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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 13786, 2024 06 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877056


No-take marine protected areas (MPAs) can mitigate the effects of overfishing, climate change and habitat degradation, which are leading causes of an unprecedented global biodiversity crisis. However, assessing the effectiveness of MPAs, especially in remote oceanic islands, can be logistically challenging and often restricted to relatively shallow and accessible environments. Here, we used a long-term dataset (2010-2019) collected by the DeepSee submersible of the Undersea Hunter Group that operates in Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica, to (1) determine the frequency of occurrence of elasmobranch species at two depth intervals (50-100 m; 300-400 m), and (2) investigate temporal trends in the occurrence of common elasmobranch species between 2010 and 2019, as well as potential drivers of the observed changes. Overall, we observed 17 elasmobranch species, 15 of which were recorded on shallow dives (50-100 m) and 11 on deep dives (300-400 m). We found a decreasing trend in the probability of occurrence of Carcharhinus falciformis over time (2010-2019), while other species (e.g. Taeniurops meyeni, Sphyrna lewini, Carcharhinus galapagensis, Triaenodon obesus, and Galeocerdo cuvier) showed an increasing trend. Our study suggests that some species like S. lewini may be shifting their distributions towards deeper waters in response to ocean warming but may also be sensitive to low oxygen levels at greater depths. These findings highlight the need for regional 3D environmental information and long-term deepwater surveys to understand the extent of shark and ray population declines in the ETP and other regions, as most fishery-independent surveys from data-poor countries have been limited to relatively shallow waters.

Biodiversity , Elasmobranchii , Animals , Pacific Ocean , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Climate Change , Costa Rica , Islands
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e59007, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559326


Abstract Introduction: The coral reefs of Isla del Coco National Park are some of the most pristine ecosystems on Earth. The sea urchin Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) is a common inhabitant with a pivotal role in the ecology of this unique ecosystem. Objective: In this study, we identified the predominant predators of D. mexicanum and estimated the predatory consumption rates. We also determined predation rates at different sea urchin sizes and at sites with contrasting refuge availability. Methods: We use field video recording observations and tethering experiments. Results: The balistid Sufflamen verres and the labrid Bodianus diplotaenia were identified as predators of small and medium size D. mexicanum; the labrids Thalassoma grammaticum and B. diplotaenia (juvenile) and the tetraodontid Arothron meleagris were attempted predators; and Canthigaster punctatissima and Holacanthus passer were scavengers. Larger sea urchins (> 30 mm) were also preyed upon during the tethering experiments. Furthermore, a clear effect of the site on survival of the different sea urchins' sizes was noted. No difference in the sea urchin predator biomass was found among sites, which highlights the importance of site complexity on survival. At high and medium complexity sites, large individuals had better survival, while at the low complexity site, there was almost no differences in survival rates among the three size classes. Our results also show that a high abundance of these predatory fishes, above 0.04 ind m-2, guarantees a low sea urchin density. Below this threshold, a higher variability in sea urchin density is observed Despite not being registered with the video recordings, lobsters were observed once preying upon a large sea urchin individual. Conclusions: This study identifies a keystone fish guild with high predation rate for Diadema in the National Park, which suggests that protective actions have positively benefited predatory fish and lobster populations.

Resumen Introducción: Los arrecifes de coral del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco son uno de los ecosistemas más prístinos de la Tierra. El erizo de mar Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) es un habitante común con un papel ecológico esencial en este ecosistema único. Objetivo: En este estudio, identificamos los depredadores predominantes de D. mexicanum y estimamos las tasas de consumos predatorias. También determinamos las tasas predatorias de diferentes tamaños de erizo de mar en sitios con disponibilidad de refugio contrastante. Métodos: Utilizamos grabaciones de video de campo y experimentos de marcaje. Resultados: El pez ballesta Sufflamen verres y el lábrido Bodianus diplotaenia fueron identificados como depredadores de tamaños pequeños y medianos de D. Mexicanum; los lábridos Thalassoma grammaticum y B. diplotaenia (juvenil) y el tetraodóntido Arothron meleagris fueron intento de depredadores; y Canthigaster punctatissima y Holacanthus passer fueron carroñeros. Los erizos de mar de gran tamaño (> 30 mm) también fueron depredados durante el experimento de marcaje. Además, se encontró un efecto claro del sitio en la supervivencia de los diferentes tamaños de erizo de mar. No se encontraron diferencias en la biomasa de los depredadores del erizo de mar entre sitios, lo que señala la importancia de la complejidad del sitio en la supervivencia. En sitios con complejidad estructural alta y media, los individuos grandes tuvieron mejor supervivencia, mientras que en sitios de complejidad baja apenas hubo diferencias en las tasas de supervivencia entre los tres tamaños. Nuestros resultados también muestran que una alta abundancia de peces depredadores, por encima de 0.04 ind m-2, asegura bajas densidades de erizos de mar. A pesar de no ser registrado durante las grabaciones de video, se observó en una ocasión a una langosta depredando sobre un erizo de gran tamaño. Conclusiones: Este estudio identifica el grupo de peces clave con grandes tasas de depredación sobre Diadema en el Parque Nacional, lo que sugiere que las medidas de protección han beneficiado positivamente las poblaciones de peces depredadores y langostas.

