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BrJP ; 6(supl.2): 146-152, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513802


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The change of paradigm in relation to the medical use of cannabis and its components in the treatment of pain is undeniable nowadays. Understanding the functioning of the endocannabinoid system and its interaction with drugs already available on the market is necessary for professionals who care for patients with chronic pain. The aim of this study was to show the mechanisms by which cannabinoids act, not only on CB1 and CB2 receptors, but also on various other receptors, modulating chronic pain, and encourage health professionals to recognize the need to expand the knowledge about its functioning and synergism with several medications so that the safe use of cannabis occurs in the treatment of multiple diseases, especially chronic pain. CONTENTS: The action of cannabinoids on the endocannabinoid system has the ability to neuro and immunomodulate pain transmission in a multifactorial and extremely complex way, acting simultaneously on multiple targets, in the peripheral, spinal and supraspinal nervous system. The analgesia mechanisms determined by cannabinoids include the inhibition of the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in presynaptic nerve terminals, modulation of postsynaptic neuronal excitability, activation of the descending inhibitory pathway and reduction of neural inflammation. There is also the possibility that the interaction of cannabinoids with opioid and serotonergic receptors has an amplifying effect on the analgesic effect of drugs belonging to the opioid class. CONCLUSION: The endocannabinoid system plays a key role in pain control and its pathophysiology. It is expected that this system will continue to be studied for a better understanding of its signaling pathways and metabolism, and also that more clinical trials of greater size and duration will be carried out to understand to what extent this approach can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A mudança de paradigma, em nível mundial, em relação ao uso medicinal de cannabis e seus respectivos componentes no tratamento da dor é indiscutível nos tempos atuais. Entender o funcionamento do sistema endocanabinoide e sua interação com fármacos já disponíveis no mercado se faz necessário aos profissionais que cuidam de pacientes com dor crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar os mecanismos pelos quais os canabinoides atuam, não somente nos receptores CB1 e CB2, mas também em diversos outros receptores, agindo na modulação da dor crônica, bem como incentivar os profissionais da saúde a reconhecerem a necessidade de ampliar o conhecimento acerca desse funcionamento e sinergismo com diversos fármacos para que ocorra o uso seguro da cannabis no tratamento de múltiplas doenças, sobretudo dores crônicas. CONTEÚDO: A ação dos canabinoides no sistema endocanabinoide tem a capacidade de neuro e imunomodulação da transmissão da dor de forma multifatorial e extremamente complexa, atuando simultaneamente em múltiplos alvos, no sistema nervoso periférico, espinhal e supraespinhal. Os mecanismos de analgesia determinados pelos canabinoides incluem a inibição de liberação de neurotransmissores e neuropeptídeos nos terminais nervosos pré-sinápticos, a modulação da excitabilidade neuronal pós-sináptica, a ativação da via inibitória descendente e a redução da inflamação neural. Existe ainda a possibilidade de que a interação dos canabinoides com receptores opioides e serotoninérgicos tenha uma ação amplificadora do efeito analgésico de fármacos pertencentes à classe opioide. CONCLUSÃO: O sistema endocanabinoide desempenha um papel fundamental no controle da dor e na sua fisiopatologia. Espera-se que esse sistema continue a ser estudado para uma melhor compreensão das suas vias de sinalização e metabolismo. É preciso também que se realizem mais ensaios clínicos, de maior dimensão e duração, para compreender até que ponto essa abordagem poderá ser benéfica no tratamento da dor crônica.

BrJP ; 6(supl.2): 131-138, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513807


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Since the relatively recent discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its fundamental role in regulating other systems, the subject has aroused interest in all areas of health, including Dentistry. Among the possible uses and benefits of cannabinoids are their performance in pain and its predisposing or perpetuating factors, such as bruxism and sleep disorders. Although the literature is still scarce, the mechanisms of action and satisfactory results of cannabinoids and other cannabis derivatives in these situations already allow their safe prescription. The objective of this study was to verify the current evidence on the use of cannabis derivatives in orofacial pain (OFP), reviewing what is known, to date, about the ECS and the prospects for its use with support and criteria. CONTENTS: This research carried out a brief review of the cannabis plant history, addressing issues such as prejudice, prohibitions and interests, as well as its therapeutic use. Then, a review on ECS and its mechanisms of interest in OFP was presented. Next, the products derived from the plant and their effects, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, drug interactions, peculiarities and perspectives were discussed. CONCLUSION: The more knowledge is gained about the ECS and the therapeutic benefits of cannabis components and derivatives, the greater the conviction that a new therapeutic frontier has indeed emerged. The growing number of good outcomes, including cases of OFP, obtained through well-conducted studies, brings a mixture of satisfaction and excitement. No therapy will achieve good results if it does not start from an accurate diagnosis. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to know the ECS, the products and derivatives of the plant, the synthetic cannabinoids, their indications and effects. New studies are necessary and, at this moment, it can be said that the perspectives are very good and a new and challenging horizon is emerging.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Desde a descoberta relativamente recente do sistema endocanabinoide (SEC) e seu papel fundamental da regulação de outros sistemas, o assunto tem despertado interesse de todas as áreas da saúde, incluindo-se a Odontologia. Dentre as possíveis utilizações e benefícios dos canabinoides, está sua atuação na dor e seus fatores predisponentes ou perpetuadores, como o bruxismo e os distúrbios do sono. Embora a literatura seja ainda escassa, os mecanismos de ação e resultados satisfatórios dos canabinoides e demais derivados da cannabis nessas situações já permitem sua prescrição com segurança. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as atuais evidências sobre a utilização de derivados da cannabis nas dores orofaciais (DOFs), revisando o que se sabe, até o momento, sobre o SEC e as perspectivas de sua utilização com respaldo e critério. CONTEÚDO: Esta pesquisa realizou uma breve revisão da história da planta cannabis, abordando temas como preconceito, proibições e interesses, além de sua utilização terapêutica. Em seguida, foi apresentada uma revisão sobre o SEC e seus mecanismos de interesse na DOF. Na sequência, foram discutidos os produtos derivados da planta e seus efeitos, indicações, contraindicações, efeitos adversos, interações farmacológicas, peculiaridades e perspectivas. CONCLUSÃO: Quanto mais são adquiridos conhecimentos sobre o SEC e os benefícios terapêuticos dos componentes e derivados da cannabis, mais há um convencimento de que surgiu, de fato, uma nova fronteira terapêutica. O número crescente de bons desfechos, incluindo casos de DOF, obtidos através de estudos bem conduzidos, traz um misto de satisfação e empolgação. Nenhuma terapia obterá bons resultados se não partir de um diagnóstico preciso. Assim, é de suma importância que se conheça o SEC, os produtos e derivados da planta, os canabinoides sintéticos, suas indicações e efeitos. Novos estudos são necessários e, nesse momento, pode-se afirmar que as perspectivas são muito boas e um novo e desafiador horizonte está despontando.

BrJP ; 6(supl.1): 49-53, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447552


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Faced with the difficulty of treating chronic orofacial pain and seeking an approach that aims at the health and well-being of the patient in a broader way, cannabinoid therapy appears as an adjunct to pharmacological approaches. CONTENTS: Cannabinoid therapy generates analgesia through the activation of the endocannabinoid system, as well as the use of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), curcumin, grape seed extract, aromatherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy and the practice of physical exercise. In this way, these therapies allow a reduction in the use of analgesic drugs. CONCLUSION: Cannabinoid therapy is part of this integrative approach and the combination of cannabinoids with other forms of activation of the endocannabinoid system contributes to a better therapeutic outcome and a better quality of life for countless patients suffering from chronic orofacial pain.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diante da dificuldade de tratamento das dores orofaciais crônicas e buscando uma abordagem que vise a saúde e o bem-estar do paciente de uma forma mais ampla, surge a terapia canabinoide como coadjuvante nas abordagens farmacológicas. CONTEÚDO: A terapia canabinoide promove analgesia através da ativação do sistema endocanabinoide, assim como o uso da palmitoiletanolamida (PEA), curcumina, extrato de semente de uva, aromaterapia, acupuntura, laserterapia e a prática de exercício físico. Desta forma, essas terapias permitem redução do uso de fármacos analgésicos. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia canabinoide faz parte dessa abordagem integrativa e a combinação dos canabinoides com outras formas de ativação do sistema endocanabinoide contribui para melhores resultados terapêuticos e melhor qualidade de vida para inúmeros pacientes que sofrem de dores orofaciais crônicas.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 60(1): 6-16, ene.-feb. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-896838


Resumen La proporción de usuarios de una droga de abuso que desarrolla dependencia sólo representa una parte de ellos. Es decir, hay una proporción de usuarios que no presentan un trastorno por consumo de sustancias (TCS). Por ejemplo, en Mexico sólo el 15% de quienes consumen alcohol desarrollan un trastorno por consumo de alcohol (ТСА). Este 15% sugiere una vulnerabilidad en esta población, por lo que determinar los mecanismos que predisponen a estos sujetos a la adicción es indispensable para la prevención о para la rehabilitación del TCS. Se ha sugerido la participación de factores genéticos y medioambientales en el desarrollo de dicha vulnerabilidad al TCS. Por ejemplo, se ha demostrado que los sujetos que son psicópatas o sociópatas у que son agresivos, que presentan falta de atención y son impulsivos, entre otras características clínicas, presentan comorbilidad con el abuso y dependencia a sustancias. Por otro lado, se ha observado que existe una relación entre las experiencias adversas en los primeros años de vida y el consumo de sustancias de abuso. En estudios preclínicos, hemos demostrado que las ratas privadas de cuidado materno en los días posnatales 2 al 16 (DPN2-DPN16), al llegar a la edad adulta (DPN90) consumen más alcohol que las que han recibido cuidado materno todo el tiempo. Además, presentan una desregulación en la expresión de los receptores para canabinoides del tipo ו (CB1R) en algunas zonas del cerebro, por ejemplo, el núcleo accumbens y la corteza prefrontal. En breve, podríamos suponer que un sujeto es vulnerable a tener una adicción si nace psicópata o desarrolla una personalidad antisocial, o bien, si durante la infancia ha contendido con situaciones adversas, como son un pobre cuidado parental o el abuso verbal, fisco o sexual. Cabe señalar que estos no son los únicos factores que han sido asociados a este trastorno, pero para los fines de esta revisión, sólo discutiremos esta vulnerabilidad con base en los mecanismos epigenéticos que afectan al sistema endocanabinérgico (seCB) e interfieren con la función del sistema de inhibición de la conducta.

Abstract The proportion of drug abuse users that develop dependence does not represent the totality of users. Therefore, there is a substantial proportion of users that does not develop a substance use disorder (SUD). For example, in Mexico, only 15% of all alcohol consumers develop alcohol use disorder (AUD). Determining the mechanisms that predispose individuals to AUD or SUD is crucial for its prevention or rehabilitation. The involvement of genetic and environmental factors to the development of SUD has been suggested. For example, psychopaths or sociopaths that have a strong genetic predisposition have comorbidity with SUD. On the other hand, a relationship between adverse experiences in the early years of and substance abuse has been documented. In pre-clinical studies, we have shown that rats deprived of maternal care from postnatal day (PND)2 to PND16, and tested once they reach adulthood (PND90) consume more alcohol than those that were under materna care at all times. In addition, we observed a dysregulation in the expression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CBIR)in some areas of the brain, i.e. nucleus acumens and prefrontal cortex. In short, we presume that a subject who is vulnerable to addiction has either been born with a psychopathic disorder, developed an antisocial personality, experienced adverse situations such as neglected parental care, or verbal, physical or sexual abuse. These are not the only factors that have been associated with SUD, but for the purposes of this review we will discuss vulnerability based only on epigenetic mechanisms affecting the endocannabinergic system and interfering with the functioning of the behavior inhibition system.

Rev. dor ; 17(1): 47-51, Jan.-Mar. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-776644


RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As propriedades medicinais da Cannabis sativa têm sido relatadas por muitos séculos para o tratamento de diversos distúrbios e, mais recentemente, para o tratamento da dor. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar os principais avanços na farmacologia do sistema endocanabinóide e no potencial uso terapêutico de alguns compostos canabinóides no tratamento de diversas formas de dor. CONTEÚDO: Foi realizada uma busca nos bancos de dados Pubmed, Scielo e Lilacs, identificando-se estudos e revisões da literatura sobre a farmacologia e o uso terapêutico de substâncias canabinóides em dor. Nessa busca foram utilizadas as seguintes palavras-chaves: Cannabis sativa, tetra-hidrocanabinol, canabidiol, sativex®, cannador®, canabinóides, endocanabinóide, dor e dor neuropática. Os canabinóides sintéticos e os extratos de Cannabis sativa apresentaram efeito analgésico em diversos ensaios clínicos, sugerindo um potencial papel no tratamento da dor, em particular naquela de origem neuropática. Os canabinóides sintéticos e os extratos de Cannabis sativatambém apresentaram efeitos ansiolíticos quando usados como adjuvantes no tratamento da dor no câncer, na artrite reumatoide e na esclerose múltipla. Porém, efeitos adversos significativos, como euforia, depressão e sedação limitam o uso clínico desses agentes canabinóides. CONCLUSÃO: Um melhor conhecimento sobre a farmacologia do sistema endocanabinóide, juntamente com os resultados dos estudos envolvendo o tratamento da dor com substâncias de natureza canabinóide, podem ser de grande valor para o desenvolvimento de fármacos que permitam um avanço significativo na terapêutica de pacientes portadores de síndromes dolorosas, em particular nos casos de difícil controle. Porém, mais estudos são necessários para confirmar esses resultados e determinar a segurança desses compostos.

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Medical properties of Cannabis sativa have been reported for centuries for the treatment of diff ent disorders and, more recently, to manage pain. Th study aimed at reviewing major pharmacological advances of the endocannabinoid system and the potential therapeutic use of some cannabinoid compounds to manage diff ent types of pain. CONTENTS: A search was carried out in Pubmed, Scielo and Lilacs databases to identify studies and literature reviews on the pharmacology and therapeutic use of cannabinoids for pain. The following keywords were used: Cannabis sativa, tetra-hydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, sativex®, cannador®, cannabinoids, endocannabinoid, pain and neuropathic pain. Synthetic cannabinoids and Cannabis sativa extracts have shown analgesic effects in several clinical trials, suggesting their potential role for pain management, especially neuropathic pain. Synthetic cannabinoids and CS extracts have also induced anxiolytic effects when used as adjuvants to treat cancer pain, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. However, significant adverse effects, such as euphoria, depression and sedation limit the clinical use of such cannabinoids. CONCLUSION: Further understanding of endocannabinoid system pharmacology, together with study results involving pain management with cannabinoid substances may be very useful for the development of drugs allowing a significant advance in the treatment of patients with painful syndromes, especially difficult to control. However, further studies are needed to confirm such findings and to determine the safety of such compounds.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 34(supl.2): s163-s177, Oct. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-662766


OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder whose mechanisms have remained only partially elucidated. The current proposals regarding its biological basis, such as the dopaminergic hypothesis, do not fully explain the diversity of its symptoms, indicating that other processes may be involved. This paper aims to review evidence supporting the involvement of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a neurotransmitter group that is the target of Cannabis sativa compounds, in this disorder. METHODS: A systematic review of original papers, published in English, indexed in PubMed up to April, 2012. RESULTS: Most studies employed genetics and histological, neuroimaging or neurochemical methods - either in vivo or post-mortem - to investigate whether components of the ECS are compromised in patients. Overall, the data show changes in cannabinoid receptors in certain brain regions as well as altered levels in endocannabinoid levels in cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood. CONCLUSIONS: Although a dysfunction of the ECS has been described, results are not entirely consistent across studies. Further data are warrant to better define a role of this system in schizophrenia.

OBJETIVO: A esquizofrenia é um transtorno psiquiátrico cujos mecanismos permanecem apenas parcialmente elucidados. As atuais propostas relativas à base biológica, tais como a hipótese dopaminérgica, não explicam por completo a diversidade de seus sintomas, o que indica que outros processos podem estar envolvidos. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar indícios que sustentem o envolvimento do sistema endocanabinoide (SECB), um grupo de neurotransmissoresalvo dos compostos da Cannabis sativa, nesse transtorno. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática dos artigos originais, publicados em inglês e indexados no PubMed até abril de 2012. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos estudos empregou métodos neuroquímicos ou de neuroimagem genéticos e histológicos - tanto in vivo quanto post-mortem - para investigar se os componentes do SECB estão comprometidos nos pacientes. De modo geral, os dados mostram mudanças nos receptores canabinoides em determinadas regiões cerebrais, bem como a alteração dos níveis de endocanabinoides no líquido cefalorraquidiano e/ou no sangue. CONCLUSÕES: Ainda que a disfunção do SECB tenha sido descrita, os resultados dos estudos não são totalmente consistentes. São necessários mais dados para definir melhor o papel desse sistema na esquizofrenia.

Humans , Endocannabinoids/physiology , Receptor, Cannabinoid, CB1/physiology , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Endocannabinoids/analysis , Endocannabinoids/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic , Receptor, Cannabinoid, CB1/analysis , Receptor, Cannabinoid, CB1/genetics , Schizophrenia/drug therapy , Schizophrenia/genetics
Salud ment ; 34(3): 211-218, may.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-680602


Sleep is a universal experience and a necessary ingredient to life. Young adult humans benefit from spending 8 h a day, every day, sleeping. While the function(s) of sleep is not completely understood, it is known that sleep is critical to the survival of the species. In humans, it restores alertness, helps consolidate memory and «recharge¼ cognitive abilities which are impaired at the end of the activity-phase of the cycle. Humans who do not pay their toll to sleep, for one night, for example, experience difficulties maintaining wakefulness the next day. This condition may put in danger their lives, particularly if they work in the transportation industry (i. e. taxi cabs, truck or trailers-drivers, pilots and/or operating heavy machinery among many other activities). In the past, when humans were more exposed to predators, to be sleepy in the savannah was synonymous with dying. Interestingly enough, the maladaptive strategies exhibited by a sleepy subject (which put at risk his life), are reversed by sleep. It is widely believed that sleep has a restorative function. However, what precisely is being restored during sleep remains a topic of speculation and on-going research. Sleep deprivation in humans results in cognitive deterioration and increased sleepiness, which might compromise survival as aforementioned. It is known that in rats prolonged sleep deprivation leads to death. In humans, it results in sleepiness, decreased attention, compromises memory and learning skills, and may affect motor control. The negative effects of sleep loss are reversed by recovery sleep, which may show features of delta and/or REM-sleep rebound. In this context, insomnia is a condition with known negative consequences to the health of the affected individual and frequently conveys negative effects to the family nucleus and to society in general. It has been estimated that 9% to 15% of the adult population suffers from chronic insomnia. Psychophysiologic insomnia (or primary insomnia) is likely the most prevalent type of insomnia. The patient with insomnia frequently develops an aversive response to sleep and to all aspects related to this activity. The manifestations of insomnia may include difficulty falling (and staying) asleep, frequent awakenings, early morning awakenings and/or un-refreshing quality of sleep. As a result, affected individuals frequently complain of daytime consequences such as decreased concentration, negative effects on memory (and learning), and daytime fatigue. They may also complain of headaches, fuzziness (or grogginess) and might experience manifestations of excessive sleepiness (which might represent a hazard when driving and/or operating machinery). Stress and anxiety frequently represent precipitating and/or perpetuating factors in the development of insomnia. In regards to stress, the role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in preserving homeostasis has been amply studied. The HPA axis involves the participation of peptides such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), corticotropin itself and cortisol. The autonomic nervous system activates the amygdaloid complex further enhancing the stress response. When patients are unable to control their stress response, the magnified response may be manifested as an anxiety disorder. According to the DSM-IV, the diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is based on persistent symptoms of excessive anxiety and worry. Patients with GAD as well as those suffering from other anxiety disorders such as PTSD and panic attacks may manifest symptoms of insomnia. Several models of stress have been proposed to better understand these conditions. For example, prenatal stress has been suggested to increase vulnerability to life events and some reports have suggested impaired sleep among some of the animal models that have been studied. Specifically, it has been reported that rats who are deprived of maternal care suffer from dysregulation of the orexinergic system. Consequently, affected rats may have manifestations of sleep-wake dysregulation. There is more. Rats born to a low care maternal provider (which induces an early stress response) have been found to have methylated the gene that encodes the glucocorticoid receptors, which is reflected in a low expression of receptors. As a result, these animals release more corticosterone in response to stressful situations and are less efficient in managing stress. Furthermore, they have a lower expression of the CB1 receptor in several areas of the brain, thus suggesting that the systems responsible for reducing excitability of the brain (and consequently reducing the subjective sensation of fear and anxiety) are shattered. Models of insomnia evaluating the possible role of an inadequate stress-response have not been thoroughly studied. Potential pharmacologic interventions using such a theoretical framework have not been systematically studied and thus offer a venue for novel pharmacological interventions. The addition of new therapies would be particularly useful as the clinical management of patients with chronic insomnia remains a challenging area in medical practice. This despite the availability of multiple approved hypnotic medications in the physician's armamentarium. To date there is no hypnotic medication which can be considered ideal for the treatment of chronic insomnia. Issues of tolerance and dependence remain relevant concerns for those hypnotic medications, which are considered most effective in the treatment of this condition. Research identifying new compounds based on molecules whose physiologic action is to induce sleep may render safer, more efficient pharmacological interventions to treat insomnia. Following this line of thinking, we have tested the effects of endocannabinoids (eCBs). The eCBs represent a family of molecules, lipids in nature, which bind to the same receptors to which marijuana is known to bind. The active metabolite of marijuana (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]) is known to bind to the CB1 receptors and produce a series of effects including relaxation and sleep. Following the discovery of several eCBs by the research groups of Mechoulam and Lerner, we have tested anandamide and oleamide as sleep inducers. Results have indicated that both molecules and a third one, 2-arachidonyl glycerol, induce sleep (mainly REM sleep). In the present review insomnia is speculated to be a consequence of chronic stress. Several animal models of early stress are also discussed to better understand the role of stress in the causation of insomnia. The current limitations in the availability of ideal hypnotic medications prompt us to argue in favor of continued efforts to find additional, novel pharmacologic interventions to treat this condition. In this context, the potential use of endocannabinoid compounds is proposed as a possible new line of hypnotic medications. While eCBs have been used so far only in animal models, they have been amply successful in promoting the expression of non-REM and REM sleep. The endocannabinoid system has the potential to induce sleep and thus suggest that endocannabinoid agonists offer a new research venue for the exploration of novel pharmacologic interventions in the treatment of insomnia.

El sueño es una actividad fundamental para el bienestar y la preservación del la salud. El no dormir resulta en consecuencias potencialmente letales. Por ejemplo, ratas experimentalmente privadas de sueño total (o de sueño MOR) mueren al cabo de algunas semanas de experimentación. Asimismo, en humanos, la privación de tan solo una noche de sueño conlleva consecuencias importantes. Hipersomnolencia y disminución de las habilidades cognoscitivas son consecuencias de la privación de sueño. El individuo privado de sueño corre el riesgo de cometer errores que potencialmente pueden poner en riesgo su vida o integridad física, así como la de otros. Se ha sugerido que el sueño cumple con la muy importante tarea de ofrecer las condiciones para que se lleven a cabo diversos procesos de restauración y de reorganización neuronal así como el procesamiento de información y consolidación de la memoria. La ausencia de sueño interfiere con estos procesos con el consecuente deterioro de la conducta adaptativa del sujeto. El insomnio es un trastorno que deteriora de manera importante la calidad de vida de las personas que lo padecen. Afecta aproximadamente al 10% de la población. El insomnio se presenta en diversas formas. La clasificación internacional de los trastornos del dormir considera 11 tipos de insomnio. Entre ellos, el insomnio psicofisiológico representa el tipo de insomnio que más frecuentemente se manifiesta en la población. Se trata de un padecimiento donde el paciente desarrolla una aversión a dormir y a todo lo que se relacione con ello. Este tipo de insomnio tiene un componente de estrés que precipita la aparición del insomnio y puede contribuir a los elementos que ayudan a perpetuarlo (insomnio crónico). Se han desarrollado diversos modelos animales para el estudio del estrés y sus consecuencias. Por ejemplo, el estrés temprano inducido por privación del cuidado maternal. Asimismo, por inducción de estrés en la madre (rata) gestante. Sin embargo, se han explotado poco para evaluar el insomnio y mejor aún, para ensayar fármacos que puedan beneficiar al paciente insomne. A pesar de contar con una gran variedad de medicamentos hipnóticos, en la actualidad no existe un hipnótico ideal. Los tratamientos más efectivos con los que contamos conllevan riesgos importantes de tolerancia, adicción y potencialmente efectos colaterales. Por ello, la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos con propiedades inductoras de sueño es inaplazable. Especialmente de fármacos que sean capaces de inducir las fases de sueño delta y sueño MOR sin causar sonambulismo, somnolencia residual y/o efectos negativos en la memoria. En este contexto se discute el potencial uso terapéutico de los endocanabinoides (eCBs), ya que son ansiolíticos e inductores de las fases profundas de sueño (delta y sueño MOR). Los eCBs son moléculas endógenas que tienen una actividad semejante a la de la mariguana. Esto es debido a que tanto la mariguana como los eCBs afectan a un mismo receptor, que es el receptor canabinoide 1 (CB1). Los eCBs tienen un potencial terapéutico que hasta ahora no se ha explotado en beneficio de los pacientes que sufren de insomnio y/o ansiedad. Por ello, en esta revisión se analiza el insomnio desde el punto de vista clínico, se detallan sus características para que el médico clínico no experto pueda reconocerlo y potencialmente tratarlo; también se persigue subrayar la influencia potencial del estrés en la fisiopatogénesis de este trastorno. A pesar de que hay cada vez más información acerca de la síntesis y degradación de los eCBs (lo que es muy importante porque estos mecanismos pueden ser afectados por fármacos que inhiban la degradación o la faciliten, dependiendo de las necesidades terapéuticas) no discutiremos estos temas que se vuelven más especializados. Sin embargo, es importante que se conozca y se discuta su posible uso para beneficio del paciente. Esta revisión se centra en discutir los potenciales beneficios causados por la activación del receptor CB1 en el paciente insomne para reducir su dolencia de mal dormir.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 32(supl.1): 57-514, maio 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-547317


OBJETIVO: Este artigo revisa o sistema endocanabinoide e as respectivas estratégias de intervenções farmacológicas. MÉTODO: Realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre o sistema endocanabinoide e a sua farmacologia, considerando-se artigos originais ou de revisão escritos em inglês. DISCUSSÃO: Canabinoides são um grupo de compostos presentes na Cannabis Sativa (maconha), a exemplo do Δ9-tetraidrocanabinol e seus análogos sintéticos. Estudos sobre o seu perfil farmacológico levaram à descoberta do sistema endocanabinoide do cérebro de mamíferos. Este sistema é composto por pelo menos dois receptores acoplados a uma proteína G, CB1 e CB2, pelos seus ligantes endógenos (endocanabinoides; a exemplo da anandamida e do 2-araquidonoil glicerol) e pelas enzimas responsáveis por sintetizá-los e metabolizá-los. Os endocanabinoides representam uma classe de mensageiros neurais que são sintetizados sob demanda e liberados de neurônios pós-sinápticos para restringir a liberação de neurotransmissores clássicos de terminais pré-sinápticos. Esta sinalização retrógrada modula uma diversidade de funções cerebrais, incluindo ansiedade, medo e humor, em que a ativação de receptores CB1 pode exercer efeitos dos tipos ansiolítico e antidepressivo em estudos préclínicos. CONCLUSÃO: Experimentos com modelos animais sugerem que drogas que facilitam a ação dos endocanabinoides podem representar uma nova estratégia para o tratamento de transtornos de ansiedade e depressão.

OBJECTIVE: The present review provides a brief introduction into the endocannabinoid system and discusses main strategies of pharmacological interventions. METHOD: We have reviewed the literature relating to the endocannabinoid system and its pharmacology; both original and review articles written in English were considered. DISCUSSION: Cannabinoids are a group of compounds present in Cannabis Sativa (hemp), such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and their synthetic analogues. Research on their pharmacological profile led to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system in the mammalian brain. This system comprises at least two G-protein coupled receptors, CB1 and CB2, their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids; e.g. the fatty acid derivatives anandamide and 2-arachydonoyl glycerol), and the enzymes responsible for endocannabinoid synthesis and catabolism. Endocannabinoids represent a class of neuromessengers, which are synthesized on demand and released from post-synaptic neurons to restrain the release of classical neurotransmitters from pre-synaptic terminals.This retrograde signalling modulates a variety of brain functions, including anxiety, fear and mood, whereby activation of CB1 receptors was shown to exert anxiolytic-and antidepressant-like effects in preclinical studies. CONCLUSION: Animal experiments suggest that drugs promoting endocannabinoid action may represent a novel strategy for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.

Animals , Humans , Anxiety Disorders/drug therapy , Cannabinoid Receptor Modulators/therapeutic use , Depression/drug therapy , Endocannabinoids , Anxiety Disorders/metabolism , Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists , Cannabinoid Receptor Antagonists , Cannabinoid Receptor Modulators/metabolism , Depression/metabolism , Receptors, Cannabinoid/metabolism , Signal Transduction/drug effects