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Rev. bras. hipertens ; 29(1): 6-9, 10 març. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367446


Homem de 53 anos, hipertenso e portador de bronquite, admitido em um serviço de urgência no dia 15 de dezembro de 2020 devido sintomas gripais, febre e cefaleia iniciados há oito dias. Após constatação de acometimento pulmonar importante mediante tomografia computadorizada (TC) de tórax, sugestivo de infecção pelo vírus SARS-CoV2, o paciente foi internado em unidade de terapia intensiva. Foi intubado no décimo dia de internação, e, dois dias após, evoluiu com labilidade pressórica importante, recorrendo ao uso de noradrenalina e nitroprussiato, além de outros anti-hipertensivos, conforme a necessidade. O quadro predominante foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica, manifestada principalmente com a mudança de decúbito, sendo o maior valor pressórico registrado de 240x90 mmHg. A disautonomia também se manifestou por ausência de dejeções, sudorese excessiva e espasmos musculares. A frequência cardíaca se manteve estável e dentro dos parâmetros de normalidade.A partir do trigésimo dia de internação, observou-se melhora progressiva do quadro e reestabelecimento da homeostase. Obteve alta após 59 dias de internação, sem sequelas significativas. A explicação mais razoável para o caso é o aumento da resistência vascular periférica, por ação da angiotensina II, associada à supressão do sistema parassimpático, o que explica, também, a incompetência do barorreflexo para compensação da frequência cardíaca. Adicionalmente, o paciente estava em uso de carvedilol. Este caso enfatiza o desafio diagnóstico precoce da disautonomia em pacientes críticos, devido a carência de ferramentas adequadas para uso na prática cotidiana. A estimulação vagal pode constituir opção terapêutica eficaz, mas carece de mais estudos

A 53-year-old male, hypertensive and with bronchitis, was admitted to the emergency department on December 15, 2020 due to flu-like symptoms, fever and headache that started eight days ago. After finding significant lung involvement by chest computed tomography (CT) suggestive of SARS-CoV2 virus infection, the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit. He was intubated on the tenth day of hospitalization, and, 2 days later, he evolved with significant pressure lability, using norepinephrine and nitroprusside, in addition to other antihypertensive drugs, as needed. The predominant state was hypertension, expressed mainly when there is interference from the patient's position in bed. The highest pressure value recorded was 240x90 mmHg. Dysautonomy was also manifested by the absence of stools, excessive sweating and muscle spasms. Heart rate remains stable and within normal limits. From the thirtieth day of hospitalization onwards, there was an evolution with progressive improvement and restoration of homeostasis. He was discharged after 59 days of hospitalization, without sequelae. The most reasonable explanation for the case is the increase in peripheral vascular resistance, due to the action of angiotensin II, associated with the suppression of the parasympathetic system, which also explains the incompetence of the baroreflex to compensate the heart rate. Additionally, the patient was using carvedilol. This case emphasizes the importance of tools that early identify dysautonomy, prepare the team. Vagal stimulation can be an effective therapeutic option, but further studies are needed

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Treatment Outcome , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/drug therapy , Primary Dysautonomias/drug therapy , COVID-19/drug therapy , Hypertension/drug therapy
Salud ment ; 38(2): 123-128, mar.-abr. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-761475


Antecedentes La fibromialgia (FM) se caracteriza por dolor crónico generalizado, fatiga, alteraciones del sueño, depresión, ansiedad y disautonomía (hiperactividad simpática). Objetivo Comparar la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) en mujeres: 20 pacientes con FM vs. 20 controles, mediante Holter de 24 hrs. Método La medición consistió en segmentos de cinco minutos. El dominio de la frecuencia se determinó por logaritmo natural de la razón LF/HF (Low/High Frecuencies). Se utilizó ANOVA simple para dos grupos de variables dimensionales. Resultados El rango de edad fue de 30 a 60 años. Nueve mujeres presentaron comorbilidad psiquiátrica: depresión (77.7%) y ansiedad (22.3%). Hubo diferencias (F=24.45, p<0.0001) en LF/HF entre los grupos en la fase nocturna del registro (22 hrs a 2 am), mostrándose mayor activación simpática en las pacientes. En el índice SDNN (desviación estándar de intervalos entre latidos) existieron diferencias significativas en 9 de 12 periodos del registro. En el índice pNN50 (porcentaje de intervalos que difieren en más de 50 milisegundos), el grupo control mostró valores más altos de 6 a 12 hrs. La variación nocturna se observó de 22 hrs. (F=22.37, p=0.0001) hasta las 6 am (F=30.27, p=0.0001). El indicador rMSSD (raíz cuadrada de la media de las diferencias de la frecuencia cardiaca) mostró valores más altos para el grupo control desde las 22 hrs. (F=67.71, p=0.0001) hasta las 6am (F=80.35, p=0.0001). Discusión y conclusión Los resultados reflejan la disminución del influjo parasimpático en las pacientes con FM. Esto confirma la participación del sistema nervioso parasimpático en la fisiopatología de la FM.

Background Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by chronic widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety and dysautonomia (sympathetic hyperactivity). Objective To compare the heart rate variability (HRV) in women: 20 patients with FM vs. 20 controls by Holter 24 hrs. Method The measurement consisted of segments of five minutes. The frequency domain is determined by the natural logarithm of the LF/HF (Low/ High Frecuencies) reason. Simple ANOVA was used for two groups of dimensional variables. Results The age range was 30-60 years. Nine presented psychiatric comorbidity: depression (77.7%) and anxiety (22.3%). There were differences (F = 24.45, p <0.0001) in LF/HF between groups in the nocturnal phase of registration (22 pm to 2 am) showing increased sympathetic activation in patients. In the SDNN index (standard deviation of intervals between heartbeats) there were significant differences on December 9 periods of record. In pNN50 index (percentage of intervals which differ by more than 50 milliseconds), the control group showed higher values of 6 to 12 hrs. Nocturnal variation was observed in 22 hrs (F = 22.37, p = 0.0001) until 6am (F = 30.27, p = 0.0001). The rMSSD indicator (square root of the mean of the differences in heart rate) showed higher values for the control group from 22 hrs (F = 67.71, p = 0.0001) until 6am (F = 80.35, p = 0.0001). Discussion and conclusion The results reflect the decreased parasympathetic influence in patients with FM. This confirms the participation of parasympathetic nervous system in the pathophysiology of FM.