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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 137-144, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557867


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la incidencia del espectro del acretismo placentario en pacientes ingresadas a la unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos del Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo fundamentado en el análisis de la base de datos del Hospital de la Mujer de pacientes internadas entre los años 2017 a 2020 con diagnóstico de espectro de placenta acreta, referidas o diagnosticadas en la institución e intervenidas para histerectomía por la complicación estudiada. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de acretismo placentario que dieron una incidencia de 0.09%; de éstas, a 1 se le indicó cesárea; 19 de las 22 pacientes tenían antecedente de cicatriz uterina previa, todas con placenta previa. El promedio de edad fue de 30.86 ± 4 años. La cesárea se practicó, en promedio, a las 34 semanas de embarazo con dos técnicas quirúrgicas. El sangrado promedio estimado fue de 1.947 mL. Las complicaciones transoperatorias fueron las lesiones: ureteral (n = 2) y vesical (n = 1). La principal complicación posoperatoria fue la fístula vesicouterina (n = 1). El promedio de estancia fue de 2 días en 16 de las 22 pacientes y de 7 días en las 6 restantes. CONCLUSIONES: Lo importante del acretismo placentario es el diagnóstico oportuno que permita derivar a las pacientes a centros hospitalarios que cuenten con especialistas experimentados en la atención de estos casos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of placental accretism spectrum in pregnant women admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study based on the analysis of the database of the Hospital de la Mujer of patients admitted between 2017 and 2020 with a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum, referred or diagnosed at the institution and underwent hysterectomy for the complication studied. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta were analysed, giving a prevalence of 0.09%; of these, caesarean section was indicated in 0.2%. 19 of the 22 patients had a history of previous uterine scarring, all with placenta praevia. Mean age was 30.86 ± 4 years. Caesarean section was performed at a mean gestational age of 34 weeks using two surgical techniques. The mean estimated blood loss was 1,947 mL. The most common operative complications were ureteral (n = 2) and bladder (n = 1) injuries. The most common postoperative complication was vesico-uterine fistula (n = 1). The mean length of stay was 2 days in 16 of the 22 patients and 7 days in the remaining 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The most important aspect of placenta accreta is early diagnosis, which allows referral to hospital centres with specialists experienced in the management of these cases.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 40(2): e702, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1565718


El espectro acretismo placentario es una patología que cursa con una alta morbimortalidad, viéndose en los últimos años un incremento en su incidencia y cobrando relevancia por la tasa de cesáreas en aumento, siendo su principal factor de riesgo. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 32 años, portadora de acretismo placentario, diagnosticado mediante ecografía a las 31 semanas de edad gestacional, donde se logró planificar paso a paso la cirugía con equipo, colocando previo a la cirugía balones en arterias hipogástricas y catéter doble Jota, haciendo una estadificación intraoperatoria detallada. A propósito del caso clínico se realiza una revisión y actualización de la patología, enfatizando en la planificación detallada de la cirugía y el abordaje con equipos de referencia.

Placenta Accreta Spectrum is a condition associated with high morbidity and mortality. In recent years, there has been an increase in its incidence, highlighting its importance due to the rising rate of cesarean sections which is its main risk factor. A case is described of a 32-year-old patient with placenta accreta, diagnosed via ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation. The surgery was meticulously planned with the team, including the placement of balloons in the hypogastric arteries and a double-J catheter, allowing for detailed intraoperative staging. In relation to the clinical case, a review and update of the pathology is carried out, emphasizing the detailed planning of the surgery and the approach in specialized teams.

O Espectro do Acretismo Placentário é uma patologia de alta morbimortalidade, com incidência crescente nos últimos anos e ganhando relevância devido ao aumento da taxa de cesarianas, sendo este o seu principal fator de risco. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente de 32 anos com acretismo placentário, diagnosticado por ultrassonografia com 31 semanas de idade gestacional, na qual a cirurgia foi planejada passo a passo com a equipe multidisciplinar, com a colocação de balões nas artérias hipogástricas e um cateter duplo jack antes da cirurgia e realizando um estadiamento intraoperatório detalhado. Uma revisão e atualização da bibliografia, enfatizando o planejamento detalhado da cirurgia e a abordagem em equipes composta por profissionais de várias especialidades médicas.

Placenta Accreta/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis
Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 37(1): 31-34, Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521187


