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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 45-57, 20240722. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1567285


Objective. To analyze whether the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the screening, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in women up to 50 years of age in the state of Pará. Methods. Retrospective, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, using data from the Information Technology Department of the Brazilian Unified Health System. (DATASUS). The number of exams carried out in the pre-pandemic (2018-2019) and pandemic (2020-2021) period was analyzed based on the percentage variation, application of the chi-square test and G test for the time of exams and start time of treatment. Results. During the pandemic period, there was a greater number of screening mammograms (+3.68%), cytological (+23.68%), histological (+10.7%) and a lower number of diagnostic mammograms (-38.7%). The time interval for carrying out the exams was up to 30 days for screening and diagnostic exams and more than 60 days to start treatment during the pandemic period. Conclusion. Although the results indicate an increase in the number of screening and diagnostic procedures for breast cancer during the pandemic period, with the exception of diagnostic mammography, when considering probability values, the study points out that statistically the COVID-19 pandemic did not interfere with actions of breast cancer, in women over 50 years of age, in the state of Pará. Considering the autonomy of nursing and its role in public health, it is up to the professionals who are in charge of primary care programs to implement contingency plans in periods of crisis so that the population is not left unassisted.

Objetivo. Analizar si la pandemia de COVID-19 tuvo impacto en el tamizaje, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de mama en mujeres de 50 años y más del Estado do Pará-Brasil. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo, en el que se utilizaron los datos del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil (DATASUS). Se comparó el número de exámenes realizados y el tiempo para el inicio de tratamiento en los períodos prepandémico (2018-2019) y pandémico (2020-2021). Resultados. Se observó un mayor número de mamografías de cribado (+3.68%), citologías (+23.68%) e histologías (+10.7%) y un menor número de mamografías diagnósticas (-38.7%) en el período pandémico. El tiempo para la realización de las pruebas fue de hasta 30 días para el cribado y diagnóstico y de más de 60 días para el inicio del tratamiento durante el período pandémico. Conclusión. Aunque los resultados indican un aumento del número de procedimientos de cribado y diagnóstico del cáncer de mama en el periodo pandémico, con la excepción de la mamografía diagnóstica, cuando consideramos los valores de p) el estudio muestra que la pandemia COVID-19 estadísticamente no interfirió en las acciones preventivas contra el cáncer de mama en mujeres de 50 años y más en el estado de Pará. Teniendo en cuenta la autonomía de la enfermería y su papel en la salud pública, corresponde a los profesionales responsables de los programas de atención primaria implementar planes de contingencia en tiempos de crisis para no dejar desatendida a la población.

Objetivo. Analisar se a pandemia da COVID-19 repercutiu no rastreamento, diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer de mama em mulheres paraenses a partir de 50 anos. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, com utilização de dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro. (DATASUS). Analisou-se o número de exames realizados no período pré-pandemia (2018-2019) e pandêmico (2020-2021) com base na variação percentual, aplicação do teste qui quadrado e teste G para o tempo de realização de exames e tempo de início de tratamento. Resultados. Observou-se no período pandêmico maior quantitativo de mamografias de rastreamento (+3.68%), citológicos (+23.68%), histológicos (+10.7%) e menor registro de mamografias diagnósticas (-38.7%). O intervalo de tempo para realização dos exames foi de até 30 dias para os exames de rastreamento e diagnóstico e tempo maior que 60 dias para início de tratamento no período pandêmico. Conclusão. Embora os resultados indiquem aumento no quantitativo de procedimentos de rastreamento e diagnósticos para o câncer de mama no período pandêmico, com exceção da mamografia diagnóstica, ao considerarmos os valores de probabilidade, o estudo aponta que estatisticamente a pandemia da COVID-19 não interferiu nas ações do câncer de mama, em mulheres a partir de 50 anos, no Estado do Pará. Considerando a autonomia da enfermagem e sua atuação na saúde pública, cabe aos profissionais que estão à frente dos programas da atenção básica implementar planos de contingência em períodos de crise para que a população não fique desassistida.

Humans , Male , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Mammography , Breast Carcinoma In Situ , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Rev. argent. radiol ; 88(1): 11-22, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550716


Resumen La mamografía contrastada (CEDM, contrast-enhanced digital mammography) es una herramienta nueva que ha ido implementándose de forma creciente. Aparece como alternativa a la resonancia magnética (RM), y al igual que esta, tiene como principio el uso de contraste endovenoso para explorar la angiogénesis tumoral. Combina la imagen de mamografía convencional (Mx) con la técnica de sustracción con energía dual poscontraste, lo que resulta en un incremento en la detección de cáncer de mama, en un tiempo corto de estudio y a un bajo costo. Es un método prometedor en casos seleccionados y de fácil lectura, siendo útil principalmente en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama para detectar lesiones adicionales y determinar el tamaño tumoral, ayudando en la planificación quirúrgica, así como también en la evaluación de la respuesta a la neoadyuvancia. También en el seguimiento de pacientes operadas, para caracterizar lesiones dudosas en Mx y ecografía, o como alternativa ante contraindicación de la RM. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la utilidad de la mamografía contrastada en la práctica diaria y determinar sus principales indicaciones. Repasamos con casos propios las utilidades y características del método.

Abstract Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) is an emerging tool that has been increasingly implemented. It appears as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using intravenous contrast to explore tumor angiogenesis. It combines conventional mammography (Mx) with post-contrast dual energy subtraction technique, resulting in increased detection of breast cancer, in a short study time and at a low cost. It is a promising method in selected cases and easy to read, being useful mainly in patients with breast cancer to detect additional lesions and determine the tumor size, that helps surgical planning, as well as in the evaluation of post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in the follow-up of patients treated with surgery, to address inconclusive findings in screening mammogram, or as an alternative when MRI is contraindicated. The purpose of this article is to assess the usefulness of contrasted mammography in daily practice and to determine its main indications. We review with our own cases the applications and characteristics of this method.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558551


Las manifestaciones cutáneas de los tumores malignos comprenden un grupo de dermatosis que pueden ser marcadores de la presencia de neoplasias ocultas y permiten su diagnóstico oportuno. El objetivo de este informe es presentar las características clínicas de una acantosis nigricans asociada a carcinoma de mamario. Para ello, se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 50 años, color de piel negro, asistida en la consulta de Dermatología del Policlínico Universitario Raúl Sánchez, por tener una placa única eritematosa localizada en la mama izquierda, acompañada de dolor, aumento de la temperatura local y máculas hipercrómicas en las axilas; así como adenopatías axilares múltiples. Los exámenes complementarios mostraron la presencia de acantosis nigricans maligna asociada a un carcinoma inflamatorio de la mama izquierda. Fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, con la consiguiente desaparición de las lesiones cutáneas, pero con un pronóstico reservado. La mayoría de los síndromes paraneoplásicos son inespecíficos; existe una necesidad urgente de sospechar una correlación entre los cambios cutáneos y la posibilidad de una neoplasia interna, por lo que es de suma importancia derivar a estos pacientes para su identificación y el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad de base. Esto mejoraría el pronóstico y atenuaría en gran medida las consecuencias.

