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Int J Psychoanal ; 105(4): 455-474, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230497


This paper explores the mechanisms that lead to a destructive tendency in the formation and functioning of the psychic apparatus, to the characteristic states of subjects who are drawn to non-life. The dynamics of the primary mother-child relationship involve a structural interaction between mind and body, subject and object. The dialectic between the life drive and the death drive is conceptualized as the structuring of homeostatic dynamic equilibria, in which both drives belong to the living, provided they are kept in a non-isolated system. This conception has analogies with other disciplines that have changed their paradigms, such as neurobiology, which, for living beings in open systems, hypothesises a continuous interconnected Becoming of undivided separation and of discontinuity. In unitary psyche-soma functioning, a dynamic homoeostatic balance marks the state of health of the relating subject; or if, instead, the system is isolated, a pathological dysregulation depending on the emotional-affective vicissitudes it undergoes. Two clinical cases illustrate these dynamics. For this tendency on the level of the somatopsychic unit, the name alloiosis has been put forward, in analogy with cellular apoptosis.

Mother-Child Relations , Humans , Female , Psychoanalytic Theory , Adult , Mind-Body Relations, Metaphysical , Ego , Psychoanalytic Therapy
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417864


INTRODUÇÃO: O suicídio consiste em um fenômeno complexo que integra em si as diversas relações entre a vida e a morte e que, apesar dos grandes avanços científicos, continua predominantemente obscuro e enigmático ao campo científico. Os diversos modos e significados assumidos pelo comportamento suicida são fortemente influenciados por ambos os aspectos subjetivos e coletivos do contexto psicossocial em que se manifesta. Entretanto, mesmo sendo considerado um problema de saúde pública de extrema urgência e relevância social, o suicídio ainda é frequentemente tratado pela sociedade de forma reducionista e permeada por tabus e crenças problemáticas. OBJETIVO: Investigar, a partir das obras de Sigmund Freud e Sándor Ferenczi, as possibilidades de ressignificação do suicídio em decorrência do trauma psíquico, tendo como principal guia as ações e efeitos da pulsão de morte neste processo. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo teórico de caráter exploratório e baseado na análise da literatura psicanalítica clássica acerca do tema. RESULTADOS: Identificou-se como principal resultado que, quando contextualizado ao cenário traumático, o suicídio pode tornar-se o último recurso de proteção contra as forças externas destrutivas. Neste sentido, ao empregar as potências da pulsão de morte objetivando a preservação do sujeito, o suicídio configura-se como principal símbolo da insubordinação frente ao trauma. CONCLUSÃO: A pulsão de morte consiste em um dos principais meios pelos quais fenômenos como o suicídio podem ser repensados e ressignificados em sua relação com as diversas esferas das vivências humanas, em especial o trauma psíquico.

INTRODUCTION: Suicide consists of a complex phenomenon that integrates the various relationships between life and death and which, despite great scientific advances, remains predominantly obscure and enigmatic to the scientific field. The different forms and meanings assumed by suicidal behavior are strongly influenced by both subjective and collective aspects of the psychosocial context in which it is manifested. It is known that suicidal behavior can assume several forms and meanings, being strongly influenced by both subjective and collective aspects of the psychosocial context in which it is manifested. However, even though it is considered a public health problem of extreme urgency and social relevance, suicide is still often treated by society in a reductionist way and permeated by taboos and problematic beliefs. OBJECTIVE: To investigate, based on Sigmund Freud's and Sándor Ferenczi's works, the possibilities of re-signifying suicide as a result of psychic trauma, having as main guide the actions and effects of death drive in this process. METHODS: It consists of a theoretical study of exploratory character based on the analysis of classical literature about the theme. RESULTS: It was identified as the main result that, when contextualized to a traumatic scenario, suicide can become the last resource of protection against destructive external forces. In this sense, by employing the powers of the death drive aiming at the subject's preservation, suicide is configured as the main symbol of insubordination to trauma. CONCLUSION: The death drive consists in one of the main ways through which phenomena, such as suicide, can be rethought and re-signified in its relation with the several spheres of human experiences, especially psychic trauma.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El suicidio consiste en un fenómeno complejo que integra las diversas relaciones entre la vida y la muerte y que, a pesar de los grandes avances científicos, sigue siendo predominantemente oscuro y enigmático para el campo científico. Los diferentes modos y significados que asume la conducta suicida están fuertemente influenciados por aspectos tanto subjetivos como colectivos del contexto psicosocial en el que se manifiesta. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser considerado un problema de salud pública de extrema urgencia y relevancia social, el suicidio sigue siendo tratado con frecuencia por la sociedad de forma reduccionista y impregnado de tabúes y creencias problemáticas. OBJETIVO: Indagar, a partir de los trabajos de Sigmund Freud y Sándor Ferenczi, las posibilidades de resignificación del suicidio como consecuencia de un trauma psíquico, teniendo como guía principal las acciones y efectos de la pulsión de muerte en ese proceso. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio teórico de carácter exploratorio basado en el análisis de la literatura clásica sobre el tema. RESULTADOS: Se identificó como resultado principal que, cuando contextualizado al escenario traumático, el suicidio puede convertirse en el último recurso de protección contra las fuerzas externas destructivas. En este sentido, al emplear los poderes de la pulsión de muerte con el objetivo de preservar al sujeto, el suicidio se configura como el principal símbolo de insubordinación frente al trauma. CONCLUSIÓN: La pulsión de muerte es uno de los principales medios por los cuales fenómenos como el suicidio pueden ser repensados y resignificados en su relación con varias esferas de las experiencias humanas, especialmente el trauma psíquico.

