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Front Psychol ; 11: 531682, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117216


We trace reading to an embodied synthetic process that drives the rapid scales of imagining. As sensorimotor engagement with written artifacts permeates experience, it sharpens the sensibility that brings forth understanding. We thus trace material engagement with written artifacts to fine control over saccadic eye movements and voicing that draws on humans or what the Greeks knew as aisthesis. In reading, we identify aisthesis in how prereflective judgments punctuate the flow of engagement with written documents. While the study of reading often begins with "texts," we start with how written artifacts are put to use. We use cognitive ethnography to trace reading to how fine multiscalar coordination enables readers to engage with written artifacts such as books. Our ethnography of reading provides descriptions of how readers use sensorimotor activity to integrate understanding with saccading and actual or imagined vocalization in ways that show how reading connects sensorimotor schemata with highly skilled use of written artifacts. By pursuing the power of rapid multiscalar dynamics, we complement views of reading as slow-scale subjective experience. Rather than focus on interaction between a reader and an imagined author, we turn to coordinating with an affordance-rich environment. Human prereflective judgments demonstrably use collective experience with written signs. In fine-grained analysis of authentic data, we therefore track kinesthetic experience to how a child's vocalizations beget understanding and, at once, imagining. These observations show how engagement brings life to written signs by connecting other peoples' pasts with the use of gaze, gesture, voice, and touch. While describing saccades and bursts of vocalizing, we reach beyond analogies with interaction and, in so doing, the multiscalar approach takes enactive-ecological work beyond the slow interactional and social scales or reported experience. Imagining arises as readers use multiscalar happenings to bind the anticipated, the seen, and collective aspects of experience.

J Anal Psychol ; 65(2): 389-407, 2020 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32170739


Jung's study centres on the amplification of pictures painted by a woman patient and posits their sequence as evincing the initial stages of the individuation process. His text performs a dialogue with its audience whereby Jung persuades us of this truth, and also reveals Jung's dialogue with his patient and with his own ideas. The present paper revisits the clinical material first with a focus on the interaction between Jung and his patient. The second part compares the 1940 and 1950 versions of Jung's study with attention to tensions that traverse them, such as Jung's attitude to the animus and his two voices as a practitioner and a theorist.

L'étude de Jung est centrée sur l'amplification d'images peintes par une patiente. Elle propose que leur séquence montre les étapes initiales du processus d'individuation. Son texte fonctionne comme un dialogue avec son public, dans lequel Jung nous persuade de cette vérité. Il révèle aussi le dialogue de Jung avec sa patiente ainsi qu'avec ses propres idées. Cet article revisite le matériel clinique en mettant l'accent sur l'interaction entre Jung et sa patiente. Ensuite, dans la deuxième partie, il s'agit d'une comparaison entre la version de 1940 et celle de 1950 de l'étude, en soulignant les tensions qui la traversent, telle l'attitude de Jung envers l'animus, et ses deux voix, celle du praticien et celle du théoricien.

El estudio de Jung se centra en las amplificaciones de pinturas pintadas por una paciente mujer, y plantea la secuencia como evidencia de los estadíos iniciales del proceso de individuación. Su texto representa un diálogo con su audiencia, en el cual Jung nos persuade con respecto a esta verdad, y también revela el diálogo de Jung con su paciente y con sus propias ideas. El presente trabajo revisita primero el material clínico haciendo foco en la interacción entre Jung y su paciente. La segunda parte compara las versiones de Jung de 1940 y de 1950 sobre el estudio, atendiendo a las tensiones que lo atraviesan, como la actitud de Jung con relación al animus, y sus dos voces como psicoterapeuta y teórico.

Imagination , Individuation , Jungian Theory , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Adult , Humans
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 53(3): 558-571, 2019 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30834491


"An old melody in a new song: aesthetics and the art of psychology" provides comprehensive analysis of the history of 'psychological aesthetics' and considers ways of its future growth. Jovanovic (2018) and Allesch (2018) trace the process of the conception of Aesthetics by Baumgartner, who related aesthetic experiences with sensual and cognitive processes. Subsequently, studies on aesthetic experiences developed predominantly either in objectivist or subjectivist directions, rejecting systematic approaches. Reductionist views prevailed till the appearance of the theory of imagination in cultural psychology. Imagination is considered as a higher mental process. It is the process of exploration through and by means of systematically organized thinking-feeling-acting processes, beyond what is already known, available, achieved or typical. Imagination is activated occasionally, when existing conditions aren't satisfactory in some way or new challenges arise. Imagination is the synthesis of top-down and bottom up processes (Tateo 2018b) and has a transformative power for individuals and sociocultural systems. Particular case studies of the role of music (Klempe 2018), participatory art and the exploration of the meaning of pilgrimage to Ikea (Kristensen 2018) illustrate the work of imagination in terms of systematic interrelatedness of sociocultural factors with individual meaning-making and affective processes. This paper provides the review of inspirational theoretical and empirical material which could serve as a foundation for further advancement of culturally and psychologically informed theory of aesthetics and imaginative processes. It aims to contribute in building ground for moving beyond the reductionist limits and in the construction of systematic approach to human mind.

