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Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 20(7): 360-365, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160007


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to examine how gene mutation diversity and disease severity affect physical capacity and quality of life in children/adolescents with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). METHODS: Eighty children/adolescents (42 female, 38 male) diagnosed with FMF according to Tell-Hashomer diagnostic criteria were included in this study. Disease severity score (PRAS), running speed and agility and strength subtests of Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition Short Form (BOT-2 SF), Physical Activity Questionnaire, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 3.0 Arthritis Module (PedsQL) was used for evaluation. Participants were divided into 2 groups as M694V and other mutations according to MEFV gene mutation and were divided into 3 groups as mild, moderate and severe according to PRAS. RESULTS: When the data were compared between groups; in terms of gene mutation, a significant difference was observed in treatment subtest of PedsQL-parent form in favor of the M694V gene mutation group (p<0.05). In terms of PRAS, significant difference was seen in the pain, treatment subtests and total score of the PedsQL-child form, and in the pain, treatment, worry subtests and total score of the PedsQL-parent form in favor of the mild group (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: MEFV gene mutations in children and adolescents with FMF did not differ on physical capacity and quality of life. PRAS was not effective on physical parameters, but quality of life decreased as the severity score increased. Encouraging children/adolescents with FMF to participate in physical activity and to support them psychosocially can be important to improve their quality of life.

Familial Mediterranean Fever , Mutation , Pyrin , Quality of Life , Severity of Illness Index , Humans , Familial Mediterranean Fever/genetics , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Pyrin/genetics , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094931


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It has been shown that total knee replacement improves functional capacity and physical activity; however, the influence of age remains unclear. The objective is evaluate the pre and postoperative physical activity measured with the Knee Society Score (KSS) score and the Tegner score. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted on patients who underwent total knee replacement (TKR) between January 2016 and December 2019 at our institution. Demographic variables (age, sex, and body mass index), activities of daily living, age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, the Knee Society Score (KSS) in its clinical (KSSc) and functional (KSSf) subscales, the Tegner functional scale, activity variables from the 2011 KSS version, and pain assessment using the visual analog scale were collected. Differences in these variables were analyzed between two age groups: group A (between 65 and 79 years old) and group B (80 years or older). RESULTS: A total of 450 patients were evaluated (group A=245, group B=167). Group A showed a Tegner improvement of 1.19 (95% CI: 1.06-1.31), whereas group B averaged 0.61 (95% CI: 0.43-0.80) (P<.001). Age >80 was an independent risk factor for less Tegner improvement. In KSSc, group A improved by 43 points (95% CI: 40.82-46.14), while group B showed a greater increase of 53 points (95% CI: 49.74-57.80). Adjusted for confounders, those>80 showed significantly higher KSSc improvement (12.8 points). For KSSf, group A improved by 33.91 points (95% CI: 31.07-36.75), and group B by 15.57 points (95% CI: 11.78-19.35). Adjusted for confounders, patients >80 had less improvement than those <80 (19 points). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who underwent TKR experienced improvements in physical and functional activity parameters. While these improvements were seen in the entire population, they were most notable in patients younger than 80 years.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564917


Las actividades que realiza el profesional de la enfermería les producen quebranto en la salud, siendo el estrés el primer factor que va a afectar el ritmo propio, ocasionando irritabilidad y ansiedad. La práctica físico-deportiva tiene un efecto positivo sobre su salud física y mental debido a que produce liberación de endorfinas, lo que conlleva una reducción de la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés, ya que cualquier tipo de actividad física, ya sea de bajo o alto impacto, libera estas sustancias que actúan directamente sobre el cerebro, produciendo sensación de bienestar y relajación inmediata. Se presenta una investigación con un diseño no experimental, desde el enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo comparativo de corte transversal. Tiene como objetivo: determinar las relaciones entre actividad física y regulación emocional de un grupo de enfermeras (o) s del Hospital Sur en Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México. Se aplicó la Escala para Evaluación de la Inteligencia Emocional TMMS-24 y el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ). Para determinar la relación entre las variables se empleó la Correlación del Rho de Spearman. Las dimensiones estudiadas son la atención, claridad y reparación emocional por parte de la variable dependiente (Control emocional) y las dimensiones Alta, Media y Baja por la variable independiente (Actividad física). En la comunidad donde se observaron los signos y síntomas de nerviosismo, agitación o tensión asociados a situaciones de ansiedad y estrés, se establecen correlaciones directas entre la intensidad de la actividad física y el control emocional de los sujetos investigados, o sea, a menor intensidad de la actividad física menor control y regulación emocional.

As atividades realizadas pelo profissional de enfermagem causam-lhe problemas de saúde, sendo o estresse o primeiro fator que afetará seu próprio ritmo, causando irritabilidade e ansiedade. A prática físico-esportiva tem um efeito positivo sobre sua saúde física e mental, pois produz uma liberação de endorfinas, o que leva a uma redução da ansiedade, da depressão e do estresse, pois qualquer tipo de atividade física, seja ela de baixo ou alto impacto, libera essas substâncias que atuam diretamente no cérebro, produzindo uma sensação de bem-estar e relaxamento imediato. A pesquisa é apresentada em um desenho não-experimental, a partir de uma abordagem quantitativa, descritiva, comparativa, transversal e de corte transversal. Seu objetivo é determinar a relação entre a atividade física e a regulação emocional em um grupo de enfermeiras do Hospital Sur em Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México. Foram aplicados o Emotional Intelligence Rating Scale TMMS-24 e o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A Correlação Rho de Spearman foi usada para determinar a relação entre as variáveis. As dimensões estudadas são Atenção, Clareza e Reparação Emocional para a variável dependente (Controle Emocional) e as dimensões Alta, Média e Baixa para a variável independente (Atividade Física). Na comunidade onde foram observados os sinais e sintomas de nervosismo, agitação ou tensão associados a situações de ansiedade e estresse, foram estabelecidas correlações diretas entre a intensidade da atividade física e o controle emocional dos sujeitos investigados, ou seja, quanto menor a intensidade da atividade física, menor o controle e a regulação emocional.

