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Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 301-304, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559671


El microscopista francés Louis Joblot (1645-1723), contemporáneo de Antoine van Leeuwenhoek y Robert Hooke, puede ser considerado uno de los padres de la protistología/microbiología. Su obra titulada "Descripciones y usos de varios microscopios nuevos" de 1718 contiene varias extraordinarias imágenes de protozoos en movimiento y en división binaria. Lamentablemente, algunas imágenes de dicha obra contenían figuras fantásticas, por lo que su legado fue rápidamente obscurecido. Sus experimentos sobre el fenómeno de generación espontánea marcaron un hito en el desarrollo de este debate y se adelantaron en casi siglo y medio a los experimentos de Louis Pasteur.

The French microscopist Louis Joblot (1645-1723), a contemporary of Antoine van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke, he can be considered one of the fathers of protistology/microbiology. His work entitled "Descriptions and uses of various new microscopes" of 1718 contains several extraordinary images of protozoa in motion and in binary division. Unfortunately, some images of this work contained fantastic figures, so his legacy was quickly obscured. His experiments on the phenomenon of spontaneous generation marked a milestone in the development of this debate and anticipated Louis Pasteur's experiments by almost a century and a half.

History, 18th Century , Microbiology/history , Bacteriology/history , France
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(4): 410-414, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521840


El Instituto de Higiene, fundado por el gobierno de Chile en 1892, aparte de sus funciones en el ámbito de la salud pública, participó activamente en la docencia de pregrado de Bacteriología de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile. La cátedra de Bacteriología fundada en 1895 fue trasladada en 1902 a la sección de seroterapia de dicho instituto (uno de los cinco edificios que formaban el instituto). La cátedra permaneció en ese lugar por tres décadas, siendo trasladada en 1930 por el Dr. Hugo Vaccaro de vuelta a la Escuela de Medicina. Por otra parte, la cátedra extraordinaria de Bacteriología siguió ligada a dicho instituto y a su inmediato sucesor el Instituto Bacteriológico de Chile. Sin embargo, luego del incendio de la Escuela de Medicina en 1948, la cátedra ordinaria tuvo que retornar a sus antiguos edificios en la ribera del Mapocho y paralelamente la cátedra extraordinaria se trasladó a una nueva ubicación en Ñuñoa.

The Institute of Hygiene, founded by the Chilean government in 1892, apart from its functions in the field of public health, actively participated in the undergraduate teaching of Bacteriology at the School of Medicine of the University of Chile. The chair of Bacteriology founded in 1895 was transferred in 1902 to the serotherapy section of the mentioned institute (one of the five buildings that made up the institute). The chair remained in that place for three decades, being transferred by Dr. Hugo Vaccaro back to the School of Medicine in 1930. On the other hand, the Extraordinary Chair of Bacteriology continued to be linked to the said institute and to its immediate successor, the Bacteriological Institute of Chile. However, after the fire at the School of Medicine in 1948, the ordinary chair had to return to its old buildings on the banks of the Mapocho and at the same time the extraordinary chair moved to a new location in Ñuñoa.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Bacteriology/education , Bacteriology/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Universities , Chile
Dynamis (Granada) ; 43(1): 185-217, 2023.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-227333


En este trabajo se analiza el comienzo de la incorporación de la bacteriología a la política sanitaria en Buenos Aires durante las décadas de 1880 y 1890, y las transformaciones que este proceso implicó en el plano institucional y de la intervención estatal. En particular, indagamos en estos cambios a través de la creación y los primeros años de funcionamiento de dos espacios orientados a la producción y enseñanza de conocimientos bacteriológicos: el Laboratorio Bacte-riológico de la Asistencia Pública y la Sección Bacteriológica de la Oficina Sanitaria Argentina. A través del estudio de las trayectorias de los creadores y primeros integrantes de ambos espacios, un grupo de la élite médica agrupada en el Círculo Médico Argentino, y de los conocimientos que circularon al interior de ambas instituciones, reconstruimos el inicio del desarrollo de la bacteriología en Argentina y el modo en que se incorporó a las agendas gubernamentales. (AU)

Humans , History, 19th Century , Bacteriology/history , Health Policy/history , Hygiene/history , Argentina/ethnology
São Paulo; 2023. 93 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IBPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: bud-5004


The use of animals in research allowed gains in academic knowledge and in new therapeutic approaches, as they are models with characteristics common to humans. The quality of the animals used has a strong impact on the validity and reproducibility of research results, in addition to reducing the number of animals in the study. To achieve this type of quality standard, sanitary monitoring programs must be adopted in order to avoid biological contamination by animals, biological materials, insects, people and equipment. In addition to preventing the entry of pathogens into the colonies, the sanitary standard of the environment and of the animals already present in the vivarium must be known, preventing a collective outbreak of diseases. As laboratory animals can potentially be asymptomatic carriers of pathogens, sanitary control becomes even more challenging. According to what has been discussed, the objective of this study is to collect information on the sanitary control of animals used in research. This literature review includes information, recommendations and methodologies for parasitological, bacteriological and virological monitoring of the main species of animals intended for research, including mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits.

O uso de animais em pesquisas permitiram ganhos no conhecimento acadêmico e em novas abordagens terapêuticas pois são modelos com características comuns ao homem. A qualidade dos animais utilizados tem forte impacto na validade e reprodutibilidade dos resultados da pesquisa, além de reduzir o número de animais no estudo. Para se conseguir esse tipo de padrão de qualidade, devem ser adotados programas de monitoramento sanitário afim de evitar contaminação biológica por animais, materiais biológicos, insetos, pessoas e equipamentos. Além de evitar a entrada de patógenos nas colônias, deve-se conhecer o padrão sanitário do ambiente e dos animais já presentes no biotério, evitando que haja surto coletivo de doenças. Como animais de laboratório podem ser potencialmente portadores assintomáticos de patógenos, torna-se ainda mais desafiador o controle sanitário. De acordo com o abordado, tem-se como objetivo neste estudo o levantamento de informações sobre o controle sanitário de animais utilizados em pesquisas. Nesta revisão de literatura, inclui-se informações, recomendações e metodologias para o monitoramento parasitológico, bacteriológico e virológico das principais espécies de animais destinados a pesquisa, incluindo camundongos, ratos, cobaias e coelhos.

An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 88(número extraordinario): 19-28, diciembre 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-225765


La presencia de manantiales de aguas mineromedicinales en Ecuador se encuentra en relación con el gran número de volcanes que existen en el país, los cuales se han venido utilizando desde épocas remotas como medicamentos por la población. Sin embargo, se desconoce cuál es la biodiversidad bacteriana presente. Por ello, el objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la biodiversidad bacteriana de las aguas mineromedicinales del balneario “Urauco” ubicado en la Provincia de Pichincha. Ecuador. Se tomaron muestras de agua de un volumen de 1 litro en dos punto del balneario. Los muestreos se realizaron en 2 ocasiones durante un periodo de dos año. Para la toma y transporte de las muestras se siguieron las normas ecuatorianas INEN 2 176-98 y INEN 2 169-98. Para la determinación de la biodiversidad bacteriana se utilizó las técnicas de siembra, selección e identificación de bacterias indicados por Barrow y Feltan (2004) y MacFfadin (2004), complementadas con las pruebas bioquímicas contenidas en las galerías API (BioMérieux) y galería Microgen (Microgen corp.). Los resultados señalan un población de bacterias heterótrofas en las aguas del balneario de 3,1 x 102 UFC/mL, con la prevalencia de las bacterias Gram negativa de la clase Gamma Proteobacterias. Se pudo aislar e identificar 64 colonias de bacterias. Los géneros de bacterias encontrados fueron Acidovorax, Aeromonas, Bacillus, Brevundimonas, Budvicia, Citrobacter, Corynebacterium, Ed- wardsiella, Enterococcus, Ewingella, Flavobacterium, Kurthia, Micrococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, Ralstonia, Staphylococcus, Vibrio y Yokonella. La biodiversidad bacteriana observada fue alta, aunque escasa en número de individuos. (AU)

The presence of mineromedicinal water springs in Ecuador is related to the large number of volcanoes that exist in the country, which have been used since ancient times as medicines by the population. However, it is unknown what bacterial biodiversity is present. Therefore, the objective of these work was to determine the bacterial biodi- versity of the mineromedicinal waters of “Urauco” spa located in Pichincha Provinces of Ecuador. Water samples of a volume of 1 liter were taken at two points in each spa studied. Sampling was done 2 times over a period of two year. To take and transport the samples, the Ecuadorian standards INEN 2 176-98 and INEN 2 169-98 were followed. For the determination of bacterial biodiversity, the techniques of planting, selection and identification of bacteria indicated by Barrow and Feltan (2004) and MacFfadin (2004) were used, complemented with the bio- chemical tests contained in the API (BioMérieux) galleries and Microgen (Microgen corp.). The results indicate a population of heterotrophic bacteria in the spa waters of 3.1 x 102 CFU / mL, with the prevalence of Gram negative bacteria of the Gamma Proteobacteria class. It was possible to isolate and identify 64 colonies of bacteria. The genera of bacteria were Acidovorax, Aeromonas, Bacillus, Brevundimonas, Budvicia, Citrobacter, Corynebacterium, Edwardsiella, Enterococcus, Ewingella, Flavobacterium, Kurthia, Micrococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, Ralstonia, Staphylococcus, Vibrio and Yokonella. The bacterial biodiversity observed was high, although low in number. (AU)

Humans , Mineral Waters , Bacteriology , Microbiota , Thermal Water , Ecuador
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(6): 754-758, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431715


Mercedes Pérez Matus y Hugo Vaccaro Kosovich fueron destacados médicos y microbiólogos de la cátedra ordinaria de Bacteriología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile. En 1931, ambos médicos fueron contratados por la Facultad de Medicina para reorganizar la convulsionada Cátedra de Bacteriología luego de la crisis política de 1931. En el mismo período el destacado investigador del instituto Pasteur Eugéne Wollman vino a Chile a dirigir el Instituto Sanitas (1929-1931), incorporando en nuestro país el conocimiento sobre los bacteriófagos y las técnicas para su aislamiento. La prolongada labor docente y de investigación de Vaccaro y Pérez se extendió por casi 40 años (1931-1970). Publicaron numerosos artículos científicos, siendo uno de sus temas preferidos, en los primeros años, el estudio de los bacteriófagos que aprendieron junto a Wollman. En la década de los 40, bajo el liderazgo de los Dres. Vaccaro y Pérez, se inició la fagoterapia en Chile.