Suicide , Death , Psychological Trauma
J Anal Psychol ; 67(3): 774-795, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856599


This paper compares presentations of disorders of the sense of body ownership and agency from psychoanalytic and neurological perspectives to demonstrate similarities in symptomatology proposing these similarities arise from adjustments in Friston's generative model of self-organization and selfhood. The implications for the analytic model of the Self, for clinical practice and for neuroscience research are considered. Patients with narcissistic disorders use projective defences resulting in a disordered sense of what belongs to whom. This applies to mind and body of self and other and is central to understanding transference and countertransference. Clinical observations of this disordered sense of ownership and agency mirror findings in neurological disorders. This paper proposes that in both neurological and psychological disorders Friston's 'internal generative model' of selfhood is adjusted. Further to this whilst this adjustment may be either neurogenic or psychogenic, the final neural mechanism and symptomatic outcome are similar. On the basis of these observations the paper compares the concept of the Self from Jungian and psychoanalytic perspectives. Finally, the implications for the concept of the death instinct and Britton's concept of Xenophobia are explored along with the implications of these observations for clinical practice.

Cet article compare les présentations des troubles du sens de la propriété du corps et de la capacité d'action selon les perspectives psychanalytiques et neurologiques afin de montrer les similarités dans la symptomatologie. L'article suggère que ces similarités proviennent d'ajustements dans le modèle générateur de Friston de l'organisation et du sentiment de soi. L'article s'intéresse aux implications pour le modèle analytique du soi, pour la pratique clinique et pour la recherche en neurosciences. Les patients qui ont des troubles narcissiques utilisent des défenses projectives qui produisent un sentiment troublé de « quoi appartient à qui ¼. Ceci s'applique à l'esprit et au corps - de soi et de l'autre - et est central dans la compréhension du transfert et du contretransfert. Les observations cliniques de ce sentiment troublé d'appartenance et de capacité d'action reflètent les découvertes sur les troubles neurologiques. Cet article suggère que dans les troubles neurologiques et dans les troubles psychologiques le 'modèle générateur interne' du sentiment de soi de Friston est ajusté. De plus, bien que cet ajustement puisse être soit neurogène soit psychogène, le mécanisme neural final et le résultat symptomatique sont similaires. Sur la base de ces observations l'article compare le concept du Soi des points de vue Jungien et psychanalytique. Enfin les implications en ce qui concerne le concept de pulsion de mort et le concept de Britton de Xénophobie sont étudiées aux côtés des conséquences de ces observations pour la pratique clinique.

