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Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 768-779, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530590


La terapia visual como tratamiento de estimulación neurofisiológica, permite el desarrollo y mejoría de las habilidades visuales; mismas que inciden de manera directa en el aprendizaje y la lectura. Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto de las terapias de estimulación visual en el rendimiento académico en niños de primer año de básica de una unidad educativa privada en Quito-Ecuador. Materiales y métodos. La investigación fue descriptiva, modalidad de intervención educativa, con alcance explicativo causal y longitudinal. Se trabajó con una muestra intencional conformada por 32 estudiantes de 5 años cumplidos, ambos sexos biológicos, que asistían a clases presenciales, no recibían terapias visuales y, contaban con el consentimiento de los padres. Un profesional especialista en salud visual ejecutó la investigación en tres fases: 1) diagnóstica: medición de las variables como pre-test; 2) aplicación de estrategias: con el despliegue del programa por seis meses para trabajar la estimulación de habilidades visuo-perceptuales y; 3) evaluación del programa tras la intervención de las variables como post - test. Resultados. Tras las terapias, el 97% de la población tuvo un impacto positivo de +60, el porcentaje de agudeza visual inferior se redujo al 0%, incrementó la agudeza visual óptima en OD (43%) y OI (47%), la estereopsis mejoró en un 84% de sujetos, las habilidades visuo-perceptuales fueron aceptables y se mejoró el rendimiento escolar. Conclusiones. Se pudo evidenciar que la estimulación de habilidades visuales a través de terapias específicas, en edades tempranas, es importante y necesaria para evitar problemas futuros en el aprendizaje.

Visual therapy as a treatment of neurophysiological stimulation, allows the development and improvement of visual skills, which have a direct impact on learning and reading. Objective. To evaluate the impact of visual stimulation therapies on the academic performance of children in the first year of elementary school in a private educational unit in Quito-Ecuador. Materials and methods. The research was descriptive, educational intervention modality, with causal and longitudinal explanatory scope. We worked with an intentional sample of 32 students of 5 years of age, both biological sexes, who attended presential classes, did not receive visual therapies and had parental consent. A professional specialist in visual health carried out the research in three phases: 1) diagnostic: measurement of the variables as a pre-test; 2) application of strategies: with the deployment of the program for six months to work on the stimulation of visual-perceptual skills and; 3) evaluation of the program after the intervention of the variables as a post-test. Results. After the therapies, 97% of the population had a positive impact of +60, the percentage of inferior visual acuity was reduced to 0%, optimal visual acuity increased in OD (43%) and OI (47%), stereopsis improved in 84% of subjects, visuo-perceptual skills were acceptable and school performance was improved. Conclusions. It could be evidenced that the stimulation of visual skills through specific therapies, at early ages, is important and necessary to avoid future learning problems.

A terapia visual como um tratamento de estimulação neurofisiológica permite o desenvolvimento e a melhoria das habilidades visuais, que têm um impacto direto no aprendizado e na leitura. Objetivo. Avaliar o impacto das terapias de estimulação visual no desempenho acadêmico de crianças no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental em uma unidade educacional privada em Quito-Equador. Materiais e métodos. A pesquisa foi descritiva, na modalidade de intervenção educacional, com um escopo explicativo causal e longitudinal. Trabalhamos com uma amostra intencional de 32 alunos de 5 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos biológicos, que frequentavam as aulas presenciais, não recebiam terapia visual e tinham o consentimento dos pais. Um profissional especialista em saúde visual realizou a pesquisa em três fases: 1) diagnóstico: mensuração das variáveis como pré-teste; 2) aplicação de estratégias: com a implantação do programa durante seis meses para trabalhar a estimulação das habilidades perceptivo-visuais e; 3) avaliação do programa após a intervenção das variáveis como pós-teste. Resultados. Após as terapias, 97% da população teve um impacto positivo de +60, a porcentagem de acuidade visual inferior foi reduzida para 0%, a acuidade visual ótima aumentou em OD (43%) e OI (47%), a estereopsia melhorou em 84% dos indivíduos, as habilidades visuo-perceptuais foram aceitáveis e o desempenho escolar melhorou. Conclusões. Foi possível demonstrar que a estimulação das habilidades visuais por meio de terapias específicas em uma idade precoce é importante e necessária para evitar futuros problemas de aprendizagem.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Therapeutics , Learning
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550913


Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad del tratamiento de atropina versus oclusión ocular en pacientes con ambliopía refractiva moderada unilateral. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de una serie de casos que acudieron a la consulta de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer durante el período comprendido de septiembre del 2019 a septiembre de 2021. La muestra quedó conformada por 44 pacientes, los cuales se dividieron de forma aleatoria en dos grupos de estudio, 22 casos al grupo de oclusiones e igual número al grupo de atropina, que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, defecto refractivo, agudeza visual mejor corregida, sensibilidad al contraste y estereopsis. Resultados: Predominó el astigmatismo hipermetrópico en ambos grupos de estudio. La media de la agudeza visual mejor corregida inicial en ambos grupos fue de 0,4 LogMAR y mejoró a 0,1 LogMAR al finalizar el tratamiento. La media de la sensibilidad al contraste inicial fue de 1,48 (±19,75) para el grupo de oclusiones y de 1,47 (±20,5) para el grupo atropina, al finalizar alcanzaron 1,59 (±10,1) y 1,57 (±10,0) por orden de mención. La estereopsis inicial fue subnormal en ambos grupos, al finalizar el tratamiento fue normal en el 77,3 por ciento grupo oclusión y el 68,2 por ciento grupo atropina. Conclusiones: La efectividad del tratamiento en pacientes con ambliopía refractiva moderada unilateral con atropina es similar a la que se alcanza con la aplicación de la oclusión ocular(AU)