Animals , Predatory Behavior , Sea Urchins , Fishes , Mexico
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220015, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1558733


Resumo O predomínio de teorias formuladas sob inspiração do estilo de vida ocidental no campo da psicologia acabou criando lacunas ao deixar de incluir especificidades de alguns grupos étnicos, religiosos e culturais. Esse cenário impulsionou vários movimentos recentes, que defendem uma psicologia culturalmente sensível que possa incluir as nuances e particularidades desses grupos. Inclui-se nesse contexto o Islã, uma religião que não se restringe somente às crenças, práticas e rituais religiosos, mas que engloba normas e preceitos que influenciam o estilo de vida do indivíduo. Este estudo tem como objetivo delinear uma reflexão teórica a respeito da psicologia islâmica, demarcando possibilidades e limites da integração de epistemologias religiosas como recurso potencial no campo da psicologia da religião. São abordados aspectos conceituais, origens históricas e fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos dessa nova abordagem, que vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço em instituições ao redor do mundo e no campo de pesquisa.

Abstract The psychological theories formulated under inspiration from the Western lifestyle created gaps by failing to include ethnic, religious, and cultural specificities. From this scenario emerged several recent movements which advocate a culturally sensitive psychology that encompass ethnic nuances and particularities. This context includes Islam, a religion that encompasses beliefs, practices, and rituals, as well as norms and precepts that influence the individual's lifestyle. This study outlines a theoretical reflection on Islamic psychology, demarcating the possibilities and limits of integrating religious epistemologies in Psychology of Religion. Conceptual, historical, theoretical, and methodological aspects of this new approach, which has been gaining space in institutions worldwide and in the research field, are addressed in this study.

Resumen El predominio de teorías formuladas bajo la inspiración del estilo de vida occidental en el campo de la Psicología generó vacíos al no incluir especificidades de algunos grupos étnicos, religiosos y culturales. En este escenario surgieron movimientos recientes que abogan por una psicología culturalmente sensible, que incluya las particularidades y matices de estos grupos. Este contexto incluye el Islam, una religión que no solo se limita a creencias, prácticas y rituales religiosos, sino que también abarca normas y preceptos que influyen en el estilo de vida del individuo. El objetivo de este estudio es esbozar una reflexión teórica sobre la psicología islámica, demarcando posibilidades y límites de la integración de epistemologías religiosas como recurso potencial en el campo de la Psicología de la Religión. Se abordan aspectos conceptuales, orígenes históricos y fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de este enfoque, que ha ganado espacio en instituciones de todo el mundo y en el campo de la investigación.

Résumé Les théories élaborées sous l'inspiration de l'Occident dans la Psychologie a créé des lacunes en omettant d'inclure les spécificités des groupes ethniques, religieux et culturels. Ce scenario donne naissance à plusieurs mouvements récents qui prônent une psychologie douée d'une sensibilité culturelle. Ce contexte inclut l'Islam qui, en plus des croyances et des pratiques, impose des normes et des préceptes qui influencent le mode de vie de l'individu. Cette étude esquisse une réflexion théorique sur la psychologie islamique, soulignant les possibilités et les limites d'intégrer des épistémologies religieuses comme ressource potentielle dans la psychologie de la religion. Les aspects conceptuels, origines historiques et fondements théoriques et méthodologiques de cette nouvelle approche, qui prend de plus en plus de place dans les institutions du monde entier et dans la recherche, sont abordés.

Religion and Psychology , Ethnicity , Islam , Knowledge
Conserv Biol ; 37(2): e14005, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36178034


By rapidly modifying key habitat components, habitat restoration is at risk of producing attractive cues for animals without providing habitats of sufficient quality. As such, individual fitness components, such as reproduction, could be reduced and restored habitats could become ecological traps. This risk notably appears by using artificial constructions in restoration projects, yet few studies have evaluated their efficacy in a robust way. We investigated this by analyzing 154 islets that were created or restored to improve the conservation status of 7 colonial Laridae species in the South of France. From 2007 to 2016, we compared occupancy dynamics and breeding parameters of these species between the restored sites and 846 unmanaged nesting sites. We also explored species' preference for different nesting site characteristics and their respective effect on breeding parameters. Restored nesting sites were 2-9 times as attractive as unmanaged sites for all species except the Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Colonization probability was up to 100 times higher in sites already used by other species the previous year and increased with distance to the shore until >0.2 when distance was over 250 m. Abandonment probability was 29-70% lower when breeding was successful the previous year in all species except the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis). Productivity and breeding success probability were 2 times higher on managed sites. Distance from the shore was an important attractive characteristic of artificial nesting sites in all species. Other nesting site characteristics had species-specific effects on colonization, abandonment, and breeding success. Our results indicate that managed nesting sites are successful conservation tools for colonial Laridae in the Mediterranean and do not act as ecological traps. Our study showed that testing the ecological trap hypothesis is a robust way to evaluate the success of restoration projects of breeding habitats.

