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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(2): 221-228, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389843


La reconstrucción posterior a una cirugía oncológica resectiva maxilar es todo un desafío. Debido a esto, existen diversas técnicas quirúrgicas cuyo objetivo apunta a mantener no solo la funcionalidad, sino también la estética facial, especialmente en el área del reborde infraorbitario. El injerto de hueso calvarial es una opción segura y versátil para realizar una reconstrucción primaria en el reborde infraorbitario. Esta técnica está indicada en aquellos pacientes en los cuales la resección cutánea y exenteración orbitaria no son necesarias. Por este motivo, a continuación, analizaremos este tipo de injerto a propósito de un caso clínico en el que se usó asociado a un colgajo pediculado de fascia temporoparietal.

Reconstruction after maxillary resective oncological surgery is a challenge. Because of this, there are many surgical techniques whose objective is to maintain not only function but also facial aesthetics, especially in the infraorbital rim area. The calvarial bone graft is a safe and versatile option to perform a primary infraorbital rim reconstruction. This technique is indicated in those patients in whom skin resection and orbital exenteration are not necessary. For this reason, we will now analyze this type of graft in relation to a case in which it was used associated with a temporo-parietal fascia flap.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Orbit/surgery , Maxillary Neoplasms/surgery , Bone Transplantation/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Maxilla/surgery , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(4): e2108, oct.-dez. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093256


RESUMEN Introducción: El carcinoma ameloblástico es una entidad rara que surge como una neoplasia primaria o a partir de un ameloblastoma preexistente. El colgajo de músculo temporal es una opción terapéutica frecuentemente empleada para la reconstrucción del defecto resultante luego de la exéresis quirúrgica. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico de restauración estética y funcional mediante reconstrucción con colgajo temporal de un defecto maxilar por exéresis de carcinoma ameloblástico, dada la infrecuente presentación de esta entidad. Caso clínico: Mujer de 49 años de edad, que refiere "una bola" en el paladar de 9 meses de evolución. Al examen físico facial presenta aumento de volumen en región infraorbitaria izquierda. Se realizó una tomografía axial computarizada en la que se constató la presencia de imagen hiperdensa en seno maxilar izquierdo con calcificación en su interior, produciendo lisis del hueso nasal y hueso cigomático infiltrando partes blandas. Se tomó muestra para biopsia que informó tumor de alto grado de malignidad correspondiente a carcinoma ameloblástico. En estudio radiográfico de tórax no se apreció presencia de metástasis pulmonar. Se realizó maxilarectomía de infra y mesoestructura, resección de la lesión con margen oncológico de seguridad y se reconstruyó el defecto palatino con colgajo pediculado del músculo temporal. Se indicó quimio y radioterapia como terapia adyuvante al tratamiento quirúrgico. Se mantuvo el chequeo posoperatorio mostrándose buena evolución clínica y una epitelización secundaria del músculo temporal en el área palatina con restauración de las funciones. Conclusiones: Se presentó un caso clínico de carcinoma ameloblástico, entidad patológica de escasa frecuencia. La cirugía constituyó el pilar de tratamiento utilizado. Una vez realizada la resección quirúrgica se reconstruyó el defecto palatino, utilizándose el colgajo del músculo temporal, opción útil para lograr el restablecimiento de las funciones estéticas y funcionales como la deglución y fonación(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ameloblastic carcinoma is a rare condition emerging as a primary neoplasm or from a preexisting ameloblastoma. Temporalis muscle flap is a therapeutic option frequently used for reconstruction of the defect resulting from surgical exeresis. Objective: Present a clinical case of esthetic and functional restoration by reconstruction with temporalis muscle flap of a maxillary defect caused by exeresis of an ameloblastic carcinoma. The case is presented because of the infrequent occurrence of this condition. Clinical case: A female 49-year-old patient reports "a lump" in her palate of nine months evolution. Physical examination finds an increase in volume in the left infraorbital region. Computed axial tomography was indicated, which revealed the presence of a hyperdense image in the left maxillary sinus with internal calcification causing lysis of the nasal bone and the zygomatic bone, and infiltrating soft tissue. A sample was taken for biopsy, which reported a tumor with a high degree of malignancy corresponding to ameloblastic carcinoma. Chest radiography did not show the presence of lung metastasis. Infra- and mesostructure maxillectomy was performed, the lesion was removed with a surgical safety margin, and the palatine defect was reconstructed with a pediculated temporalis muscle flap. Chemo- and radiotherapy were indicated as adjuvants to the surgical treatment. Postoperative follow-up found good clinical evolution and secondary epithelization of the temporalis muscle in the palatine area with restoration of functions. Conclusions: A clinical case was presented of ameloblastic carcinoma, a condition with a low frequency of occurrence. Surgery was the basic component of the treatment applied. Once surgical resection was performed, the palatine defect was reconstructed by means of a temporalis muscle flap, a useful option to achieve the restoration of esthetic and biological functions, such as swallowing and speech(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Ameloblastoma/diagnostic imaging , Jaw Neoplasms/pathology , Mandibular Reconstruction/methods , Chemoradiotherapy, Adjuvant/methods
Metro cienc ; 29(1): 39-43, 2019/Jun. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046315


El propósito de esta revisión es presentar una visión concreta de las proteínas morfogenéticas óseas, su potencial de inducir osteogénesis y la aplicación en los procesos regenerativos. Las investigaciones acerca de los iniciadores moleculares de diferenciación ósea y cartilaginosa han identificado un grupo entero de proteínas morfogenéticas óseas que ejercen efecto regulador. La proteína morfogenética ósea (BMP) es endógena, presenta propiedades osteoinductivas, osteoconductivas y osteogénicas, y ha mostrado efectos significativos en la promoción de la formación ósea, por lo cual es una buena alternativa en reconstrucción. El uso de BMP se ha descrito en la reconstrucción de los defectos óseos de origen traumático y patológico, incluyendo: fisura nasoalveolar, aumento del reborde alveolar, elevación del seno maxilar, injerto de alvéolo postextracción y cirugía peri-implantaria.

The purpose of this review is to present a concrete vision about bone morphogenetic proteins, their potential in the induction of osteogenesis and their application in regenerative processes. Research on the molecular primers of bone and cartilage differentiation has identified an entire group of bone morphogenetic proteins that exert a regulatory effect. The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) is an endogenous protein, has osteoinductive, osteoconductive and osteogenic properties, has shown significant effects in the promotion of bone formation, being a good alternative in reconstruction. The use of BMP has been described in the reconstruction of bone defects of traumatic and pathological origin, including nasoalveolar fissure, increased alveolar ridge, maxillary sinus elevation, post-extraction alveolar graft, and perimplant surgery

Humans , Osteogenesis , Protein Biosynthesis , Maxillofacial Abnormalities , Genetics , Maxilla
ImplantNewsPerio ; 1(6): 1100-1108, ago.-set. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-847810


Os enxertos ósseos homógenos provenientes de bancos de ossos podem ser utilizados para o tratamento de atrofias maxilofaciais em Odontologia. A disponibilidade e a menor morbidade ao paciente, assim como as altas taxas de sucesso observadas em um curto espaço de tempo, foram importantes fatores para a popularização da técnica, entretanto, existem poucos relatos na literatura com acompanhamentos longitudinais. Neste relato clínico, foi avaliada, por um período de 12 anos de carga funcional, uma restauração implantossuportada fixa sobre implantes inseridos em área regenerada com enxerto de banco homógeno, utilizando avaliação clínica e tomográfica. Ainda, é apresentado um breve relato histológico do tecido ósseo removido previamente à inserção dos implantes, sugerindo adaptação do material homógeno junto ao leito receptor. Após 12 anos de acompanhamento clínico, evidenciou-se, mesmo com o sucesso da restauração implantossuportada, a reabsorção total do enxerto homógeno, sugerindo que o mesmo não foi incorporado pelo tecido do hospedeiro. Nas limitações deste relato de caso, sugere-se que áreas enxertadas com osso homógeno devem ser reavaliadas com precaução devido ao grande potencial de reabsorção que podem apresentar, podendo assim comprometer a longevidade da restauração implantossuportada.

The allogeneic bone tissue bank can be used to treat maxillofacial atrophic sites. Its availability and less morbidity, as well as the higher success rates in a short-term period were important to popularize this technique; however, there are few literature reports with long-term results. In this case report, after 12 years of functional loading, a fixed implant-supported restoration was examined over a bone site regenerated with this graft type upon clinical and tomographic analyses. Also, a brief histological report from the removed tissue was presented before dental implant placement, suggesting the close ada ptation of the grafting material to the recipient site. After 12 years of clinical follow-up, even in the case of a successful implant-supported restoration, total graft resorption was demonstrated suggesting deficient incorporation to the recipient host site. Within the limitations of this case, it can be said that grafted areas with allogeneic bone must be evaluated with caution since there is a great chance of resorption, which can compromise the longevity of fixed restorations.

Humans , Female , Adult , Bone Banks , Bone Resorption , Bone Transplantation , Dental Implants , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Transplantation, Homologous
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 9(1): 149-152, Apr. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747491


Maxillary reconstruction is a common procedure in maxillofacial surgery; for this purpose is used autogenous bone, alloplastic bone or another one with different results. In all of them, traditionally the use of computed tomography is used to make the surgical plan, however, 3D models are not used frequently. This report show a new application of the stereolithography to anticipate the surgical treatment of maxillary reconstruction, using a titanium mesh and rhBMP-2 to obtain a predictable surgical result with diminished surgical time.

La reconstrucción maxilar es un procedimiento común en cirugía maxilofacial; para este propósito es utilizado hueso autógeno, hueso aloplástico u otro tipo de hueso con diferentes resultados. En todos ellos, tradicionalmente el uso de tomografía computadorizada se emplea para elaborar el plan quirúrgico, sin embargo, los modelos 3D no son utilizados con frecuencia. Este reporte presenta una nueva aplicación de la estereolitografia para anticipar el tratamiento quirúrgico de la reconstrucción maxilar, usando una malla de titanio y rhBMP-2 para obtener un resultado quirúrgico predecible con disminución del tiempo quirúrgico.

Humans , Titanium , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation , Surgical Mesh , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Transforming Growth Factor beta , Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 , Alveolar Process , Stereolithography