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Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 23(89): 109-125, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219875


La presente investigación tuvo como objetivos conocer y comparar patrones de conducta ofensivo sen goalball, realizados por equipos masculinos y femeninos. Empleando la metodología observacional, se estudiaron las subfases del ataque control, preparación y lanzamiento, durante ocho partidos disputados en los juegos paraolímpicos Rio de Janeiro 2016. Respecto a las subfases control y preparación, el análisis de coordenadas polares indicó que en los partidos femeninos hay más continuidad y se invierte menos tiempo en la elaboración de los ataques. Respecto a los lanzamientos, en la categoría femenina activaron la aparición de gol los realizados sin cambiar de posición, los que utilizaron la técnica tradicional y aquellos con trayectoria del balón plana. En la categoría masculina, los realizados tras cambiar de posición, los que utilizaron la técnica de rotación y aquellos con trayectorias rectas y en bote. Estos hallazgos suponen una valiosa información para la preparación de entrenamientos y partidos. (AU)

The present research aimed to determine and compare behaviour patterns, in goalball, performed by male and female teams. Using the observational methodology, the sub-phases of the attack were studied control, preparation and throw, during eight matches played during the Paralympic games Rio de Janeiro 2016. Regarding the control and preparation sub-phases, the polar coordinate analysis indicated that in female matches there is more continuity and less time is spent in the preparation of attacks. Regarding the throws, in female category activate the goal emergence those that: are carried out without changing position, those that use a traditional technique and those that have a flat ball trajectory. However, throws that activate the goal emergence in male category are those that can be carried out after changing position, those using rotation technique and those that search for straight and bounce ball trajectories. These findings could be precious information in the preparation of training and competition. (AU)

Humans , Sports for Persons with Disabilities , Habits , Brazil , Sex Factors
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 23(89): 212-228, mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219880


El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los lanzamientos ejecutados durante la competición de Fútbol a 7 para personas con parálisis cerebral de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Londres 2012 y de Río de Janeiro2016, además de conocer las diferencias entre ambas competiciones. Para ello, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los 875 lanzamientos ejecutados durante la competición, así como de las diferencias entre las variables planteadas en el estudio entre ambas competiciones. Los resultados evidenciaron la importancia de los lanzamientos en el Fútbol a 7 para personas con Parálisis Cerebral. Se han obtenido diferencias significativas entre las competiciones analizadas en las siguientes variables: Equipo, Partido, Clasificación Funcional, Zona de lanzamiento, Posición, Zona corporal, Tipo de golpeo, Oposición y Resultado del lanzamiento. Se tuvo en cuenta el cambio de reglamento en torno a la clasificación funcional, que provocó cambios significativos en determinadas variables, concluyendo que la mayor implicación ofensiva la tienen los jugadores con menor afectación. (AU)

The aim of the present study was to analyze the launches made during the Football 7-a-side competition for people with cerebral palsy of the London 2012 Paralympic Games and Rio de Janeiro 2016, in addition to knowing the differences between both competitions. A descriptive analysis of the 875 launches executed during the competition, as well as the differences between the variables proposed in the study between the two competitions, was carried out. The results evidenced the importance of launches in Football 7-a-side for people with cerebral palsy. Significant differences have been obtained between the competitions analyzed in the following variables: Team, Match, Functional Classification, Launch zone, Position, Body zone, Hit type, Opposition and Launch result. The change of regulation around the functional classification was considered, which caused significant changes in certain variables, concluding that players with less affectation have the greatest offensive implication. (AU)

Humans , Cerebral Palsy , Sports for Persons with Disabilities , Athletic Performance , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , United Kingdom , Brazil
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 22(88): 753-764, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-213723


El objetivo fue analizar los indicadores de éxito en el Campeonato Europeo de balonmano masculino utilizando árboles de decisión como modelos de inteligencia artificial. Se utilizó la metodología observacional. La muestra fue compuesta por 87 partidos de los Campeonatos de Europa masculinos de selecciones de balonmano 2016 y 2018. Como resultado más importante, el modelo identificó tres variables relevantes para alcanzar una precisión elevada en la predicción de resultados de balonmano. Se concluye que la utilización de estos modelos permite reducir ampliamente la complejidad en el análisis de los indicadores de éxito en balonmano. (AU)

The aim was to analyze the performance indicators in the European Men's Handball Championship using decision trees as artificial intelligence models. The observational methodology was used. The sample was composed of 87 matches from the 2016 and 2018 Men's European Handball National Championships. As the most important result, the model identified three relevant variables to achieve high precision to predict handball results. In conclusion, the use of these models allow to greatly reduce the complexity in the analysis of the performance indicators in handball. (AU)

Humans , Male , Athletes , Sports , Decision Trees , Artificial Intelligence , Athletic Performance
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 22(3): 163-178, sep.-dic. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209152


El objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar cómo afectó el resultado momentáneo del partido en el rendimiento de un equipo perteneciente a la Tercera División Española de Fútbol. Se analizaron los 38 partidos disputados por el equipo de referencia durante la temporada 2018-19. Para valorar el rendimiento del equipo se emplearon los siguientes indicadores de rendimiento: duración de la posesión de balón a favor y en contra en diferentes zonas del terreno de juego, número de finalizaciones a favor y en contra, y de recuperaciones de balón. Los marcadores momentáneos con los que se segmentó el partido fueron: de empatar a ganar (EMGA), de empatar a perder (EMPE), de empatar a mantener (EMMA), de ganar a ampliar (GAAM), de ganar a empatar (GAEM), de ganar a mantener (GAMA), de ganar a reducir (GARE), de perder a ampliar (PEAM), de perder a empatar (PEEM), de perder a mantener (PEMA) y de perder a reducir (PERE). Se realizó la prueba no paramétrica U de Mann-Whitney para comparar los 11 tipos de marcadores dos a dos(p<0,05). El principal resultado del estudio fue que el equipo jugó diferente en función del estado del marcador momentáneo. El estudio sugiere a los entrenadores de fútbol amateur que además de tratar de desarrollar un modelo de juego particular, deberían atender estrategias de trabajo donde se planteen escenarios diversos en relación al resultado momentáneo. (AU)

The purpose of this study was to study how the match status of the match affected the performance of a team belonging to the Spanish Third Division of Soccer. The 38 games played by the reference team were analysed during 2018-19 season. In order to assessthe team's performance, the following performance indicators were used: duration of ball possession for and against in different zones of the pitch of play, number of shots for and against, and ball recoveries. The momentary scores with which the match was segmented were: from drawing to winning (EMGA), from drawing to losing (EMPE), from drawing to maintaining (EMMA), from winning to increasing (GAAM), from winning to drawing (GAEM), from winning to maintaining (GAMA), from winning to reducing (GARE), from losing to increasing (PEAM), from losing to drawing (PEEM), from losing to maintaining (PEMA) and from losing to reducing (PERE). The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was performed to compare the 11 types of scores two by two (p<0.05). The main result of the study was that the team played differently depending on the state of the momentary score. The study suggests to amateur soccer coaches that in addition to trying to develop a particular game model, they should attend to work strategies where different scenarios are considered in relation to the match status. (AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi estudar como o status do jogo afetou o desempenho de uma equipe pertencente à Terceira Divisão Espanhola de Futebol. Foram analisados os 38 jogos disputados pela equipa de referência durante a época 2018-19. Para avaliar o desempenho da equipe, foram utilizados os seguintes indicadores de desempenho: duração da posse de bola a favor e contra em diferentes áreas do campo de jogo, número de chutes a favor e contra e recuperações de bola. As pontuações momentâneas com as quais a partida foi segmentada foram: do empate à vitória (EMGA), do empate à derrota (EMPE), do empate à manutenção (EMMA), da vitória ao aumento (GAAM), da vitória ao empate (GAEM), de ganhar para manter (GAMA), de ganhar para reduzir (GARE), de perder para aumentar (PEAM), de perder para empatar (PEEM), de perder para manter (PEMA) e de perder para reduzir (PERE). O teste não paramétrico U de Mann-Whitneyfoi realizado para comparar os 11 tipos de escores dois a dois (p<0,05). O principal resultado do estudo foi que a equipe jogou de forma diferente dependendo do estado da pontuação momentânea. O estudo sugere aos treinadores de futebol amador que, além de tentarem desenvolver um determinado modelo de jogo, atendam a estratégias de trabalho onde sejam consideradosdiferentes cenários em relação ao status da partida. (AU)

Humans , Soccer , Athletic Performance , Motor Activity , Exercise , Spain , Athletes
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 43: e000420, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251121


RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar quais variáveis quantitativas de uma partida de futebol são relacionadas à classificação de jogo bonito ou feio. A partir dos indicadores de desempenho disponíveis no site oficial da FIFA, selecionamos quatro jogos da Copa do Mundo de 2018 com características distintas. Os jogos foram assistidos por dez participantes que, em um questionário semiestruturado, apontaram os indicadores de desempenho que influenciaram o julgamento estético da partida. O jogo bonito foi associado à grande quantidade de finalizações, chances de gols e passes certos. A ausência destes mesmos indicadores foi importante para a classificação dos jogos como feios. As variáveis quantitativas identificadas nesse estudo avançam com o debate sobre futebol e estética.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the quantitative variables of a football match associated to the classification of a beautiful or ugly game. Based on the performance indicators 2018 FIFA World Cup, we selected four games with different characteristics. The games were watched by ten participants who pointed out the performance indicators that influenced the aesthetic judgment of the game. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The beautiful game was associated with a large number of shots, shots on goal and pass accuracy. The absence of these same indicators was important for classifying the games as ugly. The quantitative variables identified in this study advance the debate on football and aesthetics.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar qué variables cuantitativas de un partido de fútbol están relacionadas con la clasificación de un juego bello o feo. Hemos seleccionado cuatro juegos de la Copa Mundial 2018 con diferentes características de los indicadores de rendimiento. Los juegos fueron observados por diez voluntarios que, en un cuestionario semiestructurado, señalaron los indicadores de rendimiento que influyeron en el juicio estético del juego. El juego bello se asoció con la gran cantidad de presentaciones, posibilidades de goles y pases ciertos. La ausencia de estos mismos indicadores fue importante para clasificar los juegos como feos. Las variables cuantitativas identificadas en este estudio avanzan el debate sobre el fútbol y la estética.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 39(4): 398-407, out.-dez. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-898028


