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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4323, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1569978


Abstract Objective: to validate with experts the content of a mobile application to guide patients with neurological dysfunction of the lower urinary tract. Method: methodological study. For content validation, 81 specialist nurses took part. The data collection instrument was designed in the form of an electronic form, and included assessments of the application's objectives, content, language, relevance, functionality and usability. The data was submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, based on the measurement of the Content Validity Index. Results: the overall content validity index of the prototype application was 0.98. The lowest item (0.93) was related to the adequacy of the font size, and the highest module (1) was associated with usability, showing ease in handling the application. The experts recommended correcting spelling and grammar, as well as adding and minimizing information, standardizing language, among others. Conclusion: the content of the MeduLar sem Medo ® mobile app was validated with excellence by specialists, and presented important resources for teaching urinary dysfunction control and adherence to rehabilitation. With these results, it is possible to envision the next stages of validation, with application in the populations for which it is intended and incorporation of this care technology into the Unified Health System.

Resumo Objetivo: validar com especialistas o conteúdo de aplicativo móvel para orientação de pacientes com disfunção neurológica do trato urinário inferior. Método: estudo metodológico. Para validação do conteúdo, participaram 81 enfermeiros especialistas. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi elaborado no formato de formulário eletrônico e conteve avaliações sobre objetivos, conteúdo, linguagem, relevância, funcionalidade e usabilidade do aplicativo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e inferencial, com base na mensuração do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Resultados: o índice de validade de conteúdo global do protótipo de aplicativo foi de 0,98. O item mais baixo (0,93) foi referente à adequação do tamanho da fonte, e o módulo mais alto (1) foi associado à usabilidade, que mostrou facilidade no manuseio do aplicativo. Os especialistas recomendaram correção ortográfica e gramatical, além de acréscimos e minimização de informações, padronização da linguagem, dentre outros. Conclusão: o conteúdo do aplicativo móvel MeduLar sem Medo® foi validado com excelência por especialistas, pois apresentou recursos importantes para o ensino do controle da disfunção urinária e a adesão à reabilitação. Com tais resultados, é possível vislumbrar as próximas etapas de validação, com aplicação nas populações a que se destina e incorporação desta tecnologia de cuidado no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde.

Resumen Objetivo: validar con especialistas el contenido de una aplicación móvil para orientación de pacientes con disfunción neurológica del tracto urinario inferior. Método: estudio metodológico. Para la validación del contenido, participaron 81 enfermeros especialistas. El instrumento de recolección de datos se elaboró en formato de formulario electrónico y contuvo evaluaciones sobre objetivos, contenido, lenguaje, relevancia, funcionalidad y usabilidad de la aplicación. Los datos se sometieron a análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial, basado en la medición del Índice de Validez de Contenido. Resultados: el índice de validez de contenido global del prototipo de la aplicación fue de 0,98. El ítem más bajo (0,93) se refirió a la adecuación del tamaño de la fuente, y el módulo más alto (1) se asoció a la usabilidad, que mostró facilidad en el manejo de la aplicación. Los especialistas recomendaron corrección ortográfica y gramatical, además de adiciones y minimización de información, estandarización del lenguaje, entre otros. Conclusión: el contenido de la aplicación móvil MeduLar sin Miedo® fue validado con excelencia por especialistas, pues presentó recursos importantes para la enseñanza del control de la disfunción urinaria y la adhesión a la rehabilitación. Con tales resultados, es posible vislumbrar las próximas etapas de validación, con aplicación en las poblaciones a las que se destina e incorporación de esta tecnología de cuidado en el ámbito del Sistema Único de Salud.

Humans , Spinal Cord Injuries , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic , Health Education , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Mobile Applications , Enterostomal Therapy
Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e84779, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1448027


RESUMO Objetivo: construir e validar o conteúdo do instrumento de adesão ao autocuidado de pacientes com Disfunção Neurogênica do Trato Urinário Inferior que realizam o autocateterismo intermitente quanto a aparência e conteúdo. Método: Estudo metodológico de validação de conteúdo de instrumento, composto por três etapas: revisão da literatura, construção do instrumento e validação de instrumento, respectivamente. A análise foi realizada através do modelo de Agree, e pelo cálculo de índice de validação de conteúdo, entre 2020 e 2021. Resultados: O Agree II, apresentou resultado de 85,6% e 84,5% para validação dos domínios escopo e finalidade e partes interessadas. Na validação de conteúdo, o item histórico familiar foi retirado do instrumento com índice de vaidade de conteúdo de 0,77. Conclusão: O instrumento contribuirá para oferecer subsídios para a prática profissional e aos pacientes portadores da disfunção.

ABSTRACT Objective: To build and validate the content of the instrument for adherence to self-care for patients with Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction who perform intermittent self-catheterization as to appearance and content. Method: Methodological study of instrument content validation, composed of three stages: literature review, instrument construction and instrument validation, respectively. The analysis was performed using the Agree model, and by calculating the content validation index, between 2020 and 2021. Results: Agree II, showed a result of 85.6% and 84.5% for validation of the scope and purpose and stakeholder domains. In content validation, the family history item was removed from the instrument with a content vanity index of 0.77. Conclusion: The instrument will contribute to offering subsidies for professional practice and to patients with the dysfunction.

RESUMEN Objetivo: construir y validar el contenido del instrumento de adición al autocuidado de pacientes con disfunción neurogénica del tracto urinario inferior que realizan el autocateterismo intermitente en cuanto a la apariencia y el contenido. Método: Estudio metodológico de validación de contenido de instrumentos, compuesto por tres etapas: revisión bibliográfica, construcción de instrumentos y validación de instrumentos, respectivamente. El análisis se realizó utilizando el modelo de Agree, y mediante el cálculo del índice de validación de contenido, entre 2020 y 2021. Resultados: El Agree II, mostró un resultado de 85,6% y 84,5% para la validación de los dominios de alcance y propósito y partes interesadas. En la validación de contenido, el ítem histórico familiar fue retirado del instrumento con un índice de vanidad de contenido de 0,77. Conclusión: El instrumento contribuirá a ofrecer subsidios para la práctica profesional y a los pacientes con disfunción.

