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Psico USF ; 27(3): 437-449, July-Sept. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1422334


O presente estudo buscou adaptar a Escala de Orientação à Dominância Social (SDO7) para o contexto brasileiro, propor uma versão reduzida do instrumento, avaliar sua estrutura fatorial e evidências de validade entre grupos. Para tanto, realizou-se coleta de dados on-line em que participaram 1.056 indivíduos de quatro diferentes amostras. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram os melhores índices de ajuste para a estrutura original de quatro fatores, sendo dois substanciais (Dominância e Anti-Igualitarismo) e dois de método (pró-traço e contra-traço). Os fatores substanciais, denominados "Dominância Social" e "Anti-Igualitarismo", apresentaram alfa de Cronbach superior a 0,70 em todas as amostras. As versões longa e reduzida da escala apresentaram bons índices de validade de critério entre grupos com correlações altas entre os escores dos fatores substanciais e a autocategorização política. Portanto, o instrumento apresentou evidências de validade e fidedignidade e podem ser utilizados em estudos futuros. (AU)

This study aims to cross-culturally adapt the Social Dominance Orientation Scale (SDO7) for the Brazilian context, propose a reduced version of the instrument, and assess its factor structure and validity evidences. Participants included 1,056 individuals across four different samples collected online. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated the best fit indices for the original four-factor structure, two substantial (Dominance x Anti-Egalitarianism) and two methodological (pro-trait x counter-trait). The substantial factors had Cronbach's alpha values above 0.70 in all samples. Furthermore, both the long and reduced versions of the scale were highly correlated with political self-categorization. Hence, the instrument in its long and reduced versions showed good validity and reliability evidences for the Brazilian context and can be used in future studies. (AU)

Este estudio tiene como objetivo adaptar transculturalmente la Escala de Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO7) para el contexto brasileño, proponer una versión reducida del instrumento, evaluar su estructura factorial y evidencias de validez entre grupos. Por lo que, se llevó a cabo una recogida de datos online en la que participaron 1056 individuos de cuatro muestras diferentes. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios indicaron los mejores índices de ajuste para la estructura original de cuatro factores, dos de ellos son sustanciales (Dominancia x Anti-Igualitarismo) y los otros dos son metodológicos (pro-rasgo x contra-rasgo). Los factores sustanciales, denominados "Dominancia social" y "Anti-Igualitarismo", presentaron alfa de Cronbach por encima de 0,70 en todas las muestras. Las versiones larga y corta de la escala presentaron buenos índices de validez con altas correlaciones entre los puntajes de los factores sustanciales y la autocategorización política. Por lo tanto, el instrumento presentó evidencias de validez y confiabilidad para el contexto brasileño y puede utilizarse en futuros estudios. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Prejudice/psychology , Social Dominance , Psychometrics , Translating , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(1): 119-140, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376232


Abstract In the context of the border dispute presented by Peru against Chile in the The Hague Court, this study analyzes the influences of two ideological motivational dimensions: Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) on a set of intergroup attitudes that involve both nations. To this end, a survey study of 196 Chileans and 223 Peruvians participants was conducted. The instruments used to measure ideology and political attitudes are the following ones: RWA Scale; SDO Scale; Scale of Intergroup attitudes between Chile-Peru and specific questions on interest in the Hague litigation and willingness to fight for one's country. The results show that in the Peruvian case attitudes of belligerence and alert and a greater willingness to fight for the country are better explained by the RWA, while in the Chilean case these same attitudes are explained both by the RWA as well as the SDO. On the other hand, pacificist attitudes are explained inversely by SDO in both countries. These findings support the hypothesis that intergroup dynamics between both countries have been marked by expressed actions of a Chilean expansionism versus a Peruvian vengefulness and suggest that equalitarianism will promote attitudes toward respect and cooperation between both groups, changing the frames of expansionism and vengefulness for one of a culture of peace.

Resumo Este estudo analisa as influências de duas dimensões motivacionais ideológicas: o Autoritarismo de Direita (RWA) e a Orientação à Dominação Social (SDO) em um conjunto de atitudes intergrupais que envolvem Perú e Chile, no contexto da disputa fronteiriça apresentada pelo primeiro contra o segundo na Corte de Haia. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um estudo com 196 participantes do Chile e 223 do Peru. Os instrumentos utilizados para medir a ideologia e as atitudes políticas são os seguintes: Questionário de RWA; questionário de SDO; questionário de atitudes intergrupos entre Chile é Peru e itens de interesse na disputa ante A Haia e a vontade de lutar pelo próprio país. Os resultados mostram que, no caso peruano, as atitudes de beligerância e alerta, e uma maior disposição de lutar pelo país são explicadas pelo RWA, enquanto no caso chileno, essas mesmas atitudes são explicadas tanto pelo RWA quanto pela SDO. Por outro lado, as atitudes pacifistas são diminuidas pela SDO nos dois países. Estos resultados corroboram á hipótese da dinâmica intergrupal entre os dois países, marcada por ações explícitas do expansionismo chileno versus revanchismo peruano; os resultados também sugerem que as ideologias igualitarias poderão promover atitudes de respeito e cooperação entre os dois grupos, alterando os esquemas expansionista e revanchista para uma cultura de paz.

Resumen En el contexto de la disputa fronteriza presentada por Perú contra Chile ante la Corte de la Haya, este estudio analiza las influencias dos dimensiones motivacionales ideológicas: el Autoritarismo de Derecha (RWA) y la Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO) en un conjunto de actitudes intergrupales que involucran a ambas naciones. Con esta finalidad, fue desarrollado un estudio por encuestas con 196 participantes de Chile y 223 de Perú. Los instrumentos utilizados para medir la ideología y las actitudes políticas son los siguientes: Escala de RWA; Escala de SDO; Escala de actitudes intergrupales entre Chile-Perú y preguntas específicas sobre el interés en el litigio de La Haya y la disposición de luchar por el propio país. Los resultados muestran que en el caso peruano las actitudes de beligerancia y alerta, y una mayor disposición a luchar por el país son explicadas por el RWA, mientras en el caso chileno, estas mismas actitudes son explicadas tanto por el RWA como por la SDO. Por otra parte, las actitudes pacifistas son explicadas inversamente por la SDO en ambos países. Estos hallazgos corroboran la hipótesis sobre las dinámicas intergrupales entre ambos países, las cuales han estado marcadas por acciones explicitas de expansionismo chileno versus revanchismo peruano; asimismo, los resultados sugieren que el igualitarismo promovería actitudes hacia el respeto y cooperación entre ambos grupos, cambiando los esquemas expansionista y revanchista por uno de cultura de paz.

