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Rev. chil. nutr ; 46(3): 343-351, jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003713


ABSTRACT The object of the present study was to carry out a literature review to analyze the influence of physical activity and dietary behavior on body mass index in school-age children and adolescents. A search was carried out using the PubMed and LILACS databases, in which 1,412 articles were found. After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 17 studies were selected for qualitative analysis. Overweight and obesity were related with incorrect dietary habits (skipping breakfast, consumption of foods with high fat contents and high-sugar soft drinks), low levels of physical activity and long hours devoted to sedentary activities (playing video games or watching TV) were also related.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar, mediante una revisión de la literatura, la influencia de la práctica de actividad física y del comportamiento dietético sobre el índice de masa corporal de niños y adolescentes en fase escolar. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases PubMed y LILACS. Se encontraron 1.412 artículos. Tras la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión fueron seleccionados 17 estudios para realizar un análisis cualitativo. El sobrepeso y la obesidad están relacionadas a una alimentación in-adecuada (saltar el desayuno, consumo de alimentos con alto contenido de grasa y de bebidas azucaradas), niveles bajos de actividad física y longas horas realizando actividad sedentaria (jugando video-juegos o visualizando la TV).

Exercise , Body Mass Index , Child , Adolescent , Feeding Behavior , Review Literature as Topic
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 24(4): 478-486, out.-dez. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-839595


Resumo Objetivo Determinar a prevalência da leitura de rótulos de alimentos, fatores associados e informações consultadas por adultos e idosos usuários da atenção básica. Métodos Estudo transversal, com coleta de dados mediante aplicação de questionário, com perguntas sobre o hábito de ler rótulos e, aos que responderam afirmativamente, sobre as informações consultadas. Calculou-se a prevalência do desfecho e de sua associação com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, de situação e serviços de saúde, de conhecimento sobre saúde e nutrição, e de hábitos de vida. Resultados Entre os 1.246 entrevistados, a leitura de rótulos foi referida por 70,9%. Os fatores associados foram: sexo, idade, situação conjugal, escolaridade, diagnóstico de doenças crônicas, autopercepção da saúde e da alimentação, acesso a informações sobre saúde e nutrição, recebimento de orientação para alimentação saudável e prática de atividade física. As informações mais consultadas foram o prazo de validade (73,8%) e o valor nutricional (18%). Conclusão A leitura dos rótulos de alimentos precisa ser popularizada, seja por meio de campanhas educativas, seja pela interação entre usuários e profissionais de saúde. É necessário enfatizar não só a importância de observar-se a validade dos produtos, mas, principalmente, de consultar as informações nutricionais, visando a escolhas alimentares mais saudáveis.

Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence of reading food labels, associated factors and information consulted by adults and elderly users of primary care. Methods Cross-sectional study with data collected by questionnaire. It was asked about the habit of reading labels and those who answered affirmatively where questioned about what information they are consulting. Calculating the prevalence of the outcome and its association with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, status and health services utilization, knowledge about health and nutrition and lifestyle habits. Results Among the 1,246 respondents, reading labels was reported by 70.9% and the associated factors were sex, age, marital status, education, diagnosis of chronic diseases, health and food self-perception, access to information on health and nutrition, guidance received for healthy eating and the practice of physical activity. The most consulted information was the expiration date (73.8%) and nutritional value (18%). Conclusion Reading food labels need to be popularized, through educational campaigns, or the interaction between users and health professionals. It is necessary to emphasize not only the importance of observing the validity of the products, but mainly to check the nutritional information in order to have healthier food choices.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 42(4): 374-382, dic. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-775509


The objective of this study was to describe food consumption, dietary behaviour and culinary habits in third to fifth grade students and their families through surveys and focus groups to implement nutrition education interventions in healthy eating habits at schools. Surveys in parents and children demonstrated that healthy food consumption was under the Chilean Dietary Guidelines recommendations. Consumption of fruits, vegetables and dairy food in parents was less than in children, but non-healthy food consumption was also less in parents. In dietary behavior 22% of children consumed breakfast at home and also at school, and 33% consumed double lunch. Snack was carried from home in 60% of children, but 72% carried money to buy non-healthy snacks at school. Parents said that they had norms related to dietary behavior at home, but 60% watched TV during dinner and 96% had afternoon tea and just 42.2% had dinner. Regarding culinary habits, students had the skills to prepare simple food but did not have the skills to prepare a dish. The mothers said they had the culinary skills but they cook simple food like pasta, rice and potatoes. Focus groups confirmed survey findings, identifying three profiles in mothers and separating eating behaviour during the weekdays and weekend. Its notorious that mothers consuming a healthy diet were those who had more health problems. Barriers to healthy eating were lack of time and money. Surveys and focus groups showed a good access by parents and children to Information and Communication Technologies. In conclusion, it is urgent to design nutrition education programs to create healthy eating habits considering the current situation in food consumption, dietary behaviour and culinary habits in students and their parents.

El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el consumo, los hábitos alimentarios y las habilidades culinarias en alumnos de tercero a quinto año básico y de su familia por medio de encuestas y grupos focales para realizar intervenciones educativas en alimentación saludable en el ámbito escolar. Para ello se realizaron encuestas a alumnos y padres, que se complementaron con grupos focales. Según las encuestas, el consumo de alimentos saludables en alumnos y padres estuvo por debajo de lo recomendado en las Guías Alimentarias. El consumo de frutas, verduras y lácteos en los padres fue menor que en los hijos, pero consumieron menos alimentos no saludables. En hábitos, 22% de los niños tomaba doble desayuno y 33% doble almuerzo. Un 60% llevaba colación de la casa, pero 72% llevaba dinero destinado a compra de alimentos poco saludables. Los padres decían tener normas, pero un 60% veía televisión cuando comía, 96% tomaba once y 42,2% cenaba. En habilidades culinarias, los alumnos podían preparar alimentos simples, pero no un plato de comida. Las madres decían tener habilidades culinarias, pero cocinaban en forma ocasional y comida básica como papas, arroz y fideos. Los grupos focales confirmaron lo anterior, identificando tres perfiles de madres y diferenciando lo que comen en la semana con los fines de semana. Destaca el perfil de madres que se alimenta saludable, que eran las que han tenido un problema de salud. Las barreras para alimentarse bien son el alto costo y la falta de tiempo. Las encuestas y grupos focales mostraron un buen acceso de padres e hijos a las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación. Lo anterior demuestra el imperativo de contar con programas de educación nutricional prácticos para crear hábitos de alimentación saludable que consideren la situación actual de consumo, hábitos alimentarios y habilidades culinarias de los alumnos y sus padres.

Humans , Parents , Students , Food and Nutrition Education , Eating , Child , Education, Primary and Secondary , Feeding Behavior , Nutrition Surveys , Diet, Healthy