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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536705


Los pólipos fibroepiteliales son tumores cutáneos benignos frecuentes en la población general. Sin embargo, la afectación del tracto genital es inhabitual. Su etiología no es clara, pero se han descrito asociaciones con trastornos metabólicos y fluctuaciones hormonales, lo cual explica su mayor prevalencia en mujeres. Debido a la variedad de diagnósticos diferenciales, es necesaria la evaluación histopatológica. Su manejo es habitualmente conservador; sin embargo, pueden requerir intervención quirúrgica en algunos casos. Exponemos cuatro casos de tumores fibroepiteliales vulvares de diferentes tamaños, uno de ellos clasificado como gigante, así como la aproximación de manejo. Con esta presentación, esperamos mejorar el conocimiento, la precisión del diagnóstico y contribuir al tratamiento eficaz de las pacientes con esta patología vulvar tan poco frecuente.

Fibroepithelial polyps are common benign skin tumors in the general population. However, genital tract involvement is unusual. Their etiology is unclear, but associations with metabolic disorders and hormonal fluctuations have been described, which explains their higher prevalence in women. Due to the variety of differential diagnoses, histopathological evaluation is necessary. Their management is usually conservative. However, they may require surgical intervention in some cases. We present four cases of vulvar fibroepithelial tumors of different sizes, one of them classified as giant, as well as the management approach. With this presentation, we hope to improve knowledge, diagnostic accuracy and contribute to the effective treatment of patients with this rare vulvar pathology.

Ars vet ; 39(2): 48-52, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438502


A aproximação entre petse tutores está cada vez mais presente na rotina atual das residências familiares. Essa aproximação aumenta a observação de quaisquer alterações físicas ou comportamentais dos animais levando-o a buscar um médico veterinário quando necessário. O papel do clínico, oncologista e do patologista veterinário vem a ser de extrema importância para detecção das neoplasias em suas fases iniciais. A utilização dos meios de diagnósticos complementares para os casos de neoplasias é de fundamental importância para ter ciência do prognóstico do animal e de qual tratamento será o melhor tratamento para os casos abordados. O mastocitoma é a neoplasia cutânea mais frequente do cão, é uma neoplasia maligna e sua etiologia é pouco compreendida. Independente do sexo, atingem machos e fêmeas, porém se apresentam de forma mais agressiva em machos. O diagnóstico, geralmente é estabelecido por meio de exames complementares, associados aos sinaisclínicos, devendo sempre prezar pelo diagnóstico precoce para que haja maior êxito no tratamento.O exame citológico para o diagnóstico de mastocitoma é um dos métodos mais eficientes e de baixo custo, sendo complementado pelo exame histopatológico para agraduação de malignidade e estadiamento da doença. Preconiza-se a associação da cirurgia com o tratamento quimioterápico com terapia antiblástica e eletroquimioterapia para um melhor prognóstico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de mastocitoma cutâneo após um erro primário de manejo clinico, em um canino, macho, nove anos, da raça American Pitbull Terrier, trazendo sua complexidade e bases dos meios de diagnóstico(AU)

The approximation between pets and tutors is increasingly present in the current routine of family homes. This approach increases the observation of physical or behavioral changes in animals, leading them to seek a veterinarian when necessary. The role of the clinician, oncologist and veterinary pathologist is extremely important for the detection of neoplasms in their early stages. The use of complementary diagnostic means for cases of neoplasms is of fundamental importance to be aware of the animal's prognosis and which treatment will be the best treatment for the cases examined. Mastocytoma is the most frequent skin neoplasm in dogs, it is a malignant neoplasm and its etiology is poorly understood. Regardless of gender, they affect males and females, but are more aggressive in males. The diagnosis is usually established through complementary exams, associated with clinical signs. Cytological examination for the diagnosis of mast cell tumor is an inexpensive method and one of the most efficient methods, being complemented by histopathological examination for its evolution of malignancy and disease staging, recommended the association of surgery with chemotherapy treatment with antiblastic therapy and electrochemotherapy for better prognoses. The aim of this study was to report a case of cutaneous mastocytoma after a primary error in clinical management, in a canine, male, nine years old, of the American Pitbull Terrier breed, bringing its complexity and bases of the means of diagnosis(AU)

Animals , Male , Mastocytosis/veterinary , Dogs , Mastocytoma, Skin/diagnosis , Analgesics, Opioid/analysis , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(4): 149-158, out.-dez. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434904


A pele é um órgão complexo constituído por diferentes tipos celulares e possui exposição direta ao meio ambiente, representando uma barreira física do organismo. Devido a tais fatores pode ocorrer o aparecimento de diversos tipos tumorais. Além disso, a pele possui alta capacidade de renovação celular, o que aumenta as chances de mutações em comparação com outros tecidos, o que a torna um lugar favorável para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias. É comum ocorrer nos animais domésticos o desenvolvimento de neoplasias cutâneas, sendo que sua prevalência depende de fatores como genética, idade, raça, relação hormonal, nutrição, entre outros. O tricoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna cutânea comum em cães e gatos adultos, animais com idade entre seis e nove anos são os mais acometidos, e não existe predisposição em machos e fêmeas. É derivado do folículo piloso primitivo e possui componentes epiteliais e mesenquimais. O tricoblastoma não é considerado agressivo, porém, existem relatos na literatura com características de neoplasia maligna. O tratamento de eleição do tricoblastoma é a exérese cirúrgica total do mesmo, com margens de segurança entre 1 e 2cm. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um animal atendido no Centro Médico Veterinário do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, o qual foi diagnosticado com tricoblastoma.