Aletheia ; 54(2): 145-156, jul.-dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1349951


RESUMO O estudo do autoritarismo e da orientação à dominância social (SDO) tem virado foco de pesquisas recentemente, devido à sua importância na vida das pessoas. O artigo objetivou investigar a presença dos construtos autoritarismo e SDO em adolescentes e as variáveis comumente associadas, por meio de uma revisão sistemática utilizando o modelo PRISMA . Dois juízes consultaram as bases Pubmed, BVS, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO e EBSCO. Dos 278 artigos encontrados 12 artigos foram selecionados. Identificou-se três categorias: transgeracionalidade, caraterísticas cognitivo-comportamentais, e valores sociopolíticos. Os principais resultados sugerem que a transmissão do autoritarismo e da SDO está associada à relação estabelecida pelos pais, a fatores como a inteligência e a personalidade e a participação em atividades cívicas e sociais. Verificou-se a ausência de estudos experimentais e o predomínio de pesquisas com delineamento quantitativo transversal. É importante a identificação de posicionamentos políticos e visões sobre o mundo durante a adolescência.

ABSTRACT The study of authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) has recently become the focus of research, due to its importance in people's lives. This article aimed to investigate the presence of the concept authoritarianism and SDO and the variables commonly associated in adolescents, through a systematic review using the PRISMA protocol. Two judges consulted the databases Pubmed, BVS, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO and EBSCO. Of the 278 articles found, 12 articles were selected. Three categories were identified: transgenerationality, cognitive-behavioral characteristics, and socio-political values. The main results suggest that the transmission of authoritarianism and SDO is associated with the relationship established by the parents, with factors such as intelligence and personality and participation in civic and social activities. There was an absence of experimental studies and a predominance of research with a quantitative cross-sectional design. It is important to identify political positions and world views during adolescence.

Psocial (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 7(1): 16-32, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387037


Abstract The main objective of the present study is to establish a comparison between ideology (RWA and SDO), ambivalent sexism and beliefs about sexual violence, in a sample of Peruvian trainee from a police officer school (n = 81) and university students (n = 196). In addition, as a specific objective, it seeks to explore the relationships between the mentioned variables. The results showed significant differences between the groups at the level of the RWA (Right Wing Authoritarianism) ideological variable and the Subordination of women dimension of the Beliefs about Sexual Violence variable. Likewise, the structural model shows that the variables RWA and SDO (Social Dominance Orientation) have an impact on the dimensions of beliefs about sexual violence: Attribution of blame to women, Subordination of women and Exaggeration of women, having as mediators Benevolent and Hostile Sexism. The results show that beliefs about sexual violence in the sample of this study link to sexism and these, in turn, to ideology; however, the routes in which these beliefs are configured vary between police trainee and university students. Higher levels of RWA are observed in police trainee, an ideological indicator that, in this sample, paradoxically tends to be inversely related to sexism and beliefs about sexual violence against women that blame and subordinate them. Regarding the path of social dominance, this also directly relates to both expressions of benevolent and hostile sexism, although with greater predominance with the second, appealing to sex as a structural element on which this ideological component is established.

Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal establecer una comparación entre la ideología (RWA y SDO), el sexismo ambivalente y las creencias sobre la violencia sexual, en una muestra de cadetes de una escuela de oficiales (n=81) y estudiantes universitarios (n=196). Además, como objetivo específico, busca explorar las relaciones entre dichas variables. Los resultados demostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos a nivel de la variable ideológica RWA (Right Wing. Authoritarianism) y la dimensión Subordinación de la mujer de la variable Creencias sobre la Violencia Sexual. Asimismo, el modelo estructural evidencia que las variables RWA y SDO (Social Dominance Orientation) afectan las dimensiones de creencias sobre la violencia sexual: Atribución de la culpa a la mujer, Subordinación de la mujer y Exageración de la mujer teniendo como mediadores al Sexismo Benevolente y Hostil. Los resultados muestran que las creencias sobre violencia sexual en la muestra están vinculadas al sexismo y estas, a la ideología también; sin embargo, los recorridos en que estas creencias se configuran varían entre estudiantes de policía y estudiantes universitarios. En estudiantes de policía se observan niveles más altos de RWA, indicador ideológico que, en esta muestra, paradójicamente tiende a estar inversamente relacionado con el sexismo y creencias sobre la violencia sexual contra las mujeres que las culpan y subordinan. En cuanto al camino del SDO, también está directamente relacionado con expresiones de sexismo benevolente y hostil, aunque con mayor predominio con el segundo, apelando al sexo como elemento estructural sobre el que se establece este componente ideológico.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387042


Resumen Este estudio analiza la relación entre diferentes tipos de uso de redes sociales, la orientación a la dominancia social y el prejuicio sutil y manifiesto hacia inmigrantes en la población de la ciudad y provincia de Buenos Aires. En base a una muestra no probabilística (n = 134) llevamos a cabo un análisis de correlación y un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple para examinar las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados indican que existe una asociación positiva entre la orientación a la dominancia social y el prejuicio hacia inmigrantes (r = 0.39,p<0.001) y una asociación negativa entre la adicción a redes sociales y la oposición a la igualdad (r=-0.30,p<0.05). No se encontraron relaciones significativas entre los diferentes usos de redes sociales y el prejuicio hacia inmigrantes. Los resultados del análisis de regresión indicaron que la orientación a la dominancia social es el único factor predictivo del prejuicio hacia inmigrantes de entre las variables estudiadas.

Abstract This study examines the relationships between different kinds of social media use, social dominance orientation and subtle and blatant prejudice towards immigrants. We used a non-random sample of argentines living in either the Autonomous City or the Province of Buenos Aires (n = 134) to conduct correlation and regression analyses to test for associations between the study variables. The results show that there is a positive association between social dominance orientation and prejudice towards immigrants (r = 0.39,p<0.001) and a negative association between social media addiction and opposition to equality (r=-0.30,p<0.05). We found no significant correlations between the social media use variables and prejudice towards immigrants. Multiple linear regression analysis results show that social dominance orientation is the only statistically significant factor that predicts prejudice among the study variables.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 29(2): 41-55, jul-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138806


Resumen El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Orientación hacia la Dominancia Social (SDO), en una muestra no universitaria de la ciudad de Arica, Chile, implementando técnicas psicométricas de acuerdo con el estado del arte disciplinar. El muestreo fue no probabilístico, por conveniencia y disponibilidad de 812 participantes, entre edades de 18 a 89 años. Se realizaron estimaciones de fiabilidad, análisis factoriales confirmatorios y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorios, contrastando diferentes modelos. Los resultados proporcionaron evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna de la prueba, presentando buen ajuste de la estructura de la SDO (RMSEA=.076; CFI=.963; TLI=.956), y adecuados niveles estimados de fiabilidad (Oposición a la Igualdad: α=.85, ω=.84; Dominancia Grupal: α =.67, ω =.66). Finalmente, se concluye que las puntuaciones de la escala SDO poseen evidencia suficiente para sustentar su uso e interpretación, en población no universitaria equivalente a la del presente estudio.

Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale in a non-university sample of the city of Arica, Chile, implementing psychometric techniques according to the state of disciplinary art. The sampling was non-probabilistic due to the convenience and availability of 812 participants in a range of ages from 18 to 89 years. To contrast different models were performed reliability estimates, confirmatory factorial analyses, and exploratory structural equation models. The results provided evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the test, presenting good adjustment of the SDO structure (RMSEA=.076; CFI=.963; TLI=.956), and estimated adequate levels of reliability (Opposition to the Equality: α=.85, ω=.84, Group dominance: α =.67, ω =.66). Finally, the research concluded that the scores of the SDO scale have sufficient evidence to support its use and interpretation, in a non-university population equivalent to that of the present study.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(1): 36-48, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149041


Resumen El fundamentalismo religioso expresa un conjunto de creencias basadas en una interpretación literal de un manuscrito considerado sagrado, con una exigencia intransigente de sometimiento a una doctrina. Diferentes variables psicosociales como el autoritarismo, la dominancia social, la necesidad de cierre y la ideología del rol de género han sido estudiadas en relación con fundamentalismo religioso. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo revisar estas relaciones y proponer un modelo teórico que las vincula, en una muestra de judíos ortodoxos. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de judíos ortodoxos, compuesta por 426 adultos entre hombres y mujeres, con un rango etario de 18 a 69 años. Los resultados observados, en convergencia con estudios previos, confirman las relaciones positivas entre el fundamentalismo religioso y la necesidad de cierre cognitivo, el autoritarismo del ala de derechas, la orientación a la dominancia social y la ideología de roles de género. A partir de ello, se propone un modelo teórico en el que autoritarismo y dominancia social modulan los niveles de necesidad de cierre y fundamentalismo religioso los que, a su vez, inciden en los niveles de ideología del rol de género. Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden contribuir al análisis de los efectos de la radicalización y brindar insumos para el desarrollo e implementación de las medidas preventivas necesarias. Se discuten los alcances y límites de la propuesta teórica.

Abstract Religious fundamentalism expresses a set of beliefs based on a literal interpretation of a manuscript considered sacred, with an intransigent demand for submission to a doctrine. Different psychosocial variables such as authoritarianism, social dominance, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in relation to religious fundamentalism. On the one hand, authoritarianism and social dominance have been considered as predictors of religious fundamentalism while, on the other hand, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in their relations with religious fundamentalism. The aim of this work was to review these relationships and propose a theoretical model that links them, in a sample of Orthodox Jews. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of Orthodox Jews, composed of 426 adults between men and women, with an age range of 18 to 69 years. The results observed, in convergence with previous studies, confirm the positive relationships between religious fundamentalism and the need for cognitive closure, the authoritarianism of the right wing, the orientation to social dominance and the ideology of gender roles. From this, a theoretical model is proposed in which authoritarianism and social dominance modulate the levels of need for closure and religious fundamentalism which, in turn, affect the levels of ideology of the gender role. The scope and limits of the theoretical proposal are discussed.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 10(3): 485-492, Set-Dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880279


O paradoxo vivido na contemporaneidade permite simultaneamente o convívio entre diferentes gerações, e a potenciação de processos de estigmatização promotores de discriminação. As circunstâncias de violência e exclusão de grande subtileza, a que as pessoas de idade avançada são expostas, têm impactos físicos e psicológicos no seu bem-estar e na sua longevidade. A intensidade da desumanidade neste grupo etário manifesta-se de forma estrutural pela desigualdade social, pela naturalização da pobreza, originando discriminação, de forma interpessoal pela alteração das interações, nas relações sociais quotidianas de forma institucional, na aplicação e ou omissão das políticas sociais. A consignação das pessoas de idade avançada a uma perda significativa de estatuto social e familiar é potenciadora de traumas psicológicos de cariz moral e afetivo, com proporções muito profundas nas vidas deste grupo etário. Ao longo deste artigo serão evidenciadas e discutidas as questões potenciadoras do trauma social nas pessoas de idade avançada, relacionando-as com os processos de economia de mercado provocada pela globalização, que alteraram o modo como estes sujeitos são incluídos e/ou excluídos da sociedade de produção.

Living with different generations of people and the capacity of stigma processes which promote discrimination form a paradox. Violence and subtle exclusion meted to elderly people have physical and psychological impacts on their welfare and their old age. The dehumanization intensity experienced by people within this age bracket is structurally manifested by social inequality, the naturalization of poverty leading towards discrimination, the changing of interactions within daily social relationships, in the application or omission of social policies. The drifting of elderly people towards significant losses of social and family status establishes psychological traumas of a moral and affective nature, with great depth in the lives of these people. The debate evidences and discusses the potential issues of the social trauma in the elderly and relates them to market economy processes caused by globalization that changed the way these people are included and/or excluded within productive society.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 17(39): 370-385, maio-ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978938


El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación existente entre las actitudes en cuanto a la libertad económica y el Autoritarismo como dos variables dependientes respecto a las variables independientes a) nivel de dominancia social, b) la atribución de la pobreza, c) el nivel de religiosidad individual y d) la percepción de la naturaleza humana. Las variables dependientes que pretenden representar el pensar político se encuentran representadas por dos variables escalares; una de actitudes hacia la libertad económica representando la tradicional "izquierda - derecha" y otra de Autoritarismo. El estudio fue llevado a cabo con una muestra de 196 estudiantes de dos universidades costarricenses, una pública y una privada especializada en ciencias de la salud. Entre los resultados más importantes se obtuvo una relación entre la orientación a la dominancia social y autoritarismo, además de relaciones significativas en cuanto a la religiosidad con a) el autoritarismo, b) libertad económica (derecha económica) y c) la percepción positiva de la naturaleza humana.