Mercedes Perez Matus and Hugo Vaccaro Kosovich were distinguished doctors and microbiologists from the ordinary chair of Bacteriology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile. In 1931, both doctors were hired by the F aculty of Medicine to reorganize the convulsed Chair of Bacteriology after the political crisis of 1931. In the same period, the prominent Pasteur Institute researcher Eugene Wollman came to Chile to direct the Sanitas Institute (1929-1931), incorporating in our country the knowledge about bacteriophages and the techniques for their isolation. The long teaching and research work of Vaccaro and Pérez spanned almost 40 years (1931-1970). They published numerous scientific articles, being one of their favorite topics, in the early years, the study of bacteriophages that they learned together with Wollman. In the 1940s, under the leadership of Drs. Vaccaro and Pérez, phage therapy began in Chile.

History, 20th Century , Phage Therapy/history , Microbiology/history , Bacteriology/history , Bacteriophages , Chile
Acta med. costarric ; 64(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1419884


Objetivo: Determinar la viabilidad del cultivo de la bacteria Helicobacter pylori en Costa Rica por medio de la documentación de toma de muestras, la comparación del diagnóstico histopatológico y la descripción de los diagnósticos asociados a los aislamientos obtenidos con los resultados de la ureasa rápida. Métodos: Investigación descriptiva que involucró a pacientes de entre los 35 y 70 años, de ambos sexos, que asistieron al Servicio de Endoscopia Digestiva del Hospital Clínica Bíblica entre febrero y junio del 2019 para estudio gastroscópico. Se obtuvieron biopsias gástricas para diagnóstico histopatológico, prueba de ureasa rápida y cultivo de Helicobacter pylori. Para este último, se transportaron las biopsias en un medio de transporte semisólido, se maceró el tejido y se cultivó enagar Skirrow y agar selectivo para Helicobacter; una placa de cada medio se incubó a 37 °C en microaerofilia entre 48 horas y 10 días. La positividad del cultivo se realizó por observación de la morfología colonial y la bacteria se identificó por análisis microscópico al fresco, tinción de Gram y pruebas bioquímicas (catalasa, ureasa y oxidasa). Resultados: Se incluyó a 44 pacientes (edad: 50.6 ± 10.0, 54.5% masculinos). Se recuperó Helicobacter pylori en biopsias de 27 pacientes (61.4% de éxito). La recuperación de la bacteria fue similar en el medio Skirrow y en el selectivo para Helicobacter. El porcentaje de éxito de recuperación semanal aumentó durante el estudio hasta alcanzar un éxito del 100% en la semana 11. Se comparó el cultivo con la ureasa rápida en 27 pacientes y la concordancia entre ambos métodos fue de un coeficiente kappa de Cohen de 0.48. El cultivo detectó la bacteria en un 56% de los pacientes, la ureasa rápida en un 37% y la combinación de ambas técnicas permitió la detección en un 60%. El diagnóstico endoscópico más frecuente en los pacientes con cultivo positivo fue la gastritis eritematosa y gastritis crónica superficial y el diagnóstico histopatológico predominante fue gastritis crónica con atrofia gástrica. El diagnóstico por cultivo coincidió con la detección por azul de toluidina en un 80.4% de los casos. Conclusiones: Se puede implementar el cultivo de Helicobacter pylori en Costa Rica. Este estudio tuvo un porcentaje de recuperación de la bacteria de 61.4%. La combinación del método de cultivo con la prueba de ureasa rápida y la detección histológica contribuye a un diagnóstico certero y oportuno. Recomendamos que, con base en protocolos descritos en esta investigación, cada laboratorio estandarice las condiciones que le permitan un buen porcentaje de recuperación y una implementación adaptada a sus actividades de rutina.

Aim: To document the recent experiences on the implementation of sampling and culturing Helicobacter pylori in Costa Rica, to compare it with other diagnostic methods: rapid urease test and histopathology and to describe the diagnoses associated with the obtained isolates. Methods: Descriptive research involving patients who visited the digestive endoscopy department of the Clínica Bíblica hospital in San José, Costa Rica between February and July of 2019 for gastroscopy. Gastric biopsies were obtained and histopathological analysis, rapid urease test, and bacteriological culture for Helicobacter pylori were performed. For culture techniques, the sample was transported in an in-house semi-solid medium. Biopsy fragments were macerated and plated on Skirrow agar and Helicobacterselective in-house agar, and incubated in microaerophilic atmosphere for 48 hours to 10 days. Culture positivity was determined by observation of the colonial morphology and microscopic observation; Gram staining and biochemical tests (urease, catalase, and oxidase) were used for bacterial identification. Results: 44 patients (mean aged 50.6 ± 10.0 years old, 54.5% male) were included in the study. Helicobacter pylori was recovered in biopsies from 27 patients (61.4% success rate). Bacterial growth was similar regardless the culture medium, but the physiological state of the bacteria was better in the Helicobacter-selective agar than in Skirrow. The weekly recovery rate increased to reach a 100% recovery plateau on week 11. Culture was compared with the rapid urease test in 27 patients, and the concordance between both methods using Cohen's kappa coefficient was 0.48. Whilst the culture detected Helicobacter pylori in 56% of the patients, and the rapid urease test in 37%, the combination of both allowed a 60% rate. The most frequent endoscopic diagnosis in patients with positive cultures were erythematous gastritis and chronic superficial gastritis, and the predominant histopathological diagnosis was chronic atrophic gastritis. Culture-based diagnosis was consistent with the histopathology detection of Helicobacter pylori in 80.4% of the cases. Conclusions: The implementation of H. pylori culture in Costa Rica is possible. This study had a 61.4% recovery rate. The combination of culture with rapid urease test and histopathology increases the probability of an accurate and timely diagnosis. We recommend that, based on previously described protocols such as ours, each laboratory adjusts the conditions to allow a good recovery rate and implement H. pylori diagnostic methods most suitable to their routine activities.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Bacteriology , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Costa Rica
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e239691, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249238


The loop is a material classically used in the laboratory for the purpose of plate streaking and handling biological materials. However, metal loops techniques might be time consuming, considering the amount of time spent to guarantee its cooling process through each inoculation. Furthermore, plastic loops may also represent environmental issues during its production and discard process and can also represent higher costs for the laboratory. Thus, in situations of limited resources, even the simplest materials can be restricted due to logistical and budgetary issues, especially in developing countries. Inspired by demands like these, facing an occasional shortage of supply of laboratory plastic handles, we hereby present a quality control for sterilization methods and cost-effectiveness studies towards the use of wooden sticks in a Latin American country and we discuss the possibility of the large-scale use of this technique.

A alça calibrada é um material usado classicamente em laboratório para fins de inoculação em placas e manuseio de materiais biológicos. No entanto, as técnicas de alças metálicas podem consumir muito tempo, considerando a quantidade de tempo gasto para garantir seu processo de resfriamento a cada inoculação. Além disso, alças de plástico também podem representar questões ambientais durante o processo de produção e descarte e também podem representar custos mais altos para o laboratório. Assim, em situações de recursos limitados, até os materiais mais simples podem ser restringidos devido a questões logísticas e orçamentárias, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Inspirados por demandas como essas, diante de uma escassez ocasional de suprimentos de alças de plástico de laboratório, apresentamos um controle de qualidade para métodos de esterilização e estudos de custo-efetividade para o uso de varas de madeira em um país latino-americano e discutimos a possibilidade de grande uso em escala dessa técnica.

Cost-Benefit Analysis , Quality Control
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-5, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468500


The loop is a material classically used in the laboratory for the purpose of plate streaking and handling biological materials. However, metal loops techniques might be time consuming, considering the amount of time spent to guarantee its cooling process through each inoculation. Furthermore, plastic loops may also represent environmental issues during its production and discard process and can also represent higher costs for the laboratory. Thus, in situations of limited resources, even the simplest materials can be restricted due to logistical and budgetary issues, especially in developing countries. Inspired by demands like these, facing an occasional shortage of supply of laboratory plastic handles, we hereby present a quality control for sterilization methods and cost-effectiveness studies towards the use of wooden sticks in a Latin American country and we discuss the possibility of the large-scale use of this technique.

A alça calibrada é um material usado classicamente em laboratório para fins de inoculação em placas e manuseio de materiais biológicos. No entanto, as técnicas de alças metálicas podem consumir muito tempo, considerando a quantidade de tempo gasto para garantir seu processo de resfriamento a cada inoculação. Além disso, alças de plástico também podem representar questões ambientais durante o processo de produção e descarte e também podem representar custos mais altos para o laboratório. Assim, em situações de recursos limitados, até os materiais mais simples podem ser restringidos devido a questões logísticas e orçamentárias, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Inspirados por demandas como essas, diante de uma escassez ocasional de suprimentos de alças de plástico de laboratório, apresentamos um controle de qualidade para métodos de esterilização e estudos de custo-efetividade para o uso de varas de madeira em um país latino-americano e discutimos a possibilidade de grande uso em escala dessa técnica.

Waste Management/economics , Waste Management/methods , Bacteriological Techniques/economics , Bacteriological Techniques/instrumentation , Microbiological Techniques/economics , Microbiological Techniques/instrumentation
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468687


Abstract The loop is a material classically used in the laboratory for the purpose of plate streaking and handling biological materials. However, metal loops techniques might be time consuming, considering the amount of time spent to guarantee its cooling process through each inoculation. Furthermore, plastic loops may also represent environmental issues during its production and discard process and can also represent higher costs for the laboratory. Thus, in situations of limited resources, even the simplest materials can be restricted due to logistical and budgetary issues, especially in developing countries. Inspired by demands like these, facing an occasional shortage of supply of laboratory plastic handles, we hereby present a quality control for sterilization methods and cost-effectiveness studies towards the use of wooden sticks in a Latin American country and we discuss the possibility of the large-scale use of this technique.