Resumen: Introducción: estudios previos han mostrado una mayor incidencia de todas las causas de hemorragia postparto durante la pandemia de COVID-19. El acretismo placentario es una causa frecuente de hemorragia postparto. Objetivo: determinar las diferencias en la severidad del choque hemorrágico y la cantidad de sangrado en mujeres con diagnóstico del espectro placenta previa-acretismo, antes de la pandemia y durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Material y métodos: en un estudio con cohortes comparativas de mujeres con placenta previa-acretismo, atendidas en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, durante el periodo de enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2019, grupo I (prepandemia), y de enero de 2020 a marzo de 2022, grupo II (pandemia), se comparó entre los grupos la cantidad de hemorragia y la clase del choque hemorrágico de acuerdo a ATLS. Resultados: se estudió a 277 mujeres, 211 fueron del grupo I (pre-COVID-19) y 66 del grupo II (COVID-19), se observó una mayor cantidad de sangrado durante la pandemia de COVID versus la fase pre-COVID (2,150.56 ± 1,910.08 mL versus 1,246.34 ± 1,494.1 mL) p = 0.001, existieron diferencias en las proporciones de la gravedad del choque hemorrágico en la fase de pandemia para las clases III y IV. Conclusión: se encontró un incremento en la cantidad de sangrado y gravedad del choque durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Abstract: Introduction: previous studies have shown an increased incidence of all-cause postpartum hemorrhage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Placental accreta is a frequent cause of hemorrhagic shock. Objective: determine the severity of shock and the amount of bleeding during the COVID-19 pandemic in women diagnosed with placenta previa and placental accreta. Material and methods: in a comparative cohort study of women with placenta previa and accreta treated at the National Institute of Perinatology during the period from January 2017 to December 2019 group I (pre-pandemic) and from January 2020 to March 2022 group II (pandemic) the amount of hemorrhage and the class of hemorrhagic shock according to ATLS were compared between the groups. Results: 277 women were studied, 211 were from group I (pre COVID-19) and 66 from group II (COVID-19). A greater amount of bleeding was observed during the COVID pandemic versus the pre COVID phase (2,150.56 ± 1,910.08 mL vs 1,246.34 ± 1,494.1 mL) p = 0.001, there were differences in the proportions of severity of hemorrhagic shock in the pandemic phase for classes III and IV. Conclusion: an increase in the amount of bleeding and severity of shock was found during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resumo: Introdução: estudos anteriores mostraram uma maior incidência de hemorragia pós-parto de todas as causas durante a pandemia de COVID-19. O acretismo placentário é uma causa frequente de hemorragia pós-parto. Objetivo: determinar as diferenças na gravidade do choque hemorrágico e na quantidade de sangramento em mulheres diagnosticadas com o espectro de placenta prévia-acretismo antes da pandemia e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Material e métodos: em um estudo de coorte comparativo de mulheres com placenta prévia e acreta tratadas no Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia durante o período de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2019, grupo I (pré-pandemia) e de janeiro de 2020 a março de 2022, grupo I II (pandemia) a quantidade de sangramento e a classe de choque hemorrágico de acordo com o ATLS foram comparadas entre os grupos. Resultados: foram estudadas 277 mulheres, 211 eram do grupo I (pré-COVID-19) e 66 do grupo II (COVID-19). Observou-se uma maior quantidade de sangramento durante a pandemia de COVID versus a fase pré-COVID (2,150.56 ± 1,910.08 mL vs 1,246.34 ± 1,494.1 ml) p = 0.001, houve diferenças nas proporções da gravidade do choque hemorrágico na fase pandêmica para as classes III e IV. Conclusão: um aumento na quantidade de sangramento e gravidade do choque foi encontrado durante a pandemia de COVID-19.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 90(3): 294-299, ene. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385024


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La placenta percreta es la forma más rara e invasiva del acretismo placentario: supone el 5% de estos casos y concentra la mayor morbilidad y mortalidad materna y perinatal. Además, es la principal causa de ruptura uterina, por ello su diagnóstico y atención temprana son decisivos. Hoy día, el ultrasonido es la herramienta esencial y de elección para identificar el alto riesgo de acretismo placentario. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente con 32.5 semanas de embarazo, ingresada a Urgencias con signos sugerentes de choque hipovolémico e inconsciente. Se decidió la cesárea de urgencia, con histerectomía abdominal y salpingooferectomía izquierda, por ruptura uterina en torno del cuerno izquierdo, con exposición parcial de la placenta, de aspecto percreta, con salida de vellosidades, laceraciones en el intestino y sangrado de 3500 mL. Nació una niña y se salvó la vida de la madre. CONCLUSIONES: La disponibilidad de personal capacitado y experimentado permite la actuación rápida ante estas urgencias médicas. Los bancos de sangre y las unidades de cuidados intensivos son indispensables para ofrecer una atención médica completa y de calidad que responda a las necesidades de la población.

Abstract BACKGROUD: Placenta percreta is the rarest and most invasive form of accreta placenta spectrum disorders, accounts for 5% of these cases, and concentrates the highest maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, in addition to being the main cause of uterine rupture, due to This diagnosis and early attention are decisive. Ultrasound has become the essential and choice tool to identify women at high risk of placental accreta. CLINICAL CASE: Patient with a pregnancy of 32.5 weeks of gestation is admitted to the emergency department with suggestive signs of hypovolemic shock and unconscious, an emergency body caesarean section was performed with abdominal hysterectomy and left salpingooferectomy due to uterine rupture at the level of the left horn with partial exposure of placental appearance Percreta with exit of villi, lacerations in intestine and a total bleeding of 3500 mL. Thanks to the appropriate and timely action of the staff, a unique live product of the female sex was obtained and safeguard the life of the mother. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of having highly trained staff who act quickly in this kind of medical emergency, in addition to having a blood bank and an intensive care unit makes possible a complete and quality medical care that meets the needs of the population.