The activities carried out by the nursing professional produce them health problems, with stress being the first factor that will affect one's own rhythm, causing irritability and anxiety. Physical-sports practice has a positive effect on their physical and mental health because it produces the release of endorphins, which leads to a reduction in anxiety, depression and stress because any type of physical activity, whether low or high impact, releases these substances that act directly on the brain, producing a feeling of well-being and immediate relaxation. A research is presented with a non-experimental design, from the quantitative approach of a cross-sectional comparative descriptive type. Its objective is to determine the relationships between physical activity and emotional regulation of a group of nurses from the Sur Hospital in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico. The TMMS-24 Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were applied. To determine the relationship between the variables, Spearman's Rho Correlation was used. The dimensions studied are attention, clarity and emotional repair by the dependent variable (Emotional Control) and the High, Medium and Low dimensions by the independent variable (Physical Activity). In the community where the signs and symptoms of nervousness, agitation or tension associated with situations of anxiety and stress were observed, direct correlations were established between the intensity of physical activity and the emotional control of the subjects studied, that is, at a lower intensity of physical activity, less control and emotional regulation.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564924


Se reconoce que la danza afroecuatoriana es un lazo de conexión con los ancestros y la identidad, y aporta una educación del movimiento que facilita, a su vez, el desarrollo de valores educativos en torno al tratamiento del cuerpo; ello favorece la motivación hacia la práctica de la actividad física continuada. El objetivo de la investigación radica en proponer la danza afroecuatoriana como una alternativa metodológica para la inclusión de estudiantes con hiperactividad y se contextualiza en décimo año, con un total de 35 estudiantes, y una muestra de un estudiante con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, de la Básica Superior de la Unidad Educativa "José Otilio Ramírez Reina", provincia de Esmeraldas en Ecuador. El estudio, se sustentó en un enfoque cuantitativo-cualitativo y el método dialectico-materialista; se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico como el histórico-lógico y el análisis-síntesis y del nivel empírico el análisis documental, la observación y la encuesta, para interpretar las derivaciones obtenidas en cada etapa que transitó desde el nivel exploratorio, descriptivo, hasta llegar a una explicación del fenómeno investigado. Los resultados revelan el insuficiente reconocimiento de la danza afroecuatoriana para la inclusión de estudiantes con este trastorno, así como la escasa producción científica relacionada con la temática. Del estudio realizado se concluyó que la danza afroecuatoriana constituye una vía expedita para un mejor conocimiento, disfrute y preservación de la identidad, en estos estudiantes.

Reconhece-se que a dança afro-equatoriana é um vínculo de ligação com os ancestrais e a identidade, e proporciona uma educação em movimento que facilita, por sua vez, o desenvolvimento de valores educativos em torno do tratamento do corpo; Isso favorece a motivação para a prática de atividade física continuada. O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em propor a dança afro-equatoriana como alternativa metodológica para a inclusão de alunos com hiperatividade e está contextualizada no décimo ano, com um total de 35 alunos, e uma amostra de um aluno com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, da Escola Básica Superior da Unidade Educacional "José Otilio Ramírez Reina", província de Esmeraldas no Equador. O estudo baseou-se na abordagem quanti-qualitativa e no método dialético-materialista; Métodos do nível teórico como histórico-lógico e análise-síntese e do nível empírico, análise documental, observação e levantamento, foram utilizados para interpretar as derivações obtidas em cada etapa que passou do nível exploratório, descritivo, até chegar a uma explicação do fenômeno investigado. Os resultados revelam o insuficiente reconhecimento da dança afro-equatoriana para a inclusão de alunos com esse transtorno, bem como a limitada produção científica relacionada ao tema. Do estudo realizado concluiu-se que a dança afro-equatoriana constitui um caminho expedito para um melhor conhecimento, diversão e preservação da identidade destes alunos.

Afro-Ecuadorian dance is a bond of connection with ancestors and identity, and provides an education in movement that facilitates, in turn, the development of educational values around the treatment of the body; this favors motivation towards the practice of continued physical activity. The objective of the research lies in proposing Afro-Ecuadorian dance as a methodological alternative for the inclusion of students with hyperactivity and is contextualized in the tenth grade, with a total of 35 students, and a sample of a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, from the Higher Basic School "José Otilio Ramírez Reina" Educational Unit, province of Esmeraldas in Ecuador. The study was based on a quantitative-qualitative approach and the dialectical-materialist method; methods from the theoretical level such as historical-logical and analysis-synthesis and from the empirical level, documentary analysis, observation and survey, were used to interpret the derivations obtained in each stage that went from the exploratory, descriptive level, until reaching an explanation of the phenomenon investigated. The results reveal the insufficient recognition of Afro-Ecuadorian dance for the inclusion of students with this disorder, as well as the limited scientific production related to the topic. From the study carried out, it was concluded that Afro-Ecuadorian dance constitutes an expeditious route for better knowledge, enjoyment and preservation of identity in these students.