The skin manifestations of malignant tumors include a group of dermatoses that can be the sign of the occult neoplasms presence and allow their timely diagnosis. The objective of this report is to present the acanthosis nigricans' clinical characteristics associated with breast carcinoma. The clinical case of a 50-years-old black-skinned patient is described, assisted in the Dermatology consultation of the Raúl Sánchez University Polyclinic, for having a single erythematous plaque located in the left breast, accompanied by pain, increased local temperature and hyperchromic macules in the armpits; as well as multiple axillary lymphadenopathy. Complementary examinations showed the presence of malignant acanthosis nigricans associated with an inflammatory carcinoma of the left breast. She underwent surgery, with the consequent disappearance of the skin lesions, but with a reserved prognosis. Most paraneoplastic syndromes are nonspecific; there is an urgent need to suspect a correlation between skin changes and the possibility of an internal neoplasia, so it is of utmost importance to refer these patients for identification and early diagnosis of the underlying disease. This would improve the prognosis and greatly mitigate the consequences.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(7): e00220122, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564244


Resumo: A detecção precoce de câncer de mama permite formas de tratamentos mais eficazes. Entretanto, o acesso generalizado à principal ferramenta de rastreamento, a mamografia, ainda é um desafio para o sistema público de saúde brasileiro. Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o efeito da alocação de mamógrafos sobre indicadores de saúde da mulher. Em 2013, dentre os 4.557 municípios que não tinham o equipamento, 260 receberam até 2019. A principal hipótese é que o efeito de receber o mamógrafo seja heterogêneo entre as localidades e que receber o equipamento dependa de variáveis observáveis (pareamento por escore de propensão) e não observáveis (modelo de efeitos fixos). Os resultados indicam que os municípios brasileiros que tiveram mamógrafo em uso a partir de 2014 obtiveram aumentos na realização de exames, porém sem efeitos de curto prazo para diagnósticos e óbitos por neoplasia maligna da mama. Além de equipamentos, uma estrutura mais complexa que envolve outros fatores como acesso a consultas, profissionais qualificados, tempo de espera etc. são importantes para melhorar os indicadores de saúde femininos no recorte de municípios analisados.

Abstract: The early detection of breast cancer enables more effective forms of treatment. However, widespread access to its main screening tool, mammography, remains a challenge for the Brazilian public health system. This study aimed to analyze the effect of allocating mammography equipment on women's health indicators. In 2013, of the 4,557 municipalities that lacked the equipment, 260 received it up to 2019. The main hypothesis of this study suggests that receiving the mammography device would show a heterogeneous effect between locations and that such receival would depend on observable (propensity score matching) and non-observable variables (fixed effects model). Results indicate that the Brazilian municipalities that had mammography equipment in use from 2014 onward increased their number of exams without short-term effects to diagnoses and deaths due to malignant breast neoplasia. In addition to equipment, a more complex structure involving other factors (such as access to consultations, qualified professionals, waiting time, etc.) is important to improve women's health indicators in the analyzed municipalities.

Resumen: La detección temprana del cáncer de mama permite formas de tratamientos más eficaces. Sin embargo, el acceso generalizado a la principal herramienta de seguimiento, la mamografía, sigue siendo un desafío para el sistema público de salud brasileño. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto de la asignación de mamógrafos en los indicadores de salud de la mujer. En 2013, de los 4.557 municipios que no tenían el equipo, 260 lo recibieron hasta 2019. La hipótesis principal es que el efecto de recibir un mamógrafo es heterogéneo entre las localidades y que recibir el equipo depende de variables observables (emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión) y no observables (modelo de efectos fijos). Los resultados indican que en los municipios brasileños que han tenido mamógrafo en uso a partir de 2014 obtuvieron aumentos en la realización de exámenes, pero sin efectos a corto plazo sobre los diagnósticos y las muertes por neoplasia maligna de la mama. Además de los equipos, una estructura más compleja que involucra otros factores como el acceso a consultas, profesionales calificados, tiempo de espera, etc. son importantes para mejorar los indicadores de salud de las mujeres en el recorte de municipios analizados.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 153-168, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557869


Resumen OBJETIVO: Identificar los principales hallazgos histopatológicos benignos y determinar la tasa de falsos positivos que suelen causar conflicto al categorizar las mastografías en el sistema BI-RADS por su aspecto, que puede simular un proceso maligno. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, efectuado en pacientes atendidas en la Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad 4 Luis Castelazo Ayala (2019-2023) con reporte mastográfico alterado o sospecha clínica de malignidad. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa JASP 2.0 y χ2 para la diferencia de proporciones entre grupos. RESULTADOS: De un grupo de 11,481 pacientes, se reportaron 1643 mastografías alteradas: 444 con reportes falsos positivos, 23 pacientes con sospecha clínica y exclusión de 16 que no cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. La muestra poblacional estudiada fue de 451 pacientes. La mayoría permaneció asintomática al momento del estudio (42.1%). El hallazgo histopatológico benigno con mayor prevalencia fue el fibroadenoma y su síntoma más relevante el nódulo palpable. La tasa de falsos positivos fue de 4.3%. CONCLUSIONES: En la actualidad, gracias a la implementación de programas de tamizaje es posible establecer diagnósticos de cáncer de mama en etapas tempranas, aunque con la desventaja que el reporte puede resultar falso positivo y ello dar lugar a incremento de la morbilidad y sobretratamiento. Los estándares internacionales indican que estos no deben sobrepasar el 10%.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To identify the main benign histopathological findings that often cause conflict when categorizing mastographies in the BI-RADS system due to their appearance, which may simulate a malignant process and false positive rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort study carried out in patients attended at the Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad 4 Luis Castelazo Ayala (2019-2023) with an altered mastographic report or clinical suspicion of malignancy. For statistical analysis we used the JASP 2.0 programme and χ2 for the difference in proportions between groups. RESULTS: From a group of 11,481 patients, 1,643 altered mastograms were reported: 444 with false positive reports, 23 patients with clinical suspicion and exclusion of 16 who did not meet the established inclusion criteria. The population sample studied was 451 patients. The majority remained asymptomatic at the time of the study (42.1%). The most prevalent benign histopathological finding was fibroadenoma and the most relevant symptom was a palpable nodule. The false positive rate was 4.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Currently, thanks to the implementation of screening programmes it is possible to establish breast cancer diagnoses in early stages, although with the disadvantage that the report may be false positive and this may lead to increased morbidity and overtreatment. International standards indicate that these should not exceed 10%.