The aim is to determine the existing relation between attitudes towards economical freedom and Authoritarianism as two dependent variables in comparison to the independent variables a) level of Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), b) poverty attribution, c) the individual religiosity level and d) the perception on human nature. The dependent variables represent the political thinking which is represented by two variables; economical freedom representing the traditional "left - right" conception regarding the economical aspect, and an authoritarianism scale. 196 college students from two Costa Rican universities were surveyed; a public and a private one specialized in health sciences. Among the most important results, a significant relation was found between Social Dominance Orientation and Authoritarianism, as well as between religiousness and a) Authoritarianism, b) Economic freedom (right-wing), and c) a positive perception on human nature.

O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre as variáveis dependentes atitudes para com a liberdade econômica e autoritarismo com as variáveis independentes: a) nível de dominância social, b) atribuição de pobreza, c) nível de religiosidade individual e d) percepção da natureza humana. As variáveis dependentes que pretendem representar o pensamento político foram representadas por duas variáveis escalares, uma de atitudes em relação à liberdade econômica que representa a tradicional "esquerda - direita" e outra de autoritarismo. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 196 estudantes de duas universidades de Costa Rica, uma pública e uma privada especializada em ciências da saúde. Destacam-se como resultados a relação entre a orientação em relação à dominância social e o autoritarismo, além de relações significativas entre a religiosidade e as variáveis: a) autoritarismo, b) libertade econômica (direita econômica) y c) a percepção positiva naturaza humana.

L'objectif de la recherche est de déterminer la relation existante des attitudes face à la liberté économique et l'Autoritarisme, comme deux variables dépendantes, par rapport aux variables indépendantes : a) le niveau de dominance sociale, b) l'attribution de la pauvreté, c) le niveau de religiosité individuelle et d) la perception de la nature humaine. Les variables dépendantes que prétend représenter la pensée politique, sont représentées par deux variables scalaires; l'une, d'attitudes envers la liberté économique représentant la traditionnelle "gauche - droite" et, l'autre, de l'Autoritarisme. L'étude a été élaborée sur un échantillonnage de 196 étudiants issus de deux universités costariciennes, une université publique et une université privée, spécialisée en sciences de la santé. Parmi les résultats les plus importants se trouve une relation entre l'orientation de dominance sociale et autoritarisme, et de relations significatives quant à la religiosité avec a) l'autoritarisme, b) la liberté économique (droite économique) et la perception positive de la nature humaine.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 7(1)mayo 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507164


El autoritarismo del ala de derechas y la orientación a la dominancia social constituyen dos variables claves en el análisis de diversos fenómenos abordados por la Psicología Política. En esa línea, se afirma que se trata de dos constructos independientes que apuntan a visiones del mundo diferentes, pero que se encontrarían vinculados, variando su nivel de asociación, en función de determinadas características del contexto social en el que se estudian. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las relaciones entre el autoritarismo del ala de derechas y la orientación a la dominancia social en el contexto socio-político argentino caracterizado por su bajo nivel de contraste ideológico. De esta manera, se testeo la hipótesis de Duckitt (2001) en el contexto local, respecto de que las vinculaciones entre ambos constructos serían fuerte en contextos de alta polarización ideológica y débil en escenarios políticos no estructurados en función del eje izquierda-derecha. Para tal fin, se trabajó con cuatro muestras (NTotal = 1511) de estudiantes universitarios/as, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 52 años divididos/as, de los/as cuales 1061 participantes fueron mujeres (70,21%). Las relaciones entre el autoritarismo del ala de derechas y la orientación a la dominancia social varían en los diferentes estudios desde valores débiles a moderados (.25 < r < .35; p < .01). En función de los resultados, se discuten las particularidades que adquiere la vinculación entre estos dos constructos en el escenario socio-político argentino y se sugieren futuras líneas de análisis.

O autoritarismo de direita e orientação à dominância social são duas variáveis-chave na análise de vários fenômenos abordados pela Psicologia Política. Nesse sentido, afirma-se que é duas construções independentes que têm como alvo diferentes visões de mundo, mas que seria encontrada ligada, variando o seu nível de parceria, com base em certas características do contexto social em que são estudados. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre o autoritarismo de direita e orientação à dominância social no contexto sócio-político argentino caracterizado pelo seu baixo nível de contraste ideológico. Assim, a hipótese do Duckitt (2001) teste no contexto local, sobre as ligações entre as duas construções seriam contextos ideológicos fortes e fracos de alta polarização em cenários políticos não estruturados, dependendo do eixo esquerda-direita. Para este fim, trabalhamos com quatro amostras de estudantes universidade (NTotal = 1511), com idade entre 18 e 52 anos, dos quais 1.061 eram mulheres (70,21%). As relações entre o autoritarismo de direita e orientação à dominância social variam em diferentes estudos de fraca a moderadas (.25 < r < .35; p < 0,01). Dependendo dos resultados, as particularidades entre estas duas construções teóricas são discutidas no cenário sócio-político argentino e futuras linhas de análise são sugeridas.

Right wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation are two main variables for the analysis of different phenomena in Political Psychology. In this line, it is stated that both independent constructs are targeting different worldviews, but that would be found linked, varying its level of relations, based on certain characteristics of the social context in which they are studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the right wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in Argentinian socio-political context characterized by its low level of ideological contrast. Thus, the hypothesis tested in the local context, regarding the linkages between the two constructs would be strong in ideological contexts of high polarization and weak political scenarios unstructured depending on the left-right axis Duckitt (2001). To this purpose, we worked with four university students samples (NTotal = 1511), aged between 18 and 52 years old and 1061 of them were women (70.21%). Relations between right wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation vary in different studies from weak to moderate values ​​(.25 < r <.35; p < .01). On the whole, the particularities acquired by the link between these two constructs in the Argentinian socio-political scenario are discussed and future lines of analysis are suggested.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905770


Considerando el desafío de avanzar en la integración social de personas con discapacidad, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la relación entre la orientación a la dominancia social (ODS) y la actitud hacia personas con discapacidad (APD) en estudiantes de educación superior. La muestra se compone por 125 estudiantes, seleccionados a través un muestreo aleatorio simple a quienes se les aplicó las escalas SDO (versión adaptada a Chile), y de Actitud frente a las personas en situación de discapacidad, y así buscar una posible relación entre las variables. Los resultados demuestran que existe una correlación negativa y significativa entre las variables estudiadas.

Considering the challenge of advancing the social integration of people with disabilities. The present research aims to establish the relationship between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Attitudes towards people in a situation of disability (APD) in higher education students. The sample is composed by 125 higher education students, selected through a simple random sampling those that were applied the scales SDO (versión adapted to Chile) and Attitudes towards people in a situation of disability and this way to look for a possible relation between the variables. The results show that there is a negative and significant correlation between the variables studied.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506522


El propósito del presente estudio es examinar la relación entre diversas variables como predictores del prejuicio racista (sutil y manifiesto) y proponer un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que exprese adecuadamente su relación. Estas variables incluyen: el autoritarismo, la orientación a la dominancia social, el conservadurismo y el hetero-estereotipo. Se busca establecer si todas ellas presentan una relación directa, indirecta o nula con el prejuicio. Como resultado se constató el prejuicio racista, se proponen y presentan evaluación del ajuste, de dos modelos predictivos del prejuicio, a los datos obtenidos. El estudio propone un modelo unifactorial y otro bifactorial, ambos con buenos indicadores de bondad de ajuste. Esta investigación cobra relevancia, considerando la situación de ciudad fronteriza de Arica y el aumento de inmigrantes latinoamericanos en los últimos años, hacia Chile.

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between various variables as predictors of racist prejudice (subtle and manifest) and propose a model of structural equations that adequately expresses their relationship. These variables include: authoritarianism, orientation to social dominance, conservatism and hetero-stereotype. It seeks to establish whether all of them have a direct, indirect or null relationship with prejudice. As a result, the racist prejudice was verified, and the evaluation of the data obtained from two predictive models of prejudice is proposed and presented. The study proposes a unifactorial and a bifactorial model, both with good indicators of goodness of fit. This research becomes relevant, considering the situation of the border city of Arica and the increase of Latin American immigrants in recent years, towards Chile.

O objetivo deste estudo é examinar a relação entre várias variáveis como preditores de preconceito racista (sutil e manifesto) e propor um modelo de equações estruturais que expressem adequadamente sua relação. Essas variáveis incluem: autoritarismo, orientação ao domínio social, conservadorismo e heteroestereótipo. Ele procura estabelecer se todos eles têm uma relação direta, indireta ou nula com o preconceito. Como resultado, foi encontrado o preconceito racista, e dois modelos de avaliação do preconceito são propostos e apresentam ajuste aos dados obtidos. O estudo propõe um modelo unifatorial e um modelo bifatorial, ambos com bons indicadores de qualidade de ajuste. Esta pesquisa se torna relevante, considerando a situação da cidade fronteiriça de Arica e o aumento de imigrantes latino-americanos nos últimos anos, em direção ao Chile

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 6(3): 2500-2508, ago. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-949443


Resumen Las visiones del mundo son esquemas mentales que se presentan accesibles al individuo a través del proceso de socialización cultural, generando cosmovisiones sociales estables. Dos visiones del mundo, como un lugar peligroso (DW) y como una jungla competitiva (CW), han sido ampliamente estudiadas. Ambas se relacionan con 2 actitudes sociales: la DW se relaciona con el autoritarismo del ala de derechas (RWA), mientras que la CW se asocia a la orientación a la dominancia social (SDO). A su vez, RWA y SDO son 2 actitudes sociales predictoras por excelencia de diferentes formas de prejuicio. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue adaptar y validar la escala de visiones del mundo (WV) al contexto local, para luego testear 2 análisis de senderos con las relaciones entre variables propuestas en los antecedentes. Participaron del estudio 376 estudiantes universitarios con un rango etario de entre 18 y 42 años (M = 24.29; DT = 3.3). Los resultados principales indican adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para el modelo de 2 dimensiones correlacionadas para el estudio de las visiones del mundo. Además, pudo observarse como el análisis de senderos DW-RWA-Prejuicio resultó adecuado, mientras que el análisis de CW-SDO-Prejuicio presentó problemas métricos.

Abstract Worldviews are cognitive schemas available for individuals through the socialization process that generates stable social worldviews. The dangerous worldview (DW) and the competitive jungle worldview (CW) have been widely studied. Both are related to different social attitudes: DW relates to the right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and CW relates with social dominance orientation (SDO). Meanwhile, RWA and SDO are two social attitudes that predict different forms of prejudice. The main objective of this study was to adapt and validate the worldviews scale (WV) to the local context, and then to test two paths analysis with relationships between variables proposed in the background. Participants were 376 university students with an age range between 18 and 42 years (M = 24.29, SD = 3.3). Main results indicate adequate psychometric properties for the bi-dimensional worldviews model. Furthermore, it was also noted that the path analysis between DW-RWA-Prejudice was adequate, while the other including CW-SDO-Prejudice has metric problems.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 5-23, jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734346


El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue describir y analizar los componentes de la identidad nacional argentina y su relación con la orientación de la dominancia social (ODS) y la tolerancia a la transgresión normativa. Para tal fin, se realizaron encuestas a 170 sujetos que residían en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el Conurbano Bonaerense (República Argentina). Los resultados evidencian un grado de identificación medio-alto con la categoría social argentino, a la vez que muestran una autoestima colectiva medio-alta. Los atributos autoestereotípicos que conforman la identidad nacional comprenden tres dimensiones: argentino positivo, argentino negativo y argentino avivado. Esta última dimensión fue la que presentó mayor consenso entre los participantes, lo que sugiere que la viveza es percibida como una interface entre lo negativo y lo positivo por sus características adaptativas y funcionales. Los resultados muestran además que la ODS se relaciona inversamente con los componentes positivos, y directamente con los componentes negativos de la identidad nacional, lo que lleva a pensar que el ser argentino no necesariamente se vincula con el estatus o poder en personas dominantes. Finalmente, en relación con la tolerancia a la transgresión, los niveles de acuerdo con la misma son bajos en la muestra. Las caracterizaciones del argentino negativo y argentino avivado se vinculan con la tolerancia hacia ciertos comportamientos transgresores, especialmente con aquellos considerados menos graves y que no perjudican directamente a terceros.

From early beginnings of the last century, the stereotypes and categorizations about the Argentineans where predominantly negative, both for foreigners as for Argentineans themselves (D’adamo & García Beaudoux, 1994). This lack of a positive nationalism has been related to the lack of adherence to the norm and corruption, as well as to the bias towards the European countries shown by the Argentinean society and its members. This negative social self-concept among Argentineans is not unique in the region, in fact, a study carried out in the 90’s revealed that most of Latin American countries had negative national identities (Salazar, J. M. & Salazar, M. A., 1998). However, more recent studies carried out in countries such as Peru or Mexico suggest that there might be a shift in some aspects of their national identities, from a mainly negative one to a more ambivalent one, with some positive and some negative aspects. Some of these studies also evidenced certain relations between the national identity and other psychosocial variables such as the social dominance orientation (SDO) and the political ideology. Both high levels of SDO and a right wing political ideology had a negative impact on the different components of the national identity. These results may enlighten the study of the national identity in Argentina, that’s why the aim of this study was to describe and analyze some components of the Argentinean national identity and their relationship to SDO and tolerance towards transgressive behaviors. To this end, a survey with 170 residents in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and its surroundings was carried out. Results showed middle-high levels of identification and collective self-esteem related to the Argentinean social category. The national self-stereotypes that conform Argentinean identity were gathered in three dimensions: Positive argentine, Negative argentine, and Crafty argentine. The last dimension was the most consensual among participants, suggesting that craftiness is perceived as an interface between the negative and positive self-stereotype dimensions, because of its functionality and adaptability characteristics. The results also showed that the SDO was inversely related to the positive dimension, and directly related to the negative dimension of national identity, which suggests that the Argentine social category is not linked to status or power in dominant people. Finally, scores of tolerance toward normative transgression were low in the sample. However, negative argentine and crafty argentine dimensions were more tolerant toward transgressor behaviors that could be considered less serious and not harmful to others. The results confirm the negative relation between the SDO and the positive national identity, although the causes of this relation are yet to be studied. The research also suggests that there might be a shift in some of the components and expressions of the national identity. As well as in other countries of Latin America, this shift is characterized for its ambivalence between some positive aspects and other negative ones. Perhaps this ambivalence is best characterized by the craftiness, where the negative aspects of norm transgression and individualism meet the positive aspects of social warmth, adaptability and creativity. As for further investigations, it’s important to study how the different national identities interact with specific scenarios, and how this interaction has an impact on the individual behavior. Altogether, this kind of research helps to understand the national identity more deeply, and therefore, enlighten us to make a positive change in order to develop a healthy social identity, based on mutual trust and respect.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 5-23, jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-131481


El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue describir y analizar los componentes de la identidad nacional argentina y su relación con la orientación de la dominancia social (ODS) y la tolerancia a la transgresión normativa. Para tal fin, se realizaron encuestas a 170 sujetos que residían en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el Conurbano Bonaerense (República Argentina). Los resultados evidencian un grado de identificación medio-alto con la categoría social argentino, a la vez que muestran una autoestima colectiva medio-alta. Los atributos autoestereotípicos que conforman la identidad nacional comprenden tres dimensiones: argentino positivo, argentino negativo y argentino avivado. Esta última dimensión fue la que presentó mayor consenso entre los participantes, lo que sugiere que la viveza es percibida como una interface entre lo negativo y lo positivo por sus características adaptativas y funcionales. Los resultados muestran además que la ODS se relaciona inversamente con los componentes positivos, y directamente con los componentes negativos de la identidad nacional, lo que lleva a pensar que el ser argentino no necesariamente se vincula con el estatus o poder en personas dominantes. Finalmente, en relación con la tolerancia a la transgresión, los niveles de acuerdo con la misma son bajos en la muestra. Las caracterizaciones del argentino negativo y argentino avivado se vinculan con la tolerancia hacia ciertos comportamientos transgresores, especialmente con aquellos considerados menos graves y que no perjudican directamente a terceros.(AU)

From early beginnings of the last century, the stereotypes and categorizations about the Argentineans where predominantly negative, both for foreigners as for Argentineans themselves (D’adamo & García Beaudoux, 1994). This lack of a positive nationalism has been related to the lack of adherence to the norm and corruption, as well as to the bias towards the European countries shown by the Argentinean society and its members. This negative social self-concept among Argentineans is not unique in the region, in fact, a study carried out in the 90’s revealed that most of Latin American countries had negative national identities (Salazar, J. M. & Salazar, M. A., 1998). However, more recent studies carried out in countries such as Peru or Mexico suggest that there might be a shift in some aspects of their national identities, from a mainly negative one to a more ambivalent one, with some positive and some negative aspects. Some of these studies also evidenced certain relations between the national identity and other psychosocial variables such as the social dominance orientation (SDO) and the political ideology. Both high levels of SDO and a right wing political ideology had a negative impact on the different components of the national identity. These results may enlighten the study of the national identity in Argentina, that’s why the aim of this study was to describe and analyze some components of the Argentinean national identity and their relationship to SDO and tolerance towards transgressive behaviors. To this end, a survey with 170 residents in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and its surroundings was carried out. Results showed middle-high levels of identification and collective self-esteem related to the Argentinean social category. The national self-stereotypes that conform Argentinean identity were gathered in three dimensions: Positive argentine, Negative argentine, and Crafty argentine. The last dimension was the most consensual among participants, suggesting that craftiness is perceived as an interface between the negative and positive self-stereotype dimensions, because of its functionality and adaptability characteristics. The results also showed that the SDO was inversely related to the positive dimension, and directly related to the negative dimension of national identity, which suggests that the Argentine social category is not linked to status or power in dominant people. Finally, scores of tolerance toward normative transgression were low in the sample. However, negative argentine and crafty argentine dimensions were more tolerant toward transgressor behaviors that could be considered less serious and not harmful to others. The results confirm the negative relation between the SDO and the positive national identity, although the causes of this relation are yet to be studied. The research also suggests that there might be a shift in some of the components and expressions of the national identity. As well as in other countries of Latin America, this shift is characterized for its ambivalence between some positive aspects and other negative ones. Perhaps this ambivalence is best characterized by the craftiness, where the negative aspects of norm transgression and individualism meet the positive aspects of social warmth, adaptability and creativity. As for further investigations, it’s important to study how the different national identities interact with specific scenarios, and how this interaction has an impact on the individual behavior. Altogether, this kind of research helps to understand the national identity more deeply, and therefore, enlighten us to make a positive change in order to develop a healthy social identity, based on mutual trust and respect.(AU)

Univ. psychol ; 13(2): 771-776, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-735229


Antifat attitudes (AFA) refer to stereotyping based on people's weight. Literature suggests that people who have an ideologically conservative outlook on life also report negative attitudes toward obese people. Also, it is well established that one of the roots of AFA is the perception that prejudiced individuals have about the controllability of the weight. Therefore, in the current study it is analyzed if Right Wing Autoritharism (RWA, predisposition that individuals have to follow the dictates of a strong leader and traditional and conventional values) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO, the desire that one's ingroup dominates other outgroups) predicts prejudice toward obese people and if controllability of the weight mediates this relationship. 456 female students of the UNED (Spanish Open University) from 18 to 35 years were part of the final sample of the study. Results showed that RWA, SDO, controllability and AFA were positively correlated and that the relationship between RWA, SDO and AFA was mediated by the controllability of the weight.

Las actitudes antiobesos hacen referencia a los estereotipos sobre las personas con problemas de peso. La literatura sugiere que la gente que tiene una visión ideológica conservadora también presenta actitudes negativas hacia las personas obesas. Es un hecho bien establecido que una de las raíces de las actitudes negativas hacia los obesos es la percepción que tienen las personas prejuiciosas sobre la controlabilidad del peso. En el presente estudio se ha analizado si el autoritarismo (predisposición que tienen los individuos a seguir los dictados de un líder así como a tener valores convencionales y tradicionales) y la orientación a la dominancia social (el deseo de que el endogrupo domine al resto de exogrupos) predice el prejuicio hacia las personas obesas y si la controlabilidad del peso media esta relación. Para ello, se seleccionaron 456 mujeres estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) de 18 a 35 años. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que el autoritarismo, la orientación a la dominancia social, la controlabilidad del peso y las actitudes antiobesos estaban positivamente correlacionadas, y que la controlabilidad mediaba la relación entre las variables ideológicas y la actitud antiobesos.

Authoritarianism , Obesity
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 4(1): 1344-1355, abr. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-714399


La teoría de la dominancia social (SDO) explica el nivel en que las personas aceptan o rechazan las ideologías que le imprimen legitimidad a las jerarquías y la discriminación o a la igualdad y justicia. Este estudio aplica SDO en México y investiga si la dominancia social en abstracto tiene conexión con la aprobación de la discriminación en concreto (usando los casos de Lady de Profeco, Ladies de Polanco y Gentleman de las Lomas). Predecimos (1) que los hombres, los participantes de mayor edad y los que provienen de clases sociales más altas mostrarían niveles más altos de SDO; y (2) que la aprobación de discriminación será determinada por el nivel de SDO (alto > bajo) y por clase social (alta > media > baja). Participantes fueron N=150 miembros del publico en el DF. Llenaron cuestionarios en la calle, midiendo sexo, edad, lugar de residencia, SDO y aprobación de discriminación. Los resultados generalmente aportaron las hipótesis. Hombres tenían puntajes mas altos de SDO que mujeres, pero las clases sociales mas bajas que altas tenían niveles mas altos de SDO. Hubo una correlación positiva entre SDO y aprobación de discriminación. Los resultados se discutieron en términos de diferencias en educación y movilidad social.

Social dominance orientation/theory (SDO) explains the extent to which individuals accept or reject ideologies that legitimize hierarchies and discrimination or equality and social justice. Numerous studies have shown that SDO predicts a wide range of political, ideological, and intergroup phenomena, particularly in relation to negativity towards minorities and outgroups. The aims of the present study were to apply the SDO scale in a Mexican context; examine differences in SDO according to sex, age group, and social class; and investigate whether an orientation towards social dominance would be detectable not only on an abstract level but a concrete level, that of approving inter-class discrimination. We predicted that (1) SDO would be higher in men than women, older than younger participants, and upper rather than lower social classes, (2) that approval of discrimination would be determined by SDO and social class, and (3) that SDO would correlate with approval of discrimination. Participants were N=150 members of the public in Mexico City, with a mean age of 35.3 years (range: 18-74) and from areas of different social classes. Participants completed paper-and-pencil questionnaires on the street. We measured demographics (sex, age, place of residence), a 16-item SDO scale (e.g., "Some people are just more deserving than others") with a Cronbach's alpha of .83, and three instances of discriminatory behavior on the part of upper-class members towards lower-class members, alpha=.90, e.g.: "The behavior of the 'Ladies of Polanco' insulting a police officer is justified". All items were measured on 5-point Likert-type scales, from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Results were generally in line with the hypotheses. A three-way ANOVA on social dominance showed significant effects of sex and place of residence, but not age group nor significant interactions. Men scored significantly higher than women on social dominance, providing evidence for the "invariance hypothesis". Unexpectedly, lower-class participants showed highest levels of SDO, followed by middle-class and upper-class participants. A two-way ANOVA on approval of discrimination showed significant effects of place of residence and SDO and a significant interaction. Middle-class participants showed significantly higher levels of approval of discrimination than the other two classes. SDO correlated with approval of discrimination. Unexpected effects might be due to differential levels of education among social classes and/or to social mobility. The present study is the first investigation of SDO in Mexico and shows the link between an abstract orientation towards social hierarchies and approval of class-based discrimination in everyday life.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;46(1): 35-43, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735136


La teoría de la dominancia social expresa el deseo de los individuos por establecer y mantener jerarquías sociales a través de la subordinación de ciertos grupos a otros. Para evaluar las diferencias individuales en este constructo, los autores elaboraron la Escala de Orientación a la Dominancia Social, cuya formulación original presentaba una estructura factorial unidimensional. Sin embargo, trabajos posteriores han señalado la presencia de una estructura bifactorial para el estudio del constructo, compuesta por la oposición a la igualdad y la dominancia grupal. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal la adaptación y validación de la Escala de Orientación a la Dominancia Social, poniendo a prueba su dimensionalidad y analizando las diferencias según el género de los participantes. Para tal fin se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística, de tipo intencional, compuesta por estudiantes universitarios de Buenos Aires (N = 1.201), de diferente sexo y edad. Los resultados indicaron un mejor ajuste de los datos al modelo de 2 dimensiones correlacionadas, cuyos niveles de fiabilidad resultaron adecuados (,74 < α < ,85), presentando evidencia de validez convergente con el autoritarismo del ala de derechas y con el género de los participantes.

The Social Dominance Theory explains individuals' desire to establish and maintain social hierarchies by subordination of certain groups upon others. The Social Dominance Orientation Scale was constructed so as to evaluate individual differences in this construct. Originally, the first version of the scales had a unidimensional structure; however, subsequent research studies have reported the existence of a two-factor structure: Opposition to Equality and Dominance group. The main objective of this paper is that of adapting and validating the Social Dominance Orientation Scale, in order to analyze its dimensionality and thus verifydifferences in accordance with the gender of participants. To this end, we collected a non-probabilistic sample of college students from Buenos Aires (N = 1201), with different gender and age. According to the results, the two correlated factor model fit to databetter than the unidimensional approach did, and presents adequate levels of reliability (.74 < α < .85). Besides, we provide of convergent validity with right-wing authoritarianism and with the gender of participants.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 22(2): 253-274, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-702388


Se analiza la relación entre el conservadurismo político y la justificación de cuatro formas de inequidad: económica, legal, educativa y étnica, en una muestra de estudiantes y graduados universitarios de la ciudad de Lima. Se evaluaron la intolerancia a la ambigüedad, el autoritarismo de ala derecha (RWA), la orientación hacia la dominancia social (SDO) y la orientación política de derecha. Un diagrama de sendero muestra que la intolerancia a la ambigüedad influye directamente sobre el RWA y la SDO, y estos a su vez lo hacen sobre los cuatro tipos de justificación de la inequidad. La SDO ejerce una influencia de mayor intensidad en comparación con el RWA.

