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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(1): e20231526, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533967


Abstract Information regarding species occurrence is fundamental to understanding biodiversity distribution. However, the biodiversity from the west of the state of Paraná has been historically less studied, especially amphibians and reptiles. For this reason, we present the first reptile list of species from the west of the state of Paraná and extend the current list of anurans for the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu. The species list was based on a systematic field study conducted at Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista (RBV) a conservation area within the Hydroelectric Power Itaipu Binacional. We integrated the species list with previous species observations available in the literature for the same place where our sampling was conducted. A total of 41 species of amphibians and reptiles are presented. All amphibians species found were recorded in the field; however, from the 22 species of reptiles recorded, three were historical records obtained before this study. Species were all classified as Least Concern and/or had stable populational status according to the IUCN. Sampling sufficiency was achieved for anurans but not for reptiles, probably due to low abundance of several snake species. The most abundant species of anuran was Dendropsophus nanus, from the Hylidae family, whereas Leptodactylus plaumanni and Scinax squalirostris were represented by only one individual each. The lizard Salvator merianae was the most abundant reptile, and seven species were represented by only one individual each. The most successful sampling method for adult anurans was active search in water bodies whereas most of reptile species were observed by accidental encounters and not through a systematic sampling method. We found that herpetofauna composition from RBV was similar to other communities from Paraná state that also occur within the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest. Finally, as additional information to the species list, we offer species identification keys and discuss the importance of Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista to harbor the anuran and reptile diversity of the region.

Resumo Informações sobre a ocorrência de espécies são fundamentais para a compreensão da distribuição da biodiversidade. Porém, a biodiversidade do oeste do Estado do Paraná tem sido historicamente menos estudada, especialmente a de anfíbios e répteis. Por esse motivo, apresentamos a primeira lista de espécies de répteis do oeste do Estado do Paraná e ampliamos a lista atual de anuros para o município de Foz do Iguaçu. A lista de espécies foi baseada em um estudo sistemático de campo realizado em uma área de conservação dentro da Usina Hidrelétrica Itaipu Binacional. Integramos a lista de espécies com observações de espécies anteriores disponíveis na literatura para o mesmo local onde nossa amostragem foi realizada. Um total de 41 espécies são apresentadas. Todas as espécies de anuros encontradas foram registradas em campo; entretanto, das 22 espécies de répteis registradas, três foram registros obtidos antes deste estudo. Todas as espécies foram classificadas como "Pouco Preocupante" e/ou tinham status de "População Estável" de acordo com a IUCN. A suficiência amostral foi alcançada para anuros, mas não para répteis, provavelmente devido à baixa abundância de diversas espécies de serpentes. A espécie de anuro mais abundante foi Dendropsophus nanus, da família Hylidae, enquanto Leptodactylus plaumanni e Scinax squalirostris foram representados por apenas um indivíduo cada. O lagarto Salvator merianae foi o réptil mais abundante, e sete espécies foram representadas por um indivíduo cada. O método de amostragem mais bem sucedido para anuros adultos foi a busca ativa em corpos d'água, enquanto a maioria das espécies de répteis foi observada por encontros acidentais e não através de um método de amostragem sistematizado. Descobrimos que a composição da herpetofauna do Refúgio Biológico Bela Vista foi semelhante à de outras comunidades do estado do Paraná que também ocorrem dentro da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Por fim, como informações adicionais à lista de espécies, oferecemos chaves de identificação das espécies e discutimos sobre a importância da área de Itaipu para abrigar a diversidade de anuros e répteis da região.

Zookeys ; 1180: 201-223, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37780892


This work records the presence of 13 species of tubuliferan thrips from the Maltese Islands. Eleven of these species, namely Bolothripsdentipes, B.insularis, Priesneriellamavromoustakisi, Gynaikothripsuzeli, Haplothripsacanthoscelis, H.aculeatus, H.setiger, H.tritici, Karnyothripsflavipes, Liothripsreuteri and Neoheegeriadalmatica are new records for the Maltese Islands. Two species: Gynaikothripsficorum and Karnyothripsflavipes can be described as subcosmopolitan in distribution, another three species: Haplothripsaculeatus, H.setiger and H.tritici are distributed across the Holarctic and Palaearctic regions, while a further seven: Bolothripsdentipes, B.insularis, Haplothripsacanthoscelis, Liothripsoleae, L.reuteri, Neoheegeriadalmatica and Priesneriellamavromoustakisi have a European and/or Mediterranean distribution. Gynaikothripsficorum and G.uzeli are considered as alien species. A key to the Tubulifera of the Maltese Islands as well as chorological data for these recorded species are provided in this work.