Resumo A alça calibrada é um material usado classicamente em laboratório para fins de inoculação em placas e manuseio de materiais biológicos. No entanto, as técnicas de alças metálicas podem consumir muito tempo, considerando a quantidade de tempo gasto para garantir seu processo de resfriamento a cada inoculação. Além disso, alças de plástico também podem representar questões ambientais durante o processo de produção e descarte e também podem representar custos mais altos para o laboratório. Assim, em situações de recursos limitados, até os materiais mais simples podem ser restringidos devido a questões logísticas e orçamentárias, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Inspirados por demandas como essas, diante de uma escassez ocasional de suprimentos de alças de plástico de laboratório, apresentamos um controle de qualidade para métodos de esterilização e estudos de custo-efetividade para o uso de varas de madeira em um país latino-americano e discutimos a possibilidade de grande uso em escala dessa técnica.

Asclepio ; 73(2): p569, Dic 30, 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217884


Este trabajo analiza la recepción de la seroterapia en Argentina a fines del siglo XIX. Nuestro argumento es que la incorporación de la seroterapia y el desarrollo de agentes terapéuticos supuso una serie de cambios significativos en el campo sanitario en tres dimensiones: a) en las políticas sanitarias, por la incorporación de la función de investigación y producción de agentes terapéuticos por parte de la principal autoridad sanitaria (en relación estrecha con la Escuela de Medicina de Buenos Aires); b) en la práctica profesional, por los cambios que introdujo el trabajo experimental en la relación médico-paciente; y c) en la configuración social del campo médico sanitario, donde a partir de una serie de disputas y conflictos se consolidó el liderazgo de un grupo de médicos ligados a la bacteriología. De este modo, esta nueva terapéutica fue un dinamizador de la actividad y tuvo una incidencia importante en la trayectoria de diferentes actores sociales y espacios institucionales ligados a la salud en el Buenos Aires de fines del siglo XIX.(AU)

This work analyzes the reception of serotherapy in Argentina at the end of the 19th century. Our argument is that the incorporation of serotherapy and the development of therapeutic agents represented a significant changes in the health field in three dimensions: a) in health policies, by the incorporation of the research and production function of therapeutic agents by the main health authority (closely related to the Buenos Aires School of Medicine); b) in professional practice, due to the changes that experimental work introduced in the doctor-patient relationship; and c) in the social configuration of the health field, where a group of physicians consolidated from its leadership through a series of disputes and conflicts. In this way, this new therapy was a catalyst for activity and had an important impact on the trajectory of different social actors and institutional spaces linked to health towards the end of the 19th century.(AU)

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Serum , Health Policy , Immunization, Passive , Communicable Diseases , Bacteriology , Argentina , History of Medicine , Scientific Research and Technological Development
Dynamis (Granada) ; 41(1): 211-232, 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-216132


En este artículo, estudiamos la elaboración de dos métodos para combatir la gripe española o influenza en la Argentina: el suero y la vacuna. Las investigaciones sobre el agente etiológico y la elaboración de estos instrumentos se llevaron a cabo en el Instituto Bacterioló-gico, institución estatal que al momento en que ingresó y se expandió la enfermedad estaba dirigida por el médico bohemio Rudolf Kraus y junto a él trabajaba una parte de la élite médica porteña y extranjera. Realizamos un análisis de las metodologías que se utilizaron tanto para la elaboración como en las pruebas que se desarrollaron a lo largo de los años 1918 y 1919. Consideramos que el mismo Estado que permitió y alentó la elaboración de ambos métodos de prevención y de cura, en especial de la vacuna, también fue un factor que, por su misma dinámica, impidió que se llevaran adelante las pruebas para validarla y aplicarla. El estudio se llevó a cabo a partir de diversas fuentes, como documentación estatal, artículos científicos y notas periodísticas, desde un análisis hermenéutico (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919/history , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919/prevention & control , Influenza Vaccines/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Argentina
Rev. inf. cient ; 99(4): 321-330, jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139192


