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Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;58(1): 6-6, mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556655


Resumen La gastritis autoinmune (GAI) es una afección inflamatoria progresiva de la mucosa oxíntica caracterizada por la destrucción de células parietales, pérdida de factor intrínseco, malabsorción de vitamina B12 (cobalamina), hierro y otros micronutrientes y puede progresar hacia un estado avanzado de anemia megaloblástica conocida como anemia perniciosa (AP). El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la deficiencia de vitamina B12 debida a malabsorción utilizando la detección de anticuerpos anti-células parietales gástricas (ACPG) y anti-factor intrínseco (AFI). Se analizaron 2050 sueros de pacientes con un inmunoanálisis quimioluminiscente para vitamina B12 total y 2,8% de éstos con las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta para ACPG y enzimoinmunoanálisis para AFI. La deficiencia de vitamina B12 (<200 ng/mL) fue del 13,1%. En la detección de anticuerpos se encontró: 2 doble positivos ACPG/AFI, 17 simple positivos ACPG y 4 simple positivos AFI. Todas las muestras ACPG y/o AFI positivas tuvieron valores de vitamina B12 total <200 ng/mL. En 5 pacientes con ACPG positivos se diagnosticó gastritis crónica confirmada por biopsia. En los 6 pacientes AFI positivos se realizó el diagnóstico de AP y en 2 de ellos se confirmó por histopatología. La positividad de ACPG y/o AFI permitió la clasificación de pacientes con sospecha de GAI en candidatos para la examinación histológica y la aplicación de esquemas terapéuticos adecuados. Se destaca la importancia de las pruebas de laboratorio como parte de una estrategia de diagnóstico temprano y vigilancia endoscópica, para evitar las manifestaciones relacionadas con la deficiencia de hierro y vitamina B12 y las complicaciones de la enfermedad avanzada.

Abstract Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) is a progressive inflammatory condition of the oxyntic mucosa, characterised by gastric parietal cell destruction, loss of intrinsic factor, and malabsorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin), iron and other micronutrients; conditioning progress to a state of megaloblastic anemia known as pernicious anemia (PA). The aim of this study was to determine vitamin B12 deficiency due to malabsorption utilizing anti-parietal cell (APCA) and anti-intrinsic factor (IFA) antibodies detection. 2050 patient serum samples were analised by chemiluminescent immunoassay for vitamin B12. A total of 2.8% of them were tested for APCA by indirect immunofluorescence and for IFA by enzyme immunoessay. Vitamin B12 deficiency (<200 ng/mL) was 13.1%. Regarding antibody detection: 2 APCA/IFA double positives, 17 APCA simple positives and 4 IFA simple positives were found. APCA and/or IFA positive samples had total vitamin B12 values <200 ng/mL. Chronic gastritis confirmed by biopsy was diagnosed in 5 patients with positive ACPG antibodies. All 6 IFA positive patients were diagnosed with PA, while 2 of them also received histopatologic confirmation. APCA and/or IFA confirmation allowed for the classification of patients with suspicion of AIG as possible candidates for histologic examination and application of appropriate therapeutic schemes. Importance of laboratory testing is to be noted; as part of a strategy that enables early diagnosis and adequate endoscopic surveillance, to avoid manifestations related to iron and vitamin B12 deficiency and the complications of advanced disease.

Resumo A gastrite autoimune (GAI) é uma doença inflamatória progressiva da mucosa oxíntica, caracterizada pela destruição das células parietais gástricas, perda do fator intrínseco, má absorção de vitamina B12 (cobalamina), ferro e outros micronutrientes pode progredir para um estado avançado de anemia megaloblástica conhecida como anemia perniciosa (AP). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a deficiência de vitamina B12 por má absorção usando a detecção de anticorpos anti-células parietais gástricas (ACPG) e anti-fator intrínseco (AFI). Foram analisados 2050 soros de pacientes com um imunoensaio quimioluminiscente para vitamina B12 total, 2,8% deles com testes de imunofluorescência indireta para ACPG e enzimaimunoensaio para AFI. A deficiência de vitamina B12 (<200 ng/mL) foi de 13,1%. Na detecção de anticorpos foram encontrados: 2 duplo positivos ACPG/AFI, 17 simples positivos ACPG e 4 simples positivos AFI. Todas as amostras ACPG e/ou AFI positivas apresentaram valores de vitamina B12 total <200 ng/mL. Gastrite crônica confirmada por biópsia foi diagnosticada em 5 pacientes positivos para ACPG. Nos 6 pacientes AFI positivos o diagnóstico de AP foi feito e em 2 deles foi confirmado por histopatologia. A positividade para ACPG e/ou AFI permitiu a classificação de pacientes com suspeita de GAI em candidatos para exame histológico e a aplicação de esquemas terapêuticos adequados. Destaca-se a importancia dos testes laboratoriais, como parte de uma estratégia de diagnóstico precoce e vigilância endoscópica, para evitar manifestações relacionadas à deficiência de ferro e vitamina B12 e complicações da doença avançada.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535415


Introducción: El riesgo de caídas es de carácter multifactorial, ya sea debido a factores extrínsecos o intrínsecos. Las caídas se consideran el principal mecanismo de lesión no intencional en los mayores. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de caídas y factores de riesgo intrínsecos en personas adultas mayores de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo correlacional, realizado en 98 adultos mayores, tanto institucionalizados como en comunidad, residentes en Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta sobre factores de riesgo intrínsecos; el riesgo de caída se midió con la escala de Berg y se establecieron niveles de Vitamina D en sangre. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 75 años, con edades más avanzadas en población institucionalizada. La prevalencia general de caídas fue de 49 % en el último año. El 68,8 % de la población que presentó caídas fueron mujeres, con mayor proporción de caídas en los residentes en hogares geriátricos (52,1 %). Las mujeres provenientes de la comunidad se cayeron más que los hombres (91,3 %) lo cual muestra significancia estadística frente a las caídas (p = 0,002). El consumo de antihipertensivos fue el de mayor proporción (92 %), lo cual demuestra que es estadísticamente significativa para la población institucionalizada (p = 0,0224). El riesgo de caída alto y moderado fue mayor en la población institucionalizada (32 %). El 79,2 % de los individuos que presentaron caídas presentó niveles de vitamina D insuficientes. Conclusión: La población adulta mayor presenta una alta prevalencia de caídas, especialmente las mujeres y la población institucionalizada en centros geriátricos. Los hechos que presentaron significancia estadística fueron ser mujer y provenir de la comunidad, junto con el consumo de antihipertensivos en población institucionalizada.

Introduction: Fall risk can be related to multiple factors, whether they are of extrinsic or intrinsic nature. Falls are considered the main mechanism of accidental injury in the elderly. Objective: To determine the prevalence of falls and intrinsic risk factors in older adults in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). Materials and methods: A descriptive correlation study was carried out on 98 institutionalized and community elderly adults from Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia. A survey on intrinsic risk factors was applied; the risk of falling was measured with the Berg scale and levels of Vitamin D in the blood were established. Results: The participant's average age was 75 years old, considering that the oldest ages were in the institutionalized population. The general prevalence of falls was 49% in the last year, 68.8% of the population that presented falls were women, and the highest proportion of falls occurred with residents of geriatric homes (52,1%). Women coming from the community fell more than men (91,3%) showing statistical significance compared to falls (p-value of 0,002). The consumption of antihypertensive drugs was the one with the highest proportion (92%), which showed statistical significance for the institutionalized population (p-value of 0,0224). The high and moderate risk of falls was higher in the institutionalized population (32%). Insufficient vitamin D levels (79,2% of those that fell) had a higher prevalence in women, without statistical significance. Conclusion: The elderly population has a high prevalence of falls, especially in women and in the population institutionalized in geriatric centers. The facts that presented statistical significance were being a woman and coming from the community, along with the consumption of antihypertensives in the institutionalized population.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533494