Zookeys ; 1172: 155-202, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37547176


The tribes Goniaderini Lacordaire, 1859 and Lupropini Lesne, 1926 within the tenebrionid subfamily Lagriinae Latreille, 1825 have previously been shown to be non-monophyletic by molecular phylogenetic analyses. The tribes and constituent genera are here reviewed and redefined morphologically. As part of tribal redefinitions, we establish PrateiniNew Tribe with type genus Prateus LeConte, 1862. We reestablish the subtribe Phobeliina Ardoin, 1961 Revised Status, which is transferred from Goniaderini and placed as a subtribe of Lagriini Latreille, 1825 where it is comprised of Phobelius Blanchard, 1842, and Rhosaces Champion, 1889 (previously in Lagriini: Statirina Blanchard, 1845). The fossil tribe Archaeolupropini Nabozhenko, Perkovsky, & Nazarenko, 2023 is transferred from Lagriinae to Tetratomidae: Tetratominae Billberg, 1820. Keys to extant tribes and subtribes of Lagriinae and genera of Goniaderini, Lupropini, and Prateini are provided. Generic and species-level changes from this work are as follows: Prateini is comprised of the following 15 genera: Antennoluprops Schawaller, 2007, Ardoiniellus Schawaller, 2013, Bolitrium Gebien, 1914, Enicmosoma Gebien, 1922, Indenicmosoma Ardoin, 1964, Iscanus Fauvel, 1904, Kuschelus Kaszab, 1982, Lorelopsis Champion, 1896, Mesotretis Bates, 1872, Microcalcar Pic, 1925, Micropedinus Lewis, 1894, Paratenetus Spinola, 1845, Prateus, Terametus Motschulsky, 1869, and Tithassa Pascoe, 1860. Lorelus Sharp, 1876 is Returned to Synonymy with Prateus, resulting in the following 49 New Combinations: Prateusangulatus (Doyen & Poinar, 1994), P.angustulus (Champion, 1913), P.armatus (Montrouzier, 1860), P.biroi (Kaszab, 1956), P.blairi (Kaszab, 1955), P.brevicornis (Champion, 1896), P.breviusculus (Champion, 1913), P.caledonicus (Kaszab, 1982), P.carolinensis (Blair, 1940), P.chinensis (Kaszab, 1940), P.clarkei (Kulzer, 1957), P.crassicornis (Broun, 1880), P.crassepunctatus (Kaszab, 1982), P.cribricollis (Kaszab, 1940), P.curvipes (Champion, 1913), P.dybasi (Kulzer, 1957), P.fijianus (Kaszab, 1982), P.fumatus (Lea, 1929), P.glabriventris (Kaszab, 1982), P.greensladei (Kaszab, 1982), P.guadeloupensis (Kaszab, 1940), P.hirtus (Kaszab, 1982), P.ivoirensis (Ardoin, 1969), P.kanak (Kaszab, 1986), P.kaszabi (Watt, 1992), P.laticornis (Watt, 1992), P.latulus (Broun, 1910), P.longicornis (Kaszab, 1982), P.mareensis (Kaszab, 1982), P.marginalis (Broun, 1910), P.niger (Kaszab, 1982), P.norfolkianus (Kaszab, 1982), P.obtusus (Watt, 1992), P.ocularis (Fauvel, 1904), P.opacus (Watt, 1992), P.palauensis (Kulzer, 1957), P.politus (Watt, 1992), P.priscus (Sharp, 1876), P.prosternalis (Kaszab, 1982), P.pubescens (Broun, 1880), P.pubipennis (Lea, 1929), P.punctatus (Watt, 1992), P.quadricollis (Broun, 1886), P.queenslandicus (Kaszab, 1986), P.rugifrons (Champion, 1913), P.solomonis (Kaszab, 1982), P.tarsalis (Broun, 1910), P.unicornis (Kaszab, 1982), and P.watti (Kaszab, 1982). Microlyprops Kaszab, 1939 is placed as a New Synonym of Micropedinus resulting in the following New Combinations: Micropedinusceylonicus (Kaszab, 1939) and M.maderi (Kaszab, 1940). LorelopsisRevised Status is revalidated as a genus and eight species formerly in Lorelus are transferred to it resulting in the following six New Combinations: Lorelopsisbicolor (Doyen, 1993), L.glabrata (Doyen, 1993), L.exilis (Champion, 1913), L.foraminosa (Doyen & Poinar, 1994), L.minutulis (Doyen & Poinar, 1994), L.trapezidera (Champion, 1913), and L.wolcotti (Doyen, 1993). Lorelopsispilosa Champion, 1896 becomes a Restored Combination. In Goniaderini, Aemymone Bates, 1868 Revised Status and Opatresthes Gebien, 1928 Revised Status, which were recently considered as subgenera of Goniadera Perty, 1832, are restored as valid genera based on new character analysis resulting in the following New Combinations: Aemymonehansfranzi (Ferrer & Delatour, 2007), A.simplex (Fairmaire, 1889), A.striatipennis (Pic, 1934) and Restored Combinations: Aemymonecariosa (Bates, 1868), A.crenata Champion, 1893, and A.semirufa Pic, 1917. Gamaxus Bates, 1868 is Returned to Synonymy with Phymatestes Pascoe, 1866, and the type species Gamaxushauxwelli Bates, 1868 is placed as a New Synonym of Phymatestesbrevicornis (Lacordaire, 1859). The following seven genera are placed as New Synonyms of Anaedus Blanchard, 1842: Microanaedus Pic, 1923, Pengaleganus Pic, 1917, Pseudanaedus Gebien, 1921, Pseudolyprops Fairmaire, 1882, Spinolyprops Pic, 1917, Spinadaenus Pic, 1921, and Sphingocorse Gebien, 1921. Fourteen species described by Pic in Aspisoma Duponchel & Chevrolat, 1841 (not Aspisoma Laporte, 1833) are returned to Tenebrionidae as valid species of Anaedus. These synonymies necessitate the following 51 New Combinations: Anaedusalbipes (Gebien, 1921), A.amboinensis (Kaszab, 1964), A.amplicollis (Fairmaire, 1896), A.anaedoides (Gebien, 1921), A.angulicollis (Gebien, 1921), A.angustatus (Pic, 1921), A.australiae (Carter, 1930), A.bartolozzii (Ferrer, 2002), A.beloni Fairmaire, 1888), A.biangulatus (Gebien, 1921), A.borneensis (Pic, 1917), A.carinicollis (Gebien, 1921), A.conradti (Gebien, 1921), A.cribricollis (Schawaller, 2012), A.gabonicus (Pic, 1917), A.himalayicus (Kaszab, 1965), A.inaequalis (Pic, 1917), A.jacobsoni (Gebien, 1927), A.lateralis (Pic, 1917), A.latus (Pic, 1917), A.longeplicatus (Gebien, 1921) , A.maculipennis (Schawaller, 2011), A.major (Pic, 1917), A.nepalicus (Kaszab, 1975), A.nigrita (Gebien, 1927), A.notatus (Pic, 1923), A.pakistanicus (Schawaller, 1996), A.pinguis (Gebien, 1927), A.punctatus (Carter, 1914), A.raffrayi (Pic, 1917), A.rufithorax (Pic, 1917), A.rufus (Pic, 1917), A.serrimargo (Gebien, 1914), A.sumatrensis (Pic, 1917), A.terminatus (Gebien, 1921), A.testaceicornis (Pic, 1921), A.testaceipes (Pic, 1917), A.thailandicus (Schawaller, 2012), A.trautneri (Schawaller, 1994); and 13 restored combinations: Anaedusboliviensis (Pic, 1934), A.claveri (Pic, 1917), A.diversicollis (Pic, 1917), A.elongatus (Pic, 1934), A.guyanensis (Pic, 1917), A.holtzi (Pic, 1934), A.inangulatus (Pic, 1934), A.inhumeralis (Pic, 1917), A.mendesensis (Pic, 1917), A.minutus (Pic, 1917), A.rufimembris (Pic, 1932), A.rufipennis (Pic, 1917), A.subelongatus (Pic, 1932). The new synonymies with Anaedus necessitate the following six New Replacement NamesAnaedusmaculipennis (for Spinolypropsmaculatus Kulzer, 1954), A.grimmi (for Aspisomaforticornis Pic, 1917), A.minimus (for Anaedusminutus Pic, 1938), A.merkli (for Anaedusdiversicollis Pic, 1938), A.ottomerkli (for Anaeduslateralis Pic, 1923), A.schawalleri (for Anaedusnepalicus Schawaller, 1994). Capeluprops Schawaller, 2011 is removed from Lupropini and provisionally placed in Laenini Seidlitz, 1895. Plastica Waterhouse, 1903 is transferred from Apocryphini Lacordaire, 1859 to Laenini. Paralorelopsis Marcuzzi, 1994 is removed from Lupropini and provisionally placed in Lagriinae incertae sedis. Pseudesarcus Champion, 1913 is transferred from Lagriinae incertae sedis to Diaperinae incertae sedis. Falsotithassa Pic, 1934 is transferred from Lupropini to Leiochrinini Lewis, 1894 (Diaperinae). Mimocellus Wasmann, 1904 is transferred from Lupropini to Tenebrionidae incertae sedis, and likely belongs in either Diaperinae or Stenochiinae.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 177: 107588, 2022 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35907594


