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PhytoKeys ; 244: 249-270, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086739


Centaureaaplolepa Moretti and C.leucophaea Jord. (Asteraceae) are endemic to the central-western Mediterranean and include, respectively, ten and six subspecies, mostly occurring in north-western Italy and south-eastern France. As part of an ongoing systematic study on CentaureaL.sect.Centaurea from the central Mediterranean, 17 nomenclatural types (13 lectotypes, three neotypes and one epitype) are designated to fix the application of all names of the taxa described for France and Italy and related to C.aplolepa and C.leucophaea. In addition, previous typifications are critically revised and discussed. Centaureaaplolepasubsp.maremmana (Fiori) Dostál and C.litigiosa (Fiori) Arrigoni, two currently accepted taxa endemic to Tuscany (central Italy), are respectively considered here as heterotypic synonyms of C.aplolepasubsp.carueliana (Micheletti) Dostál and C.aplolepasubsp.cosana (Fiori) Dostál. Finally, C.aplolepasubsp.gallinariae (Briq. & Cavill.) Dostál, a currently accepted subspecies narrowly endemic to the Gallinara island (Liguria, northern Italy), is considered here as a heterotypic synonym of C.leucophaeasubsp.brunnescens (Briq.) Dostál.

PhytoKeys ; 244: 151-161, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39035361


Syzygiumkampotense is a new species from Cambodia. Syzygiumcerasiforme, S.foxworthianum, and S.angkae and S.thorelii are new records from Cambodia, Vietnam and China, respectively. Syzygiumprainianumsubsp.minor and S.densinerviumvar.insulare are placed under S.prainianum and S.densinervium, respectively. Eugeniacochinchinensis, E.eburnea and E.ripicola, are reduced to synonymy under S.pellucidum. Lectotypes for Eugeniadensifloravar.angustifolia, E.pellucida and E.pellucidavar.contracta are designated.

PhytoKeys ; 242: 161-227, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38854497


This study addresses the longstanding absence of a comprehensive phylogenetic backbone for the apple tribe Maleae, a deficiency attributed to limited taxon and marker sampling. We conducted an extensive taxon sampling, incorporating 563 plastomes from a diverse range of 370 species encompassing 26 presently recognized genera. Employing a range of phylogenetic inference methods, including RAxML and IQ-TREE2 for Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses, we established a robust phylogenetic framework for the Maleae tribe. Our phylogenomic investigations provided compelling support for three major clades within Maleae. By integrating nuclear phylogenetic data with morphological and chromosomal evidence, we propose an updated infra-tribal taxonomic system, comprising subtribe Malinae Reveal, subtribe Lindleyinae Reveal, and subtribe Vauqueliniinae B.B.Liu (subtr. nov.). Plastid phylogenetic analysis also confirmed the monophyly of most genera, except for Amelanchier, Malus, Sorbus sensu lato, and Stranvaesia. In addition, we present a comprehensive taxonomic synopsis of Photinia and its morphological allies in the Old World, recognizing 27 species and ten varieties within Photinia, three species and two varieties within Stranvaesia, and two species and three varieties within Weniomeles. Furthermore, we also lectotypified 12 names and made two new combinations, Photiniamicrophylla (J.E.Vidal) B.B.Liu and Weniomelesatropurpurea (P.L.Chiu ex Z.H.Chen & X.F.Jin) B.B.Liu.

Zookeys ; 1200: 27-39, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38736700


In the present paper, the existence and location of the type series of the Japanese dancing mouse or waltzer, Muswagneri variety rotans Droogleever Fortuyn, 1912, are established, and a lectotype is designated. Available type specimens are measured, and some morphological parameters, sex, and general condition of the specimens are recorded. A literature survey was conducted, and an attempt is made to clarify the position of M.wagneri variety rotans in the taxonomy of Mus. A genetic analysis suggests that the type series of the Japanese dancing mouse represent a crossbred, or derivation of a crossbred, between the original Japanese dancing mouse of Musmusculusmolossinus Temminck 1844 origin and European fancy or laboratory mice of Musmusculusdomesticus Schwarz & Schwarz, 1943 origin. Much of their genome was replaced and occupied by Musmusculusdomesticus type genome, probably through extensive breeding with European mice.

