Apesar do aumento na prevalência e gravidade das doenças imunoalérgicas no Brasil, como em todo o mundo, o acesso a atendimento especializado, exames complementares e terapias que possibilitam o controle adequado delas, especialmente as com potencial fatal, é restrito a poucos centros no Brasil, e muitas dessas condições e terapias não estão contempladas nos Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas do Ministério da Saúde. No presente trabalho, analisamos a realidade atual e carências na assistência a pacientes com doenças alérgicas como anafilaxia, alergia ao leite de vaca, asma, dermatite atópica e urticária crônica e com imunodeficiências primárias. São apresentadas, também, propostas de ações em que a Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia poderia trabalhar em parceria com o Ministério da Saúde para reduzir o impacto médico, social e financeiro dessas doenças.
Despite the increase observed in the prevalence and severity of immunoallergic diseases, both in Brazil and worldwide, access to specialized care and to complementary tests and therapies that allow adequate disease control, especially in potentially fatal cases, is restricted to a few centers in Brazil. In addition, many of these conditions and therapies are not included in the Brazilian Ministry of Health's Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines. In the present study, we analyze the current situation and weaknesses in the care of patients with allergic diseases such as anaphylaxis, cow's milk allergy, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and chronic urticaria, as well as those with primary immunodeficiencies. Possible actions that could be undertaken by the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Health are proposed, with the aim of reducing the medical, social, and financial impact associated with these diseases.
Humans , Asthma , Brazil , gamma-Globulins , Milk Hypersensitivity , Allergy and Immunology , Angioedemas, Hereditary , Anaphylaxis , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes , Societies, Scientific , Therapeutics , Prevalence , Medical Care , CrystalluriaABSTRACT
El virus de la influenza humana H1N1 fue aislado por primera vez en el año de 1918, al registrarse la primer pandemia causada por dicho virus, en el país de China, posteriormente fue llamada influenza estacional y aparecía en temporada de invierno, convirtiéndose actualmente en una amenaza para todo el mundo ya que su patogenicidad y resistencia del virus al ambiente lo vuelven altamente agresivo y contagioso, La OMS por lo tanto tomó cartas en el asunto y en el año 2004 emite un comunicado internacional en el cual advierte de la existencia del virus así como de la forma en la cual se puede prevenir el contagio. En México se registró en el mes de abril una epidemia ocasionada por el virus H1N1 provocando graves daños en el país, por la preponderancia en cuanto a grupos de edad los cuales oscilaron entre los 25 y 45 años, considerado ser un grupo que no estaba inmunizado, ya que la vacuna que se administró en noviembre en el país era contra la gripa aviar, y el grupo de edad al cual se le aplicó eran niños y adultos mayores así como al personal de salud. El papel de enfermería frente a los casos de influenza fue muy importante ya que se encargó de la promoción a la salud a través de las campañas de lavado de manos e intensificación de las medidas de higiene, así como prevención de la infección a través de la vacunación. En cuanto al cuidado de los niños que padecieron la enfermedad, los cuidados a cada uno de los niños fueron especializados, sobre todo por lo exacerbado de los síntomas de la enfermedad, así mismo enfermería se encargó de llevar a cabo las medidas de aislamiento respiratorio, y de contacto a fin de evitar la diseminación de la infección, gracias a estas intervenciones y a los cuidados otorgados por las enfermeras muchos niños lograron la recuperación de la salud.
The virus of human influenza or H1N1 was isolated for the first time in the year of 1918, when registered itself the first pandemic caused by this virus, in the country of China, later was called influenza seasonal and appeared in season of winter, becoming a threat for everybody since their pathogenicity and resistance of the virus to the atmosphere return it highly aggressive and contagious. The OMS therefore it intervened in the problem and in 2004 it emits an international official notice in which advertise of the existence of the virus as well as in the way it´s possible to prevent be infected. In Mexico was registered an epidemic on April month caused serious damage in a country, the superiority as far as age groups witch oscillates between the 25 and 45 years, considering to be a group that was not immunized, although the vaccine that was management on November in the country was against gripe aviar, and the age group to which it was applied to him was young and adult greater as well as to the health personal. The paper of nurses in front to cases of influenza was very important cause they made a promotion to the health through the campaigns of washing hands and intensification of the hygiene measures, as well as prevention of the infection through the vaccination. In case of children the care who suffered the disease, the cares to each one of children were specialized, mainly by the hard thing of the symptoms of the disease, also infirmary was in charge to carry out the measures of respiratory isolation, and of contact in order to avoid the dissemination of the infection, thanks to these interventions and the cares given by the nurses many children obtained the recovery of the health.