Juncaceae is a cosmopolitan family belonging to the cyperid clade of Poales together with Cyperaceae and Thurniaceae. These families have global economic and ethnobotanical significance and are often keystone species in wetlands around the world, with a widespread cosmopolitan distribution in temperate and arctic regions in both hemispheres. Currently, Juncaceae comprises more than 474 species in eight genera: Distichia, Juncus, Luzula, Marsippospermum, Oreojuncus, Oxychloë, Patosia and Rostkovia. The phylogeny of cyperids has not been studied before in a complex view based on most sequenced species from all three families. In this study, most sequenced regions from chloroplast (rbcL, trnL, trnL-trnF) and nuclear (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) genomes were employed from more than a thousand species of cyperids covering all infrageneric groups from their entire distributional range. We analyzed them by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference to revise the phylogenetic relationships in Juncaceae and Cyperaceae. Our major results include the delimitation of the most problematic paraphyletic genus Juncus, in which six new genera are recognized and proposed to recover monophyly in this group: Juncus, Verojuncus, gen. nov., Juncinella, gen. et stat. nov., Alpinojuncus, gen. nov., Australojuncus, gen. nov., Boreojuncus, gen. nov. and Agathryon, gen. et stat. nov. For these genera, a new category, Juncus supragen. et stat. nov., was established. This new classification places most groups recognized within the formal Juncus clade into natural genera that are supported by morphological characters.

Cyperaceae , Arctic Regions , Base Sequence , Bayes Theorem , Cyperaceae/genetics , Phylogeny
J Parasit Dis ; 46(2): 483-490, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35692484


The present report provides the first material evidence of Nerocila orbignyi (Guérin-Méneville, 1832) collected from two different landing centres of the Chilika lagoon, thus claiming the first report of this parasite from India. One of the specimens was recorded from the host fish species Plotosus canius Hamilton 1822, constituting the first host record for this isopod. A key for the identification of N. orbignyi among its congeners is also provided. Molecular characterization of Cytochrome C Oxidase I (COI) gene of N. orbignyi was based on one specimen submitted for the first time to the NCBI database. This parasite is differentiated from the other available sequences of its related congeners retrieved from the NCBI and BOLD database by 26-34% in the Kimura 2 Parameter (K2P) distance and belongs to a separate cluster in Maximum likelihood (ML) tree analysis.

IMA Fungus ; 13(1): 13, 2022 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35773719


The genus Hebeloma is renowned as difficult when it comes to species determination. Historically, many dichotomous keys have been published and used with varying success rate. Over the last 20 years the authors have built a database of Hebeloma collections containing not only metadata but also parametrized morphological descriptions, where for about a third of the cases micromorphological characters have been analysed and are included, as well as DNA sequences for almost every collection. The database now has about 9000 collections including nearly every type collection worldwide and represents over 120 different taxa. Almost every collection has been analysed and identified to species using a combination of the available molecular and morphological data in addition to locality and habitat information. Based on these data an Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine-learning species identifier has been developed that takes as input locality data and a small number of the morphological parameters. Using a random test set of more than 600 collections from the database, not utilized within the set of collections used to train the identifier, the species identifier was able to identify 77% correctly with its highest probabilistic match, 96% within its three most likely determinations and over 99% of collections within its five most likely determinations.

Zookeys ; 1104: 129-157, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761928


In this study the taxonomy of the Pheidolepulchella species group is updated for the Afrotropical region and the new species P.klaman sp. nov. described. It is integrated into the existing taxonomic system by an updated identification key for the whole group and an update of the known distribution ranges of its members. High quality focus stacking images are provided, with X-ray micro-CT scanned digital 3D representations, of major and minor worker type specimens.

Insects ; 12(5)2021 May 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34064941


Arlesminthurus Bretfeld is a small genus of Neotropical Bourletiellidae, with only four described species so far. Calvatomina Yosii is a widespread taxon of Dicyrtomidae, with most species known from the tropics. Here, we describe two new species from northeastern Brazil: Arlesminthurus caatinguensis sp. nov. and Calvatomina gladiata sp. nov. We also provide a detailed chaetotaxic study for Arlesminthurus for the first time, with updated diagnoses and identification keys for the Neotropical species of both genera and notes on their morphology. Arlesminthurus caatinguensis sp. nov. resembles A. aueti Arlé in body color pattern, male head and dental chaetotaxy. The discovery of one bothriotrichum-like sens on the large abdomen of the new species needs to be investigated as a possible generic diagnostic feature, but we suggest that this structure is homologous to the S-sens seen in at least four Bourletiellinae genera, and they are likely related to each other. Calvatomina gladiata sp. nov. belongs to the rufescens-group and resembles C. rufescens Reuter and C. guyanensis Nayrolles and Betsch in some aspects of the head, dental and abdominal chaetotaxy. These descriptions represent the first record of Arlesminthurus from Caatinga and the first nominal species of Calvatomina from Brazil.

Biology (Basel) ; 10(4)2021 04 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33924435


Tachyporinae are one of the most phylogenetically problematic subfamilies in the mega-diverse rove beetle family Staphylinidae. Despite its high diversity and abundance in forest micro-environments, with over 1600 species worldwide, several previous studies had refuted the monophyly of this subfamily and its largest tribe, Tachyporini. Based on the results of morphology-based phylogenetic analyses and direct examination of specimens encompassing two extinct and all forty extant genera, a new suprageneric classification of Tachyporinae is proposed here, with the removal of the tribe Mycetoporini into a newly recognized subfamily Mycetoporinae stat. nov. Four tribes with two subtribes are arranged within Tachyporinae sensu nov.: Tachyporini sensu nov. (Tachyporina stat. nov., sensu nov. and Euconosomatina stat. rev., sensu nov.), Vatesini sensu nov., Deropini, and Tachinusini stat. rev., sensu nov. (= Megarthropsini syn. nov.). Urolitus syn. nov. is placed as a junior synonym of Sepedophilus. Additionally, Palporus stat. nov. is raised to a distinct genus from a subgenus of Tachyporus sensu. nov., and †Mesotachyporus syn. nov. is synonymized with the latter. Mycetoporine Bobitobus stat. rev. is resurrected from synonymy with Lordithon sensu nov., and considered as a valid genus. My revised classification provides a novel framework for taxonomic inventories and ecological studies of these groups.

Zootaxa ; 4962(1): zootaxa.4962.1.1, 2021 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33903574


The dichotomous keys to 106 species from 62 genera of Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of the Baikal region (Irkutskaya Oblast and Buryatia, Russia) is given. The annotated catalogue including synonyms, the details of examined specimens, data on distribution and hostplants with references is provided. Distribution of Macaria artesiaria ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) in the Baikal region is confirmed. One species is newly combined with genus Hypoxystis Prout, 1915: H. reticulata (Sterneck, 1928) comb. nov. The genus name Scardostrenia Sterneck, 1928 is established to be a synonym of Hypoxystis Prout, 1915 syn. n. Some taxonomic aspects of Charissa turfosaria (Wehrli, 1922), Hypoxystis reticulata (Sterneck, 1928), Synopsia strictaria Lederer, 1853 and Autotrichia heterogynoides (Wehrli, 1927) are discussed. New westernmost boundary of the range of Abraxas karafutonis Matsumura, 1925 is established.

Moths , Animal Distribution , Animals , Moths/classification , Russia , Species Specificity
Zookeys ; 1076: 109-124, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34992492


Sundaquedius gen. nov. (Cyrtoquediini) and Fluviphirus gen. nov. (Indoquediini) are described from southeast Asia and western North America, respectively, resulting in the new combinations Sundaquediusnigropolitus (Cameron) and Fluviphiruselevatus (Hatch). Sundaquediusabbreviatus sp. nov. is described from Vietnam. The phylogenetic positions of these genera within Staphylininae are supported by morphology and recently published phylogenomic evidence. New keys to the world genera of Cyrtoquediini and Indoquediini are provided. A new country record for Alesiellalineipennis (Cameron) is provided for Thailand, based on the first available specimen in more than 100 years.

Parasit Vectors ; 13(1): 583, 2020 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33208196


BACKGROUND: The worldwide genus Anopheles Meigen, 1918 is the only genus containing species evolved as vectors of human and simian malaria. Morbidity and mortality caused by Plasmodium Marchiafava & Celli, 1885 is tremendous, which has made these parasites and their vectors the objects of intense research aimed at mosquito identification, malaria control and elimination. DNA tools make the identification of Anopheles species both easier and more difficult. Easier in that putative species can nearly always be separated based on DNA data; more difficult in that attaching a scientific name to a species is often problematic because morphological characters are often difficult to interpret or even see; and DNA technology might not be available and affordable. Added to this are the many species that are either not yet recognized or are similar to, or identical with, named species. The first step in solving Anopheles identification problem is to attach a morphology-based formal or informal name to a specimen. These names are hypotheses to be tested with further morphological observations and/or DNA evidence. The overarching objective is to be able to communicate about a given species under study. In South America, morphological identification which is the first step in the above process is often difficult because of lack of taxonomic expertise and/or inadequate identification keys, written for local fauna, containing the most consequential species, or obviously, do not include species described subsequent to key publication. METHODS: Holotypes and paratypes and other specimens deposited in the Coleção Entomológica de Referência, Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP-USP), Museo de Entomología, Universidad del Valle (MUSENUV) and the US National Mosquito Collection, Smithsonian Institution (USNMC) were examined and employed to illustrate the identification keys for female, male and fourth-instar larvae of Anopheles. RESULTS: We presented, in four concurrent parts, introduction and three keys to aid the identification of South American Anopheles based on the morphology of the larvae, male genitalia and adult females, with the former two keys fully illustrated. CONCLUSIONS: Taxonomic information and identification keys for species of the genus Anopheles are updated. The need for further morphology-based studies and description of new species are reinforced.