Eficiencia de los sitios de anidación creados y restaurados para la conservación de láridos coloniales en el sur de Francia Resumen Con la rápida modificación de los componentes clave de un hábitat, la restauración corre el riesgo de producir entradas atractivas para los animales sin proporcionar hábitats con la suficiente calidad. Como tal, los elementos individuales de la aptitud, como la reproducción, podrían ser reducidos y los hábitats restaurados podrían convertirse en trampas ecológicas. Aunque este riesgo aparece especialmente cuando se usan construcciones artificiales en los proyectos de restauración, son pocos los estudios que han evaluado su efectividad de manera firme. Investigamos lo anterior con el análisis de 154 islotes que fueron creados o restaurados para mejorar el estado de conservación de siete especies de láridos coloniales en el sur de Francia. Comparamos las dinámicas de ocupación y los parámetros de reproducción de estas especies entre 2007 y 2016 en los sitios restaurados y en 846 sitios de anidación no administrados. También exploramos la preferencia de las especies por diferentes características en los sitios de anidación y su respectivo efecto sobre los parámetros de reproducción. Los sitios de anidación restaurados fueron de 2 a 9 veces más atractivos para todas las especies, excepto la gaviota de cabeza negra (Croicocephalus ridibundus), que los sitios no administrados. La probabilidad de colonización fue hasta 100 veces mayor en los sitios usados por otras especies el año previo e incrementó con la distancia a la costa hasta >0.2, cuando la distancia fue mayor a los 250 metros. La probabilidad de abandono fue de 29 a 70% más baja para todas las especies, excepto el charrán de Sándwich (Thalasseus sandvicensis), cuando la reproducción fue exitosa el año anterior. La probabilidad de la productividad y el éxito de reproducción fueron dos veces mayores en los sitios administrados. La distancia a la costa fue una característica atractiva importante de los sitios artificiales de anidación para todas las especies. Otras características de los sitios de anidación tuvieron efectos específicos por especie sobre la colonización, el abandono y el éxito de la reproducción. Nuestros resultados indican que los sitios de anidación administrados son herramientas exitosas de conservación para los láridos coloniales en el Mediterráneo y no funcionan como trampas ecológicas. Nuestro estudio demuestra que analizar la hipótesis de la trampa ecológica es una manera sólida de evaluar el éxito de la restauración en los proyectos de hábitats para la reproducción.

Charadriiformes , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Reproduction , France , Nesting Behavior
Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1423037


Introduction: Mantis shrimps are ecologically and economically important organisms in marine ecosystems. However, there is still a lack of information about their habitat, in particular, their burrows. Objective: To analyze how dense and sparse mantis shrimp burrows differ in abundance, size, sediment grain size, and water quality. Methods: We counted burrows in 10 x 10 m2 random plots in sparse and dense seagrass (ten plots per density), around Barrang Lompo Island, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sampling took place at spring low tide from August to September 2017. Results: Two mantis shrimp species were observed: Lysiosquillina maculate and L. sulcata. Dense and sparse seagrass burrows did not differ in wall grain size or water parameters, both inside and outside of the burrows (P > 0.05). Similarly, there was no correlation between burrow depth and diameter in either dense (P > 0.05; r= 0.27) or sparse (P > 0.05; r= 0.33) seagrass. However, larger burrows tend to occur in denser beds, but there were more burrows in denser seagrass (t-test, P < 0.05). Conclusions: There seems to be a preference for dense seagrass beds, especially by larger mantis shrimps. The correlation between shrimp burrow abundance and seagrass density highlights the importance of conserving the quality as well as the extent of seagrass habitat.

Introducción: Los camarones mantis son organismos ecológica y económicamente importantes en los ecosistemas marinos. Sin embargo, aún falta información sobre su hábitat, en particular sobre sus madrigueras. Objetivo: Analizar cómo difieren las madrigueras de los camarones mantis en su abundancia, tamaño, tamaño de grano de los sedimentos y calidad del agua. Métodos: Contamos las madrigueras en parcelas de 10 x 10 m2 al azar (diez parcelas por densidad) en pastos marinos densos y poco densos, alrededor de la isla de Barrang Lompo, Sulawesi del Sur, Indonesia. Resultados: Se observaron dos especies de camarones mantis: Lysiosquillina maculata y L. sulcata. El tamaño de grano de las paredes de las madrigueras y los parámetros de agua, tanto dentro y fuera de la madriguera no variaron (P > 0.05). Tampoco hubo correlación entre la profundidad y el diámetro de las madrigueras, tanto en praderas densas (P > 0.05; r= 0.27), como no densas (P > 0.05; r= 0.33). Sin embargo, las madrigueras más grandes tienden a aparecer en las praderas densas, además había más madrigueras en pastos densos (t-test, P < 0.05). Conclusiones: Parece haber una preferencia por las praderas marinas densas, especialmente en los camarones mantis de mayor tamaño. La correlación entre la abundancia de madrigueras de camarones y la densidad de pastos marinos pone de manifiesto la importancia de conservar la calidad del hábitat de los pastos, así como su extensión.

Animals , Marine Environment , Penaeidae/growth & development , Indonesia
J Anal Psychol ; 67(5): 1386-1409, 2022 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36440730


This article explores the symbolism of plastic pollution. Plastic and microplastic particles are now found everywhere - in the Arctic, in deep ocean trenches, in human organs - and plastic accumulates in our oceans forming gigantic spiral-shaped garbage patches. Both spiral symbolism and E.A. Poe's 'Maelström' are suggestive of a necessary fundamental ecological-psychological transformation of our one-sidedly logos-dominated civilization. Plastic, the author argues, has become a carrier of our longing for immortality: in plastic, humanity has synthesized an 'immortal', a virtually non-biodegradable substance. To avert what Jung called a 'catastrophic enantiodromia', humanity must relinquish its ecologically and psychologically detrimental consumerist mentality and jump into the unknown towards a less resource-intensive lifestyle. The author's dream about sea salt and spiral-shaped marine animals is interpreted as a compensatory urge from the collective unconscious for humanity to reconnect to inner and outer nature by cultivating the neglected eros principle - feeling-based relatedness - as a felt realization that we are part of nature on which we depend. Instead of succumbing to paralyzing fear or denial, the author argues for facing the abyss of our ecological-psychological crisis and acting, informed by science. For ecological-psychological transformation, Jungian psychology can play an important role.