El presente trabajo compara presentaciones de trastornos de la sensación de agencia y posesión del propio cuerpo desde perspectivas psicoanalíticas y neurológicas para demostrar similitudes en sintomatología, proponiendo que estas similitudes emergen de ajustes según el modelo de autoorganización e identidad de Friston. Se consideran las implicancias de la práctica clínica y de investigaciones en neurociencias para un modelo analítico del self. Pacientes con trastornos narcisistas utilizan defensas proyectivas que resultan en un sentido desordenado de qué pertenece a quién. Esto aplica a la mente y al cuerpo de uno mismo y del otro y es central para la comprensión de la transferencia y contratransferencia. Las observaciones clínicas de este trastorno del sentido de agencia y posesión reflejan hallazgos en trastornos neurológicos. El artículo propone que, tanto en trastornos neurológicos como psicológicos, el 'modelo generativo interno' de la identidad de Friston es adaptativo. Además, mientras esta adaptación puede ser neurogénica o psicogénica, el resultado sintomático y el mecanismo final neural son similares. Sobre la base de estas observaciones, el trabajo compara el concepto de Self desde las perspectivas Junguiana y psicoanalítica. Finalmente, se exploran las implicaciones del concepto de instinto de muerte y el concepto de Xenofobia de Britton, junto a las consecuencias de estas observaciones para la práctica clínica.

Neurosciences , Phobic Disorders , Psychoanalysis , Countertransference , Humans , Psychotherapy
Am J Psychoanal ; 82(2): 256-267, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35739304


Ferenczi's idea of the unwelcome child and his death instinct is used as a background for discussing the treatment of adult patients who do not expect to be received and understood and who turn their aggression back upon themselves, destroying their will to live. When these patients enter analysis, they are very difficult to reach because they have internalized an obstructive object (Bion, 1958). Further, I have linked the unwelcoming of a child to the hatred of the new idea. The paper highlights the deadening defenses that arise in response to awareness of premature separateness between mother and baby, inevitably experienced by an unwelcome child. Coming alive involves suffering the pain of the original loss. To avoid this pain, patients reject anything new, and become stuck in monotonous, seemingly lifeless, patterns where new ideas and new ways of being threaten the static order. This includes the threat that relationship with the analyst brings.

Mothers , Psychoanalytic Theory , Adult , Aggression , Child , Female , Humans , Infant , Instinct , Pain
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 70(1): 9-38, 2022 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35451318


Kristeva's profound and comprehensive understanding of maternal eroticism allows us to examine the ways in which a negative maternal transference, structured through the work of the abject, can be viewed as a maternal erotic transference in its devitalizing form. Through the use of a clinical case, the revitalizing experiences of maternal eroticism within analytic process facilitate the emergence of a maternal erotic transference in its vitalizing form. The lack of erotic dimensions in maternal transferences, it is argued, may be viewed as present absences, and the development of a positive maternal erotic transference as an achievement. André Green's visual-spatial metaphor of foreclosed space is extended as an imploding force wherein abject signifiers do their devitalizing work. In contrast, the usable space of a healthy psychoanalytic process is viewed as the envelope around which abject signifiers emerge, becoming available for psychoanalytic work. A transformation related to the author's experiences with her dying mother is shown to have expanded her containing capacities, including new areas of patience and receptivity. These dynamics are placed within the context of a multiverse conception of maternal eroticism, including the analyst's disciplined receptivity, viewed as an eternal signifier of the maternal.

Countertransference , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Erotica , Fantasy , Female , Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Transference, Psychology
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 69(1): 51-74, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33845638


Melanie Klein and André Green offer competing descriptions of primitive mental development. The former emphasizes the need to control internal objects through splitting and projective identification, while the latter emphasizes a narcissistic retreat from objects through progressive deadening of the self. To bridge these theoretical differences a spectrum of fantasies is proposed ranging from reanimation (bringing deadness back to life) to reparation (healing damage caused by paranoid attack). Clinically, alternations between these two defensive patterns occur, acting together to avoid painful anxieties. The interplay of these defenses is illustrated by a dream drawn from clinical practice, from the life of James Barrie, and from his fictional creation Peter Pan.

