molecular oxygen or by multiple pickup of argon and oxygen by neon clusters. Sequential pickup provides radially ordered core-shell structures in which a central oxygen molecule is surrounded by argon layers of variable thickness inside large neon clusters. Pure argon and core-shell argon-neon clusters excited with approximately 12 eV monochromatic synchrotron radiation show strong fluorescence in the vacuum ultraviolet (vuv) spectral range. When the clusters are doped with O2, fluorescence in the visible (vis) spectral range is observed and the vuv radiation is found to be quenched. Energy-resolved vis fluorescence spectra show the 2 1Sigma+-->1 1Sigma+(ArO(1S)-->ArO(1D)) transition from argon oxide as well as the vibrational progression A '3Delta u(nu'=0)-->X 3Sigmag*(nu") of O2 indicating that molecular oxygen dissociates and occasionally recombines depending on the experimental conditions. Both the emission from ArO and O2 as well the vuv quenching by oxygen are found to depend on the excitation energy, providing evidence that the energy transfer from the photoexcited cluster to the embedded oxygen proceeds via the O2+ ground state. The O2+ decays via dissociative recombination and either reacts with Ar resulting in electronically excited ArO or it recombines to O2 within the Ar cage. Variation of the Ar layer thickness in O2-Ar-Ne core-shell clusters shows that a stable cage is formed by two solvation layers.

Nanotechnology ; 19(50): 505602, 2008 Dec 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19942774


A novel method for the synthesis of nanostructured films produced by depositing gas-phase magnetic nanoparticles is presented and the properties of the films are reported. The technique mixes metal vapour and small argon clusters produced in a supersonic expansion. The condensed clusters are subsequently deposited in situ onto copper grids. The cluster size is controlled by the vapour pressure of the metal inside the pick-up chamber. Detailed analysis of the transmission electron micrographs of the Fe clusters shows that there is a simple linear relationship between the average metal cluster diameter and the metal vapour pressure during deposition. Furthermore, the nanoparticles show a relatively narrow size distribution for a given set of experimental conditions. Structural and magnetic investigations have been performed on Fe cluster samples, and the influence of the metal vapour pressure has been studied. Detailed analysis of the magnetic and structural data has been performed and valuable information such as cluster size distributions, strength of the interparticle dipolar interactions and average magnetic moment per cluster are derived. It is shown that, at room temperature, the magnetic behaviour of the films is consistent with nanoparticle supermoments interacting via dipolar interactions.

J Chem Phys ; 126(12): 124318, 2007 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17411134


The authors have recorded the nu(3) infrared spectrum of methane in helium nanodroplets using our cw infrared optical parametric oscillator. In a previous paper, Nauta and Miller [Chem. Phys. Lett. 350, 225 (2001)] reported the observation of the monomer rovibrational transitions of methane in helium nanodroplets. Here, they report the observation of additional absorption bands in the frequency range between 2990 and 3070 cm(-1) blueshifted compared to the monomer transitions. They attribute these absorption features to phonon wings of individual rovibrational transitions, i.e., the simultaneous excitation of collective excitation modes of the quantum fluid and the rovibrational excitation of the methane monomer in the helium nanodroplet.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(21): 215301, 2005 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16384151


We have measured the high-resolution infrared spectrum of the radical NO in the (2)Pi(1/2) state in superfluid helium nanodroplets. The features are attributed to the -doubling splitting and the hyperfine structure. The hyperfine interaction is found to be unaffected by the He solvation. For the Lambda-doubling splitting, we find a considerable increase by 55% compared to the gas phase. This is explained by a confinement of the electronically excited NO states by the surrounding He. The rotational level spacing is decreased to 76% of the gas phase value. The IR transition to the J=1.5 state is found to be homogeneously broadened. We attribute both observations to the coupling between the molecular rotation and phonon/roton excitations in superfluid (4)He droplets.

Nature ; 420(6915): 482-5, 2002 Dec 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12466837


Intense radiation from lasers has opened up many new areas of research in physics and chemistry, and has revolutionized optical technology. So far, most work in the field of nonlinear processes has been restricted to infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, although progress in the development of X-ray lasers has been made recently. With the advent of a free-electron laser in the soft-X-ray regime below 100 nm wavelength, a new light source is now available for experiments with intense, short-wavelength radiation that could be used to obtain deeper insights into the structure of matter. Other free-electron sources with even shorter wavelengths are planned for the future. Here we present initial results from a study of the interaction of soft X-ray radiation, generated by a free-electron laser, with Xe atoms and clusters. We find that, whereas Xe atoms become only singly ionized by the absorption of single photons, absorption in clusters is strongly enhanced. On average, each atom in large clusters absorbs up to 400 eV, corresponding to 30 photons. We suggest that the clusters are heated up and electrons are emitted after acquiring sufficient energy. The clusters finally disintegrate completely by Coulomb explosion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(23): 233401, 2002 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12059361


The energy transfer in 3He and 4He clusters electronically excited by monochromatic synchrotron radiation is investigated by luminescence spectroscopy. Depending on the cluster size and the isotopic constitution, either sharp, broadened, or shifted emission bands of single He molecules are observed. The spectral features show that He molecules emit light either within a bubble inside the cluster or in the vacuum after desorption from the cluster. From the luminescence intensity, the cluster diameter, and the radiative lifetime, an average velocity of approximately 7 m/s of bubbles in 4He clusters could be deduced. In the nonsuperfluid 3He clusters this velocity was observed to be significantly lower.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(15): 153403, 2001 Oct 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11580698


The structure of the electronically excited states of 3He and 4He clusters is investigated using fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. Distinct bands are observed energetically close to atomic 1s-ns, nd, np transitions and attributed to perturbed excited He atomiclike states with different principle and orbital quantum numbers. The line shifts and widths of the bands of 3He and 4He clusters of the same size are different and correlate with the average particle density inside the clusters calculated using the density functional method.