El enfrentamiento de estridor en el Servicio de Urgencias puede ser un desafío para el clínico. La mayoría de los pacientes responderán a medidas estándar de anafilaxia, no obstante, ante pacientes refractarios a tratamiento se deben sospechar otras patologías. Presentamos el caso clínico de una paciente refractaria a manejo de anafilaxia. Se realiza videolaringoscopía que identifica quiste de vallécula y se maneja mediante protección de vía aérea con intubación orotraqueal. Se decide escisión quirúrgica, en la cual se identifica estenosis subglótica que requiere instalación de traqueostomía. La paciente evoluciona favorablemente y es dada de alta.
Coping with stridor in the Emergency Department can challenge the clinician. Most patients respond to standard anaphylaxis measures. The clinician should suspect other differential diagnoses when patients are refractory to treatment. We present the clinical case of a patient refractory to standard anaphylaxis management. A video laryngoscopy was performed, identifying a vallecula cyst. We secured the airway through orotracheal intubation. The surgical team of our hospital performed a surgical excision of the cyst and identified subglottic stenosis, which required the installation of a tracheostomy. The patient evolved favorably in the postoperative period and was discharged.
The purpose of this study was to determine if different methods for average bioequivalence in high variability drugs coincide or not in their conclusions when applied to the same dataset, and to discuss the method validity and reliability of the conclusions. Different approaches for the evaluation of average bioequivalence were applied to the results of a bioavailability trial on the diuretic drug Furosemide. These methods included widening the bioequivalence limits according to regulatory recommendations, scaling the limits and scaling the bioequivalence statistic, jointly with evaluating alternative bioavailability measures. The methods to establish the bioequivalence limits were also combined with some alternative methods to construct confidence intervals. The decision on bioequivalence depends much more on the bioavailability measures than on the statistical approach. The reliability of the final decision lies mainly in the interpretation of these measures and on the special characteristics of each drug.