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Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534513


Fundamento: El puerperio es el periodo de tiempo que comienza en la finalización del parto hasta las seis semanas posparto; durante el cual, es necesario brindar atención conforme a los principios bioéticos inscritos en la normativa de salud vigente en el Ecuador. Objetivo: Analizar las percepciones que tienen las mujeres puérperas sobre la aplicación de los 4 principios bioéticos durante la atención en salud. Metodología: El estudio es de tipo descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Los datos corresponden a 10 mujeres puérperas mayores de edad, atendidas en el Hospital Gineco Obstétrico Pediátrico de Nueva Aurora "Luz Elena Arizmendi" de la ciudad de Quito, que respondieron a una entrevista sobre los principios bioéticos aplicados en la atención recibida. Se realizaron análisis de contenido a través del software ATLAS TI versión 23. Resultados: Se obtuvo una percepción positiva de las mujeres puérperas acerca de la aplicación del principio de justicia. Por otra parte, se evidencian dificultades en el de autonomía, sobre todo en la comprensión de la información brindada a la paciente acerca de los procedimientos durante el parto y puerperio, además de coacciones por parte del personal sanitario. Se percibe el consentimiento informado como un mero trámite administrativo. El principio de beneficencia se lo asume como parte de la vocación del personal y la no maleficencia genera malestar si no va acompañado de información clara y oportuna. Conclusiones: Los principios bioéticos son transversales en la normativa de salud vigente, pero sobresale el de justicia en la atención a mujeres puérperas.

Background: The puerperium is the period of time beginning at the end of labor until six postpartum weeks; during which it is necessary to provide attention in accordance with the bioethical principles included in the current health guidelines in Ecuador. Objective: To analyze the perceptions that postpartum women have about the 4 bioethical principles application during health care. Methodology: The study type is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data correspond to 10 adult postpartum women assisted at the Nueva Aurora "Luz Elena Arizmendi" Pediatric Obstetric and Gynecological Pediatric Hospital in the Quito city, who responded to an interview about the bioethical principles applied in the received care. Content analysis was conducted through ATLAS TI version 23 software. Results: A positive perception was obtained from postpartum women concerning the application of the Justice principle. Furthermore, difficulties are evident in the Autonomy section, mainly in the comprehension of the information provided to the patient about the procedures during the labor and puerperium, as well as coercion by health personnel. Informed consent is perceived as a mere administrative formality. The Beneficence principle is assumed as part of the vocation of the personnel and Non-maleficence generates discomfort if it is not accompanied by clear and opportune information. Conclusions: Bioethical principles are transversal in current health guidelines, but that of Justice stands out in the care of postpartum women.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 75-87, jan.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1411343


Objetivos: Descrever o perfil das solicitações de vaga para tratamento do câncer de boca e analisar o tempo entre a solicitação e o agendamento. Métodos. Pesquisa com dados secundários do Sistema Estadual de Regulação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre setembro de 2015 e junho de 2018. Incluiu-se as solicitações para "Oncologia Ambulatório de 1ª vez- Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço" classificadas como câncer de boca e excluiu-se as com status "cancelada". Resultados. Foram exportados 5802 registros, sendo 1663 elegíveis. A idade média foi de 61 anos, com um desvio padrão de 12,3 anos. O tempo médio de espera foi de 19 dias com um desvio padrão de 16,6 dias. 19% dos agravos referiram-se as "Neoplasia maligna de outras partes e partes não especificadas da língua". Conclusão. O perfil dos pacientes corrobora o encontrado na literatura e o tempo de espera para o atendimento é considerado aceitável.

Objectives: To describe the profile of vacancy requests for treatment of oral cancer and to analyze the time between the request and the schedule. Methods. Research with secondary data from the State Regulation System of the State of Rio de Janeiro, between September 2015 and June 2018. Included were requests for "First-time Ambulatory Oncology - Head and Neck Surgery" classified as oral cancer and those with "canceled" status were excluded. Results. 5,802 records were exported, of which 1663 were eligible. The average age was 61 years, with a standard deviation of 12.3 years. The average waiting time was 19 days with a standard deviation of 16.6 days. 19% of the complaints referred to "Malignant neoplasm from other parts and unspecified parts of the tongue". Conclusion. The profile of patients corroborates that found in the literature and the waiting time for care is considered acceptable.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Appointments and Schedules , Mouth Neoplasms , Delivery of Health Care , Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence , Head and Neck Neoplasms
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(1): 489-497, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1425517


Background: There is consistent increase in chronic neurological conditions presenting at primary health care settings across the world. However, there is paucity of neuro-physiotherapy services and research on integrating neuro-physiotherapy to promote independence among thispopulation at primary health care settings. This study determined the perception of public health physicians on the integration of neuro-physiotherapy at the primary health care (PHC) level in Nigeria.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey using a validated and pre-tested questionnaire to retrieve data from 149 Public Health Physicians in Nigeria to determine their perception of neuro-physiotherapy at the primary health care level.Results: Majority of the participants 133 (89.3%) agreed to the need for neuro-rehabilitation care at primary health care level. 83 (55.7%) believed that the physiotherapists are competent enough to handle neuro-rehabilitation needs at the PHC level. The findings highlighted the challenges towards implementing neuro-rehabilitation at the primary health care level.Conclusion: The results revealed positive recommendations from public heath physicians in Nigeria towards the integration of neuro-physiotherapy services in primary health care.

Public Health , Physical Therapy Modalities , Physicians , Primary Health Care
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 5324-5338, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510440


Objetivo: Analisar os paradigmas enfrentados pela população negra feminina no sistema de saúde na Atenção Primária, identificando os principais fatores que impedem uma melhor acesso e assistência. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, com busca nas bases de dados da Medline, BDENF, LILACS, utilizando como descritores: "Saúde da Mulher", "Atenção Primária a Saúde", "Saúde Pública" e "Política de Saúde" combinados entre operadores boleanos AND e OR, com recorte temporal dos últimos 5 anos. Resultados: Dos 4.541 artigos encontrados, 8 foram selecionados para compor o estudo. Identificaram-se, como desafios à assistência à saúde integral da mulher negra no âmbito da Atenção Básica fatores relacionados ao despreparo dos profissionais mediante as vulnerabilidades e a falta de educação continuada, que se tornam questões limítrofes e desafiadoras enfrentadas pelas mulheres diariamente. A existência de preconceito racial, ainda que fortemente combatida, ainda existe nas instâncias da sociedade e necessita de intervenção nas instituições de saúde visando atender o indivíduo considerado sua integralidade. Fatores socioeconômicos relacionados à moradia da mulher também foram destaque apontados no estudo, revelando um processo de lentidão para realizar exames e acompanhamento dos profissionais. Conclusões: Uma vez que a Atenção Básica é porta de entrada do sistema de saúde, permanece a necessidade de ampliar o arcabouço científico de pesquisas para compreender a temática específica e adequadamente, pois é indubitável que a mulher negra enfrenta várias lacunas para uma assistência sem iniquidades.

Objective: To analyze the paradigms faced by the female black population in the Primary Care health system, identifying the main factors that prevent better access and assistance. Method: This is an integrative literature review, with a search in the databases of Medline, BDENF, LILACS, using as descriptors: "Women's Health", "Primary Health Care", "Public Health" and "Policy of Health" combined between AND and OR Boolean operators, with a time frame of the last 5 years. Results: Of the 4,541 articles found, 8 were selected to compose the study. Factors related to the unpreparedness of professionals through vulnerabilities and lack of continuing education were identified as challenges to comprehensive health care for black women in the scope of Primary Care, which become borderline and challenging issues faced by women on a daily basis. The existence of racial prejudice, although strongly opposed, still exists in society and requires intervention in health institutions in order to care for the individual as a whole. Socioeconomic factors related to the woman's housing were also highlighted in the study, revealing a slow process to carry out tests and follow-up by professionals. Conclusions: Since Primary Care is the gateway to the health system, there is still a need to expand the scientific framework of research to understand the topic specifically and properly, as it is undoubted that black women face several gaps for care without inequities.

Objetivo: Analizar los paradigmas a los que se enfrenta la población negra femenina en el sistema de atención primaria de la salud, identificando los principales factores que impiden un mejor acceso y atención. Método: Se trata de una revisión integral de la literatura, en la que se analizan las bases de datos de Medline, BDENF, LILACS, utilizando como descriptores: "Salud de la mujer", "Atención primaria de la salud", "Salud pública" y "Política de salud" combinados entre operadores de la UE y OR, con un recorte de tiempo de los últimos 5 años. Resultados: De los 4.541 artículos encontrados, 8 fueron seleccionados para conformar el estudio. Se han determinado los factores relacionados con la falta de preparación de los profesionales a través de la vulnerabilidad y la falta de educación continua como problemas para la plena atención de la salud de las mujeres negras bajo la atención básica, que se convierten en problemas contiguos y difíciles a los que se enfrentan diariamente las mujeres. La existencia de prejuicios raciales, a pesar de ser fuertemente combatidos, sigue existiendo en los niveles de la sociedad y necesita una intervención en las instituciones de salud, con el objetivo de atender a la persona considerada su integralidad. En el estudio también se destacaron los factores socioeconómicos relacionados con la vivienda de las mujeres, lo que reveló un proceso de lentitud en la realización de los exámenes y los profesionales que los acompañaban. Conclusión: Dado que la atención básica es el punto de partida del sistema de salud, sigue siendo necesario ampliar el marco de investigación científica para comprender el tema específico y apropiado, ya que es evidente que las mujeres negras se enfrentan a varias lagunas en materia de asistencia sin injusticias.

Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 13: 21, 2023.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1438050


Objetivo: mapear as evidências científicas sobre a aplicabilidade de modelos teóricos que sustentam a prática de enfermeiros no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde Método: revisão de escopo, segundo as recomendações do JBI Reviewer's Manual, relatada pelo instrumento PRISMA-ScR. As buscas foram realizadas no mês de dezembro de 2021 na Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Excerpt Medica Database (EMBASE) e bases cinzentas. Resultados: incluídos 52 estudos, publicados entre 1989 e 2021, dos quais, a maioria evidenciou aplicabilidade das teorias de enfermagem para subsidiar o cuidado de enfermagem. Conclusão: os artigos levantados demonstraram que a Teoria Geral de Enfermagem do Déficit de Autocuidado foi expressivamente empregada pelos enfermeiros do respectivo contexto.

Objective: to map the scientific evidence on the applicability of theoretical models that support nurses' practice in Primary Health Care. Method: scoping review, according to the recommendations of the JBI Reviewer's Manual, reported by the PRISMA-ScR instrument. Searches were conducted in December 2021 in Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Excerpt Medica Database (EMBASE) and grey bases. Results: 52 studies published between 1989 and 2021 were included, of which, most showed applicability of nursing theories to support nursing care. Conclusion: the articles surveyed showed that the General Nursing Theory of Self-Care Deficit was expressively employed by nurses in the respective context.

Objetivo: mapear la evidencia científica sobre la aplicabilidad de los modelos teóricos que apoyan la práctica de las enfermeras en Atención Primaria de Salud. Método: revisión de alcance, según las recomendaciones del Manual del Revisor del JBI, reportadas por el instrumento PRISMA-ScR. Las búsquedas se realizaron en diciembre de 2021 en Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Excerpt Medica Database (EMBASE) y bases grises. Resultados: se incluyeron 52 estudios, publicados entre 1989 y 2021, de los cuales, la mayoría evidenció la aplicabilidad de las teorías de enfermería para subsidiar el cuidado de la salud. Conclusión: Los artículos encuestados mostraron que la Teoría General de Enfermería del Déficit de Autocuidado fue utilizada expresivamente por las enfermeras en el contexto respectivo.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Public Health Nursing , Nursing Theory , Nurses , Nursing Care
Horiz. meÌüd. (Impresa) ; 22(3): e1769, jul.-sep. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405039


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a satisfacción en la atención en salud de los pacientes internados en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza (HNAL) en agosto del 2018. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal realizado mediante encuesta a 149 pacientes del Servicio de Medicina Interna en el HNAL, con muestreo aleatorio simple. Se incluyó pacientes mayores de 18 años; se excluyó a aquellos no orientados en tiempo, persona/lugar o que no hablaban castellano. El instrumento, basado en la encuesta del Ministerio de Salud (Minsa), fue validado por expertos (concordancia: 0,9) y mediante prueba piloto (alfa de Cronbach: 0,8). Se procesaron los datos en Excel, y el el análisis estadístico en SPSS v.12. El análisis descriptivo de las variables y su asociación se determinó con ji al cuadrado, prueba exacta de Fisher y regresión logística. Resultados: Los factores predominantes fueron sexo femenino (50,30 %) y grado de instrucción primaria (35,57 %). La satisfacción por atención fue 84,60 %. El análisis bivariado identificó que satisfacción está asociada con grado de instrucción, trato al usuario, confianza, examen físico completo, información del problema de salud, información fácil de entender, horario de atención, tiempo de espera, comodidad, limpieza, privacidad, capacidad del personal de salud para resolver problemas (médico, enfermera, técnico) y solución del problema de salud (p < 0,005). El análisis de regresión logística halló que satisfacción está asociada con trato al usuario (p = 0,011; IC:0,03-0,462), examen físico completo (p = 0,04; IC: 0,042-0,932) y grado de instrucción (p = 0,006; IC:0,264-0,804). Conclusiones: Los factores asociados con la satisfacción de los pacientes hospitalizados en HNAL fueron trato al usuario, examen físico completo y grado de instrucción. La satisfacción fue alta.

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the factors associated with healthcare satisfaction among patients admitted to Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza (HNAL) in August 2018. Materials and methods: A survey-based cross-sectional study conducted with 149 patients admitted to the HNAL Internal Medicine ward and selected by simple random sampling. The study included patients ≥18 years and excluded those disoriented to time, place and person, or who did not speak Spanish. An instrument based on a Ministry of Health (MINSA) survey was designed and then validated by experts (coefficient of concordance: 0.9) and a pilot test (Cronbach's alpha: 0.8). Data was processed using Excel and analyzed using SPSS Statistics V12. The variables' descriptive analysis and association were performed by chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and logistic regression analysis. Results: The main factors were female sex (50.30 %) and primary education (35.57 %). Healthcare satisfaction accounted for 84.60 %. The bivariate analysis showed that satisfaction was associated with education level, customer service, trust, complete physical exam, information on health problems, easy-to-understand information, operation hours, waiting time, comfort, cleanliness, privacy, healthcare personnel (doctors, nurses, technicians) problem-solving skills, and solutions to health problems (p < 0.005). The logistic regression analysis showed that satisfaction was associated with customer service (p = 0.011; CI: 0.03 - 0.462), complete physical exam (p = 0.04; CI: 0.042 - 0.932) and education level (p = 0.06; CI: 0.264 - 0.804). Conclusions: The factors associated with healthcare satisfaction among patients admitted to HNAL were customer service, complete physical exam and education level. The satisfaction level was high.

Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35350455


Objective: To identify factors correlated with the incidence and mortality from COVID-19 and investigate syndemic situations at the global level. Method: An ecologic study of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths was performed using information collected from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control in 2019 and 2020. World Bank indicators and information obtained from Worldometer Coronavirus were used to characterize the countries. Descriptive analyses and correlations between independent variables were performed, followed by multiple linear regression analysis to identify factors correlated with COVID-19 incidence and mortality. Results: Data were obtained for 185 countries. Mean case incidence was 16 482/1,000 population, whereas mean COVID-19 mortality was 291/1,000 population, with the highest and lowest rates recorded in North America and East Asia and Pacific respectively. A positive correlation was identified between incidence rate and percent population aged 15 to 64 years, urban population, inequality measured by the Gini coefficient, and six out of the seven regions analyzed (except East Asia and Pacific). Mortality rate was negatively correlated with population aged 0 to 14 years and positively correlated with urban population, inequality measured by the Gini coefficient, and all regions analyzed except East Asia and Pacific. Conclusions: COVID-19 morbidity and mortality were correlated with the burden of chronic diseases, aging population, and low capacity of healthcare services for testing and providing hospital beds, a scenario complicated by social inequality in countries and regions, indicating a syndemic effect.

Objetivo: Identificar los factores correlacionados con la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esa causa y verificar las situaciones de sindemia a escala mundial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico de casos de COVID-19 y de defunciones confirmadas por esa causa a partir de la información obtenida del Centro Europeo para la Prevención y el Control de las Enfermedades en el 2019 y el 2020. Para caracterizar a los países, se utilizaron indicadores del Banco Mundial y del sitio web de referencia Worldometer Coronavirus. Se hicieron análisis descriptivos y de correlación entre las variables independientes para crear posteriormente un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con el fin de identificar los factores correlacionados con la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esa causa. Resultados: Se obtuvieron datos de 185 países. La tasa media de incidencia de casos de COVID-19 fue de 16 482 por mil habitantes y la tasa media de mortalidad por esa causa fue de 291 por mil habitantes. Las regiones de América del Norte y de Asia oriental y el Pacífico presentaron los mayores y menores índices, respectivamente. Se observó una correlación positiva de la tasa de incidencia con la proporción del grupo de 15 a 64 años de edad, la población urbana, la desigualdad medida por el coeficiente de Gini y seis de las siete regiones analizadas (excepto Asia oriental y el Pacífico). La tasa de mortalidad presentó una correlación negativa con el grupo de 0 a 14 años de edad y positiva con la población urbana, la desigualdad medida por el coeficiente de Gini y todas las regiones analizadas, excepto Asia oriental y el Pacífico. Conclusiones: La morbimortalidad por COVID-19 guardó una correlación con la carga de problemas crónicos de salud, el envejecimiento de la población y la poca capacidad de realizar pruebas en los servicios de salud y de ofrecer camas de hospital, cuadro agravado en los países o regiones con una elevada tasa de desigualdad social y característico de una situación de sindemia.

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 60(Suppl 2): S65-S76, 2022 12 19.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36795964


Background: The third wave of COVID-19 in Mexico produced a high demand for hospital care, which is why it was created a multidisciplinary group to optimize decision-making: the Interinstitutional Command for the Health Sector (COISS, according to its initials in Spanish). So far, there is no scientific evidence of the COISS processes or their effect on the behavior of epidemiological indicators and the hospital care needs of the population in the context of COVID-19 in the entities involved. Objectives: To analyze the trend on epidemic risk indicators throughout the COISS group's management in the third wave of COVID-19 in Mexico. Material and methods: Mixed study: 1) non-systematic review of information from technical documents issued by COISS, 2) secondary analysis of open-access institutional databases through the description of healthcare needs of cases notified with COVID-19 symptoms, and an ecological analysis by each Mexican state on the behavior of hospital occupancy, RT-PCR positivity, and COVID-19 mortality in two-time points. Results: The COISS activity in identifying states with epidemic risk generated actions aimed at a reduction in hospital occupancy of beds, positivity by RT-PCR, and mortality from COVID-19. Conclusions: The decisions of the COISS group reduced the indicators of epidemic risk. Continuing the work of the COISS group is an urgent need. Conclusions: The decisions of the COISS group reduced the indicators of epidemic risk. Continuing the work of the COISS group is an urgent need.

Introducción: la tercera ola por COVID-19 en México provocó una alta demanda de atención hospitalaria, por lo cual se conformó un grupo multidisciplinario para optimizar la toma de decisiones sanitarias: Comando Interinstitucional del Sector Salud (COISS). Hasta el momento, no hay evidencia científica de los procesos del COISS ni de su efecto sobre el comportamiento de indicadores epidemiológicos y las necesidades de atención hospitalaria de la población bajo el contexto de COVID-19 en entidades federativas involucradas. Objetivos: analizar la tendencia de indicadores de riesgo epidémico durante la gestión del grupo COISS en la tercera ola por COVID-19 en México. Material y métodos: estudio mixto: 1) revisión no sistemática de documentos técnicos del COISS, 2) análisis secundario de bases de datos de libre acceso, mediante la descripción de necesidades de atención hospitalaria de los casos notificados con síntomas de la COVID-19 y un análisis ecológico por entidades federativas sobre el comportamiento de la ocupación hospitalaria, positividad y mortalidad por COVID-19 en dos cortes temporales. Resultados: la actividad del COISS en la identificación de entidades federativas de riesgo epidémico generó acciones encaminadas a una reducción en la ocupación hospitalaria de camas generales, positividad por RT-PCR y mortalidad por COVID-19. Conclusiones: las decisiones del grupo COISS disminuyeron los indicadores de riesgo epidémico. Continuar el trabajo del grupo COISS es una necesidad apremiante.

COVID-19 , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiology , Delivery of Health Care
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 15(2): 4561-4576, 2022. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1366401


La République démocratique du Congo (RDC), frappée par la pandémie de la COVID-19, a mis en place un plan de riposte national au regard du premier objectif de ce plan pendant la première année de crise. Cette étude a passé en revue les différentes composantes de la surveillance et certains piliers du système de santé, éléments critiques pour la compréhension des résultats de la riposte aujourd'hui et future. Un manque d'efficience a été observé dans les chaines internes de communication lié à une faible coordination des intervenants et de leurs interventions ; et des ressources financières insuffisantes. Malgré ces faiblesses la RDC a évité la catastrophe annoncée. Divers facteurs liés à l'environnement, à la structure d'âge de sa population, au niveau de circulation du virus au sein de cette population et d'autres à élucider dans les recherches futures pourraient contribuer à la compréhension de la situation actuelle et influencer la gestion future de gestion des épidémies. Il est évident qu'une meilleure coordination et mobilisation des ressources, ainsi qu'un système de santé résiliant, permettront une meilleure surveillance et une gestion moins stressante des crises sanitaires à venir.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, has put in place a national response plan. We reviewed the organization of the response in light of the first objective of this plan during the first year of the crisis. This study reviewed the different components of surveillance and some pillars of the health system, which are critical to understanding the results of the response today and in the future. There was a lack of efficiency in internal communication chains due to poor coordination of stakeholders and their interventions; and insufficient financial resources. Despite these weaknesses, the DRC has avoided the announced disaster. Various factors related to the environment, the age structure of its population, the level of circulation of the virus within this population and others to be elucidated in future research could contribute to the understanding of the current situation and influence the future management of epidemics. It is clear that better coordination and resource mobilization, as well as a resilient health system, will allow for better surveillance and less stressful management of future health crises.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Public Health , Disease Management , Delivery of Health Care , COVID-19 , Pandemics
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1355002


Objetivo: descrever encontros desenvolvidos com os usuários bem como a contribuição do grupo de apoio/suporte. Método: estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa com enfoque na pesquisa-ação, realizado Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Álcool e outras Drogas localizado em município de médio porte da região norte do Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Resultados: participaram do estudo sete usuários cadastrados no serviço de saúde. Desenvolveu-se durante o período de janeiro e março de 2015, encontros de forma coletiva, nas dependências do serviço de saúde como também de maneira externa, com duração em média de duas horas. Da análise das informações, elaborou-se duas categorias: Descrevendo os encontros grupais com os usuários e Significados dos encontros grupais para os usuários. Conclusão: a abordagem grupal configura-se como importante estratégia de assistência aos usuários de drogas

Objective: to describe meetings developed with users as well as the contribution of the support group. Method: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach focusing on action research, conducted at the Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and other Drugs located in a medium-sized municipality in the northern region of the State of Ceará, Brazil. Results: seven users registered in the health service participated in the study. During the period of January and March 2015, meetings were held collectively, on the premises of the health service as well as externally, with an average duration of two hours. From the analysis of the information, two categories were elaborated: Describing group meetings with users and Meanings of group meetings for users. Conclusion: the group approach is an important assistance strategy for drug users

Objetivo: describir las reuniones desarrolladas con los usuarios, así como la contribución del grupo de apoyo. Método: un estudio descriptivo con un enfoque cualitativo centrado en la investigación de acción, llevado a cabo en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial para el Alcohol y otras Drogas ubicado en un municipio de tamaño mediano en la región norte del Estado de Ceará, Brasil. Resultados: siete usuarios registrados en el servicio de salud participaron en el estudio. Durante el período de enero y marzo de 2015, las reuniones se llevaron a cabo colectivamente, en las instalaciones del servicio de salud y externamente, con una duración promedio de dos horas. A partir del análisis de la información, se elaboraron dos categorías: Describir las reuniones grupales con los usuarios y los significados de las reuniones grupales para los usuarios. Conclusión: el enfoque grupal es una estrategia de asistencia importante para los usuarios de drogas

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Self-Help Groups , Attitude of Health Personnel , Drug Users , Health Promotion
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e6, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450199


RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar os fatores correlacionados à incidência e mortalidade por COVID-19 e verificar situações de sindemia em escala global. Métodos. Realizou-se um estudo ecológico de casos e óbitos confirmados de COVID-19 a partir de informações coletadas do European Center for Disease Prevention and Control em 2019 e 2020. Para a caracterização dos países, utilizaram-se indicadores do Banco Mundial e Worldometer Coronavirus. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e de correlação entre as variáveis independentes para posteriormente realizar o modelo de regressão linear múltipla, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores correlacionados à incidência e mortalidade por COVID-19. Resultados. Obtiveram-se dados de 185 países. A média da incidência dos casos foi de 16 482/mil habitantes, enquanto a média para mortalidade por COVID-19 foi de 291/mil habitantes, sendo América do Norte e Leste Asiático e Pacífico as regiões que apresentaram maiores e menores índices, respectivamente. Identificouse correlação positiva da taxa de incidência com proporção da população com idade de 15 a 64 anos, população urbana, desigualdade conforme Índice de Gini e com seis das sete regiões analisadas (exceto Leste Asiático e Pacífico). A taxa de mortalidade apresentou correlação negativa com a população de 0 a 14 anos e positiva com população urbana, desigualdade conforme índice de Gini e todas as regiões analisadas, exceto Leste Asiático e Pacífico. Conclusões. A morbimortalidade da COVID-19 esteve correlacionada à carga de condições crônicas, ao envelhecimento da população e à baixa capacidade dos serviços de saúde para testagem e oferta de leitos hospitalares, quadro agravado em países ou regiões com elevada desigualdade social, caracterizando uma situação de sindemia.