The skin is a complex organ composed of different cell types and has direct exposure to the environment, representing an organism's physical barrier. Due to such factors, the appearance of several tumor types may occur. In addition, the skin has a high capacity to perform cell renewal, which increases the chances of mutations compared to other tissues, turning it a favorable place for the development of neoplasms. The development of skin neoplasms in domestic animals is a common fact, and their prevalence depends on factors such as genetics, age, race, hormonal relationship, nutrition, among others. Trichoblastoma is a benign cutaneous neoplasm common in adult dogs and cats, animals aged between six and nine years are the most affected, and there is no predisposition in males and females. It is derived from the primitive hair follicle and has epithelial and mesenchymal components. Trichoblastoma is not considered aggressive; however, there are reports in the literature with characteristics of malignant neoplasm. The treatment of choice for trichoblastoma is the total surgical excision, with safety margins between 1 and 2cm. The present study aims to report the case of an animal treated at the Veterinary Medical Center of the University Center of Southern Minas Gerais, which was diagnosed with trichoblastoma.

Animals , Dogs , Skin Diseases/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Dog Diseases , Animals, Domestic
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; Ginecol. obstet. Méx;90(8): 688-694, ene. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404960


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El carcinoma de células basales, o basocelular, es la neoplasia cutánea no melanocítica más frecuente en la raza caucásica. La mayor parte de estas neoplasias aparecen en la piel fotoexpuesta (casi el 85% en la cabeza y el cuello). La afectación vulvar tiene una frecuencia no mayor al 1 al 2% de todos los carcinomas basocelulares. OBJETIVO: Reportar un caso de carcinoma basocelular de localización vulvar y revisar la bibliografía de los últimos siete años. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 74 años, sin antecedentes personales de interés, con una lesión vulvar asintomática, con varios meses de evolución. En la exploración genital se encontró, en el labio mayor izquierdo, una lesión de 3 cm, pálida, no ulcerada, sobreelevada y pétrea. La biopsia de la lesión reportó: tejido mamario accesorio. Ante este informe se decidió la exéresis de la lesión y dejar un margen quirúrgico aproximado de 1 cm. La intervención y el posoperatorio transcurrieron sin contratiempos. El estudio anatomopatológico de la pieza quirúrgica reportó que se trataba de un carcinoma ulcerado de células basales, nodular y superficial, con los bordes de resección libres. En el seguimiento posquirúrgico a los dos meses, la paciente se encontró en buenas condiciones, asintomática. CONCLUSIONES: Si bien el carcinoma basocelular es una neoplasia muy frecuente, la afectación vulvar es por demás rara. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento deben ser interdisciplinarios, de la mano de dermatólogos y gineco-oncólogos.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Basal cell carcinoma, or basal cell carcinoma, is the most common nonmelanocytic skin neoplasm in Caucasians. Most of these neoplasms occur on photo exposed skin (almost 85% on the head and neck). Vulvar involvement has a frequency of no more than 1% to 2% of all basal cell carcinomas. OBJECTIVE: To report a case of basal cell carcinoma of vulvar location and to review the literature of recent years. CLINICAL CASE: 74-year-old patient, with no personal history of interest, with an asymptomatic vulvar lesion, with several months of evolution. On genital examination, a 3 cm lesion was found on the left labium majus, pale, non-ulcerated, raised, and stony. The biopsy of the lesion reported: accessory breast tissue. In view of this report, it was decided to excise the lesion and leave a surgical margin of approximately 1 cm. The operation and postoperative period went smoothly. The anatomopathological study of the surgical specimen reported that it was an ulcerated basal cell carcinoma, nodular and superficial, with free resection margins. At two months post-surgical follow-up, the patient was found to be in good condition, asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Although basal cell carcinoma is a very frequent neoplasm, vulvar involvement is very rare. Diagnosis and treatment should be interdisciplinary, with the collaboration of dermatologists and gyneco-oncologists.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 788, 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401149


