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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 24-33, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561183


Introducción: cuando un individuo es hospitalizado en UCI para control y monitorización permanente de su salud, su cuidado está orientado específicamente a la asistencia plena de médicos y personal de enfermería. La complejidad de estos cuidados genera una crisis situacional y emocional en la familia que causa ansiedad, estrés, miedo y duda. La forma en la que el enfermero intervenga con el familiar en situaciones críticas es lo que va a determinar la percepción de los mismos hacia el cuidado de enfermería, en tanto la comunicación y el apoyo emocional forma parte de la competencia profesional y contribuye al cuidado holístico del paciente y familia. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de los familiares de pacientes, respecto a la comunicación que le brinda el profesional de enfermería en la unidad de cuidados críticos. Materiales y método: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 40 familiares adultos responsables del paciente hospitalizado en la unidad de terapia intensiva, durante los meses Junio - septiembre del 2023. El instrumento de recolección de información fue un cuestionario de "Percepción de los familiares de los Pacientes Críticos, respecto a la intervención de Enfermería durante su Crisis Situacional"; el mismo fue utilizado y validado por la autora Franco Canales Rosa aplicado en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati, Abril de 2003. Resultados:Los resultados muestran que la percepción global de los familiares, es favorable, respecto a la comunicación verbal, comunicación no verbal y el apoyo emocional[AU]

Introduction: health is the condition in which every living being enjoys absolute well-being both physically and mentally and socially, when it is affected either by a pathology or by general accidents; Given the physical condition of the individual, he or she is often hospitalized in the ICU for permanent control and monitoring. Your care is specifically oriented towards the full assistance of Doctors and Nurses. The complexity of this care generates a situational and emotional crisis in the immediate family that causes anxiety, stress, fear and doubt. The way in which the nurse supports the family member in critical or distressing situations is what will determine the perception of the family members towards the nurses, since communication and emotional support are part of the professional competence and contribute to the holistic care of the patient. patient and family. It is a care that is reflected in the feeling that the nurses have that when they do it, the families are very grateful and that, without a doubt, it is their job. Objective: Determine the perception of the patient's relatives regarding the communication provided by the nursing professional in the critical care unit of a private institution. Materials and Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample was made up of 40 adult relatives responsible for the patient hospitalized in the Adult intensive care unit, during the months of June - September 2023. The information collection instrument was a questionnaire on "Perception of relatives of Critical Patients, regarding to Nursing intervention during their Situational Crisis"; It was used and validated by the author Franco Canales Rosa applied at the Edgardo Rebagliati National Hospital, April 2003. Results:The results show that the overall perception of family members is favorable, regarding verbal communication, non-verbal communication and emotional support[AU]

Introdução: saúde é a condição em que todo ser vivo goza de absoluto bem-estar tanto físico quanto mental e social, quando é acometido por alguma patologia ou por acidentes gerais; Dada a condição física do indivíduo, muitas vezes ele é internado em UTI para controle e monitoramento permanente. O seu atendimento é especificamente orientado para a assistência integral de Médicos e Enfermeiros. A complexidade desse cuidado gera uma crise situacional e emocional na família imediata que causa ansiedade, estresse, medo e dúvidas. A forma como o enfermeiro apoia o familiar em situações críticas ou angustiantes é o que determinará a percepção dos familiares em relação aos enfermeiros, uma vez que a comunicação e o apoio emocional fazem parte da competência profissional e contribuem para o cuidado holístico do paciente. paciente e família. É um cuidado que se reflete no sentimento que os enfermeiros têm de que quando o fazem as famílias ficam muito gratas e que, sem dúvida, é o seu trabalho. Objetivo: Determinar a percepção dos familiares do paciente quanto à comunicação prestada pelo profissional de enfermagem na unidade de terapia intensiva de uma instituição privada. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. A amostra foi composta por 40 familiares adultos responsáveis pelo paciente internado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, durante os meses de junho a setembro de 2023. O instrumento de coleta de informações foi um questionário sobre "Percepção dos familiares de Pacientes Críticos, quanto à intervenção de Enfermagem durante a sua crise situacional"; Foi utilizado e validado pelo autor Franco Os resultados mostram que a percepção geral dos familiares é favorável, no que diz respeito à comunicação verbal, à comunicação não verbal e ao apoio emocional.Canales Rosa apl i c a d o n o Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati, abril de 2003. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que a percepção geral dos familiares é favorável, no que diz respeito à comunicação verbal, à comunicação não verbal e ao apoio emocional.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Professional Competence , Professional-Family Relations , Nonverbal Communication
Referência ; serVI(3): e32703, dez. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1569439


Resumo Enquadramento: As ambulâncias de suporte imediato de vida (SIV) possibilitam ao enfermeiro capacidade de intervenção em contexto pré-hospitalar, suportada pelo seu conhecimento técnico-científico, protocolos complexos de atuação e regulação médica por telemedicina. Objetivo: Analisar os contributos da intervenção dos enfermeiros SIV, na evolução do estado clínico da pessoa em situação crítica (PSC). Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional, retrospetivo, realizado em meios SIV, na região norte de Portugal. Analisados 574 registos clínicos eletrónicos, entre 01 de novembro e 31 de dezembro de 2019, que correspondem ao mesmo número de pessoas avaliadas. Utilizada a escala National Early Warning Score (NEWS) para avaliar a evolução clínica da PSC. Resultados: Observou-se uma evolução positiva do score NEWS da PSC, após a intervenção do enfermeiro SIV (M = 4,43 ± 3,901 vs 3,34 ± 3,329; sig < 0,001). Em sentido inverso, o risco clínico diminuiu significativamente após a intervenção do enfermeiro. Conclusão: Demonstrou-se a relevância da intervenção do enfermeiro SIV no contexto pré-hospitalar, enquanto garantia de segurança, qualidade e melhoria contínua dos cuidados à PSC.

Abstract Background: Immediate life support (ILS) ambulances allow nurses to intervene in pre-hospital settings, supported by their technical-scientific knowledge and complex protocols of action and regulation through telemedicine. Objective: To analyze the contributions of nursing interventions in the evolution of the clinical state of critical patients. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive-correlational, retrospective, and observational study conducted in ILS settings in northern Portugal. A total of 574 electronic clinical records were analyzed between 1 November and 31 December 2019, corresponding to the same number of people evaluated. The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) was used to assess the clinical evolution of critical patients. Results: There was a positive evolution of the NEWS score of critical patients after the intervention of ILS nurses (M = 4.43 ± 3.901 vs. 3.34 ± 3.329; sig < 0.001). Similarly, the clinical risk of critical patients decreased after the nurse's intervention. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the importance of nurses in prehospital care, as a guarantee of safety, quality, and continuous improvement of care for critical patients.

Resumen Marco contextual: Las ambulancias de soporte vital inmediato (SVI) permiten al personal de enfermería intervenir en un contexto prehospitalario, con el apoyo de sus conocimientos técnico-científicos y de complejos protocolos de actuación y regulación médica a través de la telemedicina. Objetivo: Analizar las aportaciones de la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI en la evolución del estado clínico de la persona en situación crítica (PSC). Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo-correlacional, retrospectivo, realizado en centros de SVI del norte de Portugal. Se analizaron 574 historias clínicas electrónicas entre el 1 de noviembre y el 31 de diciembre de 2019, correspondientes al mismo número de personas evaluadas. Se utilizó la escala National Early Warning Score (NEWS) para evaluar la evolución clínica de la PSC. Resultados: Se observó una evolución positiva en el score NEWS de la PSC, tras la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI (M = 4,43 ± 3,901 vs 3,34 ± 3,329; sig < 0,001). Por el contrario, el riesgo clínico disminuyó significativamente tras la intervención del personal de enfermería. Conclusión: Se demostró la relevancia de la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI en el contexto prehospitalario, como garantía de seguridad, calidad y mejora continua en la atención a la PSC.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 28(2): 100-117, 20240000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572324


O presente estudo buscou analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à necessidade de cuidados intensivos por adultos hospitalizados, devido à Covid-19, no estado do Paraná. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, realizou-se um estudo transversal com notificações compulsórias da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave, associada à Covid-19. Na análise, foram aplicados modelos de regressão de Poisson em modelos univariados e multivariados, com associações estimadas por Razão de Prevalência. No período analisado, foram registradas 61.213 hospitalizações por Covid-19 no estado. Os pacientes possuíam, maioritariamente, entre 45 e 59 anos, sexo masculino, raça branca e sem fatores de risco/comorbidade. Os principais achados permitiram inferir que a gravidade e necessidade de cuidados intensivos foi associada à idade, sexo raça/cor, uso de imunizante contra gripe, diagnóstico de comorbidades prévias, ter apresentado sintomas moderados/graves e local de residência diferente do município de hospitalização. Ainda, os piores desfechos da Covid-19 foram influenciados por fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e epidemiológicos, os quais estiveram relacionados à gravidade da doença e necessidade de cuidados intensivos. Assim sendo, identificou-se uma elevada prevalência de hospitalização em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, diante características intrínsecas e extrínsecas aos indivíduos acometidos pela doença.

This study sought to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with the need for intensive care by adults hospitalized due to Covid-19 in the state of Paraná. To achieve the proposed objective, a cross-sectional study was carried out with compulsory notifications of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome associated with Covid-19. In the analysis, Poisson regression models were applied in univariate and multivariate models, with associations estimated by Prevalence Ratio. In the period analyzed, 61,213 hospitalizations due to Covid-19 were recorded in the state. The majority of patients were between 45 and 59 years old, male, white and had no risk factors/comorbidities. The main findings allowed us to infer that the severity and need for intensive care was associated with age, gender, race/color, use of influenza immunization, diagnosis of previous comorbidities, having presented moderate/severe symptoms and place of residence other than the municipality of hospitalization. Furthermore, the worst Covid-19 outcomes were influenced by sociodemographic, clinical and epidemiological factors, which were related to the severity of the disease and the need for intensive care. Therefore, a high prevalence of hospitalization in Intensive Care Units was identified, given the intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of individuals affected by the disease.

