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CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 21(4): 1051-1064, oct.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-952180


Introducción: con el surgimiento de la trasplantología, el término donante voluntario de órganos y tejidos fue más enfático. En la Declaración de Helsinki se establecieron los principios éticos para las investigaciones médicas en seres humanos. Objetivo: demostrar que la solicitud de órganos para trasplante es una necesidad y es éticamente aceptado. Método: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo corte transversal de los pacientes atendidos en unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Lucía Íñiguez Landín. Holguín, Cuba en el 2014 y 2015. Resultados: de 149 pacientes con Glasgow menor de 8 solo 30 (20,1%) terminaron con diagnóstico de muerte cerebral; de estos, 16 (53,3%) tenían contraindicación para ser donante y solo aportaron 9 (30%) donantes reales. Conclusiones: la tasa de negativa familiar fue de 16,7%. Aún los esfuerzos son insuficientes, pues el número de órganos obtenidos no permite trasplantar a todos los pacientes que lo requieren.

Introduction: with the emergence of the trasplantology, the term of voluntary donating of organs and tissues it was more emphatic. In the Declaration of Helsinki the ethical principles settled down for the medical investigations in human beings. Objective: to demonstrate that the application of organs for transplant is a necessity and it is accepted ethically. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out in patients assisted in intensive care unit of the Hospital Lucía Íñiguez Landín in 2014 and 2015 with the purpose of identifying possible donors and the real donors. Results: of 149 patients with Glasgow smaller than 8, only 30 (20.1%) finished with diagnostic of brain death, 16 (53.3%) had contraindication to be donating, contributing 9 (30%) real donors. Conclusions: the rate of family negative was of 16.7%. The efforts are not even enough, the number of obtained organs doesn't allow all the patients that require it to transplant.

ACM arq. catarin. med ; 41(2)abr.-mar. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-664843


A inversão uterina é uma patologia rara, ocorre comocomplicação grave do terceiro estágio do trabalho departo. O aspecto mais importante reside no diagnósticoprecoce e como consequência uma conduta terapêuticametódica e urgente; quanto maior o atraso no tratamentomais alto a taxa de mortalidade. Descreve-se um casode inversão uterina não responsiva ao tratamento mesmosem apresentar intercorrências desde o pré-natalaté o parto. As autoras abordam em seguida os fatoresetiológicos, o diagnóstico e a terapêutica.

The uterus inversion is a rare pathology, occurs as aserious complication of the third labor stage. The mainlyaspect is an early diagnosis and consequently an therapeuticmethodical and urgent conduct; as longer isthe delay in treatment, as highest is the mortality rate.A case of uterine inversion that was unresponsive tothe treatment even without presenting complicationsfrom prenatal until delivery is described. The authorsthen discuss the etiologic factors, the diagnosis and thetherapeutic.