Radiol. bras ; 57: e20230111en, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558815


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the indications for and results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations for breast cancer screening at a cancer center in Brazil. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective observational study, based on electronic medical records, of patients undergoing MRI for breast cancer screening at a cancer center in Brazil. Results: We included 597 patients between 19 and 82 years of age. The main indications for MRI screening were a personal history of breast cancer, in 354 patients (59.3%), a family history of breast cancer, in 102 (17.1%), and a confirmed genetic mutation, in 67 (11.2%). The MRI result was classified, in accordance with the categories defined in the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System, as benign (category 1 or 2), in 425 patients (71.2%), probably benign (category 3), in 143 (24.0%), or suspicious (category 4 or 5), in 29 (4.9%). On MRI, 11 malignant tumors were identified, all of which were invasive carcinomas. Among those 11 carcinomas, six (54.5%) were categorized as minimal cancers (< 1 cm), and the axillary lymph nodes were negative in 10 (90.9%). The cancer detection rate was 18.4/1,000 examinations, and the positive predictive value for suspicious lesions submitted to biopsy was 37.9%. Conclusion: In our sample, the main indication for breast MRI screening was a personal history of breast cancer. The results indicate that MRI is a highly accurate method for the early detection of breast neoplasms in this population.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar as indicações e resultados de exames de ressonância magnética (RM) para rastreamento de câncer de mama em um centro oncológico no Brasil. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo observacional, realizado mediante análise retrospectiva de pacientes submetidos a RM das mamas para rastreamento de câncer de mama, por meio de revisão do prontuário eletrônico em um centro oncológico. Resultados: Foram incluídas 597 pacientes com idade variando de 19 a 82 anos. As principais indicações para rastreamento foram história pessoal de câncer de mama em 354 (59,3%) pacientes, história familiar em 102 (17,1%) e mutação genética confirmada em 67 (11,2%). O resultado da RM foi benigno (BI-RADS 1 ou 2) em 425 (71,2%) pacientes, provavelmente benigno (BI-RADS 3) em 143 (24,0%) e suspeito (BI-RADS 4 ou 5) em 29 (4,9%). Foram identificados 11 tumores malignos na RM, todos carcinomas invasivos, porcentagem de cânceres "mínimos" (< 1 cm) de 54,5% e porcentagem de axila negativa de 90,9%. A taxa de detecção de câncer na RM foi 18,4/1000 exames e o valor preditivo positivo para as lesões suspeitas submetidas a biópsia foi 37,9%. Conclusão: A principal indicação para RM de rastreamento na nossa população foi história pessoal de câncer de mama. Os resultados mostraram que a RM constitui um método com alta acurácia para detecção precoce de neoplasias da mama nessa população.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560161


Introducción: En Cuba, el cáncer de mama constituye, actualmente, la primera causa de mortalidad oncológica en la mujer, acorde a lo establecido en la clasificación BI-RADS. A las lesiones mamarias categorizadas 5, por sospecha de malignidad, se les debe realizar una toma de biopsia para su evaluación histopatológica. Objetivo: Correlacionar los hallazgos clínicos e histológicos en pacientes portadores de lesiones mamográficas tipo BI-RADS 5. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal sobre la relación existente entre el cáncer de mama tipo 5 de la clasificación BI-RADS y el resultado histológico, en una muestra dada por 30 pacientes. De esta se tomaron edad, raza, antecedentes oncológicos familiares, factores de riesgo, examen clínico, alteraciones de la mamografía e histológicas, datos que fueron manejados según estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: Predominaron personas de la tercera edad, blancas, con familiares con enfermedades oncológicas, sedentarias y obesas con criterios imagenológicos de BI-RADS 5 e histología, prevaleciendo el carcinoma ductal. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico precoz del cáncer mamario mediante autoexamen o mamografía de escrutinio es fundamental.

Introduction: In Cuba, breast cancer is currently the first cause of oncological mortality in women, according to what is to established in the BI-RADS (Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System). Breast lesions categorized 5, due to suspicion of malignancy, should be biopsied for their histopathological evaluation. Objective: To correlate the clinical and histological findings in patients with type 5 BI-RADS mammographic lesions. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was carried out on the relationship between type 5 mamma cancers of the BI-RADS classification and histological results in a sample of 30 patients. From them, age, race, family oncological history, risk factors, clinical examination, mammography and histological alterations were taken, data that were managed according to descriptive statistics. Results: White, elderly people predominated, with sedentary and obese relatives with oncological diseases, and BI-RADS 5 imaging criteria and histology, prevailing ductal carcinoma. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of breast cancer through auto examination or screening mammography is essential.

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 61(6): 736-746, 2023 Nov 06.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37995285


Background: Breast cancer screening coverage in Mexico is limited. It is necessary to configure the Mexican health system to make it capable of producing more mammograms, without neglecting quality and diagnostic opportunity. Objective: To project the coverage of breast cancer screening programs according to the mammographs availability in the Mexican Health System. Material and methods: An exploratory study was conducted correlating the number mammographs available in the Mexican Health System with women between 40 and 69 who are the target of screening programs in Mexico. The analysis consisted of calculating the coverage of breast cancer screening programs if each mammograph could perform 6336 screening mammograms per year. All the calculations were made with the information of the year 2020 as the most current data in terms of population density. Results: It was determined that the number of mammographs is enough to raise the offer of screening studies to ≈50% at the national level. There are even states whose coverage capacity is projected above 70%. Some of them are Mexico City, Colima, Durango, Quintana Roo, Zacatecas, Baja California Sur and Coahuila. Also, it was observed that the distribution of mammographs is not equitable in the national territory, suggesting investment both in equipment and in screening strategies for breast cancer. Conclusions: Our data show that it is possible to advance in preventing breast cancer in Mexico, although the improvement of the management capacities of the Mexican Health System is required to improve both the coverage and quality of the breast cancer screening programs.