The article analyzes the relationship between political conservatism and the justification of economic, legal, educational, and ethnic inequality in a sample of students and university graduates from the city of Lima. The following aspects were evaluated: intolerance toward ambiguity, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), and rightist political orientation. A Path-analysis shows that intolerance toward ambiguity directly influences RWA and SDO, and that these variables, in turn, influence the four types of justification of inequality. SDO exerts a greater influence than RWA.

Analisa-se a relação entre o conservadorismo político e a justificativa de quatro formas de inequidade: econômica, legal, educativa e étnica, em uma amostra de estudantes e universitários formados da cidade de Lima. Avaliaram-se a intolerância à ambiguidade, o autoritarismo de direita (RWA), a orientação à dominância social (SDO) e a orientação política de direita. Um diagrama de trilha mostra que a intolerância à ambiguidade influencia diretamente sobre o RWA e a SDO, e estes, por sua vez, fazem isso sobre os quatro tipos de justificativa da inequidade. A SDO exerce uma influência de maior intensidade em comparação com o RWA.

Politics , Socioeconomic Factors , Social Perception , Perception , Personality
Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 139-161, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-130327


El estudio que se informa apuntó a analizar las relaciones existentes entre los niveles de autoritarismo y de orientación de dominancia social y los valores sociales en población infantil. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de tipo accidental de 280 niños de la ciudad de Córdoba, de ambos sexos, que tenían entre 9 y 11 años. Se administró un cuestionario compuesto por tres escalas que indagaban las variables en estudio, previo consentimiento informado de los padres y autorizaciones de los niños y de las autoridades de las instituciones escolares, atendiendo a las variables sociodemográficas de edad y sexo de los participantes. Se efectuaron análisis uni y bivariados de las variables estudiadas. Los resultados confirman la relación positiva existente entre la Agresión autoritaria con la Orientación a la dominancia grupal, entre el autoritarismo en sus dos dimensiones (Agresión autoritaria y Sumisión autoritaria) y la Orientación a la dominancia grupal con los valores sociales de Conservación, y entre la Orientación a la dominancia grupal con los valores de Autopromoción. También complementariamente y de acuerdo a lo esperado, se ratificaron relaciones inversas entre la Oposición a la igualdad con los valores de Apertura al cambio y de Autotrascendencia y entre la Orientación a la dominancia grupal, con los valores de Autotrascendencia. No obstante e inesperadamente se evidenció una relación inversa entre la Sumisión autoritaria con la Oposición a la igualdad y con los valores de Apertura al cambio y entre la Oposición a la igualdad con los valores de Conservación. En función de los resultados obtenidos se discute acerca de las particularidades que adquiere esta articulación a los fines de realizar un aporte a la comprensión de actitudes autoritarias en la niñez, debido a que es una etapa crucial para la adquisición de actitudes que impactan directamente en el comportamiento político y social (Huerta, Bañuelos, Rodríguez, Luz & Gómez, 2006, en Imhoff & Brussino, 2010).(AU)

This research, developed in the field of Political Psychology, aims to contribute to the understanding of authoritarian attitudes in during childhood, focusing on the relationships with other psychosocial and psycho-political variables such as social values and social dominance orientation. Its important to study the authoritarianism nowadays, due to the fact that it would obstruct the progress to a new political and economic model that allows the human development and the citizens participation and involvement, favouring solidarity bonds and social identity (Zaiter, 2002). Thus, the scientific approach of this phenomenon makes its understanding possible and would give tools that can be used for the strengthening of democracy and the acquisition of values and democratic attitudes. Additionally, its relevant to study the authoritarian attitudes in childhood owing to the fact that is an area of vacancy in the authoritarianisms field because most of the investigations study the authoritarianism in adults or teenagers. The research aims to analyze the relationships between the authoritarianisms level, the social dominance orientations level and social values in childrens population. This inquiry is a co-relational study in which the sample was selected using a non-random accidental sampling of 280 children from Córdoba city, male and female, from 9 to 11years old. The sample consists of 52.3% of girls and a 47.7% of boys, whereas in relation to the age distribution, there are 27.7% of 9 year old children, 32.6 % of 10 year old and 39.8% of 11 year old. The questionnaire was composed of three scales which inquiry into the variables involved and was applied with a previous parents and head teachers consent. These scales were: The adaptation of Altemeyers (2006) Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) Scale to children from Córdoba city by Imhoff and Brussino (2011a); the adaptation of Sidanius and Prattos (1999) Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale to childrens population from Córdoba city by Imhoff and Brussino (2012), and the adaptation of Schwartz and Rubel-Lifschitzs (2009) Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) to childrens population from Córdoba city by Imhoff and Brussino (2011b). In addition, socio-demographic variables such as sex and age were asked. Furthermore, the questionnaires were administered orally and individually to each child. Afterwards, univariate and bivariate analysis were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Regarding the results, unvaried analysis showed a higher level of Authoritarian submission than Authoritarian aggression. In relation to social dominance orientation, high scores in Opposition to equality were obtained and a homogeneous distribution in the level of Group based-dominance. Meanwhile, concerning to the childrens valorative preference, high scores were found in Self-enhancement, low scores in Self-transcendence and regarding to Conservation and Openness to change, significant differences were not found between high and low levels. Concerning the relationships between the variables, results confirmed a positive relation between Authoritarian aggression with Group based-dominance; between authoritarianism (both dimensions Authoritarian aggression and Authoritarian submission) and group based-dominance with Conservation; and between group based-dominance with Self-enhancement. Moreover, results also demonstrated a negative relationship between Opposition to equality with Openness to change and Self-transcendence; and between Groups based- dominance with Self-transcendence. On the other hand, results revealed a negative relationship between Authoritarian submission with Opposition to equality and Openness to change; and also between Opposition to equality with Conservation values. According to these results, the peculiarities that acquire this articulation are discussed in order to contribute to the understanding of authoritarian attitudes in childhood. Due to the fact that is a crucial stage for the acquisition of attitudes that impact directly in political and social behaviour (Huerta, Bañuelos, Rodríguez, Luz & Gómez, 2006).(AU)