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Mar Environ Res ; 199: 106595, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38879903


A massive fish mortality of the major species, viz., Mugil cephalus, Chanos chanos, and Oreochromis mossambicus, occurred on November 27, 2017 in the Adyar estuary. This catastrophe followed a spell of heavy rainfall and flash floods. A detailed study of water quality parameters (pH, water temperature, salinity, total suspended matter, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and nutrients) and heavy metals, i.e., chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn), in the sediment and fish tissues were analyzed. Pollution indices like the enrichment factor (EF), geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), potential ecological risk index (PERI), and biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) were used to measure heavy metals. The pollution indices revealed that metals were significantly enriched in the sediments. The Igeo indicates that there was moderate contamination by Cd (2.27-3.25), whereas CF shows high contamination by Cd (7.22-9.72) and moderate contamination by Pb (2.5-3.25). The PLI (1.04-1.13) suggests that heavy metal contamination of sediments has occurred. Results showed that high concentrations of the toxic metals Pb and Cd were found in the sediment as well as in fish tissues. Length and weight of fish are significantly correlated (r2 = 0.98, p < 0.05). The study revealed that the mass fish kill was due to impulsive changes in the water quality and heavy metal pollution from untreated urban sewage discharges in this region.

Environmental Monitoring , Estuaries , Fishes , Metals, Heavy , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , India , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Bays
Toxins (Basel) ; 15(7)2023 07 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505704


Harmful algal blooms are one of the leading causes of mortality in salmon aquaculture, with significant economic consequences. From 15 to 31 October 1996, a bloom of the skeletonized form of Octactis speculum (Ehrenberg) F.H. Chang, J.M. Grieve & J.E. Sutherland was detected in the small Merexo inlet (1.7 km2 area), located on the southern shore of the Ria of Muxía (Galicia, NW Spain). The O. speculum population inside the inlet (data period: 1992-1996) seldom exceeded 4·103 cell·L-1. However, its concentration reached 2·105 cell·L-1 during the bloom, coinciding with a decrease in light penetration from 5 to 2 m deep, as measured using a Secchi disk. Although similar concentrations were reported during late October 1992, this was the first time that a bloom was associated with caged salmon (Salmo salar, Linnaeus 1758) mortality in the Galician coastal waters. This mortality was not associated with anoxia in the water column, but with fish gill irritations and mucus segregation due to gill clogging. Excess nitrate and silicate, the latter being essential for skeleton formation, were measured in the inlet during the bloom, with phosphate acting as the limiting nutrient (high negative correlation). Blooms of O. speculum occurred in autumn-winter, when water was retained within the inlet under meteorological conditions of southwest winds (which prompted downwelling conditions) and clear skies. A review of the oceanographic database of the Galician rias showed that massive O. speculum proliferations are also commonplace in other rias with similar environmental conditions, such as the Ria of Ares-Betanzos, and can therefore constitute a threat for the development of salmon aquaculture on this coast.

Dinoflagellida , Salmo salar , Animals , Harmful Algal Bloom , Wind , Bays , Water
J Parasit Dis ; 47(2): 306-318, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37193509


Parasitic infestations and their control programmes are one among the challenges to be considered the most significant in aquaculture. A parasitic infestation was studied elaborately in Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer juveniles with clinical signs, post-mortem findings, morphological and molecular identifications. In addition, those fish were also treated with emamectin benzoate (EMB) @ 50 µg kg-1 of fish body weight (BW) d-1 for 10 consecutive days under the controlled wet lab facility by feeding through the medicated feed at 4% BW. Results showed that the parasitic prevalence, parasitic intensity (PI) and mortality were 45.5%, 8.17 ± 0.15 per fish and 40% over a period of one week in that existing cage culture. The parasite was identified as a crustacean bloodsucker, anchor worm Lernaea sp. and EMB was found to be 100% effective with significant reduction in PI over a period of 10 days with improved survival rate of 90% against the untreated group. Infested but treated group revealed substantial haematological improvement in parameters such as RBC, WBC, Hb, PCV, large lymphocytes, small lymphocytes and total lymphocytes (P < 0.01). Similarly, comparative histopathology of vital organs also revealed no discernible lesions between the healthy and treated fish juvenile as compared to that of infested untreated group. Hence, EMB can be used to control the Lernaea sp. infestation in Asian Seabass.