Nutr Hosp ; 41(4): 781-787, 2024 Aug 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38967311


Introduction: Background: this study aimed to assess how the COVID-19 lockdown (March to June 2020) affected children's sleep quality, physical activity, screen time, and nutrition. Material and methods: the survey consisted of 479 children from the SENDO project, a pediatric cohort in Spain, aged 4-5 years. The BEAR questionnaire was used to evaluate sleep quality. Hierarchical models with two-level clustering were used to account for intra-cluster correlation between siblings, and the difference regression method was used to study the association between changes in screen consumption and physical activity and changes in sleep quality. Results: the results showed an increase in the consumption of homemade pastries and snacks. Sleep quality worsened significantly during confinement, with a mean score on the BEAR scale of 0.52 before, 1.43 during, and 1.07 after confinement. Although sleep quality improved significantly after the end of confinement, it remained worse than before. The average daily screen time increased from 1.13 hours before confinement to 2.65 hours during confinement. Physical activity decreased during confinement, with the mean number of hours per day decreasing from 1.27 to 0.79. Children who spent more time on screens during confinement had worse sleep quality, as indicated by their higher scores on the BEAR scale. We used the difference regression method to identify a statistically significant association between the increased screen time for leisure hours and the worsening of children's sleep quality during confinement. Conclusion: we observed a significant relationship between confinement and reduced sleep quality. Although the end of the lockdown led to a slight improvement, the average BEAR scale score remained higher post-confinement, suggesting that the consequences of the lockdown may persist over time.

Introducción: Introducción: el objetivo del estudio es evaluar el impacto del confinamiento por COVID-19 (marzo-junio 2020) en la calidad de sueño, actividad física, tiempo de pantallas y alimentación de los niños. Material y métodos: los participantes son 479 niños del proyecto SENDO. Los criterios de inclusión en el Proyecto fueron niños de 4-5 años, residentes en España, con un seguimiento periódico por medio de cuestionarios. Se utilizó el cuestionario BEAR para valorar la calidad del sueño. Se utilizaron modelos jerárquicos teniendo en cuenta la correlación entre hermanos, método de regresión de diferencias y la regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: se objetiva un aumento de consumo de bollería casera y snacks. La puntuación media de la escala BEAR fue de 0,52; 1,43; y 1,07 antes, durante y después del confinamiento, respectivamente, por lo que la calidad de sueño empeoró significativamente durante el confinamiento y mejoró tras el fin, pero persistiendo peor que previo al mismo. El tiempo medio de pantallas por ocio al día es de 1,13 horas previo al confinamiento, con aumento significativo durante el mismo a 2,65. La media de horas al día de actividad física previo al confinamiento es de 1,27 descendiendo a 0,79 durante el mismo. Los niños que se encuentran en el tercil superior de consumo de pantallas tienen significativamente (p < 0,05) mayor puntuación en la escala BEAR (peor calidad de sueño). Observamos una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el aumento de exposición a pantallas y el empeoramiento de la calidad de sueño. Conclusiones: el periodo de confinamiento se asoció a una disminución de la actividad física, un mayor tiempo de consumo con pantallas y una peor calidad del sueño. La peor calidad del sueño persistió al acabar ese periodo, confirmando las tendencias previas a la pandemia.

COVID-19 , Diet , Exercise , Screen Time , Sleep Quality , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Spain/epidemiology , Quarantine , Surveys and Questionnaires , Communicable Disease Control/methods
SciELO Preprints; jul. 2024.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9320


Objective: compare the effects of circuit training and walking on glycemic control in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: this randomized trial in primary  care clinic. The primary outcomes assessed were glycated hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose. Two primary health care were randomized to the circuit training and three to the walking, including 41 women (circuit=28; walking=13). Intra- and inter-group comparisons were conducted by intention-to-treat. Results:  no changes were observed in glycated hemoglobin (p=0.209) and fasting blood glucose (p=0.123). Localized muscular resistance of the lower limbs and cardiorespiratory fitness increased in the functional training (p=0.002; p=0.009, respectively), and blood pressure decreased significantly in both groups (p=0.006; p=0.046, respectively). Conclusion: the interventions did not improve glycemic control. Circuit training was effective in improving physical fitness, and both models were effective in controlling participants' blood pressure.

Objetivo: comparar el efecto del entrenamiento en circuito y de la caminata sobre el control glicémico en mujeres diabéticas tipo 2. Métodos: se trata de ensayo randomizado en clínicas de atención primária. Los resultados primarios fueron la hemoglobina glucosilada y la glucosa. Fueron dos unidades para entrenamiento en circuito y tres para caminata, incluídas 41 mujeres (circuito=28; caminata=13). Comparaciones intra y entre grupos fueron conducidas por intención de tratar. Resultados: No se observaron cambios en el hemoglobina glucosilada (p=0,209) y la glucosa (p=0,123). La resistencia muscular localizada de miembros inferiores y la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria aumentaran en el entrenamiento en circuito (p=0,002; p=0,009, respectivamente), y la presión arterial sistólica e diastólica se redujo significativamente en los  grupos (p=0,006; p=0,046, respectivamente). Conclusión: las intervenciones no cambiaram el control glicémico. El entrenamiento en circuito mejoró la aptitud física y los dos modelos fueron eficaces para controlar la presión arterial de las participantes.