Clín. investig. ginecol. obstet. (Ed. impr.) ; 48(4): [100682], Oct.-Dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220377


El acretismo placentario es una importante causa de morbimortalidad materna. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico prenatal de acretismo placentario, ruptura prematura de membranas y sangrado del segundo trimestre, quien se abordó por parte de un equipo multidisciplinario. Se realizó una colocación temporal de balón oclusivo en las arterias hipogástricas previo a la cesárea-histerectomía, con buenos resultados para la madre.(AU)

Placenta accreta spectrum is an abnormal placentation that results in an increase in maternal morbidity and mortality, which mostly occurs due to severe haemorrhage. We present the case of a patient diagnosed prenatally with placenta accreta spectrum, premature rupture of membranes and bleeding, who was managed by a multidisciplinary team. Temporary bilateral hypogastric balloon occlusion was placed before caesarean hysterectomy, with good results for the mother.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Hysterectomy , Cesarean Section , Balloon Occlusion , Postpartum Hemorrhage , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Gynecology , Obstetrics
Clín. investig. ginecol. obstet. (Ed. impr.) ; 48(3): [100647], Jul-Sep. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219578


El acretismo placentario es la invasión de las vellosidades coriales al miometrio, siendo mayor el riesgo de presentarse en casos de placenta previa o antecedente de una o más cesáreas, causando hemorragia obstétrica mayoritariamente durante el tercer trimestre. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 39 años de edad, con hemorragia obstétrica secundaria a acretismo placentario, en un embarazo de 19 semanas resuelto mediante histerectomía, con lo que se hace énfasis en la importancia de la sospecha y diagnóstico de acretismo en embarazos tempranos, ofreciendo así un tratamiento oportuno y disminución de la morbimortalidad materna.(AU)

Placental accreta is the invasion of the chorionic villi into the myometrium. It has a higher risk of occurring in cases of placenta previa, or a history of one or more caesarean sections, causing obstetric haemorrhage mainly during the third trimester. The case is presented of a 39-year-old patient with obstetric haemorrhage secondary to placental accreta in a 19-week pregnancy. It was resolved by hysterectomy. The importance of suspicion and diagnosis of accreta in early pregnancies is emphasised, as well as offering a timely treatment and reducing the maternal morbidity and mortality.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Placenta/abnormalities , Hemorrhage , Chorionic Villi , Inpatients , Physical Examination , Gynecology , Pregnancy
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: E0031, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291376


O acretismo placentário consiste na aderência anormal da placenta na parede uterina. Ao aderir-se diretamente ao miométrio, denomina-se placenta acreta; ao estender-se mais profundamente, placenta increta, e ao invadir a serosa uterina ou órgãos adjacentes, percreta. O fator de risco mais frequente constitui cesarianas anteriores. Paciente 27 anos, G3P1CA1 (cesariana há 8 anos/ parto prematuro 25 sem há 4 anos), IG: 25sem3d; com alteração da vitalidade fetal e placenta prévia com sinais de acretismo (sugerindo placenta percreta). Foi indicada a interrupção da gestação com 27 semanas e 1 dia. No período intraoperatório foi evidenciada, por meio de ultrassom, presença de acretismo placentário com invasão miometrial e invasão de serosa vesical sendo posteriormente realizado a histerectomia subtotal e rafia das lacerações da mucosa vesical. A placenta percreta é mais frequente em grávidas com placenta prévia no local da cicatriz de cesariana e o órgão mais frequentemente acometido é a bexiga; estando associada a maior morbimortalidade materna. O diagnóstico definitivo é anatomopatológico, porém é presumível durante a cirurgia abdominal com a visualização da invasão placentária, devendo ser confirmado por Histopatologia.

Placental accretism consists of abnormal placental adherence to the uterine wall. When adhering directly to the myometrium it is called placenta accreta; when extending more deeply, placenta increta; and when invading the uterine serosa or adjacent organs, percrete. The most frequent risk factor is previous cesarean sections. The patient is 27 years old with altered fetal vitality and placenta previa with signs of accreation (suggesting percretal placenta). Pregnancy termination at 27 weeks and one day was indicated. In the intraoperative period, the presence of placental accretion with myometrial invasion and bladder serous invasion was evidenced by ultrasound, with subtotal hysterectomy and raffia of lacerations of the bladder afterwards. The percretal placenta is more frequent in pregnant women with placenta previa at the site of the scar of a cesarean section and the organ most frequently affected is the bladder; being associated with higher maternal morbidity and mortality. The definitive diagnosis is anatomopathological, but it is presumed during abdominal surgery with the visualization of the placental invasion and must be confirmed by Histopathology

Humans , Pregnancy , Adult , Placenta Accreta , Urinary Bladder , Placenta Diseases , Placenta Previa , Pregnancy Complications , Serous Membrane , Cesarean Section , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Risk Factors , Cicatrix , Hysterectomy , Obstetric Labor, Premature , Myometrium
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 66(1): 13-18, ene.-Mar 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144978


