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Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533509


Introducción: La cefalea postpunción meníngea (CPPM) posterior a la anestesia raquídea es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes asociadas a factores intrínsecos del paciente y de la técnica anestésica. Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia y los factores asociados con el desarrollo de la cefalea postpunción meníngea. Materiales y métodos: Serie retrospectiva de pacientes que ingresaron a un hospital de segundo nivel y se les confirmó el diagnóstico de cefalea secundaria a la anestesia raquídea. Resultados: Serie de 49 casos, 88 % de sexo femenino y 12 % de sexo masculino, con una edad media de 27,7 años. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos con desenlace de CPPM fueron: cirugías de ginecología y obstetricia (63 %), cirugías de urgencias de otras especialidades (28 %) y cirugías electivas (8 %). La técnica anestésica se realizó con agujas biseladas tipo Quincke calibre 25 gauge (G) en 14%, calibre 26 G 33 % y 27 G 53 %. El 51 % se realizó en posición de sedestación y el 49 % en decúbito lateral izquierdo. El 10% de los casos se manejó con parche hemático, en tanto que el antecedente de migraña se presentó en el 8 %. Discusión: En la actualidad, el uso de agujas con diseño de punta cónica es el estándar de oro, ya que permite obtener resultados confiables y disminuye complicaciones como la CPPM. Conclusión: La CPPM luego de una anestesia espinal se relacionó con factores como la edad (joven), el sexo (femenino) y el uso de agujas biseladas. Los otros factores de riesgo identificados fueron poco concluyentes, aunque no se pueden descartar, debido a la naturaleza de este estudio.

Introduction: Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) following spinal anesthesia is one of the most frequent complications associated with intrinsic patient and anesthetic technique factors. Objective: To describe the frequency and associated factors related to the development of PDPH. Materials and methods: Retrospective series of patients admitted to a second level hospital with a confirmed diagnosis of headache secondary to spinal anesthesia. Results: Series of 49 cases, 88 % female and 12 % male, mean age 27.7 years. The surgical procedures resulting in CPPM were gynecology and obstetrics surgeries 63 %, emergency surgeries of other specialties 28 % and elective surgeries 8 %. The anesthetic technique was performed with beveled needles Quincke type 25 gauge (G) in 14 %, 26 G gauge 33% and 27 G 53 %. In the seated position 51 % and in the left lateral decubitus position 49% were performed. A blood patch was used in 10 % of the cases and a history of migraine was present in 8 %. Discussion: The use of needles with conical tip design is currently the gold standard, they give reliable results and reduce complications such as PDPH. Conclusion: PDPH after spinal anesthesia was related to factors such as age (young), sex (female) and the use of traumatic needles. The other risk factors identified were inconclusive, although they cannot be ruled out due to the nature of this study.

Blood Patch, Epidural , Anesthesia, Obstetrical , Anesthesia, Spinal , Analgesia
Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(3): 199-201, jul.-sep. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409787


Resumen: La pandemia del COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en los servicios sanitarios de todo el mundo. Desde el punto de vista anestésico, algunos de los retos clínicos son el alto riesgo del paciente de sufrir complicaciones pulmonares durante el período perioperatorio y el de infección del personal sanitario por la manipulación de la vía aérea y los aerosoles. Se describe la conducta anestésica realizada a una paciente oncológica con PCR para COVID-19 positiva que deseaba preservar su fertilidad antes de comenzar tratamiento oncológico adyuvante y que, según los protocolos establecidos en el momento del caso, se debían demorar las intervenciones no urgentes hasta la negativización de la PCR, lo que conllevaría a retrasar la intervención sin poder comenzar el tratamiento médico para el proceso tumoral, escogiéndose la técnica anestésica más fiable para evitar complicaciones a la paciente y al personal sanitario.

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on healthcare services worldwide. From the anesthetic point of view, some of the clinical challenges are the high patient risk of pulmonary complications during the perioperative period and the risk of infection of healthcare personnel due to airway and aerosol handling. We describe the anesthetic management of an oncological patient with positive PCR for COVID-19 who wished to preserve her fertility before starting adjuvant oncological treatment and that, according to the protocols established at the time of the case, non-urgent interventions should be delayed until the PCR was negative, which would lead to delaying the intervention without being able to start medical treatment for the tumor process, choosing the most reliable anesthetic technique to avoid complications for the patient and the health personnel.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 44(4): 250-257, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347750


Resumen: La técnica anestésica neuroaxial en la paciente embarazada obesa clase III puede representar un reto para el anestesiólogo, debido a la dificultad para reconocer las referencias anatómicas. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la dificultad y la calidad de la anestesia combinada espinal/epidural, en 14 pacientes embarazadas con índice de masa corporal ≥ 40 kg/m2, programadas para cesárea. Para la localización del sitio de punción, se utilizó la autoidentificación de cintura, metodología no reportada previamente. Las pacientes se sentaron a horcajadas en la mesa quirúrgica, señalaron el lugar de su cintura con sus manos. Se trazaron dos rectas en la espalda, una recta horizontal en la cintura señalada por la paciente, y una recta vertical correspondiente a la línea media. La intersección de las dos rectas fue la coordenada para la punción neuroaxial. La media ± DE del índice de masa corporal fue 47.5 ± 3.7 kg/m2. Se determinó una tasa de éxito del primer nivel del 92.8%, un promedio de punciones de 1.5 y 57.1% de las pacientes recibió una punción. La anestesia espinal/epidural falló en dos casos, se realizó cambio de técnica anestésica a epidural, y complementación con infiltración local, con adecuada analgesia. No fue necesario convertir a anestesia general en ningún caso. La autoidentificación de la cintura puede ser una ayuda clínica para la identificación del sitio de la punción lumbar durante la instalación de la anestesia neuroaxial, en pacientes obstétricas con obesidad clase III programadas para cesárea.

Abstract: The neuraxial anesthetic technique in the obese class III, pregnant patient, can represent a challenge for the anesthesiologist, due to the difficulty in recognizing the anatomical landmarks. The objective of the study was to determine the difficulty and quality of combined spinal/epidural anesthesia, in 14 pregnant patients with a body mass index ≥ 40 kg/m2 scheduled for cesarean section. For the location of the puncture site, self-identification of the waist was used, a methodology that has not been previously reported. The patients straddled the surgical Table, pointing to her waist with both hands. Two lines were drawn on the back. A horizontal line at the waist, indicated by the patient, and a vertical line corresponding to the midline. The intersection of the two lines was the coordinate for the neuraxial puncture. The mean ± SD of the body mass index was 47.5 ± 3.7 kg/m2. A first level success rate of 92.8% was determined, 57.1% of the patients received one puncture, and the average of punctures was 1.5. Spinal/epidural anesthesia failed in two cases, a change from anesthetic technique to epidural and supplementation with infiltration was performed, with adequate analgesia. It was not necessary to convert to general anesthesia in any case. Self-identification of the waist and coordinate marking can be a clinical aid for the identification of the lumbar puncture site, during the installation of neuraxial anesthesia, in obstetric patients with class III obesity, scheduled for cesarean section.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 44(2): 139-142, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347730


Resumen: El síndrome de Stickler tiene una incidencia de uno en 7,500-9,000 recién nacidos. Es una enfermedad del tejido conectivo con patrón de herencia autosómico dominante en la mayoría de los casos, aunque también con patrón recesivo, por afección patogénica de genes procolágeno como COL2A1, COL11A1, entre otros. Cursa con manifestaciones multisistémicas craneofaciales, oculares, auditivas, esqueléticas/articulares y se ha asociado a prolapso de la válvula mitral. Se diferencian tres tipos: tipo I (el más frecuente, 75%) o síndrome de Stickler completo, tipo II o síndrome de Stickler ocular y el tipo III u oto-espóndilo-displasia megaepifisaria. El diagnóstico se realiza al probar las manifestaciones o al demostrar una variante genética patogénica. Respecto al manejo anestésico en la paciente obstétrica, se recomienda evitar la anestesia general. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 26 años con diagnóstico de síndrome de Stickler tipo I, con embarazo a término y su relación con la anestesia neuroaxial. A pesar de su incidencia, no existe literatura médica acerca del manejo de la anestesia neuroaxial en este tipo de pacientes.

Abstract: Stickler syndrome has an incidence of 1/7.500-9.000 in newborns. It is a connective tissue disease with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern in most cases, but also with a recessive pattern, due to the pathogenic involvement of procollagen genes such as COL2A1, COL11A1, among others. It is characterized by craniofacial, ocular, auditory and skeletal/joint multisystemic signs and symptoms, and has been associated with prolapse of the mitral valve. Three types are differentiated: type I (the most frequent, 75%) or complete Stickler syndrome, type II or ocular Stickler syndrome and type III or oto-espondilo-megaepiphyseal dysplasia. The diagnosis is made by confirming the signs and symptoms or by verifying the presence of a pathogenic genetic variant. With respect to the anesthetic management in the obstetric patient, it is recommended to avoid general anesthesia. The article illustrates the case of a female patient of 26 years with Stickler syndrome type I and full-term pregnancy, and associated implications for neuroaxial anesthesia. Despite its incidence, there is no medical literature on the management of neuraxial anesthesia in this type of patients.

Rev Chil Anest ; 50(4): 598-600, 2021.
Article in Spanish | UY-BNMED, BNUY, LILACS | ID: biblio-1426904


La meningitis pospunción es una complicación importante y poco frecuente de la anestesia neuroaxial. Describimos el caso de una paciente que ingresa para inducción del parto. Se realiza técnica espinal-epidural para analgesia del parto. Cursando 48 h de puerperio instala cefalea intensa, fotofobia y fiebre. No focalidad neurológica. Sin rigidez de nuca. Al examen, restos cavitarios que impresionan fétidos. Se plantea endometritis puerperal iniciando tratamiento antibiótico. Dado la persistencia del cuadro clínico se plantea punción lumbar para confirmación diagnóstica mediante análisis de líquido cefalorraquídeo; siendo éste turbio, por lo cual ingresa a cuidados intensivos con diagnóstico de meningitis aguda. Bacterióloga informa a los 10 días que el cultivo desarrolla estreptococo mitis oralis. La importancia esta dada porque la meningitis puede ser potencialmente devastadora si no se realiza un diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos, existiendo medidas que se pueden adoptar para prevenir esta complicación.

Post-puncture meningitis is an important and rare complication of neuraxial anesthesia. We describe case of patient who is admitted for induction of labor. A spinal-epidural technique is performed for labor analgesia. During 48 hours of puerperium, she installed intense headache, photophobia and fever. No neurological focus. No stiff neck. On physical exam, cavitary remains that appear fetid. Puerperal endometritis arises starting antibiotic treatment. Given the persistence of the clinical picture, lumbar puncture is considered for diagnostic confirmation by analysis of cerebrospinal fluid; This being cloudy, for which he was admitted to Intensive Care with a diagnosis of acute meningitis. Bacteriologist reports 10 days later develops streptococcus mitis oralis. The importance is given because meningitis can be potentially devastating if early diagnosis and treatment is not performed, and there are measures that can be taken to prevent this complication.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Analgesia, Epidural/adverse effects , Meningitis/etiology , Iatrogenic Disease , Labor, Induced
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;69(3): 291-298, May-June 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013420


Abstract The use of analgesia techniques for labor has become increasingly frequent, with neuraxial techniques being the most commonly used and most effective. Labor pain entails a number of physiological consequences that may be negative for the mother and fetus, and therefore must be treated. This literature review was performed through a search in the PubMed database, from July to November 2016, and included articles in English or Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2016 or anteriorly, if relevant to the topic. The techniques were divided into the following topics: induction (epidural, combined epidural-spinal, continuous spinal, and epidural with dural puncture) and maintenance of analgesia (continuous epidural infusion, patient-controlled epidural analgesia, and intermittent epidural bolus). Epidural analgesia does not alter the incidence of cesarean sections or fetal prognosis, and maternal request is a sufficient indication for its initiation. The combined technique has the advantage of a faster onset of analgesia; however, patients are subject to a higher incidence of pruritus resulting from the intrathecal administration of opioids. Patient-controlled analgesia seems to be an excellent technique, reducing the consumption of local anesthetics, the number of anesthesiologist interventions, and increasing maternal satisfaction.

Resumo O uso de técnicas de analgesia para o trabalho de parto tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente. As técnicas neuroaxiais são as mais comumente usadas e de maior eficácia. A dor do trabalho de parto traz uma série de consequências fisiológicas que podem ser negativas para a mãe e para o feto, e por isso deve ser tratada. Esta revisão de literatura foi feita na base de dados PubMed, de julho a novembro de 2016, e foram incluídos artigos em inglês ou portuguê publicados entre 2011 e 2016, ou mais antigos que fossem relevantes ao tema. As técnicas foram divididas nos tópicos: indução (peridural, raquiperidural combinada, raquianestesia contínua e peridural com punção dural) e manutenção da analgesia (infusão peridural contínua, analgesia peridural controlada pela paciente e bolus peridural intermitente). A analgesia peridural não altera a incidência de cesarianas nem o prognóstico fetal, e o desejo materno é indicação suficiente para seu início. A técnica combinada apresenta como vantagem um início mais rápido da analgesia, entretanto as pacientes estão sujeitas a maior incidência de prurido decorrente da administração intratecal de opioides. A analgesia controlada pela paciente parece ser uma excelente técnica, diminui o consumo de anestésicos locais e o número de intervenções do anestesiologista e aumenta a satisfação materna.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Analgesia, Epidural/methods , Analgesia, Obstetrical/methods , Labor Pain/drug therapy , Labor, Obstetric , Analgesia, Patient-Controlled/methods , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage
Enferm. Investig ; 4(1): 39-47, 2019-03-30. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-999122


El personal de salud actualmente se enfrenta a múltiples desafíos en su práctica diaria, uno de ellos, es el manejo apropiado de anticoagulación de quienes por distintas causas demandan este tratamiento. Esta revisión bibliográfica ofrece pautas, especialmente para anestesiólogos, sobre el adecuado empleo de anticoagulantes y antiagregantes en pacientes que requieran anestesia/analgesia neuroaxial, bloqueos de plexo, bloqueos periféricos y catéteres; para evitar/prevenir complicaciones potencialmente devastadoras que el sangrado en el neuroaxis o sitios no compresibles podría ocasionar. Se ha basado en las actuales recomendaciones de ASRA 2018

The Health personnel currently face multiple challenges in their daily practice, one of them is the appropriate anticoagulation management of patients, who for various reasons demand this treatment. This literature review offers guidelines, especially for anesthesiologists, on the adequate use of anticoagulants and antiaggregants in patients requiring neuraxial anesthesia / analgesia, plexus blocks, peripheral blocks and catheters; to prevent / avoid potentially devastating complications that bleeding in neuroaxis or non-compressible sites could cause. It has been based on the current recommendations of ASRA 2018

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Blood Coagulation , Anesthesia , Nerve Block , Cardiovascular System , Peripheral Nerve Injuries , Hemostasis
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 69(3): 291-298, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30777350


The use of analgesia techniques for labor has become increasingly frequent, with neuraxial techniques being the most commonly used and most effective. Labor pain entails a number of physiological consequences that may be negative for the mother and fetus, and therefore must be treated. This literature review was performed through a search in the PubMed database, from July to November 2016, and included articles in English or Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2016 or anteriorly, if relevant to the topic. The techniques were divided into the following topics: induction (epidural, combined epidural-spinal, continuous spinal, and epidural with dural puncture) and maintenance of analgesia (continuous epidural infusion, patient-controlled epidural analgesia, and intermittent epidural bolus). Epidural analgesia does not alter the incidence of cesarean sections or fetal prognosis, and maternal request is a sufficient indication for its initiation. The combined technique has the advantage of a faster onset of analgesia; however, patients are subject to a higher incidence of pruritus resulting from the intrathecal administration of opioids. Patient-controlled analgesia seems to be an excellent technique, reducing the consumption of local anesthetics, the number of anesthesiologist interventions, and increasing maternal satisfaction.

Analgesia, Epidural/methods , Analgesia, Obstetrical/methods , Labor Pain/drug therapy , Analgesia, Patient-Controlled/methods , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Female , Humans , Labor, Obstetric , Pregnancy
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;67(4): 404-410, July-aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897742


Abstract Background and objectives: Current guidelines for neuraxial analgesia in patients with multiple sclerosis are ambiguous and offer the clinician only a limited basis for decision making. This systematic review examines the number of cases in which multiple sclerosis has been exacerbated after central neuraxial analgesia in order to rationally evaluate the safety of these procedures. Methods: A systematic literature search with the keywords "anesthesia or analgesia" and "epidural, peridural, caudal, spinal, subarachnoid or intrathecal" in combination with "multiple sclerosis" was performed in the databases PubMed and Embase, looking for clinical data on the effect of central neuraxial analgesia on the course of multiple sclerosis. Results and conclusions: Over a period of 65 years, our search resulted in 37 reports with a total of 231 patients. In 10 patients multiple sclerosis was worsened and nine multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica was first diagnosed in a timely context with central neuraxial analgesia. None of the cases showed a clear relation between cause and effect. Current clinical evidence does not support the theory that central neuraxial analgesia negatively affects the course of multiple sclerosis.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: As diretrizes atuais para analgesia neuraxial em pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM) são ambíguas e oferecem ao clínico apenas uma base limitada para a tomada de decisão. Esta revisão sistemática examina o número de casos nos quais a EM foi exacerbada após analgesia neuraxial central para avaliar racionalmente a segurança desses procedimentos. Métodos: Uma busca sistemática da literatura com as palavras-chave "anestesia ou analgesia" e "epidural, peridural, caudal, espinhal, subaracnóideo ou intratecal" em combinação com multiple sclerosis foi feita nas bases de dados PubMed e Embase à procura de dados clínicos sobre a efeito da analgesia neuraxial central sobre o curso da esclerose múltipla. Resultados e conclusões: Durante um período de 65 anos, nossa busca resultou em 37 relatos com um total de 231 pacientes. Em 10 pacientes, a esclerose múltipla foi agravada e, em nove, a esclerose múltipla ou neuromielite óptica foi diagnosticada pela primeira vez em momento concomitante com a analgesia neuraxial central. Nenhum dos casos apresentou uma clara relação entre causa e efeito. A evidência clínica atual não sustenta a teoria de que a analgesia neuraxial central afeta negativamente o curso da esclerose múltipla.

Humans , Anesthesia, Epidural/adverse effects , Anesthesia, Spinal/adverse effects , Multiple Sclerosis/etiology , Risk Factors , Disease Progression
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 67(4): 404-410, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28532673


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Current guidelines for neuraxial analgesia in patients with multiple sclerosis are ambiguous and offer the clinician only a limited basis for decision making. This systematic review examines the number of cases in which multiple sclerosis has been exacerbated after central neuraxial analgesia in order to rationally evaluate the safety of these procedures. METHODS: A systematic literature search with the keywords "anesthesia or analgesia" and "epidural, peridural, caudal, spinal, subarachnoid or intrathecal" in combination with "multiple sclerosis" was performed in the databases PubMed and Embase, looking for clinical data on the effect of central neuraxial analgesia on the course of multiple sclerosis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Over a period of 65 years, our search resulted in 37 reports with a total of 231 patients. In 10 patients multiple sclerosis was worsened and nine multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica was first diagnosed in a timely context with central neuraxial analgesia. None of the cases showed a clear relation between cause and effect. Current clinical evidence does not support the theory that central neuraxial analgesia negatively affects the course of multiple sclerosis.

Anesthesia, Epidural/adverse effects , Anesthesia, Spinal/adverse effects , Multiple Sclerosis , Disease Progression , Humans , Multiple Sclerosis/etiology , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;66(6): 628-636, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-829704


Abstract Background and objectives: Total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty are associated with chronic pain development. Of the studies focusing on perioperative factors for chronic pain, few have focused on the differences that might arise from the anesthesia type performed during surgery. Methods: This was a prospective observational study performed between July 2014 and March 2015 with patients undergoing unilateral elective total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) for osteoarthritis. Data collection and pain evaluation questionnaires were performed in three different moments: preoperatively, 24 hours postoperatively and at 6 months after surgery. To characterize pain, Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was used and SF-12v2 Health survey was used to further evaluate the sample's health status. Results: Forty and three patients were enrolled: 25.6% men and 74.4% women, 51,2% for total knee arthroplasty and48.8% for total hip arthroplasty, with a mean age of 68 years. Surgeries were performed in 25.6% of patients under general anesthesia, 55.8% under neuraxial anesthesia and 18.6% under combined anesthesia. Postoperatively, neuraxial anesthesia had a better pain control. Comparing pain evolution between anesthesia groups, neuraxial anesthesia was associated with a decrease in “worst”, “medium” and “now” pain at six months. Combined anesthesia was associated with a decrease of “medium” pain scores at six months. Of the three groups, only those in neuraxial group showed a decrease in level of pain interference in “walking ability”. TKA, “worst” pain preoperatively and general were predictors of pain development at six months. Conclusions: Patients with gonarthrosis and severe pain preoperatively may benefit from individualized pre- and intraoperative care, particularly preoperative analgesia and neuraxial anesthesia.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A artroplastia total de joelho e a artroplastia total de quadril estão associadas ao desenvolvimento de dor crônica. Dentre os estudos que avaliam os fatores perioperatórios para a dor crônica, poucos abordam as diferenças que podem surgir do tipo de anestesia feita durante a cirurgia. Métodos: Estudo observacional, prospectivo, feito entre julho de 2014 e março 2015 com pacientes submetidos à ATJ unilateral eletiva ou ATQ para a osteoartrite. A coleta de dados e a avaliação da dor por meio de questionários foram feitas em três momentos distintos: no pré-operatório, em 24 horas de pós-operatório e aos seis meses após a cirurgia. O Inventário Breve da Dor (IBD) foi usado para caracterizar a dor o e o Questionário SF-12v2 foi usado para avaliar melhor o estado de saúde da amostra. Resultados: Foram inscritos 43 pacientes: 25,6% homens e 74,4% mulheres, 51,2% para ATJ e 48,8% ATQ, com média de 68 anos. A cirurgia foi feita em 25,6% dos pacientes sob anestesia geral, em 55,8% sob anestesia neuroaxial e em 18,6% sob anestesia combinada. No pós-operatório, a anestesia neuraxial apresentou melhor controle da dor. Na comparação da evolução da dor entre os grupos, a anestesia neuraxial foi associada a uma diminuição de “pior”, “médio” e “sem” dor em seis meses. A anestesia combinada foi associada a uma diminuição do escore “médio” de dor em seis meses. Dos três grupos, apenas aqueles no grupo neuraxial apresentaram uma diminuição do nível de interferência da dor na “capacidade de caminhar”. ATJ, “pior” dor no pré-operatório e anestesia geral foram preditivos de desenvolvimento de dor aos seis meses. Conclusões: Os pacientes com gonartrose e dor intensa no pré-operatório podem obter benefício de cuidados individualizados no pré e intraoperatório, particularmente de analgesia no pré-operatório e anestesia neuraxial.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pain, Postoperative/epidemiology , Elective Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Orthopedic Procedures/adverse effects , Anesthesia , Pain Measurement , Prospective Studies , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Middle Aged
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 66(6): 628-636, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27793238


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty are associated with chronic pain development. Of the studies focusing on perioperative factors for chronic pain, few have focused on the differences that might arise from the anesthesia type performed during surgery. METHODS: This was a prospective observational study performed between July 2014 and March 2015 with patients undergoing unilateral elective total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) for osteoarthritis. Data collection and pain evaluation questionnaires were performed in three different moments: preoperatively, 24 hours postoperatively and at 6 months after surgery. To characterize pain, Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was used and SF-12v2 Health survey was used to further evaluate the sample's health status. RESULTS: Forty and three patients were enrolled: 25.6% men and 74.4% women, 51,2% for total knee arthroplasty and48.8% for total hip arthroplasty, with a mean age of 68 years. Surgeries were performed in 25.6% of patients under general anesthesia, 55.8% under neuraxial anesthesia and 18.6% under combined anesthesia. Postoperatively, neuraxial anesthesia had a better pain control. Comparing pain evolution between anesthesia groups, neuraxial anesthesia was associated with a decrease in "worst", "medium" and "now" pain at six months. Combined anesthesia was associated with a decrease of "medium" pain scores at six months. Of the three groups, only those in neuraxial group showed a decrease in level of pain interference in "walking ability". TKA, "worst" pain preoperatively and general were predictors of pain development at six months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with gonarthrosis and severe pain preoperatively may benefit from individualized pre- and intraoperative care, particularly preoperative analgesia and neuraxial anesthesia.

Anesthesia , Elective Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Orthopedic Procedures/adverse effects , Pain, Postoperative/epidemiology , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pain Measurement , Prospective Studies
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 66(6): 628-636, 2016.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27639506


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Total knee arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty are associated with chronic pain development. Of the studies focusing on perioperative factors for chronic pain, few have focused on the differences that might arise from the anesthesia type performed during surgery. METHODS: This was a prospective observational study performed between July 2014 and March 2015 with patients undergoing unilateral elective total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) for osteoarthritis. Data collection and pain evaluation questionnaires were performed in three different moments: preoperatively, 24hours postoperatively and at 6 months after surgery. To characterize pain, Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was used and SF-12v2 Health survey was used to further evaluate the sample's health status. RESULTS: Forty and three patients were enrolled: 25.6% men and 74.4% women, 51,2% for total knee arthroplasty and48.8% for total hip arthroplasty, with a mean age of 68 years. Surgeries were performed in 25.6% of patients under general anesthesia, 55.8% under neuraxial anesthesia and 18.6% under combined anesthesia. Postoperatively, neuraxial anesthesia had a better pain control. Comparing pain evolution between anesthesia groups, neuraxial anesthesia was associated with a decrease in "worst", "medium" and "now" pain at six months. Combined anesthesia was associated with a decrease of "medium" pain scores at six months. Of the three groups, only those in neuraxial group showed a decrease in level of pain interference in "walking ability". TKA, "worst" pain preoperatively and general were predictors of pain development at six months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with gonarthrosis and severe pain preoperatively may benefit from individualized pre- and intraoperative care, particularly preoperative analgesia and neuraxial anesthesia.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;66(2): 183-193, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-777417


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neuraxial anesthesia (NA) has been used in association with general anesthesia (GA) for coronary artery bypass; however, anticoagulation during surgery makes us question the viability of benefits by the risk of epidural hematoma. The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analyzes examining the efficacy of NA associated with GA compared to GA alone for coronary artery bypass on mortality reduction. METHODS: Mortality, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), myocardial infarction (MI), length of hospital stay (LHS), length of ICU stay (ICUS), reoperations, blood transfusion (BT), quality of life, satisfaction degree, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction were analyzed. The weighted mean difference (MD) was estimated for continuous variables, and relative risk (RR) and risk difference (RD) for categorical variables. RESULTS: 17 original articles analyzed. Meta-analysis of mortality (RD = -0.01, 95% CI = -0.03 to 0.01), CVA (RR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.32-1.95), MI (RR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.52-1.79) and LHS (MD = -1.94, 95% CI = -3.99 to 0.12) were not statistically significant. Arrhythmia was less frequent with NA (RR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.50-0.93). ICUS was lower in NA (MD = -2.09, 95% CI = -2.92 to -1.26). CONCLUSION: There was no significant difference in mortality. Combined NA and GA showed lower incidence of arrhythmias and lower ICUS.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: A anestesia neuroaxial (AN) vem sendo utilizada em associação com a anestesia geral (AG) para revascularização miocárdica, entretanto a anticoagulação durante a cirurgia torna questionável a viabilidade dos benefícios mediante o risco de hematoma de espaço peridural. O objetivo deste estudo foi executar metanálises analisando a efetividade da AN associada à AG comparada à AG isolada para a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica relativa à redução da mortalidade. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados mortalidade, arritmias, acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), infarto miocárdico (IM), tempo de internação hospitalar (TIH), tempo de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva (TUTI), reoperações, transfusão sanguínea (TS), qualidade de vida, grau de satisfação e disfunção cognitiva pós-opertória. A diferença média (DM) ponderada foi estimada para as variáveis contínuas e risco relativo (RR) e a diferença de risco (DR) para variáveis categóricas. RESULTADOS: Analisados 17 artigos originais. Metanálise da mortalidade (DR = -0,01; IC 95% = -0,03 a 0,01), AVC (RR = 0,79; IC 95% = 0,32 a 1,95), IM (RR = 0,96; IC 95% = 0,52 a 1,79) e TIH (DM = -1,94; IC 95% = -3,99 a 0,12) não demonstraram significância estatística. Arritmia foi menos frequente com AN (RR = 0,68; IC 95% = 0,50 a 0,93). O TUTI foi menor no com AN (DM = -2,09; IC 95% = -2,92 a -1,26). CONCLUSÃO: Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto a mortalidade. A combinação de AN e AG mostrou menor incidência de arritmias e menor TUTI.

Humans , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Anesthesia, Conduction/methods , Anesthesia, General/methods , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Coronary Artery Bypass/mortality , Hematoma/prevention & control , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Anesthesia, Conduction/adverse effects , Anesthesia, General/adverse effects , Length of Stay , Anticoagulants/administration & dosage
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 66(2): 183-93, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26952228


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neuraxial anesthesia (NA) has been used in association with general anesthesia (GA) for coronary artery bypass; however, anticoagulation during surgery makes us question the viability of benefits by the risk of epidural hematoma. The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analyzes examining the efficacy of NA associated with GA compared to GA alone for coronary artery bypass on mortality reduction. METHODS: Mortality, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), myocardial infarction (MI), length of hospital stay (LHS), length of ICU stay (ICUS), reoperations, blood transfusion (BT), quality of life, satisfaction degree, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction were analyzed. The weighted mean difference (MD) was estimated for continuous variables, and relative risk (RR) and risk difference (RD) for categorical variables. RESULTS: 17 original articles analyzed. Meta-analysis of mortality (RD=-0.01, 95% CI=-0.03 to 0.01), CVA (RR=0.79, 95% CI=0.32-1.95), MI (RR=0.96, 95% CI=0.52-1.79) and LHS (MD=-1.94, 95% CI=-3.99 to 0.12) were not statistically significant. Arrhythmia was less frequent with NA (RR=0.68, 95% CI=0.50-0.93). ICUS was lower in NA (MD=-2.09, 95% CI=-2.92 to -1.26). CONCLUSION: There was no significant difference in mortality. Combined NA and GA showed lower incidence of arrhythmias and lower ICUS.

Anesthesia, Conduction/methods , Anesthesia, General/methods , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Anesthesia, Conduction/adverse effects , Anesthesia, General/adverse effects , Anticoagulants/administration & dosage , Coronary Artery Bypass/mortality , Hematoma/prevention & control , Humans , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Length of Stay , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 66(2): 183-93, 2016.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25746164


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neuraxial anesthesia (NA) has been used in association with general anesthesia (GA) for coronary artery bypass; however, anticoagulation during surgery makes us question the viability of benefits by the risk of epidural hematoma. The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analyzes examining the efficacy of NA associated with GA compared to GA alone for coronary artery bypass on mortality reduction. METHODS: Mortality, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), myocardial infarction (MI), length of hospital stay (LHS), length of ICU stay (ICUS), reoperations, blood transfusion (BT), quality of life, satisfaction degree, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction were analyzed. The weighted mean difference (MD) was estimated for continuous variables, and relative risk (RR) and risk difference (RD) for categorical variables. RESULTS: 17 original articles analyzed. Meta-analysis of mortality (RD=-0.01, 95% CI=-0.03 to 0.01), CVA (RR=0.79, 95% CI=0.32 to 1.95), MI (RR=0.96, 95% CI=0.52 to 1.79) and LHS (MD=-1.94, 95% CI=-3.99 to 0.12) were not statistically significant. Arrhythmia was less frequent with NA (RR=0.68, 95% CI=0.50 to 0.93). ICUS was lower in NA (MD=-2.09, 95% CI=-2.92 to -1.26). CONCLUSION: There was no significant difference in mortality. Combined NA and GA showed lower incidence of arrhythmias and lower ICUS.

Cir Cir ; 81(3): 187-95, 2013.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23769246


INTRODUCTION: Neuraxial anesthesia in upper abdominal laparoscopic surgery decreases perioperative morbidity and mortality. However, shoulder pain is common and difficult to control. Use of a major opioid (e.g., fentanyl) for the control of this event may depress respiratory function. This is why we believe that a safe and effective therapeutic control of this disease pain is a multimodal analgesic scheme which we have called infusional therapy. OBJECTIVE: To compare various schemes for controlling shoulder pain secondary to pneumoperitoneum. METHODS: Nonrandomized clinical trial with 56 patients ASA I-II divided into four groups undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Group I (n= 15) managed with ketorolac 1 mg kg, group II (n = 12) ketoprofen 100 mg, group III (n = 14) ketoprofen 50 mg + 50 mg tramadol, and group IV (n = 15) ketoprofen 100 mg + 100 mg tramadol. The following ariables were analyzed: presence and intensity of pain, analgesia rescue and operative time. RESULTS: Group I had more shoulder pain events compared to other groups (p= 0.002) in the same way the group IV required less rescue analgesia (p= 0.034). CONCLUSION: preemptive analgesia to infusional therapy with ketoprofen-tramadol at doses of 100 mg each is safe for laparoscopic surgery.

Antecedentes: en cirugía laparoscópica del hemiabdomen superior la anestesia neuroaxial disminuye la morbilidad y mortalidad perioperatorias; sin embargo, el dolor de hombro es una afección frecuente de difícil control. Puesto que los fármacos opioides mayores (fentanilo) para el control del dolor deprimen la función respiratoria, consideramos que la terapia infusional es un tratamiento seguro y eficaz. Objetivo: comparar diversos esquemas analgésicos para el control del dolor de hombro secundario al neumoperitoneo. Material y método: ensayo clínico no aleatorizado, efectuado en 56 pacientes ASA I-II en cuatro grupos con colecistectomía laparoscópica. El grupo I (n= 15) se trató con ketorolaco 1 mg/kg, el grupo II (n= 12) con ketoprofeno 100 mg, el grupo III (n= 14) con ketoprofeno 50 mg más tramadol 50 mg, y el grupo IV (n= 15) con ketoprofeno 100 mg más tramadol 100 mg. Las variables analizadas fueron: dolor y su intensidad, analgesia de rescate y tiempo quirúrgico. Resultados: en el grupo I hubo más episodios de dolor de hombro que en el resto de los grupos (p= 0.002); el grupo IV requirió menos analgesia de rescate (p= 0.034). Conclusión: la analgesia preventiva con terapia infusional con ketoprofeno-tramadol, a dosis de 100 mg, es segura para pacientes intervenidos mediante cirugía laparoscópica.

Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Ketoprofen/therapeutic use , Ketorolac/therapeutic use , Nerve Block/adverse effects , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Preanesthetic Medication , Shoulder Pain/drug therapy , Tramadol/therapeutic use , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Drug Therapy, Combination , Female , Fentanyl/therapeutic use , Humans , Infusion Pumps , Infusions, Intravenous , Ketoprofen/administration & dosage , Ketorolac/administration & dosage , Male , Pain Measurement , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pneumoperitoneum, Artificial/adverse effects , Respiration Disorders/prevention & control , Shoulder Pain/etiology , Shoulder Pain/prevention & control , Time Factors , Tramadol/administration & dosage
Rev. Fac. Med. (Caracas) ; 35(1): 48-51, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-682989


La miotonía de Thomsen es una enfermedad autosómica dominante que consiste en una marcada hipertrofia muscular a predominio en miembros superiores, que se encuentra asociada a una alteración en los canales de cloruro que intervienen en el potencial de acción del músculo esquelético, dicha enfermedad ha sido vinculada con complicaciones anestésicas como episodios de hipertermia maligna. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 20 años, IIG, IC, con embarazo de 38 semanas, y diagnóstico de miopatía de Thomsen para resolución obstétrica electiva por vía alta. Se discuten los aspectos clínicos de la enfermedad y su manejo anestésico

Thomsen myotonia is a autosomal dominant disease which consists in marked muscular hypertrophy with dominance in the upper limbs associated with disturbance in the chloride channels involved in the skeletal muscle action potential. This disease has been linked with anesthetic complications such as malignant hyperthermia episodes. Is a patient of 20 years old, IIG, IC, with 38 weeks pregnancy, and diagnosis of myopathy of Thomsen for elective obstetrical resolution by cesarean section. The clinical aspects of the disease and its anaesthetic management are discussed

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Anesthesia, Obstetrical/methods , Malignant Hyperthermia/pathology , Myotonia Congenita/diagnosis , Myotonia/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications , Obstetrics
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;61(2): 221-224, mar.-abr. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-582715


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os hematomas espinais são raros e acometem o sistema nervoso central. Podem causar sequelas neurológicas permanentes e morte se não tratados adequadamente. O diagnóstico e tratamento precoces são fundamentais para o bom prognóstico neurológico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi despertar no anestesiologista maior sensibilidade para o diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces dos hematomas espinais, além de aperfeiçoar sua prevenção. RELATO DOS CASOS: Caso 1: Paciente submetido à anestesia peridural lombar para a realização de revascularização fêmuro-poplítea. Estava em uso de ácido acetilsalicílico, clopidogrel e enoxaparina, medicamentos suspensos antes da operação. O paciente evoluiu com paraplegia no pós-operatório imediato. Realizou-se descompressão neurocirúrgica após o diagnóstico, porém sem recuperação do quadro em longo prazo. Caso 2: Paciente submetido à anestesia peridural lombar para osteotomia em joelho direito, sem intercorrências. O paciente permaneceu sem queixas neurológicas até aproximadamente 48 horas, quando iniciou quadro de retenção urinária, dor em membro inferior direito, parestesias e dificuldade de movimentação dos pés. Foi feita ressonância nuclear magnética, a qual evidenciou hematoma peridural lombar, sendo realizada a descompressão cirúrgica imediata. Após 10 meses de reabilitação, houve recuperação neurológica completa. CONCLUSÕES: Os casos clínicos apresentados mostraram desfechos diferentes, destacando a importância do diagnóstico e do tratamento precoces para a boa evolução do quadro clínico. O diagnóstico pela ressonância nuclear magnética, com a descompressão precoce logo após as primeiras manifestações clínicas, permanece como tratamento padrão. A identificação dos pacientes de risco para sangramentos neuroaxiais, a mudança de técnica anestésica, assim como o estabelecimento de protocolos de avaliação neurológica pós-operatória nos pacientes submetidos aos bloqueios de neuroeixo...

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Spinal hematomas are rare and they affect the central nervous system. They can cause permanent neurologic sequelae and death if they are not treated properly. Early diagnosis and treatment are fundamental for a good neurologic prognostic. The objective of this report was to emphasize for anesthesiologists the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of spinal hematomas, besides improving their prevention. CASE REPORTS: Case 1: The patient underwent epidural lumbar anesthesia for femoropopliteal revascularization. He was being treated with acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, and enoxaparin, which were discontinued before the surgery. The patient developed paraplegia in the immediate postoperative period. Neurosurgical decompression was performed after the diagnosis, but without recovery in the long run. Case 2: The patient underwent epidural lumbar anesthesia for right knee osteotomy, without intercurrences. The patient remained without neurological complaints until approximately 48 hours after the surgery when he developed urinary retention, pain in the right lower limb, paresthesias, and difficulty moving both feet. The MRI showed an epidural lumbar hematoma, and the patient underwent immediate surgical decompression. He showed complete neurological recovery after 10 months of rehabilitation. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical cases presented here showed different outcomes, indicating the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for a good evolution. Diagnosis by MRI with early decompression shortly after the development of the first clinical manifestations remains the standard treatment. Identification of patients at risk for neuraxial bleeding and change in anesthetic technique, as well as the establishment of postoperative neurologic evaluation protocols in patients undergoing neuraxial anesthesia can contribute for prevention of severe neurologic sequelae.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los hematomas espinales son raros y acometen el sistema nervioso central. Pueden causar secuelas neurológicas permanentes e incluso la muerte si no se tratan adecuadamente. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento precoces son elementos fundamentales para el buen pronóstico neurológico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue despertar en el anestesiólogo una mayor sensibilidad hacia el diagnóstico y el tratamiento precoces de los hematomas espinales, además de perfeccionar su prevención. RELATO DE LOS CASOS: Caso 1: Paciente que fue sometido a la anestesia epidural lumbar para la realización de la revascularización femoro-poplítea. Estaba usando ácido acetilsalicílico, clopidogrel y enoxaparina, medicamentos que fueron suspendidos antes de la operación. El paciente evolucionó con paraplejia en el postoperatorio inmediato. Se realizó la descompresión neuro-quirúrgica posterior al diagnóstico, pero sin la recuperación del cuadro a largo plazo. Caso 2: Paciente que fue sometido a la anestesia epidural lumbar para la osteotomía en la rodilla derecha, sin intercurrencias. El paciente no presentó quejas neurológicas durante aproximadamente 48 horas, cuando inició el cuadro de retención urinaria, dolor en el miembro inferior derecho, parestesias y dificultad para mover los pies. Se realizó la resonancia nuclear magnética, que arrojó hematoma epidural lumbar, siendo realizada la descompresión quirúrgica inmediata. Después de 10 meses de rehabilitación, se verificó una recuperación neurológica completa. CONCLUSIONES: Los casos clínicos presentados aquí, arrojaron diferentes desenlaces, destacando la importancia del diagnóstico y del tratamiento precoces para una buena evolución del cuadro clínico. El diagnóstico por la resonancia nuclear magnética, con la rápida descompresión inmediatamente después de las primeras manifestaciones clínicas, permanece como un tratamiento estándar. La identificación de los pacientes de riesgo para sangramientos neuroaxiales...

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anesthesia, Epidural , Anesthesia, Epidural/adverse effects , Hematoma, Epidural, Spinal/prevention & control , Hematoma/etiology , Hematoma/prevention & control , Lumbar Vertebrae , Postoperative Complications , Spinal Cord Diseases/etiology , Spinal Cord Diseases/prevention & control