Estima (Online) ; 20(1): e2522, Jan-Dec. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1425095


Objetivos:Comparar e avaliar os atributos de dois cateteres vesicais para pessoa em tratamento com resíduo pós-miccional, no cateterismo intermitente limpo (CIL). Método: Estudo quantitativo, observacional e descritivo desenvolvido em ambulatório de referência para 48 municípios, entre setembro e novembro de 2020. Participaram 50 pacientes com resíduo pós-miccional que realizam CIL, com 44,8 anos de idade média, sendo 72% homens. Foram comparados dois cateteres lubrificados, de diferentes tecnologias, ambos com bolsa acoplada, por sete dias, na frequência de seis cateterismos diários, utilizando instrumento validado de percepção da satisfação do cliente. Os dados foram analisados por meio do software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics 23.0, e para comparação dos cateteres foi usado o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Resultados: O cateter de policloreto de vinila (PVC) pré-lubrificado com glicerol alcançou maior satisfação entre os participantes nos atributos avaliados (90% versus 86%) em relação ao cateter hidrofílico de poliuretano (PVP) pré-lubrificado, embora sem significância estatística nos escores parciais e totais do instrumento utilizado. Conclusão: O estudo possibilitou comparar os dois cateteres, e a avaliação do escore geral para ambos foi positiva. Algumas avaliações negativas para determinados atributos são passíveis de melhorias, além de ser esse modelo de estudo capaz de discriminar os cateteres, podendo ser reproduzido.

Objectives:To compare and evaluate the aspects of the use of two bladder catheters for the person undergoing treatment with post-void residual, in clean intermittent bladder catheterization (CIL). Method: Quantitative, observational, and descriptive analysis developed in a reference outpatient clinic, for 48 municipalities, from September to November 2020. Fifty patients with post-void residual, who underwent CVIL, took part in the study. Their average age was 44,8 years old, and 72% of them were male. Two lubricated catheters were compared, from different technologies, both with attached bags, for seven days, six catheterizations a day, using a validated instrument of perception of customer satisfaction. Data were analyzed by the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics 23.0, and for the comparison of the two catheters it was used the Wilcoxon's non-parametric test. Results: The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) catheter pre-lubricated with glycerol reached greater participant satisfaction in the evaluated attributes (90 versus 86%) in relation to the hydrophilic polyurethane (PVP) pre-lubricated catheter, although there was no statistical significance on the partial or total scores of the instrument used. Conclusion: The study allowed the comparison of two catheters, and the evaluation of the general score for both was positive. Some negative evaluation for certain attributes is possible to be improved. This kind of study is able to discriminate the catheters, and it can be reproduced.

Objetivo:Comparar y evolución los atributos de las sondas vesicales para personas cometidas a tratamiento de residuo posmiccional, en cateterismo intermitente limpio (CIC). Método: estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, realizado en un ambulatorio de referencia, para 48 municipios entre septiembre y noviembre de 2020. Participaron 50 pacientes con residuo posmiccional sometidos a CIC, edad media de 44,8 años, de los cuales el 72% eran hombres. Se compararon dos catéteres lubricados de diferentes tecnologías, ambos con bolsa adherida, durante 7 días, con una frecuencia de 6 cateterismos diarios, utilizando un instrumento validado para la percepción de satisfacción del cliente. Los datos se analizaron con el software SPSS Statistics 23.0 y se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon para comparar los catéteres. Resultados: El catéter de PVC - Cloruro de Polivinilo prelubricado con glicerol mostró mayor satisfacción de los participantes en los atributos evaluados (90% versus 86%) en relación con el catéter de PVP - catéter de poliuretano hidrofílico prelubricado, aunque sin significación estadística en el puntajes parciales y totales del instrumento utilizado. Conclusión: El estudio permitió comparar los dos catéteres y la evaluación de la puntuación general de los catéteres fue positiva. Algunas valoraciones negativas para determinados atributos son susceptibles de mejora y pueden ser implementadas, además de ser este modelo de estudio capaz de discriminar entre catéteres, y pudiendo ser reproducido.

Urinary Incontinence , Health Education , Patient Satisfaction , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Enterostomal Therapy
Texto & contexto enferm ; 28: e20180263, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1043472


ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the use of an online forum for people with myelomeningocele and their families and the profile of the users, based on intermittent catheterization. Method: a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study. Data was collected from users of the online forum, based on an online questionnaire available from March 20 to April 20, 2015. Sample consisted of 30 users. Descriptive statistical data analyses and chi-square test were performed. Results: among users, 27% were people with myelomeningocele and 73% were family members. Age, considering the total sample, ranged from 22 to 58 years old. Women represented 67% of the sample. Most users considered the language used in the forum understandable, and also thought the forum had a proper layout and was easy to navigate. It was noted that the mother and the person with myelomeningocele are the main responsible people for intermittent catheterization; 86% use a simple plastic catheter and 14% use a hydrophilic catheter; 81% do not reuse the catheter, 10% use the same catheter for one day and 9% for up to one week. The main place chosen to perform intermittent catheterization was the bed, followed by the toilet and wheelchairs. Conclusion: the use of the online forum was well evaluated by the users. It can be considered a means to obtain information, create a support network and clarify any doubts, empowering users and contributing to adherence to intermittent catheterization, which is one of the treatments for neurogenic bladder.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar el uso de un fórum virtual para personas con mielomeningocele y sus familiares y el perfil de sus usuarios, según la realización del cateterismo vesical intermitente. Método: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio. Se realizó la recolección de datos con usuarios del fórum virtual, en base a una encuesta online, disponible desde el 20 de marzo al 20 de abril de 2015. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 30 usuarios. Se realizaron los análisis estadísticos, descriptivos y test chi cuadrado. Resultados: de los usuarios, 27% eran personas con mielomeningocele y 73% familiares. La edad, considerándose toda la muestra, osciló entre los 22 y 58 años. El sexo femenino representó el 67% de la muestra. La mayoría de los usuarios consideró que el lenguaje utilizado en el fórum es comprensible, la imagen es adecuada y tiene una fácil navegación. Se observó que la madre y la propia persona con mielomeningocele son las principales responsables por la realización del cateterismo vesical intermitente; 86% utilizan catéter de plástico simple y 14% el catéter hidrofilico; 81% no reutilizan el catéter, 10% utilizan el mismo catéter durante un día y el 9% incluso hasta una semana. El principal lugar de realización del cateterismo vesical intermitente fue la cama, seguida de la letrina y la silla de ruedas. Conclusión: el uso del fórum virtual fue bien evaluado por los usuarios. Se lo puede considerar un medio para obtener informaciones, formación de red de apoyo y aclarar dudas, empoderando a los usuarios y contribuyendo a la adhesión al cateterismo vesical intermitente, que es uno de los tratamientos para la vejiga neurogénica.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o uso de um fórum virtual para pessoas com mielomeningocele e seus familiares e o perfil dos usuários, de acordo com a realização do cateterismo vesical intermitente. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e exploratório. A coleta de dados foi realizada com usuários do fórum virtual, com base em um questionário online, disponibilizado de 20 de março a 20 de abril de 2015. A amostra foi composta de 30 usuários. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: dos usuários, 27% eram pessoas com mielomeningocele e 73% familiares. A idade, considerando a amostra total, variou de 22 a 58 anos. O sexo feminino representou 67% da amostra. A maioria dos usuários considerou a linguagem utilizada no fórum compreensível, o visual adequado e a navegação fácil. Foi observado que a mãe e a própria pessoa com mielomeningocele são os principais responsáveis pela realização do cateterismo vesical intermitente; 86% utilizam cateter de plástico simples e 14% o cateter hidrofílico; 81% não reutilizam o cateter, 10% utilizam o mesmo cateter durante um dia e 9% por até uma semana. O principal local de realização do cateterismo vesical intermitente foi a cama, seguida pelo vaso sanitário e cadeira de rodas. Conclusão: o uso do fórum virtual foi bem avaliado pelos usuários. Ele pode ser considerado um meio para obtenção de informações, formação de rede de apoio e esclarecimento de dúvidas, empoderando os usuários e contribuindo para a adesão ao cateterismo vesical intermitente, que é um dos tratamentos para a bexiga neurogênica.

