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Animals (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Feb 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36830347


Managers need to know the extent of the conflict between livestock and wild animals. Although many studies have reported the conflict between livestock and wild animals, few have checked the extent of the conflict. Cattle raising in the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park is considered one of the main driving forces behind the restricted distribution of sika deer. To understand whether foraging competition is contributing to avoidance patterns between sika deer and cattle, we investigated their feeding habits using DNA barcoding and high-throughput sequencing. Our study shows that although cattle are grazers in the traditional division of herbivores, their diet shifted to a predominance of dicotyledonous woody plants, and this diet shift resulted in a high degree of dietary overlap between sika deer and cattle. Moreover, compared to sika deer, cattle diets are more diverse at the species level with a wider ecological niche. Our results confirm that overlapping dietary niches and the superior competitive abilities of cattle contribute to the restricted distribution of the sika deer, which has critical implications for the conservation of their predators. Our study suggests that cattle grazing should be prohibited in the Park and effective measures should be taken for the benefit of sika deer.

Curr Biol ; 33(4): 647-659.e5, 2023 02 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36669497


Globally, massive carnivore guild extirpations have led to trophic downgrading and compromised ecosystem services. However, the complexity of multi-carnivore food webs complicates accurate identification of species interactions and community organization. Here, we used fecal DNA metabarcoding to investigate three communities that together encompass eight large- and meso-carnivore species and their 44 prey taxa of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), one of the last places on Earth that still harbors intact carnivore assemblages. Quantitative food-web analyses revealed pronounced interspecific variations in the carnivores' prey compositions and dietary partitioning both between and within guilds. Additionally, body masses of the carnivores and their prey exhibited consistent hump-shaped correlations across communities. Overall, differences in prey diversity, size category, and proportional utilization among the carnivore species result in trophic niche segregation that likely promotes carnivore coexistence in the harsh QTP environment. Network structure analyses detected significant modularity in all food webs but nestedness in only one. Furthermore, network characterization identified pikas (Ochotona spp.), bharal (Pseudois nayaur), and domestic yak (Bos grunniens) as potential keystone prey across the areas. Our results paint a holistic and detailed picture of the QTP carnivore assemblages' trophic networks and demonstrate that the combined use of the molecular dietary approach and network analysis can generate structural insights into carnivore coexistence and can identify functionally important species in complex communities. Such knowledge can help safeguard carnivore guild integrity and enhance community resilience to environmental perturbations in the sensitive QTP ecosystems.

Ecosystem , Food Chain , Animals , Cattle , Sheep , Feces
Ecol Evol ; 12(8): e9180, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35979519


The diet of an individual animal is subject to change over time, both in response to short-term food fluctuations and over longer time scales as an individual ages and meets different challenges over its life cycle. A metabarcoding approach was used to elucidate the diet of different life stages of a migratory songbird, the Eurasian reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) over the 2017 summer breeding season in Somerset, the United Kingdom. The feces of adult, juvenile, and nestling warblers were screened for invertebrate DNA, enabling the identification of prey species. Dietary analysis was coupled with monitoring of Diptera in the field using yellow sticky traps. Seasonal changes in warbler diet were subtle, whereas age class had a greater influence on overall diet composition. Age classes showed high dietary overlap, but significant dietary differences were mediated through the selection of prey; (i) from different taxonomic groups, (ii) with different habitat origins (aquatic vs. terrestrial), and (iii) of different average approximate sizes. Our results highlight the value of metabarcoding data for enhancing ecological studies of insectivores in dynamic environments.

Oecologia ; 198(3): 785-799, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35258697