ABSTRACT Objective. To identify factors correlated with the incidence and mortality from COVID-19 and investigate syndemic situations at the global level. Method. An ecologic study of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths was performed using information collected from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control in 2019 and 2020. World Bank indicators and information obtained from Worldometer Coronavirus were used to characterize the countries. Descriptive analyses and correlations between independent variables were performed, followed by multiple linear regression analysis to identify factors correlated with COVID-19 incidence and mortality. Results. Data were obtained for 185 countries. Mean case incidence was 16 482/1,000 population, whereas mean COVID-19 mortality was 291/1,000 population, with the highest and lowest rates recorded in North America and East Asia and Pacific respectively. A positive correlation was identified between incidence rate and percent population aged 15 to 64 years, urban population, inequality measured by the Gini coefficient, and six out of the seven regions analyzed (except East Asia and Pacific). Mortality rate was negatively correlated with population aged 0 to 14 years and positively correlated with urban population, inequality measured by the Gini coefficient, and all regions analyzed except East Asia and Pacific. Conclusions. COVID-19 morbidity and mortality were correlated with the burden of chronic diseases, aging population, and low capacity of healthcare services for testing and providing hospital beds, a scenario complicated by social inequality in countries and regions, indicating a syndemic effect.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar los factores correlacionados con la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esa causa y verificar las situaciones de sindemia a escala mundial. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico de casos de COVID-19 y de defunciones confirmadas por esa causa a partir de la información obtenida del Centro Europeo para la Prevención y el Control de las Enfermedades en el 2019 y el 2020. Para caracterizar a los países, se utilizaron indicadores del Banco Mundial y del sitio web de referencia Worldometer Coronavirus. Se hicieron análisis descriptivos y de correlación entre las variables independientes para crear posteriormente un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con el fin de identificar los factores correlacionados con la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esa causa. Resultados. Se obtuvieron datos de 185 países. La tasa media de incidencia de casos de COVID-19 fue de 16 482 por mil habitantes y la tasa media de mortalidad por esa causa fue de 291 por mil habitantes. Las regiones de América del Norte y de Asia oriental y el Pacífico presentaron los mayores y menores índices, respectivamente. Se observó una correlación positiva de la tasa de incidencia con la proporción del grupo de 15 a 64 años de edad, la población urbana, la desigualdad medida por el coeficiente de Gini y seis de las siete regiones analizadas (excepto Asia oriental y el Pacífico). La tasa de mortalidad presentó una correlación negativa con el grupo de 0 a 14 años de edad y positiva con la población urbana, la desigualdad medida por el coeficiente de Gini y todas las regiones analizadas, excepto Asia oriental y el Pacífico. Conclusiones. La morbimortalidad por COVID-19 guardó una correlación con la carga de problemas crónicos de salud, el envejecimiento de la población y la poca capacidad de realizar pruebas en los servicios de salud y de ofrecer camas de hospital, cuadro agravado en los países o regiones con una elevada tasa de desigualdad social y característico de una situación de sindemia.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eAO6237, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364803


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the profile of professionals assisting homeless and socially vulnerable populations tested for COVID-19, and to determine potential associations with exposure at the workplace, on the way to work, or at home, among infected professionals. To describe disease symptoms and progression and to investigate potential associations with age, sex and exposure at the workplace, on the way to work, or at home. Methods A retrospective analysis of data of 173 workers employed by Serviço Franciscano de Solidariedade tested for SARS-CoV-2. Between May 20 and June 2, 2020, professionals and volunteers were tested for anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM antibodies, by means of qualitative rapid chromatographic immunoassay in whole blood. A questionnaire was used to collect data on demographic characteristics and working conditions, history and date of onset of symptoms and risk factors. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean and standard deviation, or median, maximum, and minimum values. Data normality was investigated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results A total of 46 (26.6%) participants had positive serologic tests. Of participants with negative serologic test results, 109 (85.8%) were asymptomatic. History of symptoms was the most significant independent factor associated with positive serology. Serologic test results and symptoms differed significantly according to housing (p=0.045) and working (p<0.001) conditions. More than half of participants (52.4%) living in shared households tested positive, compared to 23% of participants living in family households. Participants working remotely from home did not test positive. In seropositive participants, onset of symptoms was associated with workplace exposure and shared housing conditions. Conclusion History of symptoms was associated with positive serology for COVID-19. Shared housing conditions tended to be associated with higher risk of infection. Onset of symptoms was associated with higher levels of workplace exposure and shared housing conditions in seropositive participants.

Humans , Ill-Housed Persons , COVID-19 , Immunoglobulin M , Retrospective Studies , SARS-CoV-2
EPMA J ; 12(4): 517-534, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34956424


BACKGROUND: Pregnant women, particularly in developing countries are facing a huge burden of preeclampsia (PE) leading to high morbidity and mortality rates. This is due to delayed diagnosis and unrecognised early targeted preventive measures. Adapting innovative solutions via shifting from delayed to early diagnosis of PE in the context of predictive diagnosis, targeted prevention and personalisation of medical care (PPPM/3 PM) is essential. The subjective assessment of suboptimal health status (SHS) and objective biomarkers of oxidative stress (OS) and angiogenic growth mediators (AGMs) could be used as new PPPM approach for PE; however, these factors have only been studied in isolation with no data on their combine assessment. This study profiled early gestational biomarkers of OS and AGMs as 3 PM approach to identify SHS pregnant mothers likely to develop PE specifically, early-onset PE (EO-PE) and late-onset PE (LO-PE). METHODS: A prospective cohort of 593 singleton normotensive pregnant (NTN-P) women were recruited at 10-20th (visit 1) and followed from 21 weeks gestation until the time of PE diagnosis and delivery. At visit 1, SHS was assessed using SHS questionnaire-25 (SHSQ-25) and women were classified as SHS and optimal health status (OHS). Biomarkers of OS (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine [8-OHdG], 8-epi-prostaglansinF2alpha [8-epi-PGF2α] and total antioxidant capacity [TAC]) and AGMs (vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF-A], soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 [sFlt-1], placental growth factor [PlGF] and soluble endoglin [sEng]) were measured at visit 1 and time of PE diagnosis. RESULTS: Of the 593 mothers, 498 (248 SHS and 250 OHS) returned for delivery and were included in the final analysis. Fifty-six, 97 and 95 of the 248 SHS mothers developed EO-PE, LO-PE and NTN-P respectively, versus 14 EO-PE, 30 LO-PE and 206 NTN-P among the 250 OHS mothers. At the 10-20th week gestation, unbalanced levels of OS and AGMs were observed among SHS women who developed EO-PE than LO-PE compared to NTN-P women (p < 0.0001). The combined ratios of OS and AGMs, mainly the levels of 8-OHdG/PIGF ratio at 10-20th week gestation yielded the best area under the curve (AUC) and highest relative risk (RR) for predicting SHS-pregnant women who developed EO-PE (AUC = 0.93; RR = 6.5; p < 0.0001) and LO-PE (AUC = 0.88, RR = 4.4; p < 0.0001), as well as for OHS-pregnant women who developed EO-PE (AUC = 0.89, RR = 5.6; p < 0.0001) and LO-PE (AUC = 0.85; RR = 5.1; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Unlike OHS pregnant women, SHS pregnant women have high incidence of PE coupled with unbalanced levels of OS and AGMs at 10-20 weeks gestation. Combining early gestational profiling of OS and AGMs created an avenue for early differentiation of PE subtypes in the context of 3 PM care for mothers at high risk of PE.

Rev. APS ; 24(2): 403-409, 2021-11-05.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359429


O objetivo do presente relato é apresentar a experiência do processo de Planificação da Atenção à Saúde da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). A Planificação da Atenção à Saúde no RS, estruturada com o apoio do Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde, trata-se de um conjunto de oficinas, além de processos de tutoria em unidades-laboratórios, para as equipes de saúde e gestores municipais. Visa à organização dos macro e microprocessos da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e sua organização estruturada com a Atenção Ambulatorial Especializada. Em fevereiro de 2018, as oficinas já haviam sido concluídas em duas Regiões de Saúde - com aproximadamente 120 facilitadores e 1.000 trabalhadores da APS, e estava em fase de finalização em outras duas Regiões de Saúde - com cerca 1.300 trabalhadores da APS. O desafio para o planejamento e para a gestão estadual é ampliar a Planificação da Atenção à Saúde para as demais 26 Regiões de Saúde do RS, bem como o monitoramento e a avaliação do processo. Em última análise, a Planificação, como método de planejamento, visa ao fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde como base para a implementação das Redes de Atenção à Saúde no território gaúcho.

The objective of the present report is to present the experience of the Health Care Planification process of the State Health Department of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). The Planification of Health Care in RS, structured with the support of the National Council of Health Secretaries, is a set of workshops, as well as tutoring processes in laboratory units for health workers and municipal managers. It aims to organize macro and micro-processes of Primary Health Care (PHC) and its organization structured with Specialized Ambulatory Care. In February 2018, the workshops were completed in two Health Regions - with approximately 120 facilitators and 1,000 PHC workers- and were finalized in two other Health Regions - with approximately 1,300 PHC workers. The challenge for planning and state management is to expand the Health Care Planification for the other 26 Health Regions of RS, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the process. As a planning method, Health Care Planification aims to strengthen Primary Health Care as the basis for the implementation of Health Care Networks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Planning , Primary Health Care
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34300093


The article focuses on a less-discussed issue of social marginalization of people leaving penitentiaries, which is the prevalence of multifaceted health problems experienced by people in this category. It includes poor health status, resulting from, among others, poor housing conditions, harmful or risky lifestyle, and lack of access to medical services. Data from the District Inspectorate of the Prison Service in Lodz, Poland on the health conditions of inmates was accessed. These data were supplemented by qualitative research conducted in 21 juvenile detention centers and 8 prisons across the country, conducting direct observations and In-Depth Interviews (IDI). A total of 198 IDIs were conducted with incarcerated (72) and released (30) juvenile offenders, and incarcerated (68) and released (28) adult offenders. These were complemented by IDIs with experts (50) and Focus Group Interviews (FGIs; 8) with male and female inmates in 4 Polish prisons. The study revealed that mental and physical health is a serious obstacle to social reintegration of ex-prisoners. It is rarely addressed by state institutions. There are strong associations between neglect of health issues in the prison population and increasing social exclusion after leaving prison. As Poland has a restrictive penal policy, former prisoners remain a group with social stigma and little support.

Prisoners , Adult , Female , Health Status , Humans , Male , Poland/epidemiology , Prevalence , Prisons , Qualitative Research
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e43, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33995518


OBJECTIVE: To identify evidence of infodemic management strategies in the ministry of health websites in 10 South American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela). METHOD: "Strategy" was defined as the planned use of resources to achieve of materialize certain objectives - in this case, fighting the infodemic. The official ministry of health websites in each country were examined from 28 September to 10 October 2020 in search of materials, electronic pages or apps suggesting the existence of an infodemic management strategy, information about the infodemic for citizens, and communication materials such as videos and posters. Additionally, using "infodemic" as a keyword, official documents (rulings, decrees, protocols) mentioning infodemic management measures were searched. The results were classified into three categories: existence of an infodemic management strategy; existence of infodemic control actions; absence of information on the topic. RESULTS: Of the 10 countries analyzed, only Argentina had an infodemic management strategy. Infodemic was mentioned as a topic in the ministry of health websites in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Paraguay; and no mention was identified in the ministry of health websites in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. CONCLUSIONS: The studied countries do not make use of the available knowledge regarding infodemic management strategies.

OBJETIVO: Determinar la existencia o la falta de estrategias para la gestión de la infodemia en los Ministerios de Salud de diez países de América del Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela). MÉTODOS: Se definió el término "estrategia" como el uso planificado de recursos para alcanzar o concretar determinados objetivos y, para este último fin, se fijó como objetivo la lucha contra la infodemia. Del 28 de septiembre al 10 de octubre del 2020, se examinaron los sitios electrónicos oficiales de los Ministerios de Salud de los países en busca de materiales, páginas electrónicas o aplicaciones que indicaran la existencia de una estrategia para combatir la infodemia, datos sobre la infodemia para la ciudadanía y materiales de comunicación como videos y carteles. Con el término "infodemia" como palabra clave, se buscaron documentos oficiales (directrices, decretos y protocolos) que mencionaran medidas relacionadas con la gestión de la infodemia. Los resultados se clasificaron en tres categorías: la existencia de una estrategia de gestión, la existencia de alguna medida para combatir la infodemia y la falta de datos sobre la infodemia. RESULTADOS: Entre los diez países analizados, solamente Argentina tenía una estrategia destinada a la gestión de la infodemia. Brasil, Chile, Ecuador y Paraguay apenas mencionaban el tema en el sitio web de sus respectivos Ministerios de Salud; y no se encontró ninguna mención en los sitios web de los Ministerios de Salud de Bolivia, Colombia, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela. CONCLUSIONES: Los países estudiados no utilizan el conocimiento disponible acerca de las estrategias para combatir y gestionar la infodemia.

Curitiba; s.n; 20210526. 121 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1354987


Resumo: Introdução: A perspectiva decolonial permite identificar como ocorreu o processo da escravidão (imigração forçada) da população negra e a imigração de povos brancos no ocidente. O resultado desse fenômeno, que repercute até hoje, é demonstrado pelo racismo estrutural. A população negra foi a mais atingida pela pandemia da Covid-19, tanto em incidência, como na letalidade da doença. Entretanto, existem lacunas de informações sobre a atenção à saúde aos imigrantes negros no Brasil nesse período, destacando o ineditismo dessa pesquisa. Objetivos: o objetivo geral foi descrever a atenção prestada ao imigrante negro durante a pandemia da Covid-19 na Atenção Primária à Saúde, e os específicos visaram: compreender a situação de saúde dos imigrantes negros no mundo durante a pandemia da Covid-19, a partir de publicações cientificas; verificar como o profissional de saúde reconhece, acolhe e atende o usuário imigrante negro durante a pandemia da Covid-19; identificar as estratégias que a equipe de saúde utiliza durante a pandemia da Covid-19 para realizar a atenção à saúde do imigrante negro. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva, sustentada pela perspectiva do racismo estrutural. Na primeira etapa foi realizada uma scoping review, com coleta nas bases de dados Web of Science, Cochrane, National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health e ScoPus, com a estratégia de pesquisa: "Covid" ou "Infecções por Coronavirus" AND "Epidemiologia" ou "Prevalência" ou "Morbidade" ou "Mortalidade" AND "Emigrantes e Imigrantes". Na segunda etapa foram realizadas 21 entrevistas com profissionais que realizam atendimento em serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde de um município sul brasileiro, de outubro de 2020 a janeiro de 2021. A pesquisadora registrou suas percepções das entrevistas em um diário de campo e os dados das entrevistas foram gravados, transcritos na íntegra e submetidos à análise temática com apoio do software MAXQDA. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática foram incluídos 13 estudos que compuseram três categorias para análise: debate racial; acesso à saúde/ condições de vida; e, debate de saúde mental. A busca na literatura evidenciou que a população negra é mais propensa a desenvolver formas graves e óbito pela Covid-19, tendo como causa principal as condições da estrutura social que a vitimiza. Na segunda etapa desta pesquisa, a partir da análise temática emergiram duas categorias empíricas: racismo estrutural velado no discurso do profissional de saúde; e, atenção à saúde ao imigrante negro durante da pandemia da Covid-19. A segunda categoria foi composta por seis subcategorias intituladas: contexto que leva o imigrante à unidade de saúde; principais necessidades em saúde suscitadas no atendimento do imigrante negro; organização da Unidade de Saúde durante a pandemia; facilidades/potencialidades no atendimento à população imigrante negra; dificuldades/limites no atendimento à população imigrante negra; e, material de apoio/estratégia/política para o atendimento da população imigrante negra. Os resultados indicam a existência do racismo estrutural velado no discurso dos participantes e que a população imigrante negra procura os serviços de saúde de maneira espontânea e apresenta como principais necessidades em saúde questões de ordem ginecológica/obstétrica, pediátricas, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e doenças crônicas, como diabéticas e hipertensão. Uma barreira relatada pelos participantes no que diz respeito ao atendimento ao imigrante negro é a dificuldade de comunicação, devido aos imigrantes não conseguirem se comunicar no idioma português. Percebe-se que a organização das unidades de saúde durante a pandemia acontece de forma a promover a separação dos usuários assintomáticos e sintomáticos para Covid-19. Várias estratégias para otimizar o atendimento ao imigrante são adotadas, como uso de dicionários e whatsapp. Conclusão: A pesquisa possibilitou reconhecer a relação entre questões raciais e sociais, destacou-se que ambas concorrem como agravante para a condição de saúde da população imigrante negra. Esta pesquisa contribui para lançar luz sobre o fenômeno do racismo estrutural no campo científico. Além disso, aponta para a necessidade de os profissionais de saúde reconhecerem esse fenômeno como evento real que determina o acesso à saúde da população imigrante negra, contrapondo-se à banalização do tema e promovendo ações antirracistas.

Abstract: Introduction: A decolonial perspective that allows us to identify how the process of slavery (forced immigration) of the black population and the immigration of white people in the West took place. The result of this phenomenon, which continues today, is characterized by structural racism. The black population was the most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, both in effect and in the lethality of the disease. However, there are gaps of information about health care for black immigrants in Brazil during this period, highlighting the originality of this research. Objectives: the general objective was described the care provided to black immigrants during the Covid-19 pandemic in Primary Health Care, and the specific ones aimed at: understanding the health situation of black immigrants in the world during the Covid-19 pandemic, to from scientific publications; verifying how the health professional knows, welcomes and serves the black immigrant user during a Covid-19 pandemic; identify how a health team used during a Covid-19 pandemic to provide health care to black immigrants. Methodology: This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, supported by the perspective of structural racism. In the first stage, a scope analysis was carried out, with collection in the Web of Science, Cochrane, National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health and ScoPus databases, with the search strategy: "Covid" or "Coronavirus Infections" AND "Epidemiology" or "Prevalence" or "Morbidity" or "Mortality" AND "Emigrants and Immigrants". In the second stage, 21 outstanding professionals were chosen who perform care in Primary Health Care services in a southern Brazilian city, from October 2020 to January 2021. The researcher recorded her perceptions of those identified in a field diary and the data from reveal were recorded, transcribed in full and analyzed thematic with the support of the MAXQDA software. Results: The systematic review included 13 studies that composed three categories for analysis: racial debate; access to health / living conditions; and, mental health debate. A search in the literature showed that a black population is more likely to develop serious forms and death by Covid-19, having as main cause the conditions of the social structure that victimizes them. In the second stage of this research, from the thematic analysis, two empirical categories emerged: structural racism veiled in the health professional's discourse; and, health care for black immigrants during the Covid-19 pandemic. The second category consisted of six subcategories entitled: context that takes the immigrant to the health unit; main health needs arising from the care of black immigrants; organization of the Health Unit during a pandemic; facilities / potential in serving the black immigrant population; difficulties / limits without serving the black immigrant population; and support material / strategy / policy for the care of the immigrant black population. The results indicate the existence of structural racism veiled in the participants' discourse and that a black immigrant population spontaneously seeks health services and presents as their main health needs gynecological / obstetrical, pediatric, sexually transmitted diseases and chronic diseases, such as diabetics and hypertension. A barrier reported by the participants regarding the assistance to black immigrants is a difficulty in communication, due to immigrants not being able to communicate in the Portuguese language. It is noticed that the organization of health units during a pandemic happens in order to promote the separation of asymptomatic and symptomatic users for Covid-19. Several standardized ones to optimize the service to the immigrant are adopted, such as the use of specification and WhatsApp. Conclusion: The research made it possible to recognize the relationship between racial and social issues, highlighting that both contribute to the health condition of the black immigrant population. This research contributes to shed light on the phenomenon of structural racism in the scientific field. Furthermore, they point to the need for health professionals to recognize this phenomenon as a real event that determines the access to health of the black immigrant population, opposing the trivialization of the theme and promoting anti-racist actions.

Humans , Male , Female , Delivery of Health Care , Emigrants and Immigrants , Racism , Health of Ethnic Minorities , Population Health Management , COVID-19
Asia Pac J Public Health ; 33(5): 595-597, 2021 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33870726


The COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic has the potential to worsen existing health inequalities faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. We aimed to assess the impact of the pandemic on First Nations people health assessments using an interrupted time series model utilizing data extracted from the Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule database. Additive triple exponential smoothing was used to model health assessments undertaken between January 2017 and December 2019. The model was used to predict health assessments between January 2020 and June 2020 with 95% confidence (P < .05). There was no significant difference between observed and predicted First Nations people health assessments in January, February, and June 2020. However, we found a statistically significant decrease in health assessments in March (16.5%), April (23.1%), and May (17.2%) 2020. The proportion of total health assessments delivered via telehealth was 0.5%, 23.6%, 17.6%, and 10.0% for March, April, May, and June 2020, respectively. The decrease in total First Nations people health assessments compounds the risk of poorer health outcomes in this population already vulnerable due to a high burden of chronic disease and considerable social, economic, and health inequalities. Strategies to improve the delivery of telehealth for First Nations people must be considered.

COVID-19 , Aged , Australia/epidemiology , Humans , National Health Programs , Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 7(1): 124-146, jan. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1147718


Introdução: Oacompanhamento odontológico das gestantes pode propiciar inúmeros benefícios para a mãe e o bebê. Entretanto, ainda não são todas as gestantes que têm acesso ao pré-natal odontológico no Brasil, embora a atenção à saúde de forma integral seja uma prioridade no período gestacional. Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos gerais da atenção à saúde bucal das gestantes brasileiras atendidas na Atenção Básica de saúde disponíveis nas publicações científicas. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca dos artigos foi realizada via Medline, Lilacs, BBO e SciELO, sem restrição de idiomas, entre 2010 e 2020. Resultados: Foram selecionados 17 artigos científicos, cujo conteúdo foi categorizado em quatro conjuntos: Conhecimento das gestantes acerca da saúde bucal, Hábitos de higiene bucal das gestantes, Condição de saúde bucal das gestantes e Atenção à saúde bucal das gestantes. Existe desconhecimento de muitas gestantes sobre o que é o pré-natal odontológico e sua importância. Estudos apontam que algumas não são orientadas durante o pré-natal a realizar consultas com o cirurgião-dentista. As gestantes usam a escova e creme dental habitualmente, mas o fio dental não faz parte da rotina de higienização. Cárie e doença periodontal sãoos problemas bucais encontrados com maior frequência, principalmente entre gestantes que possuem menor renda e menor nível de escolaridade. Foi mais comum as gestantes estarem inseridas em ações de educação em saúde. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as gestantes atendidas na Atenção Básica do Sistema Único de Saúde possuem poucas informações sobre saúde bucal, convivem com os mitos odontológicos e apresentam medo de se submeter atratamentos odontológicos durante o período gestacional. Ademais, apresentam saúde bucal precária e encontram barreiras no acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal (AU).

Introduction:Dental care for pregnant women can provide many benefits for the mother and baby. However, not all pregnant women have access to dental prenatal care in Brazil, although comprehensive health care is a priority during pregnancy. Objective:Toidentify the general aspects of oral health care for Brazilian pregnant women attended in Primary Health Care available in scientific publications. Methodology:This is an integrative literature review study. The studiessearch wascarried out onMedline, Lilacs, BBO and SciELO,with no language restriction, from 2010 and 2020. Results:17 scientific articles were selected, whose content was categorized into four sets: Pregnant women 's knowledge of oral health, Pregnant women's oral hygiene habits, Pregnant women 's oral health condition and Pregnant women's oral health care. There is still a lack of knowledge among many pregnant women about what dental prenatal care is and its importance. Studies indicate that some are not advised during prenatal care to consult with the dentist. Pregnant women use the brush and toothpaste routinely, butdental floss is not part of routine oral hygiene. Caries and periodontal disease are the most frequent oral problems, especially among pregnant women who have a lower income and a lower level of education. It was more common for pregnant women to be inserted in health education actions. Conclusions:It is concluded that pregnant women attended in Primary Health Care of the Unified Health System have little information about oral health, live with dental myths and are afraid to dental treatment during pregnancy. In addition, they have poor oral health and find barriers to accessing oral health services (AU).

Introducción: El cuidado dental para mujeres embarazadas puede brindar muchos beneficios para la madre y el bebé. Sin embargo, no todas las mujeres embarazadas tienen acceso a la atención odontológica prenatal en Brasil, aunque la atención integral es una prioridad durante el embarazo. Objetivo: Identificar aspectos generales de la atención de salud bucal de las gestantes brasileñas atendidas en Atención Primaria de Salud disponibles en publicaciones científicas. Metodología: Es una revisión integradora de la literatura.La búsqueda de artículos se realizóvíaMedline, Lilacs, BBO y SciELO, sin restricción de idiomas, entre 2010 y 2020.Resultados: Se seleccionaron 17 artículos científicos, cuyo contenido se categorizó en cuatro conjuntos: Conocimientos de la mujer embarazada sobre salud bucal, Hábitos de higiene bucal de la mujer embarazada, Estado de salud bucal de la mujer embarazada y Atención a la salud bucal de la mujer embarazada. Aún existe desconocimiento entre muchas mujeres embarazadas sobre qué es el cuidado dental prenatal y su importancia. Los estudios indican que algunas mujeres no reciben orientación para consultar con el dentista durante el período prenatal. Las mujeres embarazadas usan el cepillo y la pasta de dientes con regularidad, pero el hilo dental no es parte de la higiene de rutina. La caries y la enfermedad periodontal son los problemas bucales más frecuentes, especialmente entre mujeres embarazadas que tienen menores ingresos y menor nivel de educación. Era más común que las embarazadas se insertaran en acciones de educación en salud. Conclusiones: Se concluye que las gestantes atendidas en Atención Primaria del Sistema Único de Salud tienen poca información sobre salud bucal, viven con mitos dentales y tienen miedo de recibir tratamientos dentales durante el embarazo. Además, tienen mala salud bucal y encuentran barreras para acceder a los servicios de salud bucal (AU).

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Primary Health Care , Brazil , Oral Health , Dental Care , Pregnant Women , Oral Hygiene , Prenatal Care , Health Services Accessibility