RESUMEN Introducción . El espectro de placenta acreta (EPA) se refiere a la gama de adherencias patológicas de la placenta al útero. Es considerado un problema de salud pública debido a su notable aumento en las últimas décadas y su asociación a morbimortalidad materna significativa, con riesgo elevado de hemorragia, transfusiones e histerectomía obstétrica. Objetivo . Conocer las características epidemiológicas, quirúrgicas y posquirúrgicas de las pacientes con espectro de placenta acreta. Métodos . Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de pacientes con espectro de placenta acreta atendidas en el Hospital San Bartolomé entre 2014 y 2018. Resultados . Se identificaron 36 casos de EPA con una tasa de 1,2/1 000 nacimientos. El 94% era multípara, 81% tuvo cirugía uterina previa, 61% tenía 35 o más años de edad y 47% poseía placenta previa, siendo la cesárea el antecedente quirúrgico uterino más frecuente con 72%. Se recurrió a procedimientos conservadores en 53% y a histerectomía en 47%. Hubo 53% de complicaciones postoperatorias, sin muerte materna. Conclusiones . En el presente estudio se halló que el espectro de placenta acreta estuvo significativamente asociado con la cesárea previa. Si bien hubo un número significativo de casos que se presentaron con hemorragia y choque hipovolémico, las intervenciones quirúrgicas oportunas y un banco de sangre bien provisto evitaron las muertes maternas. El manejo conservador del acretismo focal se mostró como alternativa válida para evitar la histerectomía y sus complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Introduction : Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) refers to pathological adhesions of the placenta to the uterus. It is considered a public health problem due to its increase in recent decades, and it is associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality and high risk of hemorrhage, blood transfusions and hysterectomy. Objective : To determine the epidemiological, surgical and post-surgical characteristics of patients with placenta accreta. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective study of patients with placenta accreta spectrum attended at San Bartolomé Hospital, Lima, Peru, between 2014 and 2018. Results : Thirty-six PAS cases were documented with a birth rate of 1.2/1 000; 94% occurred in multiparous women, 81% had previous uterine surgery including 26 (72%) with previous cesarean section; 61% were 35 years old or older, and 47% had placenta previa. Treatment was conservative in 53% of the cases, while hysterectomy was performed in 47%. There were post-surgical complications in 53%, without maternal deaths. Conclusions : In our study, placenta accreta spectrum was predominantly associated with previous cesarean sections. A considerable number of cases presented hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock. Timely surgical intervention and a well-supplied blood bank allowed conservative management in focal accretism as a valid alternative to hysterectomy and its complications.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 41(1): 17-23, Jan. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003519


Abstract Objective To assess and compare the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta in patients with placenta previa. Methods This retrospective cohort study included 37 women, and was conducted between January 2013 and October 2015; 16 out of the 37 women suffered from placenta accreta. Histopathology was considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of placenta accreta; in its absence, a description of the intraoperative findings was used. The associations among the variables were investigated using the Pearson chi-squared test and the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The mean age of the patients was 31.8 ± 7.3 years, the mean number of pregnancies was 2.8 ± 1.1, the mean number of births was 1.4 ± 0.7, and the mean number of previous cesarean sections was 1.2 ± 0.8. Patients with placenta accreta had a higher frequency of history of cesarean section than those without it (63.6% versus 36.4% respectively; p < 0.001). The mean gestational age at birth among women diagnosed with placenta previa accreta was 35.4 ± 1.1 weeks. The mean birth weight was 2,635.9 ± 374.1 g. The sensitivity of the ultrasound was 87.5%, with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 65.1%, and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 75.0%. The sensitivity of the magnetic resonance imaging was 92.9%, with a PPV of Conclusion The ultrasound and the magnetic resonance imaging showed similar sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of placenta accreta.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar e comparar a sensibilidade e especificidade da ultrassonografia e da ressonância magnética no diagnóstico do acretismo placentário em pacientes com placenta prévia. Métodos Estudo de coorte retrospectivo com 37 mulheres, sendo 16 com acretismo placentário, realizado de janeiro de 2013 a outubro de 2015. Considerou-se padrãoouro para o diagnóstico de acretismo placentário o exame anatomopatológico, sendo que, na sua ausência, a descrição do achado intraoperatório. As associações entre variáveis foram investigadas utilizando o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e o teste U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados A idade média foi de 31,8 ± 7,3 anos, o número médio de gestações foi de 2,8 ± 1,1, o número médio da quantidade de partos foi de 1,4 ± 0,7, e o número médio de cesáreas prévias foi de 1,2 ± 0,8. O grupo do acretismo placentário apresentou antecedente de cesariana mais frequentemente do que o grupo sem acretismo (63,6% versus 36,4%, respectivamente; p < 0,001). A idade gestacional no parto em mulheres com diagnóstico de placenta prévia com acretismo foi de 35,4 ± 1,1 semanas. O peso ao nascer médio foi de 2.635,9 ± 374,1 g. A sensibilidade do ultrassom foi de 87,5%, comvalor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 65,1%, e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) de 75,0%. Para a ressonância magnética, a sensibilidade foi de 92,9%, com VPP de 76,5% e VPN de 75,0%. O índice kappa para concordância entre os dois testes foi de 0,69 (intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]: 0,26-1,00). Conclusão O ultrassom e a ressonância magnética apresentaram sensibilidade e especificidade semelhantes no diagnóstico do acretismo placentário.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Placenta Accreta/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(1): 36-45, ene. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154269


