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Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 95-112, Jan.-June 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419872


Resumen La resiliencia es una característica individual que posibilita el reajuste biopsicosocial y espiritual que ayuda al bienestar psicológico y al desenvolvimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la invarianza de medición según el sexo, de dos versiones breves de la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson (CD-RISC) y determinar si existen diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Se evaluó con la CD-RISC-10, que incluye la CD-RISC-7, a una muestra de 491 universitarios arequipeños (312 mujeres; 179 hombres) con edad promedio de 20.56 años (DE = 3.18), de una institución privada. Inicialmente se realizó un análisis factorial multigrupo con cada versión para valorar el grado de invarianza de medición alcanzado, y luego de ello se compararon las medias latentes de resiliencia entre hombres y mujeres. En cuanto a los resultados, la CD-RISC-7 presentó indicadores estructurales más favorables (e.g., λ > .50; en mujeres: CFI = .981, RMSEA = .087, WRMR = 0.683; en hombres: CFI = .966, RMSEA = .124, WRMR = 0.783), que la CD-RISC-10 (e.g., λ < .50, índices de ajuste en mujeres: CFI = .974, RMSEA = .073, WRMR = 0.774; en hombres: CFI = .960, RMSEA = .095, WRMR = 0.803) incluyendo la invarianza de medición (invarianza estricta: ΔCFI = .003; ARMSEA = .001), y al comparar las medias latentes fueron halladas diferencias significativas a favor de los hombres (d = .471). Finalmente, se discuten las implicancias teóricas y metodológicas de los hallazgos, así como la necesidad de ampliar los estudios considerando otros aspectos relevantes para una mejor comprensión del constructo resiliencia.

Abstract Resilience is an individual trait that enables biopsychosocial and spiritual readjustment, helping the psychological well-being and academic performance of university students. The objective of this research was to analyze the measurement invariance by sex of two short versions of the Connor - Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and to determine if there are differences between men and women. A sample of 491 Arequipa university students (63.5% women), with an average age of 20.56 years-old (SD = 3.18), from a private institution in Arequipa-Peru was evaluated with the CD-RISC-10, which includes the CD-RISC-7. First, a multi-group factor analysis was carried out with each version to assess the degree of measurement invariance achieved, and then the latent means of resilience between men and women were compared. Regarding the results, the cD-Risc-7 presented more favorable structural indicators (e.g., λ > .50; in women: CFI= .981, RMSEA= .087, WRMR = 0.683; in men: CFI= .966, RMSEA= .124, WRMR= 0.783), than THE CD-RISC-10 (e.g., λ < .50, fit indices in women: CFI = .974, RMSEA = .073, WRMR = 0.774; in men: CFI = .960, RMSEA = .095, WRMR = 0.803), including measurement invariance (strict invariance: ΔCFI= .003; ARMSEA = .001), and when comparing latent means, significant differences in favor of men were found (d = .471). Finally, the theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed, as well as the need to extend the studies considering other relevant aspects for a better understanding of the resilience construct.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 7-25, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360477