Introducción: La degeneración combinada subaguda (DCS) es un trastorno caracterizado por la degeneración difusa de la sustancia blanca a nivel del SNC, que afecta específicamente los cordones posteriores y laterales de la médula espinal, con pérdida de la mielinización periférica y central. De manera frecuente, las manifestaciones clínicas son parestesias y debilidad generalizada causada por deficiencia de vitamina B12. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 79 años, con cuadro clínico de 3 meses de evolución de limitación funcional para la marcha acompañado de desorientación. Al examen físico evidenció desorientación, cuadriparesia e hiporreflexia, con niveles séricos bajos de vitamina B12, RM cervical con focos hiperintensos en el segmento C3/C6 y endoscopia de vías digestivas altas con atrofia de la mucosa gástrica. Presentamos un caso clínico de DCS. Discusión: Este es un caso de DCS que se manifiesta por medio de una alteración neuropsiquiátrica, con una presentación inicial inespecífica que comprende deterioro de la marcha, movimientos anormales con afectación cognitiva y psiquiátrica dada por alucinaciones visuales y desorientación. Su sospecha es importante en pacientes con factores de riesgo por medio del conocimiento de la patología, para una adecuada sospecha diagnóstica y una instauración oportuna de reposición vitamínica, la cual presenta una excelente respuesta. Conclusión: La DCS es un trastorno en el que se evidencia anemia con deficiencia de vitamina B12, des-mielinización del tejido nervioso y en muchos casos signos sugestivos de atrofia gástrica, y para ello es crucial la detección temprana de esta enfermedad por medio de la determinación de niveles séricos de vitamina B12, asociado a síntomas neurológicos, para así lograr su adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento.

Introduction: Subacute combined degeneration (DCS) is a disorder characterized by diffuse degeneration of white matter at the CNS level, specifically affecting the posterior and lateral cords of the spinal cord, also with loss of peripheral and central myelination, frequently the clinical manifestations are paresthesias and generalized weakness caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Case presentation: A 79-year-old male patient with a 3-month history of functional limitation for walking accompanied by disorientation. On physical examination, he revealed disorientation, quadriparesis, and hyporeflexia, with low serum levels of vitamin B12, cervical MRI with hyperintense foci in segment C3/C6, and upper digestive tract endoscopy with atrophy of the gastric mucosa. We present a clinical case of DCS. Discussion: This is a case of DCS that manifests itself through neuropsychiatric alteration with a nonspecific initial presentation with gait impairment, abnormal movements with cognitive and psychiatric affectation given by visual hallucinations and disorientation. Its suspicion is important in patients with risk factors. risk through knowledge of the pathology for an adequate diagnostic suspicion and a timely establishment of vitamin replacement for which it presents an excellent response. Conclusion: DCS is a disorder where anemia with vitamin B12 deficiency, demyelination of the nervous tissue and in many cases signs suggestive of gastric atrophy are evident, for which early detection of this disease is crucial through the determination of serum levels of vitamin B12 associated with neurological symptoms, in order to achieve its proper diagnosis and treatment.

Vitamin B 12 Deficiency , Anemia , Methylmalonic Acid , Muscle Weakness , Subacute Combined Degeneration , Intrinsic Factor
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;54(10): e11355, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285647


The etiology of subacute combined degeneration (SCD) of the spinal cord is closely associated with vitamin B12 (VitB12) deficiency. The clinical manifestations of SCD are complex and vary substantially. Due to some SCD patients with atypical manifestations and concomitant autoimmune disorders, the probability of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis is still relatively high in the early stage. We report the cases of two patients who were missed or misdiagnosed at another hospital because of the normal initial VitB12 level and partial overlap of clinical manifestations, finally diagnosed as SCD with atypical manifestations and concomitant autoimmune disorders, pharyngeal-cervical-brachial Guillain-Barre syndrome in Case 1 and SCD with autoimmune thyroiditis in Case 2. After undergoing corresponding treatment, death was reported in Case 1 and improvement in Case 2. Analysis of the clinical manifestations and investigation of the underlying pathogenesis in such patients could help improve the rate of early diagnosis and allow timely treatment of SCD, thereby preventing disease progression and poor clinical outcomes.

Humans , Autoimmune Diseases/complications , Autoimmune Diseases/diagnosis , Subacute Combined Degeneration/complications , Subacute Combined Degeneration/diagnosis , Subacute Combined Degeneration/pathology , Spinal Cord , Vitamin B 12 , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. j. infect. dis;17(6): 629-632, Nov.-Dec. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-696961


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the association of Helicobacter pylori infection with anti-parietal cell antibodies (APCA) and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies (AIFA) and their impact on vitamin B12 serum level. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred patients (M/F: 43/57; age 46.5 ± 17.5 years) who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at King Abdullah University Hospital, Irbid, Jordan were enrolled in the study. The patients were grouped as H. pylori-infected (n = 81) or H. pylori negative (n = 19) by histopathological examination. Fasting serum vitamin B12 levels, antiparietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies for patients and controls were determined. RESULTS: Anti-parietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies were positive in 9.9% and 18.5% of H. pylori-positive patients respectively. None of the H. pylori negative subjects had anti-parietal cell antibodies or anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. Serum vitamin B12 level was lower in the H. pylori-infected patients (275 ± 70.4 pg/mL) than in controls (322.9 ± 60.7 pg/mL; p 0.05). H. pylori was positive in 94% of the low-vitamin B12 group compared with 64.6% of the normal-vitamin B12 group (p 0.5). CONCLUSION: Patients with H. pylori infection are more likely to have anti-parietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. There was an association between H. pylori infection and lower vitamin B12 levels. H. pylori infection might be a significant factor in the pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Autoantibodies/blood , Gastritis, Atrophic/immunology , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/immunology , Intrinsic Factor/immunology , Parietal Cells, Gastric/immunology , /blood , Case-Control Studies , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect , Gastritis, Atrophic/blood , Gastritis, Atrophic/parasitology , Helicobacter Infections/blood , Helicobacter Infections/pathology
Braz J Infect Dis ; 17(6): 629-32, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23746879


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the association of Helicobacter pylori infection with anti-parietal cell antibodies (APCA) and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies (AIFA) and their impact on vitamin B12 serum level. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred patients (M/F: 43/57; age 46.5±17.5 years) who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at King Abdullah University Hospital, Irbid, Jordan were enrolled in the study. The patients were grouped as H. pylori-infected (n=81) or H. pylori negative (n=19) by histopathological examination. Fasting serum vitamin B12 levels, anti-parietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies for patients and controls were determined. RESULTS: Anti-parietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies were positive in 9.9% and 18.5% of H. pylori-positive patients respectively. None of the H. pylori negative subjects had anti-parietal cell antibodies or anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. Serum vitamin B12 level was lower in the H. pylori-infected patients (275±70.4pg/mL) than in controls (322.9±60.7pg/mL; p<0.05). H. pylori was positive in 94% of the low-vitamin B12 group compared with 64.6% of the normal-vitamin B12 group (p<0.5). CONCLUSION: Patients with H. pylori infection are more likely to have anti-parietal cell antibodies and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. There was an association between H. pylori infection and lower vitamin B12 levels. H. pylori infection might be a significant factor in the pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis.

Autoantibodies/blood , Gastritis, Atrophic/immunology , Helicobacter Infections/immunology , Helicobacter pylori , Intrinsic Factor/immunology , Parietal Cells, Gastric/immunology , Vitamin B 12/blood , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Case-Control Studies , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Female , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect , Gastritis, Atrophic/blood , Gastritis, Atrophic/parasitology , Helicobacter Infections/blood , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult