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Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551377


An incompatible voice with one's own identity is a theme frequently pointed out by the transgender population in speech therapy sessions. Speech therapy is a technique that allows the adjustment of the speaker's voice within a range of possibilities. The speech-language pathologist's role is to provide training, guidance, and counseling to this population, taking into account the specificities of each individual. In light of this, this study aims to report the experience of undergraduate students and speech-language professionals in providing care to the transgender population in a communication laboratory. Initially, key concepts, such as the differences between sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, are presented. Topics addressed include the violence suffered by the transgender population, the pursuit of vocal adaptation, the creation and development of the communication clinic, the support and assistance provided by professionals to the transgender population and their families, as well as the procedures adopted by the clinic. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that speech therapy has demonstrated the importance of individual-centered care, legitimizing the guarantee of promoting the users' health. Furthermore, the importance of the speech-language professional in the vocal and communicative improvement of this population, which is often stigmatized, is emphasized (AU).

Voz incompatível com a própria identidade é um tema frequentemente apontado pela população transgênera em atendimentos fonoaudiológicos. A fonoterapia é uma técnica que permite a adequação da voz do falante, dentro de um campo de possibilidades. Ao fonoaudiólogo cabe o treinamento, a orientação e o aconselhamento dessa população, levando em conta as especificidades de cada indivíduo. Diante disso, este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de estudantes de graduação e profissionais de Fonoaudiologia no atendimento voltado à população transgênera em um laboratório de comunicação. Inicialmente são apresentados conceitos-chave, tais como as diferenças entre sexo, gênero, identidade de gênero, e orientação sexual. São abordados temas como a violência sofrida pela população trans, a busca pela adequação vocal, a criação e o desenvolvimento do ambulatório de comunicação, o acolhimento e o suporte prestado pelos profissionais à população trans e a seus familiares, além dos procedimentos adotados pelo ambulatório. Dentre as conclusões, destaca-se que a assistência fonoaudiológica tem mostrado a importância do cuidado centrado no indivíduo, legitimando a garantia da promoção de saúde dos usuários. Ademais, é destacada a importância do profissional de fonoaudiologia no aprimoramento vocal e comunicativo dessa população que é frequentemente estigmatizada (AU).

Humans , Voice Quality , Voice Training , Health Services for Transgender Persons
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 63-80, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430587


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar las características de artículos científicos publicados durante el último quindenio respecto a la atención en salud a personas trans en América Latina y el Caribe. Se desarrolló una revisión sistematizada de artículos publicados en cuatro bases de datos, entre los años 2005 y 2020, en la que se encontraron 20 estudios que fueron objeto de análisis. En su mayoría, estos dan cuenta de las percepciones que tienen las comunidades trans y, en menor frecuencia, las experiencias de los profesionales de la salud sobre la atención en salud. Los resultados permiten identificar barreras que influyen en los procesos de atención y los desafíos para mejorarla. Sobresale la formación deficiente e insuficiente en los profesionales sobre identidades trans y los enfoques diferenciales y afirmativos del género, y la necesidad de fortalecer los abordajes integrales entre las comunidades académicas, de la salud y la generación de políticas públicas transformativas.

Abstract Health care is important for the transitions of people with trans life experiences and to strengthen the processes of health and disease. Health professionals are educating and accompanying agents; however, the literature frequently reports that there are barriers perceived by professionals regarding their competencies to accompany such processes, in addition to others related to social representations regarding trans identities, the limited scientific evidence regarding the processes of gender reaffirmation and representing the communities themselves according to their historical and sociocultural characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of scientific articles published during 15 years regarding health care for trans persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematized review of articles published in four databases between 2005 and 2020 was carried out. 20 studies were analyzed in the research. Most of them report the perceptions of trans communities and, less frequently, the experiences of health professionals on health care. The results allow the identification of barriers that influence the processes of care and the challenges to improve it. The deficient and insufficient training of professionals on trans identities and differential and affirmative gender approaches stand out, as well as the need to strengthen comprehensive approaches among the academic and health communities and the generation of trans affirmative public policies. On the other hand, the results evidence a construction of science with respect to gender that is cisnormative and invisibilizes gender diversities. In addition, many of the studies establish vertical relationships between participants, including researchers, which generates research dynamics in which trans communities are considered more as informants and less as expert peers, community researchers or participants in a collaborative and co-creative research process. These findings support the need and renew the urgency to generate processes of knowledge construction with and for trans communities that allow nurturing educational, social, public policy and health spaces that represent their needs for gender transitions, in case the person considers so, and that welcome in an integral and humanized way the processes of health and disease. Research on health and health care in trans communities both in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean does not show the implementation of health policies focused on the community and that respond to their health needs. Health professionals, around the world, should accompany from care actions focused on the processes of self-identification and self-determination of gender. Being recognized and made visible based on gender identities and expressions has a positive impact on the mental health of trans people and their well-being. In professional practice, it is important and essential to overcome the barriers of social inequality, promoting a critical social vision and understanding of the reality of this population. It is necessary to expand research from gender diversities and separate from the LGBTIQ+ umbrella given the complex social, cultural, biological, and psychological diversities faced by each community. As for health professionals, it is necessary to deepen the measurement and understanding of attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, skills and gaps identified by all staff, from doctors and nurses to institution managers. This in order to articulate and triangulate information and develop intervention programs aimed at comprehensive and accessible care, especially for their reports about the little information on sexual and gender diversity received during their professional training process and organizational culture. Finally, each country should develop clinical guidelines based on local, national, and international evidence that responds to the psychological and sociocultural needs and experiences of trans communities that include the process of gender transitions from hormone therapy, affirmative surgeries and other non-binary processes of gender expressions, family, psychosocial support, and community accompaniment.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; J. bras. psiquiatr;69(1): 13-22, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134942


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a prevalência de pensamentos suicidas em pacientes de um ambulatório de transgêneros no Distrito Federal, bem como as variáveis associadas a esses eventos. Métodos Estudo epidemiológico de corte transversal, realizado a partir de uma revisão dos prontuários dos pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de transgêneros do Hospital Dia, no Distrito Federal, no período de agosto de 2017 a setembro de 2018. Os dados foram tabulados pelo programa Excel 2016 e depois analisados pelo Pacote Estatístico para as Ciências Sociais (SPSS). Resultados Neste estudo, observamos fatores intervenientes e variáveis que influenciam o desenvolvimento do comportamento suicida, com uma correlação entre fatores de risco modificáveis e não modificáveis. Os achados deste estudo corroboram a literatura internacional sobre comportamento suicida e as variáveis que podem estar relacionadas a esse fato. Conclusão Questões sociodemográficas, de habitação e psiquiátricas compõem esses fatores, demonstrando possíveis relações com a ideação suicida. Assim, é possível mostrar situações de intervenção e elaboração de estratégias e políticas que possam melhorar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos e reduzir as taxas de comportamento suicida.

ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the prevalence of suicidal thoughts among patients from a transgender outpatient clinic in the Federal District, as well as the variables associated with these events. Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out based on a review of the medical records of patients attending the transgender outpatient clinic of the Hospital Dia, in the Federal District, from August 2017 to September 2018. Data were then tabulated by the program Excel 2016 and then analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results In this study, we observed intervening and variable factors influencing the development of suicidal behavior, with a correlation between modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. The findings of this study corroborate with the international literature on suicidal behavior, and the variables that may be related to this fact. Conclusion Socio-demographic, housing, and psychiatric issues compose these factors, demonstrating possible relationships with suicidal ideation. Thus, it is possible to show situations of intervention and the elaboration of strategies and policies that can improve the quality of life of these individuals and reduce rates of suicidal behavior.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 28(3): e280318, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-976538


Resumen El artículo analiza la recepción de la Ley de Identidad de Género por parte de profesionales de la salud del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires en base al análisis de un corpus de entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales de las especialidades de Salud Mental, Endocrinología y Cirugía que realizan o evalúan el ingreso a tratamientos hormonales y/o quirúrgicos solicitados por mujeres y varones trans. La Ley 26.743/12 de Identidad de Género argentina legaliza las intervenciones médicas para que travestis, transexuales, transgéneros y trans adquieran una imagen corporal acorde a su identidad de género. Dispone la cobertura de los tratamientos por parte del sistema de salud público, obras sociales y prestadores privados. A diferencia del régimen legal vigente con anterioridad, no exige requisitos diagnósticos ni judiciales para acceder a dichos tratamientos. El artículo describe los criterios adoptados tras la aprobación de la Ley de Identidad de Género por equipos y profesionales para evaluar el ingreso y resultados de dichos tratamientos. Las principales conclusiones establecen que la Ley de Identidad de Género habilitó tres desplazamientos en los discursos vigentes en el campo médico local: del diagnóstico al acompañamiento, del protocolo a la personalización-customización y de la minimización del riesgo al cálculo costo-beneficio.