Objective: To compare the effectiveness of atropine treatment versus ocular occlusion in patients with unilateral moderate refractive amblyopia. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of a series of cases that attended the Pediatric Ophthalmology office of the Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology during the period from September 2019 to September 2021 was carried out. The sample consisted of 44 patients, who were randomly divided into two study groups, 22 cases to the occlusion group and the same number to the atropine group, who met the inclusion criteria. The variables age, gender, refractive defect, best corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and stereopsis were analyzed. Results: Hypermetropic astigmatism predominated in both study groups. Average initial best-corrected visual acuity in both groups was 0.4 LogMAR and improved to 0.1 LogMAR at the end of treatment. Average initial contrast sensitivity was 1.48 (±19.75) for the occlusion group and 1.47 (±20.5) for the atropine group, at completion reaching 1.59 (±10.1) and 1.57 (±10.0) in order of mention. Initial stereopsis was subnormal in both groups, at the end of treatment it was normal in 77.3 percent occlusion group and 68.2 percent atropine group. Conclusions: The effectiveness of treatment in patients with unilateral moderate refractive amblyopia with atropine is similar to that achieved with the application of ocular occlusion(AU)

Humans , Child , Atropine/therapeutic use , Amblyopia/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 24(93)ene. - mar. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-210336


Introducción: la detección precoz de alteraciones visuales en la infancia tiene importancia ya que pueden causar problemas en el desarrollo visual, el rendimiento escolar o, incluso, suponer un riesgo vital como el retinoblastoma. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las actividades diagnósticas que puede realizar el pediatra de Atención Primaria (PAP) para mejorar el cribaje de la ambliopía, e identificar la edad más adecuada para este cribado. Material y métodos: se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica de textos científicos en inglés y español publicados en los últimos 20 años en bases de datos como PubMed y Google Académico. Algunas de las palabras clave fueron: “amblyopia”, “vision screening”, “pediatric”, “retinoscopy” y “photoscreener”. Resultados: se encontraron 376 resultados, seleccionándose 29 artículos y dos libros que incluían métodos diagnósticos de ambliopía realizados por el PAP (Bruckner, Hirschberg, Cover test, estereopsis y agudeza visual) y otros más avanzados (retinoscopia, autorrefractómetros, fotorrefractómetros y potenciales evocados). Los programas de cribado y derivación al oftalmólogo realizados por el PAP están basados en métodos tradicionales, siendo en general poco objetivos y heterogéneos. Conclusiones: los resultados encontrados no definen la edad óptima para el cribado, ni la prueba o combinación de pruebas más adecuadas para evitar derivaciones innecesarias o que una alteración pase inadvertida. Sin embargo, este cribado puede realizarse sencilla y rápidamente a partir de los 6 meses de vida mediante métodos avanzados como fotorrefractometría. Aumentar los recursos disponibles del PAP y conocer su aplicabilidad real y sus beneficios clínicos puede precisar posteriores investigaciones (AU)

Introduction: early detection of visual alterations in childhood has special relevance since it can cause problems in visual development, school performance, or even pose a vital risk such as retinoblastoma. The aim of this study was to conduct a traditional review about the diagnostic procedures that can be performed by the Primary Care Pediatrician (PCP) to improve the screening of amblyopia and to identify the most appropriate age for this screening.Material and methods: a bibliographic search of scientific texts in English and Spanish published in the last 20 years in databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar has been carried out. Some of the key words were: “amblyopia”, “vision screening”, “pediatric”, “retinoscopy” and “photoscreener”.Results: 376 results were found. 29 articles and 2 books were selected covering diagnostic methods of amblyopia performed by the PCP (Bruckner, Hirschberg, Cover test, stereopsis and visual acuity assessment) and others more advanced (retinoscopy, autorefractometry, photorefractometry and evoked potentials). The screening and ophthalmologist referral programs performed by the PCP are based on traditional methods and are generally not very objective and heterogeneous.Conclusions: the evidence does not allow to define the optimal age to amblyopia screening or which test or combination of tests could be the most appropriate to avoid unnecessary referrals or unnoticed alterations. However, this screening can be performed easily and quickly from the age of 6 months using diagnostic methods such as photorefractometry. Increasing the available resources in PCP clinic and knowing its applicability and clinical benefits may require further research. (AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care , Amblyopia/diagnosis , Early Diagnosis , Visual Acuity
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(1)ene.-mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441711


Objetivo: Relacionar la anisometropía con la estereopsis en pacientes miopes con o sin astigmatismo asociado poscirugía refractiva corneal con láser de excímero (LASEK-MMC o PRK-MMC). Método: Se realizó un estudio preexperimental del tipo antes y después, en el que fueron incluidos 81 pacientes (162 ojos) tratados con LASEK-MMC (65 pacientes) o PRK-MMC (16 pacientes) seguidos por tres meses, en el servicio de Cirugía Refractiva del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer (ICORPF), en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2018 a enero del 2019. Las variables estudiadas fueron anisometropía, diferencia de longitudes axiles, así como la estereopsis. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 24,7 ± 3,7 años en el grupo tratados con LASEK-MMC y 24,1 ± 3,1 años en los tratados con PRK-MMC. El 100 por ciento de los pacientes tenían un astigmatismo miópico compuesto, en ambos ojos. El 47,7 por ciento de los pacientes operados con LASEK-MMC, presentaba anisometropía previo a la operación, mientras que 4 pacientes la presentaron después (6,2 por ciento) (p = 0,000). El 31,3 por ciento de los pacientes tratados con PRK-MMC, estaba afectado previo a la cirugía y ese porcentaje disminuyó más de 5 veces después de la cirugía (p = 0,000). Con la cirugía la estereopsis mejoró en particular cuando no existieron antecedentes de anisometropía. Conclusiones: Los pacientes tratados con PRK-MMC y con LASEK-MMC experimentan una disminución d la anisometropía y una mejoría de estereopsis(AU)