Microb Genom ; 8(7)2022 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35786440


Between 2010 and 2015, nocardiosis outbreaks caused by Nocardia seriolae affected many permit farms throughout Vietnam, causing mass fish mortalities. To understand the biology, origin and epidemiology of these outbreaks, 20 N. seriolae strains collected from farms in four provinces in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, along with two Taiwanese strains, were analysed using genetics and genomics. PFGE identified a single cluster amongst all Vietnamese strains that was distinct from the Taiwanese strains. Like the PFGE findings, phylogenomic and SNP genotyping analyses revealed that all Vietnamese N. seriolae strains belonged to a single, unique clade. Strains fell into two subclades that differed by 103 SNPs, with almost no diversity within clades (0-5 SNPs). There was no association between geographical origin and subclade placement, suggesting frequent N. seriolae transmission between Vietnamese mariculture facilities during the outbreaks. The Vietnamese strains shared a common ancestor with strains from Japan and China, with the closest strain, UTF1 from Japan, differing by just 220 SNPs from the Vietnamese ancestral node. Draft Vietnamese genomes range from 7.55 to 7.96 Mbp in size, have an average G+C content of 68.2 % and encode 7 602-7958 predicted genes. Several putative virulence factors were identified, including genes associated with host cell adhesion, invasion, intracellular survival, antibiotic and toxic compound resistance, and haemolysin biosynthesis. Our findings provide important new insights into the epidemiology and pathogenicity of N. seriolae and will aid future vaccine development and disease management strategies, with the ultimate goal of nocardiosis-free aquaculture.

Fish Diseases , Nocardia Infections , Animals , Aquaculture , Fish Diseases/epidemiology , Fish Diseases/genetics , Genomics , Nocardia , Nocardia Infections/epidemiology , Nocardia Infections/veterinary , Vietnam/epidemiology
Harmful Algae ; 102: 101989, 2021 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33875185


Harmful algal blooms (HAB) are recurrent phenomena in northern Europe along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, Kattegat-Skagerrak, eastern North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. These HABs have caused occasional massive losses for the aquaculture industry and have chronically affected socioeconomic interests in several ways. This status review gives an overview of historical HAB events and summarises reports to the Harmful Algae Event Database from 1986 to the end of year 2019 and observations made in long term monitoring programmes of potentially harmful phytoplankton and of phycotoxins in bivalve shellfish. Major HAB taxa causing fish mortalities in the region include blooms of the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri in northern Norway in 1991 and 2019, resulting in huge economic losses for fish farmers. A bloom of the prymesiophyte Prymnesium polylepis (syn. Chrysochromulina polylepis) in the Kattegat-Skagerrak in 1988 was ecosystem disruptive. Blooms of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis spp. have caused accumulations of foam on beaches in the southwestern North Sea and Wadden Sea coasts and shellfish mortality has been linked to their occurrence. Mortality of shellfish linked to HAB events has been observed in estuarine waters associated with influx of water from the southern North Sea. The first bloom of the dictyochophyte genus Pseudochattonella was observed in 1998, and since then such blooms have been observed in high cell densities in spring causing fish mortalities some years. Dinoflagellates, primarily Dinophysis spp., intermittently yield concentrations of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, above regulatory limits along the coasts of Norway, Denmark and the Swedish west coast. On average, DST levels in shellfish have decreased along the Swedish and Norwegian Skagerrak coasts since approximately 2006, coinciding with a decrease in the cell abundance of D. acuta. Among dinoflagellates, Alexandrium species are the major source of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) in the region. PST concentrations above regulatory levels were rare in the Skagerrak-Kattegat during the three decadal review period, but frequent and often abundant findings of Alexandrium resting cysts in surface sediments indicate a high potential risk for blooms. PST levels often above regulatory limits along the west coast of Norway are associated with A. catenella (ribotype Group 1) as the main toxin producer. Other Alexandrium species, such as A. ostenfeldii and A. minutum, are capable of producing PST among some populations but are usually not associated with PSP events in the region. The cell abundance of A. pseudogonyaulax, a producer of the ichthyotoxin goniodomin (GD), has increased in the Skagerrak-Kattegat since 2010, and may constitute an emerging threat. The dinoflagellate Azadinium spp. have been unequivocally linked to the presence of azaspiracid toxins (AZT) responsible for Azaspiracid Shellfish Poisoning (AZP) in northern Europe. These toxins were detected in bivalve shellfish at concentrations above regulatory limits for the first time in Norway in blue mussels in 2005 and in Sweden in blue mussels and oysters (Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas) in 2018. Certain members of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid and analogs known as Amnesic Shellfish Toxins (AST). Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia were common in the North Sea and the Skagerrak-Kattegat, but levels of AST in bivalve shellfish were rarely above regulatory limits during the review period. Summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea are a concern mainly for tourism by causing massive fouling of bathing water and beaches. Some of the cyanobacteria produce toxins, e.g. Nodularia spumigena, producer of nodularin, which may be a human health problem and cause occasional dog mortalities. Coastal and shelf sea regions in northern Europe provide a key supply of seafood, socioeconomic well-being and ecosystem services. Increasing anthropogenic influence and climate change create environmental stressors causing shifts in the biogeography and intensity of HABs. Continued monitoring of HAB and phycotoxins and the operation of historical databases such as HAEDAT provide not only an ongoing status report but also provide a way to interpret causes and mechanisms of HABs.

