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Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 25(3): 1120-1134, set.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1340511


O texto percorre o tema de parcerias amorosas, com base em ensinamentos da psicanálise freudiana e lacaniana, sem desconsiderar, portanto, que não há norma para a relação sexual e que, se há gozo autoerótico, o amor lhe faz oposição ao favorecer abertura para o Outro. Nesse percurso, elegeuse tecer considerações baseadas em certos modos de funcionamento de parcerias amorosas, na neurose e psicose. O foco na psicose é um pouco mais ampliado, na busca de afirmar que esses sujeitos têm a possibilidade de amor, diferentemente do que se pode pensar. Por isso, Camille Claudel é convocada à cena, na busca de ensinamentos sobre o amor morto, discordante com a vida, característico da psicose, vivenciado na parceria com August Rodin.

This text approaches the theme of love partnerships based on Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, without disregarding, therefore, that there is no norm for sexual intercourse and that if there is autoerotic pleasure, love acts against it by favoring an open access for the Other. It was decided to weave considerations from certain modes of functioning of love partnerships in neurosis and psychosis. The focus on psychosis is some way more amplified, with the purpose of stating that these subjects have the possibility of love, opposing to whatever one may think. Therefore, Camille Claudel is summoned to the scene, in search of teachings on what is called by Lacan as “dead love”, in disagreement with life, characteristic of the psychosis, experienced in the partnership of Camille with August Rodin

El texto recorre el tema de las relaciones amorosas desde enseñanzas del psicoanálisis freudiano y lacaniano, considerando, por lo tanto, que no hay norma para la relación sexual y que, si hay goce autoerótico, el amor se opone al favorecer la apertura al Otro. En este recorrido, se escogió tejer consideraciones desde ciertos modos de funcionamiento de relaciones amorosas en la neurosis y en la psicosis. El enfoque en la psicosis es algo más expandido, en la búsqueda por afirmar que estos sujetos tienen la posibilidad de amor, diferentemente de lo que se puede pensar. Por ello, Camille Claudel es convocada a la escena, en la búsqueda por enseñanzas sobre el amor muerto, discordante con la vida, característica de la psicosis, vivido en la relación con August Rodin.

Psychotic Disorders , Love , Neurotic Disorders , Spouses
Med Humanit ; 34(1): 25-9, 2008 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23674536


The French sculptor Camille Claudel at about the age of 40 developed a psychotic illness that proved to be chronic. Delusions of persecution, focused on her former mentor and lover Auguste Rodin, gradually became systematised until they dominated her life completely. She abandoned artistic work, withdrew into social isolation and lived alone in conditions of squalor and severe self-neglect until eventually, after her father's death, she was committed to an asylum and spent the remainder of her life in institutional confinement. Only within the past 20 years has her achievement been recognised and her fate drawn wide sympathy. Previous psychiatric studies have dismissed or downplayed the significance of Camille's adverse life experiences for her case history. The present reassessment, drawing on modern interactionist models of the genesis and course of psychosis, sets out to place both her creative drive and her mental instability within a broader life-course perspective and to arrive at a more balanced judgement of the case.