Objetivo: comparar o efeito do treinamento em circuito e da caminhada sobre o controle glicêmico de mulheres diabéticas tipo 2. Métodos: trata-se de ensaio randomizado em unidades básicas de saúde. Os desfechos primários foram hemoglobina glicada e glicemia de jejum. Duas unidades foram randomizadas para o treinamento em circuito e três para caminhada, incluiu-se41 mulheres (circuito=28; caminhada=13). Comparações intra e entre grupos foram conduzidas por intenção de tratar. Resultados:  não foram observadas mudanças entre os grupos na hemoglobina glicada (p=0,209) e glicemia de jejum (p=0,123).   A resistência muscular localizada de membros inferiores e aptidão cardiorrespiratória aumentaram com o circuito (p=0,002; p=0,009, respectivamente) e a pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica reduziram significativamente nos grupos (p=0,006; p=0,046, respectivamente). Conclusão: as intervenções não melhoraram o controle glicêmico. O treinamento em circuito foi eficiente para melhorar a aptidão física e os dois modelos foram eficazes para controlar a pressão arterial das participantes.

Aten Primaria ; 56(11): 102993, 2024 Jun 13.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875834


OBJECTIVES: Assess the prevalence of physical inactivity and risk of sarcopenia in primary care patients and their companions. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. We carried out an anonymous survey of primary care users (patients and companions) in primary care consultations and stands coinciding with a community health activity for World Physical Activity Day. SITE: Five primary care centers (CAPs) of the South Metropolitan health region: in Cornellà de Llobregat (CAP Jaume Soler), in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat (CAP Florida Nord, CAP Florida Sud and CAP Bellvitge) and in Viladecans (CAP Maria Bernades) between 27 March to April 6, 2023 (coinciding with World Physical Activity Day). PARTICIPANTS: Primary care population consists of patients and their companions over 18 years of age. INTERVENTIONS: The health workers administered questionnaires to users and companions. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: We evaluated physical inactivity with the BPAAT questionnaire, risk of sarcopenia with SARC-F screening test, sex and age range. We performed an univariate descriptive analysis to report prevalence. RESULTS: Nine hundred ninety-eight participants were surveyed. Physical inactivity was present in 38.9% of the participants. Among those over 50 years (665 participants), 15.4% were at risk of sarcopenia (9.58% men, 19.2% women). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of physical inactivity and risk of sarcopenia (in individuals over 50 years old) in the studied population is high. Women have greater physical inactivity and a greater risk of sarcopenia than men.

Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(2): 101-111, Junio 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1556075


Introducción: El Xiaomi Mi Band 4 (XMB4) demostró ser exacto para medir pasos en sujetos sanos, pero no ha sido estudiado en pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas (ERC). Objetivos: Evaluar la exactitud del XMB4 para cuantificar pasos caminados en pacientes con ERC. Secundariamente, evaluar su viabilidad y usabilidad.Material y métodos: Estudio de concordancia contrastando los datos del XMB4 con la video-filmación (prueba de referencia). Fueron incluidos mayores de 18 años con diversas ERC y excluidos aquellos con deterioro cognitivo, limitaciones osteoarticulares y/o cardiovasculares que impedían la marcha. Realizamos un muestreo por conveniencia de pacientes que participaban de un programa de rehabilitación pulmonar.Las variables estudiadas incluyeron número de pasos, distancia y tiempo caminado, velocidad de la marcha, viabilidad y usabilidad. Cada participante realizó cinco caminatas (5, 10 y 30 metros, y 5 minutos a ritmo lento y rápido). Para testear la equivalencia estadística, necesitamos incluir 33 pacientes y utilizamos el método de intervalo de confianza con una zona de equivalencia de ±15%. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 33 pacientes, 64% mujeres, con una mediana (P25-75) de edad de 64,9 (55,8 a 70,2) años. Los pasos registrados por el XMB4 fueron equivalentes a los de la video-filmación en las diferentes caminatas, excepto en la de 5 metros. Los pasos fueron subestimados con un error de medición menor al 15%. Conclusiones: El XMB4 tiene una exactitud aceptable para medir pasos en pacientes con ERC excepto en caminatas muy cortas, es viable y fácil de usar

Introduction: Xiaomi Mi Band 4 (XMB4) has been shown to be accurate to measure steps in healthy subjects, but has not been studied in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD).Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of the XMB4 to quantify steps walked in patients with CRD. Secondarily, evaluate its feasibility and usability.Materials and methods: Agreement study compared the XMB4 data with the video (reference test). Adults aged 18 years or older with various CRD were included and those with cognitive impairment, osteoarticular and/or cardiovascular limitations that prevented walking were excluded. We conducted a convenience sampling of patients participating in a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Outcome measures studied included number of steps, distance and time walked, walking speed, feasibility and usability. Each participant performed five walks (5, 10 and 30 meters, and 5 minutes at a slow and fast pace).To test statistical equivalence we need to include 33 patients and use the confidence interval method with an equivalence zone of ±15%.Results: 33 patients were included, 64% women, with a median (P25-75) age of 64.9 (55.8 to 70.2) years. The steps recorded by the XMB4 were equivalent to those of the video in the different walks, except for the 5-meter walk. The steps were underestimated with a measurement error of less than 15%.Conclusions: XMB4 has acceptable accuracy for measuring steps in patients with CRD except for very short walks, it is feasible and easy to us.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Walk Test/instrumentation , Fitness Trackers/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Rehabilitation , Chronic Disease , Walking , Walking Speed , User-Centered Design
MHSalud ; 21(1): 104-121, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564765


Resumen Introducción: diversos estudios describen los diferentes beneficios de la práctica de actividad física en niños y adolescentes; su déficit en estos grupos etarios, provoca un aumento concomitante de alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas. Objetivo: analizar los patrones de actividad física, la maduración biológica y el contenido mineral óseo en escolares colombianos entre 8 y 16 años de edad en función del estrato socioeconómico al que pertenecen. Materiales y métodos: estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal con alcance correlacional el cual incluyó una muestra representativa para escolares colombianos entre 8-16 años de edad a los cuales se les valoró el nivel de actividad física a través del PAQ-C, igualmente, se evaluaron diferentes medidas antropométricas y de manera indirecta se determinó la velocidad pico de crecimiento (VPC) y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO). Resultados: se evaluaron un total de 2147 escolares de los cuales el 56,7 % pertenecían a instituciones educativas del sistema público, se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el sexo y el estrato socioeconómico con el nivel de actividad física (p<0,005) y las demás variables de estudio. Conclusión: se puede concluir que la actividad física, la maduración biológica y la salud ósea guardan estrecha relación con la condición socioeconómica en escolares colombianos lo que permite establecer diagnósticos tempranos y toma de decisiones frente a programas y estrategias educativas y de salud pública.

Abstract Introduction: Several studies describe the different benefits of physical activity in children and adolescents. Indeed, when a deficit of physical activity is evident in these age groups, there is a concomitant increase in metabolic and metabolic disorders. Objective: to analyze the patterns of physical activity, biological maturation and bone mineral content in Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age according to the socioeconomic status to which they belong. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study with a correlational scope, which included a representative sample of Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age, who were assessed for their level of physical activity through the PAQ-C, also, different anthropometric measurements are evaluated and indirectly the peak growth velocity (PSV) and bone mineral density (BMD) are prolonged. Results: a total of 2147 schoolchildren were evaluated, of which 56.7% belonged to educational institutions of the public system, statistically significant associations were found between sex and socioeconomic status with the level of physical activity and the other study variables. Conclusion: It can be concluded that physical activity, biological maturation and bone health are closely related to socioeconomic status in Colombian schoolchildren, which allows early diagnoses and decision-making regarding educational and public health programs and strategies.

Resumo Introdução: Vários estudos descrevem os diferentes benefícios da prática de atividade física em crianças e adolescentes. De fato, quando um déficit de atividade física é evidenciado nessas faixas etárias, ocorre um aumento concomitante de distúrbios cardiovasculares e metabólicos. Objetivo: analisar os padrões de atividade física, maturação biológica e conteúdo mineral ósseo em escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade de acordo com o status socioeconômico ao qual pertencem. Materiais e métodos: Um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal com escopo correlacional, que incluiu uma amostra representativa de escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade, que foram avaliados quanto ao seu nível de atividade física por meio do PAQ-C, além disso, diferentes medidas antropométricas são avaliadas e, indiretamente, a velocidade máxima de crescimento (PSV) e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) são prolongadas. Resultados: Um total de 2147 escolares foram avaliados, dos quais 56,7% pertenciam a instituições educacionais do sistema público, foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significativas entre sexo e status socioeconômico com o nível de atividade física e as outras variáveis do estudo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que a atividade física, a maturação biológica e a saúde óssea estão intimamente relacionadas ao status socioeconômico em escolares colombianos, o que permite diagnósticos precoces e tomada de decisões em relação a programas e estratégias educacionais e de saúde pública.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Social Class , Exercise , Bone Density , Growth and Development , Colombia
Rehabilitacion (Madr) ; 58(3): 100851, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38703489


Breast cancer has a high incidence rate and a negative impact on women's lives. The practice of physical activity (PA) has shown strong evidence in controlling the side effects associated with the disease and its treatment. However, having an active lifestyle is influenced by socio-health inequities. The objective was to analyze the categories related to the meanings and perceived experiences with PA in breast cancer survivors (BCS). Protocol Articles describing the meanings of PA in BCS published after 2010 were included. Fourteen articles were analyzed using line-by-line coding. The emerging categories were: 1)PA as a strategy to re-signify and empower the body. 2)Cancer means a change in PA trajectories. 3)PA is a tool for a healthy and functional body in everyday life.

Breast Neoplasms , Cancer Survivors , Exercise , Qualitative Research , Humans , Breast Neoplasms/psychology , Female , Cancer Survivors/psychology , Self Concept
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38723769


INTRODUCTION: Normal quality of life is an ultimate target in the therapeutic approach to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), encompassing Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in the context of which regular physical activity (PA) is often a chimeric parameter that is not standardized in terms of quality/quantity. The study aimed to profile a sample of IBD patients about the relationship between PA-partner status and social network support. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A post hoc analysis of the "BE-FIT-IBD" study was set up by stratifying the data of PA with that of partner status and the support that the patient's social network (i.e., relatives, friends) provided in inciting the patient to practice regular PA. RESULTS: In the 219 patients included, there was a greater tendency for patients with stable partners to view the risk of reactivation/worsening of IBD as a barrier to conducting regular PA (p<0.0001). Single patients considered PA more as a protective factor (p=0.045). Patients without a PA-supporting social network retained IBD-related treatment as a PA barrier (p=0.016) and PA as a risk for IBD complications (p=0.01), with less confidence that PA could improve the course of IBD (p<0.001). Rectal syndrome was an IBD-related barrier more represented in patients with PA-deterring social network (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: These factors are potential targets for recovering the IBD patient's adherence to regular PA.

Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(5): 101495, 2024 Apr 30.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38691897


INTRODUCTION: Physical activity acts as an adjuvant in the treatment of numerous diseases and in the promotion of healthy aging. Increasing longevity entails an increase in the demand for professionals who prescribe physical activity, specifically physiotherapists and physical-activity educators. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of a group of third- and fourth-year Physiotherapy students (n=9) and Sport Sciences students (n=5), and experts who work with older adults (n=3) about their knowledge of the older adult population and healthy aging. The secondary objectives were to: (a) explore what knowledge future professionals need about physical activity programming and about physical activity programs aimed at maintaining and improving health among older adults; (b) explore what would be the best methodology to acquire such knowledge; and (c) explore whether a relationship is perceived between knowledge about the older adult population and motivation to work with this population group. METHODS: Two discussion groups with students and three interviews with experts were conducted. Discussion groups and interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed through a reflexive thematic analysis, following the steps described by Braun and Clarke (2021). RESULTS: Three themes were identified from the discussion groups: (1) conception and ideas about older adults, (2) skills and knowledge perceived as important, and (3) proposals for motivational intervention addressed to the older population. Four themes were identified from the interviews with experts: (1) characteristics of the future professional, (2) physical activity programs for older people: the recipe for success, (3) the role of enjoyment as key to success, and (4) barriers/obstacles along the path. CONCLUSION: Students of both degrees and experts believe that more practical training opportunities are needed, to enable students to interact with the older population and get to know their needs, motivations, and barriers, to increase physical activity levels in this population group.

Nutr Hosp ; 41(3): 612-618, 2024 Jun 27.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38666328


Introduction: Introduction: the Goldberg and Black method estimates dietary underreporting in epidemiological food consumption studies. This method compares the self-reported energy intake of the subjects with the estimate of their total energy expenditure. Objective: to evaluate underreporting and overreporting at individual and group levels in Health Sciences students. Material and methods: the study was cross-sectional and prospective; the participants recorded their food consumption through two dietary records, one on the weekend and the other on the weekdays. They previously answered to sign an informed consent letter, after which the physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) they were also weighed and measured, and then the basal metabolic rate (BMR) was estimated, It calculated later the declared intake (EI)/BMR ratio, and finally, the cut-off points to determine under-declarers, over declarators and plausible declarators. Results: we found 14.81 % underreporting at the individual level and 44.44 % at the group level. The subjects with a higher BMI and those who performed strenuous physical activity were the ones who underreported the most. The subjects underreported performed moderate and severe physical activity at the group level. Conclusions: it is crucial to carry out this methodology to verify the results of dietary evaluation since underreporting affects the estimation of nutrient intake and can alter the associations between diet and diseases in epidemiological studies.

Introducción: Introducción: el método de Goldberg y Black se utiliza para estimar la infradeclaración dietética en los estudios epidemiológicos de consumo de alimentos. Este método se basa en la comparación de la ingesta de energía autodeclarada por los sujetos con la estimación de su gasto energético total. Objetivo: evaluar la infradeclaración y sobredeclaración a nivel individual y grupal en estudiantes de Ciencias de la salud. Material y métodos: el estudio fue transversal y prospectivo; los participantes registraron el consumo de alimentos por medio de dos registros dietéticos, uno de fin de semana y otro de entre semana. Previamente se les solicitó la firma de una carta de consentimiento informado y después se les aplicó el cuestionario de actividad física (IPAQ). También se les peso y midió, luego se estimó la tasa metabólica basal (BMR), posteriormente se calculó la relación de la ingesta declarada (EI)/BMR y, por último, se eligieron los puntos de corte para determinar quiénes eran infradeclaradores, sobredeclaradores y declaradores plausibles. Resultados: se encontró un 14,81 % de infradeclaración a nivel individual y un 44,44 % a nivel grupal. Los sujetos con mayor IMC y los que realizaban actividad física intensa son los que mayor infradeclaración reportan y, a nivel grupal, los sujetos que realizan actividad física moderada e intensa también fueron infradeclaradores. Conclusiones: es crucial llevar a cabo esta metodología para verificar los resultados de la evaluación dietética ya que la infradeclaración afecta a la estimación de la ingesta de nutrientes y puede alterar las asociaciones entre dieta y enfermedades en los estudios epidemiológicos.

Diet Records , Energy Intake , Self Report , Humans , Pilot Projects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Male , Young Adult , Prospective Studies , Adult , Basal Metabolism , Exercise , Cohort Studies , Energy Metabolism
Rev Clin Esp (Barc) ; 224(6): 387-392, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38679321


INTRODUCTION: Physical activity (PA) is associated with positive health outcomes such as prevention of chronic diseases, psychological well-being and improved work performance. Medical residents are subjected to sleep deprivation, extended work schedule and high burnout prevalence. These conditions may lead to the neglect of personal health and the restriction of time dedicated to PA. The objective of the present study was to analyze the time dedicated to PA of medical residents, comparing women vs men residents and surgical vs clinical residents. METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study performed in a Spanish third-level university hospital. All medical residents from our institution were invited to voluntarily participate in the study answering a web-based questionnaire on June 2022. Data regarding demographics, residency and PA practice was recorded. RESULTS: The response rate was 20.73% (114/550). The 32.5% of the residents considered themselves to be physically inactive and mean time dedicated to PA in a regular week was 3.62 ±â€¯2.22 h. Men residents dedicated more time to PA than women residents (4.23 ±â€¯2.42 h vs 3.14 ±â€¯1.95 h, p = 0.012) and surgical residents dedicated more time than clinical residents (4.33 ±â€¯2.36 h vs 3.23 ±â€¯2.05 h, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: One third of the medical residents consider themself physically inactive. Women and clinical residents practice PA less time than men and surgical residents. Efforts should be made to encourage PA among residents, especially in women and non-surgeons.

Exercise , Internship and Residency , Humans , Male , Female , Cross-Sectional Studies , Adult , Sex Factors , Time Factors , Spain , Surveys and Questionnaires
SciELO Preprints; abr. 2024.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-8381


Introduction: We developed the intervention Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS 3.0). This behavior change program aims to motivate people towards an active and healthy lifestyle. Objective: describe the development process of VAMOS 3.0 in print and online formats. Methods: A methodological study of content analysis, structure, implementation, and evaluation were carried out to develop a new version of VAMOS 3.0. Results: The new version had changes in content (short, direct, and affirmative sentences, images, color palette), structure (increased number of sections, time of application), and implementation (duration, form of participation, monitoring). In addition to the printed format, an online program was created containing the same characteristics to expand the reach. Final considerations: VAMOS 3.0 is suitable for public health in Brazil and has promising strategies for application in basic health units, as well as in other types of institutions such as schools, government offices, gyms, public or private companies.

Introducción: Desarrollamos la intervención Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS 3.0). Este programa de cambio de comportamiento tiene como objetivo motivar a las personas hacia un estilo de vida activo y saludable. Objetivo: describir el proceso de desarrollo de VAMOS 3.0 en formato impreso y en línea. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio metodológico de análisis de contenido, estructura, implementación y evaluación para desarrollar una nueva versión de VAMOS 3.0. Resultados: La nueva versión tuvo cambios en contenido (oraciones cortas, directas y afirmativas, imágenes, paleta de colores), estructura (mayor número de secciones, tiempo de aplicación) e implementación (duración, forma de participación, seguimiento). Además del formato impreso, se creó un programa online con las mismas características para ampliar el alcance. Consideraciones finales: VAMOS 3.0 es adecuado para la salud pública en Brasil y tiene estrategias prometedoras para su aplicación en unidades básicas de salud, así como en otro tipo de instituciones como escuelas, oficinas gubernamentales, gimnasios, empresaspúblicas o privadas.

Introdução: Desenvolvemos a intervenção Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS 3.0). Este programa de mudança de comportamento visa motivar as pessoas para um estilo de vida ativo e saudável. Objetivo: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento do VAMOS 3.0 nos formatos impresso e online. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo metodológico de análise de conteúdo, estrutura, implementação e avaliação para desenvolver uma nova versão do VAMOS 3.0. Resultados: A nova alteração teve no conteúdo (frases curtas, diretas e afirmativas, imagens, paleta de cores), estrutura (aumento do número de versões, tempo de aplicação) e implementação (duração, forma de participação, acompanhamento). Além do formato impresso, foi criado um programa online contendo as mesmas características para ampliar o alcance. Considerações finais: O VAMOS 3.0 é adequado para a saúde pública no Brasil e possui estratégias promissoras para aplicação em unidades básicas de saúde, bem como em outros tipos de instituições como escolas, repartições públicas, academias, empresas públicas ou privadas.

SEMERGEN, Soc. Esp. Med. Rural Gen. (Ed. Impr.) ; 50(3): [102148], Abr. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232211


Existe evidencia que demuestra los beneficios de la práctica de actividad física (AF)/ejercicio para la madre después del parto. Sin embargo, este periodo posparto (PP) es, a menudo, una oportunidad perdida en el curso de la vida de las mujeres, para comenzar o reanudar la práctica de ejercicio físico, y obtener los grandes beneficios que esto les puede reportar. El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar los beneficios del ejercicio durante el PP; la prescripción de AF; las recomendaciones sobre el momento de reanudar su práctica; las barreras y facilitadores; el ejercicio físico realizado durante la lactancia materna; así como su papel en las enfermedades y molestias más frecuentes en este periodo, teniendo siempre presente que la labor del médico de atención primaria resulta fundamental para motivar y alentar a las mujeres para que lo practiquen después del parto. (AU)

There is evidence that demonstrates the benefits of practicing physical activity/exercise for the mother after childbirth. However, this postpartum period (PP) is often a missed opportunity in a lifetime for women to start or resume physical exercise and get the great benefits that it can bring them. The objective of this article was to analyze the benefits of physical exercise during PP; the prescription of physical exercise; recommendations on when to resume your practice; barriers and facilitators; physical exercise during breastfeeding; as well as its role in the most frequent illnesses and discomforts in this period, always keeping in mind that the work of the primary care doctor is essential to motivate and encourage women to perform physical exercise in the PP. (AU)

Humans , Female , Exercise , Gestational Weight Gain , Primary Health Care , Breast Feeding , Physicians
Nutr. hosp ; 41(2): 338-345, Mar-Abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232649


Introduction: risk factors associated with obesity such as poor dietary quality, low physical activity (PA), screen time (ST), and poor sleep duration (SD) were affected during confinement resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Objective: the aim of our study was to evaluate the association between PA, ST and SD with the consumption of non-recommended food groups (N-RFG) in children during the COVID-19 pandemic, using data from ENSARS-CoV-2 Girls and Boys. Methods: data were gathered through a self-administered electronic survey carried out in four regions of Mexico during September and October 2020. Dietary patterns were established using k-means cluster analysis. Linear regression models were used to study the effect of food consumption patterns and PA on hours of ST per week. Results: in all, 2,405 children aged 2 to 11 were studied. Three food group consumption patterns were identified. Group 1 or “high consumption of added sugars group” and Group 2 or “high consumption of N-RFG group” children reported more hours of ST than those in Group 3 or “low consumption of N-RFG group” (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). Group 2 reported more hours per week of ST but also more days of PA vs Group 3. Conclusion: confronted by the pandemic, it is essential to redouble efforts to reverse the harmful effects of lifestyles during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve the health of Mexican children in the years to come.(AU)

Introducción: los factores de riesgo asociados a la obesidad, como la pobre calidad de la dieta, la baja actividad física (AF), el tiempo frente a pantallas (TP) y la corta duración del sueño (DS), se vieron afectados durante el confinamiento resultado de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2. Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la asociación entre AF, TP y DS y el consumo de grupos de alimentos no recomendados (GANR) en niños durante la pandemia por COVID-19, utilizando datos de la ENSARS-CoV-2 Niñas y Niños.Métodos: la información fue recolectada por medio de una encuesta electrónica autoadministrada durante septiembre y octubre de 2020 en las 4 regiones de México. Para establecer patrones de consumo de alimentos se utilizó un análisis de conglomerados por el método de las medias k. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión lineal para estudiar los efectos de los patrones de consumo de alimentos sobre AF y TP. Resultados: la muestra fue de 2,405 niños de 2 a 11 años de edad. Se identifi caron 3 grupos de patrones de consumo de alimentos. El grupo 1 o de “alto consumo de azúcares añadidos” y el grupo 2 o de “alto consumo de GANR” reportaron un mayor número de horas a la semana frente a una pantalla en comparación con el grupo 3 o de “bajo consumo de GANR” (p < 0,001 y p < 0,001, respectivamente). El grupo 2 reportó menos horas a la semana de TP pero también más días de AF con respecto al grupo 3.Conclusión: se ha vuelto esencial duplicar los esfuerzos para revertir los efectos nocivos en los estilos de vida que se establecieron durante la pandemia para mejorar la salud de los niños mexicanos en los años subsecuentes.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , /psychology , Life Style , Screen Time , Exercise , Diet, Healthy , /epidemiology , Child Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mexico
Nutr. hosp ; 41(2): 426-432, Mar-Abr. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232659


Background: the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people’s behaviors and mental health around the world. Aim: to verify the mediating role of physical activity (PA) level in the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and anxiety and depression symptoms in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study with Brazilian adults aged ≥ 18 years (N = 2000, 59.6 % women) selected by the nonprobabilistic snowball method through digital means of communication (WhatsApp®, Telegram®, Facebook®, Twitter®, e-mails). Linear regression models were fitted for PA level mediation analyses in the relationship between BMI and anxiety/depression symptoms. Results: significant differences were found between the active/not overweight group and the other three groups (active/overweight, insufficiently active/not overweight and insufficiently active/overweight [p < 0.001]) for anxiety/depression after adjusting for age, sex, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, and smoking. When testing the mediating role of daily PA in the association between BMI and anxiety/depression symptoms, BMI was negatively associated with daily PA in the first regression equation (p < 0.001); in the second, BMI was positively related to anxiety/depression symptoms (p < 0.001); and in the third, daily PA showed an inverse relationship with anxiety/depression symptoms (p < 0.001), and although BMI remained negatively associated with anxiety/depression symptoms, these associations maintained their statistical significance. Conclusions: the results suggest that the effect of BMI on anxiety and depression was partially mediated by daily PA.(AU)

Introducción: la pandemia de covid-19 ha afectado el comportamiento y la salud mental de las personas en todo el mundo. Objetivo: verificar la mediación del nivel de actividad física (af) en la relación entre el índice de masa corporal (imc) y los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en adultos durante la pandemia covid-19. Métodos: estudio transversal, con adultos brasileños con edad ≥ 18 años (n = 2.000, 59,6 % mujeres), seleccionados por el método no probabilístico de bola de nieve, a través de medios de comunicación digitales (whatsapp®, telegram®, facebook®, twitter®, correos electrónicos).se ajustaron modelos de regresión lineal para los análisis de la mediación del nivel de actividad física en la relación entre el imc y los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el grupo activo/sin exceso de peso y los otros tres grupos (activo/con exceso de peso, insuficientemente activo/sin exceso de peso e insuficientemente activo/con exceso de peso [p < 0,001]) para ansiedad/depresión después de ajustar por edad, sexo, enfermedades, consumo de alcohol y tabaquismo. al probar el papel mediador de la af diaria en la asociación entre el imc y los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión, en la primera ecuación de regresión, el imc se asoció negativamente con la af diaria (p < 0,001); en la segunda, el imc se relacionó positivamente con los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión (p < 0,001); y en la tercera, la af diaria mostró una relación inversa con los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión (p < 0,001), y aunque el imc mantuvo una asociación negativa con dichos síntomas, estas asociaciones conservaron su significación estadística. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren que el efecto del imc sobre la ansiedad y la depresión estuvo parcialmente mediado por la actividad física diaria.

Humans , Male , Female , /psychology , Anxiety , Exercise , Depression , Mental Health , Feeding Behavior , /epidemiology , Brazil , Nutritional Sciences , Cross-Sectional Studies