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Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 33(1): 35-43, 2020 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31208183


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of different concentrate levels in diets based on cactus Opuntia Stricta (Haw.) Haw cladodes over the performance of lactating Girolando cows. METHODS: The experiment involved 10 Girolando multiparous dairy cows (512.6 kg of body weight and producing 13.2kg milk/day), allocated into two 5 x 5 Latin squares. The experimental treatments consisted of control diet composed by cactus Nopalea cochenillifera. Salm-Dyck. cladodes (Nopalea), forage sorghum silage and concentrate (20% at DM basis), and four concentrate levels diets (20, 24, 28 and 32%) plus cactus Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw. cladodes (Opuntia) and forage sorghum silage. RESULTS: Regarding cows fed control diet, the nutrients intake were greater than for cows fed with cactus Opuntia and concentrate. Regarding concentrate levels, intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) of cows increased linearly. The OM, CP and NDF digestibilities were similar in between to control diet and cactus Opuntia-based diets. The digestibility of NFC increased linearly when the concentrate was inserted. The N balance was the same for control diet and cactus Opuntia-based diets, irrespective the concentrate levels. CONCLUSION: For cows producing 14 kg/day with 3.5% of fat, it is recommended 32% of concentrate inclusion in cactus Opuntia-based diets, and the increase in concentrate level promotes a linear increase in milk yield.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1988-1996, nov.-dez. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970777


This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional quality of Pilosocereus gounellei using different methods of spine removal and plant storage. A total of 600 P. gounellei cacti were randomly selected in 10 hectares of Caatinga. The experimental design was completely randomised using a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement and three replicates. The variables evaluated were the storage conditions (under trees; and ventilated storage facilities) and four types of spine removal techniques assessed 31 days after storage (fresh plants with spines [control]; use of flamethrowers before storage; slash-and-burn ["coivara"] before storage; and use of flamethrowers after storage). The P. gounellei subjected to slash-and-burn during the cladode harvest (cutting) process deteriorated rapidly and exhibited a smooth consistency; dark colour. The burning process resulted in increased in situ degradability of dry matter compared with the control treatment. The results of treatment 4 were similar to those of the control treatment regarding the preservation of the nutritional properties of P. gounellei. Therefore, P. gounellei can be harvested and stored fresh for 31 days without losing their nutritional properties, and spines should be removed using flamethrowers after the storage period, i.e., when using the plants as livestock feed.(AU)

Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a qualidade nutritiva do Pilosocereus gounellei em relação a diferentes métodos de retirada dos acúleos e ao armazenamento. Foram selecionadas ao acaso 600 P. gounelleis em 10 hectares de caatinga nativa. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial (2 x 4), com três repetições. Os fatores constaram dos locais de armazenamento (primeiro local: árvore. segundo local: galpão) e de quatro tipos de processamento de eliminação dos acúleos do P. gounellei (tratamento 1: in natura, com acúleo (testemunha); tratamento 2: utilização de lança-chamas por ocasião do armazenamento; tratamento 3: queima em coivara por ocasião do armazenamento; tratamento 4: lança-chamas após o armazenamento), avaliado após 31 dias do armazenamento. O P. gounellei queimado em coivara por ocasião do corte (tratamento 3) degradou-se rapidamente, apresentando consistência lisa e coloração escurecida. Em relação à degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca, os tratamentos com fogo proporcionaram maiores valores que o tratamento 1. O tratamento 4 foi o que apresentou resultados mais próximos ao 1 (P. gounellei in natura), conservando as propriedades nutricionais do P. gounellei. O P. gounellei pode ser colhido e armazenado in natura por 31 dias, sendo preservadas suas qualidades nutricionais, com retirada dos acúleos com lança-chamas após o armazenamento, no momento de fornecer aos animais.(AU)

Cactaceae/chemistry , Nutritive Value
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(4): 322-328, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-787564