Resumen OBJETIVO: Describir la técnica quirúrgica vascular integral avanzada (VIVA) aplicada en pacientes con placenta previa anormalmente adherida, con feto in situ. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo de serie de casos efectuado en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital de Especialidades del Niño y la Mujer de Querétaro, y en el Hospital Materno Celaya, entre enero y junio de 2017, con placenta previa anormalmente adherida en quienes se practicó la técnica quirúrgica vascular integral avanzada. Los datos se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y medidas de tendencia central. Parámetros de estudio: edad materna, edad gestacional al momento de la interrupción del embarazo, tiempo y sangrado quirúrgico estimado, concentración de hemoglobina y hematocrito pre y posquirúrgicos; pacientes que requirieron "biocirugía", ingreso a unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos y tiempo de estancia intrahospitalaria. Variables perinatales: Capurro al nacimiento, peso del neonato, calificación de Apgar y gasometría del cordón umbilical. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 16 pacientes, todas se intervinieron en un solo procedimiento quirúrgico, sin necesidad de reintervención, con sangrado quirúrgico promedio objetivado con hemoglobina pre y posquirúrgica, sin indicación de ingreso a la unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos, con adecuada evolución posquirúrgica y sin morbilidad neonatal asociada. CONCLUSIÓN: La técnica quirúrgica vascular integral avanzada (VIVA) es un procedimiento seguro, accesible, asequible y disponible; debe integrarse un equipo médico-quirúrgico adecuadamente organizado.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe the advanced integral vascular surgical technique (AIVS) applied in patients with placenta previa adhered abnormally with in situ fetus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective and descriptive study presenting a series of cases, carried out in patients with abnormally attached placenta previa to whom the advanced integral vascular surgical technique was applied, attended at the Hospital of Specialties of the Child and the Woman of Querétaro, and Hospital Maternal Celaya, between January and June 2017. Using descriptive statistics of central tendency, maternal variables were analyzed such as: maternal age, gestational age at the time of the interruption of the obstetric event, time and estimated surgical bleeding, hemoglobin concentration and pre and post hematocrit postsurgical patients who required "biosurgery", admission to obstetric intensive care unit and intrahospital stay; perinatal variables: Capurro at birth, neonatal weight, Apgar score and umbilical cord blood gas. RESULTS: 16 patients were registered. All the patients were operated on in a single surgical event, with no need for reoperation, with average surgical bleeding objectified with pre- and postoperative hemoglobin, without indication of admission to the Obstetric Intensive Care Unit, with adequate postoperative evolution and perinatal outcomes without associated neonatal morbidity. CONCLUSION: The advanced integral vascular surgical technique (AIVS) is a safe, accessible, affordable and available technique, having to integrate a properly organized medical surgical team.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 83(5): 513-526, nov. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978126


RESUMEN El espectro de acretismo placentario es un fenómeno infrecuente del embarazo cuya incidencia ha aumentado considerablemente y que está caracterizado por el anclaje anormal de las vellosidades coriónicas al miometrio, lo cual aumenta la morbi-mortalidad materna durante la resolución quirúrgica. Según las capas uterinas comprometidas, serán clasificadas como placenta acreta (contacta miometrio), increta (penetra miometrio) y percreta (compromete todo el miometrio y/o eventualmente órganos adyacentes), siendo su mayor factor de riesgo: la cesárea anterior y la placenta previa. En este artículo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica abarcando definiciones, diagnóstico y las nuevas tendencias en manejo quirúrgico no conservador propuesto en la nueva guía de la Federación Internacional de Ginecología y Obstetricia publicada en 2018 y elaborando una discusión respecto a ellas.

SUMMARY Placenta accreta spectrum is an uncommon phenomenon of pregnancy whose incidence has increased considerably over time and is characterized by the abnormal anchoring of the chorionic villi to the myometrium, which increases maternal morbidity and mortality during surgical resolution. According to the compromised uterine layers, they will be classified as placenta accreta (contacts myometrium), increta (penetrates myometrium) and percreta (compromises the entire myometrium and / or possibly adjacent organs), being previous caesarean section and placenta previous its major risk factor. In this review, we included definitions, diagnosis, and the new topics in non-conservative surgical management developed by the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecolgy published in 2018, and developing a discussion of the topic.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Placenta Accreta/surgery , Placenta Accreta/diagnosis , Placenta Accreta/physiopathology , Cesarean Section/methods , Hysterectomy
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 69(3): 169-178, July-Sept. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-978295