Anopheles/anatomy & histology , Anopheles/classification , Genitalia/anatomy & histology , Larva/anatomy & histology , Animals , Anopheles/parasitology , Female , Larva/classification , Malaria/transmission , Male , Mosquito Vectors/classification , South America
Zootaxa ; 4772(2): zootaxa.4772.2.1, 2020 May 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33055611


The bryocorine genus Caulotops Bergroth (Miridae: Eccritotarsini), originally described to accommodate its only species C. puncticollis Bergroth, is shown not to be congeneric with all other species now included in the genus from North, Central, and northern South America. Consequently, four new genera are established for the following 20 species, including five new combinations and 14 species described as new: Agaveocoris n. gen. for Caulotops agavis Reuter (as the type species), n. comb.; C. barberi Knight, n. comb.; and C. distanti Reuter, n. comb. and the new species A. bimaculatus, n. sp.; A. barrerai, n. sp.; A. dimidiatus, n. sp.; A. marginalis, n. sp.; A. roseus, n. sp.; A. rostratus, n. sp.; A. schaffneri, n. sp.; and A. scutellatus, n. sp; Laterospinocoris, n. gen. for Caulotops cyaneipennis Reuter, new comb. (as the type species) and the new species L. mexicanus, n. sp.; Nigrotomocoris n. gen. for Caulotops nigrus Carvalho (as the type species), n. comb.; C. tibiopallidus Carvalho, n. comb.; and the new species N. keltoni, n. sp. and N. longirostris, n. sp.; and Schaffnerocoris, n. gen., for S. fuscotibialis, n. sp. (as the type species), S. pallipes, n. sp., and S. similis, n. sp. Lectotypes are designated for Caulotops agavis Reuter, Caulotops cyaneipennis Reuter, and Caulotops puncticollis Bergroth, and a neotype is designated for Eccritotarsus platensis Berg. Each genus and species is diagnosed and described; habitus images, illustration of male genitalia and selected female genitalia, and keys to genera and species are provided; and host use and the unique genitalic systems of these taxa are discussed. A phylogenetic analysis, based on 22 taxa and 39 characters, resulted in three trees supporting the monophyly of the four new genera proposed in this study.

Agave , Asparagaceae , Heteroptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Female , Male , Phylogeny
Insects ; 11(10)2020 Oct 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33081410


Dicranocentrus Schött is the most diverse and widespread taxon of Neotropical Orchesellidae. In Brazil, the genus is represented by 11 species found in humid forested areas of Atlantic and Amazon forests domains. Here we describe in detail Dicranocentrus abestado sp. nov. from Chapada Diamantina, Caatinga domain, Brazil. The new species belongs to the marias group sensu Mari-Mutt, due to the absence of most posterior macrochaetae on the dorsal head, and resembles other Neotropical species with 3, 2 and 2 central macrochaetae on abdominal segments I-III. However, the new species is unique especially by its reduced colour pattern combined with its empodial complex morphology. We compare Dicranocentrus abestado sp. nov. with 27 other taxa from the New and Old World, including all species with 3 macrochaetae on the first abdominal segment; provide notes and details on the morphology of the compared species plus identification keys to Brazilian and all species of the genus with similar abdominal chaetotaxy. We also discuss the current taxonomical knowledge on Brazilian Dicranocentrus and provide notes on its chaetotaxy and Heteromurinae systematics.

Parasit Vectors ; 13(1): 269, 2020 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32460878


BACKGROUND: Despite the importance of some species of Culex (Melanoconion) (Diptera: Culicidae) as vectors of several arboviruses that cause diseases in humans and other animals, there are few taxonomic studies focusing on species of the subgenus, especially providing morphological keys for species identification. RESULTS: Thirteen species of the Atratus Group of Culex (Melanoconion) were reviewed, five new species are described, and two taxonomic changes are proposed: Cx. (Mel.) exedrus Root, 1927 and Cx. (Mel.) loturus Dyar, 1925 are resurrected from synonymy with Cx. (Mel.) dunni Dyar, 1918 and Cx. (Mel.) zeteki Dyar, 1918, respectively. The Atratus Group now includes fourteen species: Cx. (Mel.) atratus Theobald, 1901; Cx. (Mel.) caribeanus Galindo & Blanton, 1954; Cx. (Mel.) columnaris Sá & Hutchings n. sp.; Cx. (Mel.) commevynensis Bonne-Wepster & Bonne, 1919; Cx. (Mel.) comptus Sá & Sallum n. sp.; Cx. (Mel.) dunni; Cx. (Mel.) ensiformis Bonne-Wepster & Bonne, 1919; Cx. (Mel.) exedrus; Cx. (Mel.) longisetosus Sá & Sallum n. sp.; Cx. (Mel.) longistylus Sá & Sallum n. sp.; Cx. (Mel.) loturus; Cx. (Mel.) spinifer Sá & Sallum n. sp.; Cx. (Mel.) trigeminatus Clastrier, 1970; and Cx. (Mel.) zeteki. Keys, descriptions and illustrations for the identification of the male, female, pupal and fourth-instar larval stages of each species are provided. The treatment of each species includes a complete synonymy, descriptions of available life stages, a taxonomic discussion, updated bionomics and geographical distribution, and a list of material examined. CONCLUSIONS: The taxonomy of the Atratus Group of Culex (Melanoconion) is updated, including descriptions of five new species. The number of valid species is greater than the number recognized in the previous taxonomic study of the group, increasing from seven to 14 species. Distributional and bionomical data are updated. Morphology-based identification keys for females, males, fourth-instar larvae and pupae provided in this study will facilitate species identification.

Culex/anatomy & histology , Culex/classification , Mosquito Vectors/classification , Phylogeny , Animals , Female , Larva , Male , Mosquito Vectors/anatomy & histology , Pupa
Zootaxa ; 4747(1): zootaxa.4747.1.2, 2020 Mar 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230118


The spider genus Ixchela Huber 2000, is comprised of 22 species distributed from north-eastern Mexico to Central America, including the two new species described herein from Mexico: Ixchela panchovillai sp. nov. and Ixchela zapatai sp. nov., both from the state of Oaxaca and described for both sexes. DNA barcoding utilizing mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and morphology were used for species delimitation. Molecular analyses and species delimitation included four methods: 1) corrected p-distances under neighbor-joining (NJ), 2) general mixed yule coalescent model (GMYC), 3) automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD), and 4) Poisson tree processes (bPTP). All molecular methods and morphology were consistent in delimiting and recognizing the two new species describing herein. The average inter-specific genetic distance (p-distance) within the genus Ixchela is 12%. Ixchela panchovillai sp. nov. is closely related in the NJ analysis with I. placida, with an average p-distance of 7.9%, whereas I. zapatai sp. nov. is closely related to I. taxco, with an average p-distance of 8.4% between both species. Additionally, identification keys for males and females of the genus Ixchela are presented.

Spiders , Animals , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , DNA, Mitochondrial , Female , Male , Mexico , Phylogeny
Insects ; 11(3)2020 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32183077


Non-biting midges of the fly family Chironomidae are extremely abundant and diverse in Arctic regions and are essential components of Arctic ecosystems. Modern identification tools based on documented records of Arctic chironomid species are therefore important for ecological research and environmental monitoring in the region. Here, we provide an updated review of the chironomid fauna of the Svalbard archipelago and the island of Jan Mayen, Norway. Our results show that a total of 73 species distributed across 24 genera in four subfamilies are known from these areas. Our review treats 109 taxa, including nomina dubia and misidentifications. It includes morphological identification keys to all known species as well as photographs of most taxa and DNA barcodes of 66 species. Taxonomic remarks are given for selected taxa, including previous misidentifications and erroneous records. Chironomus islandicus, Tvetenia bavarica, Limnophyes schnelli, Metriocnemus brusti and Metriocnemus fuscipes as well as the genera Allocladius, Corynoneura and Bryophaenocladius are reported from Svalbard for the first time, while Procladius (Holotanypus) frigidus, Stictochironomus psilopterus, Chaetocladius incertus, Orthocladius (Orthocladius) mixtus and Smittia longicosta, previously considered as junior synonyms or nomina dubia, are revived as valid species based on examination of type material or literature. Twenty species within eleven genera are introduced with interim names. Metriocnemus similis is regarded as a junior synonym of Metriocnemus ursinus, and Smittia incerta, Smittia flexinervis and Smittia spitzbergensis are regarded as nomina dubia. Valid taxa no longer considered as part of the Svalbard fauna are Parochlus kiefferi, Arctopelopia barbitarsis, Procladius (Holotanypus) crassinervis, Diamesa lindrothi, Diamesa incallida, Diamesa lundstromi, Chironomus hyperboreus, Sergentia coracina, Camptocladius stercorarius, Chaetocladius dissipatus, Chaetocladius dentiforceps, Chaetocladius laminatus, Chaetocladius perennis, Cricotopus (Cricotopus) humeralis, Cricotopus (Cricotopus) polaris, Hydrosmittia ruttneri, Limnophyes edwardsi, Metriocnemus picipes, Metriocnemus tristellus, Orthocladius (Eudactylocladius) gelidus, Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) thienemanni, Orthocladius (Orthocladius) obumbratus, Orthocladius (Orthocladius) rhyacobius, Paralimnophyes, Paraphaenocladius impensus, Psectrocladius (Monopsectrocladius) calcaratus, Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) psilopterus, Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) ventricosus, Smittia lasiophthalma, Smittia lasiops and Zalutschia tatrica.

