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Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449491


Introducción: Enfrentar la acelerada degradación de arrecifes coralinos requiere una acción integrada en múltiples niveles sociales y ecológicos. A escala local se debe incluir la participación activa de los usuarios de los recursos. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento y percepción local sobre los arrecifes coralinos en Golfo Dulce, y así generar bases para la integración social en la restauración coralina. Métodos: se realizaron 183 entrevistas en siete comunidades costeras del Golfo Dulce entre septiembre del 2016 y marzo del 2017. Los entrevistados se clasificaron en: (1) Pesca artesanal (PA) = 57 entrevistados, (2) Turismo (T) = 62, y (3) Otros (O) = 64. La primera parte de la entrevista fue de conocimiento y se asignó una nota basada en respuestas correctas. Según la nota se clasificó como informado, información media o desinformado. La segunda parte se basó en escalas de percepción sobre: (I) visitación, (II) factores que dañan los arrecifes coralinos, (III) medidas de manejo y (IV) salud de recursos marinos en Golfo Dulce. Resultados: El grupo T tuvo el mayor porcentaje de entrevistados informados = 42 % y el grupo O de desinformados = 37 %. La segunda parte fue percepción, más del 50 % de PA y T consideran que la visita es frecuente. La sedimentación y contaminación por agroquímicos fueron identificados por más del 60 % de PA y T como la principal amenaza. El 35 % de PA y el 40 % de T perciben las boyas fijas como la mejor medida para el Golfo Dulce. La restricción de visitas fue la medida con menor aceptación. El 60 % de los entrevistados de PA y T consideran que los recursos marinos del golfo estarán peor que en la actualidad. Conclusiones: Estos resultados confirman la importancia de comprender el conocimiento y la percepción de los usuarios de los arrecifes de coral en los procesos participativos y educativos en la restauración y conservación de los arrecifes de coral.

Introduction: Addressing the accelerated coral reefs degradation requires integrated action at multiple social and ecological scales. At local level, active participation of the main users must be included. Objective: To evaluate local knowledge and perception about coral reefs in Golfo Dulce to generate bases for social integration in coral restoration. Methods: 183 interviews were conducted in coastal communities in Golfo Dulce, between September 2016 and March 2017. The interviewees were classified as: (1) Artisanal fishing (PA) = 57 interviewees, (2) Tourism (T) = 62, and (3) Others (O) = 64. The first part of the interview was about knowledge and a grade was assigned based on correct answers. According to the grade, they were classified as informed, medium information or uninformed. The second part was based on perception scales on: (I) visitation, (II) factors that damage coral reefs, (III) management measures, and (IV) health of marine resources in Golfo Dulce. Results: Group T had the highest percentage of informed interviewees = 42 % and group O uninformed = 37 %. The second part was perception, more than 50 % of PA and T consider that the visit is frequent. Sedimentation and contamination by agrochemicals were identified by more than 60 % of PA and T as the main threat. 35 % of PA and 40 % of T perceive permanent buoys as the best measure for the Golfo Dulce. The visitation restriction was the measure with the least acceptance. 60 % of the interviewees of PA and T consider that the marine resources of the gulf will be worse than today. Conclusions: These results confirm the importance of understading coral reefs users knowledge and perception in participatory and educational processes in coral reef restoration and conservation.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(10)2021 Oct 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34679931


Tropical regions of Latin America have been incorporated into development in recent decades, with extensive cattle ranching as one of the main economic activities but without adequate planning, drastically degrading the ecosystem. In recent years, buffalo production has been incorporated into the region, with possibilities for development in profitable and sustainable models. To study this option in depth, a broad bibliographic review was carried out focusing on the ecological characteristics of tropical zones and the physiological and productive characteristics of buffaloes. We also investigated the structure and functioning of dual-purpose systems that have worked in cattle and that can be optimized with this alternative animal species. The possibility of taking sustainable advantage of abundant forage resources in the region was detected through intensive grazing models, as well as agrosilvopastoral systems, due to the gregarious qualities of buffaloes and responding to their thermoregulation needs. In this way, the productive and regenerative capacities of the dual-purpose system could be increased, as well as the quality of meat and milk, which could be marketed as differentiated products, taking advantage of their outstanding nutritional qualities. Integral management of the dual-purpose system is proposed, retaking the bases of the original model of family characters, diversified and with low investments and risks, which with specific innovations can be an effective development option for producers in the region.

Cienc. Trab ; 19(59): 95-104, ago. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-890077


RESUMEN Ante los desafíos que plantea hacer a las empresas sustentables con responsabilidad social, es necesario desarrollar procesos de mejora basados en una gestión integral con impactos medibles en los resul tados de calidad, productividad, salud y seguridad en el trabajo, el cuidado del medio ambiente y la cultura de protección civil. Para estas materias existen lineamientos internacionales y marcos jurí dicos nacionales que cumplir, los cuales establecen la metodología para reconocer, evaluar y controlar los factores de riesgo de todo tipo en el lugar de trabajo y para la comunidad. Este documento presenta un modelo de gestión integral para la sustentabilidad de las organizaciones desde la perspectiva de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo sin limitarse a ellas: se denomina SSeTGIS; es holísti-co, multidisciplinar, centrado en las personas, preferentemente participativo, el cual se desarrolla como un proceso de ciclos de mejora continua en tres niveles de actuación: individual, lugar de trabajo y organizacional. Se exponen los argumentos, los propósi tos, los componentes, el proceso y la metodología, así como algunas notas de su aplicación.

ABSTRACT Faced with the challenges of making sustainable companies with social responsibility, it is necessary to develop improved processes based on comprehensive management with measurable impacts on the results of quality, productivity, health and safety at work, envi ronmental care and culture of civil protection. These subjects for which international guidelines and national legal frameworks exist for their fulfillment, establish the methodology for recognizing, evaluating and controlling all kinds of risk factors in the workplace and for the community. This document presents a model of integral management for the sustainability of organizations from the per spective of health and safety at work without limiting to them, referred to as SSeTGIS. It is holistic, multidisciplinary, people-cen tered, and preferably participatory. It is developed as a process of cycles of continuous improvement in three levels of performance: individual, workplace and organizational. The arguments, the pur poses, the components, the process and the methodology are pre sented as well as some notes of their application.

Humans , Organizations/organization & administration , Occupational Health , Safety Management , Models, Organizational , Efficiency