Abstract This article addresses the reception of the Gender Identity Law by health professionals from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. It analyzes a corpus of in-depth interviews with health professionals specialized in gender reaffirmation treatments from the fields of Surgery, Endocrinology and Mental Health. Argentina's Gender Identity Law (26743/12) provides coverage within the Mandatory Medical Plan for surgical procedures and hormonal treatments whose aim is to align body to gender identity. Unlike the previous legal regime, it does not require a diagnostic or judicial authorization to access hormonal or surgical treatments for trans population. The article describes the transformation of discourses of health professionals regarding access to treatment and evaluation of results. The main conclusions establish that the approval of the Gender Identity Law allowed three mutations in discourses prevailing in the medical field: from diagnosis to follow-up; from protocol to customization; from risk minimization to cost-benefit calculation.

Resumo O artigo expõe os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais da saúde das especialidades de Saúde Mental, Endocrinologia e Cirurgia, que realizam ou avaliam os ingressos nos tratamentos médicos solicitados pelas pessoas trans. Este artigo pretende trazer algumas reflexões em torno dos critérios de admissão e avaliação dos resultados dos tratamentos cirúrgicos e hormonais em pessoas trans, desde a aprovação da Lei de Identidade de Gênero, em 2012. A Lei n. 26.743, de Identidade de Gênero, legalizou as intervenções médicas para que travestis, transexuais, transgêneros e demais pessoas trans possam construir uma corporalidade conforme sua identidade de gênero. A lei estabeleceu a cobertura dos tratamentos médicos pelo sistema de saúde pública e eliminou o requisito do laudo judicial para o acesso aos procedimentos desejados. Os resultados indicam que a Lei de Identidade de Gênero permitiu três mudanças nos discursos dos profissionais da saúde: do diagnóstico ao acompanhamento; do protocolo à customização; e da minimização dos riscos ao cálculo de custo-benefício.

Humans , Argentina , Physician-Patient Relations , Health Personnel , Transgender Persons , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Qualitative Research , Sex Reassignment Surgery , Gender Dysphoria
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 7(29): 26-30, dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869586


INTRODUCCIÓN: La Ley 26743/12 de Identidad de Género incorpora al Plan Médico Obligatorio las intervencionesquirúrgicas y los tratamientos integrales hormonales para adecuarel cuerpo a la identidad de género. OBJETIVOS: Indagar en los obstáculos y facilitadores para el cumplimiento de la Ley de Identidad de Género identificados por profesionales de la salud especializados en tratamientos de reafirmación de género del ámbito del Gran Buenos Aires y la ciudad de La Plata en 2012-2015. MÉTODOS: Sedesarrolló una investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas en profundidad. Se realizaron 12 entrevistas a profesionales de la salud en las especialidades de Cirugía, Endocrinología, Ginecología y SaludMental (Psicología y Psiquiatría) de los tres subsistemas de salud (público, privado y obra social). RESULTADOS: Según lo observado, los profesionales del sistema de salud desarrollaron estrategias locales para garantizar el cumplimiento de la Ley de Identidad de Género y se toparon con obstáculos burocráticos y de disponibilidad de recursos humanos y hospitalarios. Al mismo tiempo, identificaron tensionescon usuarios y usuarias trans del sistema de salud. CONCLUSIONES:Es necesario implementar un programa centralizado, que contemple la formación, asignación y gestión de recursos humanos y hospitalarios que permita afianzar el vínculo entre el sistema de salud y sus profesionales especializados, y que abra canales de diálogo con las organizaciones de usuarios y usuarias.

INTRODUCTION: Argentina’s Gender Identity Law (26743/12) provides coverage within the Mandatory MedicalPlan for surgical procedures and hormonal treatments whose aim is to align body to gender identity. OBJECTIVES: To address obstacles and facilitators to guarantee and applythe Gender Identity Law, developed by health professionals specialized in gender reaffirmation treatments in Gran Buenos Aires and the city of La Plata during 2012-2015. METHODS: A qualitative research based on in-depth interviews was conducted. It included 12 interviews to health professionalsfrom the fields of Surgery, endocrinology, Gynecology and Mental Health, belonging to the three health subsystems (public, private and social security). RESULTS: Health professionals developed local strategies to comply with the Gender Identity Law and had to deal with bureaucratic obstacles and the lack of human and hospital resources. At the same time, they identified tensions with transgender users of the health system. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessaryto implement a centralized program for training, planning and management of human and hospital resources, whichstrengthens the link between health system and its specialized professionals and also opens channels for dialog with user organizations.

Humans , Health Services Accessibility , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Right to Health