RESUMEN Introducción: La lucha contra la tuberculosis es una responsabilidad social y profesional que requiere de su caracterización, la que no se ha realizado en Guantánamo en la última década. Objetivo: Caracterizar la tuberculosis en pacientes de la provincia Guantánamo durante el periodo comprendido entre 2012 y 2019. Método: El universo se constituyó por el total de pacientes diagnosticados (n=136). Se estudiaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, localización de la enfermedad, resultados de la baciloscopía, categoría al egreso y grupos de riesgo de tuberculosis. La información se obtuvo mediante los registros de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria cada año, y las encuestas epidemiológicas de los controles de focos realizados, y se resumió en números absolutos y porcentajes. Resultados: En el 80,1 % de los casos la tuberculosis se localizó en los pulmones, y fue más común el diagnóstico de pacientes con baciloscopía positiva (63,2 %). El 76,7 % de los pacientes con baciloscopía positiva fueron masculinos. Los grupos de riesgos para tuberculosis más usuales fueron: fumadores (26,4 %), inmunodeprimidos (21,6 %) y el alcoholismo (19,1 %). Conclusiones: En la provincia Guantánamo prevalece la tuberculosis de localización pulmonar y los pacientes con bacteriología positiva. Los afectados sobre todo son hombres, tienen edad entre 45 a 54 años y son de reciente diagnóstico. La enfermedad incide más en aquellos con antecedente de ser fumadores, inmunodeprimidos y los alcohólicos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The fight against tuberculosis is a social and professional responsibility, which requires its characterization, which has not been carried out in Guantánamo in the last decade. Objective: To characterize tuberculosis in patients in the Guantánamo province during the period between 2012 and 2019. Method: The universe was made up of the total number of diagnosed patients (n = 136). The following variables were studied: age, sex, location of the disease, smear results, category at discharge, and tuberculosis risk groups. The information was obtained through the notifiable disease registries for each year and the epidemiological surveys of the outbreak controls carried out, and was summarized in absolute numbers and percentages. Results: In 80.1% of cases, tuberculosis is in the lungs, and the diagnosis of patients with positive smear microscopy (63.2%) is more common. 76.7% of smear-positive patients are male. The most common risk groups for tuberculosis are: smokers (26.4%), immunosuppressed (21.6%) and alcoholism (19.1%). Conclusions: In Guantánamo province, pulmonary localization tuberculosis and patients with positive bacteriology prevail. Those affected are mainly men, they are between 45 and 54 years old and have recently been diagnosed. The disease affects more in those with a history of being smokers, immunosuppressed and alcoholics.

Humans , Tuberculosis/classification , Tuberculosis/diagnosis , Tuberculosis/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Observational Study
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 18(2): 190-193, nov 07, 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291576


Introdução: a microbiota da região genital feminina pode sofrer alterações ocasionando patologias, como as vaginoses bacterianas (VB). A VB tem como principal sintoma o corrimento genital, de coloração branca ou acinzentada com odor desagradável. Devido as grandes complicações que essa doença ocasiona, como infertilidade, abortos e o aumento do risco de adquirir HIV, ela é considerada um grave problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de vaginoses bacterianas em pacientes que realizaram bacterioscopia de secreção vaginal em um laboratório particular de Aracaju, em Sergipe. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo do tipo documental, retrospectivo e transversal, com base na análise dos protocolos de identificação das mulheres que realizaram bacterioscopia de secreção vaginal, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2017. Resultados: foram analisados 434 protocolos, sendo que 80 (18,4%) das amostras foram positivas para VB e 354 (81,6%) negativas. Nas positivas, o agente infeccioso mais prevalente foi a Candida sp. (56,3%), depois Gardnerella vaginallis (35%) e ainda houve coinfeccção (8,7%). Na faixa etária, a prevalência maior foi observada no grupo de menores que 20 anos (9,66%). Dentre os sintomas, o corrimento foi mais frequente (28,75%). No estudo foi descrito utilização do DIU pelas mulheres (1,25%). Conclusão: nota-se um problema de saúde da mulher referente as VB, o qual deve ter um maior controle e regressão da sua prevalência. Faz-se necessário investimentos em políticas públicas, na saúde, voltadas a avaliação dos comportamentos de riscos, a fim de promover uma prevenção das infecções vaginais, visando a redução dos agravos

Introduction: the microbiota of the female genital area can change causing pathologies, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV). The main symptom of BV is vaginal discharge, of white or grayish color with an unpleasant odor. Due to the great complications that this disease causes, such as infertility, abortion and the increased risk of acquiring HIV, it is considered a serious public health problem. Objective: to verify the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in patients who underwent bacterioscopy of vaginal secretion in a particular laboratory here in Aracaju, Sergipe. Methodology: This is a documentary, retrospective and cross-sectional study, based on the analysis of identification records of women who underwent bacterioscopy of vaginal secretion, from January to December, 2017. Results: 434 samples were analyzed, and 80 (18.4%) of them were positive for BV and 354 (81.6%) negative. In the positive, the most prevalent infectious agent was Candida sp. (56.3%), followed by Gardnerella vaginallis (35%) and coinfection (8.7%). About the age of the group, the highest prevalence was observed in the group by younger than 20 years (9.66%). Among the symptoms, discharge was the most frequente (28.75%). In the study, IUD use by women was described (1.25%). Conclusion: women health problems related to BV are noted, which should have a greater control and regression of their prevalence. It is necessary to invest in health public policy, directed to evaluation of risk behaviors, in order to promote prevention of vaginal infections, aiming at the reduction of diseases.

Vaginosis, Bacterial
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(3): 639-657, jul.-set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975428


Resumo Para se compreender a fundação, em 1900, e os primeiros trabalhos científicos do Instituto Soroterápico Federal, é necessário analisar a circulação de conhecimento e a disputa internacional envolvendo os soros antipestosos e as vacinas antipestosas. O artigo discute a criação do primeiro soro antipestoso, em Paris, e os testes realizados a partir de 1897 na Índia. Paralelamente, examina a invenção da vacina antipestosa na mesma época em Bombaim e a oposição construída entre ela e o soro antipestoso francês. Em seguida, observa os diferentes caminhos pelos quais esses objetos chegaram ao Brasil e como questões locais se conectaram à disputa científica internacional e justificaram, no Rio de Janeiro, reconfigurações em torno desses dois objetos.