Humans , Rehabilitation , Health Education , Meningomyelocele , Internet , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization
Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;71(4): 1928-1933, Jul.-Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-958680


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the influence of social determinants of health on the life conditions of patients who use intermittent urinary catheters. Method: This was a descriptive study conducted in a rehabilitation center with 243 neurogenic bladder patients who used clear intermittent urinary catheters. The study was carried out between March 2012 and October 2015, using interviews based on semi-structured instruments, and data analysis using descriptive statistics. Results: Most of the patients were men, between 16 and 64 years old, single, with an elementary education level, and a monthly household income of 2 to 3 minimum wages. The results show that the social determinants of health were related to socioeconomic, demographic, and health factors. Conclusion: The findings indicate a complex relationship between social determinants of health and the life conditions of patients who use clean intermittent urinary catheters, presenting greater vulnerability related to some aspects of health conditions.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar la influencia de factores de los determinantes sociales de salud en las condiciones de vida de pacientes usuarios de cateterismo urinario intermitente. Método: Investigación descriptiva realizada en centro de Rehabilitación. Participaron 243 pacientes con vejiga neurogénica, usuarios de cateterismo urinario intermitente limpio. Estudio realizado entre marzo de 2012 y octubre de 2015, aplicando entrevista apoyada por instrumento semiestructurado, y análisis por estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes era de sexo masculino, edad entre 16 y 64 años, solteros, con enseñanza primaria e ingresos familiares entre 2 y 3 salarios mínimos. Los determinantes sociales de salud encontrados estuvieron relacionados a aspectos socioeconómicos, demográficos y condiciones de salud. Conclusión: Los hallazgos señalan una compleja relación entre los determinantes sociales de salud y las condiciones de vida de estos pacientes usuarios de cateterismo urinario intermitente limpio, presentando vulnerabilidad en relación a algunos aspectos de las condiciones de salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar a influência de fatores dos determinantes sociais de saúde nas condições de vida de pacientes usuários de cateterismo urinário intermitente. Método: Pesquisa descritiva realizada em um Centro de Reabilitação com 243 pacientes com bexiga neurogênica, usuários de cateterismo urinário intermitente limpo. O período do estudo foi de março/2012 a outubro/2015, utilizando-se entrevista com apoio de um instrumento semiestruturado e análise por estatística descritiva. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do gênero masculino, idade entre 16 e 64 anos, solteiros, com ensino fundamental e renda familiar mensal de 2 a 3 salários mínimos. Os determinantes sociais de saúde encontrados foram relacionados aos aspectos socioeconômicos, demográficos e condições de saúde. Conclusão: Os achados assinalam para uma complexa relação entre os determinantes sociais de saúde e as condições de vida desses pacientes usuários de cateterismo urinário intermitente limpo, apresentando uma vulnerabilidade com relação a alguns aspectos das condições de saúde.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Patients/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/psychology , Urinary Catheters/standards , Social Determinants of Health , Self Care/methods , Brazil , Interviews as Topic/methods , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/adverse effects , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/methods , Middle Aged
J. Health NPEPS ; 3(1): 268-280, Janeiro-Junho. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1052139


Objetivo: identificar as diretrizes terapêuticas do autocateterismo em pacientes acometidos por bexiga neurogênica na perspectiva legal, confrontando a proteção constitucional do direito à vida com os postulados de ordem ética e social do Enfermeiro. Método: trata-se de um ensaio teórico-reflexivo, realizado no período de maio de 2016 a janeiro de 2017, a partir de atividades de campo prático da residência multiprofissional da Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Resultados: o profissional enfermeiro desempenha um papel de grande importância em relação à assistência desde os cuidados de promoção de saúde em situações aguda e crônica da lesão medular. Com o avanço da tecnologia, o status de cuidar e as práxis de enfermagem vêm sofrendo mudanças significativas, exigindo assim novas diretrizes, ações e orientações. Considerações Finais: entende-se que a prática de autocateterismo pode ocasionar lesão na estrutura uretrovesical. Logo, higiene, conforto físico, e a reeducação vesical são imprescindíveis para a prevenção de sequelas no paciente e promoção de bem-estar. A enfermagem vem ao logo do tempo construindo e fortalecendo os seus cenários de atuações, diante disso precisamos de um novo estado reflexivo e transformador para a profissão.

Objective: to identify the therapeutic guidelines of self-catheterization in patients affected by neurogenic bladder from a legal perspective, confronting the constitutional protection of the right to life with the ethical and social postulates of a nursing. Methods: theoretical-reflexive essay, carried out in the period from May 2016 to January 2017, from practical field activities of the multiprofessional residence of the Federal University of Amazonas. Results: the nursing professional plays a very paramount importance in relation to patient's assistance as healthcare promotion in acute and chronic spinal cord injury. With the advancement of technology, the care status and nursing praxis have undergone significant changes, therefore requiring new guidelines, actions and guidance designed for the new scenario. Final Considerations: it is understood that the practice of self-catheterization can cause damage to the urethrovesical structure. Thereby, hygiene, physical comfort, and bladder re-education are essential for prevention of sequelae in the patient and promotion of well-being. Nursing comes over time by building and strengthening their performance scenarios and in front of this we need a new reflective and transforming state for the profession.