Mothers , Projection , Fantasy , Female , Humans , Male , Narcissism
Gerais (Univ. Fed. Juiz Fora) ; 13(3): 1-14, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1180792


Elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, este texto trata do fanatismo religioso, abordando-o a partir de estudiosos do assunto e de alguns pressupostos da teoria freudiana a respeito da religião, dos fenômenos grupais e do dinamismo pulsional no indivíduo e na coletividade. Tem como objetivo ponderar e refletir sobre a intransigência, a intolerância e a violência que caracterizam o comportamento de grupos reunidos e movidos por suas crenças. Chega-se à compreensão de que essas atitudes são formas de expressão da pulsão de morte que, presente nas religiões enquanto construções humanas, imprime também nelas a marca da ambivalência própria do humano.

This text, elaborated from bibliographical research, deals with religious fanaticism, approaching it from scholars of the subject and some assumptions of Freudian theory regarding religion, group phenomena and pulsional dynamism in the individual and in the collective. It aims to ponder and reflect on the intransigence, intolerance and violence that characterize the behavior of groups gathered and moved by their beliefs. It reaches the understanding that these attitudes are forms of expression of the death instinct that, present in religions as human constructions, also imprints on them the mark of ambivalence proper to the human.

Psychology , Religion , Violence , Behavior , Attitude , Culture , Emotions , Freudian Theory
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 22(2): 62-72, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1430983


A fim de circunscrever minhas reflexões no tema deste colóquio, que tem pandemia em seu título assim como sofrimento e morte, proponho, como muitos colegas já fizeram e ainda o farão, resgatar noções freudianas sobre a pulsão de morte e sobre a cultura. Ao mesmo tempo, trarei alguns elementos para pensar a pandemia como Acontecimento, de acordo com o aparato conceitual dado por Gilles Deleuze, em que o conceito de pulsão de morte também será fundamental, entrando em novas composições. Se em Freud a pulsão de morte torna-se fundamental para compreender a agressividade e a repetição, Deleuze efetua algumas torções conceituais para associá-la sobretudo à criação.

In order to delineate my reflections on the theme of this colloquium, which has the word pandemic in its title as well as suffering and death, I propose, as many colleagues have already done and will still do, to recapture the freudian notions about the death drive and the culture. At the same time, I will bring some elements to think about the pandemic as an Event, according to the conceptual apparatus given by Gilles Deleuze, in which the concept of death drive will also be fundamental, although entering into new compositions. If in Freud the death drive becomes central to understand aggression and repetition, Deleuze makes some conceptual torsions to associate it mainly with creation.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 54(1): 83-98, jan.-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1288880


Discute-se o conceito de pulsão de morte e seu emprego no caso clínico de um usuário de drogas. Faz-se um apanhado da sua anunciação e das dificuldades em aceitá-lo e utilizá-lo, indicando seu papel central nas patologias não neuróticas. Conjectura-se sobre a elaboração da constituição do aparelho psíquico, e especula-se sobre a mudança de paradigma na psicanálise a partir da introdução da nova dualidade pulsional.

The concept of death instinct and its use in a clinical case of a drug user is discussed. An overview of its announcement and the difficulties in accepting and using it, is made, indicating its central role in non-neurotic pathologies. It is conjectured about the elaboration of the constitution of the psychic apparatus and speculated about the paradigm shift in psychoanalysis from the introduction of the new instinctual dualism.

Se discute el concepto de pulsión de muerte y su uso en un caso clínico de un consumidor de drogas. Se hace una descripción general de su anuncio y las dificultades para aceptarlo y usarlo, lo que indica su papel central en las patologías no neuróticas. Se conjetura sobre la elaboración de la constitución del aparato psíquico y se especula sobre el cambio de paradigma en el psicoanálisis a partir de la introducción de la nueva dualidad pulsional.

Le concept de pulsion de mort et son utilisation dans le cas clinique d'un toxicomane sont discutés ici. On fait un aperçu de son annonce et des difficultés à l'accepter et à l'utiliser, en indiquant son rôle central dans les pathologies non névrotiques. On fait des conjectures sur l'élaboration de la constitution de l'appareil psychique et on spécule sur le changement de paradigme en psychanalyse depuis l'introduction de la nouvelle dualité pulsionnelle.

Int J Psychoanal ; 101(6): 1162-1171, 2020 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33952115


The Repetition Compulsion has been the source of much controversy and perplexity. From it's clinical introduction in 1914 in Remembering, Repeating and Working Through to it's metapsychological elaboration in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, it has occupied a central position in Freud's thinking. Especially in regard to his later work, it can be seen to be intrinsic to his final dual instinct theory, his theories of the Death Instinct, trauma, memory, binding and action and to the clinical challenges and theoretical changes that led to the formulation of his second topography. This paper will trace the evolution of the concept in Freud and in certain post-Freudian authors, especially Edward Bibring, Winnicott and Scarfone.

Compulsive Behavior/psychology , Freudian Theory/history , History, 20th Century , Humans , Instinct , Memory , Pleasure , Psychoanalytic Theory
Int J Psychoanal ; 101(6): 1188-1202, 2020 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33952127


Through reexamination of Freud's thinking on the "compulsion to repeat", including detailed study of his Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), this paper brings to the fore a central tension in Freud's thinking on the roles narcissism and love in his foundational view of the person. While Freud conceptualizes the person as self-serving, aiming primarily to maximize personal satisfaction in accordance with the "pleasure principle," he develops an alternative view of the person as primarily loving, desiring to truly encounter the other and reality, even if painful, and guilty when he fails to do so (largely because of conflicting narcissistic/destructive aims). This basic loving desire is associated with Eros and the life instincts, which, counter to what is commonly thought, is what Freud ultimately posits as lying beyond the pleasure principle. From this perspective, narcissistic pleasures become associated with death. The paper goes on to show how while Freud struggled to conceptually ground the view of the person as contending with his desire to love and inevitable inner obstacles to it, Kleinian psychoanalysis takes this view as basic and develops it further. One significant development finds expression in ideas on how the desire to love is not only non-narcissistic, but, rather, is self-sacrificing. Clinical implications are noted.

Compulsive Behavior/psychology , Freudian Theory , Narcissism , Guilt , Humans , Instinct , Pleasure , Psychoanalytic Theory
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 53(3): 116-132, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1288840


O autor propõe que a introdução da experiência do estranho na obra de Freud caracteriza uma virada paradigmática, com base no campo da estética, em direção a um resto de real do pai da horda primitiva e à concepção de existir uma tendência desarticuladora, a pulsão de morte. Propõe ainda que há uma função desnaturalizante intrínseca ao ser humano, decorrente da incorporação do pai da horda primitiva, que tem efeito de corte e que só pode ser capturada na transferência por meio de um estado psíquico particular de ruptura e abertura para o novo. É a partir desse resto negativado que o ser humano se funda, e em torno do qual a vida se constitui. Um extrato da clínica é apresentado para situar a experiência estética no campo transferencial.

The author proposes that the introduction of the experience with the strange in Freud's work describes a paradigmatic turning-point, based on the aesthetics, towards part of the real from the primitive father and the conception of a non-integrating tendency existing, the death instinct. He also proposed that there is a denaturing function intrinsic to the human being, due to the incorporation of the primitive father, which brings rupture and can only be captured in transference through a particular psychic state of rupture and openness to the new. The human being establishes himself from this denying phase, and has his life around it. Part of the clinical experience is shown to position the aesthetic experience in the transference field.

El autor propone que la introducción de la experiencia de lo extraño en la obra de Freud caracteriza un giro paradigmático, basado en el campo de la estética, en dirección a un resto de real del padre de la horda primitiva y a la concepción de existir una tendencia desarticuladora, la pulsión de muerte. Propone también que existe una función desnaturalizante intrínseca al ser humano, resultante de la incorporación del padre de la horda primitiva, que tiene efecto de corte y que solo puede ser capturada en la transferencia mediante un estado psíquico particular de ruptura y apertura para lo nuevo. Es a partir de este resto negativo que el ser humano se funda, y en torno al cual la vida se constituye. Un extracto de la clínica se presenta para situar la experiencia estética en el campo transferencial.

L'auteur propose que l'introduction de l'expérience de l'étrange dans l'oeuvre de Freud caractérise un tournant paradigmatique, appuyé sur le champ de l'esthétique, vers un reste de réel du père de la horde primitive et vers la conception d'existence d'une tendance à désarticulation : la pulsion de morte. Il soutient encore qu'il y a une fonction dénaturante inhérente de l'être humain, qui découle de l'incorporation du père de la horde primitive, ce qui a un effet de coupure et que cette fonction ne peut être capturée que dans le transfert, au moyen d'un état psychique particulier de rupture et d'ouverture sur le nouveau. C'est sur ce reste négatif que l'être humain établit ses fondations, et c'est au tour de celui-là que la vie se constitue. Pour situer l'expérience esthétique dans le champ transférentiel, on présente un extrait de la clinique.

