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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(2): 81-87, jun2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437510


Introducción: la evidencia de vida real muestra deficiencias en alcanzar los objetivos de control del asma, con elevado consumo de agonistas beta-2 de acción corta (SA-BA) y sobreuso de corticoides sistémicos (CS). Métodos: estudio observacional, des-criptivo, aplicando la herramienta ReferID con 4 preguntas para identificar pacientes con asma no controlada y/o en riesgo de crisis severas: en los últimos 12 meses [1] ¿Re-cibió ≥2 ciclos de CS y/o los usó como mantenimiento?; [2] ¿Tuvo ≥2 visitas a emergen-cias por asma?; [3] ¿Estuvo intubado o en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) por as-ma?; [4] ¿Cuántos inhaladores de SABA ha utilizado? Una respuesta afirmativa a las preguntas 1, 2 o 3, o usar ≥3 envases de SABA, sugieren riesgo de ataque grave, nece-sidad de CS y/o riesgo vital. En estos pacientes se recomienda evaluación por especia-listas. Resultados: participaron 441 pacientes de 7 instituciones del Área Metropolita-na de Buenos Aires. Al 60,1% (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95]:55,5%-64,7%) se le recomendó evaluación por especialista. El 33,8% (IC95:29,39%-38,21%) recibió ≥2 ciclos de CS y/o los usaba como mantenimiento. El 36,1% (IC95:31,62%-40,58%) asis-tió ≥2 veces a emergencias. El 41,5% (IC95:30,06%-38,94%) usó ≥3 envases de SABA. El 8,8% (IC95:6,16%-11,44%) tenía historia de intubación o UCI. El 37,2% se atendió en instituciones públicas, con indicadores de gravedad significativamente mayores que en las privadas. Conclusiones: ReferID es una herramienta simple que ayuda a identificar a pacientes en riesgo de crisis severa y/o que pudieran tener diagnóstico de asma gra-ve; y que se beneficiarían de una evaluación por un especialista. AU

Introduction: real-life evidence shows deficiencies in achieving asthma control goals, with high use of short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) and overuse of systemic cortico-steroids (SC). Methods: observational, descriptive study, applying the ReferID tool with 4 questions to identify patients with uncontrolled asthma and/or at risk of severe crisis: in the last 12 months [1] Have you received ≥2 cycles of CS and/or used them as main-tenance therapy?; [2] Have you had ≥2 emergency visits for asthma?; [3] Have you ever been intubated or admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for asthma?; [4] How many SABA inhalers have you used? An affirmative answer to questions 1, 2 or 3, or using ≥3 canisters of SABA, suggests risk of severe attack, need for CS and/or life-threatening risk. In these patients, evaluation by specialists is recommended. Results: 441 patients from 7 institutions in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires were enrolled. An evalu-ation by specialists was recommended for 60.1% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 55.5%-64.7%); 33.8% (95%CI:29.39%-38.21%) received ≥2 cycles of CS and/or used them as maintenance; 36.1% (95%CI:31.62%-40.58%) attended ≥2 times to the emer-gency department; 41.5% (95%CI:30.06%-38.94%) used ≥3 containers of SABA; 8.8% (95%CI:6.16%-11.44%) had a history of intubation or ICU admission; 37.2% were as-sisted in public institutions, with significantly higher severity indicators than in private ones. Conclusions: Refer ID is a simple, useful tool to quickly identify asthma patients who are at risk of severe exacerbations and/or may have a diagnosis of severe asthma and would benefit from evaluation by a specialist. AU

Humans , Primary Health Care , Asthma/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Argentina , Referral and Consultation , Patient Outcome Assessment
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(1): 133-136, 20230401.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426775


Introducción: La diabetes mellitus (DM) es una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria muy frecuente y por ende una de las emergencias sanitarias mundiales de más rápido crecimiento en las últimas décadas. Hay tres ejes que impactan en la progresión del compromiso renal del paciente diabético. El eje hemodinámico, metabólico e inflamatorio. Resaltamos la importancia del componente inflamatorio como actor protagónico en el desarrollo de la Enfermedad renal diabética (ERD). El manejo del paciente con ERD debe ser holístico, con tres objetivos claros: buen control metabólico, disminuir progresión de la enfermedad renal y disminuir los desenlaces cardiovasculares adversos. Actualmente además de las intervenciones no farmacológicas, el control de los factores de riesgo, el uso de los IECAS/ARA II hay nuevos pilares en el tratamiento de la ERD. Objetivos: El objetivo de esta comunicación es revisar los nuevos pilares en el manejo de la ERD. En la revisión bibliográfica que se hizo, encontramos que hay tres nuevos pilares en el tratamiento. Los inhibidores SGLT-2, los agonistas del receptor GLP-1 y por último finerenona, que es un antagonista selectivo no esteroideo del receptor mineralocorticoide (ARM), no es un antidiabético. Con estas nuevas terapias el manejo actual de estos pacientes ha cambiado considerablemente. Conclusión: Hay nuevos pilares en el tratamiento de la ERD. Los inhibidores SGLT-2, los Agonistas del receptor GLP-1 y el uso de ARM como finerenona, que nos brindan beneficios cardio­renales y que hacen que hoy en día el tratamiento de la ERD tenga un mejor panorama.

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a very common chronic inflammatory disease and finally one of the fastest-growing global health emergencies in recent decades. Three axes impact the progression of renal compromise in diabetic patients. The hemodynamic, metabolic, and inflammatory axis. We highlight the importance of the inflammatory component as a leading actor in developing Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD). The management of the patient with CKD must be holistic, with three clear objectives: reasonable metabolic control, slowing the progression of kidney disease, and reducing adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Currently, in addition to non-pharmacological interventions, the control of risk factors, and the use of ACE inhibitors/ARA II, there are new pillars in the treatment of CKD. Objectives: The objective of this communication is to review the new pillars in the management of DKD. In the bibliographic review that was carried out, we found that there are three new pillars in the treatment. SGLT-2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, and finally finerenone, which is a selective non-steroidal antagonist of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MRA), not an antidiabetic. With these new therapies, the current management of these patients has changed considerably. Conclusion: There are new pillars in the treatment of DKD. The SGLT-2 inhibitors, the GLP-1 receptor agonists, and the use of MRAs such as finerenone provide us with cardio-renal benefits and which today make the treatment of CKD have a better outlook.

Diabetes Mellitus , Therapeutics , Kidney Diseases
BrJP ; 6(supl.2): 109-113, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513792


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The discovery of the psychoactive agent of Cannabis sativa (tetrahydrocannabinol - THC) in the second half of the 20th century originated the research that later came to identify dozens of other substances from this plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Ensuing description of their interaction sites in animals and humans, together with endogenous ligands, transport proteins as well as synthesis and degradation enzymes, revealed what came to be known as the endocannabinoid system. Several receptors participate in this system. CONTENTS: The first receptors to be discovered were called CB1 and CB2, both are G protein-coupled (GPCR). It is noteworthy that CB1 receptors are among the most abundant and widely distributed GPCR in the mammalian brain, with marked expression in basal ganglia, cerebellum and hippocampus, for instance; on the other hand, they are scarce in areas of the brainstem related to breathing control. In light of the multiplicity of pharmacological effects of cannabinoids, concomitant with the lack of more clarifying studies on their mechanisms of action despite the great interest in research on their therapeutic application, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge in this area. CONCLUSION: Considering the literature research conducted for the composition of this article, it is possible to conclude that cannabinoids have a broad spectrum of action mechanisms in the human body, and that more robust clinical studies are needed to better understand their broad therapeutic potential.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A descoberta do princípio psicoativo da Cannabis sativa (tetrahidrocanabinol - THC) na segunda metade do século XX inaugurou pesquisas que posteriormente vieram a identificar dezenas de outras substâncias a partir dessa planta, incluindo canabinoides, terpenos e flavonoides. A subsequente descrição dos sítios de interação dessas substâncias em animais e humanos, assim como seus ligantes endógenos, proteínas de transporte e enzimas de síntese e degradação, revelou o que veio a ser conhecido como sistema endocanabinoide. Diversos receptores participam deste sistema. CONTEÚDO: Os primeiros receptores a serem descobertos foram denominados CB1 e CB2, ambos são acoplados à proteína G (GPCR). É importante ressaltar que os receptores CB1 estão entre os GPCRs mais abundantes e amplamente distribuídos do encéfalo de mamíferos, com marcada expressão, por exemplo, em gânglios da base, cerebelo e hipocampo; em contrapartida, são escassos em áreas do tronco cerebral relacionadas ao controle da respiração. Diante da multiplicidade de efeitos farmacológicos dos canabinoides, concomitante à falta de estudos mais esclarecedores sobre seus mecanismos de ação apesar do grande interesse na pesquisa de sua aplicação terapêutica, é preciso aprofundar o conhecimento nessa área. CONCLUSÃO: Considerando as pesquisas bibliográficas realizadas para a composição deste artigo, é possível concluir que os canabinoides possuem um amplo espectro de mecanismos de ação no organismo humano, e que mais estudos clínicos robustos são necessários para que seja possível entender melhor o seu amplo potencial terapêutico.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(3): e4408, mayo.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409477


Introducción: Recientemente se han descubierto nuevos medicamentos para el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2, con novedosos mecanismos de acción y menos efectos adversos. Dentro de ellos tenemos los análogos del péptido similar al glucagón tipo 1. Objetivo: Explicar la evidencia existente sobre los efectos del tratamiento con agonistas del receptor del péptido similar al glucagón tipo 1 en las personas con obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática que incluyó estudios de los efectos de los agonistas del receptor del péptido similar al glucagón tipo1 como tratamiento en personas mayores de 12 años con obesidad y diabetes tipo 2. Se realizó una síntesis narrativa formal de los datos recogidos, no se realizó una síntesis estadístico formal. La calidad de evidencia para cada desenlace se determinó, según la metodología Grading of Recommendations Assessmet, Developmet and Evaluation. Resultados: La evidencia disponible demuestra que los agonistas del receptor del péptido similar al glucagón tipo 1, lograron una mayor disminución del peso corporal (-7,0 por ciento vs -2 por ciento) y de las cifras de hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c) (-0,40 por ciento vs -0,10 %) respecto al grupo placebo. Además, de una mayor reducción de la cintura abdominal. Conclusiones: La evidencia analizada muestra que los fármacos del tipo agonistas del receptor del péptido similar al glucagón tipo 1 tienen efectos beneficiosos en el tratamiento de las personas con obesidad y diabetes, disminuyendo el peso corporal y los valores de glucemia(AU)

Introduction: New drugs with novel mechanisms of action and fewer adverse effects have recently been discovered for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Among them are glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues. Objective: To explain the existing evidence of the effects of treatment with glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Material and Methods: We conducted a systematic review that included studies on the effects of glucagon-like peptide -1 receptor agonists for the treatment of people older than 12 years with obesity and type 2 diabetes. A formal narrative synthesis of the collected data was performed, whereas a formal statistical synthesis was not performed. The quality of evidence for each outcome was determined according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation method. Results: The available evidence shows that glucagon-like peptide -1 receptor agonists achieved a greater reduction in body weight (-7,0 percent vs -2 percent) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (-0,40 percent vs -0,10 percent) compared to the placebo group. In addition, there was a greater reduction in abdominal waist circumference. Conclusions: The evidence analyzed shows that glucagon-like peptide -1 receptor agonists have beneficial effects in the treatment of people with obesity and diabetes, reducing body weight and glycemia values(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Glycated Hemoglobin , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Reference Drugs , Waist Circumference , Obesity , Methodology as a Subject
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);82(4): 576-590, 20220509. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405705


Resumen La prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) está en aumento, generando un gran impacto tanto a nivel individual como en salud pública. Cerca de la mitad de los pacientes con DM2 sufren un deterioro de la función renal, por esto la nefroprotección resulta de fundamental importancia. El conjunto de evidencia que cambió del enfoque terapéutico glucocéntrico al cardiorrenometabólico en la DM2 motivó la inclu sión en las recomendaciones internacionales de nuevas terapias con beneficios cardiovasculares y renales. Los agonistas del receptor del péptido similar al glucagón tipo 1 (GLP-1) tienen efectos favorables sobre la función renal y sus posibles acciones protectoras son multifactoriales, más allá del control glucémico. Estos beneficios han sido demostrados en los estudios clínicos de eficacia y seguridad, así como también en los estudios de re sultados cardiovasculares y de vida real. En esta revisión narrativa se describen los efectos directos e indirectos de estas moléculas, así como su evidencia en los principales estudios clínicos (LEADER, SUSTAIN 6 y REWIND) y de vida real que demuestran sus efectos beneficiosos sobre la función renal e introduce la expectativa de los resultados futuros de los estudios en curso con objetivos renales.

Abstract The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is increasing, generating a great impact both at individual and public health level. Nearly half of the patients with DM2 develop impaired renal function, so nephron-protection is highly important. The robust body of evidence that shifted the therapeutic focus from glycemic to cardio-renal metabolic therapy in DM2 led to the inclusion of new therapies with cardiovascular and renal benefits in international guidelines. Type 1 glucagon (GLP-1) receptor agonists have showed favorable effects on renal function and their potential protective actions are multifactorial, beyond glycemic control. These benefits have been demonstrated in efficacy and safety clini cal studies, as well as in cardiovascular outcomes and real-life studies. This comprehensive review describes the direct and indirect effects of these molecules, as well as evidence obtained from pivotal clinical (LEADER, SUSTAIN 6 and REWIND) and real-life studies demonstrating their beneficial effects on renal function, and also introduces expectations of future results from ongoing studies with renal endpoints.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;158(2): 101-107, mar.-abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375535


Resumen Los receptores son proteínas codificadas por el ADN, algunos de los cuales ya han sido cristalizados, lo que permite conocer los detalles de su estructura a nivel atómico y algunos aspectos de su función. Esta revisión se enfoca en los más diversos y abundantes, los receptores acoplados a la proteína G. Esta familia de receptores reconoce y media la acción de varios ligandos endógenos (hormonas, neurotransmisores, factores de crecimiento y hormonas locales) y también interviene en la patogenia de diversas enfermedades, por lo que son el blanco terapéutico de aproximadamente 30 a 40 % de los medicamentos que se emplean en la práctica clínica cotidiana y de diversas drogas ilegales. La cristalografía de rayos X es una de las herramientas clave que ha permitido observar la estructura de estos receptores en los aminoácidos que participan en esta interacción, lo que posibilita conocer el sitio de unión del ligando endógeno y de moléculas sintéticas que actúan sobre ellos para modular su acción. El modelado molecular es también una herramienta bioinformática computacional que apoya la investigación sobre la unión receptor-ligando, que hace posible el diseño y desarrollo de fármacos cada vez más específicos. A estos desarrollos se suman importantes cambios en los conceptos farmacodinámicos fundamentales.

Abstract Receptors are proteins coded by DNA, some of which have already been crystalized, thus allowing the details of their structure at the atomic level and some aspects of their function to be known. This review focuses on the most diverse and abundant family of receptors, G protein-coupled receptors. This family of receptors recognizes and mediates the action of several endogenous ligands (hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors and local hormones) and also intervenes in the pathogenesis of various diseases, which is why they are targeted by approximately 30 to 40% of medications that are used in daily clinical practice and of various illegal drugs as well. X-ray crystallography is one of the essential tools that has allowed to observe the structure of these receptors in the amino acids that participate in this interaction, which allows to know the binding site of the endogenous ligand and of synthetic molecules that act on them to modulate their action. Molecular modeling or "docking" is also a computational bioinformatics tool that supports research on receptor-ligand binding, which allows the design and development of increasingly specific drugs. These developments have brought along significant changes in fundamental pharmacodynamic concepts.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(2): e98-e101, abril 2022. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1363992


La prucaloprida acelera el vaciamiento gástrico en adultos con gastroparesia. No existen estudios con este medicamento en niños con gastroparesia. Se presenta un niño de 8 años que consultó por síntomas posprandiales de un mes de duración, con diagnóstico de gastroparesia por gammagrafía de vaciamiento gástrico. No mejoró con metoclopramida, domperidona, eritromicina y esomeprazol. Recibió prucaloprida durante dos períodos (durante 178 y 376 días) a dosis de 0,03-0,04 mg/kg/día. Presentó mejoría en el seguimiento con el índice cardinal de síntomas de gastroparesia y gammagrafías de vaciamiento gástrico. Por la buena respuesta, la prucaloprida podría ser una opción terapéutica en la gastroparesia pediátrica.

Prucalopride has been used in adults with gastroparesis, accelerating gastric emptying. There are no studies with this drug in gastroparetic children. An 8-year-old boy is presented who consulted for a month of postprandial symptoms, with a diagnosis of gastroparesis by gastric emptying scintigraphy. He did not improve with metoclopramide, domperidone, erythromycin, and esomeprazole. He received prucalopride for two periods (for 178 and 376 days) at doses: 0.03 - 0.04 mg/kg/day, presenting improvement in the follow-up with the cardinal gastroparesis symptom index and gastric emptying scintigraphy. Due to the good response, prucalopride may be a therapeutic option in pediatric gastroparesis.

Humans , Male , Child , Benzofurans/therapeutic use , Gastroparesis/diagnosis , Gastroparesis/drug therapy , Domperidone/therapeutic use , Gastric Emptying
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;80(1): 48-55, Jan. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360131


ABSTRACT Background: Epilepsy has neuropsychiatric comorbidities such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Drugs that target epilepsy may also be useful for its neuropsychiatric comorbidities. Objective: To investigate the effects of serotonergic modulation on pro-inflammatory cytokines and the seizures in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizure model in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with serotonin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine, 5-HT1B/D receptor agonist sumatriptan, or saline 30 min prior to PTZ treatment. Behavioral seizures were assessed by the Racine's scale. Concentrations of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α in serum and brain tissue were determined by ELISA. Results: Serotonin and fluoxetine, but not sumatriptan, alleviated PTZ-induced seizures by prolonging onset times of myoclonic-jerk and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The anti-seizure effect of fluoxetine was greater than that of serotonin. Likewise, serotonin and fluoxetine, but not sumatriptan, reduced PTZ-induced increases in the levels of IL-1β and IL-6 in both serum and brain tissue. None of the administered drugs including PTZ affected TNF-α concentrations. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that endogenous and exogenous serotonin exhibits anticonvulsant effects by suppressing the neuroinflammation. It seems that 5-HT1B/D receptors do not mediate anticonvulsant and anti-neuroinflammatory effects of serotonin.

RESUMO Antecedentes: A epilepsia apresenta comorbidades neuropsiquiátricas como depressão, transtorno bipolar e ansiedade. Os medicamentos que visam o tratamento da epilepsia podem ser úteis para a epilepsia e suas comorbidades neuropsiquiátricas. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da modulação serotonérgica em citocinas pró-inflamatórias e as convulsões no modelo de convulsão induzida por pentilenotetrazol (PTZ) em ratos. Métodos: Ratos Wistar machos foram injetados intraperitonealmente com serotonina, inibidor seletivo da recaptação da serotonina fluoxetina, sumatriptano agonista do receptor 5-HT1B / D ou solução salina 30 min antes do tratamento com PTZ. As crises comportamentais foram avaliadas pela escala de Racine. As concentrações de IL-1β, IL-6 e TNF-α no soro e tecido cerebral foram determinadas por ELISA. Resultados: A serotonina e a fluoxetina, mas não o sumatriptano, aliviaram as convulsões induzidas por PTZ ao prolongar os tempos de início das convulsões mioclônicas e tônico-clônicas generalizadas. O efeito anticonvulsivo da fluoxetina foi maior do que o da serotonina. Da mesma forma, a serotonina e a fluoxetina, mas não o sumatriptano, reduziram os aumentos induzidos por PTZ nos níveis de IL-1β e IL-6 no soro e no tecido cerebral. Nenhum dos medicamentos administrados, incluindo PTZ, alterou as concentrações de TNF-α. Conclusões: Nossos achados sugerem que a serotonina endógena e exógena exibe efeitos anticonvulsivantes por suprimir a neuroinflamação. Aparentemente, os receptores 5-HT1B / D não medeiam os efeitos anticonvulsivantes e anti-neuroinflamatórios da serotonina.

Humans , Animals , Male , Rats , Pentylenetetrazole/adverse effects , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Seizures/chemically induced , Seizures/drug therapy , Serotonin/adverse effects , Fluoxetine/adverse effects , Interleukin-6 , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Rats, Wistar , Sumatriptan/adverse effects , Anticonvulsants/adverse effects
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 15(1): 23-28, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359362


Históricamente la sociedad ha rechazado el abuso sexual de menores de 13 años, dictándose leyes al respecto. La justicia luego de un debido proceso condenaba al victimario con reclusión incluso hasta la década del 70-80, con orquiectomía. Los adelantos en neurobiología, endocrinología, sicofarmacología y sicología se consideraron las bases para tratar al pedófilo y someterlo a libertad condicional, ahorrándose el costo financiero de la reclusión de por vida. Diversos países dictaron leyes contra la conducta pedófila. En dicha legislación ejerció gran influencia la promulgación en EE.UU. (estado de Washington "sobre el ofensor sexual" y el dictamen de la Corte Suprema en 1997 en el juicio de Kansas vs Hendricks). En Chile en los 90 el caso del pedófilo apodado "Zacarach" sacó a la luz pública el tema que no se quería ver. En esa fecha se presentó al parlamento un proyecto de Ley para "curar" la pedofilia con acetato de Medroxiprogesterona imitando legislación de EE.UU. Causó sorpresa en el medio endocrinológico que se usara terapia hormonal como "cura" de la pedofilia. Se ha utilizado en varios países la castración química producida por gestágenos o agonístas del GnRH más antiandrógenos (acetato de Ciproterona), para inhibir la secreción y acción de la testosterona disminuyendo líbido y erección. No se ha demostrado que exista curación de la orientación pedófila y existen dudas de la prevención primaria y secundaria de la pedofilia. Pese al adelanto tecnológico en neurociencias para estudio de las zonas vinculadas a la sexualidad, aún no existen marcadores que permitan diagnosticar o pronosticar futuros resultados de la terapia. El tratamiento médico de la pedofilia no garantiza curación ni prevención del delito pedofílico.

Historically, society has rejected sexual abuse of children under 13, with there having been laws enacted in this regard. The judicial system, after a due process, condemned the perpetrator with reclusion and even up until the decades of the 70s and 80s with orchiectomy. Advances in neurobiology, endocrinology, psychopharmacology and psychology were considered the basis for treating the pedophile and putting them on probation, saving the financial cost of imprisonment for life. Multiple countries have enacted laws against pedophilic behaviour. Such legislation was greatly influenced by the enactment in the USA (state of Washington "on the sex offender" and the ruling of the Supreme Court in 1997 in the trial of Kansas against Hendricks). In Chile in the 90s, the case of a pedophile nicknamed "Zacarach" brought to light an issue that nobody wanted to see. Around that time, a bill was presented to Parliament to try and "cure" pedophilia with Medroxyprogesterone acetate, imitating US legislation. It was a surprise in the endocrinological world that hormonal therapy would be used as a "cure" for pedophilia. Chemical castration produced by gestagens or GnRH agonists plus antiandrogens (Cyproterone acetate) has been used in several countries to inhibit the secretion and action of testosterone, reducing libido and erection. It has not been proven that there is a cure for pedophile orientation and there are doubts about the primary and secondary prevention of pedophilia. Despite technological advances in neurosciences for the study of the zones pertaining to sexuality, there are still no indicators that allow for diagnosis or prediction of future results of therapy. The medical treatment of pedophilia does not guarantee cure or prevention of pedophilic crime.

Humans , Male , Pedophilia/drug therapy , Castration/methods , Androgen Antagonists/therapeutic use , Pedophilia/diagnosis , Pedophilia/etiology , Pedophilia/therapy , Sex Offenses/legislation & jurisprudence , Testis/drug effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/agonists , Medroxyprogesterone Acetate/therapeutic use , Cyproterone Acetate/therapeutic use
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(4): 600-615, out.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357197


RESUMO O manejo cardíaco, ventilatório e renal no ambiente de terapia intensiva tem melhorado nas últimas décadas. Cognição e sedação representam dois dos últimos desafios a vencer. Como a sedação convencional não é ideal, e a sedação evocada por agonistas adrenérgicos alfa-2 (sedação "cooperativa" com dexmedetomidina, clonidina ou guanfacina) representa uma alternativa valiosa, este artigo abrange três tópicos práticos para os quais há lacunas na medicina baseada em evidência. O primeiro deles é a mudança de sedação convencional para sedação cooperativa ("mudança"): a resposta curta consiste em retirada abrupta de sedação convencional, implantação imediata de infusão de um agonista alfa-2 e uso de "sedação de resgate" (bolos de midazolam) ou "sedação agressiva" (haloperidol em bolos) para estabilizar a sedação cooperativa. O segundo tópico é a mudança de sedação convencional para sedação cooperativa em pacientes instáveis (por exemplo: delirium tremens refratário, choque séptico, síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo etc.), pois, para evitar a hipotensão e a bradicardia provocadas por desativadores simpáticos, a resposta curta é manter o volume sistólico por administração de volume, vasopressores e inotrópicos. Por fim, para evitar essas mudanças e dificuldades associadas, os agonistas alfa-2 podem ser sedativos de primeira linha. A resposta curta é administrar agonistas alfa-2 lentamente desde a admissão ou intubação endotraqueal, até estabilização da sedação cooperativa. Dessa forma, conclui-se que os agonistas alfa-2 são, ao mesmo tempo, agentes desativadores simpáticos e sedativos, bem como a desativação simpática implica na manutenção do volume sistólico e na avaliação persistente da volemia. A medicina baseada em evidência deve documentar esta proposta.

ABSTRACT Cardiac, ventilatory and kidney management in the critical care setting has been optimized over the past decades. Cognition and sedation represent one of the last remaning challenges. As conventional sedation is suboptimal and as the sedation evoked by alpha-2 adrenergic agonists ("cooperative" sedation with dexmedetomidine, clonidine or guanfacine) represents a valuable alternative, this manuscript covers three practical topics for which evidence-based medicine is lacking: a) Switching from conventional to cooperative sedation ("switching"): the short answer is the abrupt withdrawal of conventional sedation, immediate implementation of alpha-2 agonist infusion and the use of "rescue sedation" (midazolam bolus[es]) or "breakthrough sedation" (haloperidol bolus[es]) to stabilize cooperative sedation. b) Switching from conventional to cooperative sedation in unstable patients (e.g., refractory delirium tremens, septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, etc.): to avoid hypotension and bradycardia evoked by sympathetic deactivation, the short answer is to maintain the stroke volume through volume loading, vasopressors and inotropes. c) To avoid these switches and associated difficulties, alpha-2 agonists may be considered first-line sedatives. The short answer is to administer alpha-2 agonists slowly from admission or endotracheal intubation up to stabilized cooperative sedation. The "take home" message is as follows: a) alpha-2 agonists are jointly sympathetic deactivators and sedative agents; b) sympathetic deactivation implies maintaining the stroke volume and iterative assessment of volemia. Evidence-based medicine should document our propositions.

Humans , Clonidine , Dexmedetomidine , Critical Care , Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Agonists , Hypnotics and Sedatives
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 24(4): e002166, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1359440


En este artículo, la autora jerarquiza la relevancia de la eficacia documentada de los agonistas del péptido similar alglucagón-1 y los inhibidores del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2, que ha conducido a recientes modificaciones en el paradigma del cuidado en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. (AU)

In this article, the author highlights the relevance of the documented efficacy of glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists and type 2 sodium-glucose cotransporter inhibitors, which has led to recent changes in the paradigm of care in patients with type 2diabetes. (AU)

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug therapy , Glucagon-Like Peptide 1/therapeutic use , Glucagon-Like Peptide 1/agonists , Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);80(6): 670-680, dic. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250290


Abstract Hyperprolactinemia may be associated with psychiatric disorders in the context of two scenarios: antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia and psychiatric disorders arising from the medical treatment of hyperprolactinemia. Both situations are particularly common in psychiatric and endocrine clinical practice, albeit generally underestimated or unrecognized. The aim of this article is to provide tools for the diagnosis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia associated with psychiatric disorders to raise awareness, especially among psychiatrists and endocrinologists, so that these professionals can jointly focus on the appropriate management of this clinical entity.

Resumen La hiperprolactinemia puede asociarse con trastornos psiquiátricos en el contexto de dos escenarios: la hiperprolactinemia inducida por antipsicóticos y trastornos psiquiátricos surgidos por el tratamiento médico de la hiperprolactinemia. Ambas situaciones son particularmente comunes en la práctica clínica psiquiátrica y endocrinológica, aunque generalmente subestimadas o inadvertidas. El objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar herramientas de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hiperprolactinemia asociada a trastornos psiquiátricos, para concientizar particularmente a psiquiatras y endocrinólogos a enfocar en conjunto el manejo apropiado de esta entidad.

Humans , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Hyperprolactinemia/diagnosis , Hyperprolactinemia/chemically induced , Hyperprolactinemia/drug therapy , Mental Disorders/etiology , Mental Disorders/drug therapy , Prolactin/metabolism
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1666-1674, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131549


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações cardiorrespiratórias causadas pela medetomidina associada à cetamina, e o tempo de recuperação após aplicação intramuscular de atipamezole ou ioimbina em Puma concolor. Para isso, foi realizada a aplicação de medetomidina (100µg/kg) associada à cetamina (5mg/kg) em 11 onças-pardas, sendo os parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios registrados a cada 15 minutos, durante 90 minutos de avaliação. Em seguida, a anestesia foi revertida com aplicação intramuscular de ioimbina (0,4mg/kg; n=5) ou atipamezole (0,25mg/kg; n=6), sendo analisado o tempo até a recuperação. Dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios avaliados, houve diferença apenas na frequência respiratória (entre os momentos 60 e 90 minutos), estando esta, todavia, dentro do intervalo de referência para a espécie. Além disso, verificou-se tempo para decúbito esternal significativamente menor nos animais do grupo atipamezole (18±7 minutos), quando comparado ao grupo ioimbina (36±17 minutos), entretanto o tempo de recuperação completa foi estatisticamente igual entre os dois reversores analisados. Assim, a associação anestésica promoveu anestesia eficiente, segura e de rápida indução em onças-pardas, permitindo a imobilização dos animais durante os 90 minutos de avaliação, sem a ocorrência de complicações. Ao se comparar a reversão anestésica com atipamezole e ioimbina, observou-se equivalência dos fármacos no tempo de recuperação completa dos animais.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiorespiratory changes caused by ketamine-associated medetomidine, and the recovery time after intramuscular application of atipamezole or yohimbine in Puma concolor. For this, the application of medetomidine (100µg/kg) associated with ketamine (5mg/kg) was performed in eleven brown ounces, and the cardiorespiratory parameters were recorded every 15 minutes during 90 minutes of evaluation. Afterwards, anesthesia was reversed with intramuscular application of yohimbine (0.4mg/kg; n=5) or atipamezole (0.25mg/kg; n=6), and time to recovery was analyzed. Of the cardiorespiratory parameters evaluated, there was a difference only in respiratory rate (between 60 and 90 minutes), however, within the reference range for the species. In addition, there was a significantly shorter time for sternal decubitus in the animals of the atipamezole group (18±7 minutes) when compared to the yohimbine group (36±17 minutes), however the complete recovery time was statistically equal between the two reversers analyzed. Thus, the anesthetic association promoted efficient, safe and fast induction anesthesia in puma, allowing the animals to be immobilized during the 90 minutes of evaluation without complications. Comparing anesthetic reversal with atipamezole and yohimbine, drug equivalence was observed in the complete recovery time of the animals.(AU)

Animals , Yohimbine/therapeutic use , Medetomidine/administration & dosage , Puma/physiology , Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Agonists/therapeutic use , Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Antagonists/analysis , Ketamine/administration & dosage , Anesthesia Recovery Period
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 9(2): 207, ago. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1102940


La pancreatitis es una de las consecuencias principales del envenenamiento escorpiónico producido por el género Tityus. El manejo farmacológico mediante el uso de agonistas y antagonistas α adrenérgicos en modelos experimentales in vivo e in vitro, permiten establecer una aproximación del papel del Sistema Nervioso Simpático (SNS) en el desarrollo de la pancreatitis. Objetivo: determinar el papel del SNS en el desarrollo de la pancreatitis aguda inducida por el veneno de escorpión Tityus zulianus (TzV), por medio del uso de simpaticolíticos como la clonidina y el prazosin. Métodos: La Extravasación de Proteínas Plasmáticas (EPP) en el páncreas se evaluó mediante el método de Azul de Evans (AE), modificado de Saria y Lundberg (1983) a 620 nm; n=3 ratones NIH en cada grupo experimental. Las comparaciones se hicieron por ANOVA de una vía y las pruebas post HOC por Tukey-Kramer. Resultados: Ambos fármacos (1mg/Kg), disminuyeron significativamente p< 0,01 (**) la EPP en el páncreas inducida por el TzV, en comparación con los animales inoculados solo con TzV. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los animales del grupo control y los grupos tratados con los fármacos más el TzV. Conclusiones: El efecto pancreatotóxico del TzV en ratones podría tener un componente autonómico dado que drogas simpaticolíticas al disminuir la actividad noradrenérgica reducen la magnitud del edema. Esto sugiere que ambos fármacos pueden usarse como estrategia terapéutica en estos casos(AU)

Pancreatitis is one of the main consequences of scorpionic poisoning produced by the genus Tityus. The pharmacological management through the use of agonists and α adrenergic antagonists in experimental models in vivo and in vitro, allow us to establish an approximation of the role of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) in the development of pancreatitis. Objective: to determine the role of SNS in the development of acute pancreatitis induced by the scorpion venom Tityus zulianus (TzV), through the use of sympatholytics such as clonidine and prazosin. Methods: Plasma Protein Extravasation (PPE) in the pancreas was evaluated by the method of Evans Blue (EA), modified by Saria and Lundberg (1983) at 620 nm; n = 3 NIH mice in each experimental group. Comparisons were made by one-way ANOVA and post-HOC tests by Tukey-Kramer. Results: Both drugs (1mg / Kg) significantly decreased p <0.01 (**) the EPP in the pancreas induced by TzV, compared to animals inoculated only with TzV. There were no significant differences between the animals in the control group and the groups treated with drugs plus TzV. Conclusions: The pancreatotoxic effect of TzV in mice could have an autonomic component since sympatholytic drugs by decreasing noradrenergic activity reduce the magnitude of edema. This suggests that both drugs can be used as a therapeutic strategy in these cases(AU)

Animals , Mice , Pancreatitis/etiology , Scorpion Venoms , Sympathetic Nervous System/drug effects , Pharmacology, Clinical , Prazosin/therapeutic use , Clonidine/therapeutic use
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(2): 250-253, Apr.-June 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134808


ABSTRACT This study reports a case of a 13-year-old male with a 3-year history of severe and intermittent hypokalemia episodes of unknown origin, requiring admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) for long QT syndrome (LQTS), finally diagnosed of redistributive hypokalemia secondary to the abuse of β-adrenergic agonists in the context of a probable factitious disorder.

RESUMO O presente estudo relata o caso de um jovem de 13 anos de idade com histórico, há três anos, de episódios de hipocalemia grave intermitente de origem desconhecida, internado em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) por síndrome do QT longo (SQTL). O paciente foi diagnosticado com hipocalemia por redistribuição secundária ao abuso de agonistas β-adrenérgicos, em contexto de provável transtorno factício.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Long QT Syndrome/chemically induced , Adrenergic beta-Agonists/adverse effects , Factitious Disorders/diagnosis , Hypokalemia/chemically induced , Potassium/blood , Potassium/therapeutic use , Recurrence , Long QT Syndrome/psychology , Adrenergic beta-Agonists/blood , Albuterol/blood , Drug Overdose/complications , Hypokalemia/psychology , Hypokalemia/blood
J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 12(1): 56-65, Abril/2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1096410


Objetivo: Avaliar a relação de custo-efetividade de mirabegrona como tratamento de primeira escolha de pacientes adultos com síndrome da bexiga hiperativa (SBH) comparada a antimuscarínicos orais comumente prescritos no manejo dessa condição. Métodos: O modelo de Markov foi utilizado, com ciclos mensais e horizonte temporal de um ano, para analisar a relação de custo-efetividade de mirabegrona em comparação a tolterodina, oxibutinina, darifenacina e solifenacina. Os pacientes iniciaram o modelo em tratamento com mirabegrona ou um dos comparadores, sendo distribuídos em cinco níveis de gravidade da doença, de acordo com a frequência miccional e número de episódios de incontinência, e a cada ciclo mensal poderiam melhorar, piorar ou permanecer no mesmo nível de severidade do ciclo anterior. Os resultados foram apresentados por meio de uma razão de custo-efetividade incremental. Resultados: Considerando a perspectiva do sistema de saúde suplementar, o custo total do tratamento com mirabegrona foi de R$ 2.455,26 e os parâmetros de efetividade em 0,491 e 0,498 (melhora na gravidade da incontinência e frequência miccional, respectivamente), sendo mais efetivo que os comparadores. Com relação à perspectiva pública, foi estimado um custo com o tratamento de R$ 1.396,01, com características similares de efetividade. De maneira geral, o tratamento com mirabegrona foi dominante quando comparado à tolterodina e custo-efetivo na comparação com os demais antimuscarínicos, em ambas as perspectivas analisadas. Conclusão: Mirabegrona demonstrou ser a melhor opção para tratamento de primeira escolha da SBH com potencial de redução de custos ao longo do tempo, tanto para o sistema público quanto para o sistema de saúde suplementar brasileiro.

Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of mirabegron as first-choice treatment in adult patients with of overactive bladder (OAB) compared to oral antimuscarinics, usually prescribed for this condition. Methods: A Markov model has been adopted, with monthly cycles and a one-year time horizon, to analyze the cost-effectiveness of mirabegron compared to antimuscarinic agents: tolterodine; oxybutynin; darifenacin; and solifenacin. The model started with patients receiving treatment with mirabegron or one of the comparators and then, they were assigned to five disease severity levels according to micturition frequency and number of incontinence episodes, and within each monthly cycle they could improve, worsen or remain at the same symptom severity level. Results were presented using an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Results: Considering the Brazilian private perspective, treatment with mirabegron resulted in a total cost of R$ 2,455.26 and effectiveness parameters at 0.491 and 0.498 (improvement in incontinence severity and micturition, respectively), being more effective than the comparators. Regarding the Brazilian public perspective, treatment with mirabegron resulted in a total cost of R$ 1,396.01 with similar effectiveness estimation. In general, a dominance was observed when mirabegron was compared to tolterodine and a cost-effectiveness profile against the other muscarinic antagonists, considering both health perspectives. Conclusion: Mirabegron has proven to be the best option for OAB first-line treatment with potential cost savings over time for both the public and private health care systems in Brazil.

Urinary Bladder , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Adrenergic beta-Agonists , Muscarinic Antagonists , Urinary Bladder, Overactive
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 452-460, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128369


A presente pesquisa comparou os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e sedativos da associação midazolam (0,41mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,31mg/kg) acrescida de detomidina (157µg/kg) (DTMB) ou dexmedetomidina (36µg/kg) (DXMB) em catetos. Catetos adultos (n=20) foram distribuídos em dois grupos, DTMB ou DXMB. As variáveis (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 e TR) foram avaliadas após aplicação dos fármacos. A sedação foi avaliada por meio de escala analógica visual, relaxamento muscular, postura e resposta auditiva. Foi realizada ANOVA, seguida de teste t pareado (paramétricos) e teste de Mann-Whitney rank-sum test (não paramétricos), com P<0,05. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os grupos para o período de latência. Observou-se diferença significativa entre grupos para as variáveis f, PAM e SpO2, com maiores valores para DTMB, e EtCO2, com maiores valores para DXMB. Os dois grupos apresentaram redução da FC e da concentração de lactato, bem como aumento da concentração de bicarbonato. A SpO2 permaneceu abaixo de 90%, durante todo o período experimental, nos dois grupos estudados. Os animais dos dois grupos apresentaram sedação profunda e relaxamento muscular máximo. Conclui-se que os dois protocolos testados proporcionaram adequada sedação, podendo ser indicados para contenção química de catetos adultos.(AU)

The study compared the cardiorespiratory, hemogasometric and sedative effects of the combination of midazolam (0.41mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.31mg/kg) plus detomidine (157µg/kg) (DTMB) or dexmedetomidine (36µg/kg) (DXMB) in collared peccaries. Collared peccaries (n= 20) were divided into two groups, either DTMB or DXMB. The variables (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 and TR) were evaluated after application of the drugs. Sedation was assessed by visual analogue scale, muscle relaxation, posture and auditory response. ANOVA followed by paired t-test (parametric) and Mann Whitney Rank Sum Test (non-parametric) with P< 0.05 were performed. No statistical difference was observed for the latency period. A significant increase was observed between groups for the variables f, PAM and SpO2 with higher values for DTMB and EtCO2 with higher values for DXMB. The two groups presented a reduction in HR and lactate concentration, and an increase in bicarbonate concentration. SpO2 remained below 90% throughout the experiment in both groups. The animals of the two groups presented deep sedation and maximum muscle relaxation. It is concluded that the two protocols tested provided adequate sedation and could be indicated for chemical containment of collared peccaries.(AU)

Animals , Artiodactyla/physiology , Midazolam/administration & dosage , Butorphanol/administration & dosage , Dexmedetomidine/administration & dosage , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Anesthetics, Combined/analysis , Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Agonists
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 452-460, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29636


A presente pesquisa comparou os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e sedativos da associação midazolam (0,41mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,31mg/kg) acrescida de detomidina (157µg/kg) (DTMB) ou dexmedetomidina (36µg/kg) (DXMB) em catetos. Catetos adultos (n=20) foram distribuídos em dois grupos, DTMB ou DXMB. As variáveis (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 e TR) foram avaliadas após aplicação dos fármacos. A sedação foi avaliada por meio de escala analógica visual, relaxamento muscular, postura e resposta auditiva. Foi realizada ANOVA, seguida de teste t pareado (paramétricos) e teste de Mann-Whitney rank-sum test (não paramétricos), com P<0,05. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os grupos para o período de latência. Observou-se diferença significativa entre grupos para as variáveis f, PAM e SpO2, com maiores valores para DTMB, e EtCO2, com maiores valores para DXMB. Os dois grupos apresentaram redução da FC e da concentração de lactato, bem como aumento da concentração de bicarbonato. A SpO2 permaneceu abaixo de 90%, durante todo o período experimental, nos dois grupos estudados. Os animais dos dois grupos apresentaram sedação profunda e relaxamento muscular máximo. Conclui-se que os dois protocolos testados proporcionaram adequada sedação, podendo ser indicados para contenção química de catetos adultos.(AU)

The study compared the cardiorespiratory, hemogasometric and sedative effects of the combination of midazolam (0.41mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.31mg/kg) plus detomidine (157µg/kg) (DTMB) or dexmedetomidine (36µg/kg) (DXMB) in collared peccaries. Collared peccaries (n= 20) were divided into two groups, either DTMB or DXMB. The variables (FC, f, PAM, SpO2, EtCO2 and TR) were evaluated after application of the drugs. Sedation was assessed by visual analogue scale, muscle relaxation, posture and auditory response. ANOVA followed by paired t-test (parametric) and Mann Whitney Rank Sum Test (non-parametric) with P< 0.05 were performed. No statistical difference was observed for the latency period. A significant increase was observed between groups for the variables f, PAM and SpO2 with higher values for DTMB and EtCO2 with higher values for DXMB. The two groups presented a reduction in HR and lactate concentration, and an increase in bicarbonate concentration. SpO2 remained below 90% throughout the experiment in both groups. The animals of the two groups presented deep sedation and maximum muscle relaxation. It is concluded that the two protocols tested provided adequate sedation and could be indicated for chemical containment of collared peccaries.(AU)

Animals , Artiodactyla/physiology , Midazolam/administration & dosage , Butorphanol/administration & dosage , Dexmedetomidine/administration & dosage , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Anesthetics, Combined/analysis , Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Agonists
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; Ginecol. obstet. Méx;88(9): 575-585, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346234


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Comparar la tasa de recién nacido vivo con la de embarazo clínico-transferencia embrionaria, las características clínicas y concentraciones hormonales entre dos esquemas de preparación endometrial para transferencia de embriones desvitrificados: con un agonista de GnRH versus su sustitución con dosis altas de estrógenos. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, de cohorte histórica, efectuado en pacientes atendidas en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología en protocolo FIV-ICSI entre enero 2017-marzo 2019. Se compararon dos esquemas de preparación endometrial: grupo A con agonista de GnRH y grupo B con estradiol a dosis de 8 mg al día sin agonista de GnRH. A todas las pacientes se les tomaron muestras de sangre para determinación de FSH, LH, estradiol y progesterona y se dio seguimiento ultrasonográfico durante la preparación endometrial. RESULTADOS: En 99 pacientes entre 23 y 42 años, con embriones congelados, la tasa de recién nacido vivo-transferencia embrionaria fue, respectivamente, de 17.2 y 8.6% (OR 1.98; IC95%: 077-1.53) y la de embarazo clínico de 26.5 y 22.8% (OR1.09; IC95%: 0.77-1.53) en los grupos A y B, respectivamente. La duración total del ciclo, los días con estrógenos y la concentración sérica de estradiol al inicio de la progesterona alcanzaron diferencia significativa entre los grupos. No se detectaron datos clínicos ni de laboratorio sugerentes de ovulación. CONCLUSIONES: La tasa de recién nacido vivo fue mayor con agonistas de GnRH sin alcanzar significación; sin embargo, la preparación endometrial solo con estrógenos es un esquema seguro, de menor costo y más amigable para la paciente y el médico.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To compare the rate of live newborn with clinical pregnancy-embryo transfer, clinical characteristics and hormonal concentrations between two endometrial preparation schemes for devitrified embryo transfer: with a GnRH agonist (aGnRH) versus its replacement with high doses of estrogens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Historical cohort observational study conducted in patients treated at the National Institute of Perinatology under IVF-ICSI protocol between January 2017-March 2019. Two endometrial preparation schemes were compared: group A with GnRH agonist and group B with estradiol at 8 mg per day without aGnRH. All patients had blood samples taken for FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone determination and ultrasonographic follow-up during endometrial preparation. RESULTS: in 99 patients between 23 and 42 years of age, with frozen embryos, the live birth-embryo transfer rate was 17.2 and 8.6%, (OR 1.98; CI95%: 077-1.53) and the clinical pregnancy rate was 26.5 and 22.8% (OR1.09; CI95%: 0.77-1.53) in groups a and b, respectively. total cycle length, estrogen days and serum estradiol concentration at the beginning of progesterone reached significant difference between groups. no clinical or laboratory data suggesting ovulation were detected. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of live newborn was higher with GnRH agonists without reaching significance; however, endometrial preparation with estrogens alone is a safe, lower cost and more patient- and physician-friendLy scheme.