Objetivou-se avaliar balanço hídrico e excreção renal de metabólitos em borregos sem raça definida, alimentados com diferentes quantidades de palma forrageira (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck), na forma in natura e em farelo. Foram utilizados 20 borregos, com peso vivo médio inicial de 20 Kg e foram distribuídos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As dietas experimentais consistiram em uma dieta controle à base de feno de tífton, farelo de soja, suplemento mineral e calcário, os demais tratamentos visaram testar níveis diferentes de palma forrageira corrigida com ureia em duas formas: in natura e farelada e em dois níveis de substituição (50 e 100%) da matéria seca do feno de tífton. Amostras de sangue e urina foram coletadas para determinação de diferentes metabólitos e minerais e utilização de equações para obtenção dos índices de excreção urinária destes metabólitos, taxa de depuração endógena de creatinina e reabsorção de água livre de eletrólitos, além do registro de ingestão de água e volume de urina. A ingestão voluntária de água sofreu influência das dietas, sendo que os animais submetidos às dietas contendo farelo de palma e feno e farelo de palma foram superiores aos demais tratamentos. A ingestão de água via alimentos também sofreu influência da dieta, sendo maior nos animais que receberam palma in natura e farelo mais palma in natura. Com relação à ingestão total de água foi maior para os animais alimentados com dietas contendo palma in natura em relação aos demais tratamentos. As dietas experimentais influenciaram na excreção renal de metabólitos derivados purínicos e minerais, sem alterar a função renal. A presença da palma forrageira tanto na condição de farelo como in natura proporciona aumento do volume urinário sem alterar a função renal, além de que deve ser considerado como uma excelente estratégia alimentar no semiárido.

This study aimed to assess fluid balance and renal excretion of metabolites in lambs without defined breed standard, fed different forage cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck), in natura and bran. 20 lambs were used, with initial body weight of 20 kg and were distributed in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and four repetitions. The experimental diets consisted of a control diet based on Bermuda grass hay, soybean meal, limestone and mineral supplement, other treatments aimed at testing different levels of cactus pear plus urea in two forms: fresh and mash and two levels of substitution (50 and 100%) of dry matter of hay. Blood and urine samples were collected for determination of different metabolites and minerals and use of equations to determine the rates of urinary excretion of these metabolites, rate of endogenous creatinine clearance and electrolyte reabsorption of free water, in addition to recording of water intake and urine volume. The voluntary water intake was influenced by the diets, and the animals subjected to diets containing soybean meal and hay palm and cactus meal were higher than other treatments. Water intake via food was also influenced by diet, being higher in animals fed palm fresh and bran over palm in nature. With respect to total water intake was greater for cows fed diets containing palm in nature compared to the other treatments. The experimental diets influenced the renal excretion of purine metabolites and minerals derived, without changing renal function. The presence of cactus pear both as bran as in nature provides increased urine volume without changing renal function, and to be considered as an excellent food strategy in semiarid.

Animals , Hydrologic Balance/analysis , Cactaceae/metabolism , Sheep/physiology , Renal Elimination , Kidney/physiology , Drinking Behavior , Diet/veterinary , Dietary Minerals/analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1475-1491, sep. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-688490


Mexico is constituted of arid and semiarid areas in more than half of its land extension, where most of their resources are available only during the rainy season. For those species that recycle resources, such as the carrion fauna, this represents a highly active season; however, the biological and diversity patterns of carrion fauna are poorly understood in these areas. Here, we studied the abundance, diversity and richness of the Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Staphylinidae and Trogidae families in the Zapotitlán de las Salinas Valley in Puebla, Mexico. Over a one-year period, monthly samples were collected from five different vegetation systems that included the scrublands, a columnar cactus landscape, and altered vegetation. Samples were collected with the use of NTP-80 traps baited with squid, and data on abundance and richness were obtained and evaluated, with respect to monthly precipitation and sampling site location. We collected a total of 613 insects from 12 genera and 15 species. Across systems, Staphylinidae showed the greatest richness (nine species) and abundance (74.2%), followed by Scarabaeidae (21.9%), Silphidae (2.9%) and Trogidae (1%). Significant differences were observed between sites and months; nevertheless, no relationship was observed between abundance and temperature or precipitation. Across taxonomic groups, abundance and richness were most evident for scrub sites, while a greater abundance during the dry season was obtained. The results of this study indicated that the carrion faunal community composition is closely related to the type of vegetation and did not depend on the rainy season. In spite that lesser carrion fauna was observed in this area when compared to other regions of Mexico, this report constitutes a significant contribution to our understanding of the ecological role of this fauna in arid areas.

Las zonas áridas y semiáridas ocupan más de la mitad del territorio de México, sin embargo, son ambientes donde los escarabajos necrófilos han sido escasamente estudiados. En esta investigación se presenta la diversidad y fenología de Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Staphylinidae y Trogidae en el valle de Zapotitlán de las Salinas, Puebla. Se realizaron muestreos mensuales durante un año de abril de 1998 a marzo de 1999 empleando trampas tipo NTP-80 cebadas con calamar, distribuidas en un mezquital y matorral espinoso, en cactáceas columnares y vegetación alterada. Se capturaron 613 individuos de 12 géneros y 15 especies. Staphylinidae tuvo la mayor riqueza (9 especies) y abundancia (74.2%), le siguieron Scarabaeidae (21.9%), Silphidae (2.9%) y Trogidae (1%) con dos especies cada una. La fauna para las dos primeras fue inferior a la observada en otras zonas de México. La máxima abundancia y riqueza estuvieron en la época seca y las comunidades de escarabajos necrófilos prefirieron los sitios con mezquital y matorral, donde permanecieron más tiempo y se registraron todas las especies, por lo tanto los tipos de vegetación presentes fueron el factor más importante que determinó las variaciones locales de abundancia, diversidad y riqueza y no la época de lluvias.

Animals , Biodiversity , Coleoptera/classification , Mexico , Population Density , Seasons
Ciênc. rural ; 41(5): 779-784, May 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-590084


Hylocereus undatus (Haw.), popularmente conhecida como pitaia vermelha é uma cactácea para a qual se tem registrado um aumento de consumo nos últimos anos e, por ser ainda pouco explorada, vários aspectos referentes à sua propagação ainda são desconhecidos. Até o momento, não existem critérios para a execução de testes de germinação para sementes dessa espécie, publicados nas Regras para Análise de Sementes. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho adequar a metodologia quanto ao substrato, temperatura e tempo de contagem inicial e final para o teste de germinação. Foram testados quatro substratos (rolo de papel, areia, vermiculita e solo) e quatro temperaturas (20, 25, 30 e 20-30°C). O efeito dos substratos no desempenho germinativo das sementes foi avaliado pelo teste de germinação e de primeira contagem instalado com quatro subamostras de 50 sementes. Foram feitas contagens diárias do número de plântulas emergidas até atingirem a estabilidade e, no final do experimento, foram avaliados a porcentagem de germinação das sementes, considerando as plântulas normais, anormais e sementes mortas. Concluiu-se que o teste de germinação de sementes de pitaia vermelha deve ser realizado à temperatura constante de 25°C em rolo de papel, com contagens inicial e final aos cinco e dez dias após a semeadura, respectivamente.

Hylocereus undatus (Haw.), popularly known as red pitaya is a cactus for which it has been registered an increase in consumption in recent years and, being as yet little explored, several aspects related to its propagation are still unknown. Yet, there are no criteria for the performance of germination tests for seeds of this species published in Rules for Seed Analysis. Accordingly, the objective of this research was to adapt the methodology to the substrate, temperature and time of initial and final count for the germination test. Four substrates were tested (rolled paper, sand, vermiculite and soil) and four temperatures (20, 25, 30 e 20-30°C).The effect of substrates on the seeds germination performance was evaluated by the germination test and first count installed with four replicates of 50 seeds. The number of seedlings was counted daily until they achieved stability. The percentage of seed germination was evaluated at the end of the experiment, considering the normal and abnormal seedlings and dead seeds. It was concluded that the germination test of red pitaya seeds must be performed at constant temperature of 25°C in rolled paper, with initial and final counts at five and ten days after sowing, respectively.