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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 31: e2024019, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557926


Abstract This study within the field of environmental history explores the scenario amid which the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation) was founded between 1958 and 1966; this important Brazilian non-governmental organization headquartered in Rio de Janeiro worked at the local, national, and international levels. Primary documentary sources were utilized, along with research of the related literature. The conclusions demonstrate the importance of non-governmental organizations predating this foundation, and the influence of conservationists on its establishment and current work.

Resumo Este estudo se insere no campo da história ambiental e tem o objetivo de compreender o cenário de criação, entre 1958 e 1966, da Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza, importante organização não governamental ambientalista brasileira, com sede no Rio de Janeiro e atuação local, nacional e internacional. Para isso, utiliza fontes documentais primárias e pesquisa bibliográfica relacionada. As conclusões demonstraram a importância da existência de organizações não governamentais mais antigas que a fundação e a influência de conservacionistas sobre sua criação e sua atuação inicial.

Organizations , Conservation of Natural Resources , Environment , Brazil , History, 20th Century
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(spe): e2142, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395209


RESUMEN Reconocer el carácter híbrido, complejo y sistémico del agua desde los estudios hidrosociales, implicó entender que esta circula en un proceso continuo entre los diversos actores en diferentes periodos históricos. En la cuenca del río Dagua, las profundas transformaciones que han alterado o modificado naturalmente la dinámica ecológica de la cuenca, están estrechamente vinculadas a la forma de apropiación social que cada uno de los actores que allí confluyen realizan, no solo del agua sino del territorio, creando y recreando territorios hidrosociales. Con una metodología interdisciplinaria y descriptiva, a través del análisis documental y del trabajo etnográfico con talleres, entrevistas semiestructuras y trabajo de campo, se reconoció que la apropiación social del agua está determinada por la cultura, es flexible y depende de cada contexto ontológico, geográfico e histórico, en el que se suscribe. El documento abarca desde el periodo precolombino hasta la actualidad y permitió mostrar que la apropiación social del agua no es excluyente ni en tiempo ni espacio. Puede darse simultáneamente, lo que sugiere que, en algunos momentos históricos, coexiste y puede estar inscrita a sociedades diferentes, con modos de vida y diferentes visiones-nociones y acciones de construir territorios hidrosociales, a lo largo del tiempo.

ABSTRACT Recognizing the hybrid, the complex and systemic character of water from hydrosocial studies implied understanding that it circulates in a continuous process between the various actors in different historical periods. In the Dagua river basin, the profound transformations that have naturally altered or modified the ecological dynamics of the basin are closely linked to the form of social appropriation that each of the actors that converge there carries out, not only of water but also of the territory, thus creating and recreating hydrosocial territories. With an interdisciplinary and descriptive methodology, through documentary analysis, and ethnographic work with workshops, semi-structural interviews and fieldwork, it recognized that the social appropriation of water determined by culture is flexible and depends on each ontological and geographical context and history subscribed. The document ranges from the pre-Columbian period to the present and shows that the social appropriation of water is not exclusive in time or space. It can occur simultaneously, which suggests that, in some historical moments, it coexists and may be inscribed in different societies, with different ways of life and different visions-notions and actions of building hydrosocial territories over time.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(supl.1): 161-183, out.-dez. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360461


Abstract The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis), the only seal species native to Central America, was declared extinct in 2008, with the last confirmed sighting in 1952. This species historically had a broad range throughout the gulf of Mexico. This article discusses the history of Western science on the monk seal, from its first recorded sighting by a Western colonizer in 1492 to scientific collection in the 1800s and 1900s, as a history of the erasure of this species. Museum practices of collecting and displaying Caribbean monk seals have directly contributed to this erasure, and ways of writing a new history by giving the Caribbean monk seal the capacity to refuse erasure are suggested.

Resumo A foca-monge-do-caribe (Monachus tropicalis), a única espécie de focas nativa da América Central, foi declarada extinta em 2008, tendo o último registro de avistamento confirmado em 1952. Historicamente, essa espécie ocupou vastas áreas do golfo do México. Este artigo discute a história da ciência ocidental sobre a foca-monge, desde o primeiro registro de seu avistamento por um colonizador ocidental, em 1492, até a coleção científica nos anos 1800 e 1900, como uma história de desaparecimento da espécie. As práticas museológicas de coleta e exposição de focas-monge-do-caribe contribuíram diretamente para tal desaparecimento, e aqui são sugeridas maneiras de escrever uma nova história concedendo à foca-monge-do-caribe a possibilidade de recusa ao desaparecimento.

Humans , Natural History , Seals, Earless , Environment , Extinction, Biological , Aquatic Fauna , History, 20th Century , Animals , Museums
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(supl.1): 209-220, out.-dez. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360472


Abstract It was in the 1980s that a new field in historical studies began to emerge, the animal history, or more specifically the history of human-animal relations. Harriet Ritvo - an eminent American historian and Emeritus Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - is a pioneer in this field. Her career has been dedicated, among other activities, to researching, writing, teaching and lecturing on the subject. In this interview, Professor Ritvo talks about aspects of her academic trajectory, as well as important features of animal history, such as interactions between this area and other fields in which she also works: environmental history, the history of science and the history of technology.

Resumo Na década de 1980 começou a surgir um novo campo nos estudos históricos, a história dos animais, ou, mais especificamente, a história das relações entre os seres humanos e os animais. Harriet Ritvo - eminente historiadora norte-americana e professora emérita do Massachusetts Institute of Technology - é pioneira nessa área. Sua carreira tem sido dedicada à pesquisa, à escrita, ao ensino e à apresentação de palestras sobre o assunto. Nesta entrevista, Ritvo fala sobre aspectos de sua trajetória acadêmica e também sobre importantes questões da história dos animais, tais como as interações dessa área com outros campos nos quais ela também atua: história ambiental, história da ciência e história da tecnologia.

Interdisciplinary Studies , Human-Animal Interaction , Animals , Technology , History, 20th Century , Environment
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(4): 1311-1340, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142982


Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral da produção de livros sobre a história ambiental do Brasil. Da grande diversidade de temas ambientais presentes na historiografia brasileira, selecionamos os autores que de alguma forma se identificam como relacionados com a comunidade acadêmica da história ambiental. Embora a ênfase tenha sido dada aos livros autorais, buscamos ao menos mencionar as principais coletâneas produzidas no campo. Com esse mapeamento, demonstramos quais têm sido os temas e os recortes espaçotemporais priorizados pelos historiadores ambientais em seus estudos sobre o Brasil. Além disso, buscamos mostrar como as lacunas ainda presentes nessa produção oferecem caminhos promissores para a futura expansão desse campo.

Abstract This article provides an overview of books published on Brazilian environmental history. Among the large variety of environmental themes seen in Brazilian historiography, we selected the authors who in some way identify themselves as explicitly related to the academic environmental history community. Although the emphasis was on authored books, we sought to at least mention the principal edited books produced in the field. With this mapping, we demonstrate the themes and spatial-temporal foci prioritized by environmental historians in their studies on Brazil. Additionally, we sought to show how the gaps still existing in the literature provide promising paths for future expansion of this field.

History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Ecology/history , Environment , Historiography , Books , Brazil , Forests
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(2): 229-237, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012043


RESUMO A qualidade de vida é intrinsecamente ligada à disponibilidade de água, e a poluição desse recurso afeta diretamente as populações. O Lago Guaíba possui importância histórica, econômica e cultural para Porto Alegre (RS) e região metropolitana. Este trabalho discute o contexto histórico-cultural da poluição do Lago Guaíba. Com grande região hidrográfica, o lago sofre diversos impactos ambientais e, ao mesmo tempo, possui múltiplos usos para suas águas. Apesar da grande importância do Lago Guaíba para a região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, há um histórico descaso com sua qualidade. O lago apresenta-se poluído, com percepção pública dessa realidade e limitação de usos diretos de suas águas.