Med Vet Entomol ; 34(1): 74-85, 2020 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31674696


Deer keds (Lipoptena spp.) are blood-sucking ectoparasites of domestic and wild animals, and also accidentally of humans. In Europe, five Lipoptena spp. have been recorded, although the lack of specific taxonomic keys has often led to mistaken identification or to missing data. The present study aimed to develop an identification key of the European species and also to identify Lipoptena spp. found on wild ungulates in northern Italy. In total, 390 hippoboscids were collected from Rupicapra rupicapra, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus and Ovis aries musimon in an Alpine area of Italy. After morphological identification, 140 specimens were subjected to phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial (CO1) and nuclear (CAD) gene sequences. Despite the expected presence of slight morphological variations, all specimens examined were identified both microscopically and molecularly as Lipoptena cervi (100% identity for both CO1 and CAD genes). The massive increase in wild ungulate populations can favour the possibility of detecting other species of Lipoptena. The identification keys proposed in the present study may help with monitoring the presence of Lipoptena species, particularly in European countries where this ectoparasite is neglected and for which various data (from diffusion to control methods) are still missing.

Deer , Diptera/classification , Myiasis/veterinary , Ruminants , Animals , Diptera/physiology , Italy , Myiasis/parasitology , Rupicapra , Sheep
PeerJ ; 8: e10484, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33391872


After 15 years of field studies in Madagascar, especially focused on the overlooked fern genus Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae), a synoptic revision of the genus is here presented. Based on more than 2,600 herbarium specimens including collections over 200 years, Elaphoglossum is the second most diversified fern genus in Madagascar, with 52 species and three subspecies (with 76% of endemism). It is to be compared to the 34 species treated by Tardieu-Blot in 1960 for the "Flore de Madagascar et des Comores" or the 38 species listed by Roux in 2009 in the seminal "Synopsis of the Lycopodiophyta and Pteridophyta of Africa, Madagascar and neighboring islands". The 55 taxa represent five out of seven existing generic sections (sect. Amygdalifolia and sect. Wrightiana being monotypic and Neotropical): sect. Lepidoglossa (29 spp. and three subspp.), sect. Elaphoglossum (17 spp.), sect. Setosa (3 spp.), sect. Squamipedia (2 spp.), and sect. Polytrichia (1 sp.). Distribution is given for each species and subspecies, and detailed for each island or archipelago in the Western Indian Ocean (La Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Comoros). Twenty species and three subspecies are newly described, all but one endemic to Madagascar: Elaphoglossum ambrense Rouhan, Elaphoglossum andohahelense Rouhan, Elaphoglossum anjanaharibense Rouhan, Elaphoglossum approximatum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum brachymischum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum cerussatum Tardieu subsp. brunneum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum coracinolepis Rouhan, Elaphoglossum desireanum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum glabricaule Rouhan, Elaphoglossum gladiifolium Rouhan, Elaphoglossum leucolepis (Baker) Krajina ex Tardieu subsp. nanolepis Rouhan, Elaphoglossum leucolepis (Baker) Krajina ex Tardieu subsp. nigricans Rouhan, Elaphoglossum longiacuminatum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum patriceanum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum perangustum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum prominentinervulum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum rakotondrainibeae Rouhan, Elaphoglossum repandum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum sabineanum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum sinensiumbrarum Rouhan, Elaphoglossum subglabricaule Rouhan, Elaphoglossum tsaratananense Rouhan, and Elaphoglossum viridicaule Rouhan. Morphological description, distribution map, and original illustrations are provided for each new taxon. Novel identification keys to the sections and all species from Madagascar are also presented.

Zookeys ; 1007: 49-84, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36185815


The Afrotropical banchine fauna comprises 12 genera: Apophua Morley, Atropha Kriechbaumer, Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, Exetastes Gravenhorst, Glyptopimpla Morley, Himertosoma Schmiedeknecht, Lissonota Gravenhorst, Sjostedtiella Szépligeti, Spilopimpla Cameron, Syzeuctus Förster, Tetractenion Seyrig, and Tossinola Viktorov. A well-illustrated revised key to the genera using high definition images is provided, and the endemic Afrotropical genus Tetractenion is revised, previously represented by two described species. Four new species are described: T.ibayaensis sp. nov., T.pascali sp. nov., T.pseudolutea sp. nov., and T.rosei sp. nov. The first species-level identification key is provided for this rare genus. Based on morphological attributes the hypothesis is presented that the species in this genus are probably nocturnal. All images and online interactive Lucid keys are available at: and the associated underlying data is made available as Suppl. materials 1, 2 LIF3 files to this paper for inter-exchange with other key production software.