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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(1): 153-157, 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558461


Resumen El virus Chikungunya es un Alfavirus de la familia Togaviridae trasmitido por mosquitos. Fue descrito por primera en un brote en el sur de Tanzania en 1952. Genera clásicamente un síndrome febril con poliartral gias y artritis, que pueden ser incapacitantes y tener una duración prolongada. La mortalidad global ronda en 0.1%. Existen reportes en la literatura de presenta ciones atípicas y graves con compromiso de múltiples órganos. Se ha detectado la presencia del virus en más de 110 países. En Brasil, en la región noreste, se han hallado casos autóctonos desde septiembre de 2014. En Argentina y países limítrofes, se presentan casos en aumento duran te 2023, con respecto a iguales periodos en años previos. Hasta la semana epidemiológica N° 26 del año 2023 se registraron en Argentina 1460 casos de fiebre chikun gunya, considerándose autóctonos 72% de ellos. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 76 años, con an tecedentes de hipertensión arterial y estenosis aortica, admitida en terapia intensiva por shock séptico con foco respiratorio, con patrón de neumonía intersticial, evolu ción tórpida y óbito dentro de las 24 horas del ingreso. Se recibe postmorten el resultado detectable de virus Chikungunya por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real. Este caso, resulta de importancia clínica dada la pre sentación atípica del mismo y por la baja prevalencia nacional de infecciones graves por dicho virus, alerta sobre la necesidad de incluir el diagnóstico diferencial en los pacientes con sospecha diagnóstica.

Abstract Chikungunya virus is an Alphavirus, it belongs to the family Togaviridae and is transmitted by mos quitoes. It was first described during an outbreak in Southern Tanzania in 1952. It generally causes a febrile syndrome, accompanied by joint pain and arthritis, which is often debilitating and may persist for months or years. Its overall fatality rate is not high, around 0.1%. Atypical and severe cases have been reported. This virus has been detected in more than 110 countries globally. In Northeastern Brazil autoch thonous cases have been diagnosed since September 2014. In Argentina, as well as in neighboring countries, cases were increasing during 2023, compared to the same periods in previous years. Until epidemiological week 26 of 2023, 1460 cases of chikungunya fever were reported in Argentina, 72% of them were considered of autochthonous transmission. The case of a 76-year-old female patient is here presented, her comorbidities were hypertension and aortic stenosis, who was admitted to intensive care unit due to septic shock with respiratory focus, intersti tial pneumonia in X-ray pattern, and torpid evolution. She died within 24 hours of admission. A report of detectable Chikungunya virus by real-time polymerase chain reaction in real time was received post-mortem. This case results of clinical relevance due to its atypi cal presentation and the country low prevalence of severe infections by this virus. It warns of the need to include the differential diagnosis in cases with sus pected diagnosis.