Abstract Our purpose was to develop and evaluate an observational system for goalball match analysis. We used a non-participant systematic game observation method including eight elite games, video recorded, and randomly chosen. Observational categories and performance indicators were determined for each offensive (i.e., ball control, attack preparation, and throwing) and defensive principles (i.e., defensive balance, throw reading, and blocking). The comprehensive method of development and the ideal reliability levels (kappa coefficient of 0.81-1.00) of this protocol ensure the generation of quantitative and qualitative information for players and coaches and the rigor required for scientific use.

Resumo Nosso objetivo foi desenvolver e avaliar um sistema de observação para análise do jogo no goalball. Foi usado um método de observação sistemática não participante, incluindo vídeos de oito jogos de elite escolhidos aleatoriamente. Categorias de observação e indicadores de desempenho foram determinadas para cada princípio ofensivo (i.e., controle de bola, preparação do ataque e efetivação do arremesso) e defensivo (i.e., balanço defensivo, leitura da trajetória e interceptação do arremesso). O abrangente método de desenvolvimento e os níveis de confiabilidade ideais (coeficiente kappa de 0,81-1,00) desse protocolo asseguram a geração de informações quantitativas e qualitativas para jogadores e treinadores e o rigor necessário para uso científico.

Resumen Nuestro objetivo fue desarrollar y evaluar un sistema de observación para el análisis del juego del goalball. Se utilizó un método de observación sistemática no participante, que incluía vídeos de ocho juegos de élite elegidos al azar. Se determinaron las categorías de observación y los indicadores de rendimiento de cada principio ofensivo (p.ej., control del balón, preparación del ataque y lanzamiento) y defensivo (p.ej., equilibrio defensivo, lectura de la trayectoria e interceptación del lanzamiento). El método completo del desarrollo y los niveles de fiabilidad ideales (coeficiente kappa de 0,81 a 1,00) del presente protocolo aseguran la generación de información cuantitativa y cualitativa para jugadores y entrenadores, y el rigor necesario para el uso científico.

Rev Calid Asist ; 32(5): 278-288, 2017.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29032890


INTRODUCTION: Outcome measures are being widely used by health services to assess the quality of health care. It is important to have a battery of useful performance indicators with high validity and feasibility. Thus, the objective of this study is to perform a review of reviews in order to identify outcome indicators for use in Primary Care. METHODOLOGY: A review of systematic reviews (umbrella review) was carried out. The following databases were consulted: MedLine, EMBASE, and CINAHL, using descriptors and free terms, limiting searches to documents published in English or Spanish. In addition, a search was made for free terms in different web pages. Those reviews that offered indicators that could be used in the Primary Care environment were included. RESULTS: This review included a total of 5 reviews on performance indicators in Primary Care, which consisted of indicators in the following areas or clinical care processes: in osteoarthritis, chronicity, childhood asthma, clinical effectiveness, and prescription safety indicators. A total of 69 performance indicators were identified, with the percentage of performance indicators ranging from 0% to 92.8%. None of the reviews identified performed an analysis of the measurement control (feasibility or sensitivity to change of indicators). CONCLUSIONS: This paper offers a set of 69 performance indicators that have been identified and subsequently validated and prioritised by a panel of experts.

Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Primary Health Care/standards , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Adult , Asthma/therapy , Child , Humans , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Patient Readmission/statistics & numerical data , Prescription Drugs , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Treatment Outcome , Validation Studies as Topic
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) ; 68(11): 976-995.e10, 2015 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26315766


Cardiology practice requires complex organization that impacts overall outcomes and may differ substantially among hospitals and communities. The aim of this consensus document is to define quality markers in cardiology, including markers to measure the quality of results (outcomes metrics) and quality measures related to better results in clinical practice (performance metrics). The document is mainly intended for the Spanish health care system and may serve as a basis for similar documents in other countries.

Cardiology/standards , Delivery of Health Care/standards , Heart Diseases/therapy , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Accreditation/standards , Acute Coronary Syndrome , Certification/standards , Echocardiography/standards , Electrocardiography/standards , Exercise Test/standards , Heart Diseases/diagnosis , Heart Failure , Humans , Length of Stay , Mortality , Myocardial Infarction , Patient Readmission , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling/standards , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Spain