Identifying mechanisms that promote coexistence at the local level is enigmatic for many organisms. Numerous studies have indirectly demonstrated that biotic interactions may not cause deterministic patterns reflective of the coexistence of interacting bat species. Nonetheless, demonstration of the partitioning of resources by phyllostomid bats by directly examining diet matrices may illuminate a mechanism of coexistence. I examined the dietary overlap of phyllostomid bats across 23 sites in the Atlantic Forest of South America. I also examined components of beta diversity (turnover and nestedness) of resources among species as well as the degree to which morphology can act as a surrogate for dietary similarity in each community. Bats exhibited high overlap. Nonetheless, dietary beta diversity was more related to turnover than nestedness of items suggesting substantive species-specific affinities. Niche breath and dietary overlap were positively related to the number of species and the number of resources consumed in communities. Accordingly, changes in richness across Atlantic Forest may be facilitated by increases in resources available at the community level. There were positive, yet weak relationships between morphological and dietary distance. The relationship between morphology and diet was invariant relative to geography, species richness, number of dietary resources, average diet breadth and average dietary overlap indicating that in the Atlantic Forest morphology is a consistent surrogate of dietary relationships of species. Atlantic Forest is one of the most anthropogenically modified tropical forests in the world. This in combination with distinct climatic seasonality likely causes higher dietary overlap, weaker ecomorphological relationships and persistence of only the most general bat species.

Chiroptera , Animals , Biodiversity , Diet/veterinary , Forests , Geography , South America
Animals (Basel) ; 11(5)2021 May 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34063638


For an adequate management of natural grasslands, the knowledge and understanding of the dietary habits of herbivores and their trophic interactions are fundamental. During two summer seasons, in a mountain range of a sector of the Coquimbo Region, Chile, the botanical composition, diversity, and similarity of the diets of horses, European brown hares, and guanacos were studied, as was the selectivity of the main grassland plant species, using feces microhistology. The contribution of hydromorphic grasses was similar in the diets of guanacos (35.90 ± 7.27%) and horses (32.25 ± 4.50%), differing from that found in hares (16.32 ± 5.32%). Dryland grassland grasses contributed similarly to the diets of horses (13.21 ± 3.22%), guanacos (22.53 ± 5.21%) and hares (18.35 ± 3.81%), as well as graminoids, which averaged 47.79 ± 6.66%, 35.63 ± 10.76% and 38.94 ± 7.88%, in diets of horses, guanacos, and hares, respectively, without significant differences. The contribution of herbaceous dicotyledons was only important in hares (23.76 ± 3.76%), while that of shrubs was low (<3%) and similar among the three herbivores. Dietary diversity was similar among the three herbivore species (73-79%), with a higher degree of dietary overlap between horses and guanacos (55.7%), which was higher than that obtained between hares and guanacos (50%) and between horses and hares (48%), for which there would be a potential trophic competition between them. The most abundant species of dryland and wet grasslands generally fulfill a functional role of subsistence and a nutritional role of maintenance; however, for the three herbivores studied, a different selective behavior was evidenced, according to their physiological differences, with the selection process little affected by the relative abundance of these species in the grasslands. Due to the above, herbivores resort to the selection of certain species that, despite being not very abundant in grasslands, play an important nutritional and functional role, improving the quality of their diets.

Ecol Evol ; 11(9): 4205-4217, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33976804


Dry deciduous dipterocarp forests (DDF) cover about 15%-20% of Southeast Asia and are the most threatened forest type in the region. The jungle cat (Felis chaus) is a DDF specialist that occurs only in small isolated populations in Southeast Asia. Despite being one of the rarest felids in the region, almost nothing is known about its ecology. We investigated the ecology of jungle cats and their resource partitioning with the more common leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in a DDF-dominated landscape in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia. We used camera-trap data collected from 2009 to 2019 and DNA-confirmed scats to determine the temporal, dietary and spatial overlap between jungle cats and leopard cats. The diet of jungle cats was relatively diverse and consisted of murids (56% biomass consumed), sciurids (15%), hares (Lepus peguensis; 12%), birds (8%), and reptiles (8%), whereas leopard cats had a narrower niche breadth and a diet dominated by smaller prey, primarily murids (73%). Nonetheless, dietary overlap was high because both felid species consumed predominantly small rodents. Both species were primarily nocturnal and had high temporal overlap. Two-species occupancy modelling suggested jungle cats were restricted to DDF and had low occupancy, whereas leopard cats had higher occupancy and were habitat generalists. Our study confirmed that jungle cats are DDF specialists that likely persist in low numbers due to the harsh conditions of the dry season in this habitat, including annual fires and substantial decreases in small vertebrate prey. The lower occupancy and more diverse diet of jungle cats, together with the broader habitat use of leopard cats, likely facilitated the coexistence of these species. The low occupancy of jungle cats in DDF suggests that protection of large areas of DDF will be required for the long-term conservation of this rare felid in Southeast Asia.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210087, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340240


Phylogenetic proximity suggests some degree of diet similarity among species. Usually, studies of diet show that species coexistence is allowed by partitioning food resources. We evaluate how visually oriented piscivorous fishes (Characiformes) share prey before and after building the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in the Madeira River (Brazil), the largest muddy-water tributary of the Amazon River. Piscivorous species (Acestrorhynchus falcirostris, Acestrorhynchus heterolepis, Hydrolycus scomberoides, and Rhaphiodon vulpinus) were sampled under pristine (pre-HPP) and disturbed (post-HPP) environmental conditions. We analyzed species abundance and stomach contents for stomach fullness and prey composition to check variations between congeneric and non-congeneric species. The percent volume of prey taxa was normalized by stomach fullness and grouped into the taxonomic family level to determine diet, niche breadth, and overlap. Only R. vulpinus abundance increased in post-HPP. There was no significant variation in niche breadth between the periods, while niche overlap decreased in congeneric and non-congeneric species. Our results indicate that river impoundment affected piscivorous fishes in distinct ways and modified their resource partitioning. Therefore, evaluate interspecific interactions is a required tool to understand how fishes respond to river damming.(AU)

A proximidade filogenética pode indicar similaridade da dieta entre espécies e a partilha de recursos alimentares é um mecanismo que possibilita a coexistência. Neste trabalho, avaliamos como peixes piscívoros compartilham presas antes e depois da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Santo Antônio no rio Madeira (Brasil), o maior afluente de águas brancas do rio Amazonas. Espécies piscívoras (Acestrorhynchus falcirostris, Acestrorhynchus heterolepis, Hydrolycus scomberoides e Rhaphiodon vulpinus) foram coletadas em condições ambientais pristinas (pré-HPP) e impactadas (pós-HPP). Nós avaliamos as abundâncias e as dietas para identificar variações entre as espécies congenéricas e não-congenéricas. O percentual de volume de cada presa foi corrigido pelo grau de repleção estomacal e os itens agrupados ao nível taxonômico de família para determinar dieta, amplitude e sobreposição alimentar. Apenas a abundância de R. vulpinus aumentou no pós-HPP. Não houve diferença na amplitude alimentar das espécies após o represamento, contudo a sobreposição de nicho diminuiu para as espécies congenéricas e não congenéricas. Nossos resultados indicam que o represamento do rio afetou os peixes piscívoros modificando sua partilha de recursos. Avaliar as interações interespecíficas, portanto, é uma ferramenta necessária para entender como os peixes respondem ao represamento de rios.(AU)

Animals , Phylogeny , Hydroelectric Power Plants (Environmental Health) , Characiformes , Food Chain
Saudi J Biol Sci ; 27(6): 1462-1466, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32489281


In situations of restricted food supply, the trophic niches of closely-related species of animals should be separate. For sit-and-wait hunters, such as shrikes, this is associated with competition for food and hunting sites. In the present study, the foraging behaviour of two shrike species - Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides and Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio - was studied in a desert habitat in Oman. The fieldwork was carried out in September 2019, during the peak migration of these birds. Their behaviour was recorded in detail during 30-minute observation bouts. A General Linear Mixed Model with logit link function and binomial error variance was used to compare their behaviour. The type of perch and its height did not differ between them, but there were significant differences in their use of look-out posts only in the mean duration of a single perching event, which was more than twice as long in Red-backed Shrike. No differences in prey size were found between the species and hunting success (the ratio of successful attacks to all attacks) was similar in both (RtS-RbS: 46 vs. 61%). Dietary diversity was twice as great in Red-tailed Shrike as in Red-backed Shrike, but in general, their diets did not differ very much. Dietary overlap between the species at this level of prey identification was 92%. This absence of differences in some aspects of behaviour and diet may be due to the similarity of the two species, above all their same body size, and even the possibility of hybridization. If the species compared are so similar due to body size, behaviour and evolutionary relationship their food niches may overlap.

J Fish Biol ; 97(2): 453-464, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32418215


The introduction of nonnative species is one of the most critical problems facing freshwater systems today. The rivers of the Great Basin (USA) have been particularly imperilled by nonnative species introductions and represent a valuable location to study the dietary trends of native and nonnative fishes in isolated, endorheic systems. We collected fish from 23 sites, spanning three Great Basin watersheds (Carson, Humboldt and Bear Rivers) and two elevation categories (upland and lowland). Only a single species (speckled dace Rhinichthys osculus) occurred in both elevation zones. Diet item analyses of over 500 fish stomachs indicated significant dietary overlaps between native and nonnative fishes and detailed dietary selectivity for all species. This finding, along with the low species diversity observed in the region, suggests low dietary niche diversity, which could have the potential to amplify the competitive impacts of nonnatives on native species. In upland sites, nonnative trouts were the dominant invaders, while in lowland sites warm-water nonnatives were prevalent. The management implications we recommend based on our results urge for continued monitoring of water temperature and species occurrences to predict if dietary overlaps observed in this study are likely to change in the future. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The Great Basin is an ideal endorheic region to study dietary trends in native and nonnative fishes. These trends are important in predicting competitive interactions among fishes. By looking at the diets of fishes within this region we were able to identify multiple significant overlaps among native and nonnative fishes. These results represent a baseline for future studies in the region as well as being comparable to other regions with similar invasive/native overlaps.

Fishes/physiology , Introduced Species , Rivers , Animals , Cyprinidae , Diet , Ecosystem , Invertebrates , Sensitivity and Specificity , United States
Ecol Evol ; 9(3): 1410-1430, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30805170


Predator-prey relationships are important ecological interactions, affecting biotic community composition and energy flow through a system, and are of interest to ecologists and managers. Morphological diet analysis has been the primary method used to quantify the diets of predators, but emerging molecular techniques using genetic data can provide more accurate estimates of relative diet composition. This study used sequences from the 18S V9 rRNA barcoding region to identify prey items in the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of predatory fishes. Predator GI samples were taken from the Black River, Cheboygan Co., MI, USA (n = 367 samples, 12 predator species) during periods of high prey availability, including the larval stage of regionally threatened lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque 1817) in late May/early June of 2015 and of relatively lower prey availability in early July of 2015. DNA was extracted and sequenced from 355 samples (96.7%), and prey DNA was identified in 286 of the 355 samples (80.6%). Prey were grouped into 33 ecologically significant taxonomic groups based on the lowest taxonomic level sequences that could be identified using sequences available on GenBank. Changes in the makeup of diet composition, dietary overlap, and predator preference were analyzed comparing the periods of high and low prey abundance. Some predator species exhibited significant seasonal changes in diet composition. Dietary overlap was slightly but significantly higher during the period of high prey abundance; however, there was little change in predator preference. This suggests that change in prey availability was the driving factor in changing predator diet composition and dietary overlap. This study demonstrates the utility of molecular diet analysis and how temporal variability in community composition adds complexity to predator-prey interactions.

J Fish Biol ; 93(2): 238-249, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30241113


This study focused on intra and interspecific variations in the diet of small species in the Pelotas River, upper Uruguay River ecoregion. We tested the hypothesis that five small characids coexist via resource partitioning. Samplings were performed quarterly between August 2013 and May 2014 at 14 sites in the Pelotas River basin, using gillnets of different mesh sizes, seines, cast nets and electrofishing. In this study, the contents of 1,253 stomachs were analysed from Astyanax dissensus, A. paris, A. saguazu, A. xiru and Bryconamericus patriciae. The main food resources consumed were aquatic insects, leaves, seeds and detritus. There were significant seasonal intra and interspecific variations in the use of food resources by the five species. Permutational analysis of multivariate dispersions results indicated significant differences in individual intraspecific variability between the sampled periods, with the highest values found in November and February because of an increase in allochthonous resources (leaves and seeds). Besides this, significant differences in the proportions of consumption of allochthonous and autochthonous were observed. The trophic niche breadth was significantly different among the species, such that in August, the species had narrower niche breadths. In the other periods, the highest niche breadth values were due to an increase in the consumption of allochthonous items. Diet overlap was low (< 0.4) between 62% of the species pairs. The small characid species showed pronounced changes in resource use and intra and interspecific variations indicating resource partitioning. These factors appear to be essential in species interactions and for coexistence.

Characidae , Diet , Ecosystem , Herbivory , Rivers , Animals , Seasons , Uruguay
Folia Primatol (Basel) ; 88(6): 455-482, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29275404


Establishing dietary central tendencies and extremes remains an important goal of primate research. While habitat differences and spatial discontinuity are well-documented contributors to dietary variation, other factors including polyspecific associations may significantly impact diet through changes in strata use and/or increased feeding competition. Here, we examine polyspecific association with closely related species as a source of dietary variation in a rain forest primate. Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) in Côte d'Ivoire's Taï Forest frequently participate in mixed-species groups. We use data collected over a 5-year period on 4 Diana monkey groups to examine how association affects group diets. Groups exhibited significant differences in association rates with other guenon species, but this minimally influenced diet when food categories (fruit, invertebrates, leaves) were compared: diet overlap of 4 groups across the study period ranges from 90.8 to 98.1%. Examination of species composition within food categories is more revealing: intergroup dietary overlap decreases to 69.8-79.4% across the study period when comparing species contributing to total frugivory and folivory. These data support earlier findings that Diana monkeys maintain fruit-rich diets by competitively excluding sympatric congeners while highlighting that even selective frugivores such as Diana monkeys may exhibit remarkable dietary flexibility. Our study underscores the fact that broad categorical labels can obscure significant dietary differences.

Cercopithecus/physiology , Diet/veterinary , Analysis of Variance , Animals , Cote d'Ivoire , Female , Fruit , Invertebrates , Linear Models , Male , Plant Leaves , Rainforest , Seasons , Species Specificity
Ecol Evol ; 7(7): 2058-2068, 2017 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28405272


Although food resource partitioning among sympatric species has often been explored in riverine systems, the potential influence of prey diversity on resource partitioning is little known. Using empirical data, we modeled food resource partitioning (assessed as dietary overlap) of coexisting juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus). Explanatory variables incorporated into the model were fish abundance, benthic prey diversity and abundance, and several dietary metrics to give a total of seventeen potential explanatory variables. First, a forward stepwise procedure based on the Akaike information criterion was used to select explanatory variables with significant effects on food resource partitioning. Then, linear mixed-effect models were constructed using the selected explanatory variables and with sampling site as a random factor. Food resource partitioning between salmon and bullhead increased significantly with increasing prey diversity, and the variation in food resource partitioning was best described by the model that included prey diversity as the only explanatory variable. This study provides empirical support for the notion that prey diversity is a key driver of resource partitioning among competing species.

Am J Primatol ; 76(10): 919-31, 2014 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24677294


The Ka'apor capuchin, Cebus kaapori, is perhaps the most endangered primate of the Brazilian Amazon. Endemic to a region with extreme intensification of habitat-degrading activities, it survives in remnant populations in a completely fragmented landscape. Before now, the only data available were isolated observations of feeding, locality records, and information on population densities and group size obtained during census. Here we present the first data on the activity budget, diet, and daily path length of the species, and compare our preliminary results with those for other capuchin monkeys. A group of nine Ka'apor capuchins was monitored over a period of four months during the dry season in the Goianésia do Pará municipality, Pará, Brazil. We used instantaneous scan sampling (n = 4,647 scans) to construct an activity budget for the monkeys, and we identified the plants in their diet to species level (n = 41 plant taxa), allowing us to compare dietary overlap with other gracile capuchin species, as well as with the robust capuchin (Sapajus spp.), a potential competitor present throughout the range of the Ka'apor capuchin. Like other species of gracile capuchins, C. kaapori was highly frugivorous, with the vast majority of the feeding records of arils and fruit pulp (74%), supplemented by arthropods (13%) and seeds (10%), although diet composition was highly variable across months. The group used a total area of 62.4 ha during the study period, and average daily path length was 2,173 m (±400 m), with the entire home range utilized in every month of the study. We found significant overlap in the diet of the Ka'apor capuchin and Sapajus, highlighting the urgency to increase knowledge of the ecological needs of C. kaapori and understand synergistic effects of sympatry with competitive species, increasing forest fragmentation, and widespread human impact on C. kaapori sustainability.

Behavior, Animal , Cebus/physiology , Diet , Homing Behavior , Animals , Brazil , Cebus/psychology , Ecosystem , Feeding Behavior , Female , Male , Species Specificity
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 85-105, feb. 2014. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753725


Macroinvertebrate shredders may have been overlooked in tropical streams due to the geographical bias of early studies, methodological limitations, and the complex influences of local-scale factors. While shredders seem to be scarce in most oceanic island streams, we here test if they are abundant in a continental island. Gut content analyses of benthic macroinvertebrates were used to identify shredding taxa in streams located in different types of forest in Gorgona Island (Tropical Eastern Pacific). General dietary overlap (GO) was quantified and relative biomass, relative frequency and the leaf litter percentage in the guts were used to establish the relative importance of each taxon in the shredding guild. Various indices were used to identify the spatial arrangement (i.e. contagious or random) of each taxon and shredding guild among streams. We identified 31 shredding taxa that were divided into specialist-shredders (14 taxa), generalist-shredders (10), and collector-shredders (7). There was a complete GO (0.75, p<0.001) for the guild. Cockroaches (Epilampra) were the most represented shredders due to the greatest contribution to guild total biomass and to the highest content of leaf litter in their guts. These organisms were more important than shrimps and crabs in terms of abundance and biomass in leaf pack samples. Potimirin shrimps ranked second and Stenochironomus midges ranked third. Among aquatic insects, other secondarily important species were Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera), Macrelmis, Anchytarsus and Tetraglosa (Coleoptera). Ten taxa exhibited contagious spatial pattern and twenty-one exhibited a random distribution. Resource distribution (i.e., leaf packs) between streams was random too. The guild was contagiously distributed, but this result could be highly influenced by the taxa with contagious distribution. Mean abundance, richness and mean biomass of shredders were not significantly correlated with any of the environmental variables measured. Three factors seemly explain the high richness and abundance of shredders in Gorgona Island: (1) its continental origin, (2) its current proximity to the continent (35 km), and (3) the high diversity and availability of leaf litter and woody debris inputs to the streams. Although crabs, shrimps, aquatic insects and semiaquatic-cockroaches coexisted in Gorgona Island, the latter were the most important leaf litter shredders in terms of biomass. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 85-105. Epub 2014 February 01.

Existe la posibilidad de que los macroinvertebrados fragmentadores hayan sido subvalorados en las quebradas tropicales debido al sesgo geográfico de los estudios realizados, a limitaciones metódicas y a la influencia de factores de escala local. A pesar de que los fragmentadores son escasos en las quebradas de islas oceánicas, hipotetizamos que son abundantes en Isla Gorgona. Los análisis de contenidos estomacales de estos organismos se usaron para identificar los taxones fragmentadores colectados en quebradas con diferentes tipos de bosque. Se cuantificaron el índice general de sobreposición dietaria (GO por su siglas en inglés), y el índice de valor de importancia de cada taxón en el gremio (con base en biomasa relativa, frecuencia relativa y proporción de tejido vegetal en los contenidos estomacales). El arreglo espacial de cada taxón y el del gremio entre quebradas (i.e., contagioso o aleatorio) se determinó a partir de varios índices. Se identificaron 31 fragmentadores, los cuales se dividieron en especialistas (14 taxones), generalistas (10) y colectores-fragmentadores (7). Hubo un GO completo del gremio (0.75, p<0.001). Debido a su alta contribución de biomasa y de abundancia al gremio, y a la elevada proporción de tejido vegetal consumido, las cucarachas (Epilampra) fueron los fragmentadores-especialistas más representativos, superiores incluso a camarones y cangrejos. El camarón Potimirin fue el segundo taxón más importante seguido por el díptero Stenochironomus. Entre los insectos acuáticos, otros taxones de importancia secundaria fueron Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera), Macrelmis, Anchytarsus y Tetraglosa (Coleoptera). Diez taxones mostraron un patrón espacial de contagio, y 21 se organizaron aleatoriamente, al igual que los recursos (i.e., “paquetes” de hojarasca). Aunque el gremio se organizó contagiosamente, estos resultados pudieron estar altamente influenciados por los taxones con distribución del mismo tipo. No se encontraron correlaciones significantes entre la abundancia media, la riqueza y la biomasa media con ninguna de las variables ambientales. Tres factores explicaron la alta riqueza y la abundancia de los fragmentadores en Isla Gorgona: (1) el origen continental, (2) su proximidad al continente (35km), y (3) la alta diversidad y disponibilidad de hojarasca y de desechos de madera dentro de las quebradas. Aunque cangrejos, camarones, insectos acuáticos y cucarachas-semiacuáticas coexistieron en la isla, estas últimas fueron, en términos de biomasa, los fragmentadores más importantes.