Psicol. rev ; 28(1): 37-60, jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1015392


O presente trabalho resgata a importância de Sabina Spielrein, uma das primeiras mulheres da história da psicanálise, recordando sua trajetória biográfica e proposições sobre o conceito de pulsão de morte, e examinando contribuições à compreensão freudiana relativa a esse conceito. As principais referências foram textos de Spielrein e de Freud e documentos históricos, como as cartas trocadas entre Freud, Jung e Spielrein, o diário pessoal da autora e as "Atas da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Viena". Percebemos que há entre Freud e Spielrein uma trajetória de questões semelhantes acerca da psicose, que fomenta o estudo da pulsão de morte. O artigo assinala que ambos valeram-se do pensamento biológico para suas proposições e que apresentam considerações semelhantes sobre o sadismo e o masoquismo. Quanto à pulsão de morte, para Freud trata-se de pulsão que objetiva a redução absoluta das tensões, conduzindo o ser vivo de volta ao estado inorgânico pela via do desligamento e da destruição. Para Spielrein, a pulsão de morte está oculta na pulsão sexual e, apesar de visar à destruição, objetiva a transformação, morte para o antigo e vida para o que vai surgir.

The present work highlights the importance of Sabina Spielrein, one of the first women to become a psychoanalyst. It examines her trajectory and propositions on the concept of death drive, in relation to Freud's propositions. The main references were the texts of Spielrein and Freud, and historical documents, such as the letters between Freud, Jung and Spielrein, Spielrein's personal diary and the Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. There is an exchange of similar questions about psychosis between Freud and Spielrein, which encourages them to study the death drive. The article points out that both used a biological basis for their arguments and that they present similar considerations on sadism and masochism. As for the death instinct, Freud considers it as a drive that aims at the absolute reduction of tensions, leading the living being back to the inorganic state by means of detachment and destruction. For Spielrein, the death instinct is hidden in the sexual drive and, despite aiming at destruction, also aims at transformation.

El presente trabajo destaca la importancia de Sabrina Spielrein, una de las primeras mujeres de la historia del psicoanálisis, presentando su trayectoria biográfica y proposiciones sobre el concepto de pulsión de muerte, examinando contribuciones a la comprensión freudiana relativa a ese concepto. Las principales referencias fueron los textos de Spielrein, de Freud, y documentos históricos. como las cartas intercambiadas entre Freud, Jung y Spielrein, el diario de la autora y "las Actas de la Sociedad Psicoanalítica de Viena". Percibimos que entre Freud y Spielrein hay una trayectoria semejante en relación a las cuestiones acerca de la psicosis, que fomentan el estudio de la pulsión de muerte. El artículo señala que ambos se valieron de pensamientos biológicos para sus proposiciones y que presentan consideraciones semejantes sobre el sadismo y el masoquismo. En cuanto a la pulsión de muerte, para Freud se trata de una pulsión que objetiva la reducción absoluta de las tensiones, conduciendo al ser vivo de vuelta al estado inorgánico por la vía del desprendimiento y la destrucción. Para Spielrein, la pulsión de muerte está oculta en la pulsión sexual y, a pesar de visar la destrucción, objetiva la transformación, muerte para lo antiguo y vida para lo que va a surgir.

Psychoanalysis/history , Psychotic Disorders , Death , Freudian Theory
Tempo psicanál ; 50(2): 215-244, jul.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004779


Este artigo analisa, a partir de revisão da literatura e articulações teóricas, a dupla potencialidade do não representado, da negatividade e do vazio psíquico, os quais, ao mesmo tempo que apontam para um limite do aparelho psíquico, o lançam para o trabalho, contribuindo para a constituição e diferenciação da subjetividade. Entendemos que o que é tomado pelo psiquismo, em um primeiro momento, como um obstáculo, impassível de digestão mental, em um segundo momento, pode se tornar motor de criação que gerará um novo limite. Essa concepção pode ser deduzida do próprio modo de funcionamento do psiquismo: se, de um lado, pode haver um limite circunstancial de processamento da estimulação endógena e exógena que alcança o aparelho psíquico, de outro lado, através do mecanismo de compulsão à repetição, por exemplo, o esforço do processamento psíquico opera de forma interminável. Os diferentes modelos a partir dos quais o conceito de trauma pode ser pensado servirão de fio condutor para analisar os efeitos e os destinos psíquicos do irrepresentado, bem como para articular essas ideias com os conceitos de repetição e pulsão de morte.

This article analyses, from a literature review and theoretical articulations, the double potentiality of the unrepresented, of negativity and of emptiness over the psyche, that at the same time points out a limit of the psychic apparatus, lances it for work, contributing for subjective constitution and differentiation. The direction chosen here favors the idea that what is taken in the first place by the psyche as an obstacle, impassible of mental digestion, at a second moment can turn out to be a motor of surpassingness that will engender a new limit. This conception can be deducted from the own way that psyche functions, because if in one hand there can be a circumstantial limit of processing endogenous and exogenous stimulation that reaches the psychic apparatus, in the other hand, through compulsion repetition mechanism, for example, the effort of psychic processing operates in an interminable way. The different models that the concept of trauma can be thought through will serve as a conducting wire to analyze the effects and psychic destinies of the unrepresented, as well as to articulate these ideas with the concepts of repetition and death instinct.

Este artículo analiza, a partir de revisión de la literatura y articulaciones teóricas, la doble potencialidad del irrepresentado, de la negatividad y del vacío psíquico, los cuales, al mismo tiempo que apuntan hacia un límite del aparato psíquico, lo lanzan para el trabajo, contribuyendo a la constitución y diferenciación de la subjetividad. Entendemos que lo que es tomado por el psiquismo, en un primer momento, como un obstáculo, impasible de digestión mental, en un segundo momento, puede convertirse en motor de creación que generará un nuevo límite. Esta concepción puede ser deducida del propio modo de funcionamiento del psiquismo: si, por un lado, puede haber un límite circunstancial de procesamiento de la estimulación endógena y exógena que alcanza el aparato psíquico, por otro lado, a través del mecanismo de compulsión a la repetición, por ejemplo, el esfuerzo del procesamiento psíquico opera de forma interminable. Los diferentes modelos a partir de los cuales el concepto de trauma puede ser pensado servirán de hilo conductor para analizar los efectos y los destinos psíquicos del irrepresentado, así como para articular esas ideas con los conceptos de repetición y pulsión de muerte.

Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 20(1): 98-114, jan.-jun. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1430910


Em um artigo de 1912, Spielrein apresenta ideias que se tornarão fundamentais para Freud a partir de 1920: o instinto de morte e a suposição de que haveria um funcionamento psíquico mais primitivo do que aquele regido pelo princípio do prazer. Já no final dos anos 1960, o filósofo Deleuze apoia-se nos argumentos de Freud, particularmente no texto Além do princípio de prazer (1920), para conceber o instinto de morte como princípio transcendental. O objetivo deste artigo é aproximar estes dois autores, Spielrein e Deleuze, que se conectam por meio do conceito de instinto de morte, justamente no ponto em que mais parecem se afastar das concepções freudianas. Apesar de desenvolverem suas ideias em diálogo com Freud, tanto Spielrein como Deleuze divergem dele ao insistirem na proposição de um inconsciente impessoal e na dissolução do eu como fundamento da criação.

In an article of 1912, Spielrein presents ideas that will become fundamental to Freud in 1920: the death instinct and the assumption that there would be a more primitive psychic operation than the one governed by the pleasure principle. In the late 1960s, the philosopher Deleuze relies on Freud's arguments (more specifically on the 1920's essay Beyond the Pleasure Principle) to conceive the death instinct as a transcendental principle. The aim of this article is to bring together Spielrein and Deleuze, who are connected through the concept of the death instinct precisely at the point where they seem to most distance themselves from Freudian conceptions. Although they develop their ideas in dialogue with Freud, both Spielrein and Deleuze diverge from him by insisting on the proposition of an impersonal unconscious and on the dissolution of the self as the foundation of creation.