Objetivo: identificar las directrices terapéuticas del autocateterismo en pacientes acometidos por vejiga neurogénica en la perspectiva legal, confrontando la protección constitucional del derecho a la vida con los postulados de orden ético y social del enfermero. Método: se trata de un ensayo teórico-reflexivo, realizado en el período de mayo de 2016 a enero de 2017, a partir de actividades de campo práctico de la residencia multiprofesional de la Universidad Federal del Amazonas. Resultados: el profesional enfermero desempeña un papel de gran importancia en relación a la asistencia desde los cuidados de promoción de salud en situaciones aguda y crónica de la lesión medular. Con el avance de la tecnología, el status de cuidar y las praxis de enfermería vienen sufriendo cambios significativos, exigiendo así nuevas directrices, acciones y orientaciones. Consideraciones Finales: se entiende que la práctica de autocateterismo puede ocasionar lesión en la estructura uretrovesical. Por lo tanto, la higiene, el confort físico, y la reeducación vesical son imprescindibles para la prevención de secuelas en el paciente y la promoción del bienestar. La enfermería viene al momento del tiempo construyendo y fortaleciendo sus escenarios de actuaciones, ante eso necesitamos un nuevo estado reflexivo y transformador para la profesión.

Therapeutics , Urinary Catheterization
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(1): 121-131, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892959


ABSTRACT Introduction Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia affects 70% to 80% of all spinal cord injury patients, resulting in increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and potential exposure to antimicrobial resistance. In Brazil, local guidelines recommend intermittent catheterization as the best method for bladder emptying, and two catheter types are available: the conventional uncoated PVC and the hydrophilic coated catheters. Objective To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of two types of catheters for intermittent catheterization from the perspective of the Brazilian public healthcare system. Materials and Methods A Markov model was used to evaluate cost-effectiveness in those with spinal cord injuries. A primary analysis was conducted on all possible adverse events, and a secondary analysis was performed with urinary tract infections as the only relevant parameter. The results were presented as cost per life years gained (LYG), per quality-adjusted life years (QALY) and per number of urinary tract infections (UTIs) avoided. Results The base scenario of all adverse events shows a cost-effective result of hydrophilic coated catheters compared to uncoated PVC catheters at 57,432 BRL (Brazilian Reais) per LYG and 122,330 BRL per QALY. The secondary scenario showed that the use of hydrophilic coated catheters reduces the total number of UTIs, indicating that an additional cost of hydrophilic coated catheters of 31,240 BRL over a lifetime will reduce lifetime UTIs by 6%. Conclusions Despite the higher unit value, the use of hydrophilic coated catheters is a cost-effective treatment from the perspective of the Brazilian public healthcare system.

Humans , Male , Female , Spinal Cord Injuries/complications , Urinary Tract Infections/economics , Urinary Catheterization/economics , Urinary Catheterization/methods , Urinary Catheters/economics , Spinal Cord Injuries/economics , Urinary Tract Infections/etiology , Brazil , Urinary Catheterization/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Equipment Design , National Health Programs
J Pediatr Urol ; 14(1): 48.e1-48.e7, 2018 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28822627


OBJECTIVE: Appendicovesicostomy (APV) and Monti ileovesicostomy (Monti) are durable catheterizable channels. While subfascial revision rates vary by channel type, a channel implanted in the anterior (vs posterior) aspect of the bladder may have a lower subfascial revision risk, due to decreased channel mobility and better fascial fixation. The present study aimed to compare long-term durability of anteriorly compared to posteriorly implanted APV and Monti channels in a large international cohort. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on patients aged ≤21 years and who underwent APV or Monti surgery with an open technique at three high-volume centers (1990-2015). The following were noted: patient demographics, stomal and subfascial revisions, stomal location, channel placement (anterior/posterior), and channel type - APV, spiral Monti to umbilicus (SMU), other Monti channels. Survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression were used to separately examine the three channel groups. RESULTS: Of the 675 patients who met inclusion criteria, 387 had an APV (71.3% anterior), 53 had an SMU (13.2% anterior) and 235 had other Monti channels (42.1% anterior). Median age at surgery was 8.8 years for APV (median follow-up: 5.5 years), 9.2 years for other Monti (follow-up: 6.6 years) and 7.9 years for SMU (follow-up: 9.0 years). Patients originated from the USA (67.9%), Argentina (26.4%) and Chile (5.8%). Overall, 76 stomal and 77 subfascial revisions occurred. Risk of stomal revision was 9.3-12.0% at 5 years of follow-up, and was similar between channel types or location (P = 0.57). Risk of subfascial revision at 5 years was 7.4% for APV, 12.7% for all other Monti channels and 25.9% for SMU (P = 0.001). On survival analysis, stomal and subfascial revision rates were similar between anterior and posterior channels for APV (P ≥ 0.16), other Monti channels (P ≥ 0.62) and SMU (P ≥ 0.43) (Summary Fig.). On multivariate regression, channel configuration was not associated with stomal or subfascial revision for APV (P ≥ 0.18) or other Monti channels (P ≥ 0.64). Sex, age, diagnosis, country and stomal location were not associated with revision risk (P ≥ 0.06). DISCUSSION: Contrary to the hypothesis, subfascial revision rates were no different between anterior and posterior channels. Given that many reported outcomes related to genitourinary reconstruction occur rarely and require prolonged follow-up, collaborative research in this area should be encouraged. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrated durable long-term results with the APV and Monti techniques in an international cohort. Risks of stomal and subfascial complications were not significantly different between anteriorly and posteriorly implanted channels. As previously reported, Monti channels, particularly SMU, were more prone to undergoing subfascial revisions.

Cystostomy/methods , Urinary Catheterization/methods , Urinary Diversion/methods , Urinary Reservoirs, Continent , Urologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Adolescent , Age Factors , Argentina , Child , Child, Preschool , Chile , Cohort Studies , Cystostomy/adverse effects , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Internationality , Male , Postoperative Complications/physiopathology , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Proportional Hazards Models , Reoperation/methods , Retrospective Studies , Risk Assessment , Sex Factors , Survival Rate , Treatment Outcome , United States , Urologic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Young Adult
Int Braz J Urol ; 44(1): 121-131, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28792195


INTRODUCTION: Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia affects 70% to 80% of all spinal cord injury patients, resulting in increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and potential exposure to antimicrobial resistance. In Brazil, local guidelines recommend intermittent catheterization as the best method for bladder emptying, and two catheter types are available: the conventional uncoated PVC and the hydrophilic coated catheters. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of two types of catheters for intermittent catheterization from the perspective of the Brazilian public healthcare system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A Markov model was used to evaluate cost-effectiveness in those with spinal cord injuries. A primary analysis was conducted on all possible adverse events, and a secondary analysis was performed with urinary tract infections as the only relevant parameter. The results were presented as cost per life years gained (LYG), per quality-adjusted life years (QALY) and per number of urinary tract infections (UTIs) avoided. RESULTS: The base scenario of all adverse events shows a cost-effective result of hydrophilic coated catheters compared to uncoated PVC catheters at 57,432 BRL (Brazilian Reais) per LYG and 122,330 BRL per QALY. The secondary scenario showed that the use of hydrophilic coated catheters reduces the total number of UTIs, indicating that an additional cost of hydrophilic coated catheters of 31,240 BRL over a lifetime will reduce lifetime UTIs by 6%. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the higher unit value, the use of hydrophilic coated catheters is a cost-effective treatment from the perspective of the Brazilian public healthcare system.

Spinal Cord Injuries/complications , Urinary Catheterization/economics , Urinary Catheterization/methods , Urinary Catheters/economics , Urinary Tract Infections/economics , Brazil , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Equipment Design , Female , Humans , Male , National Health Programs , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Spinal Cord Injuries/economics , Treatment Outcome , Urinary Catheterization/adverse effects , Urinary Tract Infections/etiology
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;52: e03362, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-956692


RESUMO Objetivo Identificar na literatura os fatores associados ao conhecimento de pacientes e cuidadores acerca do cateterismo vesical intermitente limpo que dificultam ou facilitam o procedimento. Método Revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science, SCOPUS e LILACS. Resultados Após a revisão por pares, 13 estudos primários compuseram a amostra. A síntese do conhecimento foi realizada em duas categorias: Fatores associados ao conhecimento de pacientes e cuidadores sobre o que dificultam o procedimento e Fatores associados ao conhecimento de pacientes e cuidadores acerca do que facilitam o procedimento. Os fatores que dificultam e facilitam o procedimento relacionaram-se, respectivamente, à necessidade de informação e a sentimentos negativos, uso de linguagem de fácil compreensão, aplicação de folhetos informativos, entre outros. Conclusão Há escassez de artigos publicados sobre a temática, e os que foram identificados apresentaram baixo nível de evidência, exigindo, portanto, maior empenho e compromisso por parte de profissionais de saúde e pesquisadores para utilizarem desenhos mais robustos.

RESUMEN Objetivo Identificar en la literatura los factores asociados con el conocimiento de pacientes y cuidadores acerca del cateterismo vesical intermitente limpio que dificultan o facilitan el procedimiento. Método Revisión integrativa de la literatura en las bases de MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science, SCOPUS y LILACS. Resultados Después de la revisión por pares, 13 estudios primarios compusieron la muestra. La síntesis del conocimiento fue realizada en dos categorías: Factores asociados con el conocimiento de pacientes y cuidadores acerca de lo que dificulta el procedimiento y Factores asociados con el conocimiento de pacientes y cuidadores acerca de lo que facilita el procedimiento. Los factores que dificultan y facilitan el procedimiento se relacionaron, respectivamente, con la necesidad de información y con sentimientos negativos, uso de lenguaje de fácil comprensión, aplicación de folletos informativos, entre otros. Conclusión Existe escasez de artículos publicados acerca de la temática, y los que fueron identificados presentaron bajo nivel de evidencia, por lo que se requiere mayor empeño y compromiso de la parte de los profesionales sanitarios e investigadores en la utilización de diseños más robustos.

ABSTRACT Objective To identify the factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers about Clean Intermittent Urethral Catheterization in the literature which hinder or facilitate the procedure. Method An integrative review of the literature conducted in the MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science, SCOPUS and LILACS databases. Results 13 primary studies were included in the sample after the peer review. A synthesis of knowledge was performed in two categories: Factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers which hinder the procedure and Factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers which facilitate the procedure. Factors that hinder and facilitate the procedure respectively related to the need of information and negative feelings, use of easy-to-understand language, and application of information leaflets, among others. Conclusion There is a shortage of published articles on the subject, and those which were identified had a low level of evidence, therefore requiring greater commitment and effort on the part of health professionals and researchers to use more robust designs.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/nursing , Patients , Review , Caregivers
Int. braz. j. urol ; 43(3): 505-511, May.-June 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840843


ABSTRACT Objective To validate a measurement instrument for clean intermittent self-catheterization for patients and health-caregivers. Material and Methods Methodological study of instrument validation performed at a Rehabilitation Center in a University hospital for patients submitted to clean intermittent self-catheterization and their health-caregivers. Following ethical criteria, data were collected during interview with nurse staff using a Likert question form containing 16 items with 5 points each: “no confidence”=1, “little confidence”=2, “confident”=3, “very confident”=4 and “completely confident”=5. Questionnaire called “Self-Confident Scale for Clean Intermittent Self-catheterization” (SCSCISC) was constructed based on literature and previously validated (appearance and content). Results The instrument was validated by 122 patients and 119 health-caregivers, in a proportion of 15:1. It was observed a good linear association and sample adequacy KMO 0.931 and X2=2881.63, p<0.001. Anti-image matrix showed high values at diagonal suggesting inclusion of all factors. Screen plot analysis showed a suggestion of items maintenance in a single set. It was observed high correlation of all items with the total, alpha-Cronbach 0.944. The same results were obtained in subsamples of patients and health-caregivers. Conclusion The instrument showed good psychometric adequacy corroborating its use for evaluation of self-confidence during clean intermittent self-catheterization.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Self Care/instrumentation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Caregivers , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/methods , Psychometrics , Urinary Tract/physiopathology , Urinary Catheterization/methods
Int Braz J Urol ; 43(3): 505-511, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28338311


OBJECTIVE: To validate a measurement instrument for clean intermittent self-catheterization for patients and health-caregivers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Methodological study of instrument validation performed at a Rehabilitation Center in a University hospital for patients submitted to clean intermittent self-catheterization and their health-caregivers. Following ethical criteria, data were collected during interview with nurse staff using a Likert question form containing 16 items with 5 points each: "no confidence"=1, "little confidence"=2, "confident"=3, "very confident"=4 and "completely confident"=5. Questionnaire called "Self- Confident Scale for Clean Intermittent Self-catheterization" (SCSCISC) was constructed based on literature and previously validated (appearance and content). RESULTS: The instrument was validated by 122 patients and 119 health-caregivers, in a proportion of 15:1. It was observed a good linear association and sample adequacy KMO 0.931 and X2=2881.63, p<0.001. Anti-image matrix showed high values at diagonal suggesting inclusion of all factors. Screen plot analysis showed a suggestion of items maintenance in a single set. It was observed high correlation of all items with the total, alpha-Cronbach 0.944. The same results were obtained in subsamples of patients and health-caregivers. CONCLUSION: The instrument showed good psychometric adequacy corroborating its use for evaluation of self-confidence during clean intermittent self-catheterization.

