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Chimia (Aarau) ; 77(7-8): 468-477, 2023 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38047787


The aim of this article, while reviewing part of my research activities, is to illustrate the somewhat chaotic way leading from one specific topic to another - from e.g. ferrocenyl ligands for asymmetric catalysis, to asymmetric fluorination, to reagents for perfluoroalkylation, just to mention some of the most fruitful ones. That the way meandering  through several areas of research in chemical synthesis can be described as chaotic is not primarily due to my inability to plan the work of my research group. In the contrary, it is argued that academic research, viewed as mean to educating and forming young researchers, should resist the temptation towards an increasing projectification, milestone mentality, the myth of societal relevance, and consciously aim for a more anarchical trait, much in the sense of Feyerabend's "anything goes".

Philosophia (Ramat Gan) ; 50(4): 1665-1685, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35281720


The phenomenon of the quantified self, which is especially addressed by sociology and medical humanities, is still quite disregarded by philosophy. Yet, the philosophical issues it raises are various and meaningful, from the realm of epistemology to the realm of ethics. Moreover, it may be read as a key symptom to investigate the complex technological era in which we live, starting from the meaning of contemporary technology itself from a philosophical perspective. I shall focus on one of the epistemological issues raised by the phenomenon of the quantified self by arguing that it may be read in terms of epistemological anarchism, which also leads to other epistemological issues, such as a possibly detectable crisis of the notions of knowledge in general and science in particular as founded on the relationship between particularity and universality, as well as between reality and ideality. I shall select cases that are peculiarly representative of the founding epistemological stance I shall focus on. Yet, the reason why they deserve special attention is that they are also representative of an increasingly widespread attitude characterising not only the community of the quantified self but also, at least to some extent, anyone of us who may happen to use technologies (from apps to self-track symptoms to google to search symptoms) to try to self-diagnose.

Trends Psychol ; 25(3): 927-939, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-904502


Da obra de B. F. Skinner fazem parte preocupações de ordem epistemológica, encerrando discussões sobre metodologia e critérios de verdade, e outras de ordem política e social, concernentes à relação entre ciência e sociedade. De um discurso, em alguns aspectos, coincidentes com uma forma de positivismo, Skinner passou a crítico de tendências puramente formalistas sobre o método científico, e de uma defesa do gerenciamento da sociedade por especialistas, passou a uma crítica à centralização do poder e à proposta de uma forma de organização baseada no controle face-a-face. Tratando de temas semelhantes, Paul Feyerabend desconstruiu a ideia de um método científico universal, denunciou um caráter potencialmente opressor da ciência, reclamando que o conhecimento científico não deveria ter inerente predileção sobre outras formas de conhecimento para o acesso às instituições de poder. Considerando a relevância da obra de ambos os autores para debates suscitados no âmbito da história e da filosofia das ciências, este trabalho objetiva apresentar e discutir aspectos do comportamentalismo radical, de Skinner, e do anarquismo epistemológico, de Feyerabend, que tratam de temas comuns. Conclui-se que, apesar de diferenças salientes, as duas perspectivas contêm algumas proposições convergentes e virtualmente complementares, cuja interlocução poderia ser útil a seus objetivos de busca por uma sociedade livre.

De la obra de B. F. Skinner forman parte preocupaciones epistemológicas, incluyendo discusiones sobre metodología y criterios de verdad, y políticas y sociales, sobre la relación entre ciencia y sociedad. De un discurso, en algunos aspectos, coincidente con una forma de positivismo, Skinner pasó a crítico de tendencias puramente formalistas del método científico, y de una defensa de la gestión de la sociedad por los expertos, pasó a una crítica a la centralización del poder y a la propuesta de una forma de organización basada en el control cara a cara. Tratando con temas similares, Paul Feyerabend deconstruyó la idea de un método científico universal, denunció el potencial opressivo de la ciencia, y afirmó que el conocimiento científico no tiene preferencia inherente sobre otras formas de conocimiento para acceder a las instituciones de poder. Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir aspectos del conductismo radical de Skinner, y del anarquismo epistemológico, de Feyeratend, que tratan de temas comunes. Llegamos a la conclusión de que, aunque las diferencias sobresalientes, ambas perspectivas contienen algunas propuestas convergentes y prácticamente complementarias, cuyo diálogo podría ser útil para los objetivos de la búsqueda de una sociedad libre.

B. F. Skinner's work encompasses epistemological concerns, including discussions about methodology and truth criteria, along with political and social ones, concerning the relationship between science and society. From a speech, in some aspects, coincident with a kind of positivism, Skinner came to criticize purely formalist tendencies about scientific method, and from the defense of the management of society by experts, he came to a criticism of the centralization of power and to the proposal of a form of organization based on face to face control. Dealing with similar topics, Paul Feyerabend deconstructed the idea of a universal scientific method, denounced an oppressive potential of science, and claimed for scientific knowledge to have no inherent preference over other forms of knowledge to access to institutions of power. Considering the importance of both authors for the debates in the context of history and philosophy of science, this study aims to present and discuss aspects of Skinner's radical behaviorism and Feyerabend's epistemological anarchism that deal with common themes. We conclude that, although salient differences, both perspectives contain some convergent and virtually complementary propositions, whose dialogue could be useful to their pursuit of a free society.

Humans , Philosophy , Science