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Front Psychol ; 14: 1154513, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089736


The most recent research studies in the field of reading describe a new cultural ecosystem in which analog and digital reading coexist and contribute to transform what is read, either through the way reading is performed or by promoting reading. In this context, the training of critical readers is particularly important, an aspect emphasized by UNESCO and the curriculum frameworks based on its premises. In order to provide data for reflection on this question, this paper presents an essentially qualitative and interpretive documentary study of a sample of 836 virtual epitexts that promote children's picturebooks. The selected documents consist of the postings by 45 publishing houses between 2020 and 2022 on their YouTube and Vimeo channels. The results of the content analysis present the current tendencies in digital promotion of children's books and the strategies most likely to encourage critical reading. The insistence on the author's presence, the emphasis on the materiality of the book as an object, the strengthening of artistic discourse and the hybridization of reality and fiction, among other aspects, all propose a type of reading that favors the development of critical thinking. The results are complemented by a selection of virtual epitexts suggested to mediators and readers as resources of interest in promoting critical reading in socio-educational contexts.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536527


(analítico) Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación postdoctoral cuyo objetivo fue afianzar las habilidades argumentativas de jóvenes universitarios del primer semestre de una facultad en Envigado (Colombia), dados los bajos niveles identificados en semestres anteriores. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa, hermenéutico-comprensiva, apoyada en herramientas de estadística descriptiva. Se hicieron pruebas de entrada y salida a los participantes. Se diseñaron seis talleres a partir de los resultados de la prueba de entrada. Cada taller requería de un entregable. La intervención se realizó bajo el marco de la lingüística textual, el análisis crítico del discurso y la argumentación pragmadialéctica. Aquellos que participaron activamente en los talleres propuestos afianzaron sus habilidades argumentativas considerablemente y, según las participantes entrevistadas, reconocen su utilidad en tareas académicas y en la participación ciudadana.

(analytical) This paper presents the results of a postdoctoral research whose objective was to strengthen young university firstyear students' argumentative skills in a school in Envigado (Colombia), because of the low levels identified in prior semesters. Therefore, qualitative hermeneutics-comprehensive research supported in descriptive statistics was done. Entry and exit tests to participants were carried out. 6 workshops were designed based on the entry test results. Each workshop required a class product. Intervention was proposed from text linguistic, critical discourse analysis and pragma-dialectic argumentation. Those students who participated actively in the workshops significantly strengthened their argumentative skills and, as some interviewees mentioned, they recognized these skills use in academic tasks and citizenship participation.

(analítico) Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de pósdoutorado cujo objetivo foi fortalecer as habilidades argumentativas de jovens universitários do primeiro semestre de uma faculdade de Envigado (Colombia), dados os baixos níveis identificados nos semestres anteriores. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, hermenêutica-abrangente, apoiada em ferramentas estatísticas descritivas. Os participantes foram testados para entrada e saída. 6 workshops foram concebidos com base nos resultados do teste de admissão. Cada workshop exigia uma entrega. A intervenção foi realizada no quadro da linguística textual, da análise crítica do discurso e da argumentação pragmadialética. Aqueles que participaram ativamente das oficinas propostas fortaleceram consideravelmente suas habilidades argumentativas e, segundo os entrevistados, reconhecem sua utilidade nas tarefas acadêmicas e na participação cidadã.

JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ; 47(3): 442-444, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35975333
Int J Sci Math Educ ; 20(Suppl 1): 93-116, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35529903


This qualitative within-individual case design study involved six adolescents (age 10-14 years) engaging in a think-aloud observational protocol to read two texts on climate change from contrasting viewpoints. The participants completed a prior knowledge assessment and survey of technology used to assess potential mediating factors. Survey and observational data are presented as participant profiles. Results illustrated the effect of participants' background knowledge, emotional elicitation of text features, cognitive dissonance argument analysis due to the contrasting multimodal texts, and impact of visual images on participants' comprehension. Our data analyses revealed that there is an interconnected and nuanced relationship amongst many text and individual factors when adolescents engage in critical reading of SSI multimodal texts. This research provides direction for future science education research that support learners in critical reading of complex socioscientific topics as presented in multimodal texts with adolescent learners. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10763-022-10280-8.

JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ; 46(4): 958-960, 2022 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34486136
Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba ; 78(4): 333-334, 2021 12 28.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34962728


This method emphasizes the interrelation between the pedagogical mode of intervention and the resulting development in the student's way of reasoning. This is reminiscent of Heisenberg's principle of indeterminacy, according to which "there is no way to observe a particle without altering it." Our knowledge of things can only be knowledge of how they act as a result of our observation and experimentation with them. The development of the student's scientific medical thinking is defined according to how he acts when subjected to the tests and stimuli of the forms of pedagogical intervention. Therefore, if the student's medical thinking develops as a result of various pedagogical interventions, then teaching and mental development are inseparable from each other, as we see daily by being dazzled by the ability of our students to understand, learn, incorporate and act. Furthermore, if the student's cognitive performance is a function of the teacher's pedagogical performance, then we must find ways to expand the teacher's ability to challenge the student to respond. I propose here a clear defense of a curricular program that goes far beyond the power of construction attributed to the typical professor; a curricular program that constitutes a discipline dedicated to stimulating the mind and engaging it to understand what it otherwise willingly assumes.

Este método hace hincapié en la interrelación entre el modo de intervención pedagógica y el desarrollo resultante en la forma de razonar del alumno. Esto recuerda el principio de indeterminación de Heisenberg, según el cual "no existe ningún modo de observar una partícula sin alterarla." Nuestro conocimiento de las cosas sólo puede ser conocimiento de cómo actúan como resultado de nuestra observación y experimentación con ellas. El desarrollo del pensamiento médico científico del estudiante se define en función de cómo actúa cuando se somete a las pruebas y estímulos de las formas de intervención pedagógica. Por tanto, si el pensamiento médico del alumno se desarrolla como resultado de diversas intervenciones pedagógicas, entonces la enseñanza y el desarrollo mental son entre sí indisociables, como lo comprobamos a diario al deslumbrarnos con la capacidad que tienen nuestros alumnos de comprender, aprender, incorporar y actuar.   Además, si el rendimiento cognitivo del estudiante está en función del rendimiento pedagógico del profesor, entonces debemos encontrar modos de ampliar la capacidad del profesor para desafiar al alumno a que responda. Planteo aquí, una clara defensa de un programa curricular que vaya mucho más allá del poder de construcción atribuido al típico profesor de aula; un programa curricular que constituya una disciplina dedicada a azuzar la mente y a comprometerla a entender lo que de otro modo asume de manera complaciente.

Learning , Students , Humans , Male , Teaching
Hepatología ; 1(1): 68-76, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396652


La medicina basada en la evidencia se fundamenta en la integración de la situación clínica del paciente, la experiencia del profesional o equipo a cargo, y la utilización de la mejor evidencia científica disponible, apoyada en la lectura crítica como pilar fundamental. Desde sus inicios, mucho se ha expuesto de sus ventajas, sus falencias y de cómo se adapta a la práctica clínica. Su implementación también ha hecho evidente la brecha que existe en la apreciación de artículos médicos y la interpretación de los resultados. Esta revisión narrativa busca exponer algunas consideraciones de la medicina basada en la evidencia y la importancia de la lectura crítica en el campo de la hepatología, y su utilidad en contexto del carcinoma hepatocelular.

Evidence-based medicine is built on the integration of the patient's clinical situation, the experience of the professional or team in charge, and the use of the best available scientific evidence, supported by critical reading, as a fundamental pillar. Since its inception, much has been discussed regarding its advantages, its shortcomings, and how it adapts to clinical practice. Its implementation has also made evident the gap that exists between the understanding of scientific articles and the interpretation of results. This narrative review seeks to expose some aspects of evidence-based medicine and the importance of critical reading in the field of hepatology, and its usefulness in the context of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Humans , Reading , Evidence-Based Medicine , Liver Diseases , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Homeopatia Méx ; 89(723): 5-16, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MOSAICO - Integrative health | ID: biblio-1359475


Desde los orígenes de la Homeopatía y hasta la actualidad, diversos autores han pretendido modificar la enseñanza contenida en el Organon, obra cumbre de Samuel Hahnemann, lo que ha dado lugar a una gran diversidad de formas de practicarla, generando una comunidad anárquica y carente de unidad que no ha sido capaz de consolidarse en el sistema de salud de prácticamente ninguna región en el mundo. Por otro lado, es tema de preocupación el hecho de que cada paciente examinado por diferentes médicos recibiría una prescripción distinta, lo que revela falta de congruencia y unidad en la enseñanza. Una de las principales razones para que se hayan configurado las dos situaciones expresadas es la falta del estudio reflexivo y crítico del Organon, un legado irremplazable que contiene los pilares que sostienen al método para lograr la misión, la visión y los valores del arte de curar. El análisis de esta obra es esencial para lograr una comunidad más profesional, más segura y menos dividida ideológicamente, que pueda resolver con certidumbre la gran mayoría de las dudas que se presentan en la clínica diaria. Hahnemann fue un genio, un visionario cuyas ideas están siendo confirmadas en el último siglo por biólogos, químicos, médicos, físicos y físicos cuánticos de reconocido prestigio, entre las cuales se encuentran los conceptos vertidos en las obras Paradigma holográfico y El orden implícito de David Bohm, que son especialmente relevantes para explicar la teoría homeopática. Su comprensión hace que se eleve el entusiasmo y que se fortalezcan la identidad y el orgullo de ser médico homeópata. (AU)

Since the beginning of Homeopathy until today, several authors have attempted to modify the contents of Samuels Hahnemann´s Organon, this has given place to a great diversity in practice, to an anarchic homeopathic community, a lack of unity that has failed to be incorporated in the health system in any country of the world. Besides, it is worrying that every patient examinated by every doctor receives a different prescription which ultimately shows a lack of concurrence and unity in teaching. One of the main reasons for this problem is the lack of a reflective and critical reading of the Organon, which has an irreplaceable legacy with the principles that support the method, and contains the Mission, Vision and Values of the art to cure. The analysis, of this masterpiece is essential to achieve a more profesional, unified and confident homeopathic community. That means, the capacity of solving most daily clinical cases with conviction. Hahnemann was a genius, a visionary whose ideas are being confirmed by biologists, chemists, physicians, physicists, and famous quantum physicists, since this last century. David Bohm´s holografic paradigm and its theory of "The Implicated Order" are specially outstanding to explain Homoeopathy, its comprehension will ignite enthusiasm and both reinforce the identity and pride of being an Homeopathic physician

Homeopathic Philosophy , Organon
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554387


La investigación presentada se propone construir y poner a prueba proyectos de enseñanza sobre la lectura crítica de noticias, que consideren tanto la complejidad del objeto de enseñanza como los procesos de apropiación de los alumnos realizados a partir de su historia de prácticas con la diversidad de instancias mediáticas con las que interactúan. Este trabajo se focaliza en las primeras etapas de una secuencia didáctica implementada en dos sextos y dos séptimo grados de escuelas primarias de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados muestran que las situaciones de enseñanza analizadas ofrecen una herramienta imprescindible para acceder a los puntos de partida de los alumnos, sus prácticas y los problemas conceptuales que enfrentan al detenerse a pensar sobre el proceso de producción mediático. Y, fundamentalmente, cuáles son las intervenciones didácticas que posibilitan la explicitación de las ideas iniciales y la construcción de interrogantes para ser dilucidados en la secuencia

The research presented aims to build and test teaching projects on the critical news reading, which consider both the complexity of the teaching object and the processes of appropriation of students made from their history of practices with the diversity of instances media with which they interact. This work focuses on the first stages of a didactic sequence implemented in two sixth grades and two seventh grades of primary school in Buenos Aires City.The results show that the teaching situations analyzed offer an essential tool to access to the students' starting points, to their practices and to the conceptual problems they face when pause to think about the media production process. And, fundamentally, what are the didactic interventions that make possible the explanation of the initial ideas and the construction of questions to be elucidated in the sequence

Humans , Child , Teaching , Newspaper Article , Students , Academies and Institutes , Publication Formats
J Undergrad Neurosci Educ ; 16(2): A120-A125, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057493


