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Biology (Basel) ; 12(9)2023 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37759576


(1) Background: It is our purpose to identify the differences in the changes in Complement C5a receptor 1 (C5aR1) levels showing the degree of inflammation at onset and Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels showing the extent of survival of the virus fragments after recovery between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and pneumonia coronavirus disease (non-COVID-19) for saving patients' lives. (2) Methods: First, the studies showing these markers' levels in individual patients before and after the passage of time were selected from the PubMed Central® databases with the keywords (((COVID-19) AND individual) NOT review) AND C5a/IgG. Then, no changes in these markers' levels with conventional analyses were selected from the studies. Finally, the no changes were reexamined with our new two-tailed t-test using the values on the regression line between initial levels and changed levels instead of the mean or median of changed levels as the expected values of changed levels. (3) Results: Not conventional analyses but our new t-test suggested a greater increase in C5aR1-levels at onset and a smaller decrease in IgG-levels after recovery in COVID-19 patients than non-COVID-19 patients. (4) Conclusion: Our new t-test also should be used in clinics for COVID-19 patients.

Nat. hum ; 14(1): 116-133, 2012.
Article in German | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-53906


Ãhnlich wie Heideggers Denken für die deutsche und europãische Philosophie, so erwies sich auch Nishidas Denken für die japanisch-ostasiatische Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert als wegweisend. Anhand beider philosophischer Ansãtze mõchte ich eine Begegnung bzwe. ein Zwiegesprãch zwischen "Denkerfahrung" und "Erfahrungsdenken" vorschlagen, worin einerseits Entsprechungen, andererseits auch Unterschiede zwischen westlicher und ostasiatischer Philosophie zum Vorschein kommen. Hierzu werde ich im ersten Abschnitt die jeweilige "Erfahrungsgrundierung des Denkens" von beiden zum Thema machen, wobei sich dies auf deren frühe Ansãtze bezieht. Mit dem "Ereignisdenken" Heideggers und Nishidas "Ortlogik" mõchte ich sodann im zweiten Abschnitt das Spezifische der "Kehre" bei Heidegger sowie das Besondere der "Wende" bei Nishida etwas nãher herausarbeiten, um daran auch den überaus produktiven Einfluss beider für den west-õstlichen Dialog aufzuzeigen.(AU)

Nishida is as much a reference for the Japanese-oriental philosophy of the twentieth century as Heidegger is a reference for the German-European philosophy. Based on these two philosophical perspectives, we suggest an encounter or a dialogue between the "experience of thinking" and "thinking about experience" to highlight, on one hand, the similarities and, on the other hand, the differences between Western and Eastern philosophy. We therefore first address the "basis of the experience of thinking" in both authors. Later, we take a deeper look at Heidegger's "thinking the event" and Nishida's "logic of the place" which are respectively called the "turn" and the "change" and then show the productive influence of both authors on the dialogue between Western and Eastern thought.(AU)

Nishida é uma referência para a filosofia japonesa-oriental do século XX, assim como Heidegger para a filosofia alemã-europeia. Tomando como base essas duas perspectivas filosóficas, gostaria de propor um encontro, ou seja, um diálogo entre "experiência do pensar” e "pensar da experiência”, no qual veem à tona, por um lado, proximidades e, por outros, diferenças entre a filosofia ocidental e oriental. Para isso pretendo tratar, em primeiro momento, da "fundamentação da experiência do pensamento” nos dois autores. Posteriormente, proponho-me a analisar com mais proximidade o "pensar do acontecimento” de Heidegger e a "lógica do lugar” de Nishida que, respectivamente, são denominados de a "virada” e a "mudança”, e daí mostrar a produtiva influência dos dois para o diálogo entre o pensamento ocidental e oriental.(AU)

Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 14(1): 116-133, 2012.
Article in German | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-692815


Ähnlich wie Heideggers Denken für die deutsche und europäische Philosophie, so erwies sich auch Nishidas Denken für die japanisch-ostasiatische Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert als wegweisend. Anhand beider philosophischer Ansätze möchte ich eine Begegnung bzwe. ein Zwiegespräch zwischen "Denkerfahrung" und "Erfahrungsdenken" vorschlagen, worin einerseits Entsprechungen, andererseits auch Unterschiede zwischen westlicher und ostasiatischer Philosophie zum Vorschein kommen. Hierzu werde ich im ersten Abschnitt die jeweilige "Erfahrungsgrundierung des Denkens" von beiden zum Thema machen, wobei sich dies auf deren frühe Ansätze bezieht. Mit dem "Ereignisdenken" Heideggers und Nishidas "Ortlogik" möchte ich sodann im zweiten Abschnitt das Spezifische der "Kehre" bei Heidegger sowie das Besondere der "Wende" bei Nishida etwas näher herausarbeiten, um daran auch den überaus produktiven Einfluss beider für den west-östlichen Dialog aufzuzeigen.

Nishida is as much a reference for the Japanese-oriental philosophy of the twentieth century as Heidegger is a reference for the German-European philosophy. Based on these two philosophical perspectives, we suggest an encounter or a dialogue between the "experience of thinking" and "thinking about experience" to highlight, on one hand, the similarities and, on the other hand, the differences between Western and Eastern philosophy. We therefore first address the "basis of the experience of thinking" in both authors. Later, we take a deeper look at Heidegger's "thinking the event" and Nishida's "logic of the place" which are respectively called the "turn" and the "change" and then show the productive influence of both authors on the dialogue between Western and Eastern thought.

Nishida é uma referência para a filosofia japonesa-oriental do século XX, assim como Heidegger para a filosofia alemã-europeia. Tomando como base essas duas perspectivas filosóficas, gostaria de propor um encontro, ou seja, um diálogo entre "experiência do pensar” e "pensar da experiência”, no qual veem à tona, por um lado, proximidades e, por outros, diferenças entre a filosofia ocidental e oriental. Para isso pretendo tratar, em primeiro momento, da "fundamentação da experiência do pensamento” nos dois autores. Posteriormente, proponho-me a analisar com mais proximidade o "pensar do acontecimento” de Heidegger e a "lógica do lugar” de Nishida que, respectivamente, são denominados de a "virada” e a "mudança”, e daí mostrar a produtiva influência dos dois para o diálogo entre o pensamento ocidental e oriental.