Esthetics , Imagination , Psychological Theory , Creativity , Humans
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 52(1): 77-93, 2018 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28653266


The present paper addresses how the concept of double-dialogicality may contribute to our understanding of how to generalize from single cases. Various attempts have been made within qualitative social research to define how generalization is possible from single cases. One problem with generalization in psychology is that any human activity and sense making is situated/occasioned and all psychological phenomenon are hence unique. However, they are not arbitrary but dialogically intertwined with socio-cultural traditions of sense making and acting. Discursive practices play a pivotal role in this. In social interactions, persons draw on culturally available resources without which communicative meaning would be impossible. Double dialogicality as introduced by Per Linell helps to understand this relation and allows for identifying the general in the unique.

Behavioral Research , Communication , Interpersonal Relations , Qualitative Research , Humans
Psicol. USP ; 27(2): 189-200, mai.-ago. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-792638


Abstract: The dialogical unity for the analysis of the Self includes the descending intersubjective interpenetration of the psychologist's lens into the self-others' feeling/thinking together with the analytic demonstration concerning the transformations of the objects that participate in the intrapsychological stream of the focused feeling/thinking. The theoretical and methodological issues selected for our present study concern how to make dialogical analysis out of empirical data and how to articulate the analyzed content to the interpretative whole situation from which the researcher and the subject matter are part of. Dialogism does not have a standardized procedure and we are not considering that there is only one correct methodological procedure in dialogical psychology. Nevertheless, discussing some dialogical approaches to a short story from Albalucía Ángel (1979), we found that the starting point for the dialogical analysis should be the mediated relation of the Self with the others, emphasizing the relevance of the extra-verbal concrete situation.

Resumo: A unidade dialógica para a análise do Self inclui a interpenetração intersubjetiva descendente a partir das lentes do psicólogo sobre os sentimentos/pensamentos presentes na relação Eu-Outro, juntamente com uma demonstração analítica que se volta às transformações dos objetos que participam do fluxo intrapsicológico de pensamentos/sentimentos focalizados. As questões teórico-metodológicas selecionadas para o presente estudo concernem a prática dialógico-analítica de dados empíricos e a articulação do conteúdo analisado ao todo da situação da qual pesquisador e tema de pesquisa são partes. O dialogismo não possui um procedimento padronizado e não estamos considerando que exista apenas um procedimento metodológico correto na área. No entanto, discutindo algumas abordagens dialógicas ao conto de Albalucía Ángel (1979), encontramos que o ponto de partida das análises dialógicas deveria ser a relação mediada do Self com os outros, enfatizando a relevância da situação extra-verbal concreta.

Résumé: L'unité dialogique pour l'analyse du Soi comprend l'interpénétration intersubjective originaire du regard du psychologue sur les sentiments/pensées présents dans la relation Moi-Autrui, et la démonstration analytique effectuée à partir de la transformation des objets qui participent au flux intra-psychologique du sentiment/pensée focalisé. Les questions théoriques et méthodologiques choisies pour notre étude concernent la pratique dialogico-analytique des données empiriques, et l'articulation du contenu analysé avec l'ensemble de la situation interprétative dont font partie le chercheur et le sujet. L'interprétation dialogique n'est pas une méthode standardisée et ne se limite pas à une seule procédure méthodologique en psychologie dialogique. Toutefois, en regardant de près les approches dialogiques du conte d'Albalucía Ángel (1979), nous constatons que le point de départ de l'analyse doit être la relation de médiation entre le Soi et les Autres, soulignant que nous devons mettre l'accent sur l'importance de la situation extra-verbale.

Resumen: La unidad dialógica para el análisis del Self incluye la interpenetración intersubjetiva desde la mirada del psicólogo sobre los sentimientos/pensamientos presentes en la relación Yo-Otro, junto con una demostración analítica que se centra en las transformaciones de los objetos participantes en el flujo intrapsicológico del pensamiento/sentimiento enfocado. Para este estudio, los temas teóricos y metodológicos seleccionados para nuestro presente estudio enfocan la práctica dialógica y analítica de datos empíricos, así como la articulación de los contenidos evaluados con la situación interpretativa que forman parte el investigador y el objeto. El dialogismo no tiene un procedimiento estandarizado, tampoco consideramos que hay solamente un procedimiento metodológico adecuado en psicología dialógica. Sin embargo, cuando observamos enfoques dialógicos en el "El guerrillero", cuento de Albalucía Ángel (1979), encontramos que el punto de partida para el análisis dialógico debe ser la relación mediada del Self con los otros enfatizando la relevancia de la situación concreta extraverbal.

Psicol. USP ; 27(2): 189-200, maio-ago. 2016. graf
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-69272


The dialogical unity for the analysis of the Self includes the descending intersubjective interpenetration of the psychologist's lens into the self-others' feeling/thinking together with the analytic demonstration concerning the transformations of the objects that participate in the intrapsychological stream of the focused feeling/thinking. The theoretical and methodological issues selected for our present study concern how to make dialogical analysis out of empirical data and how to articulate the analyzed content to the interpretative whole situation from which the researcher and the subject matter are part of. Dialogism does not have a standardized procedure and we are not considering that there is only one correct methodological procedure in dialogical psychology. Nevertheless, discussing some dialogical approaches to a short story from Albalucía Ángel (1979), we found that the starting point for the dialogical analysis should be the mediated relation of the Self with the others, emphasizing the relevance of the extra-verbal concrete situation.(AU)

A unidade dialógica para a análise do Self inclui a interpenetração intersubjetiva descendente a partir das lentes do psicólogo sobre os sentimentos/pensamentos presentes na relação Eu-Outro, juntamente com uma demonstração analítica que se volta às transformações dos objetos que participam do fluxo intrapsicológico de pensamentos/sentimentos focalizados. As questões teórico-metodológicas selecionadas para o presente estudo concernem a prática dialógico-analítica de dados empíricos e a articulação do conteúdo analisado ao todo da situação da qual pesquisador e tema de pesquisa são partes. O dialogismo não possui um procedimento padronizado e não estamos considerando que exista apenas um procedimento metodológico correto na área. No entanto, discutindo algumas abordagens dialógicas ao conto de Albalucía Ángel (1979), encontramos que o ponto de partida das análises dialógicas deveria ser a relação mediada do Self com os outros, enfatizando a relevância da situação extra-verbal concreta.(AU)

L'unité dialogique pour l'analyse du Soi comprend l'interpénétration intersubjective originaire du regard du psychologue sur les sentiments/pensées présents dans la relation Moi-Autrui, et la démonstration analytique effectuée à partir de la transformation des objets qui participent au flux intra-psychologique du sentiment/pensée focalisé. Les questions théoriques et méthodologiques choisies pour notre étude concernent la pratique dialogico-analytique des données empiriques, et l'articulation du contenu analysé avec l'ensemble de la situation interprétative dont font partie le chercheur et le sujet. L'interprétation dialogique n'est pas une méthode standardisée et ne se limite pas à une seule procédure méthodologique en psychologie dialogique. Toutefois, en regardant de près les approches dialogiques du conte d'Albalucía Ángel (1979), nous constatons que le point de départ de l'analyse doit être la relation de médiation entre le Soi et les Autres, soulignant que nous devons mettre l'accent sur l'importance de la situation extra-verbale.(AU)

La unidad dialógica para el análisis del Self incluye la interpenetración intersubjetiva desde la mirada del psicólogo sobre los sentimientos/pensamientos presentes en la relación Yo-Otro, junto con una demostración analítica que se centra en las transformaciones de los objetos participantes en el flujo intrapsicológico del pensamiento/sentimiento enfocado. Para este estudio, los temas teóricos y metodológicos seleccionados para nuestro presente estudio enfocan la práctica dialógica y analítica de datos empíricos, así como la articulación de los contenidos evaluados con la situación interpretativa que forman parte el investigador y el objeto. El dialogismo no tiene un procedimiento estandarizado, tampoco consideramos que hay solamente un procedimiento metodológico adecuado en psicología dialógica. Sin embargo, cuando observamos enfoques dialógicos en el "El guerrillero", cuento de Albalucía Ángel (1979), encontramos que el punto de partida para el análisis dialógico debe ser la relación mediada del Self con los otros enfatizando la relevancia de la situación concreta extraverbal.(AU)

Psychological Theory , Empirical Research , Psychology , Methodology as a Subject
Conscious Cogn ; 27: 288-96, 2014 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24980910


Inner speech is a commonly experienced but poorly understood phenomenon. The Varieties of Inner Speech Questionnaire (VISQ; McCarthy-Jones & Fernyhough, 2011) assesses four characteristics of inner speech: dialogicality, evaluative/motivational content, condensation, and the presence of other people. Prior findings have linked anxiety and proneness to auditory hallucinations (AH) to these types of inner speech. This study extends that work by examining how inner speech relates to self-esteem and dissociation, and their combined impact upon AH-proneness. 156 students completed the VISQ and measures of self-esteem, dissociation and AH-proneness. Correlational analyses indicated that evaluative inner speech and other people in inner speech were associated with lower self-esteem and greater frequency of dissociative experiences. Dissociation and VISQ scores, but not self-esteem, predicted AH-proneness. Structural equation modelling supported a mediating role for dissociation between specific components of inner speech (evaluative and other people) and AH-proneness. Implications for the development of "hearing voices" are discussed.

Dissociative Disorders/physiopathology , Hallucinations/physiopathology , Self Concept , Speech Perception/physiology , Adolescent , Adult , Disease Susceptibility/physiopathology , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 18(2): 179-187, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-693390


Propomo-nos, a partir de um estudo exploratório, questionar: como se dá o processo de facilitação da aprendizagem em Gestalt-terapia no ambiente acadêmico? Fez-se necessário compreender como a Gestalt-terapia, em seus referenciais teóricos, entende o processo de facilitação da aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, nos detivemos em estudos sobre Gestaltpedagogia, e sobre a formação do psicoterapeuta na Abordagem Gestáltica. Ampliamos nossos referenciais a partir das ideias de Martin Buber sobre Educação e sobre a Filosofia Dialógica, estabelecendo também o diálogo com a Filosofia da Alteridade de Emmanuel Lévinas, especificamente no que diz respeito ao conceito de ensino. Partindo do pressuposto que tais referenciais teóricos orientam nossa prática docente, intencionamos ilustrar nosso entendimento e vivência sobre a temática utilizando-nos das versões de sentido realizadas por uma aluna que participou do Curso de Capacitação na Abordagem Gestáltica, oferecido aos estudantes de graduação do Curso de Psicologia na Universidade Federal do Ceará. Propomos uma prática docente que possibilite afetação, em que se experiencie o abandono das referências, das seguranças do conhecido, e que proponha um conhecimento a partir desta afetação provocada pela exposição ao outro do professor, dos livros e pelas experiências vividas a partir da experiência concreta em sala de aula...

Starting from an exploratory study, we are questioning How the process of learning facilitation in Gestalt therapy works in the academic environment? It was necessary to understand how Gestalt Therapy views the process of learning facilitation in its theoretical references. Accordingly, we focus our readings in the Gestaltpedagogy studies, and on the training of psychotherapists in the Gestalt approach. We expanded our references from the ideas of Martin Buber on Education and Dialogical Philosophy as well, thus establishing a dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas's Otherness Philosophy, specifically regarding the concept of Teaching. Assuming that such theoretical references guide our teaching practice, we intend to illustrate our understanding and experience on the subject using the versions of meanings performed by a student who participated in the Training Course in the Gestalt Approach, offered to Psychology Course graduating students at the Federal University Federal of Ceará. We propose a teaching practice that enables affectation, the experiences of references` abandonment, the security of the known. We are proposing a knowledge from this affectation caused by exposure to the otherness of the teacher, of the books and the experiences from the concrete experience in the classroom...

Se propone como un estudio exploratorio interrogar: ¿cómo es el proceso de facilitar el aprendizaje en la terapia Gestalt en el ámbito académico? Se hizo necesario entender cómo la terapia Gestalt en sus referencias teóricas entiende el proceso de facilitar el aprendizaje. Con ello, nos detuvimos en estudios sobre Gestaltpedagogía, y sobre la formación del psicoterapeuta el Abordaje Gestáltica. Hemos ampliado nuestras referencias a partir de las ideas de Martin Buber sobre Educación y sobre Filosofía Dialógica, estableciendo asimismo el diálogo con la Filosofía de la Alteridad de Emmanuel Levinas, en particular con respecto al concepto de la enseñanza. Suponiendo que tales referenciales teóricos orientan nuestra práctica docente, tenemos la intención de ilustrar nuestro conocimiento y la experiencia sobre el tema utilizándonos de las versiones de sentido realizadas por una estudiante que participó del Curso de Capacitación en el enfoque de la Gestalt, que se ofrece a los estudiantes del Curso de Psicología de la Universidad Federal de Ceará. Proponemos una práctica docente que permite la afectación, como lo experimenta el abandono de los referenciales, la seguridad del conocido, y proponer un conocimiento desde esta afectación causada por la exposición al otro del profesor, de los libros y de las experiencias vividas en la experiencia concreta en las clases...

Humans , Learning , Gestalt Therapy/education
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 18(2): 179-187, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-62685


Propomo-nos, a partir de um estudo exploratório, questionar: como se dá o processo de facilitação da aprendizagem em Gestalt-terapia no ambiente acadêmico? Fez-se necessário compreender como a Gestalt-terapia, em seus referenciais teóricos, entende o processo de facilitação da aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, nos detivemos em estudos sobre Gestaltpedagogia, e sobre a formação do psicoterapeuta na Abordagem Gestáltica. Ampliamos nossos referenciais a partir das ideias de Martin Buber sobre Educação e sobre a Filosofia Dialógica, estabelecendo também o diálogo com a Filosofia da Alteridade de Emmanuel Lévinas, especificamente no que diz respeito ao conceito de ensino. Partindo do pressuposto que tais referenciais teóricos orientam nossa prática docente, intencionamos ilustrar nosso entendimento e vivência sobre a temática utilizando-nos das versões de sentido realizadas por uma aluna que participou do Curso de Capacitação na Abordagem Gestáltica, oferecido aos estudantes de graduação do Curso de Psicologia na Universidade Federal do Ceará. Propomos uma prática docente que possibilite afetação, em que se experiencie o abandono das referências, das seguranças do conhecido, e que proponha um conhecimento a partir desta afetação provocada pela exposição ao outro do professor, dos livros e pelas experiências vividas a partir da experiência concreta em sala de aula.(AU)

Starting from an exploratory study, we are questioning How the process of learning facilitation in Gestalt therapy works in the academic environment? It was necessary to understand how Gestalt Therapy views the process of learning facilitation in its theoretical references. Accordingly, we focus our readings in the Gestaltpedagogy studies, and on the training of psychotherapists in the Gestalt approach. We expanded our references from the ideas of Martin Buber on Education and Dialogical Philosophy as well, thus establishing a dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas's Otherness Philosophy, specifically regarding the concept of Teaching. Assuming that such theoretical references guide our teaching practice, we intend to illustrate our understanding and experience on the subject using the versions of meanings performed by a student who participated in the Training Course in the Gestalt Approach, offered to Psychology Course graduating students at the Federal University Federal of Ceará. We propose a teaching practice that enables affectation, the experiences of references` abandonment, the security of the known. We are proposing a knowledge from this affectation caused by exposure to the otherness of the teacher, of the books and the experiences from the concrete experience in the classroom.(AU)

Se propone como un estudio exploratorio interrogar: ¿cómo es el proceso de facilitar el aprendizaje en la terapia Gestalt en el ámbito académico? Se hizo necesario entender cómo la terapia Gestalt en sus referencias teóricas entiende el proceso de facilitar el aprendizaje. Con ello, nos detuvimos en estudios sobre Gestaltpedagogía, y sobre la formación del psicoterapeuta el Abordaje Gestáltica. Hemos ampliado nuestras referencias a partir de las ideas de Martin Buber sobre Educación y sobre Filosofía Dialógica, estableciendo asimismo el diálogo con la Filosofía de la Alteridad de Emmanuel Levinas, en particular con respecto al concepto de la enseñanza. Suponiendo que tales referenciales teóricos orientan nuestra práctica docente, tenemos la intención de ilustrar nuestro conocimiento y la experiencia sobre el tema utilizándonos de las versiones de sentido realizadas por una estudiante que participó del Curso de Capacitación en el enfoque de la Gestalt, que se ofrece a los estudiantes del Curso de Psicología de la Universidad Federal de Ceará. Proponemos una práctica docente que permite la afectación, como lo experimenta el abandono de los referenciales, la seguridad del conocido, y proponer un conocimiento desde esta afectación causada por la exposición al otro del profesor, de los libros y de las experiencias vividas en la experiencia concreta en las clases.(AU)

Gestalt Therapy/education , Learning