Abstract In order to understand the 1900 establishment of the Federal Serum Therapy Institute of Manguinhos and its earliest scientific work, we must analyze the circulation of knowledge and international disputes surrounding antiplague serums and vaccines. This article discusses the development of the first antiplague serum, in Paris, and the trials conducted in India, which started in 1897. It also examines the invention of an antiplague vaccine in Bombay around the same time and the ensuing controversy involving it and the French serum. The article then explores the pathways by which these objects reached Brazil and also looks at how local issues there meshed with the international scientific dispute, ultimately justifying reconfigurations of the two objects in Rio de Janeiro.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Plague/history , Plague Vaccine/history , Laboratories/history , Plague/prevention & control , Brazil , Serum , India
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 49(1): 6-23, 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1096122


Buscando en los registros de las principales actividades de la Gerencia de Diagnóstico y Vigilancia Epidemiológica ha sido difícil elegir entre tantas vivencias, aquellos elementos que marcaron pauta durante la década 2008 ­ 2018. No obstante, es de resaltar que los desafíos afrontados ante la aparición de brotes, epidemias y la primera pandemia del siglo XXI, trajeron consigo un cúmulo de experiencias que se presentan en este artículo. Como centro nacional de referencia en las áreas de Bacteriología, Micología y Virología, continuamos aportando soluciones a la salud pública nacional mediante la actualización profesional de nuestro personal y la formación de la generación de relevo, en la que participan profesionales de excelencia, altamente especializados y sensibilizados con la problemática y los requerimientos de nuestra población. Asimismo, a través de la coordinación, supervisión y evaluación de la Red de laboratorios de salud pública, se contribuye con el fortalecimiento del diagnóstico de enfermedades transmisibles y vigilancia epidemiológica en el país. El trabajo realizado en estos diez años ha sido excelente, crucial y prioritario para enfrentar las emergencias. Debemos seguir trabajando en dos aspectos claves: 1. Mayor integración del laboratorio con el componente epidemiológico y clínico del país para ser más útiles al sistema de salud, y 2. Consolidar la creación del edificio sede del Centro de Diagnóstico de Enfermedades Transmisibles del Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel" (INHRR), proyecto en el que estamos trabajando con la asesoría de la OPS/OMS.

Looking at the records of the main activities of the Diagnostic and Epidemiological Surveillance Management, it has been difficult to choose between many experiences, those elements that set the standard during the 2008 ­ 2018 decade. However, it is noteworthy that the challenges faced with the emergence of outbreaks, epidemics and the first pandemic of the 21st century, brought with it a wealth of experiences that are presented in this article. As a national reference center in Bacteriology, Mycology and Virology areas, we continue to provide solutions to public health through the professional updating of our staff and formation of the relief generation, in which participate professionals of excellence, highly specialized and sensitized with the problems and requirements of our population. Likewise, through the coordination, supervision and evaluation of the public health laboratories network, it contributes to the strengthening of the communicable diseases diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance in the country. The work done in these ten years has been excellent, crucial and priority to face emergencies. We must continue working on two key aspects: 1. Greater laboratory integration with the epidemiological and clinical component of the country to be more useful to the health system, and 2. Consolidate headquarters building creation of the National Institute of Hygiene "Rafael Rangel" (INHRR) Diagnostic Center for Communicable Diseases, project in which we are working with the PAHO / WHO advice.

Humans , Male , Female , Bacteriology , Virology , Communicable Diseases/diagnosis , Health Facilities , Mycology , Public Health , Public Health Laboratory Services , History of Medicine , Laboratories
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 39(3): 331-334, July-Sept. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-859959


Stomatitis is a common disease found on snake farms, and Gram-negative bacilli are the main etiological agents that play an important role as secondary sources of viral or parasitic infections. The purpose of this work was to identify the aerobic bacteria in the oral cavity of Bothrops atrox with stomatitis. Samples for microbiological examination were collected from 12 snakes bred on a commercial snake farm for venom extraction. Samples of the secretion in the oral cavity of each serpent presenting stomatitis were collected from fang sheath, using a cotton swab with sterile alginate. The samples were incubated and cultured on Petri dishes containing blood agar and XLD agar using the agar depletion technique. Bacterial growth occurred in all analyzed samples collected from the oral cavity of Bothrops atrox with stomatitis, and some of the samples contained more than one microorganism. The following Gram-negative bacteria were isolated: Escherichia coli (26.31%), Citrobacter spp. (21.05%), Proteus spp. (15.78%) and Salmonella spp. (10.52%). The only Gram-positive bacterium that was isolated was Staphylococcus spp., which was present in 26.31% of the analyzed samples.

