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Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(5)2023 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37232641


The present study assessed the personality characteristics of children and adolescents with anxiety disorder from a maternal perspective. A total of 48 children and adolescents aged between 8 and 17 years participated in this study, which was organized as follows: a clinical group (24 children and adolescents with anxiety disorders and their respective mothers) and a control group (24 children and adolescents without psychiatric diagnosis and their mothers). The participants were submitted to the WASI, CBCL, MASC-2, and EPQ-J tests and their mothers to the SRQ-20 and PIC-2 tests. The results showed higher rates of internalizing symptoms in the clinical group. In addition, patients showed less interest in hobbies, less adherence to social organizations, impairment in social activities, and commitment to school performance compared to the control group. There was a positive correlation between the mothers' symptoms and each of the following PIC-2 domains: somatic concern (p < 0.01) and psychological discomfort (p < 0.01). In conclusion, youths with AD showed a withdrawn and reserved personality profile, involving distrust of impulses and avoidance of interactions with peers. Furthermore, psychoemotional problems of mothers adversely influenced the perception followed by anxiety and adjustment characteristics. More studies are needed to assess the maternal personality in youths with anxiety.

Interdisciplinaria ; 26(1): 5-22, ene.-jul. 2009. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633443


Los factores disposicionales y socioambientales de la personalidad no son elementos separados, deben ser vistos holísticamente como un sistema persona-medio que funciona como una totalidad. Por lo cual un ambiente desfavorecido por la pobreza es una variable socioambiental que interactuaría con las disposiciones del niño pequeño, pudiendo incidir en ciertas características de personalidad. En base a lo mencionado, el objetivo específico de este trabajo fue comparar el perfil de personalidad de niños en riesgo ambiental por situación de pobreza con el de niños sin estas características. Se administró el Cuestionario Argentino de Personalidad Infantil (CAPI) en su versión para niños de 6 a 8 años (Lemos, 2005). Se compararon los perfiles de personalidad de ambas muestras mediante MANOVAs, comparaciones de medias y gráficos de perfiles. A partir de estos análisis, se pudieron observar diferencias significativas tanto a nivel de los factores como de las facetas de personalidad, entre los niños en riesgo por pobreza y los niños no expuestos a esta condición. Las diferencias significativas se presentaron específicamente en el factor Escrupulosidad y en las facetas: competencia, vulnerabilidad, sentimiento gregario y emociones positivas, orden y acción. En relación a los factores y facetas de personalidad en los que no se encontraron diferencias significativas desde el punto de vista estadístico es posible observar, a partir de la comparación de los perfiles de medias de ambos grupos, que la dirección de los resultados encontrados concuerda en general con los patrones vinculados a los aspectos temperamentales de los niños en riesgo que la literatura menciona recurrentemente, como por ejemplo: (a) valores levemente más elevados en el factor de Neuroticismo y (b) valores levemente más descendidos en los factores de Extraversión, Mesura, Escrupulosidad y Apertura.

An individual's context affects the way in which their biological and psychological subsystems function and interacts with each other. While individuals are normally able to manipulate their environment, personality factors increase or diminish their context characteristics, which at the same time influence personality. Heredity and socio-environmental personality factors should not be considered separate elements, but rather a holistic approach as an individual-environment system that functions as a whole. Therefore, an unfavorable environment is a socio-environmental variable that interacts with children's heredity, thus influencing the development of certain personality traits. Based on the above, the specific goal of our research was to compare personality characteristics of children at risk due to poverty and children without risk due to poverty. We applied the Child Personality Questionnaire for Argentina (Cuestionario Argentino de Personalidad Infantil - CAPI) for children aged 6 to 8 (Lemos, 2005). We compared personality profiles from both groups through MANOVA, as well as comparisons of means and graphic profiles. Based on this analysis, we observed significant differences regarding personality factors [F de Hotelling (5, 168) = 2.47; p = .035], as well as facets [F de Hotelling (14, 159) = 2.607; p = .002], among children at risk due to poverty and those who were not. There were significant differences particularly in Conscientiousness [F(1) = 4.35; p = .038] and the following facets: competence [F(1) = 4.652; p = .032], vulnerability [F(1) = 9.732; p = .002], gregariousness and positive affect [F(1) = 8.338; p = .004], order [F(1) = 6.798; p = .010] and action [F(1) = 4.233; p = .041]. The tendencies of the results are as follows: the group at risk scored lower in Conscientiousness, and regarding facets: competence, gregariousness, positive affect, order, action and vulnerability. With regards to Conscientiousness, which includes order, organization and responsibility as facets, Vanistendael (1995) states that children at risk usually have lower levels of achievement motivation. A child's impulsivity and lack of ability to postpone gratification, particularly of children at risk, generally affects them negatively in this aspect. Regarding lower levels in the competence facet, this could be related to other results found in the same group of children at risk, which showed lower levels of self-esteem, as well as of self-sufficiency, and lower levels of self-efficacy (Ghiglione, 2007). In relation to the vulnerability facet, defined for our purposes as lack of independence, we could suppose that depending on someone naturally implies that there be someone who can be depended upon and in whom to seek shelter. These children have little trust in their parents' love and perceive them as unavailable, together with diminished efforts at seeking a social support group and lack of a social network (Richaud de Minzi, 2006). Low scores in relation to the positve affect facet is probably due to the fact that children who are exposed to poverty usually have a more negative view of the world and more feelings of hopelessness (Kotliarenco, 1997). Last but not least, regarding low scores in the action facet, which is part of the Openness factor, in a previous study on coping strategies, this group of children at risk showed more paralization at both cognitive and emotional levels (Richaud de Minzi and Lemos, 2008). In spite of the results which show that children at risk due to poverty have a more vulnerable personality profile, we hope to strengthen their resources through therapeutic interventions. The stories of resilient children show that faith and trust can be developed and sustained, even amidst adverse circumstances. However, this happens only when these children find people who give meaning to their lives, as well as reasons for them to trust life. This is our great challenge.