Increasing emphasis is being put on providing students with opportunities to read and write about primary scientific literature in undergraduate neuroscience education. Extensive research has indicated that students' attitudes and self-efficacy as well as writing quality improve when they are provided with opportunities for practice and feedback. Here we tested the value of using a blog format to practice writing about scientific research articles. Students were assigned small groups and did work on their own individual schedules to build toward time allotted in class to discuss the articles with their groups. Our goal was to build confidence in the students' ability to read and analyze original research articles. We found that the students in the junior-level Systems Neuroscience course had high confidence in their ability to read and analyze papers at the end of the blogging experience. Surprisingly, however, this did not manifest in a change in quality of final, higher stakes, written reports on original research articles when compared to a control sample from a previous year that did not include the blog assignments. We conclude that blogs provide a useful format for students to discuss research articles collaboratively while building confidence in their ability to analyze and discuss original neuroscience articles. Although the final reports' quality did not change compared to the earlier offering of the course, we believe that the blog experience is a valuable tool for building confidence and creating a positive experience for students in learning to read and analyze original neuroscience research articles.

Biochem Mol Biol Educ ; 46(1): 22-30, 2018 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28858410


As future scientists, university students need to learn how to avoid making errors in their own manuscripts, as well as how to identify flaws in papers published by their peers. Here we describe a novel approach on how to promote students' ability to critically evaluate scientific articles. The exercise is based on instructing teams of students to write intentionally flawed manuscripts describing the results of simple experiments. The teams are supervised by instructors advising the students during manuscript writing, choosing the 'appropriate' errors, monitoring the identification of errors made by the other team and evaluating the strength of their arguments in support of the identified errors. We have compared the effectiveness of the method with a journal club-type seminar. Based on the results of our assessment we propose that the described seminar may effectively complement the existing approaches to teach critical scientific thinking. © 2017 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 46(1):22-30, 2018.

Research Report , Science/education , Students/psychology , Teaching , Humans , Research Report/standards , Universities
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ; 41(2): 263-265, 2017 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28135159
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ; 41(3): 316-323, 2017 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27491957


Systematic reviews should be distinguished from narrative reviews. In the latter, an editor asks an expert to sum up all of the information that is known about a particular topic. However, the expert is under no constraints regarding what he or she does, or does not, choose to include in the review. As a result, his or her bias can influence the final message. A systematic review, which may or may not be written by experts, typically asks a narrower question, and then answers it using the entirety of the medical literature. The systematic review process includes computer searches to identify the pertinent literature, a statement of the inclusion and exclusion criteria for identified studies, a list of items of interest to extract from each study, a method to assess the quality of each study, a summary of the evidence that has been found (which may or may not involve attempts to combine data), a discussion of the evidence and the limitations of the conclusions, and suggestions for future research efforts. If the data are combined, that process is called meta-analysis. In meta-analysis, an estimate of the reliability of each study is made, and those that appear to be more reliable are weighed more heavily when the data are combined. While systematic reviews depend on a more preplanned method and thus, unlike narrative reviews, contain sections on method, they can be easily read once the reader becomes familiar with the vocabulary.

Meta-Analysis as Topic , Review Literature as Topic , Evidence-Based Medicine
Educ. med. super ; 30(4): 270-277, oct.-dic. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-71137


Introducción: la aptitud para generar conocimientos científicos requiere del aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Objetivo: analizar la percepción que tienen los alumnos de posgrado, acerca de la estrategia educativa de lectura crítica de artículos médicos, para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Métodos: a través de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y prolectivo, se estudiaron a 36 alumnos de una Maestría en Ciencias Médicas, con énfasis en la investigación clínica. Se les aplicó un cuestionario anónimo integrado por seis ítems para indagar acerca de la percepción sobre la utilidad de una estrategia educativa activo-participativa para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó estadística descriptiva en base a promedios, desviación estándar y porcentajes. Para la significancia estadística de los porcentajes se calculó el intervalo de confianza al 95 por ciento. Resultados: se estudiaron a 36 alumnos de una maestría en Ciencias Médicas de una Universidad particular, de Tampico, del sur del estado de Tamaulipas, a los cuales se les aplicó un instrumento elaborado ex profeso, para esta investigación. El 91,6 por ciento (Intervalo de Confianza del 95 por ciento 77,5 a 98,2) de los alumnos, consideran que esta estrategia educativa, sí propicia la elaboración de conocimiento por el propio alumno, el 86,1 por ciento sí recomiendan esta estrategia para ser utilizada en otras asignaturas en esta Maestría. Conclusiones: la percepción que tienen los alumnos médicos especialistas, sobre la utilidad de una estrategia educativa activo participativa, para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación es muy buena(AU)

Introduction: The aptitude for the production of scientific knowledge requires learning the research methodology. Objective: Analyze some postgraduate students' perception about the critical reading of medical articles as an educative strategy for learning the research methodology. Methods: Through an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prolective research, we studied 36 students of a master's degree course on Medical Sciences, with an emphasis on clinical research. They were conducted an anonymous survey made up by six items, in order to inquire into the perception about the usefulness of an educative strategy, both active and participative, for learning the research methodology. To analyze the results, we used descriptive statistics as based on averages, standard deviation and percentages. For statistical significance of the percentages, we calculated the confidence interval at 95 percent. Results: 36 students of a master's degree course in Medical Sciences from a particular University in Tampico (in southern Tamaulipas State) were studied. They were applied an instrument elaborated on purpose, for this research. 91.6 percent (confidence interval of 95 percent, 77.5 to 98.2) of the students consider that this educative strategy does permits knowledge production by the student himself; 86.1 percent recommend that this strategy be used in other subjects of this master's degree course. Conclusions: The specialized medical students have a good perception about the usefulness of an educative strategy both active and participative for learning the research methodology(AU)

Humans , Research , /methods , Learning , Reading
Educ. med. super ; 30(4): 270-277, oct.-dic. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840232


Introducción: la aptitud para generar conocimientos científicos requiere del aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Objetivo: analizar la percepción que tienen los alumnos de posgrado, acerca de la estrategia educativa de lectura crítica de artículos médicos, para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Métodos: a través de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y prolectivo, se estudiaron a 36 alumnos de una Maestría en Ciencias Médicas, con énfasis en la investigación clínica. Se les aplicó un cuestionario anónimo integrado por seis ítems para indagar acerca de la percepción sobre la utilidad de una estrategia educativa activo-participativa para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó estadística descriptiva en base a promedios, desviación estándar y porcentajes. Para la significancia estadística de los porcentajes se calculó el intervalo de confianza al 95 por ciento. Resultados: se estudiaron a 36 alumnos de una maestría en Ciencias Médicas de una Universidad particular, de Tampico, del sur del estado de Tamaulipas, a los cuales se les aplicó un instrumento elaborado ex profeso, para esta investigación. El 91,6 por ciento (Intervalo de Confianza del 95 por ciento 77,5 a 98,2) de los alumnos, consideran que esta estrategia educativa, sí propicia la elaboración de conocimiento por el propio alumno, el 86,1 por ciento sí recomiendan esta estrategia para ser utilizada en otras asignaturas en esta Maestría. Conclusiones: la percepción que tienen los alumnos médicos especialistas, sobre la utilidad de una estrategia educativa activo participativa, para el aprendizaje de la metodología de la investigación es muy buena(AU)

Introduction: The aptitude for the production of scientific knowledge requires learning the research methodology. Objective: Analyze some postgraduate students' perception about the critical reading of medical articles as an educative strategy for learning the research methodology. Methods: Through an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prolective research, we studied 36 students of a master's degree course on Medical Sciences, with an emphasis on clinical research. They were conducted an anonymous survey made up by six items, in order to inquire into the perception about the usefulness of an educative strategy, both active and participative, for learning the research methodology. To analyze the results, we used descriptive statistics as based on averages, standard deviation and percentages. For statistical significance of the percentages, we calculated the confidence interval at 95 percent. Results: 36 students of a master's degree course in Medical Sciences from a particular University in Tampico (in southern Tamaulipas State) were studied. They were applied an instrument elaborated on purpose, for this research. 91.6 percent (confidence interval of 95 percent, 77.5 to 98.2) of the students consider that this educative strategy does permits knowledge production by the student himself; 86.1 percent recommend that this strategy be used in other subjects of this master's degree course. Conclusions: The specialized medical students have a good perception about the usefulness of an educative strategy both active and participative for learning the research methodology(AU)

Reading , Research , Education, Medical, Graduate/methods , Learning
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ; 40(5): 739-741, 2016 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26903306