Objective: To relate anisometropia to stereopsis in myopic patients with or without associated astigmatism after excimer laser corneal refractive surgery (laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy [LASEK] or photorefractive keratectomy [PRK], with intraoperative application of mitomycin-C [MMC]). Methods: A preexperimental, before-and-after study was carried out with 81 patients (162 eyes) treated with LASEK-MMC (65 patients) or PRK-MMC (16 patients) and followed for three months, in the refractive surgery service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology, in the period from January 2018 to January 2019. The variables studied were anisometropia, axial length difference, apart from stereopsis. Results: The average age was 24.7±3.7 years in the group treated with LASEKMMC and 24.1±3.1 years among the patients treated with PRK-MMC. 100 percent of the patients had compound myopic astigmatism in both eyes. Anisometropia was present in 47.7 percent of LASEK-MMC patients before the surgery, while four patients had anisometropia after the surgery (6.2 percent) (P=0.000). Of the patients treated with PRK-MMC, 31.3 percent were affected before surgery; this percentage decreased more than five times after surgery (P=0.000). Surgery improved stereopsis, particularly when there was no history of anisometropia. Conclusions: Patients treated with PRK-MMC and LASEK-MMC experience decreased anisometropia and improved stereopsis(AU)

Humans , Adult
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(3): e1084, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352024


Objetivo: Determinar los resultados de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva en pacientes con estrabismos horizontales. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de una serie de 19 pacientes (16 ojos derechos, 17 izquierdos) atendidos en el Servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", en el periodo comprendido entre junio de 2018 y julio de 2019, a quienes se les realizó cirugía mínimamente invasiva de estrabismo y fueron seguidos por 6 meses. Se evaluaron las variables: tipo de desviación, agudeza visual, signos posoperatorios, ángulo de desviación pre- y posquirúrgico, éxito quirúrgico, fusión, estereopsis y complicaciones. Resultados: El 73,7 por ciento de los pacientes presentaba esotropías; la media de agudeza visual pre- y posoperatoria entre los dos ojos fue muy similar; el signo posoperatorio más frecuente fue la hiperemia conjuntival ligera (75 por ciento ojos derechos y 64,5 por ciento ojos izquierdos) a las 24 horas. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas (p < 0,001) en el ángulo de desviación horizontal en dioptrías prismáticas, pre- y poscirugía, con el 84,2 por ciento de éxito quirúrgico. El 78,6 y el 80 por ciento de los pacientes con esotropía y exotropías alcanzaron fusión, pero solo lograron estereopsis el 28,5 y el 60 por ciento de ellos respectivamente. La frecuencia de complicaciones ocurrió en el 15,8 por ciento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: Se alcanzaron buenos resultados motores, así como aceptables en los sensoriales en pacientes operados de estrabismos horizontales por cirugía mínimamente invasiva(AU)

Objective: Determine the results of minimally invasive surgery in patients with horizontal strabismus. Methods: A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted of a series of 19 patients (16 right eyes, 17 left eyes) attending the Pediatric Ophthalmology Service at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from June 2018 to July 2019. These patients underwent minimally invasive strabismus surgery and were followed up for six months. The variables considered were deviation type, visual acuity, postoperative signs, pre- and postoperative angle of deviation, surgical success, fusion, stereopsis and complications. Results: Of the patients studied, 73.7 percent presented esotropias; mean pre- and postoperative visual acuity was very similar in the two eyes; the most common postoperative sign was slight conjunctival hyperemia (75 percent right eyes and 64.5 percent left eyes) at 24 hours. Statistical differences (p < 0.001) were found in the horizontal angle of deviation in pre- and postoperative prism diopters, with 84.2 percent surgical success. 78.6 percent and 80 percent of the patients with esotropia and exotropia achieved fusion, but only 28.5 and 60 percent of them, respectively, achieved stereopsis. Complications occurred in 15.8 percent of the patients. Conclusions: Good motor results were obtained, as well as acceptable sensory results in patients undergoing minimally invasive horizontal strabismus surgery(AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Esotropia/etiology , Strabismus/etiology , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Depth Perception , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Rev. Soc. Colomb. Oftalmol ; 52(2): 101-109, 2019. tab., ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1094904


Introducción: los pacientes con estrabismo comúnmente tiene algún grado de compromiso en la estereopsis, y existe evidencia clara que el tratamiento de la ambliopía severa mejora este compromiso; sin embargo, no hay datos que reporten grados de estereopsis en pacientes con ambliopía en ausencia de estrabismo. Objetivo: determinar y comparar el grado de estereopsis en pacientes sin ambliopía, con ambliopía leve y moderada en ausencia de estrabismo, que asistieron a consulta de oft almología pediátrica en el Hospital de San José entre Enero de 2015 y Agosto de 2017. Diseño del estudio: estudio de tipo transversal. Método: pacientes entre 5 y 15 años. Se utilizó el Random Dot Test para la evaluación de estereopsis. Se comparó el grado de estereopsis entre los distintos niveles de ambliopía por medio de una prueba de Kruskal Wallis. Resultados: se incluyeron 119 niños, 64 no tuvieron ambliopía y 55 tuvieron ambliopía, de los cuales el 67.3% fue leve (n=37) y el 32.7% fue moderada (n=18). La principal causa fue la refractiva; en el grupo de ambliopía leve 64.9% y moderada 77.8%. Los pacientes entre 5 y 10 años presentaron una mediana de estereopsis de 40 segundos de arco independientemente de si tenían o no ambliopía, a diferencia de los pacientes mayores de 10 años en quienes a medida que aumentó el grado de ambliopía, disminuyó la estereopsis. Conclusión: de observó una tendencia al empeoramiento del grado de estereopsis según el grado de ambliopía aunque no se alcanzó significancia estadística. El diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de la ambliopía durante los primeros años son fundamentales para garantizar un desarrollo visual adecuado de la población pediátrica.