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the accuracy of 2D ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound for the diagnosis of placenta accreta in pregnant women with risk factors when compared to clinical diagnosis. Materials and methods: Study of diagnostic accuracy for the assessment of placenta accreta in high-risk patients who ended their pregnancy between 2014 and 2016 at Hospital Universitario de Santander. After obtaining their informed consent, 51 pregnant women over 18 years of age, more than 12 weeks of gestational age, low or anterior placenta or a history of uterine surgery were included. The diagnosis of a high probability of placenta accreta based on the presence of at least two ultrasound criteria and one Doppler criterion was compared with the gold standard of the visual finding during the cesarean section and of the surgical specimen in patients taken to hysterectomy, or during the clinical course in women with vaginal delivery. Sociodemographic and clinical variables are described, and the sensitivity and specificity, and positive or negative odds ratios are estimated. Results: The diagnosis of high probability of placenta accreta based on 2D Doppler Ultrasound has a high sensitivity of 88.2% (95% CI: 70.0-100) and specificity of 97.1% (95% CI: 89,9-100), with positive LR of 30.0 (95% CI: 4.3-208.5) and negative LR of 0.12 (95% CI: 0.03-0.45). Conclusions: The diagnosis of high probability of placenta accreta using non-invasive imaging provides valuable information regarding the presence and extent of placenta accreta in patients with known risk factors.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Establecer, en gestantes con factores de riesgo, la exactitud de la ecografía 2D más Doppler para hacer el diagnóstico de acretismo placentario al compararlo con el diagnóstico clínico. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de evaluación de la exactitud diagnóstica en gestantes de alto riesgo de placenta ácreta que terminaron el embarazo entre 2014 y 2016 en el Hospital Universitario de Santander. Previo consentimiento informado se incluyeron 51 gestantes mayores de 18 años, con más de 12 semanas de edad gestacional, con placenta baja o anterior, o antecedentes de cirugía uterina. Se comparó el diagnóstico de alta probabilidad de acretismo placentario dado por la presencia de, al menos, dos criterios en la ecografía 2D y uno en el Doppler, con un patrón de oro dado por el hallazgo visual durante la cesárea y la pieza quirúrgica en las que fueron llevadas a histerectomía, o la evolución clínica en las mujeres con parto vaginal. Se describen las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas, y se calcula la sensibilidad, especificidad y razón de probabilidades positiva y negativa. Resultados: El diagnóstico de alta probabilidad de acretismo placentario dado por ecografía 2D más Doppler tiene una sensibilidad del 88,2 % (IC 95 %: 70,0-100) y especificidad del 97,1 % (IC 95 %: 89,9- 100), LR positivo de 30,0 (IC 95 %: 4,3-208,5) y LR negativo de 0,12 (IC 95 %: 0,03-0,45). Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de alta probabilidad de acretismo placentario por imágenes diagnósticas no invasivas ofrece información valiosa sobre la presencia y extensión del acretismo placentario en pacientes con factores de riesgo conocidos Palabras clave: acretismo placentario, ultrasonografía doppler, técnicas de diagnóstico obstétrico y ginecológico.

Humans , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Risk Factors , Pregnant Women , Diagnostic Techniques, Obstetrical and Gynecological
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(12): 841-849, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133995


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La ruptura uterina por placenta percreta es una complicación extremadamente rara, su incidencia varía de 0.02-0.08% y cuando se relaciona con invasión placentaria a la vejiga, ocurre en aproximadamente 1 de cada 10,000 nacimientos, con una mortalidad materna y fetal estimada de 9.5 y 24%, respectivamente. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 27 años, con 26 semanas de embarazo, antecedente de una cesárea, que acudió al servicio de Urgencias por dolor abdominal súbito, compatible con abdomen agudo y deterioro hemodinámico. El ultrasonido abdominal reportó líquido libre en la cavidad, por lo que se decidió practicarle una laparotomía exploradora, en donde se encontró ruptura uterina con invasión trofoblástica a la vejiga y 2500 cc de hemoperitoneo. Se practicó cesárea-histerectomía, pinzamiento de arterias uterinas por vía abdominal y ligadura de arterias hipogástricas; debido a la invasión trofoblástica vesical, durante la disección se lesionó la vejiga. La recién nacida pesó 850 g, talla 32 cm, Ballard 27 SDG, Apgar 7/8, pérdida sanguínea total de 3500 cc, con permanencia de 5 días en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (12 días totales de estancia hospitalaria). La paciente evolucionó favorablemente. CONCLUSIONES: Por su rareza y trascendencia es importante conocer este tipo de alteraciones y no pasar por alto la búsqueda intencionada de factores de riesgo y signos clínicos (hemorragia vaginal o hematuria), que hacen que la detección oportuna sea el objetivo para lograr el éxito en el tratamiento.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The Uterine rupture by placenta percreta is an extremely rare complication between the 0.02-0.08% frequency, the concomitant incidence of placental to bladder invasion occurs in approximately 1 in every 10,000 births, and when this occurs maternal and fetal mortality increases by 9.5% and 24% respectively. CLINICAL CASE: A 27 years-old patient, with 26 weeks of gestation (SDG), antecedent of a caesarean, who goes to the emergency department for sudden abdominal pain, compatible with acute abdomen and hemodynamic deterioration, abdominal ultrasound was performed reporting free liquid in cavity, enters the operating room for exploratory laparotomy, finding uterine rupture with presence of trophoblastic invasion to bladder, 2500cc of hemoperitoneum, cesarean section hysterectomy, clamping of uterine arteries via abdominal and ligation of hypogastric arteries, by bladder trophoblastic invasion, during dissection the bladder was injured; a newborn with a weight of 850gr, size 32cm, Ballard 27SDG, APGAR 7/8, total blood loss 3500cc, course 5 days in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 12 days of hospital stay was obtained, the patient progressed favorably , it is graduated with reference to gynecological urology. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of this type of diagnostic entities is fundamental, given its rarity and transcendence, the intentional search for risk factors, clinical signs such as vaginal bleeding or hematuria, make timely detection the goal to achieve success in the treatment.

