ABSTRACT The Empididae fauna of Chile is basically known from a taxonomic perspective. Herein, we have added biological data based on a species of Hilarini, improving our knowledge regarding the southern temperate fauna of the family. We report for the first time the prey and nocturnal activities of the Patagonian empidid species Hilarempis sigillata Collin, 1933. Specimens were collected until two hours after sunset on a white light sheet at a river margin in the Chilean region of Los Lagos, close to the Puyehue National Park. Adults were found on the sheet with prey of the Chironomidae genera Cricotopus, Xestochironomus, Microtendipes, Podochlus, Heptagyia and Reissmesa (Diptera), as well as a species of the Coniopterygidae genus Semidalis (Neuroptera) and a species of the Limoniidae genus Erioptera (Diptera). The empidids held the prey close to their body using the mid tarsi, in most cases with the ventral side of the prey turned up or laterally.
A new species of Chvalaea Papp Földvári, 2002 is discovered after a photo on a social network and later collected in nature. Chvalaea yolkamini sp. nov. is described and illustrated here. In addition, for the first time we describe eggs with scanning electron microscopy and report on adult hunting behavior.
Diptera , Animal Distribution , AnimalsABSTRACT
Ten Bolivian species of Macrostomus Wiedemann were studied. Five species are redescribed based on type specimens described by Bezzi. The species are included in the following species-groups: four in the M. ferrugineus species-group: M. arcucinctus (Bezzi), M. argyrotarsis (Bezzi), M. dolichopterus (Bezzi) and M. grallatrix (Bezzi); three in the M. limbipennis species-group: M. macerrimus (Bezzi), M. montanus sp. nov. and M. rodriguezi sp. nov.; one species in the M. amazonensis species-group: M. falcatus sp. nov.; and two unplaced to species-group: M. trifidus sp. nov. and M. trilineatus sp. nov. A key to the 12 species of Macrostomus found in Bolivia, including M. limbipennis (Bezzi) and M. pictipennis (Bezzi), is presented. Macrostomus argyrotarsis (Bezzi) is also recorded for the first time from Peru. A checklist of 31 described species of Bolivian Empididae s. str. is included. Three empidid species originally described from Mexico that had previously been recorded from Bolivia, are excluded from the Bolivian fauna.
Diptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Bolivia , Mexico , PeruABSTRACT
Syneches from Brazilian biome of Caatinga were studied, two new species are described, Syneches atratus sp. nov. and Syneches limeirai sp. nov., and three species, Syneches annulipes Bezzi, 1909, Syneches moraballi Smith, 1963, and Syneches rafaeli Ale-Rocha & Vieira, 2008, are recorded for the biome. An identification key for the species of Syneches from Caatinga biome is provided.
Diptera/anatomy & histology , Diptera/classification , Animals , Brazil , Female , MaleABSTRACT
Larvae of Empididae (Diptera) prey on black fly immatures and its pupae can be collected from pupal cases of Simuliidae (Diptera). The aim of our work was to report the second record of association between immatures of Empididae and Simuliidae in the Neotropical Region and the first for the Atlantic Forest (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). We collected 4982 pupae and exuviae of Simulium Latreille, (Diptera, Simuliidae) and found three with a pupa of Hemerodromia Meigen (Diptera, Empididae) inside. This shows that the use of black flies cocoons by dance flies occurs at extremely low frequencies, which might explain why this association is so rarely recorded. Our results are relevant for a better comprehension of the predator-prey relationship between these families.