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Heliyon ; 10(2): e24697, 2024 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38347904


Background: With the rapid growth of cities, the extent of road accidents has increased, posing a threat to the safety of citizens. In Bangladesh, like many other countries, urban areas face a high incidence of road accidents, leading to loss of life, injuries, and economic costs. This research aims to investigate the factors affecting citizen safety of urban transportation service in Bangladesh. Methods: This study utilized verbal interviews maintained by questionnaires to gather data on citizen perception regarding factors impacting transportation safety. The questionnaire consisted of two sections, collecting non-parametric data on travel behavior and socioeconomic factors, and parametric data on factors related to transportation safety. The dataset was subsequently analyzed using statistical devices such as descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Pearson's Correlation Matrix (PCM), and Cluster Analysis (CA). Results and conclusion: The findings of the study indicate strong significant correlations among several pairs of variables. Notably, traffic rules and enforcement, and driver travel behavior demonstrate a strong positive correlation of 0.784. Similarly, vehicle condition and safety features, and traffic rules and enforcement display a robust positive association of 0.764. PCA demonstrate 23% of the total variance, with a significant positive loading affecting citizen safety, which is influenced by traffic rules enforcement and drivers' travel behavior. The research findings emphasize the implication of traffic rule enforcement and responsible driver behavior in ensuring citizen safety. In Bangladesh, inadequate transportation regulation enforcement has led to high rates of reckless driving and traffic accidents, especially among pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

Rev. crim ; 58(2): 223-240, may.-ago. 2016. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-797422


Se tiene como objetivo adaptar el método L.E.S.CAnning® de análisis de informaciones anticipativas a corto plazo en el Centro de Información Estratégica Policial Seccional (CIEPS) de la Estación de Policía San Cristóbal Sur, de la ciudad de Bogotá, D. C. Se revisaron las bases de datos de la Policía Nacional de Colombia frente a los documentos controlados en el sistema de calidad relacionados con el análisis de información, prevención, prospectiva y anticipación; asimismo, se aplicaron encuestas y entrevistas estructuradas al personal policial usuario de los análisis del CIEPS. Los resultados están relacionados con la caracterización de las dificultades del análisis de información de índole tecnológica, organizacional, educativa y de tiempo. Como conclusión, en dicha Estación de Policía los análisis no son completamente preventivos-anticipativos, puesto que son más retrospectivos, debido a que no se cuenta con una metodología que facilite y oriente la labor de los analistas.

The objective here consists of adapting the L.E.S.CAnning® method for the analysis of shortterm anticipative data ("frontloading") at the Sectional Strategic Police Information (CIEPS) of the Cristobal Sur Police Station in the city of Bogota, D.C. The Colombian National Police databases were reviewed against the system's quality-controlled documents relating to the information, prevention, foresight, and anticipation analysis. Likewise, structured surveys and interviews were applied to police personnel in their condition of users of CIEPS tests. The results relate to the characterization of the difficulties found in the study of technological, organizational, educational and time-related information. As a conclusion, analyses at this police station are rather retrospective than completely preventiveanticipatory due to the lack of a methodology serving to making analysts' work easier and with better focus and guidance.

O objetivo é adaptar o método L.E.S.CAnning® de análise des informações antecipatória a curto prazo no Centro de Informações Estratégicas Policiais Seccional (CIEPS) da Esquadra de Polícia San Cristobal Sur, da cidade de Bogotá, D. C. Os bancos de dados da Polícia Nacional da Colômbia foram revisados perante os documentos controlados no sistema de qualidade relacionados com a análise de informação, prevenção, previsão e antecipação; da mesma forma, pesquisas e entrevistas estruturadas foram aplicadas ao pessoal da polícia usuário das análises do CIEPs. Os resultados estão relacionados com a caracterização das dificuldades de analisar informação de caráter tecnológico, organizacional, educativo e de tempo. Em conclusão, nessa esquadra de polícia as análises não são inteiramente preventivos- antecipatórios, uma vez que eles são mais retrospectivo, porque não existe uma metodologia para facilitar e orientar o trabalho dos analistas.

Safety , Crime , Police , Residence Characteristics