Este estudio buscó analizar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la necesidad de cuidados intensivos por adultos hospitalizados debido al Covid-19 en el estado de Paraná. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se realizó un estudio transversal con notificaciones obligatorias de Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo asociado a Covid-19. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión de Poisson en modelos univariados y multivariados, con asociaciones estimadas por Razón de Prevalencia. En el periodo analizado, se registraron 61.213 hospitalizaciones por Covid-19 en el estado. La mayoría de los pacientes tenían entre 45 y 59 años, eran varones, de raza blanca y no presentaban factores de riesgo/comorbilidades. Los principales hallazgos permitieron inferir que la gravedad y la necesidad de cuidados intensivos se asociaron a la edad, el sexo, la raza/color, el uso de la vacuna antigripal, el diagnóstico de comorbilidades previas, haber presentado síntomas moderados/graves y el lugar de residencia distinto al municipio de hospitalización. Además, los peores resultados del Covid-19 se vieron influidos por factores sociodemográficos, clínicos y epidemiológicos, que estaban relacionados con la gravedad de la enfermedad y la necesidad de cuidados intensivos. Por tanto, se identificó una elevada prevalencia de hospitalización en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, dadas las características intrínsecas y extrínsecas de los individuos afectados por la enfermedad.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39341765


The nursing profession, without losing its essence, is in continuous evolution in order to face and respond to the ever-changing health challenges of the population. Advanced Practice Nursing is a clear example of this development. The performance of advanced practice roles entails greater responsibility, expansion and depth of nursing practice, which is only possible with additional education beyond the bachelor's degree - a master's or doctoral degree in nursing - and greater expertise in clinical practice in a particular area of specialization. Advanced practice nursing is intrinsically linked to the level of education since, further academic development of nursing promotes the advancement of autonomous practice. This article addresses the education of Advanced Practice Nurses, and focuses on its core aspects; providing detailed information on competencies, curricular structure, curriculum and key components of training programs. Finally, special mention is made of advanced role training in the critical care setting.

Rev. méd. Panamá ; 44(2): 133-135, 30 de agosto de 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571750


Introducción La obstrucción intestinal es la alteración del flujo del contenido luminal del tracto gastrointestinal debido a factores mecánicos. Los casos graves pueden evolucionar a shock séptico refractario con alta mortalidad. Para esta afección se han propuesto terapias innovadoras que pueden cambiar el pronóstico. Reporte: Un paciente masculino de 62 años presenta un cuadro de obstrucción intestinal acompañado de sepsis. La laparotomía exploratoria revela un tumor en el colon descendente y necrosis extensa del colon, requiriendo resección colónica e ileostomía. A pesar de la intervención, el paciente desarrolla choque séptico refractario y falla multiorgánica, con un pronóstico grave. Se implementa terapia de hemoadsorción de citoquinas e inmunoglobulina G enriquecida con inmunoglobulina M dentro de las primeras 32 horas. Se presenta posteriormente recuperación progresiva de parámetros clínicos y de laboratorio, asimismo como estado general. Conclusiones: La terapia hemoadsorción puede reducir la dosis de vasopresores, mejorar la hemodinamia y reducir los marcadores inflamatorios en pacientes con sepsis. La pentaglobina puede reducir el riesgo de mortalidad, disminuir la duración de la ventilación mecánica y mejorar la función renal en pacientes con sepsis. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Introduction Intestinal obstruction is the alteration of the flow of the luminal contents of the gastrointestinal tract due to mechanical factors. Severe cases may progress to refractory septic shock with high mortality. Innovative therapies have been proposed for this condition that may change the prognosis. Report: A 62-year-old male patient presents with intestinal obstruction accompanied by sepsis. Exploratory laparotomy reveals a tumor in the descending colon and extensive colon necrosis, requiring colonic resection and ileostomy. Despite the intervention, the patient develops refractory septic shock and multiorgan failure, with a severe prognosis. Cytokine hemoadsorption therapy and immunoglobulin G enriched with immunoglobulin M were implemented within the first 32 hours. Progressive recovery of clinical and laboratory parameters is subsequently presented, as well as general condition. Conclusions: Hemoadsorption therapy can reduce the dose of vasopressors, improve hemodynamics and reduce inflammatory markers in patients with sepsis. Pentaglobin can reduce the risk of mortality, decrease the duration of mechanical ventilation and improve renal function in patients with sepsis. (provided by Infomedic International)

J Healthc Qual Res ; 2024 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39089916


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of Zero Projects in Critical Care Units (CCUs) through Internal Audits (IA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Design: Real-time observational safety analysis. A questionnaire was developed with defined items to ensure objectivity. After IAs, a survey was conducted with the auditors. SCOPE: 11 CCUs in hospitals of the Servizo Galego de Saúde and Ribera-POVISA. PATIENTS OR PARTICIPANTS: 24 auditors in 9 teams composed of medical, nursing, and quality personnel from health areas and 34 patients were assessed. MAIN VARIABLES OF INTEREST: Compliance with the quality standard (≥60% of items), strengths, areas for improvement, auditor's interest in IA, conformity with the organization and items. RESULTS: 100% CCUs met the quality standard. 18.03% of items were fulfilled by all CCUs. Strengths: staff motivation, positive reception of auditors, and use of computer tools in some CCUs. Areas for improvement: deficit of automatic systems for controlling endotracheal tube cuff pressure (compliance rate in 9.1% of CCUs), training needs, communication issues, and not using checklists (45.5% of the reports). Auditors found IA very interesting, and 19% suggested improving organization and items. CONCLUSIONS: All CCUs met the previously agreed-upon quality standard. Numerous improvement opportunities were identified and communicated to the audited CCUs. For greater homogeneity and objectivity, a review of previously agreed items and definitions is required.

Farm Hosp ; 2024 Jul 22.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39043496


INTRODUCTION: Older patients are more susceptible to medication use, and physiological changes resulting from aging and organic dysfunctions presented by critically ill patients may alter the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic behavior. Thus, critically ill older people present greater vulnerability to the occurrence of pharmacotherapeutic problems. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pharmacotherapy and the development of potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in older patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD: A cohort study was conducted in an ICU for adults of a Brazilian University Hospital during a 12-month period. The patients' pharmacotherapy was evaluated daily, considering the occurrence of ADRs and drug-drug interactions (DDIs), the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older people, and the pharmacotherapy anticholinergic burden (ACB). A trigger tool was used for active search of ADRs, with subsequent causality evaluation. PIM use was evaluated by means of the Beers criteria and the STOPP/START criteria. The ABC scale was employed to estimate ACB. The Micromedex® and® medication databases were employed to evaluate the DDIs. RESULTS: The sample of this study consisted of 41 patients, with a mean age of 66.8 years old (±5.2). The 22 triggers used assisted in identifying 15 potential ADRs, and 26.8% of the patients developed them. The mean estimated ACB score was 3.0 (±1.8), and the patients used 3.1 (±1.4) and 3.3 (±1.6) PIMs according to the Beers and the STOPP criteria, respectively. A total of 672 DDIs were identified, with a mean of 16.8 (±9.5) DDIs/patient during ICU hospitalization. Our findings show an association between occurrence of ADRs in the ICU and polypharmacy (p=.03) and DDIs (p=.007), corroborating efforts for rational medication use as a preventive strategy. CONCLUSIONS: Using tools to evaluate the pharmacotherapy for older people in intensive care can assist in the recognition and prevention of pharmacotherapeutic problems, with emphasis on the identification of ADRs through the observation of triggers and subsequent causality analysis.

Farm Hosp ; 2024 Jul 17.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39025759


INTRODUCTION: Intensive Care Units (ICUs) pose challenges in managing critically-ill patients with polypharmacy, potentially leading to Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), particularly in the elderly. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the severity and clinical prognosis scores used in ICUs correlate with the prediction of ADRs in aged patients admitted to an ICU. METHODS: A cohort study was conducted in a Brazilian University Hospital ICU. APACHE II and SAPS 3 assessed clinical prognosis, while GerontoNet ADR Risk Score and BADRI evaluated ADR risk at ICU admission. Severity of the patients' clinical conditions was evaluated daily based on the SOFA score. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) screening was performed daily through the identification of ADR triggers. RESULTS: 1295 triggers were identified (median 30 per patient, IQR = 28), with 15 suspected ADRs. No correlation was observed between patient severity and ADRs at admission (p=0.26), during hospitalization (p=0.91), or at follow-up (p=0.77). There was also no association between death and ADRs (p=0.28) or worse prognosis and ADRs (p>0.05). Higher BADRI scores correlated with more ADRs (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that employing the severity and clinical prognosis scores used in Intensive Care Units is not sufficient to direct active pharmacovigilance efforts, which are therefore indicated for critically ill patients.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38981780


INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE: Dysphagia is a disorder that presents with specific signs and symptoms in critically ill patients. Intensive care unit (ICU) nurses are responsible for monitoring and detecting abnormalities in critically ill patients, so they must be trained to assess swallowing and the complications that may arise. The aim of this research is to analyse the dynamics of the detection and assessment of dysphagia by ICU nurses. METHOD: Cross-sectional descriptive study using an electronic questionnaire to nurses from different Spanish ICUs. The survey was adapted from previous research and consisted of 6 sections with 30 items of qualitative questions. The collection period was between December 2022 and March 2023. Statistical analysis was performed using frequencies and percentages, and the Chi-Square test was used for bivariate analysis. OUTCOMES: 43 nurses were recruited. Dysphagia is considered an important problem (90,7%) but in 50,3% of the units there is no standard or care protocol for this disorder. The most common technique is the swallowing test (32,6%). There is a consensus in our sample that aspiration pneumonia is the main problem; however, nurses in the busiest care units consider sepsis to be a frequent complication (p = ,029). The most common treatment is modification of food consistency (86,0%). CONCLUSION: The findings of this research show a low systematisation of dysphagia screening in the units included. There is a need for greater implementation of interventions and clinical protocols for monitoring complications as well as for compensatory and rehabilitative management.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38910066


INTRODUCTION: The changes in health dynamics, caused by the SARS-COVD-2 pandemic and its consequences, generated a greater need to integrate palliative care in the ICU to promote a dignified death. OBJECTIVE: Identify interprofessional interventions and factors that improve the care of patients at the end of life. METHODOLOGY: Integrative review, including experimental, quasi-experimental, observational, analytical, and descriptive studies with correlation of variables, published from 2010 to 2021, identified in COCHRANE, CINAHL, CUIDEN, LILACS, SCIELO, Dialnet, PsychInfo, PubMed, PROQUES, PSYCHOLOGY, JOURNALS, SCIENCEDIRECT, with MeSH/DECS terms: "Critical Care", "IntensiveCare" "Life support care", "Palliative care", "Life Quality", "Right to die". 36,271 were identified, after excluding duplicate title, abstract, year of publication, design, theme, methodological quality, objectives, and content, 31 studies were found. RESULTS: It included 31 articles, 16.7% experimental, 3.3% quasi-experimental, 80% observational, analytical, and descriptive with correlation of variables, 38% published in the United States, 38%, and 19% in Brazil. The pooled sample was 24,779 participants. 32.2% of the studies had level of evidence 1 recommendation (c), and 25.8% level of evidence 2 recommendation (c). This paper synthesises evidence to promote Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in the ICU, improve end-of-life care, and interventions to achieve established therapeutic goals, implement effective care policies, plans, and programmes for critically ill patients and their families; factors that affect palliative care and improve with training and continuing education for health personnel. CONCLUSION: There are interventions to manage physical and emotional symptoms, training strategies and emotional support aimed at health personnel and family members to improve the quality of death and reduce stays in the ICU. The interdisciplinary team requires training on palliative and end-of-life care to improve care.

Rev. port. enferm. saúde mental ; (31): 12-23, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1570036


Resumo Contexto: Os enfermeiros, enquanto profissionais na prestação de cuidados ao doente COVID-19, estiveram expostos a um maior risco de vulnerabilidade. Objetivo: Identificar o nível e fatores de resiliência e analisar a sua relação com as caraterísticas sóciodemográficas e profissionais dos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de natureza quantitativa, descritiva, correlacional e transversal. A amostra foi constituída por 60 enfermeiros do serviço de urgência geral de adultos de um hospital da região norte do país. Para a recolha de dados recorreu-se a um questionário para a caraterização sociodemográfico e profissional e a Escala de Resiliência para Adultos. Foi realizado o tratamento estatístico descritivo e inferencial, com recurso ao programa IBM-SPSS® versão 25.0. Resultados: Os enfermeiros mostraram um nível de resiliência acima do valor médio da escala e foram os enfermeiros do sexo feminino que apresentam maiores níveis de resiliência. Referiram o fator Recursos Sociais como o mais frequente e o fator Estilo Estruturado como o menos frequente. Conclusões: Os resultados mostram um nível de resiliência dos enfermeiros acima do valor médio da escala. Altos níveis de resiliência podem ser explicados pela Teoria de Reintegração Resiliente na qual o confronto com a adversidade resulta em novos patamares de crescimento e adaptação pessoal.

Abstract Background: Nurses, as professionals providing care to COVID-19 patients, were exposed to a greater risk of vulnerability. Aim: Identify the level and factors of resilience and analyze its relationship with the sociodemographic and professional characteristics of nurses. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 60 nurses from the general adult emergency service of a hospital in the north of the country. The instruments of data collecting were a questionnaire with questions about sociodemographic and professional characterization and the Resilience Scale for Adults. Descriptive and inferential statistical treatment was carried out using the IBM-SPSS® version 25.0 program. Results: Nurses showed a level of resilience above the mean value of the scale, and it was female nurses who presented higher levels of resilience. They mentioned the Social Resources factor as the most frequent and the Structured Style factor as the least frequent. Conclusions: The results show a level of nurses' resilience above the average value of the scale. High levels of resilience can be explained by the Resilient Reintegration Theory in which confrontation with adversity results in new levels of personal growth and adaptation.

Resumen Contexto: Los enfermeros, como profesionales que brindan atención a pacientes con COVID-19, estuvieron expuestos a un mayor riesgo de vulnerabilidad. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel y los factores de resiliencia y analizar su relación con las características sociodemográficas y profesionales de los enfermeros. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 60 enfermeros del servicio general de emergencia del adulto de un hospital del norte del país, para la recolección de datos se utilizó un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica y profesional y la Escala de Resiliencia para Adultos. El tratamiento estadístico descriptivo e inferencial se realizó mediante el programa IBM-SPSS® versión 25.0. Resultados: Los enfermeros mostraron un nivel de resiliencia superior al valor medio de la escala y fueron las enfermeras las que presentaron mayores niveles de resiliencia. Mencionaron el factor Recursos Sociales como el más frecuente y el factor Estilo Estructurado como el menos frecuente. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran un nivel de resiliencia de los enfermeros superior al valor medio de la escala. Los altos niveles de resiliencia pueden explicarse mediante la Teoría de la Reintegración Resiliente, según la cual la confrontación con la adversidad da como resultado nuevos niveles de crecimiento personal y adaptación.

Farm Hosp ; 2024 Apr 30.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38693001


INTRODUCTION: Intensive care units (ICUs) pose challenges in managing critically ill patients with polypharmacy, potentially leading to adverse drug reactions (ADRs), particularly in the elderly. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the severity and clinical prognosis scores used in ICUs correlate with the prediction of ADRs in aged patients admitted to an ICU. METHODS: A cohort study was conducted in a Brazilian University Hospital ICU. APACHE II and SAPS 3 assessed clinical prognosis, while GerontoNet ADR Risk Score and BADRI evaluated ADR risk at ICU admission. Severity of the patients' clinical conditions was evaluated daily based on the SOFA score. ADR screening was performed daily through the identification of ADR triggers. RESULTS: 1295 triggers were identified (median 30 per patient, IQR=28), with 15 suspected ADRs. No correlation was observed between patient severity and ADRs at admission (p=0.26), during hospitalization (p=0.91), or at follow-up (p=0.77). There was also no association between death and ADRs (p=0.28) or worse prognosis and ADRs (p>0.05). Higher BADRI scores correlated with more ADRs (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that employing the severity and clinical prognosis scores used in ICUs is not sufficient to direct active pharmacovigilance efforts, which are therefore indicated for critically ill patients.

Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 35(2): e1-e7, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38782519


The number of advanced practice roles in healthcare is increasing in response to several factors such as changes in medical education, economic pressures, workforce shortages and the increasing complexity of health needs of the population. The Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Curriculum, developed by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine in the UK (United Kingdom), enables the development and delivery of a structured education programme which can contribute to addressing these challenges. This article outlines how one university designed and implemented this programme, the first of its kind in Northern Ireland.

Advanced Practice Nursing , Program Development , Humans , Advanced Practice Nursing/education , Critical Care , Critical Care Nursing/education , Curriculum , Northern Ireland , Universities
Med Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 48(7): 411-420, 2024 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38704303


Critical pregnancy at high altitudes increases morbidity and mortality from 2500 m above sea level. In addition to altitude, there are other influential factors such as social inequalities, cultural, prehospital barriers, and lack the appropriate development of healthcare infrastructure. The most frequent causes of critical pregnancy leading to admission to Intensive Care Units are pregnancy hypertensive disorders (native residents seem to be more protected), hemorrhages and infection/sepsis. In Latin America, there are 32 Intensive Care Units above 2500 m above sea level. Arterial blood gases at altitude are affected by changes in barometric pressure. The analysis of their values provides very useful information for the management of obstetric emergencies at very high altitude, especially respiratory and metabolic pathologies.

Altitude , Pregnancy Complications , Humans , Pregnancy , Latin America/epidemiology , Female , Altitude Sickness , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Critical Illness , Intensive Care Units , Blood Gas Analysis
Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 35(3): e23-e29, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38806311


The current demand on health services requires that nurses play a key role, by adapting their competencies to different fields and complexity levels. The approach of situations presented by critically ill patients underpins the need for development of specialised competencies in specific areas such as patient safety, prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections, performance of specific techniques and interventions, autonomous medication management or the use of technology, among others. Spain relies on a specialist training programme that is unique worldwide. Training admission is managed through a contract as a "Resident Nurse Intern" (EIR, Enfermera Interna Residente), provided by regional healthcare services. Only 6 specialities have been established and developed, in an uneven manner and with a short provision of places, annually. Given that the specialization in critical care nursing does not exist, nurses usually self-fund their postgraduate training to enhance their opportunities career development. The development of a speciality for critical care nursing is a priority. The models proposed advocate for creating nursing roles that could cover the systemic gaps through the expansion of their competencies and the introduction of procedures that fit nursing into advanced practice, which could be achieved through Advanced Accreditation Diplomas. Simultaneously, it would be convenient to analyse how and why such a dynamic discipline in some countries became stuck in anachronistic models of the Spanish healthcare system. This analysis might contribute to move forward on the development of areas of improvement in terms of service access and quality of care.

Critical Care Nursing , Critical Care Nursing/education , Humans , Spain , Health Services Needs and Demand , Nurse's Role
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1570427


Objetivo: Descrever os parâmetros validados por enfermeiros relacionando com a sua prática assistencial na monitorização de pacientes críticos sob ventilação mecânica. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, cujos dados foram discutidos à luz da Resolução Conselho Federal de Enfermagem n. 639/2020 e de parâmetros clínicos obtidos validados por enfermeiros intensivistas. Resultados: Os parâmetros validados foram discutidos em termos de sua aplicabilidade clínica para o alcance da competência monitorização respiratória, um dos itens presentes na referida resolução como privativa do enfermeiro. Criou-se um quadro com os parâmetros gerais para a monitorização respiratória/ventilatória por enfermeiros, com alvo clínico e local de obtenção do parâmetro no ventilador mecânica, para colaborar com a sua usabilidade. Conclusão: Apresentou-se a aplicabilidade de parâmetros validados por enfermeiros na assistência aos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica. Pondera-se sua contribuição para maior qualidade na assistência, melhores desfechos clínicos, assim como, evitar complicações associadas à ventilação mecânica. (AU)

Objective: To describe the respiratory/ventilatory parameters validated by nurses relating to their care practice in critical patients on mechanical ventilation. Methods: Descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative approach, whose data were discussed based on COFEN Resolution 639/2020 and clinical parameters obtained validated by critical care nurses. Results: The validated parameters were discussed in terms of clinical applicability for achieving the competence "respiratory monitoring", one of the items present in the aforementioned resolution as private nurse care. A framework was created with the general parameters for respiratory/ventilatory monitoring by nurses, with clinical target and location of obtaining the parameter on the mechanical ventilator, to collaborate with its usability. Conclusion: The applicability of parameters validated by nurses in care of mechanically ventilated patients was presented. Its contribution to better quality care and clinical outcomes, as well as avoiding complications associated with mechanical ventilation. (AU)

Objetivo: describir los parámetros respiratorios/ventilatorios validados por enfermeros relacionando con su práctica asistencial en pacientes críticos con ventilación mecánica. Métodos: investigación descriptiva-exploratoria con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyos datos fueron discutidos en la Resolución COFEN 639/2020 y de parámetros clínicos obtenidos y validados por enfermeros intensivistas. Resultados: los parámetros validados fueron discutidos en términos de su aplicabilidad clínica para el alcance de la competencia "monitoreo respiratorio", uno de los ítems presentes en la referida resolución como exclusiva del enfermero. Se creó un cuadro con los parámetros generales para el monitoreo respiratorio/ventilatorio por enfermeros, con objetivo clínico y lugar de obtención del parámetro en el ventilador mecánico, para colaborar con su usabilidad. Conclusión: se presentó la aplicabilidad de parámetros validados por enfermeros en la asistencia a pacientes con ventilación mecánica. Se pondera su contribución para una mayor calidad en la asistencia, mejores desenlaces clínicos y, también, para evitar complicaciones asociadas con la ventilación mecánica. (AU)

Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Insufficiency , Coronavirus Infections , Critical Care Nursing
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38677902


Intensive Care Units (ICUs) have undergone enhancements in patient safety, and artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a disruptive technology offering novel opportunities. While the published evidence is limited and presents methodological issues, certain areas show promise, such as decision support systems, detection of adverse events, and prescription error identification. The application of AI in safety may pursue predictive or diagnostic objectives. Implementing AI-based systems necessitates procedures to ensure secure assistance, addressing challenges including trust in such systems, biases, data quality, scalability, and ethical and confidentiality considerations. The development and application of AI demand thorough testing, encompassing retrospective data assessments, real-time validation with prospective cohorts, and efficacy demonstration in clinical trials. Algorithmic transparency and explainability are essential, with active involvement of clinical professionals being crucial in the implementation process.

Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(2): 291-297, abr. 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559683


INTRODUCCIÓN: El absceso hepático (AH) es el tipo mas común de abscesos viscerales. Se estima que el perfil epidemiológico de esta enfermedad ha cambiado con el aumento de la resistencia de los microorganismos y el uso de nuevos medicamentos. OBJETIVO: Describir las características demográficas y clínicas de los pacientes hospitalizados con diagnóstico de AH en un hospital universitario del suroccidente colombiano. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo, en la Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de AH hospitalizados entre 2011-2020. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 182 pacientes. La mediana de edad fUe 56 años (rango intercuartílico, 45-67) y 62,1% fueron hombres. El microrganismo mas común fue Klebsiella pneumoniae (17,6%). La mayoría requirió drenaje percutáneo (58,2%). El 58,8% tuvo un absceso único y 54,4% fue manejado en cuidados intensivos. El 7,1% de los pacientes falleció. Al comparar los casos que fueron manejados en cuidados intensivos vs. aquellos que no lo fueron, hubo más hepatomegalia (28,3 vs. 11,0%, p = 0,004), derrame pleural derecho (48,5 vs. 28,1%, p = 0,010), cirugía (42,4 vs. 13,4%, p < 0,001), falla terapéutica (22,2 vs. 7,3%, p = 0,007) y muerte (12,1 vs. 1,2%, p = 0,005) en los atendidos en UCI. CONCLUSIÓN: Las Enterobacterales son la principal causa de AH en nuestra población. La mortalidad ha disminuido, pero la hospitalización en cuidados intensivos sigue siendo alta.

BACKGROUND: Liver abscess (LA) is the most common type of visceral abscess. It is estimated that the epidemiological profile of this disease has changed with the increase in resistance and the use of new drugs. AIM: To describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with a diagnosis of LA in a university hospital in the southwestern region of Colombia. METHODS: A. retrospective observational study was conducted at Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia. Patients older than 18 years with a diagnosis of LA hospitalized between 2011-2020 were included. RESULTS: A total of 182 patients were included. The median age was 56 years (interquartile range, 45-67) and 62.1% were men. The most common microorganism was Klebsiella pneumoniae (17.6%). The majority required percutaneous drainage (58.2%). A 58.8% had a single abscess and 54.4% were treated in ICU. A 7.1% of the patients died. When comparing cases treated in the ICU vs. those who did not, there was more hepatomegaly (28.3 vs. 11.0%, p = 0.004), right pleural effusion (48.5 vs. 28.1%, p = 0.010), surgery (42.4 vs. 13.4%, p < 0.001), therapeutic failure (22.2 vs. 7.3%, p = 0.007) and death (12.1 vs. 1.2%, p = 0.005) in patients treated in ICU. CONCLUSION: Enterobacterales are the main cause of LA in our population. Mortality has decreased, but intensive care hospitalization remains high.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Liver Abscess/epidemiology , Drainage/methods , Retrospective Studies , Colombia , Critical Care , Hospitals, University , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Liver Abscess/microbiology , Liver Abscess/mortality , Liver Abscess/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38548548


BACKGROUND: The stay in a critical care unit (CCU) has a serious impact on physical condition causing numerous discomfort factors such as pain or difficulty in communicating. All of these are associated with possible sequelae following discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) named post-ICU syndrome. The Kolcaba Comfort Theory allows, from a holistic approach, to identify care needs from the patient's perspective using instruments such as the General Comfort Questionnaire (GCQ). OBJECTIVES: To determine the comfort level of patients admitted to the CCU using the GCQ of Kolcaba and to identify the discomfort factors. METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive observational prospective study. POPULATION: 580 patients admitted to adult CCU of two high complexity hospitals from June 2015 to March 2020 with stay ≥24 h were interviewed. Descriptive analysis, Student's t-test and ANOVA and multivariate analysis were performed using SPSS v26 and STATA v16. RESULTS: The mean age was 52,62 (16,21), 357 (61,6%) were male and 434 (74,8%) were believers. The type of admission was planned in 322 (55,5%) and the most prevalent reason for admission was surgical 486 (83,8%). The median pain score (NRS) was 3,00 [0-4] and severity score (APACHE II) was 13,26 (5,89), the median length of stay was 4,00 [2-7] days. The mean comfort level was 3,02 (0,31) showing the highest value Reanimation 3.02 (0.30) and the lowest Trauma and Emergency Unit 2.95 (0.38). Statistically significant differences were found between the units in the comfort level of patients >65 years of age (p = 0.029). The Relief comfort type obtained the lowest mean 2.81 (0.33) and the physical context 2.75 (0.41) in the three units. In the multivariate analysis, statistically significant differences were found between the comfort level and the pain level: no pain (p = 0,000) OR 4,361 CI [2,184-8,707], mild pain (p = 0,000) OR 4,007 CI [2,068-7,763], moderate pain (p = 0,007) OR 2,803 CI [1,328-5,913], and the APACHE II score equal to or greater than 10 (p = 0,000) OR 0,472 CI [0,316-0,705]. CONCLUSIONS: The comfort level showed high scores in all three units. The physical and environmental contexts and the relief comfort type negatively affected the perception of comfort. The variables that explained comfort were pain and severity of illness. The evaluation of comfort from the patient's perspective through the GCQ could be considered an indicator of quality of nursing interventions.

Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 20º-30, 20240315.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552596


Introducción. Las tasas de retención en los estudios de seguimiento oscilan entre el 32 y 100%, demostrando el desafío que implica realizar estudios longitudinales de sobrevivientes de la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Objetivo. Identificar las estrategias implementadas y lecciones aprendidas en un estudio prospectivo multicéntrico de seguimiento de sobrevivientes de la UCI durante la pandemia. Métodos. Estudio post-hoc de las lecciones aprendidas mediante encuestas y entrevistas dirigidas a explorar la experiencia de los investigadores y coordinadores del estudio IMPACCT COVID-19, realizado en siete centros chilenos entre octubre 2020 y abril 2021 evaluando el síndrome post-cuidados intensivos de sobrevivientes hasta seis meses después. Resultados. Identificamos ocho lecciones: 1) selección de instrumentos de medición, 2) identificación de centros participantes, 3) aprobación del estudio, 4) financiamiento, 5) capacitación de evaluadores, 6) coordinación/aseguramiento de calidad, 7) reclutamiento y 8) seguimiento de pacientes. Incluso durante el primer año de pandemia, reclutamos 252 pacientes a una tasa de 1,4 pacientes/día con una retención del 48% a los 6 meses de seguimiento. El uso de redes académicas existentes y las estrategias de comunicación entre investigadores, coordinadores y evaluadores fueron aspectos positivos; mientras que la fidelización con evaluadores al egreso de la UCI y con pacientes durante el seguimiento son aspectos que deberían considerarse en futuros estudios. Conclusiones. Se evaluaron más de 250 pacientes en seis meses durante la pandemia, con tasas de retención post UCI acorde a la literatura. Futuros estudios debiesen optimizar los procesos de medición y de seguimiento para minimizar la pérdida de pacientes.

Background. Retention rates of follow-up studies range from 32 to 100%, demonstrating the challenge to conduct longitudinal studies of intensive care unit (ICU) survivors. Objective. To identify the strategies implemented and lessons learned in a multicenter prospective follow-up study of ICU survivors during pandemic times. Methods. Post-hoc study of lessons learned through surveys and interviews aimed at exploring the experience of the researchers and coordinators of the IMPACCT COVID-19 study. The original study was performed in seven Chilean sites between October 2020 and April 2021 evaluating the post-intensive care syndrome of survivors up to six-month follow-up. Results. We identified eight lessons: 1) selection of measurement instruments, 2) identification of participating sites, 3) Study approval, 4) funding, 5) evaluators training, 6) coordination/quality assurance, 7) recruitment, and 8) patient follow-up. Even during the first year of the pandemic, we recruited 252 patients at a rate of 1.4 patients/day with a retention rate of 48% at 6 months of follow-up. The use of existing academic networks and communication strategies between researchers, coordinators and evaluators were positive aspects; while evaluators fidelity at ICU discharge and patient engagement during follow-up are aspects should be considered. Conclusions. More than 250 patients were evaluated in six months during the pandemic, with post-ICU retention rates consistent with the literature. Future studies should optimize measurement and monitoring processes to minimize patient atrition.