Cet article explore le symbolisme de la pollution par le plastique. Le plastique et les particules de micro-plastique se retrouvent maintenant partout - dans l'Arctique, dans les fosses profondes des océans, dans les organes humains. Le plastique s'accumule dans nos océans formant de gigantesques vortex de déchets. Le symbolisme de la spirale et le 'Maelström' d'Edgar Alan Poe évoquent une transformation éco-psychologique nécessaire et fondamentale de notre civilisation biaisée par la domination du logos. L'auteur soutient que le plastique est devenu porteur de notre désir nostalgique d'immortalité: avec le plastique l'humanité a synthétisé une substance 'immortelle', quasiment non-biodégradable. Pour éviter ce que Jung appelle 'l'énantiodromie catastrophique', nous devons en tant qu'humanité abandonner notre mentalité consumériste qui est nuisible écologiquement et psychologiquement, et faire le saut dans l'inconnu vers un style de vie moins exigeant en ressources. Un rêve de l'auteur sur le sel marin et des animaux marins en forme de spirale est interprété en tant que mouvement compensatoire de l'inconscient collectif pour que l'humanité retrouve le lien avec la nature intérieure et extérieure en cultivant le principe négligé de l'éros - familiarité fondée sur l'émotion - comme réalisation ressentie que nous faisons partie de la nature dont nous dépendons. Plutôt que de succomber à une peur paralysante ou au déni, l'auteur propose de faire face au gouffre de notre crise écologique-psychologique et d'agir éclairé par la science. Pour une transformation écologique-psychologique, la psychologie Jungienne peut jouer un rôle important.

El presente artículo explora el simbolismo de la polución plástica. Actualmente encontramos partículas plásticas y micro plásticas en todos lados - en el Ártico, en las fosas oceánicas profundas, en órganos humanos - y plásticos acumulados en nuestros océanos formando manchones de residuos gigantes de forma espiralada. Tanto el simbolismo de la espiral, como el 'Maelström' de E.A. Poe sugieren una transformación ecológica-psicológica fundamental de nuestra civilización unilateralmente dominada por el logos. La autora argumenta que el plástico se ha vuelto una expresión de nuestro anhelo de inmortalidad: en el plástico, la humanidad ha sintetizado una sustancia virtualmente no-biodegradable, 'inmortal'. Para evitar lo que Jung ha denominado una 'enantiodromía catastrófica', la humanidad debe renunciar a nuestra mentalidad consumista ecológica y psicológicamente perjudicial y dar un salto a lo desconocido hacia un estilo de vida con menos recursos. El sueño de la autora sobre sal marina y animales espiralados es interpretado como el deseo compensatorio del inconsciente colectivo de que la humanidad reconecte con la naturaleza interna y externa, cultivando el descuidado principio de eros - el relacionamiento basado en el sentimiento - como una realización sentida de ser parte de la naturaleza de la cual dependemos. En lugar de sucumbir al miedo o a la negación paralizante, la autora sostiene la necesidad de confrontar el abismo de nuestra crisis ecológica-psicológica y actuar científicamente. La psicología Junguiana puede tener una función importante en la transformación ecológica-psicológica.

Environmental Monitoring , Plastics , Animals , Humans , Oceans and Seas , Civilization
Med Acupunct ; 34(4): 217-219, 2022 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36051409


This short report is about the International Society for Medical Laser Applications (ISLA). A short list of the most frequently used methods within the research areas of the ISLA is included along with a description of how the great potential of these new laser methods led to numerous improvements in patient treatment. The ISLA attaches great importance to being an opinion leader in the context of evidence-based laser medicine. Many further developments are planned that will enrich the range of methods.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 173: 107496, 2022 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35569809


The Panamic Clingfish Gobiesox adustus is widely distributed in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP), from the central Gulf of California, Mexico to Ecuador, including the oceanic Revillagigedo Archipelago, and Isla del Coco. This cryptobenthic species is restricted to very shallow rocky-reef habitats. Here, we used one mitochondrial and three nuclear DNA markers from 155 individuals collected across the distribution range of the species in order to evaluate if geographically structured populations exist and to elucidate its evolutionary history. Phylogenetic analyses recovered a monophyletic group, with four well-supported, allopatric subgroups. Each subgroup corresponded to one of the following well-known biogeographic regions/provinces: 1) the Revillagigedo Archipelago, 2) the Cortez + Mexican provinces (Mexico), 3) the Panamic province (from El Salvador to Ecuador), and 4) Isla del Coco. A molecular-clock analysis showed a mean date for the divergence between clade I (the Revillagigedos and Cortez + Mexican provinces) and clade II (Panamic province and Isla del Coco) in the Pliocene, at ca. 5.33 Mya. Within clade I, the segregation between the Revillagigedos and Cortez + Mexican province populations was dated at ca. 1.18 Mya, during the Pleistocene. Within clade II, the segregation between samples of Isla del Coco and the Panamic province samples was dated at ca. 0.77 Mya, during the Pleistocene. The species tree, Bayesian species delimitation tests (BPP and STACEY), the ΦST, AMOVA, and the substantial genetic distances that exist between those four subgroups, indicate that they are independent evolutionary units. These cladogenetic events seem to be related to habitat discontinuities, and oceanographic and geological processes that produce barriers to gene flow for G. adustus, effects of which are enhanced by the intrinsic ecological characteristics of this species.

Biological Evolution , Fishes , Animals , Bayes Theorem , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , Fishes/genetics , Humans , Phylogeny , Phylogeography
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 113(2): 123-133, 2022 Feb.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35249690


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Tunneled island flaps that transfer skin from a site adjacent to the wound are an effective way to reconstruct defects. These flaps provide good aesthetic and functional results and can be completed during a single surgical session, thus reducing complications. The procedure consists of taking an island of skin about the size of the surgical defect and moving it through a subcutaneous tunnel to cover the wound. We aimed to exemplify the use of these flaps in different regions of the face. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective descriptive study of 12 cases in which tunneled island flaps were used after removal of malignant tumors in different facial regions. RESULTS: The tumors, all of which were basal cell carcinomas, were removed by means of conventional surgery from 9 patients and Mohs micrographic surgery from 3 patients. Histology demonstrated tumor-free margins after excision in all cases. None of the tumors recurred during a mean follow-up period of 25 months. All complications were minor and transient. There were 3 cases of trapdoor effect and 2 each of postsurgical bleeding, transient superficial flap necrosis, and slight protrusion of the pedicle. The final cosmetic and functional outcome was satisfactory in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Tunneled island flaps are particularly useful for repairing defects in the center of the face, where several anatomical structures converge. These flaps, which use donor skin that is similar to skin in the receptor site, can be used to close large defects in one-step procedures with only slight alteration of the facial architecture.

Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 113(2): 123-133, Feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-205919


Introducción y objetivos: El colgajo en isla tunelizado (CIT) supone una opción eficaz para la reparación de grandes defectos faciales trasponiendo piel desde una unidad anatómica adyacente. La realización del colgajo aporta buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales en un único tiempo quirúrgico, evitando así complicaciones. El procedimiento consiste en labrar una isla de piel de dimensiones similares a las del defecto original, para luego desplazarla a través de un túnel subcutáneo a la región receptora. Nuestro objetivo es ejemplificar su uso en diferentes regiones de la cara. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 12 casos con reconstrucción mediante CIT tras la extirpación de tumores malignos en distintas áreas faciales. Resultados: Presentamos una serie de 12 casos intervenidos de carcinoma basocelular, 9 mediante cirugía convencional y 3 mediante cirugía de Mohs. El estudio histológico mostró bordes quirúrgicos libres en todas las piezas de resección. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 25 meses sin detectarse recidivas tumorales. Las complicaciones fueron menores y temporales: efecto trampilla en 3 pacientes, hemorragia posquirúrgica en 2, necrosis superficial transitoria del colgajo en 2 y protrusión leve del pedículo en 2 casos. El resultado final cosmético y funcional fue satisfactorio en todos los casos. Conclusiones: Los CIT son especialmente útiles en defectos centrofaciales donde convergen distintas unidades anatómicas. Permiten la reconstrucción en un único tiempo quirúrgico de grandes defectos faciales, aportando piel de características similares a las de la zona receptora y alterando mínimamente la arquitectura facial (AU)

Background and objective: Tunneled island flaps that transfer skin from a site adjacent to the wound are an effective way to reconstruct defects. These flaps provide good aesthetic and functional results and can be completed during a single surgical session, thus reducing complications. The procedure consists of taking an island of skin about the size of the surgical defect and moving it through a subcutaneous tunnel to cover the wound. We aimed to exemplify the use of these flaps in different regions of the face. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of 12 cases in which tunneled island flaps were used after removal of malignant tumors in different facial regions. Results: The tumors, all of which were basal cell carcinomas, were removed by means of conventional surgery from 9 patients and Mohs micrographic surgery from 3 patients. Histology demonstrated tumor-free margins after excision in all cases. None of the tumors recurred during a mean follow-up period of 25 months. All complications were minor and transient. There were 3 cases of trapdoor effect and 2 each of postsurgical bleeding, transient superficial flap necrosis, and slight protrusion of the pedicle. The final cosmetic and functional outcome was satisfactory in all cases. Conclusions: Tunneled island flaps are particularly useful for repairing defects in the center of the face, where several anatomical structures converge. These flaps, which use donor skin that is similar to skin in the receptor site, can be used to close large defects in one-step procedures with only slight alteration of the facial architecture (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Flaps , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Facial Neoplasms/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 113(2): t123-t133, Feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-205920


Background and objective: Tunneled island flaps that transfer skin from a site adjacent to the wound are an effective way to reconstruct defects. These flaps provide good aesthetic and functional results and can be completed during a single surgical session, thus reducing complications. The procedure consists of taking an island of skin about the size of the surgical defect and moving it through a subcutaneous tunnel to cover the wound. We aimed to exemplify the use of these flaps in different regions of the face. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of 12 cases in which tunneled island flaps were used after removal of malignant tumors in different facial regions. Results: The tumors, all of which were basal cell carcinomas, were removed by means of conventional surgery from 9 patients and Mohs micrographic surgery from 3 patients. Histology demonstrated tumor-free margins after excision in all cases. None of the tumors recurred during a mean follow-up period of 25 months. All complications were minor and transient. There were 3 cases of trapdoor effect and 2 each of postsurgical bleeding, transient superficial flap necrosis, and slight protrusion of the pedicle. The final cosmetic and functional outcome was satisfactory in all cases. Conclusions: Tunneled island flaps are particularly useful for repairing defects in the center of the face, where several anatomical structures converge. These flaps, which use donor skin that is similar to skin in the receptor site, can be used to close large defects in one-step procedures with only slight alteration of the facial architecture (AU)

Introducción y objetivos: El colgajo en isla tunelizado (CIT) supone una opción eficaz para la reparación de grandes defectos faciales trasponiendo piel desde una unidad anatómica adyacente. La realización del colgajo aporta buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales en un único tiempo quirúrgico, evitando así complicaciones. El procedimiento consiste en labrar una isla de piel de dimensiones similares a las del defecto original, para luego desplazarla a través de un túnel subcutáneo a la región receptora. Nuestro objetivo es ejemplificar su uso en diferentes regiones de la cara. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 12 casos con reconstrucción mediante CIT tras la extirpación de tumores malignos en distintas áreas faciales. Resultados: Presentamos una serie de 12 casos intervenidos de carcinoma basocelular, 9 mediante cirugía convencional y 3 mediante cirugía de Mohs. El estudio histológico mostró bordes quirúrgicos libres en todas las piezas de resección. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 25 meses sin detectarse recidivas tumorales. Las complicaciones fueron menores y temporales: efecto trampilla en 3 pacientes, hemorragia posquirúrgica en 2, necrosis superficial transitoria del colgajo en 2 y protrusión leve del pedículo en 2 casos. El resultado final cosmético y funcional fue satisfactorio en todos los casos. Conclusiones: Los CIT son especialmente útiles en defectos centrofaciales donde convergen distintas unidades anatómicas. Permiten la reconstrucción en un único tiempo quirúrgico de grandes defectos faciales, aportando piel de características similares a las de la zona receptora y alterando mínimamente la arquitectura facial (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Flaps , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Facial Neoplasms/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local
Mar Pollut Bull ; 175: 113336, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35066410


We assessed the combined effects of polyethylene microplastic (MP) and malathion (MLT) on the survival of the fiddler crab Minuca ecuadoriensis, and MP tissue bioaccumulation in four treatments following 120 h exposure: T1) Control; T2) MLT 50 mg L-1; T3) MP 200 mg L-1; and T4) MLT (50 mg L-1) + MP (200 mg L-1). The highest mortality (80%) was in T4, followed by T2 (28%) and no mortality was in T3. Higher MP bioaccumulation was observed in T4 (572 items g tissue-1) followed by T3 (70 items g tissue-1). Our findings indicate that the synergistic effect of MLT and MP increased M. ecuadoriensis bioaccumulative capacity and decreases survival. Thus, as MP contamination in aquatic environments is ubiquitous, our study raises a warning on the synergistic effects of MP with other environmental contaminants and serves as a baseline for further studies.

Brachyura , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Bioaccumulation , Malathion/toxicity , Microplastics , Plastics/pharmacology , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Cir. plást. ibero-latinoam ; 47(3): 289-296, julio-septiembre 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217365


Introducción y objetivo: El colgajo de perforante de arterial medial sural (MSAP- medial sural artery perforator) fue descrito con un refinamiento del colgajo gastrocnemio medial. A pesar de su reciente historia, demuestra ventajas e indicaciones, principalmente en la reconstrucción de miembro inferior.Presentamos una serie retrospectiva de pacientes con defectos de tejidos blandos de miembro inferior reconstruidos con colgajo MSAP.Material y método.Presentamos 10 pacientes operados entre 2013 y 2018, 6 hombres y 4 mujeres, con edades entre los 27 y los 86 años.La principal etiología de los defectos fue traumática. Los defectos localizados entre el tercio distal del muslo y el tercio proximal de la pierna fueron cubiertos con colgajos pediculados, y los defectos distales con colgajos libres.Resultados.Las dimensiones medias de los colgajos fueron 6.35 cm de anchura por 10.9 cm de longitude y 9.9 cm de longitude del pedículo. Todos los colgajos menos 1 fueron elevados con una sola perforante.Excepto 1 caso de pérdida parcial del colgajo, no hubo complicaciones a corto plazo. Dos pacientes precisaron cobertura con injerto del área donante y el resto fueron cerrados directamente.El seguimiento medio fue de 22.8 meses y no hubo complicaciones en el área donante. Obtuvimos un cierre estable y estéticamente acceptable en todos los casos.Conclusiones.El colgajo MSAP es un colgajo fasciocutaneo fino y plegable que provee tejido similar al área del defecto con minima morbilidad del área donante.Sus características menos positivas incluyen una potencialmente laboriosa disección intramuscular y la posibilidad de congestion venosa ocasional. A pesar de ello, los buenos resultados y la satisfacción de los pacientes lo convierte en una elección apropiada en casos seleccionados de reconstrucción del miembro inferior. (AU)

Background and objective: The medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) flap was first described as a refinement of the medial gastrocnemius flap. Despite its recent history, it has already proven to have several advantages and indications, namely in lower extremity reconstruction.The authors present a retrospective case series with lower limb soft-tissue defects which were reconstructed with the MSAP flap.Methods.Between 2013 and 2018, 10 patients were operated on: 6 men and 4 women, ranging in age from 27 to 86 years.The main etiology of the defects was traumatic injury. The defects located between the distal third of the thigh and the proximal third of the leg were covered with pediculated flaps while the distal defects were covered with free flaps.Results.The mean flap dimensions were 6.35 cm width, 10.9 cm length, and 9.9 cm pedicle length. All flaps except 1 were raised with a single perforator.Apart from 1 case of partial free-flap loss, there were no short-term complications. Two patients required skin grafting of the donor site while the remaining were closed directly.The mean follow-up time was 22.8 months and there were no donor site complaints. A stable and aesthetically satisfactory coverage was obtained in all cases.Conclusions.The MSAP flap is a thin and pliable fasciocutaneous flap that can provide “like-with-like” tissue with minor donor site morbidity in lower limb reconstruction. Less positive characteristics include a potential laborious intramuscular dissection and occasional venous congestion. Still, the good results and satisfaction of the patients make this a wise choice in selected cases. (AU)

Humans , Surgery, Plastic , Lower Extremity , Post Disaster Reconstruction , Free Tissue Flaps , Perforator Flap
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(4): 548-554, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388270


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las rickettsiosis son enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores artrópodos cuyos agentes etiológicos corresponden a bacterias patógenas del género Rickettsia y Orientia . Bacterias de este género han sido descritas en el norte y sur de Chile. OBJETIVO: Determinar presencia de Rickettsia spp. en garrapatas colectadas a partir de perros domésticos en Rapa Nui-Isla de Pascua, Región de Valparaíso. MÉTODOS: Fueron muestreados 20 perros callejeros durante octubre del año 2018. Se colectaron ocho garrapatas adultas desde siete animales (prevalencia: 35%); luego de su identificación taxonómica fueron sometidas a amplificación y secuenciación del gen ADNm 16S para garrapata y gltA (citrato sintetasa) para Rickettsia . RESULTADOS: Todos los ejemplares de garrapatas adultas correspondieron genéticamente a Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto lo cual fue confirmado mediante un análisis filogenético. En dos garrapatas (25%) se encontraron secuencias idénticas de gltA compatibles con " Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae", que formaron un clado monofilético con aislados obtenidos en Brasil, Chile y Perú. CONCLUSIÓN: Se documenta la presencia de " Ca. R. andeanae" s. s. en Rapa Nui-Isla de Pascua, asociado por primera vez a garrapatas del complejo R. sanguineus en Chile.

BACKGROUND: Rickettsioses are vector-borne emerging diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genera Rickettsia and Orientia . Bacteria of these genera have been described in northern and southern Chile, respectively. AIM: To determine the presence of Rickettsia spp. in ticks collected from domestic dog in Rapa Nui-Easter Island, Valparaíso Region. METHODS: 20 stray dogs were sampled during October 2018. Overall, eight adult ticks were collected from seven animals (prevalence: 35%); after morphological identification, were submitted to DNA extraction and amplification and sequencing of the tick mitochondrial 16S DNA gene. The screening for Rickettsia was performed targeting the gltA (citrate synthetase) gene. RESULTS: A phylogenetic analysis confirmed the identity of the ticks as Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto. In two ticks (25%), we retrieved identical sequences of gltA compatible with " Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae", which formed a monophyletic group with conspecific isolates obtained in Brazil, Chile and Peru. CONCLUSION: This study proves the presence of " Ca . R. andeanae" in R. sanguineus s. s. at Rapa Nui-Easter Island, which also corresponds to the first report of this Rickettsia spp. in R. sanguineus complex for Chile.

Animals , Dogs , Rickettsia/genetics , Rickettsia Infections/veterinary , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/microbiology , Dog Diseases , Phylogeny
Environ Pollut ; 284: 117391, 2021 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34034136


Sessile benthic organisms are considered good bioindicators for monitoring environmental quality of coastal ecosystems. However, these environments are impacted by new pollutants such as microplastics (MPs), where there is limited information about organisms that can be used as reliable bioindicators of these emerging contaminants. We evaluated MP concentrations in three compartments: surface sediment, water and in three marine sponge species (Haliclona implexiformis, Halichondria melanadocia and Amorphinopsis atlantica), to determine whether these organisms accumulate MPs and reflect their possible sources. Results showed MPs in all three compartments. Average concentrations ranged from 1861 to 3456 items kg-1 of dry weight in marine sponges, 130 to 287 items L-1 in water and 6 to 11 items kg-1 in sediment. The maximum MP concentration was in the sponge A. atlantica, which registered 5000 items kg-1 of dry weight, in water was 670 items L-1 and in sediment was 28 items kg-1, these values were found in the disturbed study area. The three sponge species exhibited MP bioaccumulation and showed significant differences between disturbed and pristine sites (F = 11.2, p < 0.05), suggesting their use as bioindicators of MP.

Porifera , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Ecosystem , Environmental Biomarkers , Environmental Monitoring , Environmental Pollution , Microplastics , Plastics , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol ; 107(1): 20-28, 2021 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33891142


We assessed the concentration of organophosphate pesticides (OPs) and microplastics (MPs) in water and sediments from the burrows, and tissues of the fiddler crabs Leptuca festae and Minuca ecuadoriensis, from Isla Santay, a Ramsar site in the estuary of the Guayas River, Ecuador. MPs concentrations in the burrows were 660 ± 174.36 items kg-1 (w.w.) and 26 ± 1 items L-1 in collected sediments and water, respectively. Regarding OPs, water and sediment concentrations were up to 26 times above the USEPA thresholds for chronic exposure, indicating environmental risk. MPs were found in tissues collected from both species. The highest abundance was in the gills followed by the digestive tract and hepatopancreas. OPs concentrations in tissues were below the detection limits. Because fiddler crabs are chronically exposed to environmental contamination, they are suitable bioindicators to monitor Isla Santay and to comprehend human impacts in coastal environments of Ecuador.

Brachyura , Pesticides , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Animals , Ecuador , Environmental Monitoring , Estuaries , Geologic Sediments , Humans , Microplastics , Organophosphates , Pesticides/analysis , Plastics , Rivers , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Zootaxa ; 4926(2): zootaxa.4926.2.10, 2021 Feb 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33756755


Coralliozetus clausus, a new species of chaenopsid blenny, endemic to Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, is described. This small species, not exceeding 15 mm SL, is a short-bodied member of the genus along with Coralliozetus cardonae (Caribbean), Coralliozetus angelicus, and Coralliozetus springeri (both eastern Pacific). It differs from its closest relative, C. springeri, known from mainland waters from Costa Rica to Ecuador, in having a single tiny supraorbital cirrus and dark dots on the operculum and branchiostegal membrane of males while C. springeri has paired supraorbital cirri (one of which is substantial in size) and no dots on the operculum. Although two other species of Coralliozetus have been reported from Isla del Coco, this appears to be only member of the genus present on the island. It is the second chaenopsid endemic to Isla del Coco and brings the number of cryptobenthic fishes endemic to Isla del Coco to twelve.

Cocos , Animals , Costa Rica , Fishes , Male
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389750


Resumen La cirugía reconstructiva de cabeza y cuello es una tarea compleja. Existen varias opciones disponibles para lograr buenos resultados, desde colgajos locales hasta colgajos libres microvascularizados. En este reporte presentamos nuestra experiencia utilizando el colgajo en isla submental para la reconstrucción de defectos de tejido blando de base de cráneo lateral posterior a una resección lateral de hueso temporal secundario a diagnósticos oncológicos otológicos. Se presentan datos demográficos, clínicos, quirúrgicos y resultados de dos pacientes intervenidos durante el primer semestre del año 2020, en los cuales se consiguió un adecuado resultado reconstructivo. Este colgajo es una opción confiable y versátil para reconstrucción en cabeza y cuello.

Abstract Reconstructive head and neck surgery is a complex task. There are several options available to achieve good results, from local flaps to free microvascular flaps. In this article, we present our experience using the submental island flap for soft tissue defect reconstruction of the lateral skull base after a lateral temporal bone resection secondary to otologic cancer. Demographic, clinical, surgical and outcome data of two patients operated on during the first semester of 2020 are presented, in whom a good reconstructive result was achieved. This flap is a reliable and versatile option for head and neck reconstruction.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507766


Introducción: Guerrero es el cuarto Estado más biodiverso en México, ejemplo de ello, es la riqueza de equinodermos habitantes en sus costas, alberga el mayor número de especies en comparación con los estados del Pacífico Sur Mexicano, presenta 135 especies, mientras que Oaxaca 94 y Chiapas 15. El presente estudio se desarrolló en isla La Roqueta en Acapulco, Guerrero, México, es parte del 0.3 % del territorio nacional. Las islas son el hábitat de mayor número de especies y de endemismos, comparadas con áreas continentales de igual dimensión, isla La Roqueta, como otras islas en México, son reconocidas como sitios de gran valor, sin embargo, enfrentan graves amenazas que ponen en riesgo su estabilidad. Objetivo: Enlistar las especies de equinodermos en isla La Roqueta de Acapulco, Guerrero, México. Métodos: Se realizaron recolectas en agosto y octubre 2018 y mayo 2019, mediante buceo libre y Scuba en cuatro sitios, usando técnicas de captura directa, búsqueda de barrido, aleatorio y transecto. Resultados: 214 ejemplares fueron recolectados, en cuatro clases, nueve órdenes, 16 familias y 23 géneros, para un total de 40 especies. Se reconocen registros importantes: Ophiocoma sp., Phataria sp., Pentaceraster sp., Cucumaria sp., Astropyga sp., Meoma sp., Diadema sp., Afrocucumis ovulum, Pseudocnus californicus, Neocucumis veleronis y Holothuria imitans. Además, se destacan nuevos registros para el estado. Conclusiones: La complejidad de los diversos ambientes y sustratos marinos en Guerrero, en particular de isla La Roqueta, denota la posibilidad de nuevas especies.

Introduction: Guerrero is the fourth most biodiverse state in Mexico, an example of this is the wealth of echinoderms that inhabit its coasts, it houses the largest number of species compared to the states of the Mexican South Pacific, it has 135 species, while Oaxaca 94 and Chiapas 15. The present study was developed on La Roqueta Island in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, it is part of 0.3% of the national territory. The islands are the habitat of a greater number of species and endemisms, compared to continental areas of the same size, isla La Roqueta, like other islands in Mexico, are recognized as sites of great value, however, they face serious threats that put their stability at risk. Objective: To list the species of echinoderms on the island of La Roqueta de Acapulco, Guerrero, México. Methods: We collected in August and October 2018 and May 2019, through free diving and Scuba, at four sites, using direct capture, sweep search, random and transect techniques. Results: 214 specimens were collected, in four classes, nine orders, 16 families and 23 genera, for a total of 40 species. Important records are recognized: Ophiocoma sp., Phataria sp., Pentaceraster sp., Cucumaria sp., Astropyga sp., Meoma sp., Diadema sp., Afrocucumis ovulum, Pseudocnus californicus, Neocucumis veleronis and Holothuria imitans. Conclusions: The complexity of the various marine environments and substrates in Guerrero, particularly on La Roqueta Island, denotes the possibility of new species.

Animals , Sea Cucumbers/classification , Echinodermata/classification , Mexico
Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1945): 20203138, 2021 02 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33593195


Early in the process of adaptive radiation, allopatric disruption of gene flow followed by ecological specialization is key for speciation; but, do adaptive radiations occur on small islands without internal geographical barriers? Island populations sometimes harbour polymorphism in ecological specializations, but its significance remains unclear. On one hand, morphs may correspond to 'cryptic' species. Alternatively, they could result from population, developmental or behavioural plasticity. The spider Wendilgarda galapagensis (Araneae, Theridiosomatidae) is endemic to the small Isla del Coco and unique in spinning three different web types, each corresponding to a different microhabitat. We tested whether this variation is associated with 'cryptic' species or intraspecific behavioural plasticity. Despite analysing 36 803 loci across 142 individuals, we found no relationship between web type and population structure, which was only weakly geographically differentiated. The same pattern holds when looking within a sampling site or considering only Fst outliers. In line with genetic data, translocation experiments showed that web architecture is plastic within an individual. However, not all transitions between web types are equally probable, indicating the existence of individual preferences. Our data supports the idea that diversification on small islands might occur mainly at the behavioural level producing an intraspecific niche partition without speciation.

Spiders , Animals , Gene Flow , Genetic Speciation , Islands , Phylogeny , Polymorphism, Genetic , Spiders/genetics