Resumen El Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), medida de engagement laboral, ha tenido controversias respecto a la interpretación de su dimensionalidad, es decir, si sus puntajes pueden ser unidimensionales, multidimensionales o de dos niveles (unidimensional y multidimensional). El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo examinar la estructura interna (dimensionalidad, invarianza de medición y confiabilidad) del UWES (dos versiones: larga y breve) en una muestra de 636 trabajadores peruanos. Se aplicó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales para la evaluación de tres modelos de dimensionalidad: un solo factor (unidimensionalidad), tres factores relacionados (multidimensionalidad) y bifactor (dos niveles de interpretación: factor general y factores específicos). Los resultados indican que, luego de aplicar el modelamiento bifactor, la varianza común obtenida de un factor general es más fuerte que la interpretación de tres dimensiones. Este resultado se repitió en ambas versiones del UWES (larga y breve). La invarianza de medición fue satisfactoria en el nivel configuracional, métrica y escalar (en ambas versiones). Con respecto a la consistencia interna, se obtuvieron coeficientes satisfactorios (mayores a .70). Se concluye que el modelo de tres dimensiones del UWES para obtener los puntajes debe ser reemplazado por un modelo unidimensional, representado con un puntaje total. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Abstract The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), a measure of work engagement, has had controversies regarding the interpretation of its dimensionality, that is, whether its scores can be one-dimensional, multidimensional or two-level (one-dimensional and multidimensional). The dimensionality of the UWES has been questioned mainly due to the high covariation between its components, an aspect consistently verified in the observed scores and latent variables (De Bruin y Henn 2013), even by the same authors (Schaufeli et al., 2006). This has two implications, one operational and one conceptual. In the operational context, the calculation of scores is also influenced by the statistical differentiation of the factors found in the factor analyzes. This means that if one or more factors are retained and justified, this also determines the same number of observed scores that can be calculated and interpreted. On the other hand, the conceptual implication is that the comprehensive framework of a three-dimensional psychological phenomenon differs from the one-dimensional. For example, the differentiation between dimensions generates the possibility of different trends between dimensions (e. g., one of three is high and the other low) and in this case, the concept of engagement becomes very generic and ambiguous to name and understand the different possibilities. Specific combination of its dimensions or jeopardizes its content validity, implying the need for other more specific concepts, which although related to engagement, can be independent. The objective of the present study was to examine the internal structure (dimensionality, measurement invariance and reliability) of the UWES (two versions: long and short) in a sample of 636 Peruvian workers. Structural equation modeling was applied to evaluate three dimensionality models: a single factor (one-dimensionality), three related factors (multidimensionality) and bifactor (two levels of interpretation: general factor and specific factors). The results indicate that, after applying bifactor modeling, the common variance obtained from a general factor is stronger than the three-dimensional interpretation. This result was repeated in both versions of the UWES (long and short). The measurement invariance was satisfactory at the configurational, metric and scalar levels (in both versions). Regarding internal consistency, satisfactory coefficients (greater than .70) were obtained. Three issues emerge from this study that modify the original theoretical interpretation of the UWES (which consists of using three related factors). The first is the existence of a general factor underlying the items, and which is statistically substantial as a source of variance of the items, independent of specific factors. In this general factor, the items generally contribute to their variance, except for two items whose discriminative capacity is moderately low (11 and 13, both of the specific factor Absorption). The main element of this general factor is the Dedication factor, whose items completely represented this general factor. Second, the differentiation of two specific factors corresponding to Vigor and Absorption does not appear to be psychometrically sufficient to describe nested constructs within the engagement construct, and therefore its independent interpretation of the general factor could be questioned. However, a contrary argument is that both factors show different amount of specific variance, although low compared to the general factor; for example, Absorption shows more divergent validity compared to Vigor, while the latter contains more common variance (general factor). Third, Dedication was completely absorbed by the general factor, and is only relevant insofar as its items are completely related to the general factor. Therefore, this component lost statistical autonomy and, consequently, very poor conceptual differentiation. It is concluded that the UWES - three-dimensional model to obtain the scores must be replaced by a one-dimensional model, represented with a total score. Implications are future research are discussed.

Liberabit ; 26(1): e379, 30/06/2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287115


Resumen Antecedentes: Los estresores cotidianos son eventos de bajo impacto emocional pero con alta probabilidad de ocurrencia, y en la adolescencia pueden provenir de la escuela, amigos y la familia; por ello es necesario contar con instrumentos para su evaluación. Objetivo: Identificar las evidencias de validez de la estructura interna e invarianza de medición del Children's Hassles Scale en adolescentes de Lima, Perú. Método: La muestra estuvo conformada por 524 adolescentes entre los 14 y 18 años. La estructura interna se evaluó mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio y la invarianza de medición mediante un procedimiento en que se agregan restricciones progresivamente, finalmente, la confiabilidad se obtuvo con el coeficiente omega. Resultados: La estructura factorial original no se replica en la muestra peruana, por el contrario, una estructura parsimoniosa de dos factores oblicuos orientados a factores estresantes en el colegio y la familia es la que presenta indicadores robustos e invarianza de medición entre varones y mujeres. Conclusión: Se puede utilizar el instrumento para fines de investigación en el contexto peruano, el cual carece de instrumentos para la medición de estresores cotidianos en adolescentes.

Abstract Background: Daily stressors are events of low emotional impact but with high probability of occurrence, which in adolescence can come from school, friends and family. Therefore, it is necessary to have instruments for their evaluation. Aim: To determine the validity of the internal structure and measurement invariance of the Children's Hassles Scale in adolescents from Lima, Peru. Method: The sample consisted of 524 adolescents between 14 and 18 years old. The internal structure was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis, and the measurement invariance was assessed using a procedure in which restrictions were added progressively. Finally, reliability was obtained through coefficient omega. Results: The original factor structure is not replicated in the Peruvian sample. On the contrary, a parsimonious structure of two oblique factors oriented to stressors in school and family presents robust indicators and measurement invariance among males and females. Conclusion: The instrument can be used for research purposes in the Peruvian setting, which lacks instruments for measuring daily stressors in adolescents.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;52: 33-41, June 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1139237


Abstract Although the Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) has been used to establish comparisons among nations/cultures, the measurement invariance of this scale has not always been demonstrated. The forced acculturative experience of indigenous minorities and its differentiation of gender roles could impact how people respond to this scale. The purpose of this study was to examine the measurement invariance of the SWLS when it is applied to a Chilean indigenous group, considering gender and their most frequent acculturative types (i.e., acculturated and bicultural). Eight hundred adults of Mapuche origin answered a Spanish version of the SWLS and the Mapuche Acculturation Scale. The results supported the SWLS strict invariance between acculturated and bicultural and also between acculturated men and women. Partial strict invariance was found between bicultural men and women; specifically, the residual variance of Item 3 was higher in women than in men. Since Spanish is a gendered language, a linguistic explanation is proposed for the non-invariance of this item. The importance of careful wording of the items, when administered in multilanguage acculturation contexts, is discussed.

Resumen Aunque la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) se ha usado para comparar personas de distintas naciones/culturas, no siempre su invarianza de medición ha sido demostrada. La aculturación forzada de las minorías indígenas y sus particulares roles de género podrían afectar las respuestas de esas personas a esta escala. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo examinar la invarianza de la SWLS en un grupo indígena chileno, considerando el género y los tipos aculturativos más frecuentes (i.e., aculturados y biculturales). Ochocientos adultos mapuches respondieron, en castellano, la SWLS y la Escala de Aculturación Mapuche. Se encontró apoyo para invarianza estricta entre aculturados y biculturales y, además, entre hombres y mujeres aculturados. Se encontró invarianza estricta parcial entre hombres y mujeres biculturales; específicamente, la varianza residual del ítem 3 fue mayor en mujeres que en hombres. Siendo el castellano un idioma con distinción de géneros, se propuso una explicación lingüística para la falta de invarianza de ese ítem. Se discute la importancia de redactar cuidadosamente los ítems cuando son administrados en contextos aculturativos multilingües.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personal Satisfaction , Chile , Indigenous Peoples , Gender Identity , Acculturation
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(2): 15-32, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042838


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la invarianza de medición y la invarianza estructural de una medida de empatía, para niños y adolescentes peruanos. Los participantes fueron 417, provenientes de Lima Metropolitana. Se aplicó la Escala Básica de Empatía Breve (BES-B) de manera estandarizada. El análisis consistió en aplicar el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales para evaluar la invarianza de medición y las medias latentes en los constructos de empatía afectiva y cognitiva. Los resultados muestran que la invarianza de medición se mantiene satisfactoriamente de acuerdo al género y la edad; las diferencias en las medias latentes muestran ser entre fuertes o moderadas respecto a la edad y el sexo. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Abstract The objective of this study was to examine the measurement and structural invariance of an empathy scale in Peruvian children and adolescents. 417 participants from Metropolitan Lima took part in the study. The Brief Basic Empathy Scale (BES-B) was applied in a standardized manner. Structural equations modeling was applied in the analysis in order to assess measurement invariance and latent means in affective and cognitive empathy. Results show that measurement invariance is maintained according to sex and age; the differences in the latent means are either strong or moderate with respect to age and sex. The article discusses the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a invariância de medição e a invariância estrutural de uma medida de empatia para crianças e adolescentes peruanos. A amostra esteve conformada por 417 participantes, provenientes de Lima Metropolitana. Foi aplicada a Escala Básica de Empatia Breve (BES-B) de maneira padronizada. A análise consistiu em aplicar o modelamento de equações estruturais para avaliar a invariância de medição e as médias latentes nos construtos de empatia afetiva e cognitiva. Os resultados mostram que a invariância de medição se mantém satisfatoriamente de acordo com o gênero e com a idade; as diferenças nas médias latentes mostram ser entre fortes ou moderadas a respeito da idade e do sexo. Finalmente, são discutidas as implicações teóricas e práticas.

Aval. psicol ; 18(3): 328-332, jul.-set. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055234


Este trabajo presenta un programa en MS Excel® para evaluar la magnitud del efecto (ES, por las siglas en inglés) en invarianza de medición de diferentes parámetros como las cargas factoriales, interceptos/thresholds y residuales, con base en estadísticos estandarizados ya conocidos. El funcionamiento del programa y la interpretación de las medidas de ES se ejemplificaron con datos empíricos.

This paper presents a MS Excel® program for estimating effect size (ES) in the measurement invariance of different item parameters, such as the factor loadings, intercepts/thresholds and residuals, based in well-known standardized statistics. Examples with real data are provided for the functioning of the program and the interpretation of the ES measures.

Este artigo apresenta um programa no MS Excel® para avaliar o tamanho do efeito (ES, pela sigla em inglês) na invariância de medida de diferentes parâmetros dos itens, como cargas fatoriais, interceptos/thresholds e resíduos, com base em estatísticas padronizadas bem conhecidas. O funcionamento do programa e interpretação das medidas de ES é exemplificado com dados empíricos.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;57(2): 83-90, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042677


Resumen Introducción: La Launay-Slade Hallucinations Scale (LSHS) es una de las pruebas más utilizadas en el estudio de las alucinaciones. Su estructura factorial ha sido descrita en diversas culturas, tanto en población general como población clínica. No obstante, pocos estudios han aportado evidencia de la equivalencia factorial con relación al sexo de los evaluados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un análisis de invarianza de medición y estructural de la LSHS-R en una muestra incidental de hombres y mujeres de población general colombiana. Método: Estudio instrumental en el cual participaron 350 habitantes de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia), en su mayoría mujeres (64,3%), de edad promedio 28,62 años. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos de los ítems antes de realizar el análisis de invarianza de medición e invarianza estructural entre las muestras de hombres y mujeres. Resultados: El modelo de dos dimensiones reportado previamente en población colombiana presentaba los mejores índices de ajuste empírico para hombres y mujeres. Posteriormente, fue obtenida evidencia de invarianza configuracional, métrica y fuerte (invarianza de medición), además de igualdad de covarianzas y medias latentes (invarianza estructural) entre hombres y mujeres. Por otro lado, la LSHS-R presenta índices de confiabilidad aceptables. Conclusiones: La estructura de dos dimensiones de la LSHS-R así como la relación entre factores son estadísticamente equivalentes entre hombres y mujeres.

Introduction: The Launay-Slade Hallucinations Scale (LSHS) is one of the most used tests in the hallucinations study. Its factorial structure has been described in different cultures, in the general and the clinical population. However, few studies have provided evidence of factorial equivalence regarding the sex. The aim of this investigation was to perform a measurement and structural invariance analysis of LSHS-R in an incidental sample of men and women of Colombian general population. Method: This instrumental study involving 350 inhabitants of the city of Medellín (Colombia), mostly women (64.3%), with an average age of 28.62 years. Descriptive analyzes of the items were performed before performing the analysis of invariance of measurement and structural invariance between the samples of men and women. Results: The previously reported two-dimensional model in the Colombian population, presented the best empirical adjustment indexes for men and women. Later, was obtained evidence of configurational, metric and strong invariance (measurement invariance), as well as equality of covariances and latent means (structural invariance), between men and women. On the other hand, the LSHS-R has acceptable reliability indexes. Conclusions: The two-dimensional structure of LSHS-R as well as the relationship between factors are statistically equivalent between men and women.

Humans , Male , Female , Population , Culture , Hallucinations , Methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 5(3): 2194-2203, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949413


Abstract: Rosenberg's self-esteem scale has been extensively used in all areas of psychology to assess global self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965, 1979). Its construct validity, and specifically its factor structure, has almost from the beginning been under debate. More than four decades after its creation the cumulated evidence points that the scale measures a single trait (self-esteem) but confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine the measurement invariance of the RSES by gender and test potential gender differences at the latent (trait and method) variable level, while controlling for method effects, in a sample of Spanish students. A series of completely a priori structural models were specified, with a standard invariance routine implemented for male and female samples. The results lead to several conclusions. Conclusions: a) the scale seem gender invariant for both trait and method factors; b) there were small but significant differences between males and females in self-esteem, differences that favored male respondents; and c) there were statistically non-significant differences between men and women in the method factor's latent means.

Resumen: La Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) ha sido utilizada extensamente en todas las áreas de la Psicología para evaluar la autoestima (Rosenberg, 1965, 1979). Su validez de constructo, y particularmente su estructura factorial, ha estado en debate casi desde que fue construida. Más de cuatro décadas después de su creación, la evidencia acumulada señala que la escala evalúa un solo rasgo (autoestima), aunque se confunde con un método factorial asociado de manera negative con reactivos verbales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la estabilidad de la medición de la EAR entre sexos y poner a prueba potenciales diferencias entre los mismos en un nivel latente de la variable (rasgo y estado), controlando efectos de método, en una muestra de estudiantes españoles. Se especificaron una serie de modelos estructurales a priori, con rutinas implementadas de invarianza estándar para muestras de hombres y mujeres. Los resultados llevan a diferentes conclusiones: a) La escala parece ser invariable ante el sexo tanto para factores de rasgo como de estado; b) existieron diferencias pequeñas, pero significativas, entre hombres y mujeres en autoestima, favoreciendo ligeramente a los hombres; y, c) no existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres en las medias de la variable latente del factor.