Ecosystem , Harmful Algal Bloom , Animals , Dogs , Europe , Nodularia , Norway , Oceans and Seas , Sweden
Front Microbiol ; 12: 617151, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33767675


Lake Cajititlán is a small, shallow, subtropical lake located in an endorheic basin in western Mexico. It is characterized by a strong seasonality of climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons and has been classified as a hypereutrophic lake. This eutrophication was driven by improperly treated sewage discharges from four municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and by excessive agricultural activities, including the overuse of fertilizers that reach the lake through surface runoff during the rainy season. This nutrient rich runoff has caused algal blooms, which have led to anoxic or hypoxic conditions, resulting in large-scale fish deaths that have occurred during or immediately after the rainy season. This study investigated the changes in the phytoplankton community in Lake Cajititlán during the rainy season and the association between these changes and the physicochemical water quality and environmental parameters measured in the lake's basin. Planktothrix and Cylindrospermopsis were the dominant genera of the cyanobacterial community, while the Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, and Trebouxiophyceae classes dominated the microalgae community. However, the results showed a significant temporal shift in the phytoplankton communities in Lake Cajititlán induced by the rainy season. The findings of this study suggest that significant climatic variations cause high seasonal surface runoff and rapid changes in the water quality (Chlorophyll-a, DO, NH4 +, and NO3 -) and in variations in the composition of the phytoplankton community. Finally, an alternation between phosphorus and nitrogen limitation was observed in Lake Cajititlán during the rainy season, clearly correlating to the presence of Planktothrix when the lake was limited by phosphorus and to the presence of Cylindrospermopsis when the lake was limited by nitrogen. The evidence presented in this study supports the idea that the death of fish in Lake Cajititlán could be mainly caused by anoxia, caused by rapid changes in water quality during the rainy season. Based on our review of the literature, this is the first study on the phytoplankton community in a subtropical lake during the rainy season using high throughput 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing.

Sci Total Environ ; 766: 144383, 2021 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33421787


The dictyochophyte microalga Pseudochattonella verruculosa was responsible for the largest farmed fish mortality ever recorded in the world, with losses for the Chilean salmon industry amounting to US$ 800 M in austral summer 2016. Super-scale climatic anomalies resulted in strong vertical water column stratification that stimulated development of a dynamic P. verruculosa thin layer (up to 38 µg chl a L-1) for several weeks in Reloncaví Sound. Hydrodynamic modeling (MIKE 3D) indicated that the Sound had extremely low flushing rates (between 121 and 200 days) in summer 2016. Reported algal cell densities of 7000-20,000 cells mL-1 generated respiratory distress in fish that was unlikely due to low dissolved oxygen (permanently >4 mg L-1). Histological examination of salmon showed that gills were the most affected organ with significant tissue damage and circulatory disorders. It is possible that some of this damage was due to a diatom bloom that preceded the Pseudochattonella event, thereby rendering the fish more susceptible to Pseudochattonella. No correlation between magnitude of fish mortality and algal cell abundance nor fish age was evident. Algal cultures revealed rapid growth rates and high cell densities (up to 600,000 cells mL-1), as well as highly complex life cycle stages that can be easily overlooked in monitoring programs. In cell-based bioassays, Chilean P. verruculosa was only toxic to the RTgill-W1 cell line following exposures to high cell densities of lysed cells (>100,000 cells mL-1). Fatty acid profiles of a cultured strain showed elevated concentrations of potentially ichthyotoxic, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (69.7% ± 1.8%)- stearidonic (SDA, 18:4ω3-28.9%), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6ω3-22.3%), suggesting that lipid peroxidation may help to explain the mortalities, though superoxide production by Pseudochattonella was low (< 0.21 ± 0.19 pmol O2- cell-1 h-1). It therefore remains unknown what the mechanisms of salmon mortality were during the Pseudochattonella bloom. Multiple mitigation strategies were used by salmon farmers during the event, with only delayed seeding of juvenile fish into the cages and towing of cages to sanctuary sites being effective. Airlift pumping, used effectively against other fish-killing HABs in the US and Canada was not effective, perhaps because it brought subsurface layers of Pseudochattonella to the surface, or and it also may have lysed the fragile cells, rendering them more lethal. The present study highlights knowledge gaps and inefficiency of contingency plans by the fish farming industry to overcome future fish-killing algal blooms under future climate change scenarios. The use of new technologies based on molecular methods for species detection, good farm practices by fish farms, and possible mitigation strategies are discussed.

Harmful Algal Bloom , Stramenopiles , Animals , Canada , Chile
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210037, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279497


Albeit massive fish mortality has an extraordinary visual impact and is certainly a fatality, we still have rudimentary understanding on how addressing this problem in the Neotropical region. The processes that lead to fish die-off events are complex and sometimes ephemeral, which can lead to incorrect diagnosis. In this review, we discuss these events in Neotropical freshwaters, both in areas impacted by dams and natural environment, with a focus on deaths mediated by the lack of oxygen (anoxia) or the excess of dissolved gases (gas supersaturation). We examine the available knowledge about the related mechanisms, lethal thresholds for dissolved oxygen (DO) and total dissolved gases (TDG) for fish, and the sequelae of gas bubble disease (GBD). An assessment of the main mortality events in Brazil in the last 10 years is also presented, as well as the best practices for monitoring, prevention, and mitigation. Finally, it is concluded that the proliferation of hydroelectric plants in the Neotropical region might contribute to the expansion of these events and, consequently, increasing of impacts on fish conservation. We consider urgent the inclusion of this topic in the licensing processes for new hydropower projects by the environmental agencies.(AU)

Embora mortandades massivas de peixes tenham impacto visual extraordinário e sejam certamente uma fatalidade, estamos ainda engatinhando no entendimento e na solução desse problema. Os processos que levam aos eventos de mortes de peixes são complexos e algumas vezes efêmeros, o que explica diagnoses incorretas. Nessa revisão nós discutimos esses eventos em bacias hidrográficas neotropicais, tanto em barragens como em ambientes naturais, porém com o foco nas mortes por falta de oxigênio (anoxia) ou excesso de gases dissolvidos (supersaturação gasosa). Em particular são examinados o conhecimento disponível acerca dos processos que levam a essas condições, os limiares letais de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) e gases totais dissolvidos (GTD) para os peixes e as sequelas da doença das bolhas de gás (DBG). Uma avaliação dos principais eventos de mortandade que ocorreram no Brasil nos últimos 10 anos é também apresentada, bem como discutidas as melhores práticas para o monitoramento, prevenção e mitigação. Conclui-se, finalmente, que a proliferação de hidrelétricas deve contribuir com a expansão desses eventos e consequentemente com mais um fator de ameaça à biodiversidade. Consideramos urgente a inclusão desse tema nos processos de licenciamento de novos empreendimentos pelo órgão ambiental.(AU)

Animals , Dams , Mortality , Fishes/physiology , Hypoxia/mortality , Dissolved Oxygen , Water Reservoirs , Biodiversity
Harmful Algae ; 99: 101905, 2020 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33218431


The dinoflagellate Karlodinium armiger has a huge impact on wild and caged fish during blooms in coastal waters. Recently, a new toxin, karmitoxin, was chemically characterized from K. armiger and a quantification method was established, thereby allowing investigations of the fish killing mechanism. K. armiger is not able to grow in standard growth media that are based on nitrate as a nitrogen source, and successful cultures of this species have only been achieved in mixotrophic cultures after addition of a prey source. Here we show that addition of ammonium (up to 50 µM) to the growth media is a good alternative, as K. armiger batch cultures achieve growth rates, which are comparable to growth rates reached in mixotrophic cultures. Karmitoxin production (1.9 and 2.9 pg cell-1 d-1) and cellular karmitoxin content (8.72 ± 0.25 pg cell-1 and 7.14 ± 0.29 pg cell-1) were in the same range, though significantly different, in prey-fed cultures and monocultures supplied with ammonium, respectively. Net production of karmitoxin stopped when the K. armiger cultures reached stationary growth phase, indicating no accumulation of karmitoxin in cells or growth media. Toxicity tests towards sheepshead minnow fish larvae indicated rapid death of the fish larvae when exposed to high K. armiger cell concentrations (LT50 of 2.06 h at 44.9 × 103 cells mL-1 cultivated with ammonium). Purified toxins caused the same physical damage to fish larvae as living K. armiger cultures. An exposure of purified karmitoxin to fish larvae and rainbow trout gill cells indicated that the fish larvae were about three times less sensitive than gill cells. When comparing the effect of purified toxins with the effect of whole K. armiger cultures, twice the toxin concentration of the purified toxins was needed to cause the same effect. Although a loss of karmitoxin of twenty percent was observed during the incubation, this could not explain the apparent discrepancy. Other factors, like a direct effect of the K. armiger cells on the fish larvae or other, yet unknown toxins may influence the effect of whole cell cultures. To study the effects of released karmitoxin, fish larvae were exposed to a K. armiger culture that was treated with HP-20 resin, which adsorbs extracellular karmitoxin. The 24 h HP-20 treatment resulted in a K. armiger culture that had 37% less total karmitoxin, without a reduction in cell concentration, and a reduced toxic effect was observed in the HP-20 treated culture, as compared to non-treated controls. Fish larvae that were exposed to HP-20 treated culture were immobilized, but survived during the 12 h exposure, whereas the exposure to non-treated culture led to high mortality of the fish larvae. Direct observations under the microscope revealed no evidence of micropredation of K. armiger on the fish larvae during any of the exposures. Thus, the results presented here, indicate that released karmitoxin is the main cause for fish kills by K. armiger. Finally, we found that juvenile rainbow trout were six times more sensitive than fish larvae towards K. armiger, indicating that juvenile fish are more sensitive to K. armiger in bloom situations than early larval stages.

Dinoflagellida , Animals , Larva , Polyenes , Toxicity Tests
PeerJ ; 8: e9977, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32995098


Knowledge on the extent and mechanisms of fish damage caused by hydropower facilities is important for the conservation of fish populations. Herein, we assessed the effects of hydropower turbine passage on internal fish injuries using X-ray technology. A total of 902 specimens from seven native European fish species were screened for 36 types of internal injuries and 86 external injuries evaluated with a previously published protocol. The applied systematic visual evaluation of X-ray images successfully detected skeletal injuries, swim bladder anomalies, emphysema, free intraperitoneal gas and hemorrhages. Injuries related to handling and to impacts of different parts of the hydropower structure could be clearly distinguished applying multivariate statistics and the data often explained delayed mortality within 96 h after turbine passage. The internal injuries could clearly be assigned to specific physical impacts resulting from turbine passage such as swim bladder rupture due to abrupt pressure change or fractures of skeletal parts due to blade-strike, fluid shear or severe turbulence. Generally, internal injuries were rarely depicted by external evaluation. For example, 29% of individuals with vertebral fractures did not present externally visible signs of severe injury. A combination of the external and internal injury evaluation allows quantifying and comparing fish injuries across sites, and can help to identify the technologies and operational procedures which minimize harm to fish in the context of assessing hydropower-related fish injuries as well as in assessing fish welfare.

Microb Pathog ; 141: 103989, 2020 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31982567


Rampant and uncontrolled use of antibiotics is a major concern for aquaculture; the practice foments the emergence of resistant strains of Streptococcus agalactiae, among other negative impacts. Constituents of plant essential oils such as nerolidol are being considered as replacements for synthetic drugs to support fish nutrition and health. There is evidence to suggest that nanotechnology may enhance the efficacy of natural bioactive compounds; this is a substantial advance for the development and sustainability of aquaculture. Against the backdrop of this evidence, we aimed determine whether dietary supplementation with free nerolidol and nerolidol-loaded nanospheres would exert bactericidal effects against S. agalactiae, as well as prevent S. agalactiae-induced brain oxidative damage. In Experiment I, we measured the antimicrobial properties of dietary supplementation of nerolidol and nerolidol nanosphere in terms of mortality, longevity and relative percent survival. Fish infected with S. agalactiae fed 0.5 and 1.0 mL nerolidol nanospheres kg/diet demonstrated lower mortality and higher relative percent survival than the control group, while longevity was higher in all infected plus supplementation groups. Experiment II showed significantly lower microbial loads in brains of fish infected with S. agalactiae that were fed 1.0 mL nerolidol nanospheres kg/diet than in the control group. Brain nerolidol levels were significantly higher in uninfected as well as infected fish supplemented with nerolidol nanospheres than in fish supplemented with free nerolidol. Finally, brain reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation levels were higher in infected fish supplemented with basal diet compared to uninfected fish and supplemented with basal diet, and the supplementation with 1.0 mL/kg nerolidol nanospheres prevented this augmentation caused by infection. These data suggest that dietary supplementation with nerolidol nanospheres (1.0 mL/kg diet) has potent bactericidal effects in terms of augmentation of fish longevity and survival, and reduction of brain microbial loads. Also, S. agalactiae-induced brain oxidative damage that contributed to disease pathogenesis, and the dietary supplementation with nerolidol nanospheres (1.0 mL/kg diet) prevented this alteration. In summary, nanotechnology is a compelling approach to enhancing the efficacy of nerolidol, giving rise to reduction of S. agalactiae loads in fish brains.

Cichlids , Sesquiterpenes , Streptococcus agalactiae , Animals , Aquaculture , Bacterial Load/drug effects , Brain/metabolism , Brain/pathology , Cichlids/growth & development , Cichlids/microbiology , Diet/veterinary , Dietary Supplements , Drug Compounding/methods , Fish Diseases/microbiology , Mortality , Nanospheres , Nanotechnology/methods , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Sesquiterpenes/administration & dosage , Sesquiterpenes/pharmacology , Streptococcal Infections/drug therapy , Streptococcal Infections/microbiology , Streptococcus agalactiae/drug effects , Streptococcus agalactiae/pathogenicity , Survival Rate
Sci Total Environ ; 708: 135173, 2020 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31796278


Species conservation, river rehabilitation, stock enhancement, environmental impact assessment and related planning tools require indicators to identify significant impacts but also mitigation success. Since river systems are shaped by disturbances from floods and droughts, typical riverine fish species should have evolved life history traits providing resilience against such disturbances. This study compiled and analyzed resilience traits of European lampreys and fish species to derive a novel sensitivity classification of species to mortality. We assembled life history traits like maximum length, migration type, mortality, fecundity, age at maturity, and generation time of 168 species and created a novel method to weigh and integrate all traits to generate a final sensitivity score from one (low sensitivity) to three (high sensitivity) for each species. Large-bodied, diadromous, rheophilic and lithophilic species such as sturgeons, sea trout, and Atlantic salmon usually appeared to have high sensitivity to additional adult fish mortality, whereas small-bodied, limnophilic and phytophilic species with fast generation cycles were of low sensitivity. The final scoring and classification of 168 European lampreys and fish species according to their sensitivity can be easily regionalized by selecting the most sensitive candidates according to the local species pool. This sensitivity classification has major implications for advancing impact assessment, allowing better targeting of species for conservation measures, benchmarking progress during rehabilitation and enhancing the objective evaluation of the success of restoration projects.