Caregivers , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Self Care/instrumentation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/methods , Male , Psychometrics , Urinary Catheterization/methods , Urinary Tract/physiopathology , Young Adult
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 21(4): e20170188, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-891690


Objective: To develop and evaluate apparent and content validity of a telenursing manual to support nurses in the care delivery of patients using clean intermittent urinary catheterization. Methods: Methodological study addressing the development and validation of a telenursing manual. The expert group who validated the telenursing manual was composed of 11 nurses. An inter-rater level of agreement of 70% was considered for each aspect of the instrument. Results: The following levels of agreement were obtained for each aspect: Language 97%, Content 97.7% and Objectives, Relevance, Functionality and Usability 100% each. Conclusion: The manual is available for access and represents an important initiative for the field of telenursing in Brazil, assisting nurses in the telecare provided to patients using clean intermittent urinary catheterization.

Objetivo: Elaborar y validar la apariencia y el contenido de un manual de teleenfermería para apoyar al enfermero en la atención al cliente que usa catéter urinario intermitente limpio. Método: Estudio metodológico sobre la construcción y validación de manual de teleenfermería. La apariencia y el contenido del manual fueron validados por 11 enfermeros peritos, considerando para validación un nivel de concordancia del 70% entre los peritos para cada aspecto del instrumento utilizado. Resultados: El manual de teleenfermería fue validado en apariencia y contenido considerando el nivel de concordancia entre los peritos para cada uno de estos aspecto: Lenguaje 97%; Contenido 97,7%; y, Objetivos, Relevancia, Funcionalidad y Usabilidad 100% cada uno. Conclusiones: El manual está disponible para ser accedido y representa una iniciativa importante para el campo de la teleenfermería en Brasil, ayudando al enfermero en la práctica de la teleatención al usuario de cateterismo urinario intermitente limpio.

Objetivo: Elaborar e validar em aparência e conteúdo um manual de telenfermagem para subsidiar o enfermeiro no atendimento ao cliente com bexiga neurogênica, usuário de cateterismo urinário intermitente limpo. Método: Estudo metodológico sobre a construção e validação de manual de telenfermagem. O manual foi validado em aparência e conteúdo por 11 enfermeiros peritos; para tanto, considerou-se válido cada aspecto do instrumento que atingiu o nível mínimo de concordância de 70% entre os peritos. Resultados: O manual obteve, para cada aspecto avaliado, os seguintes níveis de concordância - Linguagem: 97%; Conteúdo: 97,7%; e Objetivos, Funcionalidade, Usabilidade e Relevância: 100% cada. Conclusão: O manual encontra-se disponível para acesso e representa uma iniciativa importante para o campo da telenfermagem no Brasil, auxiliando o enfermeiro na realização do teleatendimento e atendimento ao usuário de cateterismo urinário intermitente limpo.

Humans , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/nursing , Telenursing/statistics & numerical data , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/nursing
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 25: e2906, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-961103


ABSTRACT Objectives: measure and compare the quality of life of neurogenic bladder patients using intermittent urinary catheterization who were going through rehabilitation in Brazil and Portugal. Method: multicenter, quantitative, cross-sectional, observational-analytic and correlational study executed in Brazil and Portugal. Two data collection tools were used, being one questionnaire with sociodemographic and clinical data and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref. Patients were included who were over 18 years of age, suffering from neurogenic urinary bladder and using intermittent urinary catheterization. Results: in the sample of Brazilian (n = 170) and Portuguese (n = 52) patients, respectively, most patients were single (87-51.2%; 25-48.1%), had finished primary education (47-45.3%; 31-59.6%) and were retired (70-41.2%; 21-40.4%). Spinal cord injury was the main cause of using the urinary catheter in both countries. The Brazilian patients presented higher mean quality of life scores in the psychological domain (68.9) and lower scores in the physical domain (58.9). The Portuguese patients presented higher scores in the psychological domain (68.4) and lower scores in the environment domain (59.4). The execution of intermittent urinary self-catheterization was significant for both countries. Conclusions: in the two countries, these patients' quality of life can be determined by the improvement in the urinary symptoms, independence, self-confidence, social relationships and access to work activities.

RESUMO Objetivos: mensurar e comparar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com bexiga neurogênica em uso do cateterismo urinário intermitente em processo de reabilitação, no Brasil e em Portugal. Método: estudo multicêntrico, Brasil e Portugal, quantitativo, transversal, observacional-analítico e correlacional. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta, um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e World Health Organization Quality Life-bref. Foram inclusos pacientes maiores de 18 anos, com bexiga urinária neurogênica, e usuários do cateterismo urinário intermitente. Resultados: na amostra de pacientes brasileiros (n = 170) e portugueses (n = 52), respectivamente, a maioria era solteira (87-51,2%; 25-48,1%), com ensino fundamental (47-45,3%; 31-59,6%), aposentada (70-41,2%; 21-40,4%). A lesão medular foi a principal causa do uso do cateter urinário nos dois países. Os pacientes brasileiros apresentaram média de escores mais elevados de qualidade de vida no domínio psicológico (68,9) e menos elevados no domínio físico (58,9). Os pacientes portugueses apresentaram escores mais elevados no domínio psicológico (68,4) e menos no domínio ambiente (59,4). A realização do autocateterismo urinário intermitente foi significativa para os dois países. Conclusões: nos dois países, a qualidade de vida desses pacientes pode ser determinada pela melhora dos sintomas urinários, da independência, autoconfiança, relações sociais e acesso a atividades laborais.

RESUMEN Objetivos: mensurar y comparar la calidad de vida de pacientes con vejiga neurogénica en uso de cateterismo vesical intermitente durante el proceso de rehabilitación en Brasil y en Portugal. Método: estudio multicéntrico, Brasil y Portugal, cuantitativo, trasversal, observacional-analítico y correlacional. Fueron utilizados dos instrumentos de recolecta, un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y clínicos y el World Health Organization Quality Life-bref. Fueron inclusos pacientes mayores de 18 años, con vejiga urinaria neurogénica, y usuarios de cateterismo vesical intermitente. Resultados: en la muestra de pacientes brasileños (n = 170) y portugueses (n = 52), respectivamente, la mayoría era soltera (87-51,2%; 25-48,1%), con educación fundamental (47-45,3%; 31-59,6%), jubilada (70-41,2%; 21-40,4%). La lesión medular fue la principal causa del uso del catéter urinario en los dos países. En promedio, los pacientes brasileños presentaron scores de calidad de vida superiores en el dominio psicológico (68,9) e inferiores en el dominio físico (58,9). Los pacientes portugueses presentaron scores superiores en el dominio psicológico (68,4) y inferiores en el dominio ambiente (59,4). La ejecución del autocateterismo vesical intermitente fue significativa para los dos países. Conclusiones: en los dos países, la calidad de vida de esos pacientes puede ser determinada por la mejora de los síntomas urinarios, de la independencia, autoconfianza, relaciones sociales y acceso a actividades laborales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/rehabilitation , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Portugal , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 24(4): e19990, jul./ago. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-947228


Objetivo: compreender os sentimentos vivenciados pelos familiares ao cuidar da criança com bexiga neurogênica dependente do cateterismo. Método: pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida em um ambulatório de pediatria de um hospital universitário, com 12 familiares. Para análise dos resultados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática. Resultados: emergiram três categorias analíticas: os medos no processo de cuidar da criança dependente do cateterismo; a negação da nova realidade; e a preocupação com a saúde futura da criança. Assim, a pesquisa aponta o quão complexo é o processo de cuidar dos familiares, pois não engloba apenas os aspectos técnicos, mas todo o envolvimento emocional dos mesmos diante da nova realidade de cuidar. Conclusão: é indispensável reconhecer e compreender os sentimentos dos familiares no processo de cuidar das crianças com bexiga neurogênica, aceitando suas fragilidades e dificuldades.

