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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 121-132, jul./dez. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568654


Myocastor coypus (coypu or nutria) is considered one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world due to its risk to local wildlife, such as waterfowl, zoonotic risks, and environmental damage, such as riverbank erosion, arising from its habit of constructing burrows along the edge of water bodies. The presence of M. coypus is already known locally in the municipality of Londrina based on records at Igapó Lake. This paper presents the first record of M. coypus in Arthur Thomas Municipal Park, a Conservation Unit of Integral Protection located in the urban area of Londrina. The records were obtained through direct observation of one live individual and one carcass during campaigns to monitor medium and large mammals. Subsequently, ten records were obtained using camera traps, of unknown gender, located near waterbodies. We emphasize the need for continuous fauna monitoring in conservation units to detect and verify potential increases in invasive alien species populations that can result in environmental damage.

A espécie Myocastor coypus (ratão-do-banhado) é considerada uma das 100 piores espécies invasoras do mundo por representar risco para a fauna local, como aves aquáticas, e risco de zoonoses, além de causar danos ambientais, como desbarrancamento de encostas de rios, devido ao seu hábito de construção de tocas nas margens de corpos d'água. A presença de M. coypus já é conhecida localmente no município de Londrina a partir de registros no Lago Igapó. Assim, este estudo apresenta o primeiro registro de M. coypus no Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas, uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral localizada na zona urbana de Londrina. Os registros foram obtidos através da observação direta de um indivíduo vivo e uma carcaça durante campanhas de monitoramento de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Posteriormente foram obtidos dez registros por armadilha fotográfica de indivíduos de sexo desconhecido, próximos a corpos d'água. Enfatiza-se a necessidade do monitoramento contínuo da fauna em áreas de conservação para a detecção do potencial aumento na população de espécies exóticas e invasoras que podem causar severos danos ambientais.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(17)2024 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39272270


Cats (Felis catus) are widespread across Australia, including within natural and protected areas, and in many areas, cats, including owned domestic cats, are not restricted in where or when they can roam. In Australia, cats have contributed to the decline of many native species and continue to be a problem for governments. North Head, Manly, is home to an endangered population of Long-nosed Bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) and the only mainland breeding colony of Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) in New South Wales (NSW). Camera traps were installed for a 5-week period across North Head to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of cat activity. As well as capturing instances of cats, the cameras detected native animals such as birds, possums, Long-nosed Bandicoots and other small mammals. An analysis of the camera images showed cats could be found within protected areas of the headland (where cats are prohibited) and along the boundary with the adjacent suburban area of Manly. Cats were mostly detected during the night. There were high occurrences of overlap between cats and Long-nosed Bandicoots (Dhat 0.82), possums (Dhat 0.88) and other small mammals (Dhat 0.67). These findings indicate that cats are active across the Manly headland at the same time as native animals, both within protected areas where cats are prohibited and in adjacent residential areas, and this could have implications for these populations.

Prev Vet Med ; 232: 106318, 2024 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241525


Infectious diseases in livestock not only cause significant economic losses but also affect food security. Although wildlife may be involved in these infectious diseases by serving as reservoirs, research has primarily focused on livestock and related species. Moreover, while these species represent a potential threat in wildlife-borne infectious diseases, comprehensive surveys of the presence of various species are limited. In this study, we aimed to quantitatively investigate the occurrence of various mammals and birds at three pig farms in Japan. We conducted camera trap surveys from October 15, 2020, to March 24, 2022, and determined the relative abundance index inside and outside the sanitary control zone. Wild boar (Sus scrofa), sika deer (Cervus nippon), and Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) were photographed only outside the sanitary control zone. In contrast, small and medium-sized mammals, such as feral cats (Felis catus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and rodent species (Muridae), and birds, such as the rufous oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) and crows of the genus Corvus, were photographed both inside and outside the sanitary control zone. This comprehensive quantitative evidence suggests that various mammals and birds may be in indirect contact with livestock, highlighting the need to improve biosecurity at livestock farms. Moreover, while fences are effective against large mammals, they are inefficient against small to medium-sized mammals and birds. Therefore, the results of this study provide important insights into enhancing biosecurity on livestock farms by strengthening physical fencing, disinfecting clothing and equipment, and complying with standards of hygiene management.

Animals, Wild , Animals , Japan , Swine , Birds , Mammals , Sus scrofa , Photography , Animal Husbandry/methods , Animal Husbandry/instrumentation , Farms
Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199963


Due to lack of apex predators in human-dominated landscapes, mesopredator relationships are complex and spatiotemporal niche partitioning strategies can vary, especially when seasonal shifts in resource availability occur. Our objective was to understand spatiotemporal niche overlap across seasons among mesopredators inhabiting a barrier island complex. We placed 19 unbaited cameras throughout Fort De Soto County Park, Florida, USA between February 2021 and July 2023. Of six mesopredator species detected, three species had >75 detections during both the wet and dry seasons (coyote, Canis latrans; Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana; and raccoon, Procyon lotor). Using general linear mixed models, we determined that during the wet season coyote-raccoon and raccoon-opossum detections were positively associated with each other (p < 0.05). During the dry season, raccoon-opossum detections were positively associated, and opossums were more likely to be detected around mangroves. After calculating coefficients of overlap, we found all three species varied their temporal activity between seasons. During the dry season exclusively, all three mesopredators occupied different temporal niches. The park's isolated but developed nature has potentially led to a destabilized mesopredator community. Understanding seasonal mesopredator dynamics of Fort De Soto is particularly important because this park supports a high number of nesting shorebirds and sea turtles, which are known food sources for mesopredators.

Ecol Evol ; 14(8): e70122, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100208


In primates, mixed species associations are not common occurrences, and have been linked to both ecological and anthropogenic factors. We present camera-trapping records of a mixed association between two primates, the Hatinh langur (Trachypithecus hatinhensis) and red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus) and discuss possible hypotheses for this occurrence. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of such an association in the wild of these two threatened primates, and thus contributes to our limited ecological knowledge of the species.

R Soc Open Sci ; 11(6): 240161, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39092146


Capuchins can employ several strategies to deal with environmental challenges, such as using stone tools to access encapsulated resources. Nut-cracking is customary in several capuchin populations and can be affected by ecological and cultural factors; however, data on success and efficiency are only known for two wild populations. In this work, using camera traps, we assessed palm nut-cracking success and efficiency in two newly studied wild bearded capuchin populations (Sapajus libidinosus) and compared them with other sites. We tested the hypothesis that the overall success and efficiency of nut-cracking would be similar between sites when processing similar resources, finding partial support for it. Although using hammerstones of different sizes, capuchins had a similar success frequency. However, efficiency (number of strikes to crack a nut) was different, with one population being more efficient. We also tested whether success and efficiency varied between sexes in adults. We predict adult males would be more successful and efficient when cracking hard nuts. We found no differences between the sexes in one site but found sex differences in the other, although also for the low-resistant nut, which was unexpected. Our data add to the knowledge of capuchin nut-cracking behaviour flexibility, variance and potential cultural traits.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 17868, 2024 08 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090258


Extreme ecosystem modification by humans has caused drastic reductions in populations and ranges of top mammalian predators, while simultaneously allowing synanthropic mesopredator species to expand. These conditions often result in inflated local densities of highly adaptable mesopredators that disrupt trophic dynamics and place unsustainable predation pressure on native prey populations. Colonization of a dominant predator may lead to top-down control of mesopredators and restore trophic balance. Coyotes are a novel colonizer of some coastal barrier islands of eastern North America, offering an opportunity to test how the addition of an apex predator impacts an established guild of mesopredators. To assess their trophic impact, we conducted 75,576 camera trapping hours over an 18-month study period, capturing > 1.5 million images across 108 coastal camera sites. Using two-species occupancy and habitat use models, we found sizeable effects of coyote habitat use on that of red foxes and free-ranging domestic cats, suggesting that coyotes function as apex predators in barrier island ecosystems. In fact, the only factor that determined the spatial pattern of highly ubiquitous red foxes was the sympatric habitat use of the largest carnivore in the food web-coyotes. That 'novel' apex predators can become established in coastal food webs illustrates the highly dynamic nature of conservation challenges for habitats and species at the edge of the sea.

Coyotes , Ecosystem , Food Chain , Foxes , Predatory Behavior , Animals , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Coyotes/physiology , Foxes/physiology , Mammals/physiology , Cats , North America
Ecol Evol ; 14(7): e11666, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38975263


Dholes (Cuon alpinus) are endangered large carnivores found in scattered populations in Asia. One of the main threats to dholes is the decreasing prey availability throughout their distribution range. In the present study, we used camera trap data collected over 6 years to investigate the temporal activity patterns of dholes and their putative prey species in Baluran National Park in Java, Indonesia. We also explored the overlap in activity between dholes and the park's other remaining large carnivore the Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas), as well as humans. Furthermore, we investigated potential differences in activity patterns between dholes in packs and dholes roaming in pairs or alone. We found a high temporal overlap between dholes and their wild ungulate prey species (ranging from Δ = 0.66-0.90), with the lowest overlap observed between dholes and bantengs (Bos javanicus) (Δ = 0.66), and the highest between dholes and muntjacs (Muntiacus muntjak) (Δ = 0.90). A very low overlap was found between dholes and domestic cattle (Bos indicus) (Δ = 0.27) whereas a moderately high overlap was found between dholes and leopards (Δ = 0.70) and dholes and humans (Δ = 0.62). We found a significant difference in activity patterns between dholes in packs and dholes roaming alone or in pairs (Δ = 0.78, p = .01). Single/pairs of dholes were more active both during the day and at night, whereas packs were predominantly active around sunrise and sunset. The high overlap with humans potentially has a negative effect on dhole activity, particularly for dispersing individuals, and the low overlap with domestic species questions the extent to which dholes are considered to predate on them.

Integr Zool ; 2024 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39003665


Mammal species globally exhibit distribution patterns conditioned by environmental conditions and human impact. The Mediterranean basin provides an ideal system to study these effects due to its diverse climate, and habitat conditions. In this work, we aim to assess the impact of landscape heterogeneity and anthropization degree on terrestrial mammal diversity in this region. Accordingly, we deployed over 300 camera traps across 28 sites for 3 months. Detected mammal species (weighing more than 1kg) were classified as domestic carnivores, domestic ungulates, wild carnivores, wild ungulates, lagomorphs, and large rodents. Alpha and beta diversity were calculated for each group and all wild mammals. Simple linear regressions and multimodal analysis were conducted between mammal diversities and climate, environmental conditions, landscape heterogeneity, and anthropization degree variables. Redundancy analyses were performed to identify variables and species determining the mammalian community composition. Indexes measuring landscape heterogeneity, anthropization degree, and its 30-year change did not correlate with mammal diversity. However, the difference in elevation within sites and domestic carnivore abundance showed a significant positive correlation with some of the diversity indexes. Nonetheless, rainfall and mean elevation factors generally showed the highest correlation with mammal diversity. Instead, a few influential species, including generalists and open-habitat specialists, highlighted the importance of conserving open areas, as well as the importance of the Pyrenees region as a key habitat for certain species. Therefore, climatic variables emerged as the key determinants of mammal diversity, highlighting climate change as a potential threat to mammal diversity in this area.

Ecol Evol ; 14(7): e70031, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39050654


Camera traps have been widely used in wildlife research, offering significant potential for monitoring species interactions at ephemeral resources. However, raw data obtained from camera traps often face limitations due to observation censoring, where resource consumption by dominant animals may obscure potential resource use by less dominant animals. We extended time-to-detection occupancy modeling to quantify interspecific consumptive competition and redundancy of ecosystem functions through consumption between two species, while accounting for observation censoring. By treating resource use by rival species as censored data, we estimated the proportion of resources potentially used in the absence of rival species and calculated the loss caused by the rival species, which is defined as "Competition Intensity Index." We also defined the Unique Functional Contribution, which represents the net functional loss when a species is removed, calculated by excluding the contribution potentially substituted by the other species. We also considered resource degradation and computed the quantity of resources acquired by each species. This established framework was applied to predation data on bird nests by alien squirrels and other predators (Case 1) as well as scavenging on mammalian carcasses by two carnivores (Case 2). In Case 1, the introduction of squirrels significantly affected the breeding success of birds. Although nests were being preyed upon by native crows also, our model estimated that Unique Functional Contribution by the squirrels was 0.47. This means that, by eradicating the squirrels, the reproductive success of the birds could potentially increase by as much as 47%. In Case 2, the Competition Intensity Index for foxes was 0.17, whereas that for raccoon dogs was 0.46, suggesting an asymmetric effect of resource competition between the two species. The frequency distribution of wet mass available to the two species differed significantly. This approach will enable a more robust construction of resource-consumer interaction networks.

Elife ; 122024 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949865


Spatial and temporal associations between sympatric species underpin biotic interactions, structure ecological assemblages, and sustain ecosystem functioning and stability. However, the resilience of interspecific spatiotemporal associations to human activity remains poorly understood, particularly in mountain forests where anthropogenic impacts are often pervasive. Here, we applied context-dependent Joint Species Distribution Models to a systematic camera-trap survey dataset from a global biodiversity hotspot in eastern Himalayas to understand how prominent human activities in mountain forests influence species associations within terrestrial mammal communities. We obtained 10,388 independent detections of 17 focal species (12 carnivores and five ungulates) from 322 stations over 43,163 camera days of effort. We identified a higher incidence of positive associations in habitats with higher levels of human modification (87%) and human presence (83%) compared to those located in habitats with lower human modification (64%) and human presence (65%) levels. We also detected a significant reduction of pairwise encounter time at increasing levels of human disturbance, corresponding to more frequent encounters between pairs of species. Our findings indicate that human activities can push mammals together into more frequent encounters and associations, which likely influences the coexistence and persistence of wildlife, with potential far-ranging ecological consequences.

Biodiversity , Forests , Human Activities , Mammals , Animals , Humans , Ecosystem , Spatio-Temporal Analysis
J Mammal ; 105(1): 122-133, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070117


Large mammals in temperate climates typically display seasonal patterns of habitat use. However, these patterns are often overlooked because large mammals are usually surveyed at annual intervals. In addition, most studies focus on a single species and ignore other species with which the focal species could interact. Knowing seasonal patterns of habitat use in multiple species and understanding factors that cause these patterns can provide further detail on population dynamics and guide effective conservation planning. Here, using dynamic occupancy modeling, we analyze 11 years of camera-trap data collected in northwestern Anatolia, Turkey, to investigate seasonal habitat use of 8 large-mammal species: Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx), Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), European Hare (Lepus europaeus), and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus). For each species, we study the strength of seasonality in habitat use and its dependence on human population density and elevation, which have been shown to affect distributions of species in the region. Although all species exhibited seasonality in habitat use, the strength of this seasonality varied among species; it was strongest in Wild Boar, Roe Deer, and Brown Bear. Moreover, except for Brown Bear, all species tended to avoid sites close to humans. The species responded differently to changing elevation; increasing elevation had both positive and negative effects on species-specific colonization and desertion probabilities, and these effects were likely related to either feeding habits or tendency to avoid humans. These results indicate that seasonality should be taken into consideration in population studies. However, because species differ, seasonality patterns should be identified separately for each species of interest, as differences in these patterns can explain the underlying dynamics of habitat-use patterns more accurately.

Biol Lett ; 20(6): 20240069, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38889775


Infection risk by pathogenic agents motivates hosts to avoid using resources with high risks. This, in turn, results in increased availability of these resources for other species that are more tolerant of infections. For instance, carcasses of mammalian carnivores are frequently avoided by conspecific or closely related carnivores, allowing them to be almost exclusively used by maggots. This may lead to novel interactions with other species. This study investigated the consumption of maggots from carnivore carcasses by non-corvid passerines. We successfully monitored 66 raccoon carcasses in Hokkaido, Japan, from 2016 to 2019. Vertebrates only scavenged 14 carcasses before maggot dispersal; the other 52 carcasses produced abundant maggots that regularly fed at least 12 species of non-corvid passerines. Surprisingly, predation occurred at a distance from the carcasses, mainly after maggot dispersal for pupation, despite the higher efficiency of feeding on maggot masses on the carcasses. Birds are likely to reduce the potential risk of infection from the carcass and/or from maggots on the carcasses. Overall, only 1% of maggots were consumed. Our results suggest that necrophagous flies could benefit from the infection risk associated with carnivore carcasses, which may decrease scavenging by other carnivores and constrain maggot consumption by insectivorous birds.

Food Chain , Passeriformes , Predatory Behavior , Animals , Passeriformes/physiology , Raccoons/physiology , Larva/physiology , Japan , Feeding Behavior
Ecol Evol ; 14(6): e11602, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38911492


Banteng (Bos javanicus) is listed as an endangered species because of a global population decline of at least 50% over the last 25 years. The Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) of Thailand has been identified as a priority site for banteng population recovery, and Huai Kha Keang Wildlife Sanctuary (HKK) is the most important source site for this species within the WEFCOM. We have provided evidence and discussed banteng dispersal from HKK to Thung Yai Naresuan West Wildlife Sanctuary (TYW). We sampled an area of 147 km2 in banteng habitat next to the border between HKK and TYW using camera traps. We divided the sampled area into four grid cells and placed camera traps during January to December 2022. We setup the camera traps near saltlicks and natural water sources, as important resources for banteng, to maximize capture probability. In total, 2835 trap days were obtained. Bantengs were captured in all seasons (RAI = 1.66), especially in dry dipterocarp forest, which contains the ground forage availability for banteng, and the low-slope area with elevation 600-700 m adjacent to the border between HKK and TYW. The results highlighted that banteng, which had never been reported in TYW before, appeared there for the first time. They most likely dispersed from the population source in HKK and settled in a habitat that is considered suitable for them. The habitat management and protection are significant for the future recovery of banteng populations in the TYW and the rest of protected areas in the WEFCOM.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 13538, 2024 06 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38866909


Although considered an evolutionary force responsible for shaping ecosystems and biodiversity, fires' natural cycle is being altered by human activities, increasing the odds of destructive megafire events. Here, we show that forest type modulates the responses of terrestrial mammals, from species to assemblage level, to a catastrophic megafire in the Brazilian Pantanal. We unraveled that mammalian richness was higher 1 year after fire passage compared to a pre-fire condition, which can be attributed to habitat modification caused by wildfires, attracting herbivores and open-area tolerant species. We observed changes in assemblage composition between burned/unburned sites, but no difference in mammalian richness or relative abundance. However, by partitioning the effects of burned area proportion per forest type (monospecific vs. polyspecific), we detected differential responses of mammals at several levels of organization, with pronounced declines in species richness and relative abundance in monospecific forests. Eighty-six percent of the species presented moderate to strong negative effects on their relative abundance, with an overall strong negative effect for the entire assemblage. Wildfires are predicted to be more frequent with climate and land use change, and if events analogous to Pantanal-2020 become recurrent, they might trigger regional beta diversity change, benefitting open-area tolerant species.

Biodiversity , Forests , Mammals , Wildfires , Animals , Brazil , Ecosystem , Fires
PeerJ ; 12: e17390, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38881858


Wild boar (Sus scrofa), an abundant species across Europe, is often subjected to management in agro-ecosystems in order to control population size, or to scare them away from agricultural fields to safeguard crop yields. Wild boar management can benefit from a better understanding on changes in its space use across the diel cycle (i.e., diel space use) in relation to variable hunting pressures or other factors. Here, we estimate wild boar diel space use in an agro-ecosystem in central Belgium during four consecutive "growing seasons" (i.e., April-September). To achieve this, we fit generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to camera trap data of wild boar aggregated over 1-h periods. Our results reveal that wild boar are predominantly nocturnal in all of the hunting management zones in Meerdaal, with activity peaks around sunrise and sunset. Hunting events in our study area tend to take place around sunrise and sunset, while non-lethal human activities occur during sunlight hours. Our GAMM reveals that wild boar use different areas throughout the diel cycle. During the day, wild boar utilized areas in the centre of the forest, possibly to avoid human activities during daytime. During the night, they foraged near (or in) agricultural fields. A post hoc comparison of space use maps of wild boar in Meerdaal revealed that their diurnal and nocturnal space use were uncorrelated. We did not find sufficient evidence to prove that wild boar spatiotemporally avoid hunters. Finally, our work reveals the potential of GAMMs to model variation in space across 24-h periods from camera trap data, an application that will be useful to address a range of ecological questions. However, to test the robustness of this approach we advise that it should be compared against telemetry-based methods to derive diel space use.

Circadian Rhythm , Sus scrofa , Animals , Belgium , Circadian Rhythm/physiology , Ecosystem , Seasons , Agriculture/methods
Poult Sci ; 103(8): 103892, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38865769


Direct or indirect interactions between sympatric wildlife and poultry can lead to interspecies disease transmission. Particularly, avian influenza (AI) is a viral epidemic disease for which the poultry-wild bird interface shapes the risks of new viral introductions into poultry holdings. Given this background, the study hereby presented aimed to identify wild bird species in poultry house surroundings and characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of these visits. Eight camera traps were deployed for a year (January to December 2021) in 3 commercial chicken layer farms, including free-range and barn-type setups, located in a densely populated poultry area in Northern Italy at high risk for AI introduction via wild birds. Camera traps' positions were chosen based on wildlife signs identified during preliminary visits to the establishments studied. Various methods, including time series analysis, correspondence analysis, and generalized linear models, were employed to analyze the daily wild bird visits. A total of 1,958 camera trap days yielded 5,978 videos of wild birds from 27 different species and 16 taxonomic families. The animals were predominantly engaged in foraging activities nearby poultry houses. Eurasian magpies (Pica pica), ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), and Eurasian collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto) were the most frequent visitors. Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), an AI reservoir species, were observed only in a farm located next to a fishing sport lake. Time series analysis indicated that wild bird visits increased during spring and winter. Farm and camera trap location also influenced visit frequencies. Overall, the results highlighted specific species that could be prioritized for future AI epidemiological surveys. However, further research is required to assess their susceptibility and infectivity to currently circulating AI viruses, essential for identifying novel bridge hosts.

Animals, Wild , Influenza in Birds , Animals , Influenza in Birds/epidemiology , Influenza in Birds/virology , Italy/epidemiology , Poultry Diseases/epidemiology , Poultry Diseases/virology , Chickens , Birds
Environ Manage ; 74(4): 636-647, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38851641


In the Mediterranean, we find a mosaic of natural and cultural landscapes, where a variety of forest management practices created intermediate disturbance regimes that potentially increased biodiversity values. Nonetheless, it is essential to understand the species' long-term response to the dynamic management in agroecosystems, since the species tolerance to disturbance can change throughout the life cycle. Mammalian carnivores can be sensitive to human disturbance and are an essential part of ecosystems due to their regulatory and community structuring effects. We investigated the spatial response of five mesocarnivores species to spatially- and temporally- varying management practices in an agroforestry landscape. More specifically, we assessed the mesocarnivores' temporal changes in space use by implementing multi-season occupancy models in a Bayesian framework, using seasonal camera-trapping surveys for a 2-year period. All species had a weak response of local extinction to forestry management and livestock grazing pressure. For forest-dwelling species, occupancy was higher where productivity of perennial vegetation was high, while colonization between seasons was positively associated with vegetation cover. For habitat generalist species, we found that occupancy in the wet season increased with the distance to cattle exclusion plots. Most of these plots are pine stands which are subject to forestry interventions during winter. During the 2-year period we found seasonal fluctuations in occupancy for all species, with an overall slight decrease for three mesocarnivore species, while for the two forest-dwelling species there was an increase in occupancy between years. The weak species response to management practices supports the importance of traditional management for upholding a diverse mesocarnivore community in agroforestry systems but could also reflect these species' ecological plasticity and resilience to disturbance.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Forestry , Seasons , Forestry/methods , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Forests , Biodiversity , Ecosystem , Agriculture/methods , Bayes Theorem
Ecol Evol ; 14(5): e11450, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38783847


Fire shapes animal communities by altering resource availability and species interactions, including between predators and prey. In Australia, there is particular concern that two highly damaging invasive predators, the feral cat (Felis catus) and European red fox (Vulpes vulpes), increase their activity in recently burnt areas and exert greater predation pressure on the native prey due to their increased exposure. We tested how prescribed fire occurrence and extent, along with fire history, vegetation, topography, and distance to anthropogenic features (towns and farms), affected the activity (detection frequency) of cats, foxes, and the native mammal community in south-eastern Australia. We used camera traps to quantify mammal activity before and after a prescribed burn and statistically tested how the fire interacted with these habitat variables to affect mammal activity. We found little evidence that the prescribed fire influenced the activity of cats and foxes and no evidence of an effect on kangaroo or small mammal (<800 g) activity. Medium-sized mammals (800-2000 g) were negatively associated with prescribed fire extent, suggesting that prescribed fire has a negative impact on these species in the short term. The lack of a clear activity increase from cats and foxes is likely a positive outcome from a fire management perspective. However, we highlight that their response is likely dependent upon factors like fire size, severity, and prey availability. Future experiments should incorporate GPS-trackers to record fine-scale movements of cats and foxes in temperate ecosystems immediately before and after prescribed fire to best inform management within protected areas.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791626


Camera traps are becoming widely used for wildlife monitoring and management. However, manual analysis of the resulting image sets is labor-intensive, time-consuming and costly. This study shows that automated computer vision techniques can be extremely helpful in this regard, as they can rapidly and automatically extract valuable information from the images. Specific training with a set of 1600 images obtained from a study where wild animals approaching wild boar carcasses were monitored enabled the model to detect five different classes of animals automatically in their natural environment with a mean average precision of 98.11%, namely 'wild boar', 'fox', 'raccoon dog', 'deer' and 'bird'. In addition, sequences of images were automatically analyzed and the number of wild boar visits and respective group sizes were determined. This study may help to improve and speed up the monitoring of the potential spread of African swine fever virus in areas where wild boar are affected.