/analysis , Grinders/analysis , Aquatic Organisms/classification , Invertebrates , Colombia , Insecta/anatomy & histology
Mol Ecol ; 23(15): 3695-705, 2014 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24033506


Re-introduction of rare species to parts of their historical range is becoming increasingly important as a conservation strategy. Telfair's Skinks (Leiolopisma telfairii), once widespread on Mauritius, were until recently found only on Round Island. There it is vulnerable to stochastic events, including the introduction of alien predators that may either prey upon it or compete for food resources. Consequently, skinks have been introduced to Ile aux Aigrettes, another small Mauritian island that has been cleared of rats. However, the island has been invaded by Asian Musk Shrews (Suncus murinus), a commensal species spread by man well beyond its natural Asian range. Our aim was to use next-generation sequencing to analyse the diets of the shrews and skinks to look for niche competition. DNA was extracted from skink faeces and from the stomach contents of shrews. Application of shrew- and skink-specific primers revealed no mutual predation. The DNA was then amplified using general invertebrate primers with tags to identify individual predators, and then sequenced by 454 pyrosequencing. 119 prey MOTUs (molecular taxonomic units) were isolated, although none could be identified to species. Seeding of cladograms with known sequences allowed higher taxonomic assignments in some cases. Although most MOTUs were not shared by shrews and skinks, Pianka's niche overlap test showed significant prey overlap, suggesting potentially strong competition where food resources are limited. These results suggest that removal of the shrews from the island should remain a priority.

Competitive Behavior , Diet , Lizards/physiology , Predatory Behavior , Shrews/physiology , Animals , Feces/chemistry , Female , Gastrointestinal Contents , Introduced Species , Invertebrates/classification , Male , Mauritius , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Species Specificity
Oecologia ; 133(4): 559-572, 2002 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28466168


Large frugivores are considered to be important seed dispersers for many tropical plant species. Their roles as seed dispersers are not well known in Southeast Asia, where degraded landscapes typically lack these animals. Interactions between 259 (65 families) vertebrate-dispersed fruits and frugivorous animals (including 7 species of bulbul, 1 species of pigeon, 4 species of hornbill, 2 species of squirrel, 3 species of civet, 2 species of gibbon, 1 species of macaque, 2 species of bear, 2 species of deer, and 1 species of elephant) were studied for 3 years in a tropical seasonal forest in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. The purpose was to examine the dietary overlaps among the large frugivores and the characteristics of fruits they consumed. Most fruit species are eaten by various kinds of frugivores; no close relationship between a particular fruit and a frugivore was found. The number of frugivore groups that served a given plant species was negatively correlated with seed size. Additionally, the fruit/seed diameters consumed by bulbuls were significantly smaller than consumed by the other nine groups. These trends of fruit characteristics were consistent with those observed elsewhere in Southeast Asia: small fruits and large, soft fruits with many small seeds are consumed by a wide spectrum of frugivores while larger fruits with a single large seed are consumed by relatively few potential dispersers. Importantly, these large, single-seed fruits are not consumed by the small frugivores that thrive in small forest fragments and degraded areas in Southeast Asia. To insure the natural seed dispersal process in the forest, an evaluation of all frugivore groups in the forest is urgently needed in Southeast Asia.