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Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 10(1): 23-31, ene. 2005.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-652444


Definición: Las epilepsias parciales benignas de la infancia (EPBI) representan el síndrome epiléptico mas común en niños en edad preescolar y escolar, correspondiendo al 15-24% de las epilepsias, diagnosticadas entre los 3 y 13 años. Remiten espontáneamente al llegar a la adolescencia. Las epilepsias rolándicas constituyen las EPBI de mayor incidencia, su principal característica es ocasionar crisis parciales, con anartria, hemiconvulsiones faciales, en algunos casos con hemigeneralización secundaria. El electroencefalograma interictal evidencia espigas focales centrotemporales. En el 40% de los casos existe historia familiar de convulsiones febriles, epilepsias clínicas, o descargas epilépticas en el electroencefalograma. Además, el 7-10% evidencian antecedentes personales de convulsiones febriles en su primera infancia. Algunos autores sugieren no medicar estos pacientes, sin embargo no existe un consenso al respecto.Objetivos:•Determinar si los antecedentes convulsivos familiares o personales representan una influencia en la evolución de la enfermedad y si su presencia es un criterio para iniciar medicación antiepiléptica. Proponer criterios terapéuticos de medicación y de observación.Metodología: Estudio monocéntrico, longitudinal, tipo cohorte histórico, realizado con pacientes de consulta externa del hospital Pediátrico Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde, durante 3 meses (noviembre/2003 Enero/2004). Criterios de inclusión: convulsiones no febriles de inicio entre 3 y 13 años con neurodesarrollo normal, estudios de imágenes normales, examen neurológico normal y trazado electroencefalográfico compatible con EPBI. Se clasificó a los pacientes en dos subgrupos: con y sin antecedentes convulsivos familiares o personales, y se comparó las diferencias clínicas -en cuanto al intervalo interictal- y electroencefalográficas.

Definition: Benign partial epilepsy of infancy represents the most common epileptic syndrome in preschool and school children. It accounts for 15-24% of epilepsies diagnosed between the ages of 3 and 13 years. Rolandic epilepsy is one of BMEI with a high incidence its main characteristic is that it causes partial seizures, anartia, hemiseizures. The electroencephalogram shows centrotemporal spikes. In the 40% of the cases exist family history of febrile seizures, clinical epilepsy or epileptic discharges in the electroencephalogram. Also, 7-10% have a clinical history of febrile seizures in infancy. Some authors suggest to not medicate this patients. Objectives: XDetermine the family and history of seizures that can influence the evolution of the illness and if its presence is a criteria to start antiepileptic medication. Propose therapeutic criteria to medicate and of observation. Method: Monocentric, longitudinal, cohort study with patients that consulted Pediatric hospital of Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde during the period of three months. (November 2003 V January 2004) Criteria to be included in this study: seizures without fever that began between the ages of 3 and 13 years of age with a normal neurodevelopment, normal image study, neurological exam and electroencephalogram that shows BMEI. Patients were classified in two subgroups: with or without family or clinical history of seizures and clinical differences were compared using.Results: Of the 57 patients 52 people were our study group out of which 67% were men and 33% were woman. The average of age was 9.26 years old +/- 2.99. The 63% of the patients had seizures while they were sleeping. Only 48% of the cases showed discharges are the electroencephalographic reading. Important clinical or electroencephalographic differences did not exist between the two groups. (with or with out clinical or family history).

Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Epilepsies, Partial , Risk Factors , Epilepsy, Benign Neonatal , Epilepsy, Rolandic , Seizures, Febrile , Sleep , Wakefulness