Fishes , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Floods , Rivers
Harmful Algae ; 75: 118-128, 2018 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29778221


The Benguela upwelling system, considered the world's most productive marine ecosystem, has a long record of potentially toxic diatoms belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Species of Pseudo-nitzschia were reported as early as 1936 from the northern Benguela upwelling system (nBUS). For the current study, long-term phytoplankton monitoring data (2004-2011) for the Namibian coast were analysed to examine inshore and offshore temporal distribution of Pseudo-nitzschia species, their diversity and ultrastructure. The potentially toxigenic P. pungens and P. australis were the dominant inshore species, whereas offshore Pseudo-nitzschia showed a higher diversity that also included potentially toxic species. During a warming event, a community shift from P. pungens and P. australis dominance to P. fraudulenta and P. multiseries was documented in the central nBUS. A case study of a toxic event (August 2004) revealed that P. australis and P. pungens were present at multiple inshore and offshore stations, coincident with fish (pilchard) and bird mortalities reported from the central part of Namibia. Toxin analyses (LC-MS/MS) of samples collected from June to August 2004 revealed the presence of particulate domoic acid (DA) in seawater at multiple stations (maximum ∼180 ng DA/L) in the >0.45 µm size-fraction, as well as detectable DA (0.12 µg DA/g) in the gut of one of two pilchard samples tested. These findings indicate that DA may have been associated with the fish and bird mortalities reported from this event in the nBUS. However, the co-occurrence of very high biomass phytoplankton blooms suggests that other explanations may be possible.

Diatoms/chemistry , Kainic Acid/analogs & derivatives , Marine Toxins/analysis , Atlantic Ocean , Biodiversity , Chromatography, Liquid , Diatoms/classification , Diatoms/ultrastructure , Kainic Acid/analysis , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Namibia , Phytoplankton/chemistry , Phytoplankton/classification , Phytoplankton/ultrastructure , Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Braz. j. biol ; 78(2): 195-201, May-Aug. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888870


Abstract The effect of catch-and-release fishing on the survival of peacock bass (Cichla spp.) was evaluated by comparing two types of artificial bait (jig and shallow-diver plugs) and two types of post-catch confinement. Two experiments were conducted during the periods January-February and October-November 2012 in the Unini River, a right-bank tributary of the Negro River. In total, 191 peacock bass were captured. Both groups of fish were subjected to experimental confinement (collective and individual) for three days. Additionally, 11 fish were tagged with radio transmitters for telemetry monitoring. Mortality rate was estimated as the percentage of dead individuals for each type of bait and confinement. For peacock bass caught with jig baits, mortality was zero. The corresponding figure for shallow-diver bait was 1.66% for fish in collective containment, 18.18% for fish monitored by telemetry and 0% for individuals confined individually. Our results show low post-release mortality rates for peacock bass. Furthermore, neither the type of confinement nor the type of bait had a statistically significant influence on mortality rates. While future studies could include other factors in the analysis, our results show that catch-and-release fishing results in low mortality rates.

Resumo O efeito do pesque-solte na sobrevivência do tucunaré (Cichla spp.) foi avaliado comparando dois tipos de iscas artificiais, jig e de meia-água, e dois tipos de confinamento pós-captura. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante os períodos de janeiro-fevereiro e outubro-novembro de 2012, no Rio Unini, afluente da margem direita do Rio Negro. No total, 191 tucunarés foram capturados. Os peixes foram submetidos a um confinamento experimental (coletivo e individual) com duração de três dias. Além disso, 11 peixes foram marcados com radiotransmissores e liberados imediatamente após a captura, sendo monitorados por telemetria. A taxa de mortalidade foi calculada como a porcentagem de indivíduos mortos para cada tipo de isca e tratamento (confinamento individual, coletivo e sem confinamento). Não houve mortalidade para o grupo de tucunarés capturados com isca jig. A isca de meia-água mostrou uma taxa de mortalidade de 1,66% para o confinamento coletivo e 18,18% para os peixes monitorados por telemetria. Nossos resultados mostraram baixas taxas de mortalidade pós-soltura para tucunaré. Além disso, nem o tipo de confinamento, nem o tipo de isca tiveram influência significativa nas taxas de mortalidade. Ainda que estudos futuros possam incluir novos fatores na análise, os nossos resultados mostram que a prática do pesque-solte resulta em baixas taxas de mortalidade.

Animals , Cichlids/physiology , Telemetry , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Rivers
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467072


Abstract The effect of catch-and-release fishing on the survival of peacock bass (Cichla spp.) was evaluated by comparing two types of artificial bait (jig and shallow-diver plugs) and two types of post-catch confinement. Two experiments were conducted during the periods January-February and October-November 2012 in the Unini River, a right-bank tributary of the Negro River. In total, 191 peacock bass were captured. Both groups of fish were subjected to experimental confinement (collective and individual) for three days. Additionally, 11 fish were tagged with radio transmitters for telemetry monitoring. Mortality rate was estimated as the percentage of dead individuals for each type of bait and confinement. For peacock bass caught with jig baits, mortality was zero. The corresponding figure for shallow-diver bait was 1.66% for fish in collective containment, 18.18% for fish monitored by telemetry and 0% for individuals confined individually. Our results show low post-release mortality rates for peacock bass. Furthermore, neither the type of confinement nor the type of bait had a statistically significant influence on mortality rates. While future studies could include other factors in the analysis, our results show that catch-and-release fishing results in low mortality rates.

Resumo O efeito do pesque-solte na sobrevivência do tucunaré (Cichla spp.) foi avaliado comparando dois tipos de iscas artificiais, jig e de meia-água, e dois tipos de confinamento pós-captura. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante os períodos de janeiro-fevereiro e outubro-novembro de 2012, no Rio Unini, afluente da margem direita do Rio Negro. No total, 191 tucunarés foram capturados. Os peixes foram submetidos a um confinamento experimental (coletivo e individual) com duração de três dias. Além disso, 11 peixes foram marcados com radiotransmissores e liberados imediatamente após a captura, sendo monitorados por telemetria. A taxa de mortalidade foi calculada como a porcentagem de indivíduos mortos para cada tipo de isca e tratamento (confinamento individual, coletivo e sem confinamento). Não houve mortalidade para o grupo de tucunarés capturados com isca jig. A isca de meia-água mostrou uma taxa de mortalidade de 1,66% para o confinamento coletivo e 18,18% para os peixes monitorados por telemetria. Nossos resultados mostraram baixas taxas de mortalidade pós-soltura para tucunaré. Além disso, nem o tipo de confinamento, nem o tipo de isca tiveram influência significativa nas taxas de mortalidade. Ainda que estudos futuros possam incluir novos fatores na análise, os nossos resultados mostram que a prática do pesque-solte resulta em baixas taxas de mortalidade.

Int J Phytoremediation ; 18(10): 949-55, 2016 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27159271


This paper elucidates the phytoremediation potential of water hyacinth and water lettuce on the reduction of wastewater toxicity. Acute toxicity tests were performed in an aquarium with a population of Sarotherodon melanotheron, contaminated by different concentrations of wastewaters before and after phytoremediation with Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes. Lethal concentrations (LC50) of the fish's population obtained during 24 hours of exposures were determined. COD, BOD, ammonium, TKN and PO4(3-) concentrations in wastewaters were of 1850.29, 973.33, 38.34, 61.49 and 39.23 mg L(-1), respectively, for each plant. Phytoremediation reduced 58.87% of ammonium content, 50.04% of PO4(3-), 82.45% of COD and 84.91% of BOD. After 15 days of the experiment, metal contents in treated wastewaters decreased from 6.65 to 97.56% for water hyacinth and 3.51 to 93.51% for water lettuce tanks. Toxicity tests showed that the mortality of fish exposed increased with increase in concentration of pollutants in wastewaters and the time of exposure. Therefore, the highest value of LC50 was recorded for fish subjected to 3 hours of exposure (16.37%). The lowest rate was obtained after an exposure of 20 to 24 hours (5.85%). After phytoremediation, the effluents purified by Eichhornia crassipes can maintain the fish life beyond 24 hours of exposure.

Araceae/metabolism , Eichhornia/metabolism , Environmental Restoration and Remediation/methods , Wastewater/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical/metabolism , Animals , Biodegradation, Environmental , Cichlids/metabolism , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Environ Toxicol ; 30(5): 501-12, 2015 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24293352


A rapid cyanobacterial bloom of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (3.2 × 10(4) filaments/mL) was detected early November, 2012, in the Fancsika pond (East Hungary). The strong discoloration of water was accompanied by a substantial fish mortality (even dead cats were seen on the site), raising the possibility of some toxic metabolites in the water produced by the bloom-forming cyanobacteria (C. raciborskii). The potential neuronal targets of the toxic substances in the bloom sample were studied on identified neurons (RPas) in the central nervous system of Helix pomatia. The effects of the crude aqueous extracts of the Fancsika bloom sample (FBS) and the laboratory isolate of C. raciborskii from the pond (FLI) were compared with reference samples: C. raciborskii ACT 9505 (isolated in 1995 from Lake Balaton, Hungary), the cylindrospermopsin producer AQS, and the neurotoxin (anatoxin-a, homoanatoxin-a) producer Oscillatoria sp. (PCC 6506) strains. Electrophysiological tests showed that both FBS and FLI samples as well the ACT 9505 extracts modulate the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) of the neurons, evoking ACh agonist effects, then inhibiting the ACh-evoked neuronal responses. Dose-response data suggested about the same range of toxicity of FBS and FLI samples (EC50 = 0.397 mg/mL and 0.917 mg/mL, respectively) and ACT 9505 extracts (EC50 = 0.734 mg/mL). The extract of the neurotoxin-producing PCC 6506 strain, however, proved to be the strongest inhibitor of the ACh responses on the same neurons (EC50 = 0.073 mg/mL). The presented results demonstrated an anatoxin-a-like cholinergic inhibitory effects of cyanobacterial extracts (both the environmental FBS sample, and the laboratory isolate, FLI) by some (yet unidentified) toxic components in the matrix of secondary metabolites. Previous pharmacological studies of cyanobacterial samples collected in other locations (Balaton, West Hungary) resulted in similar conclusions; therefore, we cannot exclude that this chemotype of C. raciborskii which produce anatoxin-a like neuroactive substances is more widely distributed in this region.

Cylindrospermopsis/metabolism , Eutrophication , Neurotoxins/biosynthesis , Neurotoxins/toxicity , Uracil/analogs & derivatives , Acetylcholine/metabolism , Alkaloids , Animals , Bacterial Toxins/chemistry , Bacterial Toxins/metabolism , Bacterial Toxins/toxicity , Bridged Bicyclo Compounds, Heterocyclic/chemistry , Bridged Bicyclo Compounds, Heterocyclic/metabolism , Bridged Bicyclo Compounds, Heterocyclic/toxicity , Cyanobacteria Toxins , Cylindrospermopsis/drug effects , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Helix, Snails , Hungary , Lakes , Neurons/drug effects , Oscillatoria/chemistry , Oscillatoria/metabolism , Receptors, Cholinergic/drug effects , Tropanes/chemistry , Tropanes/metabolism , Tropanes/toxicity , Uracil/biosynthesis , Uracil/toxicity
Vet. Méx ; 42(1): 59-64, ene.-mar. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632959


The gamitana is a species of socio-economic importance in the Peruvian Amazon, often intensively produced locally for human consumption. Because of this, more studies concerning parasite populations affecting this species' culture are necessary. In this study, a heavy copepod infestation of Perulernaea gamitanae is reported in a managed culture of gamitana. The prevalence of infection was 100% and mortality of the fish population was complete. The average intensity and abundance of the parasite was 268.8 parasites per individual.

La gamitana constituye una especie de importancia socioeconómica en la Amazonia peruana, que ha llevado a su producción intensiva para el consumo humano, pero se requieren más estudios respecto de la población de parásitos que estén afectando su cultivo. En este estudio se identificó una alta infestación por copépodos de la especie Perulernaea gamitanae en un cultivo de gamitana. La prevalencia fue de 100%, con mortalidad de todos los peces. La intensidad media y la abundancia fue, en ambos casos, de 268.8 parásitos por individuo.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 8(3): 661-665, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-562950


Fish damage in hydroelectric stations has been extensively reported, but further investigations focusing on Brazilian migratory species, especially large fish, are needed. The present study describes swimbladder abnormalities in piapara Leporinus obtusidens, a migratory physoclistous species, collected downstream from the Funil Hydroelectric station dam, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The 117 specimens collected were dissected for swimbladder evaluation in the coelomic cavity. The abnormalities detected in 14 of the fish (12 percent) were swimbladder rupture with exteriorization (N = 12) and formation of sac-like projections (N = 2). The specimens that had swimbladder abnormalities weighed over 1300 g for both sexes. These abnormalities may be caused by bladder infections, however, inflammation process were not detected in these fish. The presence of anomalies in swimbladder suggests that the individuals were subjected to sudden depressurization, possibly related to passage through the turbines. Further comparative studies are needed to corroborate this hypothesis.

Os danos que as usinas hidrelétricas causam na fauna aquática tem sido relatados, mas novos estudos focando as espécies nativas, especialmente os peixes de grande porte são necessários. O presente estudo descreve as anomalias de bexiga natatória em piapara Leporinus obtusidens, uma espécie de peixe migratório, coletados a jusante da barragem da estação Hidrelétrica do Funil, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os 117 exemplares coletados foram dissecados para avaliação da bexiga natatória na cavidade celomática. As anormalidades detectadas em 14 dos peixes capturados (12 por cento) foram ruptura do tecido com exteriorização da bexiga natatória (N = 12) e formação de projeções da bexiga (N = 2). Os exemplares que apresentavam anormalidades de bexiga, possuíam peso superior a 1300 g em ambos os sexos. Este tipo de anomalia pode ser causado por processo infeccioso da bexiga, no entanto, não foram detectados processos inflamatórios nesses peixes. O quadro de anomalias em bexiga natatória em piapara sugere que os indivíduos foram submetidos a uma brusca despressurização, possivelmente relacionada à passagem pelas turbinas. Outros estudos comparativos são necessários para corroborar esta hipótese.

Animals , Male , Female , Animal Migration/physiology , Fishes/growth & development , Air Sacs/abnormalities , Human Migration/trends , Pressure/adverse effects , Water Reservoirs/adverse effects , Air Sacs/physiology