J. psicanal ; 51(94): 241-252, jan.-jun. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-954669


O texto apresenta um histórico resumido da descoberta desse manuscrito por Paul Roazen em 2004 e das controvérsias em torno da coautoria de Freud e Bullit (1966) de Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study. A seguir, a autora comenta alguns aspectos desse texto e da sua tradução para o português. Seguem-se comentários sobre bissexualidade e religião, relacionando-os à apresentação destes temas em outros textos de Freud.

The text presents a historical summary of the discovery of this unpublished Manuscript of 1931 by Paul Roazen in 2004 and of the controversies surrounding the co-authorship of Freud and Bullit (1966) of Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study. The author then comments on some aspects of this text and its translation into Portuguese. Then follow comments on bisexuality and religion, relating them to the presentation of these themes in other texts of Freud.

El texto presenta un resumen histórico del descubrimiento de este manuscrito por Paul Roazen en 2004 y de las controversias en torno a la coautoria de Freud y Bullit (1966) de Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study. A continuación, el autor discute algunos aspectos de este texto y su traducción al portugués. Los siguientes son comentarios sobre bisexualidad y religión, relacionándolos a la presentación de estos temas en otros textos de S. Freud.

Le texte présente un résumé historique de la découverte de ce manuscrit et sa découverte par Paul Roazen en 2004 et des controverses entourant la co-paternité de Freud et Bullit (1966) de Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study. L'auteur commente ensuite certains aspects de ce texte et sa traduction en portugais. Ils suivent des commentaires sur la bisexualité et la religion, les reliant à la présentation de ces thèmes dans d'autres textes de Freud.

J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 66(2): 263-288, 2018 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29708412


Illusion can be viewed as a creative engagement with the world, and as a central psychic motivation and capacity, rather than as a form of self-deception. Winnicott and other Middle Group writers have understood integrative, imaginative illusion as an essential part of healthy living and psychosocial development. As such, it emerges and presents itself in a variety of ways, in transaction with the realities that support or degrade it. In its absence, varied difficulties in living ensue. To elaborate and illustrate this conceptualization, Freud's notion that the oedipus complex is resolved is reconsidered as a creative misreading of Sophocles' Oedipus trilogy, one based on the plausible illusion of a civilizing psychosocial development that would serve as a protective bastion against his experience of the political chaos and violence of the first decades of twentieth-century European history. Finally, the place of illusion and disillusionment among those most disillusioned by the recent election of Donald Trump in the United States is considered in relation to the recent right-wing populist turn.

Freudian Theory , Illusions , Humans , Oedipus Complex , Psychoanalytic Interpretation
Tempo psicanál ; 49(2): 126-151, dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-904178


Embora o interesse pela psicanalista russa Sabina Spielrein tenha crescido nas últimas décadas, os estudos sobre ela ainda enfocam, predominantemente, aspectos de sua biografia. No entanto, a originalidade de seu pensamento teórico e clínico justifica uma análise mais cuidadosa do seu desenvolvimento interno para que o papel de Spielrein na história da psicanálise possa ser cabalmente reconhecido. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as teses sobre o funcionamento mental elaboradas pela autora em dois de seus primeiros trabalhos: "Sobre o conteúdo psicológico de um caso de esquizofrenia (Dementia praecox)", de 1911, e " A destruição como origem do devir", de 1912. Argumenta-se que, neles, Spielrein apresenta uma concepção original sobre a dinâmica mental, que antecipa, em muitos aspectos, certas hipóteses que viriam a ser desenvolvidas pela psicanálise subsequente.

Although interest in the Russian psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein has grown in the last decades, studies about her are still mainly focused on aspects of her biography. However, the originality of her theoretical and clinical thought justify a more careful analysis of its internal development, so that Spielrein's role in the history of psychoanalysis can be fully ascertained. The objective of this paper is to present the ideas about mental functioning proposed in two of her first works: "On the psychological content of a case of schizophrenia (Dementia praecox)" (1911) and "Destruction as the cause of coming-into-being" (1912). It is argued that, in these works, Spielrein presents an original conception of mental dynamics that, in many aspects, anticipates some hypotheses that would be later developed in psychoanalysis.