Rev. MED ; 23(1): 70-76, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-957274


La placenta acreta es una de las anomalías placentarias más comunes, que incluso puede llevar a la muerte materna y fetal, lo cual se puede evitar con un diagnóstico oportuno. Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos imaginológicos por resonancia magnética en pacientes con sospecha de adherencia placentaria y correlacionar los resultados con la cirugía. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de series de casos en pacientes con sospecha de invasión placentaria donde se evaluaron los hallazgos de la resonancia magnética frente a los resultados de la cirugía, la cual fue utilizada como estándar de referencia. Resultados: Se observaron dos casos con acretismo placentario, en los que la resonancia magnética pudo revelar la presencia de lagos venosos anteriores en el primer caso y lagos venosos en el segmento para el segundo caso; ambos con adelgazamiento y discontinuidad de la línea hipointensa que corresponde al miometrio. Conclusión: La resonancia magnética se convierte en una ayuda diagnóstica útil para establecer la presencia, el grado de infiltración y la penetración de la anomalía placentaria o por el contrario la ausencia de esta patología.

Placenta accreta is one of the most common placental abnormalities that can even lead to maternal and fetal death and can be prevented with opportune diagnosis. Objective: To describe the MRI findings in patients with suspected placental adherence and correlate the results with surgery. Materials and Methods: We present a series of case study in patients with suspected placental invasion to evaluate the findings of MRI compared to the results of the surgery, which was used as the reference standard. Results: There were two cases of placenta accreta, in which MRI shows previous venous lakes were identified in the first case and venous lakes in the segment for the second case, both thinning and discontinuity of the hypointense line corresponding to the myometrium. Conclusion: MRI becomes a useful diagnostic tool for establishing the presence, degree of infiltration and penetration of the placental abnormality or conversely the absence of this condition.

A placenta acreta é uma das anomalias placentárias mais comuns, que até mesmo pode causar a morte materna e fetal, o que de pode evitar com diagnóstico oportuno. Objetivo: Descrever as conclusões imaginológicas por ressonância magnética em pacientes com suspeita de adesão placentária e correlacionar os resultados com a cirugía. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo de series de casos no pacientes com suspeita de invasão placentária donde foram avaliadas as conclusões da ressonância magnética com os resultados da cirurgia, que foi aplicada como padrão de referencia. Resultados: duos casos com acretismo placentário foram observados, nos que a ressonância magnética poderia revelar a presencia de lagos venosos anteriores no primer caso, e lagos venosos no segmento para o segundo caso; ambos com adelgaçamento y descontinuidade de línea hipointensa que corresponde ao miométrio. Conclusão: a ressonância magnética troca-se numa ajuda diagnóstica útil para estabelecer a presencia, o grado de infiltração e a penetração da anomalia placentária o pelo contrario, a ausência da patologia que a tratar.

Humans , Female , Placenta Accreta , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Cesarean Section , Ultrasonography, Doppler
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim ; 61(2): 105-8, 2014 Feb.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23276376


Massive obstetric hemorrhage still remains a major cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. The risk factors associated with this pathology must be identified in order to schedule the appropriate delivery with the necessary resources. A case is presented of an iliac artery occlusion with intravascular balloons for suspected placenta accreta during cesarean section. The perioperative treatment, as well as an analysis of the treatment options is described, along with their advantages and disadvantages, from the use of postpartum hemorrhage protocols, blood transfusion and procoagulant factors, and other maneuvers to control bleeding, until the hysterectomy.

Balloon Occlusion/methods , Blood Loss, Surgical/prevention & control , Cesarean Section, Repeat , Hemostatic Techniques , Iliac Artery , Placenta Accreta/therapy , Preoperative Care/methods , Adult , Amputation Stumps/blood supply , Blood Component Transfusion , Cervix Uteri/blood supply , Combined Modality Therapy , Female , Humans , Hysterectomy , Ovariectomy , Placenta Previa/diagnostic imaging , Postpartum Hemorrhage/etiology , Postpartum Hemorrhage/prevention & control , Postpartum Hemorrhage/surgery , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/etiology , Thrombelastography , Ultrasonography , Urinary Bladder/blood supply , Uterine Hemorrhage/etiology , Uterine Hemorrhage/prevention & control , Uterine Hemorrhage/surgery , Uterine Hemorrhage/therapy
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522503


Objetivos: Determinar la experiencia con histerectomía puerperal en una institución privada. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo, serie de casos. Institución: Clínica Santa Isabel, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Puérperas inmediatas. Intervenciones: De un total de 15 201 nacimientos, se evaluó 16 pacientes con edades entre 29 y 42 años que tuvieron histerectomía puerperal (1,04 por mil nacimientos), entre el 1 de enero de 2000 y el 31 de diciembre de 2011. Principales medidas de resultados: Frecuencia, indicaciones y complicaciones de la histerectomía puerperal. Resultados: El 75% tuvo algún antecedente de instrumentación uterina, sea cesárea o legrado, siendo el procedimiento practicado en 12 casos durante la cesárea, tres en el posparto y una luego de legrado por parto inmaduro de 24 semanas. El 68,8% fue de emergencia y en un porcentaje igual se realizó histerectomía total. Las indicaciones más frecuentes fueron acretismo placentario en seis pacientes, atonía uterina en cinco y leiomiomatosis uterina en otras cinco, que fueron las intervenciones electivas. El tiempo operatorio osciló entre 65 y 170 minutos, con una media de 105 minutos; se realizó transfusiones sanguíneas en 9 pacientes (56,3%). No hubo lesiones de vía urinaria ni intestinales, ni casos de muerte materna. Conclusiones: En nuestra institución, la histerectomía puerperal mostró ser un procedimiento aparentemente seguro, con frecuencia, indicaciones y complicaciones muy similares a las encontradas en la literatura.