Introducción: la cobertura de detección de cáncer de mama en México es limitada. Es necesario configurar al sistema de salud mexicano para hacerlo capaz de producir más mastografías, sin dejar de lado la calidad y la oportunidad diagnóstica. Objetivo: proyectar la capacidad de cobertura de los programas de detección oportuna de cáncer de mama en México en función de los mastógrafos disponibles en las instituciones públicas del país. Material y métodos: se hizo un estudio exploratorio correlacionando la cantidad de mastógrafos del sector público con las mujeres entre 40 y 69 años quienes son el objetivo de los programas de tamizaje en México. El análisis consistió en calcular la población blanco-cubierta, a nivel nacional y por estado, asumiendo que cada mastógrafo pudiera ejecutar 6336 estudios de tamizaje al año. Todos los cálculos se realizaron con la información del año 2020 por ser los datos más actuales en materia de densidad poblacional. Resultados: se determinó que se cuenta con el número de mastógrafos suficiente como para elevar la oferta de estudios de tamizaje al 50% a nivel nacional. Incluso hay estados cuya capacidad de cobertura se proyecta por arriba del 70%. Algunos de ellos son Ciudad de México, Colima, Durango, Quintana Roo, Zacatecas, Baja California Sur y Coahuila. También se observó que la distribución de estos equipos no es equitativa, habiendo estados con grandes necesidades de inversión en equipo y, por ende, en estrategias de tamización para cáncer de mama. Conclusiones: nuestros datos demuestran que es posible incrementar la cobertura de los programas de detección oportuna de cáncer de mama en México, aunque es necesario mejorar las capacidades gerenciales de nuestros programas para que estos impacten en la cobertura, pero también en la calidad.

Breast Neoplasms , Mammography , Female , Humans , Mexico/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Early Detection of Cancer , Mass Screening
Femina ; 51(7): 390-399, 20230730. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512437


Objetivo: Apresentar a atualização das recomendações do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem, da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia e da Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia para o rastreamento do câncer de mama no Brasil. Materiais e Métodos: Foram feitas buscas das evidências científicas publicadas nas bases Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, CINAHL e Lilacs, entre janeiro de 2012 e julho de 2022. As recomendações foram baseadas nessas evidências, mediante consenso da comissão de especialistas das três entidades. Recomendações: O rastreamento mamográfico anual é recomendado para as mulheres de risco habitual entre 40 e 74 anos. Acima de 75 anos, deve ser reservado para as que tenham expectativa de vida maior que sete anos. Mulheres com risco maior que o habitual, entre elas as com mamas densas, com história pessoal de hiperplasia lobular atípica, carcinoma lobular in situ clássico, hiperplasia ductal atípica, tratamento de câncer de mama ou de irradiação no tórax antes dos 30 anos ou, ainda, portadoras de mutação genética ou com forte história familiar, beneficiam-se do rastreamento complementar, sendo consideradas de forma individualizada. A tomossíntese é uma evolução da mamografia e deve ser considerada no rastreamento, sempre que acessível e disponível. (AU)

Objective: To present the update of the recommendations of the Brazilian College of Radiology, the Brazilian Society of Mastology and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations for breast cancer screening in Brazil. Materials and Methods: Scientific evidence published in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Ebsco, Cinahl and Lilacs between January 2012 and July 2022 was searched. Recommendations were based on this evidence, by consensus of the expert committee of the three entities. Recommendations: Annual mammographic screening is recommended for women aged between 40 and 74 years old. Above 75 years should be reserved for those with a life expectancy greater than seven years. Women at higher than usual risk, including those with dense breasts, a personal history of atypical lobular hyperplasia, classic lobular carcinoma in situ, atypical ductal hyperplasia, treatment for breast câncer, chest irradiation before age 30, carriers of genetic mutation or with a strong family history, benefit from complementary screening, being considered individually. Tomosynthesis is an evolution of mammography and should be considered in screening, whenever accessible and available. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Mass Screening/adverse effects , Quality of Life , Thorax/radiation effects , Breast/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mammography , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Cohort Studies , Women's Health , Systematic Review
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 75-82, jul.2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524804


El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer y mantener activo un programa de control de calidad semanal en un sistema de mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) con tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) para optimizar la relación dosis-calidad de imagen en el tamizaje mamográfico y en el diagnóstico de las patologías de la mama, así como determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad en el periodo 2019-2022. Las imágenes mamográficas fueron obtenidas con el maniquí del Colegio Americano de Radiología (ACR) como parte del programa de control de calidad y con el uso de un dosímetro se determinó la dosis glandular media (DGM). También se midieron otras variables que afectan calidad de imagen y dosis. La imagen optimizada tiene el potencial de reducir la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de mama debido a que el cáncer de mama es un problema de salud pública en los países en vías de desarrollo. Los resultados generales en el periodo del estudio se ilustran con graficas e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC, 95%), además los valores numéricos se expresan en términos del error estándar de la media con 95% de confianza. Para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM): mAs = 160 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, razón señal-ruido (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, razón contraste-ruido (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. Los valores de las diferentes variables fueron determinados de acuerdo a la metodología del fabricante (Hologic, 2011). Los valores de la sensibilidad y la especificidad fueron para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) sensibilidad 91% y especificidad 94% y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) sensibilidad 94% y especificidad 97%. Los resultados de dosis y calidad de imagen en ambas modalidades mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) y tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) muestran que el programa de control de calidad se mantuvo operativo durante el estudio manteniendo una relación optimizada entre dosis y calidad de imagen

The objective of this study was to establish and maintain active a weekly quality control program in a full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to optimize the dose-image quality relationship in mammographic screening and in diagnosis of breast pathologies, as well as determining sensitivity and specificity in the period 2019-2022. Mammographic images were obtained with the American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom as part of the quality control program and the mean glandular dose (DGM) was determined with a dosimeter. Other variables that affect image quality and dose were also measured. Optimized imaging (image quality-dose) has the potential to reduce the breast cancer mortality rate because breast cancer is a public health problem in developing countries. The general results in the study period are illustrated with graphs and 95% confidence intervals (CI, 95%), in addition the numerical values are expressed in terms of the standard error of the mean with 95% confidence, For full field digital mammography (FFDM): mAs = 160.3 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, signalto-noise ratio (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 and for tomosynthesis digital breast (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. The values of the different variables were determined according to the manufacturer's methodology. Mammography facility sensitivity and specificity values were determined using pathology results during the study. For FFDM mode they were sensitivity 91% and specificity 94% and for DBT mode they were sensitivity 94% and specificity 97%. The dose and image quality results in both full field digital mammography (FFDM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) modalities show that the quality control program remained operational during

Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mammography/instrumentation , Mammography/methods , Radiation Dosage , Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Radiographic Image Enhancement/methods
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 42(3): 147-155, mayo - jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219923


Objetivo principal: comparar la efectividad para la comprobación de márgenes quirúrgicos entre SPECT portátil y la mamografía de la pieza (RxM). Objetivo secundario: estandarizar un protocolo preintraquirúrgico mediante SPECT portátil y evaluar el tiempo requerido en el uso de esta técnica. Material y métodos Estudio longitudinal prospectivo con 36 pacientes (39 lesiones) diagnosticadas de cáncer de mama con criterios para realización SNOLL/ROLL. Se realiza en estudio prequirúrgico de la lesión tumoral, tras la administración ecoguiada de [99mTc]Tc-nanocoloides de albúmina/[99mTc]Tc-macroagregados de albúmina, en la lesión tumoral. Mediante SPECT portátil se obtienen imágenes híbridas (óptico + SPECT) e imágenes de navegación en 3D con sonda gamma. En quirófano se obtienen 4-5 imágenes con SPECT portátil, I) sobre piel para localización tumoral II) tras exposición de lecho para guía de resección, III) del lecho tras exéresis, IV y V) a la pieza quirúrgica. Se decide ampliación o no de márgenes considerando tres criterios: a) actividad residual (cps) en bordes de resección del lecho; b) análisis visual de la captación en la pieza; c) una distancia mínima de 10mm de los bordes de la pieza hasta el centro de mayor captación, más el radio de la lesión. En este estudio se valora la concordancia de: la medición de la profundidad entre ecografía y SPECT portátil en el estudio prequirúrgico; los márgenes quirúrgicos entre SPECT portátil vs. RxM, teniendo de técnica de referencia anatomía patológica (AP); del tiempo quirúrgico empleado con SPECT portátil (AU)

Objectives Main objective: To compare the effectiveness for checking surgical margins between SPECT-portable and mammography of the piece (RxM). Secondary objective: To standardize a pre-operative protocol using SPECT-portable and to evaluate the time required in the use of this technique. Material and method Prospective longitudinal study with 36 patients (39 lesions) diagnosed with breast cancer (CM) with criteria for SNOLL/ROLL. A pre-surgical study of the tumor lesion was performed, after the eco-guided administration of 99mTc-nanocolloids of albumin/99mTc-macroaggregates of albumin, in the tumor lesion. Hybrid images (optical+SPECT) and 3D navigation images with gamma probe are obtained using freehandSPECT. In the operating room, 4–5 images are obtained with freehandSPECT, (I) on skin for tumor location, (II) after exposure of surgical bed for resection guide, (III) of the surgical bed after exeresis, (IV and V) the anterior–posterior and lateral surface of the surgical specimen. The three criteria to decide to extend the margins are: (a) residual activity (cps) at the edges of the surgical bed resection; (b) visual analysis of the uptake in the specimen; (c) a minimum distance of 10mm from the edges of the specimen to the center of greatest uptake, plus the radius of the lesion. We study the concordance of: the depth measurement between ultrasound and freehandSPECT; the surgical margins between freehandSPECT vs. mammography of the specimen (RxM), considering anatomical pathology (AP) as the gold standard technique as reference; surgical time used with freehandSPECT and RxM. Results Intraoperative localization was performed in all cases. False negative (FN: no detection margin affected) with freehandSPECT: 9 margins; with RxM: 8 (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Margins of Excision , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon/methods , Neoplasm Staging , Sensitivity and Specificity , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies
Radiol. bras ; 56(3): 145-149, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449030


Abstract Radiation-induced secondary tumors constitute a rare complication of radiation therapy and typically occur in or near the irradiated area. Women who undergo thoracic radiotherapy before 30 years of age have a significantly greater lifetime risk of developing breast cancer than do those in the general population. It is recommended that a patient who has previously received thoracic radiotherapy with a radiation dose ≥ 10 Gy subsequently undergo annual screening with mammography and magnetic resonance imaging, beginning eight years after the initial treatment or when the patient has reached 25 years of age (whichever comes later). The treatment of secondary breast cancer in this population should be individualized and should be discussed with a multidisciplinary team to avoid toxicity related to the treatment of the primary cancer.

Resumo Os cânceres secundários induzidos por radiação são complicações raras da radioterapia e geralmente ocorrem na área tratada ou próximo a ela. Mulheres com menos de 30 anos de idade tratadas com radioterapia torácica têm risco significativamente aumentado de desenvolver câncer de mama ao longo da vida, em comparação com a população em geral. Para as pacientes tratadas com irradiação torácica com dose igual ou superior a 10 Gy é recomendado rastreamento anual com mamografia e ressonância magnética iniciando oito anos após o tratamento, desde que este início seja após 25 anos de idade. O tratamento do câncer de mama secundário nessa população deve ser individualizado e discutido com equipe multidisciplinar, para evitar toxicidade relacionada ao tratamento do câncer primário.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442376


Objetivos: investigar o impacto da pandemia no rastreamento do câncer de mama no Sistema Único de Saúde e comparar os dados obtidos com os de outros países. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal quantitativo, com dados provenientes do Sistema de Informação do Câncer ­ SISCAN sobre o número de mamografias feitas de 2014 a 2022 por mulheres, no Brasil. Resultados: os dados referentes à mamografia na população de risco elevado demonstraram uma queda de 38,39% de 2019 para 2020. Enquanto na mamografia de rastreamento a queda foi ligeiramente maior, de 39,18% nesse mesmo período. Em relação à mamografia diagnóstica, a redução foi de 33,15%, e na mamografia de população-alvo, o ápice foi em 2019 com 2.721.075. Em contrapartida, a realização de mamografia em pacientes já tratadas, teve uma menor queda, de 9,35%. Conclusões: observou-se uma queda significativa no número de mamografias realizadas em 2019 e 2020, o que poderá acarretar em diagnósticos tardios da doença e piores prognósticos (AU).

Objectives: investigating the impact of the pandemic on breast cancer screening in the Unified Health System, in addition to comparing the data obtained from other countries. Methods: a quantitative cross-sectional observational study was carried out, with references from the Cancer Information System - SISCAN on the number of mammograms performed from 2014 to 2022 by women in Brazil. Results: data regarding mammography in the high-risk population showed a drop of 38,39% from 2019 to 2020. While in screening mammography, the decline was slightly more significant, at 39.18% in the same period. Regarding diagnostic mammography, the reduction was 33.15%, and in target population mammography, the peak was in 2019 with 2.721.075. On the other hand, the performance of mammography in patients already treated had a smaller decrease of 9.35%. Conclusions: there was a significant reduction in the number of mammograms performed in 2019 and 2020, which might lead to a late diagnosis of the disease and a worse prognosis (AU),

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis
Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 36(1): 1-6, ene.-mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-215276


Introducción: el empleo de dispositivos de tomografía por emisión de positrones mamodedicados (dbPET) mejora la resolución espacial respecto a la PET corporal total. La mamografía mediante imagen molecular PET (MAMMI-PET) es una nueva técnica, pero los estudios clínicos realizados son escasos. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad, los valores predictivos positivos y negativos de la MAMMI-PET, así como comparar el dispositivo con las pruebas de imagen tradicionales. Material y métodos: estudio observacional prospectivo y analítico sobre una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama confirmado histológicamente, atendidas en el Hospital General de Valencia (enero 2017-noviembre 2018). Se realizó un estudio preoperatorio con ecografía, mamografía, resonancia magnética nuclear y MAMMI-PET. Se consideró a la anatomía patológica como el patrón oro del número y tipo de lesiones existentes en cada mama. Se comprobó si el diagnóstico del MAMMI-PET para cada lesión coincidió con el resultado de la anatomía patológica. Se comparó la sensibilidad de cada prueba con la del MAMMI-PET empleando la prueba de Chi cuadrado con nivel de significación de 0,05. Resultados: se evaluaron los datos de 32 pacientes y 44 lesiones (36 malignas y 8 benignas). Dos pacientes fueron excluidas del estudio. Se obtuvo una sensibilidad del 75% para el MAMMI-PET. La mejor sensibilidad se obtuvo para la resonancia magnética nuclear con 85,3% mientras que para la ecografía y la mamografía fue de 77,8 y 69,4%, respectivamente. No se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el estudio comparativo entre el MAMMI-PET y el resto de las pruebas de imagen. Conclusiones: la sensibilidad del MAMMI-PET (75%) para el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama fue similar a las otras pruebas de imagen. (AU)

Introduction: The use of mammo dedicated breast PET (dbPET) scanners improves spacial resolution compared to Whole Body Pet images (WBPET). Mammography with Molecular Imaging PET (MAMMI-PET) is a new device with hardly any clinical studies. The aim of the study is to estimate the sensitivity of MAMMI-PET and compare it with classic imaging devices. Material and methods: A prospective and analytical observational study was carried out in a sample of patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer who were treated at our hospital between January 2017 and November 2018. Preoperative study of patients was performed with ultrasound, mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and MAMMI-PET. Findings (number and benignant/malignant lesions) of the anatomopathological (AP) study were used as the gold standard. Results between MAMMI-PET and AP were compared. The sensitivity of each test was compared with that of the MAMMI-PET using the Chi square test with a significance level of 0.05. Results: Data from 32 patients and 44 lesions (36 malignant and 8 benign) were evaluated. Two patients were excluded. The MAMMI-PET sensitivity was 75%. The best sensitivity was obtained for MRI with 85.3%, while for ultrasound and mammography it was 77.8% and 69.4% respectively. No statistically significant differences were found between the sensitivity of MAMMIPET and the rest of the imaging tests. Conclusions: The sensitivity obtained for the MAMMI-PET scanner (75%) was similar to the other imaging tests. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mammography , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prospective Studies , Hospitals, General
Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 36(1): 1-8, ene.-mar. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-215278


Introducción: la resonancia magnética es el método diagnóstico más preciso en la evaluación de la enfermedad residual en el cáncer de mama tratado con quimioterapia neoadyuvante. La mamografía con contraste puede ser una alternativa eficaz a la resonancia en la evaluación de tumor residual. Esta técnica disminuiría los costes significativamente, mejoraría el flujo de pacientes y apenas tiene contraindicaciones. Métodos: hemos realizado un estudio observacional y prospectivo en 43 pacientes con cáncer de mama tratadas con quimioterapia neoadyuvante. El estudio prequirúrgico incluyó tanto la mamografía con inyección de contraste como la resonancia magnética. Se correlacionó el tamaño tumoral residual por imagen con el estudio anatomopatológico posquirúrgico. Resultados: la MC presenta un coeficiente de correlación interclase superior al de la RM (0,9 vs. 0,7). Los valores de sensibilidad y especificidad de la MC (83,9 y 83,3%) son altos y equiparables a los de la RM (74,2 y 91,6%). Además, el valor predictivo negativo de la MC es mayor que el de la RM (66,7 vs. 57,9%) y VPP es muy similar (92,9 vs. 95,8%). Conclusión: la mamografía con contraste es una prueba equiparable a la resonancia magnética para la evaluación de la respuesta tumoral posneoadyuvancia en las pacientes con cáncer de mama. También es una prueba válida para la visualización de lesiones adicionales en la misma mama o en la contralateral. (AU)

Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging is the most accurate diagnostic method for evaluating residual disease in breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Contrast-enhanced mammography can be an effective alternative to MRI in the evaluation of residual tumor. This technique would significantly reduce costs, improve patient flow and hardly has any contraindications. Methods: We have carried out an observational and prospective study in 43 patients with breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The pre-surgical study included both mammography with contrast injection and magnetic resonance imaging. Residual tumor size by imaging was correlated with the postoperative pathology study. Results: The CM presents a higher interclass correlation coefficient than the RM (0.9 vs. 0.7). The sensitivity and specificity values of CM (83.9% and 83.3%) are high and comparable to those of MRI (74.2% and 91.6%). Furthermore, the negative predictive value of CM is greater than that of MRI (66.7% vs 57.9%) and PPV is very similar (92.9% vs 95.8%). Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced mammography is a test comparable to magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of post-neoadjuvant tumor response in patients with breast cancer. It is also a valid test in visualizing additional lesions in the same or contralateral breast. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Mammography , Prospective Studies , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Neoadjuvant Therapy
Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(153): 28-46, mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567884


Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar nuestra experiencia inicial en la implementación de la mamografía con inyección de contraste (MCIC) y realizar una revisión de la literatura actual respecto de sus indicaciones. Los estudios se realizaron utilizando mamógrafo con capacidad de realizar MCIC, inyección de contraste iodado endovenoso y posterior toma de las imágenes mamográficas habituales (baja y alta energía). Se incluyeron 20 pacientes, invitadas a participar entre quienes concurrieron a realizar biopsias por punción histológicas. Una paciente realizó un segundo estudio al finalizar la terapia neoadyuvante. Dos de 20 (10%) pacientes tuvieron solo lesiones benignas que no realzaron y 18/20 (90%) lesiones malignas que realzaron. Se biopsiaron 27 lesiones, 4 (15%) fueron benignas y 23 (85%) malignas. La extensión del realce coincidió con la lesión visible en imágenes de baja energía en 9/18 (50%) pacientes, en 1/18 (5%) parte del realce mayor a la imagen de baja energía correspondió a una lesión benigna (falso positivo) y en 8/18 (45%) el realce mayor a la imagen de baja energía se corroboró histológicamente. En 4 (22%) pacientes se modificó la estrategia quirúrgica. En el examen post neoadyuvancia se observó respuesta imagenológica completa, reportándose en la cirugía, lesión residual invasora de 2mm. No se presentaron reacciones alérgicas ni otras complicaciones. Se realizó revisión de indicaciones en la literatura. Conclusiones: Nuestra experiencia inicial y curva de aprendizaje muestran que la MCIC es segura y con buenos resultados(AU)

Objetive The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate our initial experience with the implementation of contrast enhanced mammography (CEM) and a review of the current publications regarding its indications. The study was performed with a mammographic unit with CEM capability and iodine-based contrast medium injection. Low and high energy images (recombined image) were obtained in standard incidences. Twenty patients were invited to participate among those that came to undergo breast core biopsies. One patient had two studies, the second after neoadjuvant therapy. Two of 20 (10%) patients had only benign lesions that did not enhanced and 18/20 (90%) had malignant lesions that enhanced. Twenty-seven lesions were biopsied, 4 (15%) were benign and 23 (85%) were malignant. Enhancement was coincident with low energy images size in 9/18 (50%) patients, in 1/8 (5%) part of the enhancement, larger than the lesion in low energy images was due to a benign lesion (false positive) and 8/18 (45%) the size of the lesion that enhanced was truly larger than low energy images (histology proved). Because of this, surgery strategy was modified in 4 (22%) patients. There was radiologic complete response after neoadjuvant therapy and the surgical path report described a 2mm residual invasive carcinoma. There were no allergic reactions or other complications. A review of the published indications of the method was performed. Conclusions: Our initial experience and learning curve shows that CEM is safe with good clinical outcome (AU)

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 397-404, fev. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421155


Resumo O objetivo foi verificar a tendência de desigualdade na realização de mamografia de acordo com a posse de plano de saúde e escolaridade a partir de dados do período de 2011 a 2020 do VIGITEL. Estudo de base populacional com dados provenientes do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) entre 2011 e 2020. Desfecho: exame de mamografia nos últimos dois anos em mulheres de 50 a 69 anos. A magnitude das desigualdades do desfecho em relação às exposições (plano de saúde e escolaridade) foi estimada por meio de dois índices: slope index of inequality (SII) e concentration index (CIX). A prevalência de cobertura da realização de mamografia (2011-2020) passou de 74,4% para 78,0%, com tendência estável. As prevalências de quem possuía plano de saúde foram 85,7% e 86,4%, e de quem não possuía, 63,4% e 71,2%, com tendência crescente. De acordo com a escolaridade, em mulheres com 0-8 anos de estudo a prevalência passou de 68,2% para 72,6%; 9-11 anos, de 80,4% para 80,0% (tendência decrescente); 12 anos ou mais, de 88,0% para 86,6% (tendência decrescente). Quanto aos índices de desigualdade absoluta (SII) e relativa (CIX) da escolaridade e plano de saúde, mostram que há uma diminuição na desigualdade nos últimos dez anos.

Abstract The objective was to verify the trend of inequality in the realization of mammography exam according to the possession of health insurance plan and schooling from data from the period 2011 to 2020 of VIGITEL. Population-based study with data from the Surveillance System of Risk and Protection Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) between 2011 and 2020. Outcome: mammography exam in the last 2 years in women aged 50 to 69 years. The magnitude of inequalities of outcome in relation to exposures (health insurance plan and education) was estimated using two indices: inequality slope index (SII) and concentration index (CIX). The prevalence of mammography exam (2011-2020) increased from 74,4% to 78,0%, with a stable trend. The prevalence of those with health insurance plan were 85,7% and 86,4%, and without 63.4% and 71.2%, with an increasing trend. According to education, women with 0-8 years of schooling the prevalence increased from 68,2% to 72,6%, 9-11 years from 80,4% to 80,0% (decreasing trend), 12 years or more 88,0% to 86,6% (decreasing trend). As for the absolute (SII) and relative (CIX) inequality indices of schooling and health insurance plan show that there is a decrease in inequality over the last 10 years.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36403725


OBJECTIVES: Main objective: To compare the effectiveness for checking surgical margins between SPECT-portable and mammography of the piece (RxM). SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To standardize a pre-operative protocol using SPECT-portable and to evaluate the time required in the use of this technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective longitudinal study with 36 patients (39 lesions) diagnosed with breast cancer (CM) with criteria for SNOLL/ROLL. A pre-surgical study of the tumor lesion was performed, after the eco-guided administration of 99mTc-nanocolloids of albumin/99mTc-macroaggregates of albumin, in the tumor lesion. Hybrid images (optical + SPECT) and 3D navigation images with gamma probe are obtained using freehandSPECT. In the operating room, 4-5 images are obtained with freehandSPECT, (I) on skin for tumor location, (II) after exposure of surgical bed for resection guide, (III) of the surgical bed after exeresis, (IV and V) the anterior-posterior and lateral surface of the surgical specimen. The three criteria to decide to extend the margins are: (a) residual activity (cps) at the edges of the surgical bed resection; (b) visual analysis of the uptake in the specimen; (c) a minimum distance of 10 mm from the edges of the specimen to the center of greatest uptake, plus the radius of the lesion. We study the concordance of: the depth measurement between ultrasound and freehandSPECT; the surgical margins between freehandSPECT vs. mammography of the specimen (RxM), considering anatomical pathology (AP) as the gold standard technique as reference; surgical time used with freehandSPECT and RxM. RESULTS: Intraoperative localization was performed in all cases. False negative (FN: no detection margin affected) with freehandSPECT: 9 margins; with RxM: 8. True positive (TP: detection margin affected) with freehandSPECT: 5 margins, with RxM: 6. True negative (TN: consider free margin when healthy) with freehandSPECT: 213 margins; with RxM: 196. Negative predictive value (NPV: probability of negative margin on unaffected part) with freehandSPECT: 95.9%, with RxM: 96.07%. Specificity with freehandSPECT: 96.8%, with RxM: 97%. The concordance of surgical bed margins between freehandSPECT and RxM: 94.5%. Between freehandSPECT and AP: 93.1%. Between RxM and PA: 93.5%, being all statistically significant (p-value <0.000), so we can affirm that both techniques are related or dependent on the reference technique, the PA. Degree of correlation between SPECT-portable and low PA (Kappa index: 0.34, 95% CI [0.22-0.47], and between RxM and moderate PA (Kappa index: 0.42, 95% CI [0.29-0.56], p-value <0.001. Comparison of the successes and failures of both techniques (SPECT-portable and RxM) and PA: Distribution χ2: 0.023 with degree of freedom 1, with value <0.05, so we can affirm that both techniques are similar, since there are no significant statistical differences. Median total OR time: 60.25 min (30-145). Mean freehandSPECT OR time: 5 scans = 10 min. CONCLUSIONS: There are no statistically significant differences in the probability to rule out affective margins that require a second surgery between both techniques (SPECT-portable and RxM) so, the technique performed with SPECT-Portable is a useful and effective procedure, which requires specific training with an optimized and multidisciplinary protocol. The time spent with SPECT-portable is feasible for daily practice.

Breast Neoplasms , Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Margins of Excision , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Albumins
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 44: e20220155, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1441895


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the proportion of abnormal results in screening mammograms. Methods: Ecological study, with data from DATASUS/SISCAN, Atlas Brasil do Desenvolvimento Humano, Fundação SEADE, and Sistema e-Gestor, from 2016 to 2019, of women aged 50 to 69 years in the 645 municipalities of São Paulo (Brazil). Independent variables were associated with the outcome: proportion of unsatisfactory coverage of abnormal test results (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System - BI-RADS® 0, 4 and 5 proportion >10% of tests performed). Multiple Poisson regression was used. Results: Higher proportion of screening mammography (PR=1.20; 95%CI: 1.00;1.45), higher percentage of poor (PR=1.20; 95%CI: 1.07;1.36), low (PR=1.57; 95%CI: 1.38;1.78) and medium coverage of the Family Health Strategy (ESF) (PR=1.30; 95%CI: 1.09;1.52) were associated to the outcome. Conclusion: Socioeconomic and FHS coverage factors mediate the proportion of mammograms with abnormal results in public health services. Therefore, they are important aspects in the fight against breast cancer.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar los factores asociados a la proporción de resultados alterados en las mamografías de tamizaje. Métodos: Estudio ecológico, con datos de DATASUS/SISCAN, Atlas Brasil do Desenvolvimento Humano, Fundação SEADE y Sistema e-Gestor, de 2016 a 2019, de mujeres de 50 a 69 años en los 645 municipios de São Paulo (Brasil). Las variables independientes se asociaron con el resultado: proporción de cobertura insatisfactoria de resultados de pruebas alteradas (BreastImagingReporting and Data System - BI-RADS® 0, 4 y 5 proporción >10% de pruebas realizadas). Se utilizó la regresión de Poisson múltiple. Resultados: Mayor proporción de mamografía de tamizaje (RP=1,20; IC95%: 1,00;1,45), mayor porcentaje de mala (RP=1,20; IC95%: 1,07;1,36), baja (RP=1,57; IC95%: 1,38) ;1,78) y cobertura media de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) (RP=1,30; IC95%: 1,09;1,52) se asociaron al desenlace. Conclusión: Factores socioeconómicos y de cobertura de la ESF median la proporción de mamografías alteradas en el servicio público. Por lo tanto, son aspectos importantes en la lucha contra CM.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os fatores associados aproporção de resultados alterados nas mamografias de rastreamento. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, com dados do DATASUS/SISCAN, Atlas Brasil do Desenvolvimento Humano, Fundação SEADE, e Sistema e-Gestor, de 2016 a 2019, de mulheres de 50 a 69 anos dos 645 municípios de São Paulo (Brasil).Variáveis independentes foram associadas ao desfecho: proporção de cobertura insatisfatória de resultados de exames alterados (proporção Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System - BI-RADS® 0, 4 e 5 >10% dos exames realizados). Utilizou-se regressão múltipla de Poisson. Resultados: Maior proporção de mamografia de rastreamento (RP=1,20; IC95%: 1,00;1,45), maior porcentagem de pobres (RP=1,20; IC95%: 1,07;1,36), baixa (RP= 1,57; IC95%: 1,38;1,78) e média cobertura de Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) (RP=1,30; IC95%: 1,09;1,52) foram associados ao desfecho. Conclusão: Fatores socioeconômicos e de cobertura da ESF medeiam a proporção de mamografias alteradas no serviço público. Portanto, são aspectos importantes no combate ao câncer de mama.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(5): e00117922, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439771


Resultados falsos positivos na mamografia de rastreamento são comuns a essa intervenção e trazem ônus para as mulheres e o sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar o risco de resultado falso positivo no rastreamento mamográfico brasileiro com base em dados de sistemas de informação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foi realizado estudo de coorte histórica de mulheres de 40-69 anos, que realizaram mamografia de rastreamento e exame histopatológico de mama no SUS, nos anos de 2017 a 2019. A taxa de resultados falsos positivos foi estimada a partir da prevalência de resultados BI-RADS alterados na mamografia de rastreamento e da proporção de resultados benignos no exame histopatológico de mama. Das 10.671 mulheres com exame histopatológico no SUS, 46,2% apresentaram resultado benigno, sendo essa proporção significativamente maior em mulheres de 40-49 anos comparada à de mulheres de 50-69 anos. A estimativa de resultados falsos positivos foi de 8,18 casos por 100 mulheres na faixa etária de 40-49 anos, e de 6,06 por 100 mulheres na faixa de 50-69 anos. Essas informações são úteis aos gestores na avaliação de programas de rastreamento do câncer de mama, assim como aos profissionais de saúde, para que orientem a mulher sobre as implicações do rastreamento mamográfico.

False-positive results on mammography screening are common, putting a burden on both women and the health care system. This study aimed to estimate the risk of false-positive results in Brazilian mammography screening based on data from the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) information systems. A retrospective cohort study was conducted with women aged 40-69 years, who underwent mammography screening and breast histopathological examination at SUS from 2017 to 2019. The rate of false-positive results was estimated based on the prevalence of altered BI-RADS results on mammography screening and the proportion of benign results on breast histopathological examination. Of the 10,671 women with histopathological examination at SUS, 46.2% had a benign result, and this proportion was significantly higher in women aged 40-49 years compared to women aged 50-69 years. The estimate of false-positive results was 8.18 cases per 100 women aged 40-49 years and 6.06 per 100 women aged 50-69 years. This information is useful for public managers in evaluating mammography screening programs, as well as for health care providers to guide women on the implications of mammography screening.

Los resultados falsos positivos en la mamografía de cribado son comunes en esta intervención y suponen prejuicios para las mujeres y el sistema de salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar el riesgo de resultados falsos positivos en el cribado mamográfico brasileño a partir de los datos del sistema de información del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS). Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica de mujeres de 40-69 años, que se sometieron a mamografía de cribado y examen histopatológico de mama en el SUS, de 2017 a 2019. La tasa de resultados falsos positivos se estimó a partir de la prevalencia de resultados de BI-RADS alterados en la mamografía de cribado y la proporción de resultados benignos en el examen histopatológico de mama. De las 10.671 mujeres que se sometieron a examen histopatológico en el SUS, el 46,2% tuvo un resultado benigno, siendo esta proporción significativamente mayor en mujeres de 40-49 años en comparación con las mujeres de 50-69 años. La estimación de resultados falsos positivos fue de 8,18 casos por 100 mujeres en el grupo de edad de 40-49 años y 6,06 por 100 mujeres en el grupo de 50-69 años. Esta información es útil para los gestores en la evaluación de los programas de cribado de cáncer de mama, así como para los profesionales sanitarios en orientar a las mujeres sobre las implicaciones del cribado mamográfico.