A estomatite é uma das doenças mais frequentes em criatórios comerciais de serpentes, sendo os bacilos Gram-negativos os principais agentes etiológicos com importante papel, como fontes secundárias, nas infecções virais ou parasitárias. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as bactérias aeróbicas presentes na cavidade oral em serpentes da espécie Bothrops atrox. Utilizaram-se 12 amostras colhidas com auxílio de swab estéril na região da bainha da presa, em serpentes que apresentaram estomatite, em um criatório comercial. As amostras foram cultivadas em Ágar-sangue e Ágar XLD. Em todas as amostras analisadas, houve crescimento de, pelo menos, um microrganismo. As bactérias Gram-negativas isoladas foram Escherichia coli (26,31%), Citrobacter spp. (21,05%), Proteus spp. (15,78%) e Salmonella spp. (10,52%). A única bactéria Gram-positiva isolada foi a Staphylococcus spp., presente em 26,31% das amostras analisadas.

Bacteriology , Communicable Diseases , Reptiles
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 733-756, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-792562


Resumo A teoria dos germes, decorrente, em especial, dos trabalhos de Louis Pasteur e Robert Koch, fez estremecer as bases do saber médico a partir da segunda metade do período oitocentista e promoveu uma revolução na “arte de curar”. A busca por micróbios específicos para as doenças norteou as investigações de pesquisadores convertidos aos dogmas pasteurianos. Este trabalho procura mostrar, em linhas gerais, o papel desempenhado pela Gazeta Médica da Bahia no processo de divulgação da bacteriologia junto às comunidades médicas baiana e nacional. O artigo apresenta alguns trabalhos e reflexões de colaboradores do periódico e destaca algumas controvérsias que ajudaram a traçar um panorama da difusão da teoria dos germes pelo Brasil ao longo do século XIX.

Abstract Germ theory, derived particularly from the work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, shook the foundations of medical knowledge in the second half of the nineteenth century and triggered a revolution in the “art of healing.” The search for specific microbes for diseases guided the investigations of the researchers converted to the Pasteurian tenets. This paper aims to show what role the Gazeta Médica da Bahia journal played in spreading knowledge about bacteriology to the medical communities in Bahia and throughout Brazil. Some works and reflections by the newspaper’s authors at the time are presented, as are some of the controversies that help depict the way germ theory was divulged in Brazil throughout the nineteenth century.

History, 19th Century , Bacteriology/history , Information Dissemination/history , Periodicals as Topic/history , Brazil , Germ Theory of Disease/history , Information Dissemination/methods , Newspapers as Topic/history
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(6): 503-508, jun. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-792607


This present study was developed with the objective of detect Salmonella sp. by conventional bacteriology and qPCR techniques in samples of flooring material from transport crates (meconium); raising environment (swab of cages and drinking fountains); cloacal swab; food and insects from growing, rearing and production phases in a commercial group of laying hens. A total of 864 samples were collected, among whom 248 originated from growing, 392 from rearing and 224 from production phase. Among the 864 samples, 2,8% where positives in bacteriologic technique and 15.3% in qPCR. Contamination was higher in growing and rearing phases and declined in production phase. Twenty four isolations of Salmonella where typified as Salmonella Agona (41.7%), Salmonella Livingstone (33.3%), Salmonella Cerro (16.7%), Salmonella Senftenberg (4.2%) and Salmonella Schwarzengrund (4.2%). During growing phase Salmonella Livingstone was identified. These findings suggest vertical contamination in the group. During rearing and production phases, isolated materials belong to serovars Agona, Cerro, Senftenberg and Schwarzengrund, pointing to horizontal contamination. It is possible to conclude that both vertical and horizontal contaminations are important during the cycle of commercial egg production and contamination in rearing phase is higher than in growing and production phases.(AU)

O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com objetivo de detectar Salmonella sp. pelas técnicas de bacteriologia convencional e PCR em tempo real em amostras de forros de caixas de transporte (mecônio), de ambientes de criação (suabes de gaiola e de bebedouro), suabes de cloaca, ração e insetos oriundos das fases de cria, recria e produção de um lote de poedeiras comerciais. Foram coletadas 864 amostras das quais 248 foram originadas da cria, 392 da recria e 224 da produção. Das 864 amostras 2,8% foram positivas na técnica bacteriológica e 15,3% no PCR em tempo real. A contaminação aumentou da fase de cria para a recria e declinou na fase de produção. Vinte e quatro isolados de Salmonella foram tipificados como Salmonella Agona (41,7%), Salmonella Livingstone (33,3%), Salmonella Cerro (16,7%), Salmonella Senftenberg (4,2%) e Salmonella Schwarzengrund (4,2%). Na fase de cria identificou-se Salmonella Livingstone. Esses achados sugerem a contaminação vertical do lote. Nas fases de recria e produção os isolados pertenceram aos sorovares Agona, Cerro, Senftenberg e Schwarzengrund apontando para a contaminação horizontal. Pode-se concluir com este estudo que tanto a contaminação vertical como a horizontal são importantes no ciclo de produção de ovos comerciais e que a contaminação na fase de recria é maior que na fase de cria e de produção.(AU)

Animals , Chickens/microbiology , Salmonella/isolation & purification , Salmonella/virology , Bacteriological Techniques/analysis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary