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Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(13)2023 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37444707


Currently, violence in adolescent and young couples has a significant social impact on young people's physical and psychological health. However, the study of violence in homosexual couples must also be addressed. This research analyzes the levels of violent victimization and the perception of abuse in both homosexual and heterosexual couples. Participants' ages ranged between 14 and 29 years (M = 20.14, SD = 3.464). We used The Dating Violence Questionnaire-Revised (CUIVNO-R), which was applied in two consecutive studies. The results indicate high levels of victimization, especially in the sample of homosexual participants. The scores generally show a low perception of couple violence but high victimization rates. The results of this study reveal the importance of the issue of violence in couples from minority groups and suggest that couple violence should not be understood as unidirectional, i.e., exclusively from men to women. These findings show the need for education in healthy relationships and consideration of different types of couples in these relationships.

Univ. salud ; 23(3): 217-227, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1341768


Resumen Introducción: Las investigaciones sobre violencia en la pareja se han centrado principalmente en el estudio de las parejas heterosexuales y son escasos los datos sobre la violencia de parejas del mismo sexo en el noviazgo. Objetivo: Analizar la violencia intragénero entre parejas homosexuales en universitarios de Bucaramanga. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cuantitativa con muestreo tipo bola de nieve mediante el cual se obtuvo una población de 132 participantes mayores de 18 años. Se aplicó el instrumento pre-validado Lista de Chequeo de Experiencias de Maltrato en la Pareja. Los datos se analizaron con el software SPSS, versión 23, mediante la prueba X 2 y ANOVA Unidireccional, considerando un α=0,05. Resultados: El 91,7% de los participantes fue violentado por lo menos con una de las conductas de estudio, la violencia predominante en las parejas fue la psicológica, seguida de la violencia emocional, la violencia física, la violencia sexual y, por último, la violencia económica. Se encontraron diferencias significativas para algunos ítems del instrumento entre hombres y mujeres. Conclusiones: La violencia psicológica tuvo mayor presencia en los participantes.

Abstract Introduction: Research on partner violence has mainly focused on studies of heterosexual couples, while data on same-sex dating violence are scarce. Objective: To analyze intra-gender violence in homosexual university couples in Bucaramanga. Materials and methods: A quantitative research with a snowball sampling approach was applied to obtain a population of 132 participants who were older than 18 years of age. The pre-validated instrument Check List for Partner Abuse Experience was used. Data were analyzed with SPSS software (version 23), using the X2 test and one-way ANOVA, considering an α=0.05. Results: 91.7% of participants experience violence with at least one of the studied behaviors. Psychological violence was the most predominant form in the studied couples, followed by emotional, physical, sexual, and economic violence. Significant differences between males and females were found for some items of the instrument. Conclusions: Psychological violence was the most frequent in the study's participants.

Violence , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Students
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 19(2): 163-177, dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1430899


A teoria do amadurecimento, construída por Winnicott, aponta a importância da facilitação do ambiente para o desenvolvimento das tendências herdadas do indivíduo. Ao estudarmos a família, no século XXI, vemos que a configuração familiar tradicional, embora ainda dominante, tem se apresentado ao lado de outras configurações - famílias recompostas, famílias ampliadas, famílias homoparentais, famílias monoparentais, entre outras -, em que algumas, mesmo que sempre tenham existido de forma marginal em menor número, têm o prenúncio de um aumento expressivo desse número no futuro. Este texto pretende, assim, discutir os aspectos que essas novas configurações precisam preservar em si, em meio às mudanças que as fazem novas, para viabilizarem a condição de ambiente facilitador, bem como os aspectos da teoria do amadurecimento que contribuem para que as novas famílias se sintam potencialmente facilitadoras do amadurecimento emocional dos indivíduos em seu seio.

The theory of maturation, built by Winnicott, points out the importance of the facilitating environment for the development of the inherited tendencies of the individual. As we study the family in the twenty-first century, we see that the traditional family setting, although still dominant, has performed alongside other settings - recomposed families, extended families, gay families, single parents, among others - where some even that have always existed marginally fewer have the beginnings of a significant increase in this number in the future, due to the recent social and legal recognition. This conference thus aims to discuss the aspects that these new settings need to preserve itself in the midst of changes that make them new, to permit the condition of enabling environment, as well as the aspects of the theory of maturation that contribute to the new families feel potentially enabling the emotional maturity of the individuals within it.

Hum Reprod ; 29(9): 1859-65, 2014 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25052011


This Task Force document discusses ethical issues arising with requests for medically assisted reproduction from people in what may be called 'non-standard' situations and relationships. The document stresses that categorically denying access to any of these groups cannot be reconciled with a human rights perspective. If there are concerns about the implications of assisted reproduction on the wellbeing of any of the persons involved, including the future child, a surrogate mother or the applicants themselves, these concerns have to be considered in the light of the available scientific evidence. When doing so it is important to avoid the use of double standards. More research is needed into the psychosocial implications of raising children in non-standard situations, especially with regard to single women, male homosexual couples and transsexual people.

Advisory Committees , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted/ethics , Sexuality , Societies, Medical , Europe , Family/psychology , Female , Human Rights , Humans , Male , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted/legislation & jurisprudence
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 12(2): 643-658, jul.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-724994


Este estudio exploratorio ha sido emprendido con la finalidad de investigar, partiendo de los testimonios de personas homosexuales, el proceso de desarrollo de la identidad homosexual en el marco familiar heteroparental. Desde un criterio socioeducativo, se examina la respuesta del microsistema familiar ante este hecho, además de estudiar cómo se vive la homosexualidad en la familia de origen y otras cuestiones afines. En la investigación participan cuatro familias homoparentales españolas. A partir del empleo de una metodología cualitativa, apoyada en entrevistas en profundidad, efectuamos el pertinente análisis discursivo. Los resultados apuntan que la familia actúa como un factor de riesgo en la construcción de la identidad homosexual de los jóvenes, detectándose necesidades educativas que son discutidas al término del artículo.

This exploratory study has been undertaken with the aim of carrying out a research project, departing from the testimonies of homosexual people, the process of development of the homosexual identity in the hetero-parental family context. From a socio-educational criterion, the response of the family micro-systemto this situation, in addition to studying how homosexuality is experienced in the family of origin and other related issues. Four Spanish homo-parental families participate in the research. From the use of a qualitative methodology, supported by in-depth interviews, we make the pertinent discursive analysis. Results point out that the family acts as a risk factor in the construction of the homosexual identity of the young, and we detected educational needs that are discussed at the end of the article.

Este estudo exploratório foi realizado com a finalidade de investigar, com base em testemunhos de pessoas homossexuais, o processo de desenvolvimento da identidade homossexual no âmbito familiar heteroparental. A partir de um critério sócio-educativo, foram examinadas as respostas do micros sistema familiar para este fato, além de estudar como as pessoas vivem a homossexualidade na família de origem e outras questões conexas. Essa pesquisa contou com a ajuda de quatro famílias homoparentais espanholas. A pesquisa possui metodologia qualitativa, realizada pela análise do discurso, a qual se apoia em entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados indicam que a família é um fator de risco na construção da identidade homossexual de jovens, detectando necessidades educacionais que são discutidas ao final do artigo.

Education , Homosexuality , Identity Crisis