PhytoKeys ; 241: 103-120, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38645758


Re-assessment of the lectotype of Hypnumsylvaticum Brid. (≡ Plagiotheciumsylvaticum (Brid.) Schimp.) (B 31 0915 01) showed that this specimen is characterised by dense, 6-10 cm long stems, pale green, yellowish-green to dark green and dull foliage; with complanate, ovate, not imbricate and not julaceous, 2.0-3.0 × 1.0-1.6 mm leaves; acute and denticulate, often eroded apices; 75.0-160.0 × 12.5-20.0 µm laminal cells at mid-leaf, which form diagonal rows, and decurrencies of 3-4 rows of rectangular to square, inflated cells, forming distinct auricules. Thus, this specimen represents the characteristics of the taxon currently referred to as Plagiotheciumplatyphyllum Mönk. Taking into account the above and the fact that the name H.sylvaticum was published first, the correct name for the species is Plagiotheciumsylvaticum. Whereas the later one (P.platyphyllum) is a synonym. Additionally, in this article for the name P.platyphyllum, a lectotype is designated and a new synonym (Plagiotheciumrutheif.submersum) is proposed for the resurrected P.sylvaticum.

MycoKeys ; 104: 1-8, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665972


Arthopyreniaparolinii Beltr. is one of the few species of the lichen genus Arthopyrenia A. Massal. described by Italian authors of the XIX century, lacking type formal association. In this regard, the name Arthopyreniaparolinii is hereby lectotypified using a specimen stored in the lichen herbarium of A.B. Massalongo at VER. Additional original material was found only at M, while another specimen at MSNVE, labelled as Spermatodiumparolinii, although referable to this species, should not be considered as original material. Arthopyreniaparolinii is among the least well-known species in the genus. Given the genus Arthopyrenia is still very poorly known, it is important to clarify the original material of the species and propose the lectotyping. The selected lectotype is the only sample among the analyzed ones reporting complete data on the locus classicus; it conforms to the characters described in the protologue and comes from the Herbarium Beltramini.

Zookeys ; 1190: 107-119, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38304892


Alidussignatus Pic, 1926 is transferred from Mispila to Souvanna, and Souvannasignata (Pic, 1926), comb. nov. is proposed. The lectotype of Alidussignatus is designated. The following synonyms are proposed: Souvannasignata = Athylia (s. str.) quadristigma (Gressitt, 1940), syn. nov. = Souvannaphoumai Breuning, 1963, syn. nov. = Mispila (Dryusa) coomani Breuning, 1968, syn. nov., Mispila (s. str.) tenuevittata (Pic, 1930) = Mispila (s. str.) assamensis Breuning, 1938, syn. nov. The gender of the holotype of Alidusmultilineatus Pic, 1925 is determined. New distributional records for Souvannasignata, Mispilacurvilinea Pascoe, 1869, M.subtonkinea Breuning, 1968 and M.tenuevittata are provided.

PhytoKeys ; 237: 91-102, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38282984


Morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidence indicate that Eleutherostylis Burret (Malvaceae, Grewioideae), a monotypic genus described from New Guinea, is best considered a synonym of Grewia L., a species-rich genus widespread across the Paleotropics and found in Africa, Arabia, Asia, Australia and the western Pacific. A new combination, based on E.renistipulata Burret, G.renistipulata (Burret) Dorr, comb. nov., is proposed. Original material of the basionym could not be located and a neotype is designated. A lectotype is designated for G.morotaiensis Kosterm., a synonym of G.renistipulata.

PhytoKeys ; 235: 129-136, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38058552


As a primary source of anticancer camptothecin, Camptotheca (Nyssaceae) is an economically valuable genus and has long been recorded as endemic to China. Here, Camptotheca is reported as a new record to the flora of Vietnam with the discovery of a wild population of C.acuminata from Lai Chau Province of northern Vietnam. Based on the consultation of relevant literature and type specimens of C.acuminata, a lectotype of the species is designated. Photographic illustrations, morphological description and a distribution map of C.acuminata is provided, and a key to all known species of Nyssaceae in Vietnam is presented, too.

PhytoKeys ; 234: 1-33, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37808253


A revision of the genus Cenchrus (Poaceae) in Thailand is reported. Seven species, i.e. C.brownii, C.ciliaris, C.clandestinus, C.echinatus, C.pedicellatus, C.purpureus and C.setosus are described in this taxonomic treatment. This genus is an exotic species and distributed throughout the floristic regions. All the species have become naturalised to Thailand as a weed and found growing in wastelands, open areas by the roadside, disturbed sites, the edge of rice fields and the edge of deciduous and evergreen forests at elevations between 0 and 2,650 m alt. Pennisetummacrostachyum, a synonym of Cenchruspurpureus is lectotypified. Detailed morphological descriptions, illustrations and a key to the species are presented, along with information on distributions, habitats, ecology, phenology, vernacular names and specimens examined.

Insects ; 14(8)2023 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37623389


The assassin bug genus Argolis Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Stenopodainae) has a disjunct distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In the present study, the Asian species of Argolis are revised. Two species are recognized, redescribed, and illustrated, with the following new subjective synonyms and new combination proposed: Argolis Stål, 1861 = Bardesanes Distant, 1909, syn. nov. = Neoklugia Distant, 1919, syn. nov.; A. farinator (Reuter, 1882) = N. typica Distant, 1919, syn. nov. = B. sericenotatus Livingstone & Ravichandran, 1989, syn. nov.; A. signata (Distant, 1909), comb. nov. (transferred from Bardesanes) = Caunus noctulus Hsiao, 1977, syn. nov. Lectotypes for C. farinator, B. signatus, and N. typica are designated. A key to separate the two Asian species of Argolis is provided. The sexual dimorphism, systematic relationships, and distribution of Argolis are discussed. Argolis is newly recorded from Laos, Pakistan, and Vietnam.

Insects ; 14(7)2023 Jul 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37504653


A new subgenus, Palaeoronia subgen. nov., is described from the Cretaceous amber of North Myanmar (Kachin State) and assigned to the genus Phenolia. The type species of the new subgenus, Phenolia (Palaeoronia) haoranae subgen. et sp. nov., is characterized by a rather 'archaic' aspect. A discussion of the diagnostic and structure of the Soronia-complex of genera (together with the Phenolia-complex of genera) (Nitidulinae, Nitidulini) is proposed. Reasons for the 'conservatism' of this group during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are discussed. The position of the Apophisandridae stat. nov. (type genus Apophisandra) and the transfers of the following genera into this family: Cretaretes, Electrumeretes, Furcalabratum, Pelretes, Polliniretes, Protokateretes, Protonitidula, and Scaporetes, from the Kateretidae, Nitidulidae or Cerambycidae are grounded. The relations of the family Parandrexidae (with inclusion of the genus Cretoparacucujus, transferred from Boganiidae with a proposal of the subfamily Cretoparacucujinae subfam.nov.), Martynoposis and Parandrexis are considered. The genus Antirhelus gen. nov. (type species Heterhelus buzina) is assigned to the new subfamily, Antirhelinae subfam. nov. in the family Kateretidae. The fossil records of the 'nitidulid' group of families (Apophisandridae stat. nov., Kateretidae, Nitidulidae, Parandrexidae, Smicripidae and possibly Boganiidae) are reviewed. The relationship of the family Boganiidae, some aspects of pollination and pollinophagy, and also changes in beetle diet in the past are discussed. The lectotype of Parandrixis parvula is designated.

Zookeys ; 1170: 1-164, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37521854


Herein, Austrelatusgen. nov. (type species: Copelatusirregularis W.J. Macleay, 1871) is described for a distinctive lineage of predominantly Australasian species previously assigned to Copelatus Erichson, 1832. The new genus was retrieved as well supported, monophyletic clade in phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences data using Bayesian and parsimony approaches. The main morphological diagnostic character of Austrelatus is a complex median lobe of the aedeagus, with evident dorsal and ventral sclerites usually divided in apical half into two lobes of different shape or otherwise modified. Morphological comparison of the new genus with other Copelatinae genera, especially with Copelatus and Exocelina Broun, 1886, and a generic key to the New Guinean Copelatinae are provided. New combinations are established for 31 already described species mainly from the Australian Region (all from Copelatus): Austrelatusadelbert (Megna, Atthakor, Manaono, Hendrich & Balke, 2017), comb. nov.; A.badeni (Sharp, 1882), comb. nov.; A.bakewelli (J. Balfour-Browne, 1939), comb. nov.; A.baranensis (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.bougainvillensis (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.boukali (Hendrich & Balke, 1998), comb. nov.; A.clarki (Sharp, 1882), comb. nov.; A.daemeli (Sharp, 1882), comb. nov.; A.davidi (Wewalka, 2017), comb. nov.; A.deccanensis (Sheth, Ghate & Hájek, 2018), comb. nov.; A.fidschiensis (Zimmermann, 1928), comb. nov.; A.gestroi (Régimbart, 1892), comb. nov.; A.irregularis (W.J. Macleay, 1871), comb. nov.; A.kaszabi (Guignot, 1956), comb. nov.; A.kietensis (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.laevipennis (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.luteomaculatus (Guignot, 1956), comb. nov.; A.maushomi (Sheth, Ghate & Hájek, 2018), comb. nov.; A.neoguineensis (Zimmermann, 1919), comb. nov.; A.nigrolineatus (Sharp, 1882), comb. nov.; A.papuensis (J. Balfour-Browne, 1939), comb. nov.; A.parallelus (Zimmermann, 1920a), comb. nov.; A.schuhi (Hendrich & Balke, 1998), comb. nov.; A.sibelaemontis (Hájek, Hendrich, Hawlitschek & Balke, 2010), comb. nov.; A.strigosulus (Fairmaire, 1878), comb. nov.; A.ternatensis (Régimbart, 1899), comb. nov.; A.uludanuensis (Hendrich & Balke, 1995), comb. nov.; A.urceolus (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.variistriatus (Hájek, Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, 2021), comb. nov.; A.wallacei (J. Balfour-Browne, 1939), comb. nov. and A.xanthocephalus (Régimbart, 1899), comb. nov.Austrelatus species from New Guinea are divided into two informal species groups, the A.neoguineensis group and A.papuensis group, and A.fumatosp. nov. and A.setiphallussp. nov. standing aside of them. The A.neoguineensis group is introduced with three previously known species and 29 new species described here based on the morphological characters and Cox1 data: Austrelatusbaliemsp. nov., A.bormensissp. nov., A.brazzasp. nov., A.debulensissp. nov., A.fakfaksp. nov., A.febrisaurisp. nov., A.fojaensissp. nov., A.garainensissp. nov., A.innominatussp. nov., A.lembenensissp. nov., A.lisaesp. nov., A.manokwariensissp. nov., A.mimikasp. nov., A.mirificussp. nov., A.moreguinensissp. nov., A.nadjaesp. nov., A.oksibilensissp. nov., A.pseudoneoguineensissp. nov., A.pseudoksibilensissp. nov., A.rajaampatensissp. nov., A.rouaffersp. nov., A.rugosussp. nov., A.sandaunensissp. nov., A.sarmiensissp. nov., A.securiformissp. nov., A.testegensissp. nov., A.toricellisp. nov., A.vagauensissp. nov., and A.wanggarensissp. nov.Copelatusvagestriatus Zimmermann, 1919, syn. nov. is recognised as a junior subjective synonym of A.clarki (Sharp, 1882). The lectotypes of Copelatusgestroi Régimbart, 1892, C.neoguineensis Zimmermann, 1919 and C.xanthocephalus Régimbart, 1899 are designated. All species are (re)described, and their important species characters (genitalia, habitus, and colour patterns) are illustrated. Keys to all species are provided. The known distribution and habitat preferences of each species are outlined briefly. New Guinean Austrelatus occupy a variety of stagnant water habitats, either lentic sensu stricto, or standing water associated with lotic habitats (e.g., backflows, rockpools, intermittent / ephemeral stream pools).

PhytoKeys ; 226: 159-166, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37288249


Available information on the typification of the name Ranunculusrionii in the literature is scarce and misleading. Previously claimed type collections indicate Lagger as the collector, but the protologue discusses only the specimens collected by Rion. Original material for the name is identified, the locality of the type collection is specified, Lagger's way of writing herbarium labels for his type specimens is described, the history of the discovery of R.rionii is reviewed, and the name is lectotypified.

PhytoKeys ; 220: 51-57, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37251616


Based on examination of syntype specimens deposited at P, the lectotype for the name Deutziasetchuenensis Franch. is designated here. By consulting literature and specimen records, the type locality of D.setchuenensisvar.longidentata Rehder, 'Chin-Ting shan' in the protologue is likely a misspelling of 'Chiuting shan' which is now called Jiuding shan located in southern Mao county, Sichuan province. In addition, a new variety, Deutziasetchuenensisvar.macrocarpa Q.L.Gan, Z.Y.Li & S.Z.Xu from western Hubei, Central China, is described and illustrated. It differs from other varieties of D.setchuenensis Franch. by the orange anthers, broader outer filaments, obtuse inner filaments, and larger fruits.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(9)2023 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37176909


In this paper, we present the morphology, taxonomy, anatomy, and palynology of Arundo donax. A detailed morphological description and illustrations of the species are provided, along with information about the identification, distribution, the specimens examined, habitat and ecology, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) conservation assessment, phenology, etymology, vernacular name, and uses. The species can be distinguished by its large, tall rhizomatous perennial reed; cauline leaves; an open, large, plumose panicle inflorescence; subequal glumes as long as the spikelets; glabrous rachilla; all bisexual florets; and a lemma with a straight awn and with long white hairs outside below the middle part. In this study, two names were lectotypified: Arundo bifaria and A. bengalensis, which are synonyms of A. donax. The culm internodes in the transverse section have numerous vascular bundles scattered in the ground tissue, and the parenchyma cells have significantly lignified cell walls. Vascular bundles are composed of phloem and xylem and are enclosed in a continuous sclerenchymatous bundle sheath. The chloroplasts in the transverse section of the leaf blades are found only in the mesophyll cells but are absent in the bundle sheath cells, which indicates that it is a C3 grass. The leaves have stomata on both surfaces and are confined to the intercostal zones. The stomata are typically paracytic, with two lateral subsidiary cells placed parallel to the guard cells. The stomatal density is higher on the abaxial surface [450-839/mm2 (606.83 ± 72.71)] relative to the adaxial surface [286-587/mm2 (441.27 ± 50.72)]. The pollen grains are spheroidal or subspheroidal [polar axis length/equatorial axis length ratio (P/E ratio) = 0.89-1.16 (1.02 ± 0.07)] with a single pore surrounded by a faint annulus, and the exine sculpturing is granular.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(9)2023 May 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37176973


This paper presents the results of a research performed on Gargano Promontory (SE-Italy) on the populations of Scabiosa garganica, a species with little herbarium records and whose few morphological descriptions are outdated. S. garganica belongs to the S. holosericea aggr., a group including very similar taxa that still have different taxonomic classifications. Its typical location is Monte Sant'Angelo in the Gargano area. Surveys have ascertained the existence of many populations, whose stational data help to understand the distribution and ecological conditions S. garganica is linked to. The morphological analysis of a large sample (75 plants from 9 sites) allows for the description of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this species. The new morphological framework highlights the species autonomy of S. garganica and can contribute to clarifying the relationship with S. holosericea and S. taygetea to which it is closer. In addition, for the correct delimitation of the species, the name Scabiosa garganica is lectotypified. Finally, the species was assessed against the IUCN criteria for the evaluation of its conservation status.

Zookeys ; 1145: 181-189, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37234695


Polyclada Chevrolat and Procalus Clark are flea beetle genera (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini). Polyclada is endemic to the Afrotropical region, while Procalus has never been described outside of the Neotropical region. The new combination Procalusmaculipennis (Bryant, 1942), comb. nov. is proposed for Polycladamaculipennis Bryant, 1942. Its plausible type locality is Venezuela, and not Cameroon, as recorded on the labels of the type material, and hence the occurrence of P.maculipennis in Africa is questionable.

Zookeys ; 1161: 143-167, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37234738


The relationship between the genera Colasia Koch, 1965 and Belousovia Medvedev, 2007 within the tribe Blaptini is discussed, and a new synonymy is proposed: Belousovia Medvedev, 2007, syn. nov. of Colasia Koch, 1965. As a result, three new combinations are established: Colasiahelenae (Medvedev, 2007), comb. nov., C.kabakiintermedia (Medvedev, 2007), comb. nov., and C.kabakikabaki (Medvedev, 2007), comb. nov.Colasiaakisoides Koch, 1965 is redescribed, and a lectotype is designated. Three new species of the genus Colasia are described and illustrated from China: C.bijicasp. nov. (Guizhou), C.medvedevisp. nov. (Yunnan), and C.pilosasp. nov. (Yunnan). A distribution map and a key to species of the revised genus Colasia are presented.

Zookeys ; 1148: 79-117, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37235141


The genera Acesines Stål, 1876 and Dunnius Distant, 1902 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) were revised and redescribed with the description of Dunniusbarpetensis Salini & Rabbani, sp. nov., based on specimens from Assam and Meghalaya, northeastern states of India. The genus Mycterizon Breddin, 1909 is reinstated from Dunnius, removed from the tribe Menidini, and redescribed. Consequently, the following new combinations are proposed: A.sordida (Kirby, 1891), comb. nov., Dunniuslaticeps (Zheng & Liu, 1987), comb. nov., D.tridentatus (Xiong & Liu, 1995), comb. nov., and D.trifasciatus (Xiong & Liu, 1995), comb. nov. A lectotype is designated for Araductabella (Distant, 1900a). Acesinesbambusana Distant, 1918, and Mycterizonbellusstat. rev. are redescribed based on both male and female genitalia and Dunniusfulvescens (Dallas, 1851) is redescribed based on female genitalia.