Background: patients with strabismus usually have some degree of disturbance in stereopsis, and there is clear evidence that the treatment of severe amblyopia improves it. However, there are no data reporting grades of stereopsis in patients with amblyopia in absence of strabismus. Objective: to determine and compare the degree of stereopsis in patients without amblyopia, with mild and moderate amblyopia in absence of strabismus who the attended pediatric ophthalmology clinic at Hospital de San José between January 2015 and August of 2017. Study design: cross sectional study. Method: study design: cross-sectional study. Participants: Patients between 5 and 15 years. Process: The Random Dot Test was used for stereopsis evaluation. The degree of stereopsis between the different levels of amblyopia was compared by means of a Kruskal Wallis test. Results: 119 children were included, 64 did not have amblyopia and 55 had amblyopia. 67.3% were mild (n = 37) and 32.7% were moderate (n = 18). The principal cause was refractive, mild amblyopia 64.9% and moderate 77.8%. Patients between 5 and 10 years had a median stereopsis of 40 seconds of arc regardless of whether they had amblyopia or not, unlike patients older than 10 years in whom as the degree of amblyopia increased, stereopsis decreased. Conclusion: It was observed a tendency to worsen the degree of stereopsis according to the degree of amblyopia although statistical signifi cance was not reached. Th e early diagnosis and timely treatment of amblyopia during the fi rst years are fundamental to guarantee an adequate visual development of the pediatric population.

Amblyopia/therapy , Vision Disorders/diagnosis , Strabismus/therapy , Depth Perception
J Optom ; 10(3): 149-160, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27544414


PURPOSE: When observers focus their stereoscopic visual system for a long time (e.g., watching a 3D movie) they may experience visual discomfort or asthenopia. We tested two types of models for predicting visual fatigue in a task in which subjects were instructed to discriminate between 3D characters. One model was based on viewing distance (focal distance, vergence distance) and another in visual direction (oculomotor imbalance). METHOD: A 3D test was designed to assess binocular visual fatigue while looking at 3D stimuli located in different visual directions and viewed from two distances from the screen. The observers were tested under three conditions: (a) normal vision; (b) wearing a lens (-2 diop.); (c) wearing a base-out prism (2▿) over each eye. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated (as Signal Detection Theory parameters: SDT). RESULTS: An ANOVA and SDT analyses revealed that impaired visual performance were directly related to short distance and larger deviation in visual direction, particularly when the stimuli were located nearer and at more than 24° to the centre of the screen in dextroversion and beyond. CONCLUSION: This results support a mixed model, combining a model based on the visual angle (related to viewing distance) and another based on the oculomotor imbalance (related to visual direction). This mixed model could help to predict the distribution of seats in the cinema room ranging from those that produce greater visual comfort to those that produce more visual discomfort. Also could be a first step to pre-diagnosis of binocular vision disorders.

Accommodation, Ocular/physiology , Asthenopia/physiopathology , Depth Perception/physiology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Photic Stimulation/methods , Vision Tests/methods , Vision, Binocular/physiology , Adult , Asthenopia/diagnosis , Asthenopia/etiology , Eye Movements/physiology , Female , Healthy Volunteers , Humans , Male , Young Adult
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 29(4): 612-621, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-67167


Objetivo: determinar los resultados quirúrgicos y la obtención de fusión y estereopsis en adultos operados de estrabismo adquirido y si el tiempo transcurrido entre la aparición de la desviación y la cirugía influyó en la obtención de fusión y estereopsis.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de corte longitudinal y prospectivo, en adultos operados de estrabismo adquirido, quienes acudieron a la consulta de Oftalmología Pediátrica y Estrabismo del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer de enero a diciembre del año 2013. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, edad de inicio del estrabismo, tiempo de evolución, diagnóstico, sentido de la desviación, agudeza visual, síntomas y signos, alineamiento ocular, fusión y estereopsis posoperatoria. Resultados: las causas más frecuentes fueron la parálisis o paresias de músculos extraoculares y la exotropía, ambas con 37,7 por ciento. El 34 por ciento de los casos sobrepasaban los tres años de evolución. Se logró el alineamiento ocular y la fusión en el 73,6 por ciento, y se recuperó la estereopsis en el 52,8 por ciento. El 90,9 por ciento de los pacientes que estuvieron desviados menos de un año alcanzaron fusión y estereopsis. Conclusiones: la cirugía de estrabismo de adulto permite recuperar el alineamiento ocular, la fusión y la estereopsis, con más posibilidades de recuperación funcional cuando se realiza con menor tiempo de evolución(AU)

Objective: to describe the surgical results and the fusion and stereopsis achieved in adults operated on for acquired strabismus, and to determine whether the time elapsed from the emergence of deviation to the time of surgery had an effect on fusion and stereopsis. Methods: prospective, longitudinal and descriptive research conducted in adults operated on for acquired strabismus, who had been seen at the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January to December 2013. The analyzed variables were age, sex, the age at the onset of strabismus, time of progression, diagnosis, deviation angle, visual acuity, symptoms and signs, eye alignment and postoperative fusion and stereopsis.Results: the most frequent causes were extra ocular muscle palsy or paresis and exotropia, both accounting for 37.7 percent of cases. Over three years of progression was observed in 34 percent of patients. Eye alignment and fusion occurred in 73.6 percent whereas stereopsis was recovered in 52.8 percent of patients. In the study group, 90.9 percent of patients with deviation angle for less than one year reached fusion and stereopsis. Conclusions: strabismus surgery in adults allows recovering eye alignment, fusion and stereopsis, and the possibilities of functional recovery increase when the time of progression of disease is shorter(AU)

Humans , Adult , Strabismus/surgery , Depth Perception , Exotropia/pathology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 29(4): 612-621, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845044