Objectives: To determine the experience with puerperal hysterectomy in a private institution. Design: Retrospective, series of cases study. Setting: Clinica Santa Isabel, Lima, Peru. Participants: Women in the immediate post partum. Interventions: Between January 1 2000 and December 31 2011, from 15 201 births attended sixteen 29-42 year-old patients with puerperal hysterectomy (1.04 per thousand births) were studied. Main outcome measures: Frequency, indications and complications of puerperal hysterectomy. Results: History of uterine instrumentation either cesarean section or dilatation and curettage was present in 75%, and the procedure was performed in 12 cases during the cesarean section, three in the post partum and one following dilatation and curettage for 24 weeks immature delivery. It was an emergency in 68.8% and in a similar percentage total hysterectomy was performed. Most frequent indications were placenta accreta in six patients, uterine atony in five and uterine leiomiomatosis in other five (elective interventions). Surgical time was 65-170 minutes, media 105 minutes; blood transfusions were indicated in 9 patients (56.3%). No urinary tract or intestinal tract lesions were reported, and there was no maternal death. Conclusions: Puerperal hysterectomy was an apparently safe procedure at our institution, and frequency, indications and complications were similar to literature reports.

Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim ; 60(7): 399-402, 2013.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22784646


Placenta percreta is a sub-type of placenta accreta in which this organ invades the whole uterine wall and affects the adjacent organs. It is a condition with a high surgical risk which generally requires an obstetric hysterectomy. We present the case of a 36 year-old pregnant woman diagnosed with placenta percreta with bladder and intestinal invasion. She suffered a hypovolaemic shock during surgery which required a massive transfusion of blood products and inotropic support. Three further successive surgeries were required due to the bleeding, with selective embolisation of the hypogastric arteries being performed in one of them. She required 13 days in intensive care. The total volume of blood products transfused was, 43 units of red cells, 28 units of plasma, and 8 platelet pools. The importance of early prenatal diagnosis is emphasised in order to adequately plan the operation, and should include a multidisciplinary team (general surgeons, urologists, vascular surgeons), as well as experienced anaesthesiologists and obstetricians.

Anesthesia, General/methods , Cesarean Section/methods , Critical Care/methods , Hysterectomy/methods , Placenta Accreta/surgery , Abdominal Wound Closure Techniques , Adult , Blood Coagulation Factors/therapeutic use , Blood Component Transfusion , Cardiotonic Agents/therapeutic use , Combined Modality Therapy , Early Diagnosis , Embolization, Therapeutic , Female , Hemoperitoneum/etiology , Hemoperitoneum/surgery , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Intestines/pathology , Intraoperative Complications/etiology , Intraoperative Complications/therapy , Laparotomy , Placenta Accreta/diagnosis , Placenta Accreta/pathology , Postoperative Hemorrhage/etiology , Postoperative Hemorrhage/surgery , Pregnancy , Puerperal Disorders/etiology , Puerperal Disorders/surgery , Shock/etiology , Shock/therapy , Urinary Bladder/pathology
Rev. chil. ultrason ; 15(2): 49-52, 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-712358


The diagnosis of placenta accreta is oftenmade during the second half of pregnancy, usually associated with previous placenta. Here we present acase of pregnancy implantation in the uterine isthmus diagnosed during the 8th week of gestation. Among the ultrasound findings to highlight we found isthmic bulging by the gestational sac with fetal heartbeats, empty uterine cavity and cervical canal, absence ofmyometrium along the vesico-uterine septum and posterior signs of early placental accretism. At thirteen weeks dilated vessels and irregularly shaped lacunae with turbulent blood flow were seen in the placenta. Expectant management was made confirming accretism with placenta percreta involving the parametrium and respecting the bladder. Cesarean section with hysterectomy was made at 34th weeks in conjunction with interventional radiology (Vascular ballooning of the internal and common iliac arteries) with good maternal and perinatal outcomes. Pathology analysis confirmed prenatal findings.

El diagnóstico de acretismo placentario se realiza en la segunda mitad del embarazo, asociado frecuentemente a placenta previa. Presentamos uncaso clínico en el que se observó una implantación ístmica en la semana 8, destacando los signos de abombamiento ístmico global con saco gestacionaly embrión vivo, cavidad corporal uterina vacía, canal cervical vacío, ausencia de miometrio en tabique vesico-uterino y posteriormente signos sugerentes deacretismo en semana 13 con desarrollo de vasculatura subplacentaria y luego lagunas vasculares de flujo turbulento.Se hizo un manejo espectante confirmando durante la evolución signos de acretismo y percretismo miometrial, extenso desarrollo vascular en parametrios y sin invasión vesical. Fue interrumpida con semanas, por cesárea-histerectomía, optimizada con técnica radiológica intervencional (oclusiónvascular intraoperatoria en secuencia de arterias ilíacas internas e íliacas comunes) con buen resultado materno y perinatal. La anatomía patológica confirmó diagnósticos ultrasónicos.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Placenta Accreta , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Cesarean Section , Diagnosis, Differential , Hysterectomy , Pregnancy Outcome , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Pregnancy, Ectopic , Placenta Accreta/surgery