ABSTRACT The quality of life is intrinsically linked to water availability; however, pollution on this resource directly affects people. Lake Guaíba has a historical, economic and cultural importance to Porto Alegre (RS, Brazil) and its metropolitan region. This report discusses the historical and cultural context of Lake Guaíba's pollution. With a large watershed, Lake Guaíba suffers many environmental impacts and, at the same time, has multiple uses for its waters. Despite the great importance of Lake Guaíba to Porto Alegre metropolitan region, there is a historical disregard with its quality. The lake is polluted and there is a public perception of this reality with direct limitation of its water's use.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(2): 483-500, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012199


Resumo Aborda a relação entre ciência e cerrado no período entre a publicação do livro de Eugenius Warming (1892) e artigo de Rawitscher, Ferri e Rachid (1943), botânicos da Universidade de São Paulo. Warming afirmou que a escassez de recursos hídricos influenciou na formação da vegetação característica e na baixa fertilidade dos solos. Arrojado Lisboa, Alberto Sampaio, Philipe Vasconcelos e Barbosa de Oliveira propuseram projetos diversificados sobre o aproveitamento econômico do cerrado. Já o artigo de 1943 apontou para a riqueza dos recursos hídricos na região, influenciando o aumento de experimentos agrícolas. Este texto enfatiza principalmente o levantamento da diversidade da vegetação dos cerrados e os debates sobre a (in)fertilidade dos solos para cultivo em larga escala.

Abstract This article discusses the relationship between science and the cerrado during the period spanning the publication of a text by Eugenius Warming (1892) and an article by Rawitscher, Ferri, and Rachid (1943), botanists at the University of São Paulo. Warming stated that scarce water resources affected the formation of the characteristic vegetation and low soil fertility in these regions. Arrojado Lisboa, Alberto Sampaio, Philipe Vasconcelos, and Barbosa de Oliveira proposed a variety of plans for economic exploitation of the cerrado. The article from 1943 indicated the rich water resources in the region, which helped to boost agricultural experiments. This article especially emphasizes studies on the diversity of vegetation in the regions containing cerrado-type vegetation formations and debates on the (in)fertility of these soils for large-scale farming.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Grassland , Water Insecurity , Soil , Brazil , Water Resources , Infertility
Conserv Biol ; 32(4): 808-816, 2018 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29388699


Understanding how the relationships between large carnivores and humans have evolved and have been managed through centuries can provide relevant insights for wildlife conservation. The management history of many large carnivores has followed a similar pattern, from game reserved for nobility, to persecuted pests, to conservation targets. We reconstructed the history of brown bear (Ursus arctos) management in Bialowieza Forest (Poland and Belarus) based on a detailed survey of historical literature and Russian archives. From the end of the Middle Ages to the end of 18th century, the brown bear was considered "animalia superiora" (i.e., game exclusively reserved for nobility and protected by law). Bears, also a source of public entertainment, were not regarded as a threat. Effective measures to prevent damages to traditional forest beekeeping were already in practice. In the beginning of 19th century, new game-management approaches allowed most forest officials to hunt bears, which became the primary target of hunters due to their valuable pelt. This, together with an effective anticarnivore policy enhanced by bounties, led to bear extirpation in 1879. Different approaches to scientific game management appeared (planned extermination of predators and hunting levels that would maintain stable populations), as did the first initiatives to protect bears from cruel treatment in captivity. Bear reintroduction in Bialowieza Forest began in 1937 and represented the world's first reintroduction of a large carnivore motivated by conservation goals. The outbreak of World War II spoiled what might have been a successful project; reproduction in the wild was documented for 8 years and bear presence for 13. Soft release of cubs born in captivity inside the forest but freely roaming with minimal human contact proved successful. Release of captive human-habituated bears, feeding of these bears, and a lack of involvement of local communities were weaknesses of the project. Large carnivores are key components of ecosystem-function restoration, and site-specific histories provide important lessons in how to preserve them for the future.

Carnivora , Ursidae , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Forests , Humans , Russia
Rev. luna azul ; (44): 277-293, ene.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902060


Dada la creciente visibilidad de los conflictos socioambientales y, por consiguiente, el incremento en las preocupaciones ambientales, se acrecentó el caudal de trabajos científicos que estudian las relaciones hombre-naturaleza, desde diversas perspectivas disciplinares. En el presente trabajo dialogan tanto la historia ambiental como la antropología, con el objeto de revisitar los aportes que la segunda brindó al análisis de los problemas socioambientales estudiados en clave histórica. Para ello, proponemos un recorrido por los autores centrales que intentaron definir el campo de la historia ambiental en sus inicios; así como, por aquellos que, desde la antropología, presentan las diferentes posturas respecto a la dualidad naturaleza-cultura.

Given the growing visibility of socio-environmental conflicts and, consequently increased environmental concerns, the flow of scientific work that studies the relationship between man and nature increased from different disciplinary perspectives. In this work both, Environmental History and Anthropology, dialogue in order to review the contributions that the second gave to the analysis of socio-environmental issues studied from a historical point of view. To do this, a tour of the central authors that attempted to define the field of Environmental History is proposed as well as of those authors that, from an Anthropologist perspective, present different approaches about the nature-culture duality.

Humans , Nature , Culture , Environment , Anthropology
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(2): 483-498, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-840699


Resumo Tecem-se considerações sobre a produção científica gerada pela Comissão de Demarcação de Limites das Fronteiras do Império com a Bolívia no que diz respeito à devastação ambiental no Mato Grosso, relatadas em Viagem ao redor do Brasil 1875-1878 , de João Severiano da Fonseca, que constatou o desmatamento nas margens do rio Paraguai e cobrou medidas do governo mato-grossense. O autor vislumbrava o desenvolvimento do Mato Grosso pelo melhor aproveitamento dos recursos naturais, pela exportação de matérias-primas e pela promoção da industrialização da região. Como metodologia, estabeleceu-se uma interface entre história ambiental e história das ciências.

Abstract This presents reflections on scientific production issued by the Commission for the Demarcation of the Empire’s Border Limits with Bolivia, with a focus on the environmental destruction of Mato Grosso state, as reported in João Severiano da Fonseca’s book, Journey around Brazil 1875-1878. Fonseca reported severe deforestation on the banks of the river Paraguay and advocated for protectionist measures from the state government. He set out a vision for Mato Grosso’s development that involved better use of the state’s natural resources, raw materials exports, and regional industrialization support. The methodology created an interface between environmental history and history of the sciences.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Science/history , Conservation of Natural Resources , Environment , Expeditions , Travel , Brazil , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(1): 93-110, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-840690


Resumo O artigo analisa as representações de natureza na literatura de Bernardo Élis, a partir dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da história ambiental. Élis fez parte de um grupo de intelectuais que apresentava, por meio da literatura, as condições de vida na fronteira goiana e as relações humanas nessas paisagens “gerais”. Nas gerais, os dramas de suas personagens misturavam-se ao ambiente físico do cerrado, numa narrativa realista e denunciadora das condições de vida na isolada fronteira (ermos e gerais). Em seu diálogo com a literatura, os fundamentos desse campo da pesquisa historiográfica podem ser adotados como instrumentos analíticos, aliados a concepções relativas à integração entre sociedade e natureza, como as de fronteira e wilderness.

Abstract This article analyzes the representations of nature in the literature of Bernardo Élis based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of environmental history. Élis was part of a group of intellectuals whose literature presented the living conditions in the frontier of Goiás and the human relationships occurring in these landscapes. In these scrublands, the dramas of their characters are mixed with the physical environment of the cerrado region in a realistic narrative denouncing the living conditions in this isolated frontier area. In their dialog with literature, the fundamentals of this field of historiographic research can be adopted as analytical instruments, combined with concepts related to the integration between society and nature, such as the frontier and wilderness.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Social Conditions , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 653-668, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-792565


Resumo Ao longo da segunda metade do século XX, o debate historiográfico brasileiro foi profundamente marcado por Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. Na primeira década do século XXI, os problemas da identidade nacional, da ocupação do território, da organização social do Brasil e suas matrizes civilizacionais, dos limites e trocas culturais em terras interiores, das percepções e formas de apropriação da natureza, entre outros temas do autor, ainda ecoam nos estudos históricos contemporâneos. O artigo discute as contribuições das suas principais obras para a história ambiental, sobretudo as interpretações das interferências cruzadas entre sociedades humanas e o meio natural. O papel da natureza, suas metáforas, ideias ou imagens são os vestígios de uma história da historiografia brasileira.

Abstract Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, Brazilian historigraphical debate was profoundly marked by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. The problems of national identity, the occupation of the land, the social organization of Brazil and its civilizatory roots, the cultural exchanges and boundaries in inland parts, the perceptions and forms of appropriation of nature, and other topics covered by the author still echo in contemporary historical research. This article discusses how his main works contribute to environmental history, especially his interpretations of how human societies and the natural environment have affected one another. The role of nature, its metaphors, ideas, or images are the evidence of a history of Brazilian historiography.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Environment , Historiography , Brazil , Literature, Modern/history
Rev. luna azul ; (41): 274-295, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-783582


En el municipio de Tandil, diferentes expresiones socioambientales han tenido lugar a nivel local en las últimas décadas. Algunas de estas acciones responden a los efectos ambientales de ciertas actividades -la minería, la instalación de actividades contaminantes, la lucha urbana por el acceso a la tierra, al agua y a mejores condiciones ambientales, la problemática de los residuos sólidos urbanos e industriales y otros reclamos de justicia ambiental-. El presente trabajo discute desde una perspectiva teórica y mediante el análisis empírico de ciertos casos, las principales consideraciones epistemológicas asociadas a conceptos centrales que permiten entender y explicar el accionar social frente a la lucha ambiental. Por ello, interesa identificar ciertas problemáticas, describiendo los conflictos y las acciones colectivas de las luchas urbanas que reclaman mejoras en las condiciones ambientales a nivel local. El objetivo del presente trabajo es situar determinadas acciones colectivas en espacio y tiempo. Para ello se analizan cuatro casos de luchas urbanas suscitados por dos recursos naturales en pugna: el paisaje serrano y el recurso hídrico subterráneo. La selección del estudio de caso como método de investigación responde al carácter exploratorio del tema abordado. La inferencia lógica inductiva favorece la identificación de las categorías de análisis más propicias para su abordaje y pone en evidencia formas de organización, estrategias colectivas, y respuestas frente a los reclamos. Se emplean como técnicas de producción de conocimiento: la comparación, la observación documental -periódicos locales, sitios Web, archivos públicos y privados- y entrevistas a informantes calificados. En todos los casos bajo análisis las luchas se enmarcan en un contexto de crisis del Estado como proveedor de espacios de participación que favorecen la legitimación de nuevos espacios para el reclamo socioambiental. En particular cada caso presenta singularidades y generalidades que son posibles identificar y describir.

Different social-environmental expressions have occurred at the local level in the last decades in the Municipality of Tandil. Some of these actions respond to environmental effects of some activities -mining, contaminating activities installation, the urban struggles for access to land, water or better environmental conditions, the problems of urban and industrial solid waste and other environmental justice claims. This work discusses, from a theoretical approach and through the empirical analysis of certain cases, the main epistemological considerations associated to central concepts which allow to understand and explain social actions against the environmental struggle. Therefore, it is interesting to identify certain problems describing the conflicts and collective actions of urban struggles claiming improvement in the local environmental conditions. The main goal of this work is to establish some collective actions in space and time. In order to do this, four case studies of urban struggle caused by two natural resources competing, the mountain landscape and undergraound water resources, are analyzed. iCase study selection as research method responds to the exploratory nature of the topic addressed. Inductive logic inference favors the identification of the most appropriate category analysis for its approach and leave proof of organization forms, collective strategies and answers against the claims presented. Comparison, documental observation -local newspapers, websites, private and public files- and interviews to qualified informants were used as knowledge production techniques. In all the cases under study, struggles are framed by State crisis context as the provider of participation spaces that favor the legitimation of new spaces for the social-environmental claim. Particularly each case presents particularities and generalities that are possible to identify and describe.

Humans , Mining , Wrestling , Water , Environmental Pollutants
Rev. colomb. enferm ; 8(1): 146-150, Agosto de 2013.
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1007998


[{"text": "La salud infantil es un problema mundial conocido por todos. En la búsqueda de soluciones, las organizaciones \r\nmundiales han observado los factores ambientales que influyen en ella y afectan la población en general, especial\r\n-\r\nmente la población infantil, por ser esta una de las más vulnerables. Esta revisión busca integrar el concepto de salud, \r\nel mayor riesgo que presentan los niños, el nuevo concepto de ecodesarrollo y la historia clínica ambiental pediátrica.\r\nEn el ámbito de salud y del medio ambiente, se ha visto a través de los tiempos, cómo los diferentes contaminantes \r\nprovocan en el ser humano enfermedades que antes no existían; igualmente se ha visto el aumento del riesgo de \r\npresentar algunas patologías que pueden incluso terminar en la muerte del paciente.", "_i": "es"}, {"text": "Children's health is a known worldwide problem; around \r\nthe globe different organizations have been searching for \r\nsolutions and found that environmental factors widely \r\ninfluence health in the entire population, especially in \r\nchildren because of the vulnerability caused by their age.\r\nThis review intends to integrate the concept of health with \r\nthe higher risk that children have and the new concept of \r\neco-development and the pediatric environmental health \r\nhistory. Thanks to the health and environmental scope \r\nwe know that through time the different contaminants \r\nhave produce in the human being diseases that didn't \r\nexist in the past; it has also increased the risk of having \r\nsome pathologies associated with death.", "_i": "en"}, {"text": "A saúde ambiental é um problema mundial conhecido por \r\ntodos. Em busca de soluções, as organizações mundiais \r\ntêm observado que os fatores ambientais influenciam a \r\nsaúde e afetam a população em geral, especialmente as \r\ncrianças por serem mais vulneráveis.\r\nEste artigo integra os conceitos de saúde, do risco corrido \r\npela população infantil, do novo conceito de desenvol\r\n-\r\nvimento sustentável e da história clínica-ambiental \r\npediátrica.\r\nFocando no âmbito da saúde e do meio ambiente, nos \r\ntem mostrado como diferentes contaminantes causam \r\ndoenças no ser humano previamente inexistentes e tem \r\naumentado o risco de patologias que podem levar à morte.", "_i": "pt"}]

Child Health , Environment
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 19(4): 1155-1170, out.-dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-660531


A formação e o estudo de coleções de história natural e de paleontologia participaram da instauração da ordem política do Império do Brasil, delineando também uma ordem científica. A simbiose entre ciência e nação encontrou em Peter W. Lund, iniciador dos estudos de paleontologia em nosso país, um agente ativo e constante. As coleções e escritos desse naturalista deram amparo à visualização do passado e à escrita da história em museus, instituições científicas e culturais brasileiras e europeias. As disputas pelo ordenamento político sob as Regências e a Maioridade foram acompanhadas de perto pelo estudo e a explicação das formas de vida e do globo no passado.

The formation and study of natural history and paleontology collections was part of the installation of political order under the Empire of Brazil, as well as the establishment of a scientific program. The symbiosis between science and the nation was actively promoted by Peter W. Lund, pioneer of paleontology studies in the country. The collections and writings produced by the naturalist lent support to the visualization of the past and the writing of history in Brazilian and European scientific and cultural institutions and museums. The disputes over the political order under the Regencies and the Majority were closely accompanied by the study and explanation of the forms of life and the planet found in the past.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Paleontology/history , Natural History/history , Museums , Brazil , History, 19th Century
Rev. luna azul ; (32): 135-145, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-639881


El bicentenario de la Independencia ha revivido la discusión en torno a la vigencia del pensamiento de Bolívar. Sobre éste, se ha señalado que en su ideario hubo un "pensamiento ecológico", que debería considerarse en estos tiempos. Otros, en cambio, le critican su soberbia antropocentrista al referirse de manera arrogante a los asuntos de la naturaleza. ¿Podría decirnos 'el Libertador' algo sobre la crisis ambiental que experimenta el planeta hoy? El asunto de este texto es valorar este legado. Para ello, se han examinado los decretos y resoluciones relacionados con la conservación de la fauna, la flora, el fomento de la agricultura, la repartición de la tierra, entre otros. De ellos, se deduce que Bolívar no es un conservacionista, ni un ambientalista biocentrista, tampoco un antiecologista, como han dicho algunos. Su ideario político, social y ambiental se ubica en una corriente amplia de la Ecología Política, que cuestiona el intercambio ecológico desigual, entre las metrópolis y los países del Sur, los ricos y los pobres, las multinacionales y los productores locales. Un ambientalismo de la equidad y la justicia, donde impere la armonía entre los seres humanos y de estos con otros seres de la naturaleza y el planeta.

The Independence Bicentennial Celebration has revived the discussion around the validity of Bolivar's thoughts. It has been pointed out that his ideology included an "ecological thought" which should be put into consideration nowadays. Others, however, criticize his haughty anthropocentrism when referring in an arrogant way to nature issues. Could "the Liberator" tell us something about the environmental crisis the planet faces today? The subject of this text is to value such legacy. In order to do this, the decrees and resolutions related with the conservation of fauna and flora, promotion of agriculture, and land distribution, among others, have been examined. From them it has been concluded that Bolivar is neither a conservationist, nor an environmentalist or an anti-ecologist as many have argued. His political, social and environmental ideology is located in a wide stream of Political Ecology which questions unequal ecological exchange between the metropolis and the countries in the South, the rich and the poor, the multinationals and the local producers. An environmentalism of equity and justice where harmony among human beings and between them and other beings in nature and the planet must prevail.

Humans , Ecology , Politics , Thinking , Bolivia
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 17(1): 51-66, jan.-mar. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545407


Este artigo resgata, contextualiza e caracteriza o sistema de águas e esgotos de Ouro Preto, criado em fins da década de 1880 em reação a problemas sanitários e à necessidade de modernizar a antiga capital do estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais. Baseado em pesquisas documentais realizadas em arquivos públicos, revisões bibliográficas, entrevistas e inspeções de campo, o texto desfaz equívocos referentes à autoria e data de construção do sistema. A necessidade de restaurar a centenária estação de tratamento de esgotos é enfatizada, tendo em vista sua relevância na história do saneamento brasileiro. Hoje, em contraste com o passado, a cidade de Ouro Preto lança seus esgotos in natura nos córregos que lhe deram o ouro.

Wastewater , Plumbing (Environmental Health)/history , Public Works/history , Sanitation/history , Public Health/history , Brazil
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 17(1): 67-85, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545408


Explora as conexões entre uma polêmica apreensão de maçãs contaminadas no sul do Brasil, em 1989, e as reações da indústria da maçã às notícias da imprensa sobre o uso do agrotóxico nas plantações brasileiras. A problemática está inserida em análise mais ampla da ideia de toxicidade e de 'perigo', que começa a invadir os domínios público e privado quanto ao consumo de alimentos mais sadios e à 'segurança alimentar'. Afirma que as respostas dos pomicultores ao problema seriam mais bem entendidas com a leitura histórica das interações entre a biologia da macieira, a agroecologia dessa monocultura e estruturas, atores e discursos que envolvem coletivos humanos e não humanos na região produtora de maçãs.

Agro Toxic Maximum Allowable Limit on Food , Agribusiness/history , Food Contamination , Malus/toxicity , Public Health/history , Brazil
Rev. luna azul ; (28): 57-67, jun. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635737


Augusto Ángel Maya, nacido en Manizales en 1932, Doctor en Historia de la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma y Doctor Honoris Causa en Educación Ambiental de la Universidad Guadalajara de México, es uno de los pensadores más sobresalientes del emergente pensamiento ambiental en Colombia. Desde su trabajo como profesor, funcionario de instituciones del Estado y de organismos internacionales, ha contribuido de manera notable a la consolidación del pensamiento y movimiento ambiental colombiano en los últimos 40 años. Sus aportes se pueden sintetizar en dos: la reflexión teórica y conceptual para entender lo ambiental desde una perspectiva política, social y cultural; y la creación de herramientas de trabajo político como la educación ambiental y el impulso a la organización nacional del Movimiento Ambiental MA. Este trabajo sintetiza parte de este legado.

Augusto Ángel Maya was born in Manizales in 1932, with a doctorate in History from the Gregorian University of Rome and Honoris Causa Doctorate in Environmental Education from the Guadalajara University of Mexico. He's one of the most important thinkers of the emergent environmental thought in Colombia. From his work as a professor, as an official of governmental institutions and international organisms, he's contributed to the consolidation of the environmental thought and movement in Colombia for the past 40 years. His contributions can be synthesized in two: theoretical and conceptual reflection in order to understand the environmental issues from a political, social and cultural perspective; and the creation of political work tools, such as environmental education and the support of the national organization of Environmental Movement MA. This work synthesizes part of this legacy.

Humans , History , Thinking , Environmental Health Education , Movement