Objetivo: determinar los resultados quirúrgicos y la obtención de fusión y estereopsis en adultos operados de estrabismo adquirido y si el tiempo transcurrido entre la aparición de la desviación y la cirugía influyó en la obtención de fusión y estereopsis. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de corte longitudinal y prospectivo, en adultos operados de estrabismo adquirido, quienes acudieron a la consulta de Oftalmología Pediátrica y Estrabismo del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer de enero a diciembre del año 2013. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, edad de inicio del estrabismo, tiempo de evolución, diagnóstico, sentido de la desviación, agudeza visual, síntomas y signos, alineamiento ocular, fusión y estereopsis posoperatoria. Resultados: las causas más frecuentes fueron la parálisis o paresias de músculos extraoculares y la exotropía, ambas con 37,7 por ciento. El 34 por ciento de los casos sobrepasaban los tres años de evolución. Se logró el alineamiento ocular y la fusión en el 73,6 por ciento, y se recuperó la estereopsis en el 52,8 por cientot. El 90,9 por ciento de los pacientes que estuvieron desviados menos de un año alcanzaron fusión y estereopsis. Conclusiones: la cirugía de estrabismo de adulto permite recuperar el alineamiento ocular, la fusión y la estereopsis, con más posibilidades de recuperación funcional cuando se realiza con menor tiempo de evolución(AU)

Objective: to describe the surgical results and the fusion and stereopsis achieved in adults operated on for acquired strabismus, and to determine whether the time elapsed from the emergence of deviation to the time of surgery had an effect on fusion and stereopsis. Methods: prospective, longitudinal and descriptive research conducted in adults operated on for acquired strabismus, who had been seen at the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January to December 2013. The analyzed variables were age, sex, the age at the onset of strabismus, time of progression, diagnosis, deviation angle, visual acuity, symptoms and signs, eye alignment and postoperative fusion and stereopsis. Results: the most frequent causes were extra ocular muscle palsy or paresis and exotropia, both accounting for 37.7 percent of cases. Over three years of progression was observed in 34 percent of patients. Eye alignment and fusion occurred in 73.6 percent whereas stereopsis was recovered in 52.8 percent of patients. In the study group, 90.9 percent of patients with deviation angle for less than one year reached fusion and stereopsis. Conclusions: strabismus surgery in adults allows recovering eye alignment, fusion and stereopsis, and the possibilities of functional recovery increase when the time of progression of disease is shorter(AU)

Humans , Adult , Depth Perception , Exotropia/pathology , Strabismus/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol ; 91(12): 573-576, 2016 Dec.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27443600


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensorial status in patients with pure accommodative esotropia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ambispective study, patients with pure accommodative esotropia that were found in orthotropy when using its correction glasses were included. RESULTS: 67 patients were included, mean age was 3.68±1.28 years, the near and far ocular deviation was 19±8.8 PD and 18.71±10.61 PD respectively. The visual acuity in the right eye was 0.183 ±0.11 logMAR, in the left eye was 0.188±0.12 logMAR. The average spherical equivalent was +5.50 diopters, for the right eye was +5.46 ±1.61 diopters and for the left eye +5.71 v±1.6 diopters. The average AC/A ratio was 5.19±0.92 Δ/1. 90% of the patients had a grade of near stereopsis: 42% had stereopsis equal or better to 70 arc seconds and 81% had stereopsis equal or better to 400 arc seconds, having an average of 205 arc seconds. 85% of the patients had some grade of far stereopsis: 16% had stereopsis equal or better to 70 arc seconds and 66% had a stereopsis equal or better to 400 arc seconds, having an average of 334.9 arc seconds. There was not statistically significant correlation between the grade of deviation and the stereopsis when using its correction. CONCLUSIONS: This study has detected that the sensorial status is compromised even with adequate and appropriate treatment, nevertheless, there is a low frequency of amblyopia.

Esotropia/physiopathology , Vision, Binocular , Accommodation, Ocular , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies
Gac. méd. boliv ; 39(1): 16-19, jun. 2016. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-797287


Objetivos: desarrollar un test 3D automatizado para valorar la estereopsis, test que podría ser ampliamente difundido con el actual auge de la tecnología 3D en video juegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio comparativo, prospectivo, transversal, inicialmente se desarrolló el test 3D con Scratch versión 1.4 y posteriormente se realizó el mismo en 19 personas entre 15 y 40 años con agudeza visual de 20/20 ó 20/25, se compararon los resultados con los obtenidos con el Test de Titmus. Resultados: encontramos una Agudeza Visual Estereoscópica (AVE) media de 55,32 arcos por segundo con el test 3D automatizado, con el Test de Titmus encontramos una AVE media de 57,89. Realizamos el análisis estadístico con el programa SPSS, con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,988 lo que indica que existe correlación entre los resultados obtenidos por ambos test. Conclusiones: consideramos que el test 3D automatizado es válido para su utilización en posteriores investigaciones y se constituye en una buena opción para valoración de estereopsis.

Objective: to develop a 3D automated test to assess stereopsis, test could be widely disseminated with the current boom of 3D technology in video games. Methods: a comparative, prospective, cross-sectional study, initially the 3D test was developed with Scratch version 1.4 and later it was performed in 19 people between 15 and 40 years with visual acuity of 20/20 or 20/25, were compared the results with those obtained with the Titmus test. Results: we found an average Stereoscopic Visual Acuity (AVE) of 55.32 arcs per second with automated 3D test with the Titmus test found a mean of 57.89 AVE. We performed statistical analysis using the SPSS program, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.988 indicating that there is a correlation between the results obtained by both tests. Conclusion: we believe that 3D automated test is valid for use in further research and constitutes a good choice for assessment of stereopsis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Depth Perception , Technology/instrumentation , Blinking
J Optom ; 9(4): 219-30, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26995709


We analyze the role of bilateral symmetry in enhancing binocular visual ability in human eyes, and further explore how efficiently bilateral symmetry is preserved in different ocular surgical procedures. The inclusion criterion for this review was strict relevance to the clinical questions under research. Enantiomorphism has been reported in lower order aberrations, higher order aberrations and cone directionality. When contrast differs in the two eyes, binocular acuity is better than monocular acuity of the eye that receives higher contrast. Anisometropia has an uncommon occurrence in large populations. Anisometropia seen in infancy and childhood is transitory and of little consequence for the visual acuity. Binocular summation of contrast signals declines with age, independent of inter-ocular differences. The symmetric associations between the right and left eye could be explained by the symmetry in pupil offset and visual axis which is always nasal in both eyes. Binocular summation mitigates poor visual performance under low luminance conditions and strong inter-ocular disparity detrimentally affects binocular summation. Considerable symmetry of response exists in fellow eyes of patients undergoing myopic PRK and LASIK, however the method to determine whether or not symmetry is maintained consist of comparing individual terms in a variety of ad hoc ways both before and after the refractive surgery, ignoring the fact that retinal image quality for any individual is based on the sum of all terms. The analysis of bilateral symmetry should be related to the patients' binocular vision status. The role of aberrations in monocular and binocular vision needs further investigation.

Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures , Vision Disorders/surgery , Vision, Binocular/physiology , Visual Perception/physiology , Aging/physiology , Contrast Sensitivity/physiology , Dominance, Ocular/physiology , Humans , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Refractive Surgical Procedures/methods , Vision Disorders/physiopathology
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol ; 91(3): 114-9, 2016 Mar.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26749329


OBJECTIVE: To analyse the indications, dosage and efficacy of botulinum toxin A injection performed in patients in a Strabismus Department. METHODS: In this prospective study, botulinum toxin A was injected into 28 patients diagnosed with strabismus. Data was obtained from the records of patients that were evaluated during 2013 in the Strabismus Unit of Rey Juan Carlos Hospital (Móstoles, Madrid, Spain) in order to assess the indications and dosage of botulinum toxin A use in strabismus, as well as its clinical effect and differences in paediatric and adult patients. The outcomes in the last visit, at least 14 months after the injections, were analysed. RESULTS: An analysis was performed on the data from 11 children, 6 females (54.5%), and 17 adults, 11 males (64%). The mean age was 4.42±3.48 years and 58.71±18.07 years in the children and adult groups, respectively. The majority of cases in both groups were esotropia (81.8% in children and 47.1% in adults). However the pathologies in the adult group were quite heterogeneous, including 4 patients with exotropia (26.5%), 4 with hypertropia (26.5%), and one with isolated nystagmus (5.9%). The mean number of the botulinum toxin injections in children was 1.45±0.93, although 72.7% received a single injection. In the adult group, the mean number of injections was 3.27±1.41. There was a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-injection in the tropia and phoria measurements in children and adults group (P<.05). In both groups there was a statistically significant improvement in post-injection torticollis when compared with the pre-injection measurement (P<.05). An improvement in the stereoacuity could be detected in 4 children. Two children (18.2%) and 5 adults (29.4%) required subsequent surgical intervention. Eight adult patients (49.1%) complained of diplopia in the primary position, which was resolved in 6 cases with toxin injection, whereas 2 needed surgery for diplopia correction. CONCLUSIONS: Botulinum toxin is a very useful tool in the management of strabismus, obtaining better sensory and motor results in children, but it is also effective as a symptomatic treatment in some types of strabismus in adults.

Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Strabismus/drug therapy , Adult , Botulinum Toxins, Type A , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Hospitals, General , Humans , Infant , Male , Oculomotor Muscles/surgery , Prospective Studies , Spain , Treatment Outcome
J Optom ; 9(1): 40-6, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25891121


We investigated the dynamics of accommodative and pupillary responses to random-dot stereograms presented in crossed and uncrossed disparity in six visually normal young adult subjects (mean age=25.8±3.1 years). Accommodation and pupil measures were monitored monocularly with a custom built photorefraction system while subjects fixated at the center of a random-dot stereogram. On each trial, the stereogram initially depicted a flat plane and then changed to depict a sinusoidal corrugation in depth while fixation remained constant. Increase in disparity specified depth resulted in pupil constriction during both crossed and uncrossed disparity presentations. The change in pupil size between crossed and uncrossed disparity conditions was not significantly different (p>0.05). The change in pupil size was also accompanied by a small concomitant increase in accommodation. In addition, the dynamic properties of pupil responses varied as a function of their initial (starting) diameter. The finding that accommodation and pupil responses increased with disparity regardless of the sign of retinal disparity suggests that these responses were driven by apparent depth rather than shifts in mean simulated distance of the stimulus. Presumably the need for the increased depth of focus when viewing stimuli extended in depth results in pupil constriction which also results in a concomitant change in accommodation. Starting position effects in pupil response confirm the non-linearity in the operating range of the pupil.

Accommodation, Ocular/physiology , Depth Perception/physiology , Pupil/physiology , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Night Vision/physiology , Photic Stimulation , Vision Disparity , Young Adult
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol ; 89(11): 431-8, 2014 Nov.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25212529


PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of different therapies applied in the past 30 years, both medical and surgical, and results, with the ultimate aim of determining which are the most appropriate criteria to indicate when and how to perform medical and surgical treatment in these patients. METHOD: A retrospective randomized study was conducted on 198 patients with primary divergent strabismus first seen in our clinic (IOC) in the last 36 years (1976-2012), with a mean follow-up of 8.38 years. Demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as the various treatments performed, and motor and sensory outcome were collected. They were finally divided into 3 groups of 70, 71 and 56 patients, respectively, according to their first visit, in order to compare the therapies applied. RESULTS: Half (50%) of our patients debuted before 2 years of age (P50=24 months), and 26.3% had optimal binocular vision at the beginning of the study. Medical treatment was used as exclusive therapy in 29.3% of cases (occlusion therapy, applying negative lenses, botulinum toxin), and 70.7% required surgery (61.2% by double retro-insertion of lateral rectus, and 38.8% monolateral retro-resection). There was a recurrence in 26.7% of patients, and 40 re-interventions were performed (70% due to recurrence of divergent strabismus, 12.5% due to surgical over-correction, and 17.5% for other reasons). In the end, 61.1% of patients had perfect binocular vision (TNO=60"), and the proportion was higher in patients who showed proper control of their strabismus at the beginning (P=.003). However, no differences were found in the other variables studied. When the patients were divided into 3 groups (which are demographically comparable), an increased number of patients in Group 3 were found to be treated using negative lenses and botulinum toxin (P<.001 and P=.003). This group was found to have had a higher proportion of bilateral surgery (P=.032), seeking greater immediate postoperative over-correction, thus reducing the number of re-interventions from 40.5 to 19%, although it did not reach statistical significance (P=.093). It was also found that there was a significantly increased number of injections of botulinum toxin in the middle rectum for treatment of excessive postoperative overcorrection (P=.028). No other differences in final binocular vision was found between the 3 groups (P=.703). CONCLUSIONS: In cases of clear ocular dominance, occlusion therapy must be applied twice daily on the dominating eye, in order to encourage divergent strabismus control and improve sensoriality. An attempt should be made to wait until patients reach four years of age before indicating surgical treatment, except in cases of a significant worsening of motor or sensory component. Bilateral surgery on both lateral rectus should be attempted, provided that patient characteristics allow this. A slight post-surgical overcorrection should be looked for in the immediate postoperative period, as this, in our experience, reduces the total amount of re-operations. When working on the middle rectus, remember that the elasticity of this muscle is the key factor for obtaining a proper post-surgical outcome, but a reliable measurement of this still cannot be made. In cases of excessive post-surgical over-correction, an injection of botulinum toxin should be applied to these poor elasticity muscles, in order to reduce the number of re-operations.

Exotropia/therapy , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Child, Preschool , Dominance, Ocular , Exotropia/surgery , Eye Protective Devices , Eyeglasses , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Infant , Male , Oculomotor Muscles/surgery , Random Allocation , Reoperation , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Vision, Binocular
J Optom ; 7(2): 100-5, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24766867


OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of residual stereopsis on vision-related abilities of low vision (LV) patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS: Prospective non-randomized observational case series. Inclusion criteria included documented AMD, LV with best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/50-20/400 in the better eye, and ages between 50 and 90 years. Stereoacuity was measured using the near Frisby Stereotest. Vision related abilities were documented with the VA LV VFQ-48 questionnaire. RESULTS: Twenty-seven subjects with mean age of 84±6 years old were recruited, of which 59.3% (16/27) were female. 59.3% (16/27) of the subjects were not able to see any stereoacuity plate, 25.9% (7/27) had stereoacuity of 340s of arc (SOA), 11.1% (3/27) had stereoacuity of 170 SOA and 3.7% (1/27) had stereoacuity of 85 SOA. The mean Overall Functional Visual Abilities (OFVA) score was significantly higher in those with stereopsis (2.25±0.99) than those without stereopsis (1.50±0.92) (P=0.028). CONCLUSIONS: LV patients with stereopsis have better OFVA than those without. Stereopsis should be considered as a component of LV rehabilitation and considered as an outcome measure in research and clinical practice.

Depth Perception/physiology , Macular Degeneration/physiopathology , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pilot Projects , Prospective Studies , Regression Analysis , Visual Acuity
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(supl.1): 553-561, 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-60448


Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgos que influyen en la no obtención de visión binocular en los pacientes operados de esotropía congénita. Métodos: estudio de serie de casos en pacientes operados de esotropía congénita en el Servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer, en el período comprendido de enero de 2007 a mayo de 2010. Se analizaron las variables siguientes: fusión, estereopsis, edad quirúrgica, estabilidad del alineamiento ocular, número de cirugías, ambliopía y defecto refractivo.Resultados: el 57,7 por ciento de los pacientes alcanzó fusión y el 30,8 por ciento logró estereopsia, en un rango de 3 000 a 400 segundos de arco. Los niños operados tuvieron después de los 18 meses un riesgo cinco veces mayor de no desarrollar fusión y cuatro veces mayor de no desarrollar estereopsis que los operados antes de esa edad. Los pacientes que perdieron el alineamiento ocular tuvieron al año de la cirugía casi tres veces mayor probabilidad de no alcanzar fusión que aquellos que mantuvieron la ortotropía. La probabilidad de no desarrollar estereopsis fue casi dos veces mayor en los niños ambliopes. Conclusiones: la cirugía temprana resulta importante para mejorar los resultados funcionales visuales en los operados de esotropía congénita. La pérdida del paralelismo ocular y la ambliopía estuvieron asociadas al no desarrollo de fusión y estereopsis(AU)

Objective: to determine the risk factors that have an impact on failing to achieve binocular vision in patients operated on from congenital esotropia. Methods: a case-series study conducted in patients operated on from congenital esotropia at the Pediatric Ophthalmology service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2007 through May 2010. The following variables were analyzed: fusion, stereopsis, stability of the ocular alignment, surgical age, number of surgeries, amblyopia, and refractive defect. Results: in this group, 57.7 percent of the patients reached fusion and 30.8 percent achieved stereopsis, in a range of 3000 to 400 arc seconds. The risk of not developing fusion and the risk of not developing stereopsis in operated children aged over 18 months were 5 times higher and 4 times higher, respectively, than in children operated on before that surgical age. Those patients who lose the ocular alignment after one year of surgery were 3 times more likely to fail to achieve fusion than those who kept orthotopia. The probabilities of not developing stereopsis were almost twice greater in amblyopic children. Conclusions: the early surgery is important to improve the visual functional results in those operated on from congenital esotropia. The loss of ocular parallelism and amblyopia were associated to unsuccessful development of fusion and stereopsis(AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Esotropia/congenital , Esotropia/surgery , Risk Factors , Vision, Binocular , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(supl.1): 562-570, 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-60447


Objetivo: determinar la presencia de estereopsis en los niños operados de estrabismo en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de marzo a octubre de 2011. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 50 niños a quienes se le realizó un examen oftalmológico completo. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino 60 por ciento, el rango de edad fue de 3 a 4 años 32 por ciento. El 84 por ciento de los pacientes presentaban una agudeza visual de 1,0; de ellos, solamente 10 tenían estereopsis. El rango donde se obtuvo mayor cantidad de niños con estereopsis posoperatoria fue el de menores de 2 años. La mayoría de los niños tenían como diagnóstico una esotropía congénita, solamente tuvieron estereopsis con este tipo de estrabismo 5 niños, Otro tipo de estrabismo que presentaban fue la exotropia intermitente. Conclusiones: en la cirugía de estrabismo lograr el alineamiento ocular, su estabilidad y tener la unidad de visión en ambos ojos, no trae resultados sensoriales muy alentadores, si el niño no se opera a edades tempranas. Una intervención quirúrgica temprana resulta importante para mejorar los resultados funcionales visuales, principalmente antes de los 2 años de edad(AU)

Objective: to determine the existence of stereopsis in children operated on from strabismus in Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study from March to October, 2011. Fifty children were randomly selected to undergo a complete ophthalmologic exam. Results: females 60 percent and the 3 to 4 years-old age group 32 percent prevailed. In the study group, 84 percent of the patients had visual acuity of 1.0, and just 10 had stereopsis. The patients younger than 2 years old represented the highest number with postsurgical stereopsis. Most of the children were diagnosed as congenital esotropia, but just 5 children had stereopsis added to this type of strabismus. Another type of strabismus found was the intermittent exotropia. Conclusions: in the strabismus surgery, reaching the ocular alignment and its stability as well as the vision co-ordination in both eyes, does not attain very encouraging sensory outcomes when a child is operated on at later age. An early surgical intervention is important to improve the functional visual results, mainly before 2 years of age(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Depth Perception , Perceptual Disorders/etiology , Strabismus/surgery , Visual Acuity , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Studies as Topic
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(supl.1): 553-561, 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706686


Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgos que influyen en la no obtención de visión binocular en los pacientes operados de esotropía congénita. Métodos: estudio de serie de casos en pacientes operados de esotropía congénita en el Servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer, en el período comprendido de enero de 2007 a mayo de 2010. Se analizaron las variables siguientes: fusión, estereopsis, edad quirúrgica, estabilidad del alineamiento ocular, número de cirugías, ambliopía y defecto refractivo.Resultados: el 57,7 por ciento de los pacientes alcanzó fusión y el 30,8 por ciento logró estereopsia, en un rango de 3 000 a 400 segundos de arco. Los niños operados tuvieron después de los 18 meses un riesgo cinco veces mayor de no desarrollar fusión y cuatro veces mayor de no desarrollar estereopsis que los operados antes de esa edad. Los pacientes que perdieron el alineamiento ocular tuvieron al año de la cirugía casi tres veces mayor probabilidad de no alcanzar fusión que aquellos que mantuvieron la ortotropía. La probabilidad de no desarrollar estereopsis fue casi dos veces mayor en los niños ambliopes. Conclusiones: la cirugía temprana resulta importante para mejorar los resultados funcionales visuales en los operados de esotropía congénita. La pérdida del paralelismo ocular y la ambliopía estuvieron asociadas al no desarrollo de fusión y estereopsis

Objective: to determine the risk factors that have an impact on failing to achieve binocular vision in patients operated on from congenital esotropia. Methods: a case-series study conducted in patients operated on from congenital esotropia at the Pediatric Ophthalmology service of Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2007 through May 2010. The following variables were analyzed: fusion, stereopsis, stability of the ocular alignment, surgical age, number of surgeries, amblyopia, and refractive defect. Results: in this group, 57.7 percent of the patients reached fusion and 30.8 percent achieved stereopsis, in a range of 3000 to 400 arc seconds. The risk of not developing fusion and the risk of not developing stereopsis in operated children aged over 18 months were 5 times higher and 4 times higher, respectively, than in children operated on before that surgical age. Those patients who lose the ocular alignment after one year of surgery were 3 times more likely to fail to achieve fusion than those who kept orthotopia. The probabilities of not developing stereopsis were almost twice greater in amblyopic children. Conclusions: the early surgery is important to improve the visual functional results in those operated on from congenital esotropia. The loss of ocular parallelism and amblyopia were associated to unsuccessful development of fusion and stereopsis

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Esotropia/surgery , Esotropia/congenital , Risk Factors , Vision, Binocular , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(supl.1): 562-570, 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706687


Objetivo: determinar la presencia de estereopsis en los niños operados de estrabismo en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de marzo a octubre de 2011. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 50 niños a quienes se le realizó un examen oftalmológico completo. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino 60 por ciento, el rango de edad fue de 3 a 4 años 32 por ciento. El 84 por ciento de los pacientes presentaban una agudeza visual de 1,0; de ellos, solamente 10 tenían estereopsis. El rango donde se obtuvo mayor cantidad de niños con estereopsis posoperatoria fue el de menores de 2 años. La mayoría de los niños tenían como diagnóstico una esotropía congénita, solamente tuvieron estereopsis con este tipo de estrabismo 5 niños, Otro tipo de estrabismo que presentaban fue la exotropia intermitente. Conclusiones: en la cirugía de estrabismo lograr el alineamiento ocular, su estabilidad y tener la unidad de visión en ambos ojos, no trae resultados sensoriales muy alentadores, si el niño no se opera a edades tempranas. Una intervención quirúrgica temprana resulta importante para mejorar los resultados funcionales visuales, principalmente antes de los 2 años de edad

Objective: to determine the existence of stereopsis in children operated on from strabismus in Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study from March to October, 2011. Fifty children were randomly selected to undergo a complete ophthalmologic exam. Results: females 60 percent and the 3 to 4 years-old age group 32 percent prevailed. In the study group, 84 percent of the patients had visual acuity of 1.0, and just 10 had stereopsis. The patients younger than 2 years old represented the highest number with postsurgical stereopsis. Most of the children were diagnosed as congenital esotropia, but just 5 children had stereopsis added to this type of strabismus. Another type of strabismus found was the intermittent exotropia. Conclusions: in the strabismus surgery, reaching the ocular alignment and its stability as well as the vision co-ordination in both eyes, does not attain very encouraging sensory outcomes when a child is operated on at later age. An early surgical intervention is important to improve the functional visual results, mainly before 2 years of age

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Depth Perception , Strabismus/surgery , Perceptual Disorders/etiology , Visual Acuity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as Topic