Background: Sarcoids are the most frequent skin tumors among horses, causing serious lesions due to their different shapes, sizes, degree of invasiveness and distribution on the body. The pathogenesis of sarcoids is multifactorial, with genetic, viral and environmental involvement, making their treatment complex. The aggressiveness and high rate of recurrence of sarcoids makes it difficult to use an effective treatment, which is why there are several therapeutic routes described in the literature. Aiming to describe and expand sarcoid treatments, this paper reports on the use of acyclovir in the treatment of this type of tumor. Cases: Four horses sent to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA were diagnosed and treated for sarcoids. Case 1. Lesions on the right ear, region of the masseter muscle of the right side of the face, neck, vulva and medial aspect of the left pelvic limb. Case 2. Lesion in the left groin region. Case 3. Lesions on the face, masseter muscle region on the left side, mandibular region and right ear pinna. Case 4. Lesion in the lateral region of the left pelvic limb, close to the tarsometatarsal joint. All horses had a diagnosis of sarcoid, which was confirmed by histopathological examination of material collected after surgical excision. Macroscopically, the neoplastic lesions were classified as fibroblastic, verrucous and nodular. The tumors exhibited irregular surfaces, keratinization, and a firm consistency. Their surfaces were alopecic, slightly rough, some of them were ulcerated, and their color ranged from greyish to rosy and reddish. All the tumor masses were surgically excised from the 4 horses, and one sarcoid was treated by thermal cauterization with liquid nitrogen due to the lesion's depth and size. In most cases, the sarcoid removal sites were closed with sutures. Only 2 lesions were not sutured due to the impossibility of bringing the edges of tissue close together, or due to proximity to the tarsometatarsal joint. The surgical wounds were cleaned twice a day with sterile saline solution followed by the topical application of Acyclovir. One of the animals received complementary therapy with Cimetidine. Discussion: The equines recovered completely from their sarcoid treatment, and no recurrences were reported a year later. Thus, the combination of treatments employed for the extirpation of sarcoids proved to have greater chances of success. First, all the tumors were surgically removed with the largest possible margins of safety in order to ensure the elimination of neoplastic cells. In the postoperative period, all the animals received topical treatment of the lesions with acyclovir after surgical resection of the tumors. The drug aided the complete healing of post-surgical wounds, and healing time varied according to the size and depth of the lesion. One tumor was treated with liquid nitrogen after surgical excision of the sarcoid. Another horse was treated with cimetidine over a 3-month period after surgical excision of the neoplasm in order to reduce the sarcoid and prevent its evolution. Surgical excision of the sarcoid associated with topical application of acyclovir ointment showed satisfactory results. Moreover, the combination of surgical excision and administration of liquid nitrogen on the lesion and topical application of acyclovir ointment in the postoperative period also provided good results. Given the complexity of sarcoid treatment and the high recurrence rate of these tumors, the use of combined treatments should be taken into account.

Animals , Sarcoidosis/veterinary , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Cimetidine/therapeutic use , Horses/injuries , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Cautery/veterinary
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;59(4): 375-378, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388408


Resumen La carcinomatosis meníngea es una entidad poco frecuente, que puede formar parte de la historia natural de muchos procesos neoplásicos. Se presenta habitualmente con síntomas poco específicos, como cefalea, cambios en la conducta o alteraciones motoras y sensitivas. A continuación, presentamos el caso de una paciente con carcinomatosis meníngea por melanoma metastásico y su evolución clínica.

La carcinomatosis meníngea es una entidad poco frecuente, que puede formar parte de la historia natural de muchos procesos neoplásicos. Se presenta habitualmente con síntomas poco específicos, como cefalea, cambios en la conducta o alteraciones motoras y sensitivas. A continuación, presentamos el caso de una paciente con carcinomatosis meníngea por melanoma metastásico y su evolución clínica.

Humans , Female , Aged , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Meningeal Carcinomatosis/secondary , Melanoma/pathology , Fatal Outcome
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 548, 11 nov. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765622


Background: Trichoblastoma is a rare skin neoplasm derived from the primitive hair follicle, having epithelial and mesenchymal components. Despite being commonly described as a benign tumor, there are reports in the literature of tumors with characteristics of malignant neoplasia. It affects adult dogs and cats, with no predilection for sex. Although rare, in studies in Brazil the pathology shows variable rates of occurrence. This work describes a case of tricoblastoma in a 4-year-old mixed breed dog, submitted to care at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Western Bahia (HVU-UFOB). Case: A 4-year-old male mixed breed dog with 7 kg of body weight, was referred to the HVU-UFOB. The main complaint reported by the canines tutor was an increase in volume in the region of the animals face, which evolved slowly, associated with itching, bleeding and sensitivity to touch. During the physical examination, a round, elevated mass was observed in the subcutaneous tissue of the left face, in the mandible region, with local alopecia. On palpation, the neoformation showed a firm consistency, well-defined and fluctuating, with no solutions for continuity or discomfort to touch. The animals physiological parameters were within the normal for the species. CBC, chest X-rays, abdominal ultrasound and aspiration cytology of the mass were requested. The blood count and image tests did not reveal any changes. On cytological examination, small, grouped basal epithelial cells were observed, characterized by a high nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, monomorphic nuclei and intensely basophilic and pigmented cytoplasm, a suggestive diagnosis of basal cell tumor. Due to the findings, an excisional biopsy of the mass was performed, with margins of 2 cm. The mass with its margins was sent for histopathological examination at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HVU...(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Hair Follicle/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Hair Follicle/cytology , Subcutaneous Tissue , Epithelium
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(2, cont.): e2308, jul-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1141376


O uso de técnicas de cirurgia reconstrutiva é de grande importância quando há perda de uma ampla quantidade de tecido cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a utilização da técnica de retalho de avanço pediculado em decorrência de extensa ausência de tecido cutâneo resultante da exérese de neoplasia na região peniana de um cão. O presente estudo relata o caso de um cão da raça American Pitbull Terrier, macho castrado, com sete anos de idade, com histórico de neoplasia e aumento de nódulo na região peniana. Após avaliação clínica do animal, achou-se por bem o tratamento por meio da remoção cirúrgica do neoplasma. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico constatou-se que seria necessário o emprego de um retalho de avanço pediculado para fechamento da ferida ocasionada pela remoção da neoplasia. Para diminuir a tensão e os riscos de complicações no retalho, foi realizada uma "walking suture" no subcutâneo, técnicas essas que garantiram uma cicatrização com aspecto estético e funcional satisfatório com o mínimo de tensão.(AU)

The use of reconstructive surgery techniques is of great importance when there is loss of a large amount of cutaneous tissue. The objective of this study is to report the use of pedicle flap technique as a result of extensive absence of cutaneous tissue resulting from the excision of neoplasia in the penile dog region. The present study reports the case of a seven year old male Pitbull Terrier, with a history of neoplasia and nodule enlargement in the penile region. After the clinical evaluation of the animal, the treatment by the surgical removal of the neoplasm was considered good. During the surgical procedure, it was found that a pedicle flap should be used to close the wound caused by removal of the neoplasia. To reduce tension and risk of complications in the flap, a walking suture was performed on the subcutaneous tissue, which ensure healing with aesthetic and functional appearance with minimal tension.(AU)

El uso de técnicas de cirugía reconstructiva es de gran importancia cuando se pierde una gran cantidad de tejido de la piel. El objetivo de este estudio es informar el uso de la técnica de colgajo de avance pediculado debido a la extensa ausencia de tejido de la piel como resultado de la escisión de la neoplasia en la región del pene del perro. El presente estudio informa el caso de un Pitbull Terrier americano de siete años, un hombre castrado, con antecedentes de neoplasia y un nódulo agrandado en la región del pene. Después de la evaluación clínica del animal, se consideró el tratamiento mediante la extirpación quirúrgica de la neoplasia. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, se descubrió que el uso de un colgajo de avance pediculado sería necesario para cerrar la herida causada por la extirpación de la neoplasia. Para reducir la tensión y el riesgo de complicaciones en el colgajo, se realizó una sutura ambulante en el tejido subcutáneo, técnicas que aseguraron la curación con un aspecto estético y funcional satisfactorio con una tensión mínima.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Dogs/injuries , Hemangiosarcoma , Neoplasms
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 23: e2308, jul.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29427


O uso de técnicas de cirurgia reconstrutiva é de grande importância quando há perda de uma ampla quantidade de tecido cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a utilização da técnica de retalho de avanço pediculado em decorrência de extensa ausência de tecido cutâneo resultante da exérese de neoplasia na região peniana de um cão. O presente estudo relata o caso de um cão da raça American Pitbull Terrier, macho castrado, com sete anos de idade, com histórico de neoplasia e aumento de nódulo na região peniana. Após avaliação clínica do animal, achou-se por bem o tratamento por meio da remoção cirúrgica do neoplasma. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico constatou-se que seria necessário o emprego de um retalho de avanço pediculado para fechamento da ferida ocasionada pela remoção da neoplasia. Para diminuir a tensão e os riscos de complicações no retalho, foi realizada uma "walking suture" no subcutâneo, técnicas essas que garantiram uma cicatrização com aspecto estético e funcional satisfatório com o mínimo de tensão.(AU)

The use of reconstructive surgery techniques is of great importance when there is loss of a large amount of cutaneous tissue. The objective of this study is to report the use of pedicle flap technique as a result of extensive absence of cutaneous tissue resulting from the excision of neoplasia in the penile dog region. The present study reports the case of a seven year old male Pitbull Terrier, with a history of neoplasia and nodule enlargement in the penile region. After the clinical evaluation of the animal, the treatment by the surgical removal of the neoplasm was considered good. During the surgical procedure, it was found that a pedicle flap should be used to close the wound caused by removal of the neoplasia. To reduce tension and risk of complications in the flap, a walking suture was performed on the subcutaneous tissue, which ensure healing with aesthetic and functional appearance with minimal tension.(AU)

El uso de técnicas de cirugía reconstructiva es de gran importancia cuando se pierde una gran cantidad de tejido de la piel. El objetivo de este estudio es informar el uso de la técnica de colgajo de avance pediculado debido a la extensa ausencia de tejido de la piel como resultado de la escisión de la neoplasia en la región del pene del perro. El presente estudio informa el caso de un Pitbull Terrier americano de siete años, un hombre castrado, con antecedentes de neoplasia y un nódulo agrandado en la región del pene. Después de la evaluación clínica del animal, se consideró el tratamiento mediante la extirpación quirúrgica de la neoplasia. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, se descubrió que el uso de un colgajo de avance pediculado sería necesario para cerrar la herida causada por la extirpación de la neoplasia. Para reducir la tensión y el riesgo de complicaciones en el colgajo, se realizó una sutura ambulante en el tejido subcutáneo, técnicas que aseguraron la curación con un aspecto estético y funcional satisfactorio con una tensión mínima.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Dogs/injuries , Hemangiosarcoma , Neoplasms
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;40(8): 614-620, Aug. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135671


ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to describe the occurrence and epidemiological features of skin neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás state, Brazil. Diagnoses from dog biopsies from 2011 to 2016 provided by a private veterinary pathology laboratory were analyzed. The main diagnoses were mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and hemangioma. Highest frequency of neoplasms was found in female dogs, dogs aged > 8 years, and purebred dogs, particularly the American Pit Bull Terriers and the Poodles. Most common sites affected by the neoplasms were the limb and the head. Using multiple correspondence analysis, groups of neoplasms were found to be associated with different epidemiological features and the size of the neoplasms was associated with the biological behavior. The results of this study described predispositions and verified the importance of different types of skin neoplasms in dogs in the region being studied.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas das neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás. Foram analisados os diagnósticos de um laboratório do setor privado de 2011 a 2016. Mastocitoma, hemangiossarcoma, carcinoma de células escamosas, melanoma maligno e hemangioma representaram os principais diagnósticos. A maioria dos casos ocorreram em cães de raças definidas, fêmeas e com idade >8 anos. American Pit Bull Terrier e Poodle foram as raças mais encontradas. As neoplasias acometeram principalmente regiões de membros e cabeça. Pela análise de correspondência múltipla, associou-se os grupos de neoplasias com diferentes características epidemiológicas e o tamanho da neoplasia com o comportamento biológico. A comparação dos resultados com pesquisas prévias possibilitou confirmar predisposições previamente descritas e verificar a importância dos diferentes tipos de neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região estudada.(AU)

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology , Mastocytoma/epidemiology , Hemangioma/epidemiology , Hemangiosarcoma/epidemiology , Melanoma/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Mastocytoma/veterinary , Hemangioma/veterinary , Hemangiosarcoma/veterinary , Melanoma/veterinary
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(8): 614-620, Aug. 2020. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31748


The present study aimed to describe the occurrence and epidemiological features of skin neoplasms diagnosed in dogs in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás state, Brazil. Diagnoses from dog biopsies from 2011 to 2016 provided by a private veterinary pathology laboratory were analyzed. The main diagnoses were mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and hemangioma. Highest frequency of neoplasms was found in female dogs, dogs aged > 8 years, and purebred dogs, particularly the American Pit Bull Terriers and the Poodles. Most common sites affected by the neoplasms were the limb and the head. Using multiple correspondence analysis, groups of neoplasms were found to be associated with different epidemiological features and the size of the neoplasms was associated with the biological behavior. The results of this study described predispositions and verified the importance of different types of skin neoplasms in dogs in the region being studied.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas das neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás. Foram analisados os diagnósticos de um laboratório do setor privado de 2011 a 2016. Mastocitoma, hemangiossarcoma, carcinoma de células escamosas, melanoma maligno e hemangioma representaram os principais diagnósticos. A maioria dos casos ocorreram em cães de raças definidas, fêmeas e com idade >8 anos. American Pit Bull Terrier e Poodle foram as raças mais encontradas. As neoplasias acometeram principalmente regiões de membros e cabeça. Pela análise de correspondência múltipla, associou-se os grupos de neoplasias com diferentes características epidemiológicas e o tamanho da neoplasia com o comportamento biológico. A comparação dos resultados com pesquisas prévias possibilitou confirmar predisposições previamente descritas e verificar a importância dos diferentes tipos de neoplasias cutâneas em cães na região estudada.(AU)

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology , Mastocytoma/epidemiology , Hemangioma/epidemiology , Hemangiosarcoma/epidemiology , Melanoma/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Mastocytoma/veterinary , Hemangioma/veterinary , Hemangiosarcoma/veterinary , Melanoma/veterinary
Vet. Foco ; 17(2): 36-41, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759472


O histiocitoma cutâneo canino é um tumor benigno de células redondas, sendo uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais comuns visto em cães jovens. Este trabalho, tem o objetivo de relatar um caso de um canino jovem diagnosticado com histiocitoma. Após um exame clínico inicial o animal foi encaminhado para o exame de citologia aspirativa por agulha fina, o qual evidenciou alterações características de um histiocitoma. A causa etiológica é de origem desconhecida. Não foi realizado procedimento cirúrgico para exérese do tumor, e sim, instituído tratamento conservador, havendo remissão total do tumor após duas semanas.(AU)

Canine cutaneus histiocytoma is a benign round cell tumor, being one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms seen in young dogs. This paper aims to report a case of a canine diagnosed with histiocytoma. After an initial clinical examination the animal was referred to the fine needle aspiration cytology, which showed characteristics changes of a histiocytoma. The etiological cause is of unknown origin. No surgical procedure was performed for tumor excision, but conservative treatment was institued with total tumor remission after two weeks.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous/veterinary , Dog Diseases , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary
Vet. foco ; 17(2): 36-41, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502723


O histiocitoma cutâneo canino é um tumor benigno de células redondas, sendo uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais comuns visto em cães jovens. Este trabalho, tem o objetivo de relatar um caso de um canino jovem diagnosticado com histiocitoma. Após um exame clínico inicial o animal foi encaminhado para o exame de citologia aspirativa por agulha fina, o qual evidenciou alterações características de um histiocitoma. A causa etiológica é de origem desconhecida. Não foi realizado procedimento cirúrgico para exérese do tumor, e sim, instituído tratamento conservador, havendo remissão total do tumor após duas semanas.

Canine cutaneus histiocytoma is a benign round cell tumor, being one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms seen in young dogs. This paper aims to report a case of a canine diagnosed with histiocytoma. After an initial clinical examination the animal was referred to the fine needle aspiration cytology, which showed characteristics changes of a histiocytoma. The etiological cause is of unknown origin. No surgical procedure was performed for tumor excision, but conservative treatment was institued with total tumor remission after two weeks.

Animals , Dogs , Dog Diseases , Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.548-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458375


Background: Trichoblastoma is a rare skin neoplasm derived from the primitive hair follicle, having epithelial and mesenchymal components. Despite being commonly described as a benign tumor, there are reports in the literature of tumors with characteristics of malignant neoplasia. It affects adult dogs and cats, with no predilection for sex. Although rare, in studies in Brazil the pathology shows variable rates of occurrence. This work describes a case of tricoblastoma in a 4-year-old mixed breed dog, submitted to care at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Western Bahia (HVU-UFOB). Case: A 4-year-old male mixed breed dog with 7 kg of body weight, was referred to the HVU-UFOB. The main complaint reported by the canine’s tutor was an increase in volume in the region of the animal’s face, which evolved slowly, associated with itching, bleeding and sensitivity to touch. During the physical examination, a round, elevated mass was observed in the subcutaneous tissue of the left face, in the mandible region, with local alopecia. On palpation, the neoformation showed a firm consistency, well-defined and fluctuating, with no solutions for continuity or discomfort to touch. The animal’s physiological parameters were within the normal for the species. CBC, chest X-rays, abdominal ultrasound and aspiration cytology of the mass were requested. The blood count and image tests did not reveal any changes. On cytological examination, small, grouped basal epithelial cells were observed, characterized by a high nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, monomorphic nuclei and intensely basophilic and pigmented cytoplasm, a suggestive diagnosis of basal cell tumor. Due to the findings, an excisional biopsy of the mass was performed, with margins of 2 cm. The mass with its margins was sent for histopathological examination at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HVU...

Animals , Dogs , Hair Follicle/cytology , Hair Follicle/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Subcutaneous Tissue , Epithelium
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 132(4): 4-8, dic. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087163


El dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) es un tumor cutáneo, de baja frecuencia, fibrohistiocítico, infiltrante, de lento crecimiento, de agresividad local, de malignidad intermedia; con escasas probabilidades de metástasis pero con alto índice de recurrencia local. El diagnóstico debe sospecharse y confirmarse con histología e inmunohistoquímica. El tratamiento de elección es con cirugía convencional y/o cirugía micrográfica de Mohs, con márgenes de 2-4 cm. Se considera que la prevalencia del DFSP en la edad pediátrica es baja, debido al escaso índice de sospecha. En el presente trabajo compartimos cinco casos de DFSP en la edad pediátrica, estudiados en el Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde. (AU)

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a cutaneous, low frequency, fibrohistiocytic, infiltrating, slow growing, local aggressiveness, intermediate malignancy tumor; with little chance of metastasis but with a high rate of local recurrence. The diagnosis should be suspected and confirmed with histology and immunohistochemistry. The treatment of choice is with conventional surgery and / or Mohs micrographic surgery, with margins of 2-4 cm. The prevalence of DFSP in pediatric age is considered to be low, due to the low index of suspicion. In this paper we share five cases of DFSP in the pediatric age, studied at the Pedro de Elizalde Children's General Hospital. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Dermatofibrosarcoma/surgery , Dermatofibrosarcoma/diagnosis , Pediatrics , Skin Neoplasms/therapy , Dermatofibrosarcoma/therapy , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(1): 98-104, mar. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004389


RESUMEN El carcinoma sebáceo es una neoplasia anexial poco común que puede originarse en cualquier lugar del cuerpo donde existan glándulas sebáceas, siendo la principal ubicación la cabeza y el cuello, existiendo la presentación ocular y extraocular. Alcanza entre 0,2% a 4,6% de todas las neoplasias cutáneas malignas, con mayor incidencia en los adultos mayores caucásicos. La presentación clínica habitual corresponde a un nódulo duro o quístico subcutáneo eritematoso o amarillento, indoloro, de crecimiento acelerado. Sin embargo, puede manifestarse como una amplia gama de lesiones cutáneas, lo que, agregado a su baja incidencia, sea altamente subdiagnosticado. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 64 años con tumor exofítico malar izquierdo con ulceraciones y áreas de necrosis en la superficie, sin compromiso de párpado inferior, de agudeza visual ni motilidad ocular. Se realiza resección del tumor, cuya biopsia definitiva confirma diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo extraocular.

ABSTRACT Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare anexal neoplasm that can develop on any part of the body containing sebaceous glands, but nearly the 70% of sebaceous carcinoma occur on the head and neck, being two ways of presentation, ocular and extraocular. It represents 0.2-4.6 % of all malignant neoplastic cutaneous lesions, whit a peak incidence in the eighth decades of life, in caucasian people. Typical clinical presentation of sebaceous carcinoma is a painless, firm or cystic subcutaneous nodule described as pink to red-yellow, however clinical features can be quite varied, which added to its low incidence leads to the diagnosis is often delayed for months to years. We present the case of a 64 years old patient whit an exofitic malar tumor ulcerated and necrotic in the surface, without compromising the lower eyelid, vision or ocular mobility. The biopsy of the tumor resection shows an extraocular sebaceous carcinoma.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/surgery , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/pathology , Biopsy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Necrosis
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 35(3): 106-109, 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116411


El Tricoepitelioma Múltiple Familiar (TMF) constituye una rara enfermedad autosómica dominante, se caracteriza por la aparición de múltiples pápulas color piel, monomorfas, simétricas, ubicadas en la región central de la cara. El diagnóstico es histopatológico, donde se encuentran tricoepiteliomas, los cuales son neoplasias anexiales benignas que se originan en los folículos pilosos. La condición es de comportamiento indolente, pero con una importante repercusión estética y de difícil manejo. Al ser esta una entidad poco frecuente, el objetivo de este artículo es actualizar los aspectos más relevantes de esta enfermedad. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 23 años con lesiones faciales típicas en quien se confirmó el diagnostico de TMF

Familial Multiple Trichoepithelioma (FMT) is a rare autosomal dominant disease, characte-rized by the appearance of multiple papules of skin color, monomorphic, symmetrical and located in the central region of the face. The diagnosis is based on histopathological features of trichoepitheliomas, which are benign adnexal neoplasms that originate in the hair follicles. The condition has an indolent behavior but it has an important aesthetic repercussion and it's difficult to treat. As this is a rare entity, the objective of this article is to update the most relevant aspects of this disease. We present the case of a 23 year old patient with typical facial lesions in whom the diagnosis of FMT was confirmed.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Skin Neoplasms/genetics , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary/genetics , Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary/pathology , Facial Neoplasms/genetics , Facial Neoplasms/pathology
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 129-134, 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21624


Melanomas são neoplasias cutâneas, com origem em melanócitos. Estes neoplasmas são denominados como lesões melanocíticas e são classificados como nevo melanocítico, melanoma anaplásico e melanoma dérmico. Em equinos são mais frequentes em animais de pelagem tordilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de melanoma anaplásico, em um equino de pelagem tordilha encaminhado ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD), da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). No exame externo do cadáver foram observadas massas enegrecidas, sólidas, multilobuladas na região ventral da cauda, períneo e lábio superior. Na necropsia, foram observadas massas com as mesmas características nos linfonodos, músculos dos membros posteriores e no côndilo do osso occipital. Na avaliação histopatológica, de todos os tecidos, observou-se a proliferação de células com núcleos arredondados e abundante citoplasma, contendo grande quantidade de grânulos de melanina. Mitoses eram frequentes e havia acentuado pleomorfismo celular. Com base nos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos foi diagnosticado melanoma anaplásico.(AU)

Melanomas are cutaneous neoplasms, originating in melanocytes. These neoplasms are referred to as melanocytic lesions, and are classified as melanocytic nevus, anaplastic melanoma and dermal melanoma. In equines, they are more frequent in animals of tordilha coat. The objective of this study was to report a case of anaplastic melanoma in a tordilha fur horse referred to the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas. In the external examination of the cadaver, blackened, solid masses, multilobulated in the ventral region of the tail, perineum and upper lip were observed. At necropsy, there were masses with the same characteristics in lymph nodes, muscles of the hind limbs and in the condyle of the occipital bone. Histologically it was observed in all tissues, proliferation of cells with rounded nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm, containing large amount of melanin granules. Mitoses were frequent and there was marked cellular pleomorphism. Based on macroscopic and microscopic findings, anaplastic melanoma was diagnosed.(AU)

Animals , Melanoma/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Horses , Melanoma/pathology
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 129-134, 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472465


Melanomas são neoplasias cutâneas, com origem em melanócitos. Estes neoplasmas são denominados como lesões melanocíticas e são classificados como nevo melanocítico, melanoma anaplásico e melanoma dérmico. Em equinos são mais frequentes em animais de pelagem tordilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de melanoma anaplásico, em um equino de pelagem tordilha encaminhado ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD), da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). No exame externo do cadáver foram observadas massas enegrecidas, sólidas, multilobuladas na região ventral da cauda, períneo e lábio superior. Na necropsia, foram observadas massas com as mesmas características nos linfonodos, músculos dos membros posteriores e no côndilo do osso occipital. Na avaliação histopatológica, de todos os tecidos, observou-se a proliferação de células com núcleos arredondados e abundante citoplasma, contendo grande quantidade de grânulos de melanina. Mitoses eram frequentes e havia acentuado pleomorfismo celular. Com base nos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos foi diagnosticado melanoma anaplásico.

Melanomas are cutaneous neoplasms, originating in melanocytes. These neoplasms are referred to as melanocytic lesions, and are classified as melanocytic nevus, anaplastic melanoma and dermal melanoma. In equines, they are more frequent in animals of tordilha coat. The objective of this study was to report a case of anaplastic melanoma in a tordilha fur horse referred to the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Pelotas. In the external examination of the cadaver, blackened, solid masses, multilobulated in the ventral region of the tail, perineum and upper lip were observed. At necropsy, there were masses with the same characteristics in lymph nodes, muscles of the hind limbs and in the condyle of the occipital bone. Histologically it was observed in all tissues, proliferation of cells with rounded nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm, containing large amount of melanin granules. Mitoses were frequent and there was marked cellular pleomorphism. Based on macroscopic and microscopic findings, anaplastic melanoma was diagnosed.

Animals , Horses , Melanoma/pathology , Melanoma/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2017. 145 p. i, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1538090


Neoplasia maligna de pele ou câncer de pele é uma das doenças que afeta a população e também os trabalhadores rurais devido, entre alguns motivos, ao seu longo período de exposição aos raios solares. Uma forma que se supõe eficaz na prevenção desta patologia refere-se às atividades de educação em saúde. O presente estudo tem como objetivo elaborar, por meio das evidências científicas identificadas, um material educativo, sobre câncer de pele direcionado aos trabalhadores rurais. Para isso, utilizou-se de uma revisão integrativa, a qual permite a busca, a avaliação crítica e o resumo de evidências disponíveis sobre determinada questão de estudo, cuja finalidade é a verificação do estado atual do conhecimento sobre determinado tema, o uso de intervenções mais efetivas e consequentemente a redução de custos e identificação de lacunas. Para tal, foram realizadas estratégias de busca em seis bases de dados diferentes, sendo elas: CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS, Academic Search Premier, EMBASE e SCOPUS. O somatório de produções científicas disponíveis identificadas nessas bases foi de 187 estudos e após a seleção feita pela atentiva leitura dos artigos, foram selecionados quatro estudos, publicados entre os anos de 1996 a 2011, que se encontravam em adequação ao tema e aos critérios de seleção. Após a análise dos dados foi possível identificar que ainda é incipiente a quantidade de artigos sobre essa temática. As atividades de intervenção educativas são importantes para a prevenção do câncer de pele em trabalhadores rurais, porém quando há dificuldades na realização destas atividades pessoalmente, de modo individual ou em grupo, a elaboração de um material educativo apropriado, baseado na experiência prática do pesquisador, nas evidências disponíveis na literatura e na realidade dos trabalhadores rurais, torna-se de grande valia para que a educação em saúde aconteça e, consequentemente a prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. O material educativo ilustrativo abordando a temática do câncer de pele, intitulado "Câncer de Pele: Plantando Proteção, Colhendo Saúde" foi elaborado e será disponibilizado aos trabalhadores rurais, como um produto do presente estudo

Malignant skin neoplasm or skin cancer is one of the diseases that affect the population and also the rural workers, due to, among other reasons, their long period of exposure to the sun's rays. One form that is supposed to be effective in preventing this pathology refers to the health education activities. This present study intends to develop an educational material on skin cancer oriented towards the rural workers. For this purpose, an integrative review was used, which enables the search, critical assessment and summary of available evidence on a certain study question, whose purpose is to check the current state of the knowledge about a certain issue, the use of more effective interventions and, consequently, the reduction of costs and the identification of gaps. To that end, some search strategies were performed in six different databases, namely: CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS, Academic Search Premier, EMBASE and SCOPUS. The sum of the available scientific productions identified in these databases was 187 studies; and, after the selection made by the thorough reading of the papers, four studies that were in line with the theme and the selection criteria were chosen, which were published between the years 1996 and 2011. Upon analyzing the data, it was possible to identify that the amount of papers on this issue is still incipient. Educational intervention activities are important for the prevention of skin cancer in rural workers, but when there are difficulties in conducting these activities personally, whether individually or collectively, the development of an appropriate educational material, based on the researcher's own practical experience, the evidence available in the literature and in the rural workers' reality, it becomes of great value for the implementation of health education and, consequently, the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. The illustrative and educational material addressing the issue of skin cancer entitled "Câncer de Pele: Plantando proteção, Colhendo Saúde" has been developed and will be made available to the rural workers, as a product of this study in question

Humans , Rural Workers , Health Education , Educational and Promotional Materials , Neoplasms