Objective: to understand the feelings experienced by family members caring for children with neurogenic bladder dependent on catheterization. Method: qualitative study of 12 family members at a university hospital pediatric clinic. Thematic content analysis was used. Results: three analytical categories emerged: fears in caring for children dependent on catheterization; denial of the new situation; and concern for the children's future health. The research thus shows how complex the process of caring for the family is, because it comprises not only technical aspects, but all their emotional involvement in the new care situation. conclusion: it is essential to recognize and understand the fears and difficulties of families caring for children with neurogenic bladder, and to accept their weaknesses and difficulties.

Objetivo: comprender los sentimientos experimentados por los miembros de la familia para cuidar del niño con vejiga neurogénica cateterismo dependientes. Método: investigación cualitativa realizada en una clínica pediátrica de un hospital universitario, con 12 miembros de la familia. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido en la modalidad temática. Resultados: surgieron tres categorías analíticas: temores en el cuidado de cateterismo hijo a cargo; la negación de la nueva realidad; y la preocupación por la salud futura del niño. Así, la investigación muestra lo complejo que es el proceso de cuidar a la familia, ya que no cubre sólo los aspectos técnicos, pero todos la implicación emocional de la misma en la nueva realidad de cuidar. Conclusión: es esencial reconocer y comprender los miedos y las dificultades de la familia en el cuidado de los niños con vejiga neurogénica, aceptar sus debilidades y dificultades.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/nursing , Child Care , Caregivers , Emotions , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/nursing , Pediatric Nursing , Brazil , Child Health , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Qualitative Research , Nursing Care
Cogit. Enferm. (Online) ; 20(4): 01-08, Out.-Dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1120


Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a satisfação de pessoas com lesão medular com a utilização de cateter convencional, hidrofílico e pré-lubrificado com bolsa na realização de cateterismo intermitente limpo. Pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, de corte transversal com 59 pessoas que tiveram lesão medular, atendidas em centros de reabilitação de três estados brasileiros no período de janeiro a abril de 2012. Foi utilizado o questionário de avaliação de percepção de atributos do cateter e o questionário adaptado de satisfação em experiência de consumo. O cateter convencional não foi estatisticamente superior em nenhum aspecto avaliado. O cateter hidrofílico foi considerado superior ao convencional para abertura da embalagem e deslizamento na inserção. O cateter pré-lubrificado com bolsa foi superior ao convencional em abertura da embalagem, introdução, deslizamento e retirada. A indicação do cateter ideal depende da avaliação individualizada com lesão medular, suas dificuldades, potencialidades e preferências (AU).

The objective in this study was to assess the use of the conventional catheter, hydrophilic catheter and pre-lubricated catheter with bag for clean intermittent catheterization. Exploratory-descriptive cross-sectional research involving 59 bone marrow injury patients attended at rehabilitation centers of three Brazilian states between January and April 2012. The questionnaire to assess the perceived catheter attributes and the adapted consumption experience satisfaction questionnaire were used. The conventional catheter was not statistically superior in any aspect assessed. The hydrophilic catheter was considered superior to the conventional for package opening and sliding during insertion. The pre-lubricated catheter with bag was superior to the conventional for package opening, introduction, sliding and removal. The indication of the ideal catheter depends on the individual assessment of the patients, their difficulties, potentials and preferences (AU).

Estudio cuya finalidad fue evaluar la satisfacción de personas con lesión medular con la utilización de catéter convencional, hidrofílico y prelubrificado con bolsa en la realización de cateterismo intermitente limpio. Investigación exploratoria descriptiva, transversal con 59 personas que tuvieron lesión medular, atendidas en centros de rehabilitación de tres estados brasileños en el periodo de enero a abril de 2012. Fue utilizado el cuestionario de evaluación de percepción de atributos de catéter y el cuestionario adaptado de satisfacción en experiencia de consumo. El catéter convencional no fue estadisticamente superior en ningun aspecto evaluado. El catéter hidrofílico fue considerado superior al convencional para abertura del embalaje y deslizamiento en la inserción. El catéter prelubrificado con bolsa fue superior al convencional en abertura del embalaje, introducción, deslizamiento y retirada. La indicación del catéter ideal depende de la evaluación individualizada con lesión medular, sus dificultades, potencialidades y preferencias (AU).

Humans , Paraplegia , Patient Satisfaction , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 23(2): 191-196, mar.-abr. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031384


A pesquisa buscou conhecer os cuidados realizados pelo familiar à criança portadora de bexiga neurogênica que necessita de cateterismo vesical intermitente limpo, no domicilio. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, realizado em ambulatório de pediatria de um hospital universitário, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta dos dados deu-se com 12 familiares através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, no período de janeiro a julho de 2014. Para o tratamento dos dados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo de Bardin, dando origem a três categorias analíticas: Organizando o ambiente e a criança para o cateterismo; Preparo das mãos para a realização do cateterismo; A realização da técnica pelo familiar. Conclui-se que o cateterismo é realizado conforme a técnica descrita em literatura, mas existem determinados familiares que realizam inadequadamente certos passos da técnica. Sugere-se a realização de protocolos de orientação aos familiares para uniformização de condutas e grupos de apoio aos mesmos.

This qualitative study to examine care provided by family members to children with neurogenic bladder needing clean intermittent catheterization at home was conducted at a pediatric outpatient department of a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro City. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews of 12 family members, between January and July 2014. Data were examined using Bardin content analysis, resulting in three categories: organizing the environment and the child for the catheterization; preparing hands to perform the catheterization; and the technique performed by the family member. It was concluded that catheterization is performed according to the technique described in the literature, but certain family members perform some steps of the technique inappropriately. We suggest producing guidance protocols for family members to standardize conduct, and holding support groups for them.

La investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la atención realizada por la familia al niño portador de vejiga neurogénica que necesita cateterismo vesical intermitente limpio en su residencia. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en una clínica pediátrica ambulatoria de un hospital universitario ubicado en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo con 12 familias a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, en el período de enero a julio de 2014. Para estudio de datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido de Bardin, dando lugar a tres categorías de análisis: La organización del ambiente y del niño al cateterismo; Preparación de las manos para la realización del cateterismo; La realización de la técnica por la familia. Se concluye que el cateterismo se realiza según la técnica descrita en la literatura, pero hay algunos miembros de la familia que realizan inadecuadamente algunos pasos de la técnica. Se sugiere la realización de protocolos de orientación a los familiares con vistas a uniformizar las conductas y grupos de apoyo a los mismos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/nursing , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/therapy , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/nursing , Child Care , Family , Child Health , Brazil , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Qualitative Research
J. bras. nefrol ; 36(4): 451-459, Oct-Dec/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-731144


Introdução: A disfunção do trato urinário inferior (DTUI) corresponde a alterações no enchimento ou esvaziamento de urina de causas neurogênicas, anatômicas e funcionais. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do tratamento em crianças e adolescentes com DTUI. Métodos: Coorte histórica de 15 anos de seguimento com participação de 192 pacientes (123F, 69M) com idade inicial de 0,1 a 16,8 anos, analisados à admissão (T0) e ao final do seguimento (T1). A maioria dos pacientes era do grupo neurológico (60,4%). O tratamento instituído foi a uroterapia com intervenção comportamental e cognitiva, micção de hora marcada, hidratação oral, dieta laxativa, biofeedback, eletroestimulação sacral, cateterismo vesical intermitente limpo (CIL), terapia anticolinérgica, enema retal, tratamento da infecção do trato urinário (ITU) e, nos casos refratários, procedimentos cirúrgicos, tais como a derivação urinária continente e incontinente (vesicostomia), ampliação vesical e conduto para a realização do enema anterógrado cólico. Resultados: Os principais sintomas foram incontinência urinária diurna (82,3%), enurese noturna não monossintomática (78,6%), incontinência fecal (54,2%) e constipação intestinal (47,9%). Detectou-se redução significativa da infecção do trato urinário (p = 0,0027), da incontinência urinária diurna (p < 0,001), da enurese noturna (p < 0,001), da incontinência fecal (p = 0,010) e do refluxo vesicoureteral (p = 0,01). Houve aumento significativo no uso do CIL (p = 0,021), da terapia com anticolinérgico (p < 0,001) e diminuição da quimioprofilaxia (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou que o tratamento da DTUI na criança ...

Introduction: The lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) corresponds to changes in the filling or emptying of urine caused by neurogenic, anatomical and functional alterations. Objective: To evaluate the impact of treatment in children and adolescents with LUTD. Methods: Historical cohort of 15 year follow-up with the participation of 192 patients (123F, 69M), aged 0.1 to 16.8 years, analyzed at admission (T0) and at final follow-up (T1). Most patients belong to a neurologic bladder dysfunction group (60.4%). The treatment was uroterapy with behavioral and cognitive intervention, timed voiding, oral hydration, laxative diet, biofeedback, sacral nerve stimulation, clean intermittent catheterization (CIC), anticholinergic therapy, rectal enema, treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI) and, in refractory cases, surgical procedures such as continent and incontinent urinary diversion (vesicostomy), bladder augmentation and conduit for performing antegrade colonic enema. Results: The main symptoms were daytime urinary incontinence (82.3%), the non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (78.6%), fecal incontinence (54.2%) and constipation (47.9%). There was a significant reduction of urinary tract infection (p = 0.0027), daytime urinary incontinence (p < 0.001), nocturnal enuresis (p < 0.001), fecal incontinence (p = 0.010) and of vesicoureteral reflux (p = 0.01). There was significant increase in the use of CIC (p = 0.021), of anticholinergic therapy (p < 0.001) and decrease of chemoprophylaxis (p < 0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that treatment of LUTD in children must be individualized, and requires constant monitoring of clinical, laboratory and imaging to minimize the risk of kidney damage. .

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Patient Care Team , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Appl Nurs Res ; 27(3): 170-4, 2014 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24559718


AIMS AND BACKGROUND: The rehabilitation process of patients with neurogenic bladder involves psychosocial, cultural, political and economic human factors, representing a challenge for patients/caregivers as well as health professionals. This study was aimed at characterizing patients with neurogenic bladder who use intermittent urethral catheterization and were going through rehabilitation at a teaching hospital. METHOD: This descriptive study was undertaken in the interior of São Paulo State-Brazil. All ethical guidelines were complied with. To collect the data, interviews were held during nursing consultations with patients more than 18years of age suffering from neurogenic bladder who used intermittent urethral catheterization. RESULTS: Most patients had spinal cord trauma, are single, male and gain a low income. They have been using catheterization for several years, at irregular frequencies, using polyethylene catheters. CONCLUSIONS: No standardization exists in the accomplishment of the practices used and strategies are needed to remodel the service.

Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/therapy , Urinary Catheterization , Brazil , Female , Humans , Male , Urethra , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/rehabilitation
Int. braz. j. urol ; 37(6): 766-772, Nov.-Dec. 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-612761


PURPOSE: To determine adherence rate and variables associate with patients' adherence to Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (CISC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients refereed to CISC training program between July 2006 and May 2008, were prospectively evaluated with urodynamic, 3 days bladder diary (BD) and WHOQoL-bref questionnaire. After training to perform CISC, patients were evaluated at 2 weeks, monthly for 6 months and at 12 months with clinical visits and BD. Patients were considered adherent if they were performing at least 80 percent of the initial recommendation. RESULTS: Sixty patients (50.4 ± 19.9 years old) were trained to perform CISC (21 female and 39 male). Out of them, 30 (50 percent) had neurogenic and 30 (50 percent) had a non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction. The adherence rate at 6 and 12 months was 61.7 percent, 58 percent, respectively. Patients < 40 years old had adherence rate of 86 percent. Women and neurogenic patients had higher adherence rate than their counterparts (p = 0.024 and p = 0.016, respectively). In the WHOQoL-bref, patients that adhere to the program had a significant higher score on psychological and social relationships domains. There was not difference in pre and post training WHOQoL-bref scores. Educational background, marriage status, detrusor leak point pressure, Bladder Capacity, number of leakage episodes did not play a role on the adherence rate. CONCLUSION: Patients in CISC program present a reasonable adherence after one year. Women, neurogenic voiding dysfunction and patients under 40 years old were significantly more adherents. The psychological and social relationship status seems to positively interfere on adherence. CISC did not affect patient's QoL evaluated by WHOQoL-bref.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Intermittent Urethral Catheterization/psychology , Patient Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Life/psychology , Self Care/psychology , Urinary Retention/therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Prospective Studies , Patient Compliance/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards